Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 5

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THURSDAY APRIL 21 lilvlit Graduates oi the recent anip Borden llomc Nursing Course held under tlic dircctioir oi the Red Cross Back Row lcll to right ticsdanics Cooper Smith Read it lIcppcnstall ltlack Convener inns lliNGlJSIl cotsix iIItAIHO IIIII1lhIN llllti BAR RON IZNIIILIAINS lIlY AN EXAMINER WANT AI STAR IN STRAIION Last dttli Mrs Walter Ilaironl 1111mm llitl IIIIIIL31111il Mrs Iiicl of llllittaii iitcd Iof veil from cousin Miss Ann iiinth in the illic aiiiiniu whom she had not soul Bill Martiy is liolidayiiit with childhood London to anada on lhc Qlltinl Miss Maritarct ouizhhn and iIIlirabtth Vcdncsdav of last holiday of Jersey Miss star DEMON REMTONE Thursday Fday and Saturday APRIL 21 22 23 The licmTone Dcmoii siiicc She came from here aft Jr arriycd wcck itiw Ncw llltt tliita tnnnini famous Slic quite in radio and films iwas with the llllt in London Iillt lland and was one of three girls of who sang and lladio Trio Canning group The Miss during icrt in She known itravcllcd abroad the war and helped to en the troops have months ago when tdcntal surgeon Dr Clifford Daw She left on Monday for Cal gary where she will stay for some Then shc is going on to stay with friends in the Bahamas Calgary Ray slrator will answer airy carcai questions you may ask Himrim SEE THE LOVELY NEW Still weeks visiting sisterdnlaw From llarrrc she took the mom Toronto will with Nobels train SMIIIIY SURVIVES From all mode travel was by horse or team to thc tee of motor cars the black smith shop still survives in the latent growing popularity oi tractors on the farm where most of the machinery is designed and planned for power equipment ELMIRA Ont SIGNET time when This is gt LOSE ND llP To LBS THE MODEL DIETARY WAY SAVES MONEY TOO Begin losing For at once withM out starvation harmful drugs laxatives or exercise Tho now Modal Dietary Plan is nora nduring drug Its sch pleasant ximplo an AlC It will help you Iou up to lb ol no cost to you If your Ixuu weight is mused by over eating the Model Dietary Plan will bring result from Ibo vary rst day NOT RECOMMENDED TOT GLANDULAR DIES IIY PEII IMP GAL EUNCENIRAIED PASTE TDRM per wuk ALL IHESE ADVANTAGES Covers all surlazes wallpaper paint ed walls plywood brick interiors clc One out nally coyars Dni inona hour Om lmpullul gallon does large room No pointy odour durable warhablo surface pleasure to put on Maori ON WITH THE NEW KemTTone noun mourn Notion Noble of Miss Wunrn Ontario beauty crown for I948 says The Modal Dietary Plan in wonderful help In taking of weight and controlling the gure Without nurvalion command it to all wbmn who Wllll to lulu all unwanted umighlly far Baliuvu me the Model Dietary Plan nully wovlu Make This NoRisk Test Today Buy Epoch Mark II your Drug Slurc Check your woluhl before using and al III and days It nul cumphluly nullied ro lurn Jhe amply box to Your Drunlll Who will promptly nlund punhan prlu Model avall able at nllDrug and Dapumunl Stem Now only $250 Mali this let Inlay Buy lho doublen pukagond uvu meny your Drungm vcly winner llil 5534 IIYMT LOWER PRICES 3i uup sr YOUR but rrmu irtiiiui AND 543 EssaRqadiriianigie VA SPECIAL 19518 Chevrolet Fleetmaister Special Deluxe Sedan Builtin Motorola Radio Underseat Heater DeeFroster BackUp Lights Fog Lights De Luxe Upholstered Solid Chrome Wh it nice car eel Discs Air Ride Tires really 40 or others to choose from We sell Good Cctrs Askany of our many satisfied Customers They will tell you theisame Telephone 5254 Barrie iyl 513 Red Cross Home Nursing Class Graduates At Camp Borden Gardiner Logan Bishop llolohan Front Row lylcsdamcs it Lilly Wood lauhl Ayliiic Ir Spencer Todd ll Brown tl Sist Mcllinp Iris coiisin tillicrt ilall IIuricnc iliilroy oi loronto yisitcd ilr and Mrs alvcrr llarhara ONeill and Peter Mc iiimis of Toronto were hcrc ior Monday Mr and Mrs larvcy of Port Severn and John Moran of ilarric arc spendingl the holidays with Mrs Toner During the holidays new chalkboard has liccn instalch ill the school It is new into Site board which iS much easier on the eyes as it is grccn color Newmarket spent thowcckcnd at hot with them for the holidays Among those home for the bolt day were Coimhlin Mary St lohn Sexton of Toronto Frances UNeill and Stephanie rvleirick oi Barrie Hall From Game Warden this village but didnt nd what he was looking for Something fishy about the report he got Volunteers Fought Grass Fire We had bit of excitement one afternoon lust week when grass tire riot going too swiftly It was the CNH yard and volunteers verc foreman came along Under his control wrrx sroqm Fred Dallimorc has purchased new truck Mr and Mrs Jack Hughes moved into their new house last week Russell Webb has sold his farm to Marshall Campbell of Churchill Geo Parsons Jr is preparing line bowling alley as another form of amusement at Leonards Beach Mrs Thos Reynolds is patient an operation last week Her many friends wish her good recovery Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming and Mr and Mrs It Black at tended the ShaptcrCumming wcd ling at Mt Albert on Monday April 18 Recent and Easter visitors in cluded Miss Addie and Jack Al pine Toronto with their mother Miss Burleigh Toronto with Jean Wice MrsCyril Sproule Toron to with Mrs McMance MrsWil lrs of Port Hope at Alex Blacks Mrs Walker Toronto and Ed Wieklum at AdamWicklums Miss Verna Wice of Toronto at her home here Death of Latimer Cameron Latimer passed away in Toronto on April 13 after lengthy illnaess Cameron was son of the ldtehMriand Mrs Wm Latimer of Stroud and was well known in this community The funeral ser vice was held in Toronto on Satur day with interment in ScarbOio Lawn Cemteiy tWeddingvanniversaries Congratulations toMr and ers vJas Mason on their 50th wedding THE BAIULII EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CHAD litiirisiiis ECORD gsus tlt Iltl A5 lAILR WANT AI igt lsllir pairtl aizih lt ta ic Nihlll litri ill i1 itoIirn trim ltd ll tilltitllI lii rs inlaixri iiiibcr lcziscnoiti auto livt lionoycr Willi iriipzoitnrcnts lfl licilgtcz aoiablc profit aldi of SITLilith lot It im high cost tilllY dricciozs Llccnad it pripi1rt idl tciirl illIrlItll iirts Zliililt fr ii under ic li llllillllll citiiiiiri iii liLlKI UL llc lllblllt Inn tlgtlllilllllittl Ii ty cooperation and clficmnty lht Lhltltlll talus llllilvlilt lll ch in to Item all its siizctzc th lt and rccognircs tulurc irzomh wzli coir iitiicmitiiiig inploxxts SPECIAL LOBLAWS TANGY lia rl liial aiD wriirr ciiirrsr 45 SPECIAL MOTHER JACKSONS crurirrr or mix than We lvtlJlltl hsl llHl paiin lli clipit tlIHC lllill st on then In our report tor the you cud CARAMEL VANILLA BUTTERSCOTCH CHOCOLATE ti January 31 made Show lilill special It lcicncc contribur of piofih rzil to bc iillrlili if nccdlt ith possiblc ciiipioyccs iiiidcr consideration howeycr appropiiatc cxtcnsioii to the coin pais personnel institution Iv malc cniployccs oiisc no change sharing female traicd or lurthrr Wiltunit Ill lll section of this report dcocd to cmploycc rclations roamwsucx 8JtLL mm BmeuOZ 35c SWEET PlCilLES lHuZ3c cu in connection JAR la ilniriiisi plan thin itticr yinccd profit study con morc llilllil Mr aux tlrcir April Ilarold Vilili who cclcbratcd llltll armorwary cnrsi by ltrliit family rzathcriim thc ommiiiiily Saturday Cklllllli pil also iaioi iiitcisary oii Alis FINEST ORANGE PEKOE renames trait Bites PKG QF I5 ttlllllll lit And Hi and would pcn ion Silver ivciidniy llllllilb IAC 0F tile 67c ruMiirii JUICE 23 Tenant FIIUIT coriiiiiiiaii 29 CRUNCHY SWEET MusinrrlllliliiESliiich BABY ROLL MONliittjll turns the FLOUR FIVE IlSES mm V59 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS osr sizr iinirgt sizg SIZE NAVEI oneness 33 c3337 isth lg lilail loi pittilll profit llali April lli Iicauliful IIustcr Scryiccs laic coiiiticsuitioiis attcndcd the church scrvrccs on Sunday lhcl Ilastcr iiicssnuc lrom the tililliiiiis by choirs and baskcts of Spring flow crs Were all very imprcssivc the lit Inb has loud Objectives The lac Illl of Wednesday member objective the club hope to cithcr fix up corner in the park for tlic children to play instead of on thel street or to help tinancc transpor tation so that the children of miuht have the advantage the swimming lessons during the May Ferguson reportedi about 313 clear from the play to ward the objectiic to leave ll 10 Hlmt imfl just be callcdi In thc aiiadian economy itself the One IS Club to start next meeting vl here was made plan and iiilt plan was iii ll will be LIBBYS pension Fol lcfcicnci beautiful rub lililpits sptcial the StoneMoran wedding Ilasicrl ii is also pleasure to inciition cooperation suppliers yalucd companys bated materially to the gratifying salts of the past year your liib contri lIorcncc hliiclionaldl on nine April liltSLlll met thc who l3 with As ant reporting to you year concludcd by pointing out ihc difficulty of forecasting the future airy degree is not any easier to do so today iriterinrtional situation llll llCLlIIiICN Mr and Mrs lctcr Fallon oil iila up ccononi ic ain and political remains outcome fdomcstic well being will in lair0 Stork measure depend and their summer home Margaret Annc Marley returned to Ncwmar lrummcr iccri The members otcd word phcus Catherine ONeill Dan and It was decided smockin lessons thcre are important strong points chief among which are the cori oi capital and Mary MacDonald Mary at the rich is to be heldl let the home of Mrs Isabel libbins delectable lunch provided by the four host esses of the evening proved very The meeting was clos ed by singing Good Night Flor ence rate expenditure plants and equipment money sup personal purchasing Iremaiiied at hiin most Illllllllli 1lliltlll high Two contests and TIIL paint nlltll paid call in mwmu power which level during whilc ly and lsumer Cou nioyable READY TO USEFRESH DAILY vrasrnairsmnu tat15c Witness 25s PINEAPPLES 23523 29C ac EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES year still WitscitinrriorNTXED citing near the Hydro poles in APPROX frantically lightingr when CNR Mix Chocolate Cake in 60 Setonds Success every time with Cainpbells Cake Mix Just add cup of milk or water slir and bake Light tender delicious Try it today direction the lirewas soon under DOZ srzr ONTARIO No GRADr 43C ricii 39c COOKING LB CANADIAN NO GRADE NEW BRUNSWICK neurons LIIBIJIWSiltmttmi riisrrrrrioui 49c Flavors CHOCOLATE GOLDEN SPICE CARD atelier VX it Theyre Here iin RV Hospital Barriefollowingl 24oz roar 11 01i17Siiitrilly Styled Spring IIEINZ VEGETABLE SllIIP ORANGE HIKING SKIADA TEA iiiHi oz TIN 59 irritantital 27s IKG CUNCIiNTllAIFJ JAVEI KINGSOI IMANY FLOWERS LANOHNIC SLIER FAITIII TOILET soP I95 Imps Let cAKE 18c SWIFTS CLEANSEII SOLVESASE ROSSMILLER Docfriiscurrs STANDARD KIBBLO MIXED MIDGrTs 3250 gt rivliyirtn Auimvracn 17c JuniorIIESSEIITSIllwflmltls Pkg00c VORYIVSOAVP PersonaKiZNCAKrs 17s INCRIPSO LARGE PACKAGE 37c llB PKGsl c7 Erciliiig new styles with fashionslant youd never expect tofiiid irra shoe that is ivorldfarpbus lot QUALITY FIRST cunterr But these new Dr Lockes are lssured ol gem just the quality cut you are seeking at prices that mean real savings to you So ioin the happy throng of thrifty shoppers at Loblaws this weekJeni lBLA QUALITY BEEFFIRST runs uouawss PIIIME BIB lltlllST 1b 55c my mom up 476 Sm til 1333 roux inur 553 LEMOVED must iii your spring wardrobe because tlicyrcias goodfeeling as they are good lookingliuboilying six scientific principles theyve brought relief HOMELESS SIIIIIIIJIEII IIIIIIST BONEliSS PLATE BBISIIET SEE OUR DISPLAY OF FRIDRESSED CHICKENS ALSO OUR SELECTION OF to thousands of foot sullcrcrs DRMW lOCKE ee Walkwel shoe Store 58 DUNLOP ST Opp Post Office DIAL 2397 rosLAw GliOCETERIAS coy LIMITED PAOE FIVE It trl gtI11 xsu rousri iorvrnmi lr III PHONE rll turn litlll II liltiltx lil II III lift 11 It Illlllil IIIISIIIII thll llQIIVS whats Iniy mum Il SIM tiwiofi Igliulll in lltllr IIIHth tr II oilrii Illlilbll awry the It flown in Iniil vpirliiy funds mutis urn portion is tJIVIi right up lllt lhl Illltltl Mill UI Illlllt lollrcis uprrnlly lmtlrtljlc tlrt rla nairriiuri that always loond in high qniliti tooth Ill1 ISH TIHYIII tUOI luit IIIIL lllllllli IINIIIA In Lotiluu llllllil flittls rv wlrolw mm Ih arc rlrh in llaionr you all driilltl on oblavy quality lur rllUll trouniirr hair to the nldH lnllu IIFIIAIII THI ItIH lull Hill orriprrr all round IIIH nothing ltllt ilrc llrl will do for Inbrle rrntnmrn llltiill IIllll itsltnlllts lilAlllT iiiiirr tilIIlEMIXrth 35 SIIII RIIIIHIN Itl3 33 OZ IIX IHXIIIIIS Illl llltt BEANS 221 we 37 Illlll thlll PRIDE ol ARABIA COFFEE at 43c LB 5429 iiiiiirnm its 32 QUAKER rumo WHEAT sprinters HC QUAKER MillPETS 12c 13 ititittiiit Me REGULAR VALUE 5103 tut121 FAB FOR FABULOUS suDs $5253 37c 505 SOAP PADS mll 14c DFBAnoc1E5N3f W13 unassiwax WIZARD an 49 matter what kind of meat youurelbokinforpyau will be 11496 CHUB SIZE lb IOBIAW COUNTRY STYLE will PllllE rorrrrsrusnr 1b 51 CHICKEN CUTS

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