Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 1

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vuW SOlh YearNo 11 you Coulson Residen 15 3LARENIC WARNER of oulson sister Mrs1iun Alltltftm Medunlt township its 311 1111111 Toronto 111111 213 1ll on the 1111111 11 back of 1111 irrvers seat 111111 llll 1111 feet along the track Mr lrov ons most of his life 111 remained Elizabeth Warner of Palermo CalIfornia Jacli New Toronto and lliunc ll Pasadena CLARENCE WARNER from an early photo UlMOHllib A5 SECOND CLASS HAIL he had bought lllt prtHous l1 lni alluvi 11111111 stun1 wirzi I1s left of the 11131 llltt1tl aftIr 1111 strutl lit11d 1111 11 111 1111131 v1t of Craiqlnlrst last Sunday morning who 11lt opposite opt1111113 approached lllt railway about 113 IIn 1111 lltltllll train was good but 1111 lrILr of 1111 c1r nuttlit have been coiIcItrtiatinzz ltlgt attentions on 1111 111111 which narrow 1111 water on both suits In that section The railway enuInII when he got the tram stopped The engine 11111 strut11 the auto Inst Varntr had both ltllS 111111111 his 111111 was crushed and he suiftrtIl otlu Donald Weston 111 ll Dr Swan of Midland was 1111 ttlltitltl veteran of the first t111 nun Clarence Warner had been born at Toulson 11nd 1lt lltl in that district brothers 11nd three sisters Mrs rron Anderson of llillsdulc Miss 111111 Varnci THE BARRIE EX BARRtEIONTARtO CANADA THURSDAY APR OlfiCL DEPAHEnT OMAHA tDies When Train Strike Auto In Medonte Township 11111 last Sunday in 1111 1121111111111rl1o llt Warner 111111 111111 111111111 ins Hill 111 1gtlll11 11inlrt 1x approaching on 111 1111 ltllt liollantl 1131 llIinnyIntIlta 1111 about 111 111111 passed t111 rims11113 scattered Inort t111n wreckage was 11111111 111111 injuries llt was 111 tantl 11111 llltlllltl the accident bachelor Surrrving 111111 are three llaInIltoIr Mrs it 11 oi OrIllia itorgi Abbott 111l Warner 11 Warner 111 Los Angelcs California The 11 id11 111 Alltl 1111tonl l11111r 1111 llllll 11111 lolnrtr fun 11 um Ix hi 1d 01 IIUIl saving time IIIIIIII Irmkm Wmmmn hI II l1 kw 1I II 10 hqll 11 1111 1111 1111 1111111 InnpoSCI Mllk Bottles Gone 1111s 51 ctor and 111111 wIll cvrtarn uni111 111 111111 1111 111111111 Thu 111111 11111 H111 Wm rp 1l 111111 llll 1111111111 tn tin11 WIN1 lt 11 gt mash Rented Auto 11 WI 1111111 111111 st11a111111u111 11111 111 370 Money IS MISSlng 11111 05411111111111 1111111111114 for 1111 1111 It11t Asstsuns 1111111 12111 311111 t11 1111 111I 11111 111111111 library at 1211 nulls ou mva 11yc11s 1s scheduled 1111 the lunn 11111111 111111 101 1111111 1ttlnlttl 1111 2111 31 1w 5131117 1111 the rut BOYS My if lmnnwrw mun Thurs will mm 11 MWWMIIH ll 11111111 111 11111 111111 111 11 311611 At 215 111111 last Sunday there titty April 111 starting 11 7171 In 11111 13 houses In 11111 111111111 111 Many cttmcus wort1 IInconvenI was gm net11111111 1111 llelIwaIv 27 Ladies night will be honored on l1rll I111111 that on 1111 n1tt11 ReekCT cameroni mm jfh lt13 01 new 11 11 WI11 when Two hundred persons from all preventing neglect and lltrttcltll 11111 E1111111l1 1111111 driverThursday April 211 at the om 111115 would 111 llltltiltti 11s 11 Secretary Simcoc Counfylsinw amount 11111 rc tinI 111111111 they had no milk The WINS of the county were New Chihhm 11111l1111 1111211111 car Damage rutimty llousc laycees may oh 5111111 the assessment of 1111 town HIM 11 I1 lghlvmV mm the minus 010 for the annual dinner of the Sinr We must make urnprontzcd to the car was about 117101 but the 921m 111111 tickets 111 101115 51101 1111111 1111 111 11 111050111 Whil ospfOIS Assocahon ismlllmilb unwed humus they too County Childrens Aid Society attack Through our case work driver lFCilllttl 1111111 lhprnr Webbs Dry Goods or 1lon taking II WIN llllrllllll0 lml imn mp MW nmcll lk to on Tuesday evening April 19 Thelwi work with children 15111 llltir Jmhhh hhhhh 111 wcgh Barnes but must be Intlied up Sim1 1111fiuuinlt the wort 111 1111 lm kIHHIIl 11 IIJIMIHI Ill ILllIlIll 2511 1h v11 111 11111 111 11 hohdly ddww meeting held at Club 70 at Barrie parents tIadrcatrng neglect In the mmsm I1I 11111111111 had remud before Sunday April 211 Also 111111111 111 11 enruary the assessors ifIIIIIIIIlilIIIljIIIII1I IIIIIII III imI HIII IIIIIIIIEIIII IIIIII IIIII IL IUIIII Complamts began to reach the was charred by PreSIdcnt George home wherever lrossrble placllui ca 111 flan111 and 111 was lluv tNSUIU D011 LJIIIM 1x 1111111 to had manurrcitI about 11 1IIHI hmw hh hum 1111 111 1111 mlho md 11m police and when tthV had tabulnt SI McConkCyI hihhch in 031 hum hm hing mum of Elmwle curh Sum receive membership dues at any looses prcItIcatIons 111 about 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIII LIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IbIIIII SHOOUO aI 01 ed the results at the end of the ThC Speaker was Dr Grif CLSSINY Hid Cilllnt 101 Clllldltlllday mornmg when the accrdent 11 II 1150 11 Km 11 13 II 1m Cmmmmhv 110 1Ilh The 514 mm hwiud ughhm 3lt 1181 15m11md lhdt 130th medlcal director of the mmon 131 grrlvldthok Blllullnllfl uud fl moif mi high 1110 11111111 1111111123 tLlt1t1 1111 public school siippurtcrs and trac Ira II Irccn stoItn from he ml commlttm of mCmIalImgIlcncI IrIsIo IconsrtoI 1IIusIcs IntI 111 IrndI sheared otl1I hydro pult Iurnti tlIIcIdIepIaIItqu at the v1 111 Presents Report IIIWImI WI WW norm Cup hum Imam swam who Ot es mlmrt of his address gm gtct IInd oIInI Ioaid IIIIItI ouIII tom and rolled mer 1111 tleut oi ships from ollinguood IN III OHHIIII LIIIISidLmI I1III1IIIIII mm hm than 11 was not only the fact that the another column of this issue IllIlIIlIllIIlll I5 mmkmn P1I 13 lqlnI boll nIIm 11h 111 1015 11 111 11h Walker of Alhston 21nd 9100000 this 31311 11 11H 1150 S110 warm rest 1a er actKen or are usy 11 mom 11 been 5101 but the In welcoming the persons pres 1f the lrkof Ihh gimme 0th 111d1 01 Other revenue nctudcd 1n the bottles had been removed from Ml McConkoy referred to the with UIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIOIIICI the III 015111111 5011111511935111913 111udget follows 11Llll improvement IJIQIIUIph IVCIrdhS Ilnd printh annual report and urged Wm decision set up Juwn0 Sixteen representatives from the 111105 1111104 1131 5011915 11M DH 1Indmy mm loleley in that it be read and given to others 10an Various hospitals in the organiz 11161115 513133311 province re roads 3110 Th mallan lllul in 10 Yead H0 SPOkC 01 the COMM These are concrete examples of Huh Tm hrvscm In tho meeting $11401li IprovmeeI re liquor conI IIlII HIM 10 an CI slmu work being done in the county by the hm interest 11 hmhh 1Midland Penttang Olillia Collrng I110 Sit00 DIIUVIUCP 10 10 bIIl mpm the foster parents and made plea 3mm Comm take in KIICthNh wood and Alliston hospitals were 541160 11Ihd DOING 50046113 130110 After mtling their investigations for more such homes for children If this Comma hQ Stated Iepresented 1111111 wnh Bar1wllll tInes Iand fees $1000 11011 the police Questioned two 15ycmI in care He extendedIthC thanks George JOIIIIMOIII MPICIIIIIIIICndI IIIluImmagc Sale Junror GIIIIlil There Will be Youth for Christ CI RmI Jumps Inclgum than tax $330 11censcs $3300 plumb Old boys and laid the Charges 01 the Childrcnvs Aid Society Board Tllmt Church battnday April 30 Rally In Central United Church against them The two boys have also been charged with theft of several watches from Barrie store and theft of ritlc from second hand shop The police have had com plaints about these boys on previ ous occasions N0 ACTION ON LIQUOR OUTLET ATTENDANCE SMALL Little discussion of the advisa bility of Liquor Outlet fopAllis ton took place at the Chamber of Commerce meeting Although the to Waran Evans KC for lthe support of the County Council and to George Johnston MP forI the Provincial Grant Minutes of the previous annual meeting were accepted as read The treasurer3 report was read by treasurer Fisher who made interesting communisons between last years statement and the 1948 figures Total revenue listed was $10996858 and total expenditures were $11159518 showing decit of $162660 Warden Evans addressed question should bepostponcd tentative dates formation is then made available gested that two volunteers bon ment the meeting briefly and expressed his approval of the work being done in the County by the Child rens Aid society Naphtali managing direc tor spokdiibf the loyal and compe tent work of the CAS staff He outlined the work of the CAS as P1ahnihgPhySi topic had been included in the agenda fortleceting prelimin ary discussion of it indicated that the members present felt that in view of the comparatively small turnout an examination of the AlliStOil Herald Of Those Will Start ISChOOI ext All boys and girls whoplan to other vacancies that may arise be start school in Barrie next Sep fore next September Itcmber will be entitled to letter was read from th physical Examination These ex town clerk asking for certain in aminations will bcIconducted by formation in officials of the countyhealth Iuhit financial statement and they will be held inthe pub lic schools with June 16 and 17 as Secretary the 1948 audit had been completed early this year hehad no report as yet arid in any case an audit ed report was alwaysforwardcd 1131 AIScott director of the health unit outlinedIythe plan in letter which IwaS discussed at the public School board meeting last Thursday night Pupils in the junior grades in Barrie schopls have already been examined Physical examihatiohs are made only after the consent of the par ents has been obtained The in When George Cadogarr suggest ed that the audited reportIshould be available before striking the estimates for the followin year Trustees Alfred Harris an John Dobson pointed out that all the ed in mimeographed form by the 10 theparcntsI secretary The health unit will previde In reply to the town council one doctor and one nurse for each letter the secretary was advised of the three public schools in Bar to pass on the information re rie for two days It has been sug garding the annual audited state and also to send another hand Ito lend assistance to the copy of the estimates for 1949f medical staff ChairmanJ H1Gabre reported Charles Newton Chairman Of that information from the county the management committee Of the health unit indicated that the $200 SChOD1 board Was authorized to 2allotted for dental work had been make the necessary arrangementstalmost exhausted He reported with the health unit for the med one case onhand which would re ical examination quire plate and it would cost Resignations were accepted from $45 The health unit wi ed to Lloyd Argue and MargaretlLoug4 knowthe attitude of the school heed and the management com board on these cases Charles mittee Was authorized t0 engage Newton and George Cadogan said teachers to fill these vacancies they thought the1 board should and also to engage tourhers for any from to page eight please Felt pointed out that although to the tOWn clerk by thdhuditorsi neccsSary information was provid tali in his position of managing director He is young man but he has done good work hear good Icports of him from the people and from the department of public welfare Mr Johnston also referred to the 23 grant given by the Provincial Government and stated that he was willing to predict that the granthould be increased Within couple of years to 50 Amendments to the constitution suggested by the board of direc tors were passed These amend ments provided for inclusion on the board of two treprcscntativcs from the county council forthc 1ctiring of the president of the board after twoyear term had been served and for the yearlyrev trrcmcnt of five members of the board of directors Vicelrlesidcnt Chittick presented the pr0 poscd amendments the nominating coml ed the work done by Mr Nip nrittcc was given by 11 Harris Alliston and the slate of directors Was adopted in block Directors elected in the various areas are as follows Orillia JGlaSs MrsnD McGill and Rev Alfred Price Barrie Ken Robinson Mrs Der ry OSullivan Tom Foster Rch George McConkcy Chittick Rev Dean Clair connection with the Comeron Fisher and Hart Minesing Earl ltichardson Allistoni Fred Hunter1 Harris and Cunningham Camp Borden Capt JCardy Collingwood Noonan Miss 1L Dawson Davidson Midland Dr JamcsSImall Char lcs Vent Alex McIntosh and Cowan Pcnetang Benson Managing Director Naph tali Very Rev MC1air was asked tosay grace prior to the dirmcr Music was provided duringk the dinner liour by pianist Ken Walls and violinist Stanley Hunt At the conclusion of the meet ing Fisher tendered vote of thanks to George McConkcy retiring President Mr McConkey has been member of the board of directors for several years and president of the society for the past two years ODD ACCIDENT PETERBORO Ont tCPr Sherman Northey Smith Town slrip farmer met with an unusual accident recently while cutting wood at his home stick ew up hitting him in the face and smash hurst Coinmunity ing his nose badly Twice Weakly MONDAY and THURSDAY AMINER toil 1231 514 sects 1ch 111119 Don Gilbert Both Legs Broken Barrie Tax Rate Up By 739 Mills 113t11 11 11 1111 111 111 11 11 i11 irv Stunt rI1t 311115 11111 51111d111 111 111 311111 1111I 111 IutiII 3114 Wg 111 LUISH 111 11 title of 11 11111 11 Contest Winner at OEA HIM II IIM II 1111111 111 the 11 1111 11111 1111 1131 11111 11fl run 1110llttl vvv 121111 1111 1111111 llortztn gt121 7111 111211 111I11lliLIilit 111 11121111 11 tilt tin111 111 1111111111 011116 HUG 111 gt1 1111 111111211111 111 111111 1LIIttil1111 11 51101111111118 in 111 11111 11111 tut1111 1ur1 13111 tstitrtt 1211 111 pIIriozis year 11111121111 11111 111111 111111111 was up to 1111 11121 11111111141111113111111114 tl111s11nrt1 11 11111 1111111111111117 llltlr 11111 111111 11 tititll lrorrr 11111 but 1113 1121 lJlULlI ltllhI taken care 11 111 11111 11 111I111 1111 111 11 4111 1111 14111 111111 11111 1111 11 t1 1111 1111111111 ll iltllt1tl iu curt11 11 to 111 hogtprtal 111 21 31 11 tli 111 this 11111111111 NInI 111 1111111 11111 accident 111 from 11 parse1 tf in II IIIM hm hm 11I 11 111gt1r1111z 511 11110 11 1111111 111 111111 aside tor 1111 1tI of 111 112 1111111 lt Lt1tt 11 111 lVltlllt llo=1 gt mil1111 1111111 111111 11113113 111111 111l 111111 111111 11 111 board of i111 1111 111 yum11111 111 1111111 1111213 111111111 31111 11tl11111 1311 t1 11 zomg to be DAYLlGHT SAVING TIME WILL START SUNDAY APRIL 24 l1lIl1lll saving timi will go inh tllttl in Barrie on Sunday il 31 This will 1n the salm 111111 as Toronto and sortrill other lllllllivlllltlltltw through out the prminrc This 111 111111 1111 1111111111 1111111121 111 show why the increase was 11IIs111 llt irrrprovIIntIrtx 11d titltbittl an Ixtra two 11111 2111 511111 local lt111111L11s but his suggestion 11snotadopt Zl11 3111 111111 t1n In 111 LOTTERY PRIZES 11 11112121 11011 PURCHASERS of $130000 1111 111 111111111 DALE MILLIIR 1121 11 11 ll ngs11111i1 11111 1111 3111111 11 Inn11 51111 and ac 111111411111 111ut 11116 mills 41111 trlr lLlItllglll saving II II III 11111 11111 1111 111 1n1111 111 Hm hp hmmuml cm II II 1I III NIH I1I11 111 111 11 11111511 1111111 1111111 ltII 11 11 111 until November 11 llirs will 23 IlI IllI 1111II 1111 11 111 111 11 111 of 1211 1111 E11 11 11111 1111 HII 111 for pumd ot MIl IIIIIIIIIIIII III IINIQ III CIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II II 1111 II months In 11 11 111 1111 1111 111113111 I111t1 ltI While mil trnplovtes 11 LA whflrhmimm will 15 1111 111 1111 11 111 It r1lt111ll 11111111115 litlx 311111 trnIn 011111 and tlltillltllt 111111 1lurtis 1ent 111 111 111 11 11 Illll must firnIIrs 1111 not 11 111 11W 11111 to $1110 11 In 11 11111111 John Vtlii 111 111111111 1111 111111 11 111 11 lHUt oi tl lll 1t ill lime 11 111u 111 1111111 111 11 111111114 11111111111111 Nrilrt Iil 11 111 11 111 1111 it is convenient1 to army 111 gt 111114111 at 1111 1mm 1111 Iru 1111 proutt nah111 11181011111 pi 11 11111 11 311111111 1111 11 11 111 11 urban luclltrs 11110 gain an 113 M3 ha trl NI 51111 if 31011 lot tlu 13111111 All Campbell 111 11111111111 111111 11111 11 or 11 11 met Squadron to operate on 1111 11111711 to 111111111 tn 11111111 111 111 t1 1111111 1111111 t1 is evening tor working In the WW II III II II IIIIII 111 II 1i 17 11 111 1111 Si1tilr 1111 11 gardtn IEItII Itttndrng 1IIStfthIlll WI IIII WI hm II INII IIIIIII IIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIIII I11l1 IIII II II III III III game It saying 11 MM II II 11111111111 11111511 111 1111 811111 11 111 the 511111111 111111 1131 pm 11M hm ll as 1111 01111 111 511111111 nnount 311 to th Niagara Falls Ilstrict rl ll1t 111 11111 reason for Introducing daylight 11 11 fun 51111131111 to Mill71111 am 2526271 Rummage Sale April 23rd Odd fallows TClll1lIt9 am Auspiccs Oftlrc Salvation Army 25b Dance at Baxter Friday April 22 to the music of Paxtons 0r chcstra Dancing 130 8tfth1 Rummage Sale Saturday April Collier St 900 23 Recreation Room United Church am 25p Tire 2nd annual Rural Musical Festival will be held Friday 0ch1 irrg May 20 at the Barrie Arena 242527b Doors open Tuesday April 26 pm Rummage sale Trinity Parish Hall Saturday April 23 auspices Trinity WA Doors open am 2425ptT AIvcning of drama contest twhose picture appears in this is 51161 will present their play Fri day April 29 81 pm in Cen Weddingy by tral Sunday School room 2526b Dancc every Friday night to Norm Burling and His Kings Men 9piccc1 orchestra pm to aim in the new and modern Memorial Centre Hall Bccton aris 25261 CoITEgiate 11111111 of the Royal Victoria Hospital board Dr lurnbull hospitle chiefofstaff Miss llelen Shana han superintendent of nurses and Cameron business 1111111 agcr represented the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie 1115 permits SD25 building permits 55100 rentals added to late sold 31000 parking meters hections $2000 tears 333590311 511050 tax certificates percentages $1500 lots $10 SS000 sewer corr reserve for tax ar total 88607214 taxes Concert Band LeavesForEngagements Priday1 April 29111 1330 Auspices sion I50c St Georges Church Choir Con cert Memorial Hall April 28 at 1315 pm Admission 35c and 25c 25261 LgrieeL Guthrie Community Hall At School In New York MORRISON MBE gen eral manager of the First Coopera Itive Packers of Ontario presented his report on the years business at the 18111 annual meeting held in piccs Memorial Recreational As sociation l4tftht The YPU of Cookstown United Church are holding recreational evening and box social on Mon Thursday The Barrie Collegiate Concert addition of five graduatemem Band left early this morning forlbers former band membcr 1Hornell NY where they i111Marjjoric Gorrcll went along as give joint concert with Hornell Inurse McCullough also am Friday April 22 Music by day April 25 at pm1 in the the collegiate auditorium Barrie High School symphony band to companicd the band as represen Stroud Mountaineers Admission Town Hall Everyone welcome on Tucsdafafternoon morrow evening tative of theIschool board Miss 50c Lunch counter 251 Prizes for best box Ladies withl The band was augmented to 701Kay Smith member of the Dance Orange 1121111 Ivy Fliday out boxes 50c 25b TRYAN EXAMINER WANT AD pieces for the occasion with thciFrcnch department at the collt Apr 29 auspices L011 450 Admis The from 930 tolYPU winners legiaie went along as accompan gt ist arid chaperonc with Mrs Drama Contest Winners In United Church YPU Event IA Fisher and Mrs Rodgers The band left at seven oclock lthis morning travelling by two buses They intend to visit Nia gara Falls and Rochester on their way to and from Hornell which 1is about 60 miles on the other side of Rochester The band membcrs are being billeth in the homes of the mem bers of the 90piece Hornell band The two bands will present prov gram of concert musicin the audi 1Irorium of the Hornell school The Barrie pupils willbciTif trtaincd by the schools and the 13 Horncll Rotary Clubduring their stay II The exchange of bands is arr experiment in cultivating goodwill between Canadian and American secondary school pupils The idea was born at Detroitlast year when Dean Harrington conductor of1thc Horncll bandheard and admired the Barrie band The Hornet band was consider ed the outstanding American band at the International Schools Fes sion 50C Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra 8tftht Grand opening dance at Cooks town Pavilion Friday April22 Don Gilkcs and his ninepiece 01 chcstcr Admission 50c 222425bT Rummage sale Saturday April 30111 Oddfcllows Hall Collier SL1 Auspiccs Ladies of St Marys Church Doors open am 2427Tb Euchre Midhurst Township Hall Friday April 22 830 pmAdmis sion 25c Draw for Table Lamp and Lace Table Cloth AuspiceS LTB 51 2425th Central United Glee ClubIjCon ccrteStroud Presbyterian Church Presbyterian WA Admission500 25c 24251 Penny sale auspices Order of Eastern Star WedrresdayMay 25 pm in Masonic Temple Good prizes Tickets obtainablofrom any member 251 ThreeAct Comedy entitled Miss Chatterbox dramatized by local talent Burton Ave United Church Thursday and Friday May and Admission 35c 2427ptT tival in Montreal in 1947 BritishIsrael World Federation The collegiate bands exhenses meeting MondayApr1125 8pm are being covered by the Srofits at Library Hall Speaker Rev from the Canadian Artists Series BromwichI Subject which proved soIsuccessful this AngloSaxondom Repent or scason The band members Will else 25b returnhome late Saturday night Play Uncle Sy Hits New High presented in New Lowell Hall Thursday April 21 pm Auspices NewI Lowell Sunday MEMBERS OF AVENING Young Peoples SChOOl Admlsslm 35C and 20 Unionwon the drama contest sponsored cents 25p DanceI Craighlust Hall FridayI Slmcoe Presbytery of the Unlted return visit to Barrie on May 12 IEunrce Whitley secondrow left to right when the Collegiate band is spon Muriel Wilson John Coker Georgia McLar sIoring an international musicilesK enJack Rainblrd Peter Coates and Bob val the Bame are Those taking part in thefestiVIal April 22 1949 Modern and101d IChurch The final Contest was held atthe Carruthers back row left to right Stanley in addition to the Hornell band tyme music Lunch 6011119613 collegiate auditorium in Barrie Those who Weatherall Marjory Wilsdn Mrs Eagle will be the Riverdal Collegiate lucky prize Ausprces Craig choir of 70 voices from Toronto ChIIbI Admis took part in the Avening production are Rev Eagle 2512 Seen beret from IPW Ian Sutherland and April 23 The Hornell band will pay Examiner Elamland Ia corps of 15 ballerinairon the Toronto ballet school

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