Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1949, p. 1

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The action of theplay covered the form of Lpageant Auftumlcb brary hall in the production of The Upper Room play by Robert lIughIBcnson by the St Genesius Dramatic Society of St Josephs ly the moon took on blood colored hue Then at 1028 the moon was totany darkened and this continued for 86 min School Under the direction of the Mes Isistcrs at the high school the som Witin the eclipse on April bcr little drama depicted an ima 1213 was the first in four Rinilll 000 Friday SCCHC 01 tho years there will be another room where the Last Supper had inoon on 0ct been held eclipse of the 1949 llli tot1 CH SS Midland City Moves To Penetanguishene milks were in the lowest grades musical program was prescnl by the music studentsat St Josephs Convent before the play The main characters in the trag cuy were the landlordol the upper room played by Donald Frale1gh lllS servant played by Robert Mar shall Mary played by Catherine Strachan and Mary Magdalene played by Marilyn Saso direction of Ann Brennan Hilda Ziegler and Basil Mclsaac The rst selection in the musical program was piano solo Alt Wien ljy Godowsky played by Madlyn Saso It was followed by two V0 cal solos by Jeannette Dainty Fine Bird by Thcnian and Break Day by Sanderson lolonaisc by Kullakand Jocular ity by Thompson were played by Anne Marie Hargreaves on the The doctor who spoke pro tonne to the drama was played by Robert Beatty Leonard Casey was richly garbcd Joseph ofArima thea andPeter Lallante was re pentant Peter John was well cast in Frank Hargreaves and Bill Sex ton made singularly frightening and despairing Judas Elizabeth Laurie as Veronica and James Rol ston as Longinus completed the east piano pupil played Introduction by Sandtord Particularly outstanding among the musicalniimbers was Polish folk song Mother Dear sting by Geraldine Hammick Her other selection was Swiss Echo Song by Karl Eckcrt the hours tromthc trial of Jesus Alarge crowd was in attendance to his burial The four scenes took gt place in the upper room with the table still laid for the supper The play ended with Mary receiving EYECATCIIING Spring shoes will feature such eyecatching frivollties as vamp the nails crown of thorns and III spear which hadeiemcd Om LJOLIS wmg backs and move lacings and strappings Lords side The last scene took throughout were particularly ctl lective The storm and earthquake lollowingIthe crucixtionand the noises of the crowd were created by recordings and lighting eliects undcr the directldn of Rev Lawlor The costumes were by Mallabar of Toronto and stage properties were provided by the Royal Aiex andra The acting and direction were warmly commended chorus of ZlI girls voicespiti vided the background music the play Under the direction of Rev Caley the singers were Ann Brennan Joan Clark Mar garet Carroll Ruth Daley Mar garet DAmbrosio Evangeline IGanton Judith Laurie Winnifred Longson Margaret Macdonald Bri gid Maloney DorisMarion Lor raineMarion Bernadette Marley Ann McBride Evelyn McBride Mary Helen McVeigh Bernadette Moran Barbara Reynolds Reita Wait and Hilda Ziegler The music included Vexilla Re gis Royal Banners by Fortuna tus Mother of Sorrows by the Sis ters of St Joseph and Stabat Mater by Jacopone da Todi Stage management was under the are seen here presenting Jones is ast president Vina Caruso piano and Neil Hurtibcsc another foumwupI and Fugato by Harris and IIFrolic Water suppliesv 37 milk producers 7773 dairies The scenery and sound cflects Cheque 10 IROYGVI Victoria Hospital OFFICERS OFI tWBProfessional Womens Club Hospital Members of the club are furnishing ward at the hospital Rev James Ferguson chairman of the hospital board receives the cheque from President Jean Campbell bison CLASS NM ll BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA fcooxsrown MAN ROBBED or $150 lvitf LtiAFllthl UllAnA tvu mountmt it tznnntl Ilargc centres that concentration of medical and nursing staff wrl ibe used It is an experiment ad mittedly One wishes to find Iou if the project is feasibch for future ed in the grades they receive de spite the milk being normal With respect to bacteria total of 100 raw milk samples were taken and 39 pasteurized business II III II samples work It is also hoped that 013500 mayor cant do it This asidilItUmh Hi It 1c 1211 grew he 111 be lblC to ban an CL the metal discussion II PICW1 Is It was found that of cnt dlllllls mI Stanley RI NewlandI 5am fccts that might be found at this estimates for 1949 the Mayor sug gested Barrie was eventually go ing to have to pay manager or mayor to look after the towns about the increased costs otIopcrIImc mundup corrected before the Chlld ating Barrie during the period 01 fltllIVllttlllltfl THE BA RlE EXAMI THURSDAY APRIL ludge McCuaig Rules Can Sell Gas than to serve economic needs The mnuucs of the last annual meeting were read by Hunter But he added aIRussell sccrctary oi the board of of United CoOper when raided by the Resazurin test II II and orilv 35 of the milk samlentcrs school in September sgmwmg pains The Maygy IaiI1IalltbI iciIOISIIIIIIIOIIdogllIAllggsssigimss It Peter mc anaexccccc was me consumed abnmmdl Immummtwn Progmm 1L db Mum financial statement was led Dr Earle and his staff in stituted an imntunization program in 37 schools during the month of March This required an cnormlt lous amount of planning and or Turn to page eight please with respect to bacteria Mastitis ivas present in only 33 of the total number of milk sam ples this month Sanitarians Report The sanitarians were very busy during the month particularly with followup work There were 452 investigations made during the lilOlLlhCOllSlSllng of 299 rou tine complaints investigatedI 31 special investigations and 87 To further break this down Dance Allandale Hall Friday April 15 Admission 500 23241 Dance Gearin Hall Phelpston Saturday April 10 Admission50c Everybody welcome Good music 31 food shops ln slaughter houses restaurants 116 bakeries privies 22 septic tanks 15 pest eontrolIVZ inter views 33 water samples taken 23241 44 plumbing drainagc 21 Sale ofomcmadc bakingIMalv housing 22 hotels 14 rooming ket Square Saturday April 16 auspices Catholic Womens League houses tourist camps schools 24bII 36 locker refuse disposal plants communicable diseases Rummage sale Trinity ParishI 14 cdnferences 20 milk samples Hall Saturday April 23 auspices Trinity WA Doors open am 2426ptTl Rummage sale Saturday April 23 Recreation Room Collier SItl United Church Door open am 24p Dance at Baxter Friday April 22 to the music ofPaxtons orI chestra Dancing from 930 tol 130 8tfthl The 2nd annual Rural IMusical Festival will be held Friday even ing May 20 at the Barrie Arena I242527b Euchre and dance GilfordHall Wednesday April 201 Auspices of IGilford Senior Institute Admis sion 35c 24p taken 99 School Medical Services The examination of pupils in who started the II put Barrie on the map Stroud Community Hall Monday St Georges Hall Allandale Wed ball rolling to ithc by Eric Simpson former direc tor Donald Bell led discussion iv by the yen Newmarket court of tension has Ion th report eral manager issmcnt cals on six leiicatercicsi55L pl IIDurmg the liscusston on the us petroleum division of the coop Mr Swain pointed out the volume had exceeded half million gal lous in 1948 and Simcoc District ICoop was now the largest distrix lbutor of gasoline in the area Stroud and with Trank Todd of Churchill were rc141ut term on the board ofdircctors Other mem terms Bruce Cowau of Special dances Rainbow Room1 OrilliaFriday April 15 B0bby Downs and his 10piccc Western elected for another bersI oi the board whose Univsrsny OIChCStm Admlssmn have not yet expired are Burton 75C each 241B Warnica Opening Dance at Lake Pav drew Cumming Hunter Russell ilion Saturday evening April 16 JI MI Gilchrm andIIIKmnCm and everySaturday evening 01 Swing lowing Same admission same Orchestra 24p Central United Glee Club con cert in Mincsing Orange Hall Ap ril20 at 815 pm Auspiccs of Womens Institute Admission 50c children 25c 24b Euchre Midhurst Township Hall Friday April 22 830 pm Admis sibn 25c Draw for Table Lamp and Lace Table ClothI Auspices LTB 511 241426th Crokinole and dance euchrc April 18 Lunch counter Spon sored by Stroud Basball Club Admission 50c 2224p Easter tea sale bf work and homemade baking to beheld in nesdayiApril 20 tot pm Aus pices Glad Club 2224bI Apr 14 auspices LOL450 Admis sion 50c Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra 8tfthi Easter Dance Newton Robinson Hall Saturday night April 16 Auspices TeeWeGwill Jr Farm ers Admission 50c 2224th Grand openingIdance at Cooks tbwn Pavilion Friday April 22 Don Gilkes and his ninepiece or estra Admission50e 2224126bT Rummage sale Saturday April 30th Oddfellows Hall Collier St Auspices LadiIesIII of St Marys cheque to theRoya1 Victoria Chum Drs We am2427Tb Easter Tea Beaver Lodge Oddfellows Hall Collier St Wednesday April 20 36 pm Sale of work Ihakr tableI cagdy counter Admins gag 48 in the centre Dance OianchTIallfIVy Tlunszl Rebekah Afternoon teadisplaymisewingc sale of homemade candy Thurs day April 21 Candles School I3 to pm Silver collection AIuspices Cundles LadiesAuxiliary 24p Central United Glee ClubeICon eertStroud Presbyterian Church Friday April 29 at 830 Auspices Presbyterian WA Admission 50c 25c 2425 Edgar Federation of Agriculture are holding card party in Edgar Hall on Tuesday April 19 at 830 pm Admission 50c including lunch 24b Godd Fridayevening April 15 St Andrews Choir presents IMaunders sacred cantata Olivet to Calvary Guest soloists Miss Marshall Reddiek tenor and Mr James Flucker baritone both of To 10mg 2224 started raising dairy cattle III Erection lches NER Twice Weekly MON DAY and TH URSDAY ll ItLtItl to keep the tlll ll III injliti ii ll The total sales of the Simcoe Dis trict Cooperativc Services for the year 1948 were almost million dollars reported manager Emerson ISwain at the eighth annual meet Img ot the members on April This showed an increasc of almost third of milliOn dollars over the previous year Thc patronage dividend on amount was almost 321000 The gross margin of earning tor the year was 1111 as compared the 1947 gross margin of Total operating costs how ever were only compared with 1114 in 1947 The net earning Iwas 345 The generally reduced margins Ray Loughccd An lltad left net margin on the much higher sales of only 11 Cent on the dollar lessIIthan in 1947 in spite ot the higher operating costs Tinn Calves on Form atIChurchill Lil Itl $152099 Iron the tax llltiilh tund this Barrie Will Transfer 32000 From Reserve Keep Tax Rate Down mic Jill llazi illilll2i the tinance vonnnittceIex ooimnlc My 11 I1llll tli twirl Lly llb ltlr AV li II IIII III HIIIIM MI Ell it an Linlx LJAKN lilcwtllii mi pm Map ZI It it llu ch11 iti oi the tunnel tut2tittm tnst asked Inn tt to llr lltlil II Sun1h town clerk and treasurer tor advan on the mat lta built 11 woi 11111 tilitl II ltrielmt nonn 11 the int xtxaal uptial nui HI 11 5M mln Luci innounL in is LII IIHIIIIII In tlllttll rn II now newsar5 tin und and he was lll avor ot Alli lvtv sit to IIII III II II III itisvtingi in ttmt llill irtt it lElnl II II If III1 IIIIKI trulJi anti It IIIIIII ttIn1tI ItaII IIIIIII DIIIIII IIIII II II 11 nihilil the motion Revue llurt pointed out that there ii lhv filll ll1ll lldlih 1311 zeal ti ttrt on hld IM 54400 l1 Hit nl lulu bl 31 mm 19 NI Viv wit the tins ylar ouncl supported ngt nmtiot to ttanster the lvcrib van old Hi EH Slight ltlli lilll ltilllil HI 1941 lut llLlt till itl ivilt ll WIL um iilimll Lion ml it II vi vI gt llttu l1 Lll ilntl 11 had iv MU UL rum 1lott lti lilililrlittilllrii in and livlon fill IIA ll II Tlll as llllll Ill Will he tilllill ltiitllill tlllritlls and It Will operate trom HHHL saihlwulmu mp II mst Ivi hn II VIII II lrue nernmmm11 lit iuuttlt lile sin iii vi in HLA Md 311 gtll4ll ihtl tliltttl llul icvol W111 who the inJltF um HI 1pm UNI IIIInIhiI by 33 III IIMI SvIII ti opIzmz ioum thin tiito II ImtIIIIiI SH IV WWI NVII ue to Reynolds 4M tv 111le nit ii Illtr ll tl tlnl May Start New Boat Servrce From Midlandl and 1mm IM mw It Hm il itt the pil1n nullt li tl aw in Ilitl iIIIII 1pm III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII will Iiitlfl to his other datum he 44 iiV 331 Ll lllil council given an llltlluV Ilgtll 11 Ali Jillilll llattt ar ii Ml ll rt lit iii1 unount itldw rne on The In lllllillt 11tt 11 II II 1H lil lllll remit ot flllllv5illlll lgt ion illt lilliuli HH 111l 14 ll md lllv lill1t1 Irl 5791 vi nt ol by the Show ttumtv lttlliIl1lIll 11m ltinl llliltl MHl 19 to pointh II an inu Illl3 1h mum tt than into ZIIuill nuitvalt toproxnnalc llllri lJIllilhl sum ll may it 111 111 ii 11 Il Nilllll Im thi lllll urnhall of tin linltiren Mtiii Hm Wlh 12 ll tnr Ivl 1o iv pvtg gt14 Will and $1700 iur tliv tigtSLgtt lornmuniczililc Diseases tl lune tlllllill These atiIHl MN MW be bw will 1311 intotu into and 13 1l $1 571 WmmT There have been tll hr liillili lLilllillliillUllf tionc on Irfrl uJ lII n1 Mum UV lierituuai tigiv1iti lhw rel iul connnutumble llease ll soiled ihlldivt llllll the lllllt has nclti lullllll mutual reuxn Wants tll llt llllli lI till illlllllli tl month lhttc cows Itll tor lllll tunn1 uml um 1ll inch and Aux llztrt cant IIIImI II II Hm iI Hg Ii illl and oi nu lillltillh have in en reported Illlt lzztchtt tor lllgtltll oi her own Utlkllf tl 153 llmri th gittilir In 191 there one east lienn treated 11 loronlo As will he noted about llw ot MlVim 155 Rm Wm ifin II ilo nan llillll the Ivanllt lMtlttllttil llligtlil the Min1 WU the examinations doiu withihlilm and mild lzliil my II In 514 tun persons unlorltnnttelv lltti the IMIellt present llu patentsllll41nuns ltlfildlllil Wlt mpp aiming out if itllilJ tl ilLLl tl the recreation 11 Na HHHMII IWH III up are not present IllllI child IIII1IIIo IpanlIxIIIlt IICJIH llllIIWI KI IvIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII III IIII IIII II tinny thaw 1u 31 lzlxllii at gtll llltlll council 1III yhlrkvnpnx LII IINMM vonIsIderctl aI ltlil Ial lv shyli LAND III II III IIIIIIIII III MI IIIILI TIM Ins vttwltil to allot tlu gtixlllt amount IIIIIII IIIIIIKIIKIII III HIme Illntler 171 schools llllllllifl 14 il tlllt it up lili zntnrzt 111 not in 1H4 93 ll meningitis it l1tniilll cough WW1HIXllIltmd lII IIII IIIIII WIIIIIII IIIII IUI yIln II III lllu4l timail llu ntIIto trIe platinum board Itlilnrtllnl lililllv iii 1514 ll6 on Mt b1i at that rttnzal EH HM 11 19 NH lmmmg Vetclitlirims litport bpwmlx mi mum liivrit il tc town llllll limirl committee mli 1vl 5300 II klilvgt Mimi 111 1151 Mr in iotitulltns igt postponed III II II IIII II lII III 01 Him mm mm ls noun Three members of council 11 lnv Iillllti ll aim at luli ii MILL Hlsltill1L UH tl II II iI nole suuplin and 11111 iInspu Vim 41 hmrunz it tv illtoctI lI MI MI Amwmm HII1ltn IlIllllt It quI Illl In III III II mm My WHI ltInItII IntIItIIleI III II IUIIHIIlllIlllI nuns and lllllIYlliii on wuh the II III IIII 01va um AW lhH ll17 gtgt M1 t744441Wl Lilt board to rumi the ltlll mtn I1 lm 111 Lltl 11t naa 00 nzastilis control program 1111 II II II II II IIIIIII II in nIm limp my II II III YIIIIIIIIIIII III IIII II vii ol condition of some roads mod 11 HH Hmmlm luul hm tlu that riiotllwul vi ftlhililll HUN SIW1 llllllld C111 II 133 Ilmmmc FEMINan SUIT In Munro was proscn mi II II nnmm 11 211 inn it 111 II IIHI III III IIIWH nimiqbl hmmmi IIHmi ltlrtl 17 enlaritd itlztnds 30 for iitant for thei liorticultural fIII fvl III II WWW it dnili Lilh hfckn 45 mm hlw hm Hm skin tlllttiltl orthopaedic dclctt sovictv lle ntcntionetl the nor II WWl Iiilil wnh the $11000 that iu1 liltli 13 hi Hil d6111 lisponIst lo lN Willi olnuliition cntliu defect llhc societv planned to do tlnouzh 1I retained by the hash lllall loam Hush11 50011 11010 11111 1101 ltlllltl ClllllllOClOlO mastitis control velk lt1 11 In ima own lo llllltl uonttalikis mt Un Mi II WIN mp and r31 through the recreation voun nervous 1501015 en if JOhll Galbldltth who Is attected by the Nile oi tho plmsum outautng llo1 o1 lllt Ishtppttswhvmid DIMHHII ml1 my 401 on may 5me HIIIIUIIIM tlglltlIlllIluiIl IIsoIvitIibI gt ta lS ecu shlps hom Midland owners to company 01 Ienetane busi mmld mm hernia ti miscellaneous Among the items on the ltzilld in high school usual no 114 Mr II problem have cooperated to the lwwhod Ah 10 from Arthur Minutavo ll 1th um III mIdIIIIII IIII II IUIIIIIII Ivmisilill out aiter plea by Aid llam ncss men MI Cztlbratth has been asked to start another Hum of having their hm mg II II 3f Ath IIIfImIlmn mm rsmnmm of mm Ham Mm VH1 iIII win 11IIIIIIHIgt1 vote lavoicd the larger is SCIVICO Lid and mo Hop1013 llcdtkld Ur MW min VI tons to provide credit lor laiml amount Altl llantbly said it was lecis put under observation tot sale by tcndci tllc anme in ll llu lllltltl and ill math llltlx AA moved and is hoped that FICIMIQ tannhcs Mr llusgrac said mm this Immcmm nepcd some blcluliclgt would bl few months mastitis Will be more mm DU Lld credit union operating in con built this year 1n front oi the race I1 III ngh Hilliol lilltlhtl livid Hart is if minor problum than it is at where prostciooh lUIUIIi llDIln II TIIIII KIIIIIIIOPIC club IIIIIIId IIIIII IIIHHCHII uh me mmcoc 13511 IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII QIIII INK on wtti sc oo oarus gt II III 53 ptcstnt IoIpltI1 ttlI II III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSIIIII hum II peanut mg MI It it up muld solvt tilt lttIilltlll 011mm Hm WI HMUIIII mI llolIlIt grant to or made lllk T130 PlIClIllilkK 0f 531111095 19 91 IL Th was mmlhmlilll and nunrovc the busiicss 035 330 IN cuchvm Im It at will be approxnnately $3000 the lower trades this month were luring mm 14 gt 30 out In smile ol the 1942 lcticit otthe Hummus hunt slivhtlv lllllil but in my opin June The various school boardgiltcm not reached Illi1 lllt 0llll IIIIIIIllIlllIIlI IiIL II eIt additional tathtts on in IIIIIIIII VIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIImlI AldI Rm den saw the wt um ll ill is have been contacted bv letter out 01 was adJourned about 11 pm rttnoi lll iumua Ilitctuij pull lllistle Ierlel on mcctin eclipse late Tuesday night and he 19 13 16 which was presrdcd over by ptcsi II III Is griduillv gettin better lCSlNldillllllllE the Pldll Ii 10 01 1nicl 11 lmtllslltl tluI onegtt llltlt Wm the wmcsmmlluvs of 5m curly edncstlay morning 11 be HISPC submitted lease for Hm gt iv this llt srhtmi ii tit utstions amut aiious or The cup the slight mctcasc in low grade ti II IIII 1m WWII mowmn CHI yMlI tundan lilllllLlllllL and he IL thisI our art Tm is the me of veal when adopted by tho school authorities an additional no 10IIIllIlfIt atIIIIIII RIIII ICIIIIIIII MOIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III lemzmons 1011hld UHHIIWHOHICIImmIIndLId that Barrie accept its rear our Sonwlhjim mum unusual 08 Tummy lmany of the shippers are drying It is hoptd that the LsztiaoitlinarI occupymgIouI IthIIdItIiIn II IIICIIIIIIIIIII III the IIUIIIIIII cdpruuonhd mu pound mmIImUUwIIIII pm me MIMI mm be high school ilramattcs was present whon yisllitl llicgitn cricCp up cows and munv more are be load 0f medlcal qummamm 11 Ithe mumupd lof agriculture Mr Morrison cm in hm 1mm 01 mill approxnnately $3000 II VivHI is last Monday evening at the In mg returned to the mlllxmg lmt be lllihlmtd foi next hasmud may CWOPS had boon UL shouldIbt iudittd statements rum to age three lease mg across th loun Gradual especmny the iCUQIOH 11 after calving and this is re cc aunc Id urmg ie is Hmth Spiriml basis 13mm Simcoe DistrictCoop Business Nears Million Reports Emerson Swain Mr Swain telt that these gures clearly illustrated the need of in creasing thc coopcrativcs volume tor greater economics The gures showed that tor tvery dollar received from mem bers and patrons for goods and services 883 cents had been paid rut for merchandise inventory and eight cents had gone to pay for lopcrating costs This left cents not which had provided the patron age dividend Dominion taxes and been transferred to reserves and undistributed Over $4000 for repairs and main tainance to the plant had been Icharged to expense for 1948 Out of the total 1948 sales of $953000 credit sales were $552400 or 582 Average monthly credit lsales had been$46000 Mr Swain felt that this last gure was over i$l3000 too high vHe urged that rcdit at Etaeperative be used on 30day basis In reviewing Sthe cooperatives eight years of operation Mr Swain reported that as well as building up business with assets of $200 000 the cooperative had allocated over $96000 to members in divid IIcndIs He felt that the cooperative aim of improving the economic status of the individual and the community had been well achieved by theseguresI gt The current assets of $11443642 were over twice theIcurrentIlia bilities of $5577726 In 1947 the ratio had been fractionally less than two to one The time was now ripe said Mr Sivain for expansion of storage displayand4oteeaeilitie ielt that the expansion couldbe made this year and believed that it would expand the eoeopratives value to its members muchImoreI than its cost In speaking of the day to day work of the cooperative Mr Swain divid cl the plants opera tion into to groupsoffice and records the mill proper farm sup plies division and the petroleum division Each department had its own staff manager andresponsi billties In charge of the office stat of THREESETSI of twin calves have been born on the farm of four persons was John Ransom Campbell at Churchill Here two of the Campbel Jane Allan Drillia Mr Howard boys are seen with the mostorecent arrivals All the calves are Ayrshires and it was only last Fall that Mr Campbell Alvan OCnnor was general Sup erintendent ot the mill division in charge of stat of 12 to 15 Sales of feed in this department had in Examiner Photo mm to page tour please

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