PAGE FOURTEEN lIXIWt ll AirK Amount of social rtvlsls and 11 tnilors to and rum tum ltl llJntIJlr Jpprrtialrtl it trir IHlJ drpartuirnt Illttl 31H it it 1i 91 FOR DESSERT Our Ice Cream Bricks 25c 12 Bricks 13c thoioi flavors of ti LYNCH AT BRYSONSJ Ice Cream Candy ELIZABETH ST Burton Avenue United Church Cattltt 11 Ministeri IiiV Mr 11 1o111ps1 ruaiiist and hoir Leader EASTER SERVICES 11 1111 Tilli tZASliCR DAWN fitltt alto lhou That Sloopost if Alain1 Solo l1llltod lodlay Where ltsus Wallud 511l11gt1 Lltllojtt ook 1111liiiti lin Joyous Eastortido illutch Carol in NlIW 111111 Passover r1 SoiiilliiiLi him Our HuiL 11111111 Rotter11111 Wm Little ft Miss Johnson 11 lit losopns 11ivoly Garden tliaditionai Spanish lti 11111 112 hit and 51 11 am Nursery Boeinnors and Primary HOLLY SERVICES PM 811PM Collier St Baptist Church tlndeoendenti REV 011TC11ELL Minister 11 illil2l0lldlnL Worship COMMUNION panBIBLE SCIIOOL Easter Mustc and Alessaees WM p1llil12101 Bible Study You are Cordially Welcome Fm as Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY APRIL 17 1040 11 AM BREAKING OF BREAD PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS pinGOSPEL MEETING Wed RM Prayer Meeting Welcome Seats free No Collection rzf GRACE GOSPEL HALL SUNDAvgAPRIL 17 1049 130PMBELIEVERS MEETING 4300 PMSUNDAv SCHOOL 700 EmlynGOSPEL MEETING Come and bring your friends EvERYBODY WELCOME ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH ALLANDALE EASTER TIDE SERVICES GOOD FRIDAY71pm EASTER DAY 300 amHOLY COMMUNION 1030 amlIOLY COMMUNION 700 pinEVENING PRAYER Easter Music by Junior and Senior Choirs NM gummyi April 17 1949 12210 11111 Childrens Easter Service 1100 p111 37 Mary Street Mrs Alvin Webb Heads Painswick SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 1030MORNING PRAYER Easter Music 700 pmEVENING PRAYER METHOD ST CHURCH 200 Bayticld St Phone 4572 lREV AND MRS CHASE ministers SiNlLtY llill1 719111 Tune in 900 CIIML 830 am for yLight and Life Gospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL RM Evangelistic Service 730 pm and was 11 11111 11 Thursday evoninzt prayer mehting st 1and Bible Study 7413 in Straneers welcome Come and wori inn111 tsitmg ship with us OBITUARY i1tiioiii Trinity Anglican Churc REV cD CROSS BA L1H Rector Organist Mrs Roberts Good Friday April 1511 =51311 111 11tany and Devotional Address 12111 Noon ii in 11111e ilouis at The CrossConduct od by tho Rector Easter Day April 17111 7111 ainl1oly Communion 8110 111vll0l Communion 11110 a111Holy Communion Pill111101 The Power of The Resurrection and Allaster Carol Service Life Eternal === Central United Church REV BEWELL BA Minister MRS 13 LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMHITHI Organist Easter Sunday Services 11 antMORNING WORSHIP Aiithcms Arise Shine Ernest Sheppard Rise My Soul SoloistsA Miss Betty Hook and Eldon Tuck SermonEverlasting Life pmEVENING WORSHIP The Chair villrendcr the Easter Cantata The Resurrection Hope by Carrie BsAdams CHURCH SCHOOL 10 amYOUNG MENS CLASS 11 amiBeginpers Primary pmSr Boys Class 2311 pniThe General School fCome to Gods House on His Day or First Baptist Church REV LUCK BA BD Minister Misti Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY APRIL 17 1949 11 am Rev Caleb Harris BA Th Toronto SUNDAY SCHOOL 950 am pmEaster Cantata RedomptionsSong Wednesday pmPrayer Meeting THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Four New Directors Welcomed TO First RVH Board Meeting ll1lilif ill 11 13111 11 it 11 1i lll 11111 11 litililill ll lt1l 121 23 111 11 111 Iiit 11 11 11 SC ENGAGEMENTS 11 111 111 11 11 11 11 1113 111 11 in 111 11 1111 ii l1 11 11 11 11111 11 21 11 111 Hl 1111 l11111 ti 11111 111 1111 111 111 1111 su i= 117 111 1111111111 Illgt 111 urui II1l litilxllil Ill l111111t it lktwaiti l1i 111 or 111 111 111 t1ltl1 121 on laiiii 1111 111 11 111121 81111 liiv1i 11 Knit lli1gti 1111 l1 11 1111 ll lllltlll 11a 11 1ii1 lion 11 1111 11 11 1111111 to 111 11111111 Loch 11t1 li1y1 111 ll 1111 lziivh 33 11 11111 111111111 1111 liiiitod 23111 gin tlit cio1 112111 lltlll 111111 1111 by 31 ll 11 lIatoii and 11 tioltloii 1M 11 iiiy Ilr iiizon 1sgt1toi Hl toi Roy 11 unoron tidyaid l1 1y 1111i1 3111 111 Augus 11 3111 lliioii tot1iitytlii thirdison 311mm ilm 1ii litiiptiy arztl ll11l1ll t1i1111 1117 l1 lit lo1no 1111i gt ti11 111 1111111 1111 family inovod to tlold 11 1iilo lltil lwaaid lui lIlla Mitt10 111 11113 111 iii11i11l 11111 of i9 1111 may liuy 111111 111 tioldcn alliy lltlt 12111 oi 11i111 111 11111 li 1121ll1 11111tl ii lniii 7111111111111119111 11111121 optrations illlll 19211 when am 51HHVV1HH l1 li111ttl to South llltl 111 union 111111 aimH111 gum 3111 In 1111111111111 at 1111 tiiiio oi llltll t1iiii11ii1 hut11 111 1111111 11 11s fond 111 11 liifll and i1i11 Silli llilll Mlllllll 11 vito South lllv1iasinil1gtlii iitttltllttt 111 11 13 11 11ii1l Liiids1iii lohii David Mtuv Mir1p 1h ploymig 111 11l tot tho liaiiic Public Utilities gm on mi 41111 111 Barrio sister lilixahoth gimpHt 111 mm zupildlurphy 1111 brother lllltgttill mm wumn you gwiio livo 111 Golden Valley 0111 llio ttsiioial was 11 11 at t1111j1tvi Ilililllil and two hrotlier ops lunoral llonu 111 llll11i1 1illii Milli ltWiI 111l7t4151ltl M111 Monday 111 ll Rev 311 1111 t1llltltltlttt llli gt1E1tt iioaiors wore liililt Iitiil THOMAS 1101 llNRO resident of Vospia Township for lohn Antioison 11 1111 liltiri of his 711 years Thoutar stone titorat on 1111111it Llliinro died suddenly of Davie and lainos INNmore Iiiheart attack at Camp Borden oii toiinciit in tir 113 shyioiiaii IllltlStllii lgt1ll 71 49 eniotirs 1111 Munro was the son of Relatives and lilLlltlS 111111112111111111 Robert Munro and 111 the funeral from iitorta llaiiioitlSIliillt ll lWl Vtin iillizr Toronto Blit1lllllt1 aniiloli His wife the form 011 Barrie lloral tii111111s L1tgt1llllt1 Olivo Gertrude Pratt predo by the Van Vlack SS Wasag1ceasol him onScpt 11111 Beach SS the Wasaga Beach liilil lie is survived by three dough and tho Knox Ladies Aid THE SALVATION ARMY Home of Friendly Worship Sr Capt and Mrs Strachan 11rs Mrs 11 Atherton lAlinai GOOD FRIDAY 800 p111Ill11strated Service illE CRUCIFIXION EASTER SUNDAY 1100 amHOIINESS MEETING 230 pm SUNDAY SCIIOOI 700 p111EVNGELISTIC MEETING v1 Services conducted by MAJOR MRS McMiLLAN of Toronto SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC Does theuriseii Christ city611111 your heart COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev ELewis MA BD organist and Choirmaster Lloyd Tufford Easter Sunday Morning Service 11 am Introit THIS JOYFUL EASTERTIDE 2tDutch Carol mltii Anthem va EARLY MORNING LIGHT tthaditiotittl 1673 Anthem 10 MORNOF BEAUTY Sibelius vaiithcmV CHRIST THE LORDtIS RISEN AGAIN Thimaniu Sermon THEGODOFTNCREDIBLE THINGS The Churchschool 945 aimJUNIOR INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR DEPTS 1000 amYopNG MENS CLASS 1100 amNURSERY BEGINNERS PRIMARY DEPTS 1300 AmiADULT BIBLE CLASS Evening Service pm The Chair will sing that portion of the Messiah by Handel Concerning CHRISTS PASSION AND RESURRECTION Soloists SopranoMISS HELEN LAMBERT ContraitoMRS CHESTER CARSON TenorMR ALFRED SHEPHERD BassMR VICTOR KNOX the tlil or lllt 1llll 11 111 1111l liltih 311113111 11111 pitlinp 21 Xttllltlil they apathy 1111 t1u1i 1ilt lgt111111 iiil11igtttv 11111111 lltiy lt1 1l 11111 11 11ll113 1111 li1l fir11111 t1 l1 111111111111 1111 11 11i 11 11111 actually 111111 1111 111 llit 1= lillld till 1111 the llt1 11i1111111il 111111futzindactioii til iiid orio sister Hindi1 12 izo Itlltltrl iii political saw 1111111 Tls 111 lllllilli of liaiiioid and loioiito lrs llo was 1111111 ll of tho Aliiilltnll tliiircii and of lho zi ltlilliltl and 1111i1t disposition tutuiiil was held 1111 iloii liiay prl 11 at 1111 ti Smith luncral lloinu ll liliiki lt lof Iitadford ttilltllltlttl tho servicd lallhoarors woro Jollll ailwtii lioy lohii llltlillllt tiiiipholl illairy Wohb liiiii liatt and lay Lente Munro iBariio lfiiioii oinctciy land 1111111 Thornton attondid inon those lliisuraiiog onipany and tho 1111qu lJOIS prunuuuuunuuu 1i lll lliltllllfdll Relatives and friends from Wel tl11 gSoloists nIuuuuuu1111IiiunuIpuInu11ununuuhuI Miiiiloii COLLIER PreacherREV STEWART MIDLAND Former Moderator 01 the Presbyterian Church in Canada AnthemTl1E AnthemYE Cll Weston liiadloiil floral THE SACRED CANTATA LIVET TO CALVARY under HARVARD REDDICK TENOR JAMES FLUCKER BARITONE JOYCE JONES JANE ALLAN SOPRANOS CRAIG HAMILTON ORGANIST CONDUCTOR COLLECTION TO DEFRAY EXPENSES uunuuu sr AN two r111t World Today is CBattlefieldC faster in Song and Story 111 111E 111 lama11 11 111 it 1111 11111 onto Long 11111 iioii liotiwi Dinner Sets i1 tlUIlxlllKl 111111 tiiot1ii11liiii out 111 111 111 111 1111nr 11 111111 oi 1111 11i1111111ui of lliil 11111 11 itrtiiiid lNllStU 1111 131 l1I l11 11 tiitxio uiil lSS iiii 11 1111 1111111115111 1111 itl 31111111 111111111111111liltistttd ios 11 11 11111 tl1i 1lil1 11 1111 111 1311 1111111dl11niiiiioy l1 in gti1 111111112 111 11111 Iofcigtor l1 l1illl1i1 s111111 theory that ll 11 illttlilt 1111 load 11 11111111tlitI ll ii ll 11111i11i 1111 ttlt1tlli1111ttilltltttvlll 11 1111 111i11l 131111 ll 1illlt111 1121lgt1tl11l 111 said 111in ll 151 din1 3111111 ulcootwliiig tliv first Ji1llil uoild 11111 littll tar from 1111 gt11111l1 11 11 1i 1311 111 oi two the 111th century lltl tll lil lilti liarwiii 111 lll li 11111 11211 111 T111 lhl l1111i dioaiii l1d lltlll linsotl 11 lt5 1151 llli lill on 1111 1i11111111111 that people who had ilIH11 Iiioiloni wotild not ladiy siiiriiidoi ll and on the 115i that man is coiisidoiato oi oil1i ll1 iI1l1iI11l tho oailici ilisi1 of Thomas llohlis who stated that tho itI ililii1 1111 philosophy UIL COLLIER liAYlHCLI iltiAti 111 lllllllilll iltlilili Ll the will to powit ll1tltilll 111ll in tho pcoplo was 11 siio11aid itltlltlsl despotism ho gt111ti1l it was this interest and 1111111 iii thi 1111111 of freedom that 111111 1111 tholSS to conduct the gt112111l111 111 the llrittsli zone of let iii1ii last lllllllill They had want 1d 11 demonstrate the meaning and value ot intolloctual lltfltlll in military occupied country The ttlttlltl contribution to the sncorss of the experiment had been niado by tho 111 Canadian students who had acted largely as missioiilt IIuropoaits at tho fiincral boon achieved through the seminar trihutos woro lifttlil tho Alttropolitaii Liftltionlarly thoIo hfid been tre Interdenominational GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE ltlitv of llarrie and lis1ict Ministerial Association UNITED CHURCH at 11 21111 ST ANDREWSPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY EVENING 815 pm news REV JAMES FERGUSON 13A Minister Mr Graig Hamilton Organistrand Choirmaster EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 7171949 11 aimTHE EASTERMESSAOE SoldI KNOW THAT MY REDLEMER LlVETH Joyce Jones AY DRAWS ON WlTH GOLDEN LIGHT AnthemLLOLTHE TOMB IS EMPTY Misses JoyceJones and Margaret Chalmers SoloiSts 215 pmYOUNG PEOPLES BIBLE CLASS 300 pmIHE CHURCH SCHOOL pmTHE DOORS WERE SHUT AnthcmTHEY IIAVE TAKEN AWAY MY LORD Miss Joyce Jones and Mr Angus Ross Soloists AnthcmwCIIRIST IS RISEN Mr Angus Ross Soloist OIRS OF NEW JERUSALEM Smart COME TO CHURCH arios lllllll evening discussions on iilitzion art and politics with 1111 students of other countries lltlltl understanding among tho Scandinavians and north western the seminar who wore practically all former enemies of the German people had also Anion4 the Dutch students par mondous amount of hatred for the iormans This year as proof of PRESBYTERIAN Hande1v Shaw Broomc wnuunnnnuunuuMmlmm1u Strainet Turner 1115 DICK STEELE cxclusively 11111315 Sil1l1llzi Boxed Carlton Ware Figurines Glass AX Nldllilitils Tllllli Ill r1 NlIW IIlitrlCllllI lliUll IllItiltiN liti itlth iltitK 20 Pce $725 32 Fee $1295 55 Pce $2850 LAMPS AND SHADES 1411111511111Nirw LINIz Washable Shades lriccd 8773 and up We would be pleased to have you come and see the FINEST DISPLAY OF CHINA and GIFT WARE IN THE COUNTY English Chinaki Gift Shop lllthlI 731115 114 By Woman from Toronto Ideas Says rot Long At Collier St United 11 11 gt 1b 11 11 l1 11 nuriuii iii1itltiiis 11 1L 11 11 11 11 it it 11 111l1l 311I 1111 11 111 tiiiii 111 111 Eii1l liitl ll WI ll tilll 11 111 9111112114 FOR EASTER 1i 11 1111 1111 1111 111 1111 111w 21 lii 1l AIIIV is CUPS AND SAUCERS 11 1lvl11111 11112112111 hits1 121711111111 111111111111 11111 1111 Iitti1i 111 El1y Hl