bbih Yeor No IUINLR11LU A5 It FUJI CHILL DEPARTIENI Llit CLAai HAIL It GHANA BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY ARIo li ROXY HOUSE OF HITS rialiiiiviiiiiiiil is natural LAST SHOWING TONIGHT TRURW JUNE BRIDE NEW PRICES AT THE ROXY Elleclive Good Friday Matinee April lStli Evening Prices TOTAL ADULTS 42c 33 8c50c CHILDREN 17c 133 3c 20c SAT iioiiiiu Eli1s iiiiniii en tire zst Matinee Prices rori 33C 7C 40C CHILDREN 1212c Wu 15c Spocial Attraction for the Easter Festivities STARTSFRIDAY MATINEE 230 pm Also SAT MON TUE ONTINITOlS SHOW SAT 230 pm ll seneiiu MAriNUi tr Easter Mon 230 Eve Shows AT 655 pm GBREiBii iiliii The wonderful Mom and Dad of MOTHER WORE TIGHTS When My Baby Smiles JACK tliiltlE JUNE tillill RICHARD ARIEN llMES GttASth 2c um PLUS LATEST FOX NEWS COLOR CARTOON Color by TECHNICOLQR Gala Kiddies illTreat EASTER MONDAY MORNING All Color CARTOONS Including At Me roriiYii MICKEY MOUSE LULu Tom AND JERRY BUGS BUNNY NOVELTUNE MIGHTY MOUSE AND ALL THE REST Box Office Opens 915 am Show Starts At 1015 am ADULTS 33c Tax 70 400 CHILDREN lime Tax 21110 150 Another Great Technicolor Hit MATl FRI SAT 230iim ICES ENTERTAINMENT REGULAR PR GEO BRENTYEW RALSTON in ANGEL ONTHE AMAZON 2nd Hit Gene Autry and Smiley in EVE SlIOWSZ pml STARTS EASTERMON MAT 230 pm EVENING SHOWS 5508 Spat iiiiii HAWKS Gitll PR ii iii R11 BLAHNG IN ITS ACTION murmur as nann wllRRlNGlN1BE SWEEP 01 MAGNIFICENT PBODUGIION in Take me out to the Ballgame THURFRI SAT in the Saddle Starts WedMat April 20 tended Wishes for Presents Annual Report llilllillttx SWAIN Siiiicoc llllltl of Scivicis riportcd tiiit the lllvllltillitltl lv iiriii1ci oop painted about 50 ovci the pi ioii year it llll annual iincliri iltttltll held in llziiiic llii ttt lop has iiirlzii plan foi ltolt isiozi lllttlit vav foi lltlil First lcrioil No Barrie Examiner it lama illoppir laurel lltti 33 Lillyillb lltllllllltl llicii Ill be iioissiie of The llllnillllllll Hm ll ll llziriic lIxaiitiiicr oii IIaslIi Ion lllilllxlfvnlllflllllllfy 11 iday April ll and the iciiulxir IiiIiisdiiy issin will io to press ionc lav curly on cdncgtday April The folloniiii wccl the ilLuilar Monday issue will be icsuincd on April 33 llic regular Monday and Ihursday schedule of Th Ilarric lixaininci will then bc con tinned 30 THREE MONTHS BUILDING UP TO $122002 Building reports issued at the town engineers office during the anomh of March registered total value of $31132 iziisiiie this years figure for lllltCtilolllll period to an outstanding amount of $122002 The permit which months value to extent was that received by Smiths funeral parlor They plan to move their quartets to the east side of Bayficld between Wellington and Sophia two storey building with funeral home and chapel on the first floor and living quarters on the second The value was stated at$30000 Other permits issued were Rev Chase west on Hayfield be tween Grove and Dalton dwell ing $4500 Clarke cast on Toronto between Grove and Dalton dwelling $8000 Murray Pratt west on Cotter between Brock and Tlllltt dwelling $5000 Tuck cast on Dundoiiald between Theresa and house 35000 Goodwin east on Boys between Donald and Henry dwelling $4000 Kelly radio and appliance service shop stock room and garage north on Elizabeth between Bay lit isedd be considerable field and Maple $4100 Roy Webster house west on Drnry between Wellington and Grove $6000 Gordon Pratt cast on Peel between Wellington and Guam alteration and conversion of present dwelling toi selfcontain ed apartmentsy $4000 Caldwell two dwellings north on Penetang between St Vincent and Duckworth valued at $5500 each gt There were smaller permits is sued amounting to value of $4002 Tourist Court Assn Elects Lloyd Smith Lloyd Smithlof SimeoeaCabins Barrie has been elected director of the provisional executive set up to establish anOntario Tourist Courts Association Mr and Mrs Smith attended meeting held in Toronto on Monday Among the speakers was C01 Crowe of the Ontario department of travel and publicity He ex the Sticcess of thelorganizationi The object of the association will be to chelop good type of accommodation for visitorsyto this country Other aims willinelude Eugenia Flyers Drop 65 Overtime Game To Quebec Champions 3rd Game Montreal lini THE BARRlE EXAMINER Tonight it lia jl inil to lritii in tlilll it li it ll il lllililti II ll til ti iilll ill illll tiElli il1 tlt gtil 31le il Liitti ti ll igiil Hit in Li il ll 55 in Mt izi iiiiv llill iii ill it it iltll li izlv l3lllllt Royals 6Barric fiiil panic Lispiii iiiidi nals HIontrml Forum April Ill iiiiiii iiiiis nan Liam ivy14 in llti llllllt mu iciilii ilt Nabiicv win3 lliziclinii lliii will Li lirl pair in ilteiiiatc handout lloizp lloppcr Adi itll Ill liiltil Alttiil liiitzcllv int ill Iillll llllll Ml 1m Wad lfui liill iiiii lziit itiU ii AlliNllllZAI iiovis itilll lllcqiii ilctciicc iliiiilil lliitr wail iciitrc laiill litlbtliltid liiniptoii illlillillllfn Applcby Aiiiitioii llillitll limit iii Moon lllltlltll llatiay hil illl lllil5 Extaii Matt and Happy Slioiildicw Iboth llawa litllll thc lllll tlloppori lciiziltns llitt llciioit Tiloorc lliiizzley Slicddcii Mali irtcrsky It McNabncy Second lcrioil Ji lliiiiic lcinicll thltlll Lilli 13 ltoyals llcrscliiilil lLaiigilll ti llariic liiirchain iAsiibcc lcnnclli ltlll lcnaitic Manastcrsky llran low lurclicll itittllili lliiid lerioil lloyals Moore Iliiiiitsoiii litl Penalties Fhlanasti sky liainp lcnally llirschfeld Transfer LfIfihb Shelburne Branch Of Bank Of Toronto Lester Guinb has been trans ferred from the Barrie branch of the Bank of Toronto to the branch at Shelburne Mr Guinb has gone to Slielburne as acting manager of the branch during the absence of the regular manager James Milmiiic who suf fered severe heart attack last Saturday Mr Gumb went to SllCl burnc on Monday morningl to 115 some his new duties Starting with the Bank of loi onto at London 20 years ago Mr Gumb later became an inspector and he served in this capacity for six years Prior to coming to Bar rie he had been in branch at Toronto for five years While in Barrie Mr Gumb served as Senior accountant ln Barrie Mr Guinb had beciwl tive in Central United Church and also in the Lions club For the time Mrs Guinb is remaining at their home Bradford St Nettleton manager of the Bank obToronto here reports that Mr Gumbs place has been taken by Robert Armstrong arnative of Alliston Mr Armstrong has been with the bank for 13 years and he comes here from the Aberdeen and Dan durn branch at Hamilton He is fellow of the Canadian bankcrs association having earned his de gree from Queens Uhiversity Mr Armstrong is marriedand has one young son Ask Citizensv to Guard Against Grass Fires Over EasterHolidays It is quiet season when you dont have dozen calls day for grass res commented Chester Ley newlyappointed driverxet the Barrie Fire Department He Was nullifying surprise expression after giving remark of only ttvg grass res in two days The Department is oexpecting heavymlay on Good Friday and urge the citizens of Barrie to be sompumist 0115er belattendmg There are now extremely cautious Fireslon Mondaywereat the cor uniformity of service and rates nanof Donald and Anne Little throughbut the province Forty delegates attended the meetingxand Mr Smith was one of 12 directors appointed to make plans foria furthci organization meeting next Fall COMING EVENTS Rummage Sale April 23rd Odd fellows Temple gm Auspiccs Yet The Salvation Army 24b Easter Dance Craighurst Com munity Hall Monday April 18 Modern and old time music 24b TlneeAct Comedy entitled Miss Chatterbox dramatized by local talent Burton Ave United Church Thursday and Friday May and lAdmission 35c 2428ptT Lake and 23 Theresa Street Onl Tuesday at Blake Lamonts on Bill ton Ave and 102 Essa Rd Mrs Martha Johnston Formerly of Barrie Hit By Truckin Hamilton MrsLMartha D10hnston sister of Mrs Mary Jeffries 69 Victoria St Bater wasrliit by truck of the Kent Tile and Mar ble Company of Hamilton at the cornerof King William and Mary Streets in that cityand llCIlMCk and head severely injured Mrs Jeffries had to leave patient on Worsley St Barrie and lgo to Hamilton to care for her Mrs Johnston was citizen of Barrie formerly tiiip 101 tiii lliiichani lloiisrcau iinaJorti xlilddtli Overtiinc ll lloyals llciioit 33 ll Darrin lloppcr Hope Clltltlllr1l 304 11 Royals Burchcll 047 will Lilitt llllilrit Ill ltlt lit tlic ncl limp tan lliit llll ou iiilici iii py iiiiz li iiizi illl li li ll Ilil liiHitil liiric liu iiiial ltlytl Station lilltvllt ll liiil lllll gt1 lbll ii iu in ah the llil ic dt llllt iiw llizllicll will in ti ii lira fvlii to lllt iiiiinzt coal il tilil waii lon1 Mi lll lil iwi ltlltl lll ic i=ci to llll lii iil iiihiviih liooi Ime Ioiic to llitl liltll ii llatite lcui lltll1ll tll lloppi and llo1 nic ll inosl ctlIctivo on ltllitiil 1w Iluiric luiiii clippid on ll hcad illl lltilillllll stick til it illltllli had to lie stlihcd up ai the Illli but la will out their toiiiczht lirst lcriiid llvcrs slliitcd lllil lcaliii lllltl and lliirchaiii on the tionll lii Ashbee wciit otl iizii itl liicli Siltlillltl liltlit on with McNahiicy to lull lllc pciiiilty Myers ippiiiiid tl ltiicii brand ll ied and lilzic un Hams ligttllilllll aiiaiiicns unil ihc ciowd of litlttt didnt knowI lioin to cheer tor McNabney no sooiic not back iltlilll Ilirschfcld of Royals got two lniinutcs for cross checking ll lirs cot lllt first goal by hevri tliin licslappcd an pass from llloppcr and Loin on cum play at lilti Al full sticinitli again play coiilt llllllttl fast ltoyals threatened but Il2tl was tough ails got two minutes for elbowing iat tilt lltitii put lloppcr at con iti lli 1nd lii 13 mu Megci itrc with Burcham and Ashbec Mc Nabney wason defence with Long Pratt and Nicholson of Ottawa the oiticials drew bit boo when they lealled faccotl on Montreal Thesc lldontreal fans we have learned al lieady are rabid The visitorsl can do nothing iiplitlillopper was knocked down with deliberate cross check and was right out un til Harry Partridge and Dr Gemgel Seymour went out on the ice tot Icvivc him The crowd It was rotten sportsmanship Second Period Play hardly Started when llyeisi poured on the power Barrie scor ed at 109 when Pennell bangedl Megers passout home Montreall look sick on that play Not only Tcnncll but Gordon wasleft lllll covered in front of the net Itoyzils missed nice chanch when Knutson passed wide to Moore in front of Mayer lVlEllllISl leisky got the gate for elbowing at 428 Long almost scored on al screen shot but Bleaugot piccc of the puck in time Barrie gave Royals roughtime for one mint utc but couldnt get that rubber in lthc net It was combination ofl good defensive play plus luck Montreal got break when two broke loose with only Long backd Long stopped one butthe otlierl cplayer picked up loose puck andl walkedin to beat Mayer and tiei the score Hirschfeld got the scored at 642 with Langill assisting Manastersky got another penaltyi for high sticking Barrie couldnti rash the Royal defence in twoi minutes of pressure in fact Bleau ldidnt have one hard shot Burcham put Barrie in the lead zgain wlfen herpickcd up loose puck in front of Bleau Royals got disciganiZednd let Ellycrsi Turn to page nineteen please booed Soroptiinisthvllembrs Will Attend Conference Severalmembdrslof the Barrie the 17th conference of the Easterni ICanada region American Federal tion of Soroptimist Clubs in Mon treat from April 21 to 24 Thei president Miss ysabel Campbell and the secretary Miss Kay Webbl are among those attending Mrs Amy Sarjeant will be act ring in the capacity of chairman of the finance committee Miss Clarel Tillman another member of thel Barrie club and treasurer of the Eastern Canada region will also be in Montreal for the conference The conference will be held all the Windsor Hotel The theme speaker at the banquet to be held April 23 will be Madame Pierre Casgrain of Montreal BOW SEASON This is one of the biggest bow and scarf seasons in decades Scarfs can be Wornwith botbsuits and coats Starts ThurSday tin IMPERIAL it ntlt The mill hill in tlltl llt ll ii til ililtit years igo is loot iiid Il ii ltlt iiliil dropped until it mm 10 In Vllll HTmr Illills in 11111 The rate began HI MW ililnltlll itll Hill will it ttilii lllllCllliiltttl int Mai llcri iri tlu figures tor the lo it twl will lt lil ten years 1033 lh 103 ll lll In ltll iii lttltl 1330 isiu mo 57 ii Xviwin no ii 13 11301501 iii Wl =1 NW iiiii ii on 17 Tim Horns 2mm itiizl il lllttl 5101 Iiiills Separati ll 1l school supportch have been Hm tied it lotcr rate dciciid lzl ll ll lelon and in on their school lcvy lil wt tla rii tl lilti llliili llllrit ti irate ill bl an iiist the Joyaax OndaY Aprll ll Lilli llll TN it ill llllm ll Ml Hm ow out riclit diio pianists not llt anything like the York in lontcl llili illoiz liorii 15 iv Mm 12 toiiiisltlli latent ha niills the ll lgizt wrt tit tiii loiicirt of this will township rah LN if Hi pip how ioi ll 11m iilittlllll conccrt El lmll Ill 111 nto ill iln lliaiid lIiri= on cl lint Hurrylfawu mm rmn All lllll lWHH Fears lulil iii in tltlll ill of this third iic ucs xiii Iht ltItll to illllldt as an in oiei to annual membership Ii in li and has never inovcil tlillhiiit to lll season will pct llzs in hobbies iri iishiiii and lllilit till llllllltl5llll Iempenlell tttttllllt and be fully intends to nlwalsv will bi itltllltl 10 llmt activi alone then lines nnc Sleh lnspeCllon in my first love said Mr is wtpecrcd that there will be it and triciiis llltl rci 5l ioiiii Is lllt crics llll Iurs OY Aprl arc hustlin about buying idsirll and lc artists will be Reininiiiclts arl it izua inspcclion wili iii lltltl it the 19 Will H011 dhiiiii Arinoiiiy on April ill Moore ot lloy lot the cadets arc cordially to attend this inspection The iii spection irast stand easy lpresentdoeation at the Armoury Twice Weekly MONDAY and TH URS DAY Page Section Th GI when 910th them Watd gt3 Stung Wiiiii Ntllttilll Sill tiltll WltlllM lllthll GilllllUlll ltlSll Mill BHlGG lRWRBHARHSW malicious Writs till lllt HUIH THE PICTURE THAT ALL AMERICA WANTS TO SEE lIXlllAv illttlll SlllJlKTS lllAl IINllllllAlN Railway Engineer Pratt Retires BARRIE TAX RATE 40 MILLS IN 1944 qublic Speaking Contest Iic school llll ttsilr itllilllll tor inc bctore thc llcur gttltt at the criticilislttll of the BARRIE BAND Permanent practice quarters have been obtained Market Building Mulcaster St TUESDAYS pm Bdndmaster Elliott Phone 5033 PROCRAM orcoscrars IS BEING ARRANGED ALI MUSICIANS WELCOME in parade will lllltttii tho inspcctioii llie corps iiovins ttiii llic arinoiuy at 1010 Tltl pint via lllllll Sticct lZlixaoctti and Dunlop Streets to logtt llttl Square lllllillltt back at the irii itl at 1030 i730 pmi llic corps tll be inspected by Area Conniiandinu tliCer LIIiit nniin I3 Iiarcc lltN ot HMCS York and other naval per1 sonnel ill parents invited The public friends and routine is tciitalively as follows Inspection bv Licut omui III lcarcc IlCN 2000 til pmi ltlSptllll otliccr arrives general salute by ships company lilzittll hands to lttSSL$l 1st poriorlwAnson Division sie iials Sub Lieut lltlttiS Blakel Division bends and hitches ISun Lieut McCibboni 2nd perioduBand on tlnzirtci lleck tSub Lieut Mcllridcir liield lfiainini tSub Lieut McBride St John Ambulance Classes Surg Lieuts Seymour and Laurie Evening quarterscntire ships company The past six years since June 215 llHB when HCSCC Kcinpcnfelt was presented with their warrant coin ntissioning their ship is corvette have seen giliiiifiil37i of cadets joinV itlghllitlilllilll forces All have been worthy reprcscntativcs of RCSCC Kempenfclt When first organized the ship was quartered in tho now proud home of the Barrie Town Council the municipal building Nextsthel cadets moved to the Barrie Colle iiiate Institute and nally to their Pine Crest FuriFincr fig by DANCING Two Dancing Dates To Remember THURSDAY APRIL 14 EASTER MONDAY APRIL 18 RONALDS ORCHESTRA Admission 50S Prop 0th Miller J14 Come to the Easter FashionBull at The Celebrated VClub 79 Sat fNite April 16 1949 IN Itscolorful and beautiful may be crowned 11iieenbfthe ballSpeeia1 attractions Spot 1and Door Prices MUSIC STYLED BY BOB HUNTER andhis ORCIIESTRA DRESS OPTIONAL $200 Per Couple SPECIALDINNERS SERVEDON GOOD FRIDAY ANDEASTER SUNDAY FROM an pm MAKE YOUEITIEERVATIONS EARLY Phone 4272 or 5223 LISTEN IN ON CIIUM 1050 ON YOUR DIAL Every Tuesday 230 till pm DONT MISS THE GAY TWENTIES 3rd ANNUAL BALL APRIL 29tth where they have been quartered for the past two years In the Fall of 1947 the Navy League offganada Barrie braifch purel sect the former Air kCadet biiiling from the Kiwanis Club Theeadctsfare very protid of their quarters and invite the citizens of Barrie to visit them oirany parade night 38 Sea cadet corpst in the province in36 centres with 3000 sea cadets enrolled LOSTBlue Budgie answers to name of Joe Phone 3740 Re ward GARBAGE ThereWill be no ti Next this route will be TuesAprll 19