Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 2

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AGE TWO THE BARRIE EXAMINER ESTIEIISNKO Ilu Ttillff3l OF Published lwire Irrkly lly eeklxg of math IHIZ BARan EXAMINILK it ttrtnistmtis MUMH Jud lliltftlii Kiddie Rimth rztrgislcrs Association ruminant MILLENI In new taxicl WALLS rel incur LNL L5 Inuit the tail is Him oltti llll lllll illt Hill Illll ll lllt liitnii 13 il litiEt in other pais llll Ilivll liidttxxlil llltLlIlLl lli April oi litli tttitit oier interested in growth received tiiiaiiuial support tor lie on their work trim no man FOllF be National lItStLiltl otitail and the zv vttit=vnietit itittus tziillos lilllllt IiiLtli 2ttcsities ltl Will the Nitllitliai tttlctt Ills tittizidii anticipates request ot 3370000 00 tor research ivellowsltips and iritnisinAid oi Research The amount oi moneywinch taili be illillt front Litttllllltll1il 1illlZgtV if VV Mi is not as yet known with certainty lIor tliLs it Ir If MM reton the Canadian taiicer Society hasI undertaken to raise lllllllllllllil oi smittittitt 00 tor the work oi the Institute this year itl tLl gti oi iittttli it Vw helm liIl it problezti associai at It vii lllt tii lli cl il II litil ethnicl li in llt tlltl1l lzllliivlitl liivizmisn tnothcr of those that tttioit llllllll ltt Vite Sililitllllll inure iltnn pressing llii The services of all Adtllt Education Groups hiols oiVVthi lOVlll will be litilm as tat as pos SVVH WM VD mm mm Immhnum mo In pmcnlg the mossum Tumle mm severe that nttli in those wlto bottle them liltiscIVi lion before the lwoplc gtpriccs ilt tliioittttiIil with llllttltlill iitln tnd tlllL 7was Runyon with loss til tubs lltc avctage bottler is small business titan ttltcre tic sixteen plantsi LAxADIAN In EDI ON Wt121 in this tll tnd he doesnt see why governI PROGRAM Kl1lIZIID Dr Ralston Paterson one of Great Bri tains leading cancer experts stated in re cent visit to Canada that we had made real lagging till other tneiti sltoulvi lIl ill pop lg teticsltitieiits eontziotitic loitstnitll lttoncy patronage ot those who lllt nonalcoholic drinks Especially lhc youngsters it is ont more til ihosc emergent taxes that cott progress in the field of lay education and tlllthtl long um lllt itllCIthtllti tmisuti initmsvfli that in cases of cancerof the skin and mouth itllillil ml lmlmljli iluwtlImtlSpilll Nation of collecting innitch or war in Isis V54 there was teal eiidenct that in Canada tie mm My Wk and mm UL WOW In was i1 500mg many more C3395 the oalllelllbtiiicved tliu litter the war is over it would bti stages removed VHVD Since hc end of hostilities there tits icon sh Thel ha been no 191111 ploglanl my llltltlll costs of production The tax has stayed Vedtication inGreat Britain Ronald Md mm mm pump lilolLl Raven OBE FRCS Surgeon lo the Royal often lltmt direcin than perhaps any other It that Cancer HOSpital stated recently It is dis 35 PO It 11 Illcdllttpt llmfcl one cent it you were remove tiesslng that so many patients still plesent mm bum Cgulllicnmc into sielii ztgum 10 mi themselves for tieatmeiitin an advanced stage of cancer This will be rectified with the development in this country of an edu cational program for the public so that they can be informed of the warning symptoms of cancer and the facilities available for diagnosis and treatment The establishment of diagnostic centres and treatment centres staffed by experts with specialexpcrience of cancer Vwill be an important advance in its control factory worker and the youngsters who look on it its standard relrcshlncnt From standpoint of itsuniv0rsal use by Ian adians this tax that has pushed up the price oi pop is nuisance tax it every sense of the word IS THE IILRCH SIPIER VANISIIING AFFAIREl IBowtnanvillc Statesmanl One worthy church enterprise which almost stic ctimbed during the war years was tlte CllllICll supper lclaims the St Marys JournalArgus No doubt alI most all of our readers will recall with pleasure the Church slippers of old or at least of the twenties and thirties Ducto wartime ration requirements thcscl become almost extinct atid who is there to bllppelsV say that they have really lcvived ts yet Sitting in on it recent and all lOO rare church supper we were led to recall once more that such we an 2G Fr affairs Seem to be vanishing from thoJace of ChiiiCh TlmCSRCVW life And if this is trite it is indeed pity For the lLtllsl week Stately Old lady cemblmed her 105th church supper was one occasion which seemed to ll icay add so much to the church life to the feeling that the church wasaftcr all the social centre othhe community and if the members of thgcongre Ions and other interested people of the town did not all meet together on very many occasions they did findwthe church supper commonmecting ground and splendid communityovide social gathering And why is the church supper vanishing Perhaps the maintcason is that the ladies organizations BUt hen the lady from Brown was Chlld have found them to be too much work As in all the Industrial Revolution was just beginning The free emepliSCVmC main purpose behind supper is simplest machines were regarded as demonic inven to fuse monev for the church and if the money tlons which would reduce whole nations to mass un cm Lbe laiqedfn101e readily in some Otherway the employment Railroad travel even at the snails Sgonsorshi of suppers tends to diminish pace 01 time We called byth Supelsmlous as Lets hope however that the ladies do not continue venture into realms of speed that God had never to look at things this way altogether me mung intended for man She knew those days She has Thorevs Sm large Slice of our local populatifm who livedto see communications evolve from courier to winitwei far and pay famv for good church 13 loggsgam fallth fgombswgelwash llQt gropllson per Catering to their desires should always prov is ory as cen lve ra ert an stu ie Her father could have told he of Napoleon ahd of satisfying to the soul andalucratlyc to the treasury Waterloo She numbers amongher contem orarie not only Stalin Churchill and Roosevelt but gisraelis MANY BLAIS FOR HOSPITALIZATION Gladstone and Lincoln Shewas girl of twenty thrcctvhen Canada became nation sliehas lived to see her country grow and prosper seen one new territory after another added to Confederation until thisyear its compass is complete History has never recorded acentury more absorb ingTo have been granted it as ones life Vspan is surely privilege VWhat must it be likeito have followed in One lifetime the entire evolution of modern science Ccntcnarians of nthe future now in their childhood will see many wonders that we of this age will notzi bttt they will all be thingsthat are already predicted by forwardlooking men of our timeswithout ridi cule from the rest of its Twentieth century science has made us more crcdulous than our grandfathers so many plansare deviSed today for hospitalization at specialrates under club arrangements more peo pleVare presenting themselves at hospitals fothreat mcnt than ever before someof the cases not very serious and ordinarily would be responding to home treatment One way of meeting the present situzltion is men tioned by Dr Agnew headvises those in good health to guard their health by right living on the principle that preventidn of disease is much simpler and bet ter thancureHe speaks highlyof health education or the paying of attention towhatris already known HOW MANY CARSVARE STOLEN The Financial Post About two years ago former car thief writing in The Financial Post on how simple the mechanics and paperwork of his racket Were said Theres no centralclearing house in Canada for car registrations theres practically no interprovincial checking and hardly any between municipalities in given pro vince Surely thats one thingthat can be fixed Thats what you would think But it hasnt been and thereslittle ifanything to indicate that any steps are being taken to eliminate this simple ob struction=ln the major problem of car thievery fewdays ago Toronto policeuncbvered new carVselllng racket being Vopcrated between Ontario and the Prairiewhele carprices are quite bit higher The wrlnkle is that racketeers buyon the install ment plunor take out car loans in Ontario sell the carsout West as lientfree leave the finance compan rid the new owners holding the bag Ve United States car stealing now ranks as the qst prevalent major crime 184000thefts BIBLE NEEDS Christian Science Monitor Boston Demand for the Bible over the world is now 1ge3ter than at any previous time in history the American Bible Society reports An unaccustomed appeal for Bibles is coming to America from Europe Millions of coples were lost there during the war and no localfacilities for re plenishment are today available The missionaries in nonChristian lands are increasing their requests as reconstuuction allows them to expandtheir VproV grams The American Bible Society adoplcd this year budget of $2509900 the largest in its history Needs still remaining fromits Wolld Emergency Program require an additional $1 526025 The American people give so generously to almost everything that it would make happy turn to their generosity if more discovered the American Bible Society cars are litolen andrccovered in ilelltrlvltisclu ltlzsmiull Vt mi ll 5iitt zirii Martian osmium The Framework tentbers of the Town ouiuil can this might havo been the case had month iilLitzrlA illlll 2r Ii BusType Vessel lMidlands Reply To Penetanguishene l5tnicct of 1th ill ulItl 1t Slztflailii lot ate an iat in lilllvl lSlLl llt Illll thll itllJ ll llitll lie llI ltllllI lln Rt lltll IkC tl tit xll i=1 stiitr tl lit 31 Siiitiiantl Bert llm tier tttio lvlltlilil lt Halo llllit oltili tt llllIlllltt ti illt Ill iht tltx Alliilanri one cf iiover Telephone Numbers llui It tllc ll Ilill Janinags iti cock llti vldiiltl tlll lw tipiivsiliei are now tin illiltll Island Ioliznt tell ll by it fast iitisljvpt wscl non Ill iiio itt lllt lottic cunstt ttcii Ill and ltiry SuiilidLiiiitti in tilsiovi sicitnat the Ni st lltl ILIIlIIII hitch lrl IlLe Midland ctalt it ill Lly gtltl passt li5l tlltl the nee ldlflltlit vltl 2ttr flittll llillllll that of the City of Midland lllilLlllli the it Midland contAE lility to be liilxl as llli ldliidl Vano ttltttll lslaltd tititotl Llun IvlNIZRAI HOME lztpperton St Samuel Rose TIIAIlIlJllil VIIlllllNliINl 69 Collier Street IIARIIIII The Industrial Education otnniiitce of tiIlliz which Mr la ii llolitday is the tliititntan is THE tlllSlllVL1 various iduit groups to lltilltlt ititti Iii ii ii ye it IV lstlill Lilllttl Villlltdllllb INF011i KillHI aloulk Immm MH1Hl ll i3z0x010vmm0vwm ilt4il their dogs llltll is no boats would probably save sov lttlllilll employers lltllt glltll itshllilllltt Him QEHHVLVV mph Wu lb itilroil why wellbehaved dogs oral llltllll ltont drowning each that their employees will have lllllt oti dur rm 13 at um tilmull gtllll it illltmtl llIIII lliIII ll ll nig Working hours to listen to tlllIl pipi in its vtsstliiittts itt tl tit it III than iiui loulil llt ill inlle NM In MIIMMWH Nmmg mm 1ch t4 pitl out lllllll it Would be it much better plan llilimll Silllll milk ll Ipnhiml in Vin rm Illnlnl did xiii lid tu itcrctttii colitpitiiotts is tool to have the taxpayers llltll ill WWW tlllldicii ilso the street Saskatoon Unit claims to have originated mV VVVIVVV 0R tlllkl along moip will Mm lighting of Bitillc Is in lltl oi IIIfIII tIIIli llllw tlII IIIIIII =IIIIIrIIlIrIIK industrial Education iii Saskatoon Ihat ititit l5 llt lr only rutunity was in the llllilliiitictil Ilie lIIIuwlllr uiIIIIb III III III IleIIlIIIsi has already shown canter films to the mini tisci wrrll vllVcr ill llllltlIJIl pron VVVVlI If HlL1h full wally liI or cl estt ion was until ployecs III lllltltlll Illllls lll bilslidltltiill llixilililtll 5lllI Mox Hsl 05 no In Innly mp romp rmI mm lll taxpiticls moch instead of ill nmlhulk hm mm Iti not me ltd lllC lliplliytis turn the tltitll ll Pelt liutt Iiot llHIIVlllt solV tilnational II pHImps Such mls mm ward tlllllll to the intoleiancc of VI IIIIIIp too lt unit urn They gum TC the mo and 1m sitiilion at once socialiy desirable ittlcshlntn lot in HM alum it 5llj How do you UNI fi 1hnlpl5 cont ItlllIl ll tt llIltIltl llilllll itt tttiiitslIIS atticIll ll llt 3HT IN1lllltllui llalrio lIXulllltlLl llltltl to risk their life and liltib MI llUIlNIlAM llHllVHl tIt us know how long it will takt in 111 hail VVMIm 1V 1mtn itemtx everybody SHIV MVW WV hm hm Wimruy 3100 year ilim pity swmw the ttiitiloyms lIIIIIltl the mmtmw of HIM who IiirtiitiHWH in in mm mm iiuuttt Ltlltillll lit liltlcitsttl zititl Lljxclti list HAZARD Modern inventions provide the THE lint tind anything better to doI WW MM 3250 ll people with much of the luxury llll the taxpayers money than lW illillli ml lll they today enjoy but they somo to pass it bylaw that is nothing ti adequate sewage sysibin times lllll added hazards CORPORAHON but Roman holiday for few Slltlllltl be installed as the whole Such an invention is the comparn dochaters There is no need bay is being colitaintnzttcd by the lively new lllttntSCtllL type of mad emcenwnw whatever tor lo eaichcr iii inadequacy of the present illc lighting The broken tubes are Barrie OHICE I3 Dunlop SlreeI Barrie and though people shouldl The maintenance of some life highly dangerous 38 yootsmulinnc be encouraged to train and take gtuttds equipped with patrol VliUNlINGDON IQUC ULEANER tThe Mercury Renfrcw Ont Il new We owe COOKINGWILL Farm EAJOY WHEN You Lloyd smelly Telephone 4949 HAVEIIAN EssorAIlE GAS RANGE Check these Advantages Kbainst the Old Method of Cooking llnslqnl Hebt tNo Smoke or Soot ii his Automatically Accurate Oven Control IT WILL BE QRFAT DAY FOR YOU when you say goodbye to the fuss and drudgery of oldfashioned cooking methodswhen you switch on your new modern gas range designed for use with Essotane How smart your kitchen will look with its gleaming white oven How simplcii will be to switch on clean odorless hot ame the instantyou need it It will mean goodbye to the smoke and Vfumes that liscolour walls and Ceilings The bottoms of pots and punsnwill always be bright and clearly Y0ull wonder how you ever managed with outofjglatc methods At it touch of the switch the heat is there full beat Select became temperature you The safe clean and fed to gas at all times all sounds too good to be economical pensive wood or patio store citrlct degree of temperature you want ESSotnne can do for right away Mail the coripon below cooking convltznicnt pleasure Mail this Coupon Toddy VyOverSize OvenM EasydClean Burners IEconomical Beautiful in Appearance In require and the range does the rest but wait until you Had Out how little it can cost have modern gals cooking with EsVsotane Rememberiiheres no fire is keep going whether it is needed or not No ex pm vounsnr INIOWHIS pmuntWhn Best ofall there need never bea cakeor aw roast spoiled through an oven that is too hm 0r toocool Essotiinc givcsiyouV the the coupon today Prices of stoves designed for uswith Esso tane nrc $9950 for the threeburnermodel cm Ofvcourse yOu want to knowlmore of what you Get the fuels instalments If you wish you can today Find out how simplcit is tomakeV the balance monthly IMPRIA LMIED you have 4m Essomne as can in your kitchen you ll be surpnsedhow simple it is to prepare gdelicios and wholesome meals You oweit to yourself to get the facts send V7 Actually you need no more than10 $995down and hotest in convenient mlbrlihly gt select from other models Amngmg up to $18150 and on the same terms of 10 down and Imperial Oil Limited ll Think how neat ylmr kitchen Essotane Department Maple Ontario Di When You C00 fnh Essomnl Yes would like to know more about Essomne Please send me gas is Vstored out wulmtu charge or obligation your FREE8page illustrated booklet SERV side your h0g6 in steel Cylinders which tells all about this new gas service ur range through smallcoppcrtube MY NAMEPleaseprim AtregularmmllsImperml01 melircplaccthe cylinderszindmukc sure ou have an lil uatc su II of MW

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