Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 15

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no 31 It THURSDAY APRIL 21 1019 DVLHSIIIIX IINNIIEU ltiiiariia all lll 55biltlalt Irr irt tine llsirnll or In trronl lllvtl iruiitt In lit topaz ii 51 Ilil lrtzftl litlliit my 1H Iiillv5tt rhubarb llu tilit frail til it til riilll Elm gtirre Sb CL in ci6 III Next time you feel the urge to go places see your local bus agent He can tell you all about fares stopover arrange ments time tables and other details that will help you to enioy your trip He is member ol your community and wille glad to serve yoii FARES ARE tow CHICAGO $2290 LOS ANGELES $8600 WINNIPEG $4585 VANCOUVER $8000 Round Trip Subject to change ll Phorie 3092 coilicmrrri Phones Gurney Furnace 89 John St Pressure Water Systems Vina fltiozdon of hathani and Mr and Mrs Iiill and fannly of King ivitli Mr and Mrs Allan lr and Mrs Frank Ross and tain tNicolsoit all of Toronto llll Wal lrr oinersr Our Lovely Lady of tlic Snows tion to the early gardener Stewart llollowcd in part and Mrs Seymour oniiiiencement oneert ITS IIOUSIICLEANIIIG TIMI See the Electro Hygiene Vacuum Cleaner demonstrated in your home Applieshard wax polishes brightly with its large Rotary Brush Floor Polisher to cleaning attach ments including Valve Spray Gun Hotelier Sr CONCRETE BLOCKS AlsovGrairel and Sand lNNISPIL an 413211712qu smoup 21351 BARRIE 2369 Plumbing We have good supply of bathroom Basins Tubs and Closets FREE ESTIMATES Alterations and Repairs Promptly Attended To BRISTOW CONTRACT PRICES tremor Itlll lv ii rcluot tit grililo oi Kl rray hlw irl lritillt i1 1111 ul Litltl Sill illlil out lirr Til tti Mi liirx Ii chplalr iIll Mi ltliilill III1lt nvl iliri filli pi ii and Ali Thornton ll ilazirt liu llai Illi til lstl llli tmiblii rrlaol Ilitiiwlav and Ill llllllltll civic lastilialqti Milli Illi ilntyr lioiitiiv circali alr tile in lIIlJllIdl iii Irllilt illll ittbbisl basic itoi with itlali anti la 311 and hIIN illllltlll leiio and lairin Ioiniilo illl 1i and li Iclio IUtl Ne iiitl Toronto at Milton Iiiills Blitz oinctt Iillll orlietl and Lloyce Drown Oshawa llll Mi ind Mrs Ray Sltlllilliill Miss lllilliatits of Toronto at Mrs iilits Mrs New lcaii atiil iy lclcilioiti Mr and AIIS Rur stead and Billy and Mr and Mr Sr EDENVALE PAGE FIFIEEN 21 sir ii Haws 1131 tti lil Mts Mafioitl IIiILil 41s rl lr tliieliil li lll 5i ll gal uli ltllwlIIIHII lllllr iI Ni ii itl tii ln ii ri Kit Mr ri Id Ii lilltl vI liars ii on iii will of ISI lt pul at RV lltit rt iiiarii Alil IEHEI il aarl Mi Ilallk riid hfi iltl Til illlt rllciidirl triv is Illlll of horde Mcsie riit Tilc lioni at Iliairlfo Ill lluali lililtll ill llli tLi 11 Itr lilil iii lllt lKlili ll lllltllr rIirIl Srhl pa Illlt liiinl and Iit lil ll Iririiai li fiili laiii Ari llt fibrouiio rpirial Iiaster Seriice aorta llltl Ht Ilu Vl KIIN llil Unied Iiiieicti ltIt viii Sitti play oiiiiiit Mine iirg Jttitiol coon lane on Zillllltltl and lidrnl ult llltlltlll sane lly lllt Iii tltiltill for tltltltlt sriiii III 11 and lie llill in no It people llilll Sliver Wiliira liiiiit IIEIII aizd Dorothy 3dirllx Ilill Iliillliliu ioliliiii itlIlll llarllunairl ind litilurl itrlhllIIE Ofcers IIlectcd lllr llttcnvalr WI lrIii llitll fiatal rattling and electron ot Iat lltiiwrv tftiiiooii llollI lc ll was ItFlitilltlttl to llov ntaiiy intclings have attendcdl tla eii The motto If every Iltll iri ilIll tillll beuulitul curable lltllllbl Ult lust like me what IIll of bi ill would my branch ire was iiad iiy Mrs loud Itllolt Several Collectors turned help you CENTRE VESPRA ltll Lady of the Sinvs hiokcil very lovtlv Saturday morning with her white lIaslcr gown at de Iiglit to the children btit consterna April Ill MS East Ming Mrs Norman Ilollcy spent lew days iii Toronto visiting her par Ihc WMS hold their Easlerpms incclmi at the home of Mrs 11 Mrs Melville Roberts of Detroit Th KIN IIIl 35 and her sistcr Mrs Roland lrice Barrie spent Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs Ncwbery Mrs Slicrman llccney is having her iiiothcr and father Mr and Mrs Thomas Lawson of Ottawa to stay tor week or so Mr and Mrs Mel Money of Ivy him Mr larnctt and Vern Walt oi Midliurst spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sidney Money Mr and Mrs lligby Toronto crc licie last wcckcitd to open Ktll as the guest speaker ad dressed those present stressing many points iii the Work of Chris lian Missions The hostess was as sisted in serving by the tea corri inittcc llic Continuation School Ctllll mencemcnt concert was held ch icsday night iii the fommanity Hall with Miss Rumble as accom their cottage They hope to do quite few extensions very soon Mrs Frank Arnold was taken to the RV Ilospjtal Barrie for ant panist The choruses were well rendered and the two plays showed excellentaraining by the teachers Mr Rowat and Miss Neilly The school has large area to rarveandywas well packed by pron cuts and pupils INSULATION HOMES SCHOOLS INDUSTRIAL PLANTS BY BLOWING SYSTEM RoofingSiilingCaiilliiiig wide range is carried to GUTHRIE suit all tastes in cind SHINGLES Attractive prices can be quoted Personal call made to estimate atiiio cost totenlt quirer Write or Phone Ward Allen Co loperation on Monday Iler many friends will be pleased to lltWIS progressing favorably The large barn belonging to Jack Ilollcy was burned down late Sat lurdav night The tire was tirst noticcd by John Sparrow neigh Ioi whose quick action saved the tire from spreading Miss Joan Rigby is staying atthc cottage for week with sortie tricnds including Jean Mahoney Dorothy Millar Betty Donald and larion Stananought all from Ior onto Mrs Iligby will be down this midweek no April 16 Iederation Hears Excellent Talk on Marketing of Beef and Pork The regular meeting of the Fed feration of Agriculture was held in jllIC CommunityHall with the pres iident Norman Campbell in the ltllllllr After the usual business Ellie ttest speaker Warnica gavc most interesting and in rstruetive address on the marketing tot beef and pork Twenty mem 150 Main St Newmarket lbcrsrpaid in their renetval fee to itheiSimcoe Hospitalization Fund PHONES and for one new member Seven Newmarket 951 949w lirew members paid their fee for Hall Sales Manager Phone membership The next meeting NEWMARKET 1021M lwiii be held in the hall on April 27 when it ishopedhe meeting will be addressed bya Provincia Police officer on Traffic Laws The usual lunch in the basement con cluded the evening There were about forty members present DALSTON Mrs Basil Moore has the tle phone installed Come to the Institute Dance on Wednesday night House cleaningris the order of thelday and the farmers are busy working on the land Little Russell Handy is recover jngifter his operation for mastoid Wiit the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Ori11ia Mrs Handy has returned to their home here after spendingvsome ttme at Kemptville Ottawa and Cornwall Dalstonwolcomes Mr and Mrs Box 16 Barrie the house vacatebyhis grand Imother MrsCv atson oodyFriday visitors were Mr an Mrs Beal of Toronto with Mrs Bertram Mrs FWallwin and Misses Marion=and Eva at Handys Russell Handy Shanty Bay withrhis mother here Sixteen ladies attended the WI meeting Thursday night at the home of Mrs Ivan McLean Roll call was answered by giving household hint Mrs Wright the President was chosen as Dis trict Director Therlunch commit tee seriied refreshments On Saturday evening large monitors Atlas Oil Burners home of Mr and Mrs Forbe to honor their son Earl and hisl wife oi Trenton Mrs Woodl rcad an address andha loVely table lamp was presented t6 them Afterl singing fFor They are Jolly Good Fellows the lunch was served Easter visitors Mr and Mrs Gail Moore of Toronto Mrs Lindenberry at Moores Mr and Mrs Roy Fraser of Windsor at Mrs Bertrams Mr and Mrs Bertram Toronto at Ross Ber trams Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mc Lean and Mr and Mrs Cohen of Galt at Browns Billie Wood of Orillia at Woods Hot Water Ileating Stanley Watson who have taken number of friends gathered at the lllvl wth licr aun air 11 nionwy fiii the Rial ross Inc rf1 ll ltltl KI and ll nlllll ilLllllriIUMNI HUTU pr Ila mpalhy oi the coiiiiriiiiiityth rm3U p104 Mrs txwMMI is iixItiiilto to the faintly and relic31 VM pr tr oi lllt lalr John Walker 311 pm pr A11ll chow sudden demise occurred at SorryIrcas Mrs lionser lian Sorry to revert that Dim WA 1H5 We APHI 10 ur Virz iootlfillow District llllli ih 01 tnltdlnl tV lld Mi liarl Mawdslcy iravetDriectoi Mrs Maw Branchl health lllIIrl came down to attend the Director Mrs II Gilliii Sick CoinI Miss DUNS mm In Thum tiiiicral ot her uncle John Walker lllllllt Mrs Ward Mrs Me day 10 Slitml lljt IIJISIII littlldillriiiil lltll ice days with her Nabb and Mrs ll Maw Commit at her bottle til llllSUlllltI= parents Mr and Mrs Peter hIttct onvrilcis Historical Itc Mrs Arthur Blackburn Ioiirnto uair OPERATING ECONOMY II vIIIIHIOIIIItal Engine The lamous Dodch longwearing IIlead engine as loads of power for hillclimbing or passing STYLE AND COMFORT Striking Appearance True automobile design distinctive rear end including hearin fiil new design of license bracket and lighting tQIlIIIIlltnI Beautiful Interiors Luxurious upholstery in new colour combinations hmartly designed hardware and IItll instrument panel 12 Noahg pm Unique engine suspen sion reduces vibration for greater driving com Roomy Tonihr m1 lung mm Ample head leg and elbow IOOIIIIIII all passengers cradled he tween the axles for smoother ride I3 RotorIpr Oil Pump Maintainspeei lierl oil tltrslll at all engine temperat res It Ignition ian Starter Switch our com lnned lnr easy one hand starting Chairhigh Seals For extra comfort better vision 15 Lrirgcr 404nm Genera Keeps Big Wide Doors Let you get in androut billtly fully llmged 111 Ile llower 01 with ease with your hat on WearllisionrThrouh Jogger wider Windshields and rear windows peak loads l6 Oilite Fuel Filter In the gas tank keeps dirt and water from entering gas lines is self cleaning I7 Rings per Piston Result in ner pt formante with gas and oil economy Bigger Windshield Wipers Sweep much greater area for wet weather Vision and safety 18 Oil Filter Keeps engine oil clean tavea onoil and repairs 19 SafetyRim WlieeIsHelpsl Fullwidth Defroster Vents For greater clearance and safety New Window Regulators require only keep tire on the rim in the event one and half turns to fully raise or lower of blmmm windows 10 New Roin Mounting Tlltltr softer riihlier hotly mountings for quieter ride 20 Low Pressure Tires Cive itsmoother ride Run cooler for longer life greater safety See the Beautiful New Dodge Deluxe and Special Deluxe theFIuIcI Drive Custom Dodg Ask your dealer for colour cordshe will Barrie Hardware Barrie Ontario RAMSAY SON COMPANY fllilllllllnlllm ol sidema inch on Delarxe and Special Dclaixe Right from the startspecify Ramsays points when plun ning your new home or redecoroting your old One lorll have the most attractive home on the streetplos the satisfaction of knowing your home has been mod Iiitinoly fl inside and out with the best point pro Ramsays plgn your bright Ramsay future for over I00 years THE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT riaicll Alis Ward Agriculture DODGE DELUXE DODGE SPECIAI DFUIXE CUSTOM DODGE WIIH FLUID DRIVE DEPENDABILIIY 2lHFIoiiiiii Iii Intake lalw erliiiiciit rec oil from centre of the oil supply 22 IIIIIIIINIIIII Electric Cliort llltl cold weather starting smoother llIItIlp 23 SeaIce Shock AIIISIIIIHIS Mounted at an Illltllt ale rear for smoother ride with Vibration IIiiiiipcr ihtoui and irl IiiLinc models have this feature 25 Easier cum Action info iir overcentre spring new lowvlrictioii lllllxili 26Six Cylinder rakes ElllllllIilisdlll hydraulic Front brakes each have no in tltllll cylinders for greater ellicieilcy 27 New Hand lIrukevEaSier to $le or release 28 LohgngIieelbuses smooth lllt rirlc Illil lli incheson Custom models 29 Fluid Drirp Standard on Custom models Ioxwr I4 transmitted through oil gives restful ireciloiii from jolts and jars 30gtDmlge Dependability Blltlttl by record of 35 years of prodiicinij out11indintu dependable automobiles the Distinctive Desoto with lipToe shift Famous Dodge IobRoted trucks at your local DodgeDoSoto dealer listed below nuts oiiA Coirs Piiiiie ssw DANGERFIELD Morons prions 2487

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