Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 3

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WITH THURSDAY APRIL 21 1943 circuit lllNIlAlION IAIS itlltllNA Liv Hildethin Limizicial tllgtllt anflicf ltitsts LlLIl ll JLliilflull lo trilliiulilu Ltllllnr encephalo 115 year 99 LliSt ul rhi ecnrrni in the llnzirictit lli Siskzltclleili Not ti LerL reported troiit southeast Sas lirheutn where an tXltliic tui lilllzltlitlll program car ni against ltd Ilili till ll lllt5l la st in him up rlIl lli is lil GILFORD st titum ui ll lIgtllli II wt 57 tml tilt Apiil it ll litlitlli ili and Mrs iottloi llllllltl lt it IIlill til ifltll loionto Ltre Ithlt gout tt vt llt ii lnl lt Nislidlls ii vili lid lli lillltl will Cadets iiltb aim Win XVIII It llllln it ti ltlttllllti CAR Hulk Sm 1m 13 linin Vt ll All LHll ttl weekend at Lou Neillys liollie mitts ilttll ioi in lhc Stiltcor Ans sanli very ttwrs It lin lllll ixtlt measiilcl at the Inasttr llHE iIi ttl tilitiioll on lItlllUlil Lurch Sunday lilitlliooli ll1llV oi lllI iail Vl MI Mr and Mrs ltll Iiztkei oi Vi 11 11mw tVVVifolth Ila were ill ll and Mt 11 mlth 11 hm lullll Illllu 13 Iol the lIasttl llolt iontli mu Mi and Mrs Paul IIILnlll at ILIINIIOW BRUNEI lllllllll lllt tltlllj of Miss Muriel lhc llllllllibl livitluo whitl spun Sawycl in Toronto on Saturday ll 1Vltil between Niauaia lItlls litli lllc reception at the ltoyal Int tilti IIllll Iiill has YWk lllltl ovulall ittttll oi till lwt tn Mr and Mrs lill lolliztnt anti ittdtli llll litl O=0=O=O Phone 73808 tremor BELGIAN AND AMERICANV CEMENT Alll II PHILPOTT iiltll oi lititt tell Sliitton ltl Toronto and Mr Snow Hlt IIIISILI Sunday guests oi Mr lid MIS Witt Gorham lirvtn Sawyer lst VVtcc Pres was 111 the chair The Easter service was followed with Mrs Eco Nes ice Mrs ll Iloycs gilVe tlt Iiter istntg talk on liristian Steixaid sliip good Easter otlcriitg was revolved Mrs Tonier gine it short leading on leinperiincc and Mrs Villaket favored with solo Mrs Itil Mclillme gave it most interest ing talk on chapter of the study tlltlllll At th close of the meeting iirs lluglidz and her hostesses served delicious supper WL zq ANGUS April it Mr and Mrs Kenneth Iiuslt of lllllUlllU spent few days at lor don Bushs Mr and Mrs Bernard larlltlsli and daughters spent the weekend ill Toronto friends Mrs Lorne Brennan ot Allandale o=o===a 75 Donald SI Illlll pcnt Thursday with her sister Mis Jessie OConnor Mr and Mrs Clill Lucns oi at WHEN vou NEED MONEY REMEMBER If you need right way Born $500 or more titre trout lllC llouscliold Iii to people with overdue bills doctor bills seasonal ex motley eliiergcnries As matter of fact you can borrow for any wortliypiirposc or Imnkahle sew Phone or coin personal ttlei mouths to repay iii convenient equal monthly CANADAS omzsr FINANCE ORGANIZAIION MONEY WHEN YOU NEED lTI 55 Mllslud 2nd Floor ORIllIA ONT FINANCE Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs lnwrcnce Burton Mrs Chester Kennedy and sorts Auiora spent the weekend with itlic formers mother Mrs Httltlott Mrs Zimmerman has been visiting with her brother and wife Mr aitd Mrs Jaiitcs Shaw 01 Mid laud Angus Branch of the Legion held very successful Bili go in the school on Wednesday night April 13 II Mr and Mrs Sanford Liltinicr loan get 000 he and children Newinarkct spent illlliblooimoo Easter with the lortners parents it your own signa Mn and Mrs Fred Lutimcr Mr and Mrs Bass rice Dorothy nancclmds money vcsl of Bellevtllet and Miss Leli weekend with Mr West Mr and Mrs Norman Smith and cltildrcn from Montreal are visit witltout emlorsers ing with Mr and Mrs Harry Smith and Mr and Mrs Middle rlly iiilast service mock ltioil Up to 24 and Mrs pelises repair bills Elwin Dean of Pennsylvania and nSilmtIllS lover the weekend with Mr and LARGEST AN Mrs Dean CONSUMER Mr and Mrs Ray Latlmer and Miss Marguerite Latimcr were in Toronto on Saturday for the Barrie Lame at Maple Leaf Gardens Iwo Easter Services There wcroserviccs in the Uni tcd Church on Easter Sunday at 1930 am and pm with Rev Built in charge There was special music by the choir and at the evening service the infant son of Mr and Mrs Milne was blip USEIIOLD Street Ea Phlone 2395 Ham9 lo or by appointment tizcd loans made in rasidenll of nearby town smvmc tut PUBLIC SINCE 1873 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 41 WE GUARANTEE SAVINGS economic weltnowtiu rimiEnWaiirum Oil lathenull TlMllEN Oll BURNERS al and wewant to prove it toIyou with our guar ontec of savings we have accomplished Iavinglup 92576 on fuel and electricity for many of our etudein customers We wll test yourpresent burner 1m Then on the bluis of the test results we will tell you exactlywhiiltnvingc we will guarantee with in new Timken WallFlame Oil ll Burner installed in your prmntboller or lurhlide Wo giVe this guarantee in writing on moneyback burnerback basis No guessworkno chance You live or teInstdl your present humor and refund your money Act now while special tradein alloymnces are In effect This offer is good for limited timronly Nodown payi benteasy terms Start nvinlz noWliPhobev or us today camrun bills civilian Ltd 65 BRA DFORD SI on wmm iPIIONE 3855 TIMKENSil nt Automatic you nouns ll fUlNACM mm 1191M uid Mrs Ralf of New Turtlan The April llitLllHl ot the WMS held iii the lltHllc oi Mrs Vcs llugthes on Thursday last Mrs ibitt ilt charge of the worship sciv Canadian Mr and Mrs Richard Armstrong of London visited last week and Fiycrs Montreal Royalshoekcy on Trial accused were ISIIIlllll it all Tlw Mrs RV zu v1 WYEVALE CVQULSON HILL Xx on gum gxml 11 LJ ul Ens new p1illr it 5V cpl Vt 1V Al II lllv il ulu Mr told Mr ItllllLgtIlfl Wm iiti iiiiij spent Suitdii iii lIIl mil ff In ii Shh Mll and Mt Horaci ill and UL ml link lIlltl laiiltilziIdILt it ml tut In le izilo Marni loo lattiii is lltfllltll ilu ttoldijs tltl ii ltitol alti TRY AN IIXAMINIIL IANI All VHV 11 is si ililll IIIII 51 ll if ii llil il Ltltl Mrs in SlailliIl toltttimsprlii the weekend at Iolitels borne Iill and fills liait Ket lol Lulu spciti thi vielteiu with Pl and Mrs till Mr txlll Mrs llubt loioiito sptlit thi weekend with Mr and Mrs Ilal lltlll ulr and Mrs All ltowc and lint lly oi like spent the klllll llli llc ionueis Idlilll Allen Ilavll of Sltnltyiiiook Elm pltal lotoitto spent the l1tlld with his wilt and until hurt Jessie Stallitoll oi Ilatlit lioitl Staintozt itlltl trititd ilont slt spent the weekend ill llltll homes Ni and Mrs Cloltlon Donor and lillll NtVlllilllitl visited Mr and Mrs ll Mitiiibtrsult ltlltl Mr and Mrs Vern Mtiiiiotison on Sunday Mr and Mls Flank Multibcison Andrew Montgomery and John of olllngwootl spent Sunday with Mr aitd Mrs John Gordon Mr and Mrs Doll MacKay and lttldren Ottawa Joe Muinbersoli Univ Mr and Mrs Frank Mttnibelson Sit and Kathleen oi ookstowlr spent Sunday Willi hit and Mrs Ilttl Inntbclson FERNDALE ccn April lti Mrs lltllVlllll who has been an Invalid for long time was ad united to Barrie hospital last week At the time of going to press ltel condition was reported to be slightly ilnprchd ILLster Snowfall Is it trite that the person who howled for the grader to be sent over the Vespra Township roads two weeks ago phoned the Deputy Reeve last weekend and complain ll because the snowplow had not been around7 Town Planning Committee For the information of those who have enquired the decision made at the Iaxpityers meeting was that tite Township Councillors select from the taxpayers two members tor the Planning Committee and that these two members themselves select the third member lltat le lsion was final and any diversion or attempton the part of certain taxpayers to stop the Vtwo selected members from electing the third nieinber is illegal and against the vishcs of the large and almost ult liltimous vote preseiit iii the meeting There is no argument and persons who do not agree with the decision would be well advised to attend future meetings of the taxpayers of Fern dale and state their wishes by vol mg School Open House and Concert Due to the lack of accommoda IIil W05l on Call Spent 10 tion at Fcrndale Scltool the senior pupils receive their education at Pine Grove School which though only oneroomed building has more classroom space and appears tr be better equipped for educa tional purposes and is brighter than the one at Fcrndalc Coires pondcnts note That should start something Last Thursday evening Howard Grecn the teacher at Pine Grovo invited parents from both districts Vto visit the school to see samples of the scholars work and to raise funds for sports equipment The program was surprisingly lcxcellcnt throughoutwell nchnnd thorough in every detail IMuch credit is due the teacher and pupils At the outset Mr Green gwelcomcd the parents and explain ed that the small admission fee was lfor the purchase of sports equip ment and he modestly and humor tously referred to the work accom plished by the children The parents inspected books drawings handiwork etc by the children Easter Hymn Come to the Fair and God Bless done and showed thoroughness in training Stage fright has been lknown to attack great actors and lone of the youngsters in the pres lentation of An Easter Recitation Ewas no exception to the rule but from there on success marked every item presented Public speaking by Lawrence French The gymnastic display by the boys was revelation but the show was Istolen by Lawrence Trench who acted as clown in carrying out the gymnastic movements The climax was reached when Master French climbed to the top of the nal pyr amid got his drch wrappe aroundmis feet started the pyra mid to sway and down lot in heap Here play entitled Education VJttdge Sheriff Crown Attorney Counsel for the Defence and the well pprtrayed by scholarsn of different ages The accused Were charged with educa tional subjcctszlGeogruphy Hist ory Arithmetic Scinceetc and the crime they had committed was supposedto be their responsibility years Found guilty in the lIISl place Vmuch wrangling judgeagainst the crown attorney nally brought decision that educational subjects are not re Vspbnsible for wars The spclling matcli which fol lowed the play at one time looked like being stalemate but oneby one thecompetitors fell out as the words becamemore difficult until finally Margaret Blanchard on the onc side 11nd Lawrence Frcnch on the other were left The former eventually won the competition AGnmcs for young and old follow ed after which iihc senior girls provided the children and parents with lunch Altogether it was it very successful evening IMPORTED IN 1864 First made in England Portland cement wasmot imported into the United Statesuntil 1838 THE BARRIE EXAMINER Ktt itllll Soil and lr ookstown and MI and Mls of those who were plnn Aftei this three choruses were well sung America and were extremely well June Brunskill llndEdna Liscombe were received with applause is llousrllulnpiirrll rowns2n came the was presented The for wars and chaos throughout the by the BARR ONTARIO CANADA PAGE IHR ltFE3 Send Your Questions to KATE AITKEN 225 luvil Street Toronto Ontario Ask Tamlyns DETERGENTS Do you know whether at not any of the map companies put out glintsire package of detcvgenl We xhoud have large economy sire package of the lamily wash type cl detergent Cunt package of Brett andVel are already on the marlct ink to Hie Imb lulu 4011 In an ruwn the food value it lhue why they shouldnt have canned juice Corned cmnge uICL about out tr qu glass aivntlar glass of fresh orange luILC about Cents be Vitamin value ot fresh tnl wn ounce unto me live ionic lor VIIJITIIH and Ban litcnmttaui Unit of and International Un ol in ccuice glans plan of the canned IUICC CUlllJlIl 73 millimgin or van min til hell Lure Jb lIllllElJllm will Its 0v IIII PRINTING ON BAcs How on we rcmov Mm ham 3I00 APPLE PIE Where do write Ior CNE on sugar and II In Th list understand that there is hundred dollar apple pic mm 00 800d wag Sial lite letters menith III tttlti lulll natclptkis and ball wakir VJJI well mild soapy water to tie Iiiorlitltu Printing should IIVJDDLJI WEDDING BREAKFAST line wedding retention to cater for in April Therewill be 75 guests How much chicken will be needed Itd ORANGE lUlCE FRESH AND CANNED What is llic com it leJt eight livepoliticfuton llvttru iiiunit ltfrli nautivc price of untied orange gum and herb onngex rltlclen elem maymmwc Jud IHHJHML DJ INA ABS and TABLETS tors lleg 19c 14 Runnneg 50c What is the food value Our children 916ch the tanned up with UIIIIIUICF PURIHEH llrttl lleg 89c 69 BRANT SEIWIEIIES 250stel 450 39 Antiseptic VBIIlINClIllII SYRUP 601 let its 39 Mouth Wash BENZOMMUNB LOTIUNIIz Ret39c 33 rrThroai GargIe 301 Reg 49c39 1801 mm BEEF WINE and llltlH tittltifitl 1594 llollllclc llcln iiiteg 25c 19 ClILlIMlNE LOTION soz tel 25Vr19 CHMPHOHHTEB CHALK Slim leg Is 13 WI CIIIIllIII lIzozliw ttel 37c 33 COLD CIIEIIM 15 leg 59 in Ibix ycavx prixc list Youre pcvlely up There it hundred dollar prize lo the best apple pie turned in on September 7th liie lists may be obtained born the Canadian National lllLlliLlI HUMIQUAIICI Exhibition Park Toronto ipera ltllotllil If 49 with will large tuie ilnu retell llllllllll Clll nitoluilll flit Fl II INHALATION TREATMENT Succcslully Used in the Treatment of ASTHMA SINUSITIS BRONCHlTlS Excellent for Cleaning and Care of Dentures lileRiNE mm TOOTH PASTE 29 45 LISTERINE SHAVING CREAM 2949 Special Elechiz Inhalnor with Medication 79 cllsrolioil aVoziieiisc39 LELEHY NLHVE 10ch 1602 kilowatt COLOHNUTAOIL sIIIiMPoIJ IozIeg2ac19 Cream Deodorant Safely Stops IIlcllllinlale in UnderArm PHOTOGHHPHIC lllllsuliil Pe spiralo IIIIEIISIII IiiozIIel 50c 39 Ngw Will Eight Larger Prints 59 WEEK39c 79 CREAMOGEN Deckle Edged on valve ofnew FLYTOX AEROSOL means instant deolh to all moths and moth larvae DeodomnI Cream Brilliant Uniformity 50 All Excluniro Tamblyn Sorrite Guaranteed not to dry out in the jar 39 59 lllkuSelizerIree con LIVER 01L Illllegl89169 tlrllllrli 0F MAGNLSM Ioz tel 2ch 23 LlTBHIE 0F MAGNESIH Isoz Iewc 69 gtV Epsom SALTS iil Reglic 11 IlllSEHtan LINIMEHT leg57I43d IIYIIIIUIIEN PEIIIIIIIIIE ltlz Remit 23 HOUSEHOLD RUBBER unusually 3317 KEEP SAFE MlllH illiiis tilti 39 momK 1601 leg43c33 MILK 0F MNIINIISIII 20IzReE39I29 MILK OF MHGNESIH tablets iIIIs term 29 During the opening week of car new store at 798 Lake Shore Road New Toronto complimentary sample of ALKASELTZER will be avail able for each adult person Harmless milhlics 3959i GET SUPERSHAVES FASTER EASIER Roma Odeeet Rigor WITH 10 GILLETTEBLUE BLADES lN DISPEMSER This liberal sample will also be included with all phone orders HOUSEHOLD aox 48 Regular Pods 129 DIEM SHAMPOO No Other Shampoo Leaves Your Hair so Lustrous lIiiillemli rourll PIISTE il2ils VV 1601 legal 4001 Reg79c59 Ingeally HITWIIriiiiBomEs Items 79 surmount Slim CIIEHM Iet29c19 31mm TABLETS llltlslteg 21919 SHNIIIX TOILET PNPEIIIL4 III 29 53mlsz all 23 gj IIIIEIIIIMBDITLESIII89c79 sumTall IILEEHEH 9ii36ll wax pupal will loll28 sollleg lorllstrdlolEOel WASH cLollls lNIllSllllIgl5c2loi25 WINll HAZEL IIiIIl 50 43 You change blades presto skim whiskers slick as whistle with this new Gillette OnePiece Razor SCI Iluy one NOW or extra shaving comforl SPECIAL OWNIKE omit Gillom Rocker OnePiece Rue REGULAR $100 VALUE Your will Mastic Curlers 25 TONI REFILL KIT 125 ulellslo ileliilllllill BROADCAST lh KATE itEll mill through Elli RB 1545 HM and Gillan Dimum wilh I0 Gilhm Iluo Bludu FREE no HOURSMon Tug Thum Frl from 830 can to Mm Noun DELVERY 830 pm Wednesday 830cm lb 1230 pm Saturday 830 mm Phono 3871i Phonc 2650 to lo pm Open bury Sunday 12 to pm 059 pan Embryoncyl

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