with 11 iris2111111 of =E1ii li 11 tilllrl 111 13111 11 tuttitill 111111 111111 Huniii 111t aioiio 11 111 1111111 in 1111 t1iis t11 l1111lll and faitl 11 11 111 heron1 111 ii 111 1111 1111 f1ri1l1ni1iit11 iii 11111 an cluxichl 111 ti1 of tlll1tltl 111 1111 11 111 intltltitttl and 11 111 IllclIllll hoivivir great dan tiiiiItiaii iliiiioh lllll tioss and of tho 111111115 roiniiiandint posi tiosi tii and fits troslt inns 1111 111 tlill piavo iii the livos followots ll1i1l1 ho 1ii11 11v without the 1111 lt1 xlitl If any man coini 1fto l1 ii l1l 11is ipaiii tiosr may 1111atclt 1111 isioii and Lu tli1 ioss of iliaiiii 1Jllltlil the great love of iod to 111111 loi God so loved th world lliJ ros lod 11 liizst rcoonoilini 1111 world 111 twas lino twas wondrous l1i1 lliu lo 11f iod lo mo biotitdit my Saviour from tliiivi To 1111 on Calvary l1r are other lessons to ltltlllttl 11111 tho tross it reveals 1111 enormity of sin 11 Is at al sor is vary and at 1111 Cross that we 11 11 111 price of Redemption iiiist tl11l for our sins It is at tho tross that llltll tillltlltlltl what llllli sin really is and what our Lord suffotcd to pay the pricc siii llio insxs Covvis our The Illlilltilllllii sacrifice of Josuswas stiffioiotii the blood sited on al til sin war 15 1noueh The blood of l1gt11s thiist cleanseth from 1lll sin 11y Itklllllltllltl by lt1llllll by faith in accepting llis allatoning sarcifico we find ll illsufftciont to meet our need The jross speaks of mercy and Specially Writte For The Barrie Examiner iyql ARMSTRONG Twelve Western powers week Pact designed to confront any Rus sian aggression with united dc fcnce lt 7v The unprecedented 1040word document was signed amid solemn diplomatic pageantry by the coun tries foreign ministers in WaShing ton Each country pledged itself to abide by the historic treaty last signed the North Atlanticthe whose sole purpose is peace and se curity President Truman hailed the pact 21 shield against aggression Then the foreign ministers each told packed auditorium what the pact meant to their country and to the world Most joined Trumin in laeralding the treaty asproof of the Wests desire for peace andse curity Ernest Bevin Britains foreign secretary added blunt warningz l1i llll tll liniisolf and talt may 11111111 al Our peoples Clonot want war and Io not glorify War but they will not Shrink from it if aggression is threatened eaTSORforeignaftairsl minister of Canada and the Dom injonssigner said the pact gives the promise of greater security and stability than we possess to day He urged thatthetreatys promise be converted into perform ancc lest it fremain no more than S01 anOlhEI CXDIQSSIOH Ofhigh but tactand said if it 11111 existed in unattained ideals Referring to the Canadian par veniedthe acts of aggression which liaments endorsement lot the pact led to two world wars Easter Greetings thll1lmii am out tl 31x 1111 133 It pt If 31 VI ii ii li 1111 11i111li hr i1 11 zii 11111 i1J 111 31 girl itlllhl 111 ti 1111 111 ii 1111 1m 31 HHS Vow 1111 fun 1111 11111 t1i tltilJ 11 11 1111111 ll1lgt Mn 11 1111 11 3111 lillll lii l11 111111 to1 11 ti 11111 llr I1111111n 11111 11 lizill liyp IlWl lizo ioss lair lIC11l 131i vaiy Ulllti 11 1311 1111 1111111 lli1 1111111 111111 at 1511 i1 I111 ii itliiltl lllill 111 11111 11111 111111 l1u1 111 lllt way opoiivil foi riiiitt 111 1iltltlt to God 1i111 to 111 11111 laiil izloiiod in lfll Lions lii ipodlos 1l11 fiilfllgt 111l l1gt1ii1 lyis l1irii1l llt tho 112 TI 11 1ollov1i of thiN 111 Zl11 tio contia art in 11111 l1it1 11 11 loain 11111gti tiio trous 111 uni lsto ttIii 11y1l1y 111 cm l111liltli iiui 11111111 forth 111 cross so xiioiilil we 1iii Itiotizzii 11111 l111i 11 lilti tiiiaii loath hoauw 111 tltliltmiliil ll1ltios1 11iituilly 11111115 1111 111 lilHllllii There is no hristian way without it Rock of iizos tltll for 111 lot lllt llltlt 111 If lli lloo lol tho water and 1111 11111111 l1tiltl lhy ii1ii 11111111 flotl of sin llti douiilo 11111 lcaiiso iiio Iron 11 111111 and powi rliio Io Al loplndy REMINDER Silit1 the year 111133 lho Sal vation Army has ltliltllltlllllttl cffcctivoiioss 111 dealing with human problems distress and inaladjnstinonts tlirouizh its varied and iiililyorn lied notwoik of character buildingr activities The Salvation Army is legal ly competent to accept lic quests Upon request iiifoiiiizijioii or advice will be furnished by Commissionor Batu11 lciiitoiial Coiiiinaiitht lotonto liitario its 1111 only two dissenting ot1s 111 aid This virtual unanimity rolloctod the views pf the whole anadian people who feel deeply and in slimlively that this treaty is not pact tor war but plodco to peace and progress State Secretary Dean Acheson who signed for the United States drew on the Bible For those who their feet upon the path of ggrcssion it is warning that it it must needs be that offences come then woe unto them by whom the offence comcth crdwd of 1500 which jammedi greyandgold auditorium included representa dtpaitmcnta tives of most of the countries with envoys in Washington Russian representatives and their satellites were not in attendance not asked for tickets Truman spoke after the foreign ministers stepped forward on the ilagbedccked platform to make their address Then each signed the treaty Bei giums foreign minister PaulHen ri Spaak was first others followed They had in alphabetic orderCanada Den mark France Iceland Italy Lux cmbuig The Netherlands Norway Portugal the United Kingdom anl the United States The pact whenmtied bylhe project Canada and the United States into the heart of Europe All 12 signatories pledge to take measures to resist any attack made on any of them Truman terming absolutely un true Russian charges that the treaty is aggressive in intent said the pact willbc apositive not negative influence for peacc and its influence will be felt not only in the arait specificallycOvers but throughout thc werld He called thetpact ncighboily 1914and 1939 it would have pre RossCook Flower Shop roR FLOWERS or LASTING BEAUTY 112 Dunlap St Phone 4892 11 ilegislatures of the stgnatorics Wilt Ilttl Vlll H11 111 11111 iolim trltiliilrd 73 Sq 52 rt Ch fl ix AS is Cg 1a7 f1 vy iv SMART 01 NOW and SUMMER stilt 11 IE5 11 11 rMvaga lor those llllvtilllll poopliz 11111f 111 111 11 lint111 11311 Vial 111111111 lt i1 11 111gt1 13 If 11 proud 11 i1l11 211 Il 3111 our aster onnet tIitiill1i l11 11 ill 11 To ll 1115 11 11111111 tl1111lttl 11 1o111stii11iii 1111i gt15l1s 11111 111l 11111l 1it 11i1 beloved by Ittlultlt TH BARRIE EXAMINER BARKER ONEAIth CANADA GrOWing Girls Shoesm lil1lti1l1ui TH 11 121111iiil1ront ytisions of lift l1v111r tytii Li Iii 111 1l1rililiiiIIi1 111 i1iotioiriii NAIVE BEIGE and AMBERGLEAM are New Nylon Shades Youll find these lovely new Shades at Zollcrs in 12guagi 11111 lfiillillt Nylon 5111112111931 1HNDKICIUHHCFS ll111lp1intod 5111113 Whito with protIv 1111111li11 1111111111 lltlllltit111l111111y Lady 1111 won 1o llthifli into tho pooltot 111 that o11111 llt Mltl 39 Beautiful Scarfs piiro sillis slicers orop 11i1l handpiiintoii liatilis featured at $2118 Stutter lins 1tlill llll gilt oi silvor tono Iiiiisn star and cattwhiol 111511115 sot with iliinoritonos or colored stoiios 3111 Artificial Flowersfltisteis rcathsi Ililfllttilllliltsul 181nm made of rayondaf 11111 others of volvof or crisp cotton fabrici ll aio protth and iii realhfo cofoiiiw 211C to 691 IIaITuoAT uIIiIII SIlllHIATAFFEIA Its such pretty Petticoat with its 2inch frilliiie of lace and daintv ribbon trimming Youll be delight ed with its good looks trim fitlllld easywashing qualities Small me dium large ZellerThriftPIiCsti st $149 SHORTIE COATS Sizes 12 to 18 $795 to $1795 For dashing little topper to seepon colorfully through Spring and Summer select ShortCoat of Slinesby fleece clotli in attractive colors and designs ColorsVRcd Beige Green Black Wine Dainty Slimfitting Rayon Pant ies with elastic at waist and legs Available in white and delicate shades of maize and pale blue ZellcrTlIriftIriccd tiioow iioiii lilzitlt 111115 lll$ l1111v i1l Sidi 53515 gt7 11 1s 111111 111 il STRIPES and TIES Rayon Faulard Stripe and Iantl Designs $150 Men ofood taste will select Ties for Springtime from this group of well made Rayon Fottltiids with creaseresistant linihg and tipped ends At tractive patterns in chlorings youll like arTTy lANIlES LACE TRIMMEI Small Medium Large 11s so nice to have pretty und ieS and youll love these dainty styles Colasucde Lpanties in pink white andblttev Youll want several pairsat the Zcl lcrlow price ZELLERS LIMITED 60 Dunlop Street BARBIE ONT ALL WHITE SIZES TO 17 $295 NEGLIGEESTYI1E SIIIRIS SA NFORIZED SIIRUNK lI BR OADCLOIH crisp iiow Sleiit l1tl rill llI Illl 11l1 111111 l11 ilit lilt and s11 Ilaso 11 Noteworthy Val tic CELANESE JERSEY yr 1353 iiialas 11 11111 l1r it riser FIFTEEN Fourcompartment HANDBAG Plastic 1llfltgltllll $495 tellerValue Its 111 its built on bountiful lines and in addition to 111111 coinpziittnoits inside has an extra pocket outside 511 hand foryour efasscs or iiiillti11gi ki oiiios iii iiltiik and lioxvii Bags 111511 111 $208 Ladiestilovts Slipoi styles in Zihuiton and 4ltilltltl lengths 111 ll1ltlilllt llayons pa ii 89 fdlonglo Leather Cloves Filip1111 stilcs with iitiactivo IlttlLv lliaoli hriiwn Ii1j ill gt1t1 ll 11 ii pair $1th HEMSTQRE 911LQVELythGERIElA yenDaintyeLQUSES UE etty or pastel blue as well as white for Available to ring in changes smart new Suit sizes 14 to 20 fGOthic Brasisieres $150 to $250 your in Some are Of cot10n broadcloth others of rayon satin white in Elfin models 331 lb MARSHMALLOW PANNED EGGS 39c lb Aiiettaf and Junior EASTER CANDY CREAM EGG Smalli WHITE PINK PASTEL Bl ZELLERVALUE $1388 Its so freshlooking and pr and inexpensive you will want Blouse like this in dainty pink II cloutso rcpc Sizes to COAT SETS $498 litth one life ed in one of these darling Coat Bonnet Sets idll be among the prettiest sights inthe Easter Parade you may be sure The bonnet is p01 and so is the cant tnlcely lined for comfort on stillchill days trimmed with handSmoekiitg fond lace Iink Pale Blue DAINTY FROCKSC fSizesdtoS Crepe trimmed withembroidery and smacking Highyoke style with two pleats in front Many other pretty stylesiii this group Choose from white pinkpastclblue 12011013 THRIFT CENTRE