Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 21

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skated on power plays besides taking his regular centre ice pdsition breaks and poor shooting were Bari10s downfall along with six newcomers to start the season and that in itself is large jump college try The presen YPU Collier United LL THURSDAY APRIL 2t 1911 THE BAR IE ETihfilfri 15172 RT ANGLES lly GEORGE STOREY sssses1 lt xV WHAT All illF llKciS of Month 1l ll111i 101111111 the Monsi rlllzi trtp ltlnlllnll v1 don kiiov 1111 itliilil 11111 1111 11 111l 1l1111p1 lir11dori 111 Mimi lHtlilii of 121n 1liil11v pinv 111151 tin11 11 should ln plum1i 1iitt11 11 l1 iti 1112111ni liHJl rllov itsalflleW prolmbh 011 1111i viilncrnhu 1111l tIl1t 1111111 style Adiiilztedly lilj Miilui 1111 Front $111111 lsziye 11 llllltlilrttl highflying bunch of homo innted ll of the Montreal Daily 3111 the l1l to Her 111 1111 i1 And he could be right too because lhe itoyois 1111 1111 le 1111i1l Qurtne entry to enhnre 2111111 ii linsiein 11111l1 1111i 111 3511 p11 lo be strong 11111111111 111 howl 11v11 rliA 11111i1o11 111 11111 1ixl1 11311 thlnts ilrltl lllllilll =11 Llt attempts gives tin111 iipiiiziiron of 9111x111 Hillitlllllll on the bull lIitl111 lliundiin 1l111i Kiltd t1lIii H111 brims will find ipiilc tel 11 11111111111 to lib11111111 up 113111 lie 111 f1v11111l t111lo HOB BLEAll WAS SUPPOSED to blow if anybody did ll all but instead the Montreal nctminder whose rulllpmllll rates pound for pound with the body transferred into the brightest star of the series He was sensational throughout nailing Illll Harrie thrusts until his mates in front obtained margin of victory Perhaps even greater from 111 unheralded standpoint were his dcfcncc combinations of llollic Rousseau Lou 1ppleby Vic lildes and Tommy lziiiaslersky Rousseau and lil1lcs espe cially effcctivc with Monastcrsky former Montreal Allonette backfield star throwing lot of fright into any forward ho was foolhnrdy to venture alone Applchy who usually is micl I111l while on the ice proved chippy during the series and made it rough treading for the llycrs lhc Royals did literally mun handle their way to the lithium iinadu title 11 tougher 111ti1 than llyers encountered all season It stumped them EVEN illF llARllllI FORWARD LINES were hilniliit under par With the checks 1111ls like lord Knutson Bob lr11npto1i incl11 31111111 iind Bert llirschfeld were big and rugged performers with loads of ability They were first skating youngsters with smooth Iilll and above all in perfect shnpc livery player skated just 1111 the end of the four games is they hurt at the start There is no 1e15oII 11211111 oeer why the Royals should move into the junior finals as Ilil1ll underdogs They have 1Very1liine 1liut Port Arthur West lird lillllli had last Season Xtlpt perhaps potent scoring punch Most of their points were recorded by Mail llenoit Knutson and Moore with l111niplt ton next in line They proved terrific opportninsts Just relax and 1111 highflying Quebccers lnniiniitc your end of the rink villi lights lliey v1req1iick to take advantage of the other teams mistakes Something which makes chninpinnsliip club LOOKING AT ll from Barrio standpoint llycrs should have held 31 edge in the series during last weekend They lost three by onegoal margins and with any luck at all those lttiSlt tons would have been easily rcvcrscd DcSpitc this misfortune llycrs were not zooming on all cylinders Gil Mayer who won the lied lilson Memorial Trophy for being the most valuable player in the DNA experienced nightmares in the series that never did get ironed out Defcnccman Stan Long was the dc finitc backbone of the club and he received wholehearted sup port from Bob lllngley the tremendous ornwall bulldozer Big John Sheddcn and Ward Brandow wcrc nervoiis and worked in fits and starts Brandow Was free and ensywilh the body slams and probably dumped more of the opposition than any other Barrie rearguurd He tried hard to slow them down Once again the top front thrccsomc were Harold lloppcr lleul hcvrcfils and Rick llogg REAI CllEVREFlLS was the individual star The iinnnins youth at the age of 16 gained wide recognition for his outstanding ability throughout Providing he keeps his temperament Chev has 1111 out standing future in store lie fairly dances on his skates can shift stick hiindle pass and most important score goals llc has another three years in Flyer uniform and fans are anxious to see the polish the lad obtains under the capable grooming of Hap Emms Light as he was he wasnt stopped by the rugged tactics of the Royals and was for from outshone by any older puckstcr Chev sparked the play of his home town mate Rick liogg Rick played the series hard bucked away from no one and was aconstant threat withhis amazing speed and bulletlike shot Hoppers needling ivas once again injected into the spirit of the game but failed to disorganizc the Royals They plnycd both Hopper and the puck Captain Paul Mcger showed his form of old Gary Gordon and Gordon Pcnnell didnt hit stride until the fourth contest Sid McNubneys line of Don Ashbcc and George Thuchum were off killer All gave the utmost but just couldnt click McNabney saw lot of action in all four engagements Sir Sid killed penalties and passing which didnt strike par Aside from all this any luck at all would have swung the pendulum in another direction And ll Fiyers had flown like they did in the Windsor series they wouldnt have needed the breaks They got them in one and not the other They have notiiingof which to be ashamed Few clubs Show the spirt and fight they did even with elimination storing them in the face Any player on the club can walk into the town and bc looked upon as great sportsmand anda greater champion Emms has proven himself coach unequaled 1n junior hockey At the first of the seasonI Elyers looked like second raters Gradually the mentor molded them into hockey players with spirit heart and teamplay He made his club Directed them through to the OHA and AllOntario titles and actually failed by little of rolling over the more experienced Royals Rival coach Tag Millar needed but on any junior club Emms will have Stan Long John Shedden Ward Brandow Real Chevrefils Rick Hogg and Cliff McArthur to start next season and can be trusted have rookies in line with lots of the outlook calls for stronger OHA group next season as many camps boast large group of holdovcrs However they will have to go some to outwit Emms and dethrone the two year champions REPRESENTATIVES of Georgian Bay in the 008318 basket ball finals did very well for themselves this ycaWW piloted his Orillia CI juniors to the titleIfor the first time in the schools history as they copped Stamford 4543 in the semi finals and Oshawa 3634 in the finals Bracebridge dropped from the running in the senior boys playdownsn theglrlSdivrsxons standard bearers of this sector captured both junior and senior titles Midland High School juniors swept through Napanee Zlgl and St Catharines 3228 for their crown while Shirley Reid paced Owen Sound seniors to their title Shirley is Sister of Gerry Reid starry centre of the 194748 Barrie Flyers le0 finiShcd this season with Detroit Red Wings after Indianapolis wereieliminated from Calder Cup play CITIZENS OF MIDLAND are enjoying the same downinthemouth feeling as Barrie hockey fans since two if their teamsfellfrom the hunt for provincial honors Midland Flyers who suIrprisedI all by eliminating Collingwood Shipbuilders in the Intermediate group finals rolleld to the semifinals where they were ousted by Gananoque Legion in bestofthreeseries Each team won their home contest but the Flyers loSt 43 decision in the suddendeath fixture at Oshawa Gananoqueare presently engaged in the finals with Port Coiborne and on last report were down 21 in games Midland Huskies reached the finalsof their OHA Junior bracket but went down three straight to Weston Athleticsbyv scores iof 83 60 and 641ITheIfinal game wasplayed in Midland and the Free PressHerald stated fdisappointingly small crowd was on hand to supportIthIeir Huskies This is strange way for fans to reactwhen their clttb is in the finals with their backs to thevwall It couuldprobiibly be credited to the1de cisivevictories Weston obtained in the opening pair of games Athletics are the same club which eliminated crackAurora crewHIat Barrie Arena in asuddendeath overtime fixture at Barrie Arena early in March Weston will be sitting prettyfor next season as Major IConn Smythe manager of Toronto Maple Leafs has consented to hisIorgaIniz ation sponsoring the Athletics However Midland have one champion ship that in OMHA Midget ranks where they sidetracked Paris in fouroutofseven series Sarnia Sailors who bested Orillia Silver Bombers in OHA Senior ranks dropped the final round to Peter borough Legion iiithree straightgames And so on to the baseball season where activity has already commencedbut behindthe scenes spread at scrambled eggs sausages parkerhouse rolls fruit juice cof fee and even hot cross buns greeted the 25 young people who attended Among the foxinerinembeis of the young peoples who were home Enjoy Easter Breakfast The young people of Collier St United Church held their third an Easter lilies and Spring nual Easter morning breakfast in the recreation room last Sunday morning Rev Lewis and president Brian Underhill presided over the breakfast which was fol lowed by an informal gathering around the piano to sing Easter hymns The tables were decorated with crepe paper in the Easter colors of mauve and yellow for the occasion owers completed the setting lavish fordhe Easter vacation and able to attend were Mary Maxwell George Monkman and Ken Cooper all of Toronto and Janice McCuaig Iof St Thomas Fern Hampel played the piano for the singing which followed the breakfast The young people expressed ap preciation to Mrs Monkman and Mrs Allen who worked 1n the kitchen to help prepare the breakfast iMost Popular Player 1l11iigg1I LONG i111121 tisltlltt Sound Wilt funs 115 the i11ll1111111i haven 111111 by i1111l hockey 11ft 111111111111 plow1 on 1h1 roslw Hi the Home Il1i llie llyer 1111iti11 111111111111111 the result of the voting l11 and Stan lll 11111 1111111 wii1 which z1l 1111i 571 donated nnnilly by 11111 i1El11s it 1lI ip j1opi1111 il1111 111111 1llttlli cup 11111 111 the ltl1i1 and lending llltil 1t11111 1111 the captaincy next year in 1l115 award The Stanley 11111111h1 given ilurrie film lzriiii1in1 ltldlyth vork through 11111 illt 1111111il illitl 11 tlInSili 1111 the tll Junior allslur club Iowa 1101113 GIVEN EXTRA OXYGEN BY PHYSICIAN Much controversy has resulted from the Montreal Royals use of 1Ivgen 111 the recent Eastern Car eon junior tinuls and its effect the Iirsi 111111 in the history of 1m game such 11 movement was in jected and it Seems to have rapid results Players on the Royals received oxygen in their dressing room lure 1111 the second and third games in Montreal but 111 the fourth and foul fixture 111 the Gardens Solur day the players received it on every relief The cylinder was placed it their bench and operated the club doctor Jack Adams introduced it in the National Hockey League Saturday night when Detroit Red Wings bowed out of Stanley Cup competi tion to the Maple Leafs Receiving oxygen is not looked upon as in illegal drug act it is 111 different than taking drink of lltl during the game or having your face rubbed with wet tow cl it merely gives player his ind quicker than he would or dlnarily obtain it under natural conditionsn The oxygen is compressed into cylinder and when administered to player released through valve to plastic mask which is held over the nose After one or two minutes of inhaling the oxy pen the mask is removed washed and handed to the next person Ordinary air contains 2211 oxy gen but person obtaining it und er artificial conditions receives 00 Therefore they receive in one breath 11111111 another person would ordinarily receive in five player just all the ice would be breathing hard and fast and at possible rate of 12 to minute Being administered oxygen has his wind back and is breathing normally in two minutes compared to person in the same state obtaining his natural breath ing form in thespace 10 min utes Thereis very little danger re ceiving oxygen The only mishap could be that player receives too much and then he becomes light lieaded But this would only ha if heinhaledLit for approximi zitely ve minutes The effect on the players is not that it makes them go faster bfit sooner They are relieved admin istered oxygen and ready to go into action feeling fresh Whereas player not being administered it has hardly become rested when he is called upon to jump the boards It sounds like sound system Softball Season Gets Under Way With the departure of hockey from thesporting scene softball is rapidly moving into the lime light Already the Centre Simcoe Softball League has called an or ganizational meeting for Thursday gMay5 to toeheld at Community House at pm President Bill Garner is anxious to get theball rollingplong with vicepresident Frank Taylor and secretarytreasurer Bruce McCau ley Anew executive is to be elected and itis hoped that all those in terested in either sponsoring team 0r playing in senior softball ranks will be on hand Just whatthe outlook is for the coming season is far from Substan tial but rumorspoint to bigger era New teams are springing up and few private club mebtings have been held Veterans like Fred Norris and Steve Hines of the two year champions Harris Motors have expressed their desir to retire fromthe circles and as coaches Bob 1AngeloffIhas obtained the services ofMurray Fife forcoach ing and playing duties on his Pry sons Grille roster Bert Gage has cansented to sponsoring an Allan dale entryunde1r the name of Mac Motors And dont be surprised if Hap Emms doesnt pop into the picture with club comprised mainly of hockey players RCAF of Camp Borden will noIdoubt be backbut Canadian General Elec tric after suffering lucklcss sea son wish to return to intermediate ranks he agar WlTH THE FLYERS 2nd instalment ll lEUlHilI litlllll l111 11111111 111111t 3111 fin 11 girllr of l111 jritwltielil 111111 jitill I1 for it bnll Inig il liiitlutl of 1l111111111l iii the x1111111i game He 131114 l111 liziil 111 niiiid 1l11 i11 1ll 1111111 jlflx the clizh 31111 173 111 111111 111111 111111 11 itd111 Ion 1111 la liltlIti lll lint lirl lltni You see hi1 Wrlls l11 1111 the E1 thl ver 21 1111111 on in foul lli 11111111111 111 l111pi11f1l1i ll1 in time 111 drown in 11iio3 1ol11111n 1111mm 1111 from fvioiziiuii before inine linw With this in lllllil 111121 111v eingo this 1111111 rtslllll 111 hi2ll1lll lllltitl lire xziine Your relief 11111111111111t1111 in Iviontrml Wednesday ihou llll sonic tinn Mr tnrn1d lfiirin l111illl 11111i 111111 Wall1 1111 in The Minlliii ill the liiilii lights of the iloniimon was jllhl liliie 1111111 nippy him what v14 lind 1ll11tti 111 ilori 11 lieiuie dev puitnre The sun wus lnnsng up on the liiippyvgohnky centre giving little cheerful 111noph1re around the Qiieens Hotel where lllt Illnriie lly1r1 and Hippoitelt lonlznp resultnee lood tridny wns different story The llyeiri droppcd SH decision the night l1ltllt llltl rain was very up hroliilnle ihe tlooin 1111 illltli and hope for lll1 iliiilie 1111m wn lliilit However even with three games down llnp lImins 111111ed lllt Flyers and ill supporters to huge party following the Thursday night left11 The event was sing ed Ruby loos on Decnrie Blvd and close to 30 attended Arrange ments wore taken care of by Sarto Boilezni nephew of Leo Dnndurzmd who has in oil inter est Bceion tie had one locn taxis stationed outside 1h hotel after the game to transport the party to the luxurious restaurant The meal was delicious large extravagant Chinese dish that was thoroughly enjoyed by all On hand were the Ilycrs cx ccntivc and their wives made 11p of president and Mrs hnrlie Christie secretarytrensurcr and Mrs Archie Marshall manager and Mrs lloword Norris and daughter Beth couch 11nd Mrs Leighton Emms and trainer llnrry Partridge and wife Sports writ crs George Dulmagc of the Tele gram ltol Walker of the Globe and Mail and Gordon Campbell of the Toronto Daily Star were also present along with support crs Roy Law Derry OSnlliv1111 tilr and Mrs Corbett Bert logi Mr and Mrs Ken lreadwell Don Van Attcr Frank Taylor and Eugene Bots who has an interest in QuebecCitadels and is per sonal friend of Roy Lung Mr and Mrs Clarence Allen and Mr and Mrs Ken McKenzie Speeches were made and to top the evening Binglcy the crooner of produced his famous Al Jolson act by singing April Showers He was in such demand after that one he encored with McNa maras Band It was quite 1111 bcfore the party broke up lint they did complete the fun prior to departure for home on Friday at 915 am Dci1y OSullivim stayed over until Saturday morn ing He had motored down on Wednesday and although expect ing to obtain little shuteye missed by miles so remainedto catch up He left Montreal at am and reached Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens at the end of the first period of the fourth game He was weary fan by many off Bob the club On Friday big brother Red Storey introduced his sidekick to Ken Mullins and Leo Murray officials of the Quebec Senior too tal but stocky and rated the best the QSHL Murray gen who is hovering the age of artets but has more life than any junior officials in the OHA is quite comical and believe me there is never dull moment when he is around To be an of ficial in Quebec one has to pass skatingand writing tests with no punches pulled before they qual ify They thenfare classed as Bwor and work up through the ranks Theirssystem is Airtight and heads above thesystem of the OHA It Would do well for On tario to change afterexperiencing scasori for officials just passed Yourfirst of the week corre spondent tells me there were sev eral items he missed reporting last Thursday for instance some people hemet in thewgorum after the Tuesday game Ran into Ebby Wilton Ted Tyrer Mrand Mrs Reg Richardson George Powell Andy Blair ndJoe Fen nell Barrie Colts1 stars of 19414S1when he was stationed with the Arm oured Corpsat Borden Joe later played defence on the champion A33 team in the Army dcaguc was commissioned and married Margaret Senklcr of Barrie Mr and IMrs Fennell and their two children settled in Vancouver af ter the war and Joe played hockey at New Westminster and later at Tacoma Washington in the Pacific Coast League This past he played for the new Muncic Indiana team of the International League The Fennells moved to Montreal three weeks ago as Joe has new position there George Powell is well remembered as an other exBarrieite defenceman with the Colts of 192420 catcher iPloyed for St Joseph League Contrary to many Bar rie opinionsof Mullins Ken is really swell fellow Hes not AT MONTREAL like the one The latter was one of the seuson 111T1RIO CnIiADA 411121 TWENTYOh lllll IHZl ll 53 11i1 itlil ll1 ll1l 111 111 Vlrii 111 111i111 11 fi1111i1111 12 gt1 l1111 1i 111211 11111111 1l1 ili111 111 lli ii1 31s l1 11 11 ll i1 l1 11 111 1111 11 11 i1 111 li111l 11 31 11 iv lil lliil 11 i11 1111 111 11ntltt Nev 111111111 ilomls Father Lord Will Tell About Historic Pageant At Meeting in Barrie il111 ll11i infill 511 lllt 11 911111 i1ii1l1il 11 Nniili Ipi1l 111 tl11111 11 111 11111111111111111 iliuisdof 121 1511131111 511 11IIlllil1li1titl of the l1 11 111111111 111 the lnnl11s of 111111111 izili1l Lord Will ltll l1 11111111 l11111 511111111 11101117 1111 ti1 p111111 1lllll1 will Lie 11 111111 11 the 3l1111 81111 1111 Midland liar i11 five days of 1112 tin ye1 i1111111 author producer and 111111po11r l11i11r i111d has been in 1111 111i12111Iv11 111121yeurs During 111 111111ll1il11tlllltll 111111 ih111 J10 1111111111I coinposrtions ind has 1111111 11d produced 31 pluys Sir111 11111 l111l i1ll he linsIhiin 1311111111 lit1 111111 to the production 11 11 11111gt1111l 111111n1 llll put theme i111111r Lord is speaker who is 11111111 sought after as lecturer 1111111 lln 1111i violin original b1lt1l11ll1111n ind i111111 oi the Melody Men Yes its leoi Lt i111ill111 P1d 11i111 111111 Hill ihe Melody Men 1111 li iov elis kid Iiil Mayer Real hcviefils and lob 7inglty who speak Fre11clii were featured 111i 111d1ocasl over one of the Montreal stations on1 llnnsdziy tlltilli with llzip Emms1 who 1e1pii111i Ilic above trio asl inlcrprenn lly11s trip home lriilujwi g11111ll1c pool train leaving 11 113 was jinnpnckcd with holiday travellers and the one diner was very much i11 snificiem 1111 the hungry people Alan 1l1 entire Barrie pzniy failed to get anything to eat 1111 tilt1li11yltuotmw the Union Station 11 54 0111111511 Senators came on 11 Brockvilic and had no trouble taking over the diner Montreal papers gave the llyers big play every titl with plenty of space and pictures Both games were broadcast over CIAD While 1111511211111 was bedded down 11111111 after the Tuesday game many of the Barrie party took in some night life and got quite surprise at the excellent floor show at the Esquire Iron Work ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS GATES or EENCES Steel for Sale IAngle Irons Mild Steel Plateslt7 from l8 11381 Flats 61 ColdIBOll Machine Work WELDING GAS ELECTRIC Portablc Equipment Barrie Welding Co 17 Mulcaster St Dial 3744 FREE ESTIMATES lNtllli livid1117 iiiii 1911 5111111 tin 11n1 i1 11t111 r11 311111111 311211 11 131111 111 iii 1114 hi 1i iltll 11 i11I 111i1111 l1 3112111 11n 11 i1 1111 hit li 1gii 511211111 iklrli11 iI H1l=i 111111111 3111111 in ltrltt 111l11l lii l1 iv13111111 1111 11Ii il1 1111d1 1111111 11 1111i1111 111 111 211l11I mac 111111i111111l Iiwii 111 vl1111 11il111 i11=i111111e11 111 Tim 111m llll necklm MW Alli SMOOTHNESS AND MANEUVERABILITY Igl1lltgt xv IIIII III1 II I1 Ilh iII1IIIyI iJrii III roll in in II 1111 11 CHURCHILL SRDCANNUAI Softball Tournament 1111p 1illll 1111111 l1111111 1111111 YOURWATERWAY THRlLLS lti1l1 and Site 11111 ili 1i111 1111il1 glows llli Hutul 11111 1111 rose and foig1gt1111111111 111d1 111 111 ll1it llll IIItwillltk 111 111111 111 the white gtl111lllltl il tdrl lithtl of llexlvj 11 matron of honoi 111 gown 111 pencil nth11 With l111l1 l111 and pulled sieeves She Wow l1il 1111 wdh rosettes and veil 111t white 1lbo1llengll1 gloves Iirl flower was groonisinnn Jiiss lredn nihoun of hesley played lllt wedding music The mother of the bride and the llicyelcs 72w Historian HEAVYIll Maintains Complete Stock of Bicycle Supplies AXIES101 ONES llALlLIRlIIAINERS 151 lllNlDl TIRES T1111 SADDLEN WHEELS IIIt 1031 BICYCLE PARTS ARE leSTGRAlE ONLIY URRIS BARBIE 36 BAYFIELD ST Established 50 yrs lloys ii1 Zeal $4850 MINI Cruising and fishing duy tic11d ahead And this season now Wisconsin Air LillfW Cooled inboard Murine are on the waterways to make those days are nlnO hue bouiinq lnys lrlillI0Ur hoot new smoothness and maneuverability Balloon Wlltlhcr l3 footer or the turner 22 loot runabout You not all these features $0150 first Complete omonions oi lienVyADUly AinCooied Engines to Marine Service lub coiry lliI 1111111111l Inletl ieulures flame Arrmlcr Protected RIIIIIIIII Muffler AirCochin no heat exchanger Fingerlip Reverse Gear $6 r0 quuckesl reverses atom or 111111 Rewind Ratchet Starter coliio immeili 41 otely rcwirufs uncn fulcrum limlwn 11111511211 Roller Bearings both ends mun1r of rooluhnt Oil loirp positive lUlHiUlliOl no mixing oil and fuel 11111111 Howl Carbontor oportilbs ul my mule Wulemroofcd Mug II r1910 with impulsi Coppiitln Shielded Spork Plug and Cubic Enuine MdC Shrood1no Porkmirid Htvvllli r051 orcorrogion foursires illl 6H and lin Evyilllis SlOP IN TODAY AND TALK OVER YOUR BOAlING PROB 7733830 LfMS wnn 01 Air or 1111s MARINES ON DISPltYl Bikc Wagon $1395 CONSULT $1495 loy rider $595 17 MULCASTEE ST BARBIE There are many GOOD reasOnsv for buying GOOD used furniture and stoves Wag TraciemlrlSmes 0R Prices are reasonable Free Delivery iown Or country SatiSfaction Guaranteed Good selection to choose from Your present goods taken aspart pay meni Budget Terms Electric Washing Machine good condition $3500 Large Oak Book Case nearly new $1800 Genuine WalnuiDinette Suite pcII listprice $24100 nearly new $16500 Large Solid Walnut DressingTable With Oyal Mirror11$3500 Large DoubleDoor Wardrobe drawers in bottom $18200 Several Dressers up wash Stands up Electric Irons in workinqorder your choice Single Door Wardrobe maSOnite panels $650 Large Commercial Electric Refrigerator Reasonably Priced 4e 135137 0111111111 S1aauiera EastoiMainStore IPhonesllSZ MW USU HY BRAKE SPEClAllSlS EVERYWHERE MAEEAKCT GEEAsEIOBs WASH503s FIRESTONE TIRES axma BATTERIES Fast and Slow Battery Charges Repairs To All Makes Of Cars and Trucks TOW TRUCK SERVICE 11113511 sriiiNiciiiN BRADFORD STREET Barrie

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