Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, D2

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D 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y A u g u s t 6, 2003 Ontario Cup quarterfinal action this weekend, Oakville games at Bronte and Pine Glen fields It's a big w eekend in soccer w ith the O ntario C up q uarterfinal round on tap in c lu d in g p le n ty o f a c tio n in O akville. O akville still has 11 team s in the running w ith nine in action this w eek end (the o th e r tw o have sem ifinal byes). C o n v e n ie n tly , O a k v ille hosts actio n on tw o fro n ts, at B ronte A thletic and Pine G len fields. C om plete schedule below : `Horns host Oshawa in NFC semifinal Saturday T he Oakville Longhorns will host a N orthern Football Conference (NFC) semifinal game this Saturday (Aug. 9) at Bronte Athletic Park. 6 p.m., against O shaw a Hawkeyes. the low est surv ivor o f last weekend's quarterfinal games. In their regular season match-up, it w as the L onghorns' toughest gam e, although they still won 31-21. The other NFC sem ifinal match-up will feature Sault Ste. M arie Steelers hosting the M ississauga Wolverines. The `Horns earned a well deserved bye through the quarterfinals this past weekend, having wrapped up their third straight perfect season with their 38th straight win the previous weekend. O akville's 44-7 win over host TriCity O utlaws gave O akville a perfect 80 record, which it also shared with SawJ' Ste. Marie. The two teams did not meet during the 11-team N FC 's eight-game schedule. Oakville won the tiebreaker (least points against), allowing only 28 points against 87 for the Sault. But the 'Horns would have won on offensive numbers, anyway, outscoring the Sault 351 to 244. "The offence really came together for well over 400 yards total offence." com m ented H orns head coach Pat M cNem ey on (he regular season finale. For M cNemey. the key point of the game occurred w ith just 1:28 left in the first half, with the `Horns holding on to a modest 14-0 lead, and starting out on their own tw o-yard line. 'T h e offence marched 98 yards for a major, and the team never looked back," said M cNemey. The `Horns then got the ball back w ith 38 seconds left and promptly scored another touchdown on an 87-yard catch by receiver Theon James. "Theon is going to be one o f the best receivers in the league in the years to come. He should be hands down rookie o f the league and possibly up for offen sive player o f the year." He also cited strong perform ances from fullback and offensive captain Chad Kennedy and receiver Colin Grant. He also praised "a well oriented, unselfish backfield that gets better every week." Work is evenly shared by four backs and that shows in their numbers -- Chad Kennedy w ith 350+. Rick Andrade with 250+. Derwin Phillips with 300+ and Ray Skeete with 260+. "Defensively, what can I say. (he best in the league -- 28 points against. "C hris A iken. K evin Holder and Kevin Brem ner with two interceptions, one for a 40-yard touch dow n. " D ave Stipe, safety, form er E dm onton Eskim o, w ho should get another shot at the CFL this year, had a great gam e again, with six tackles, a couple o f batted balls and three hurries. "The defensive line provided pres sure all gam e with Dwayne Scott. Sean Wilson. Karl Kustor and Joe Pereira leading the way." If* ON TAP IN O A K V ILL E ... · U -16 girls: O ak v ille Phoenix w ill play at hom e in O ak v ille on Saturday at 11 a.m . at Pine G len #1 against North M ississauga Panthers: · U-14 girls: O akville H u rric a n e will play at hom e in O akville on Saturday at 2 p.m. at Pine G len #2 against A urora S tingers O Y SL; · U -17 girls: O akville Explosion (see photo) w ill play at hom e in O akville on Sunday. I p.m . at Pine G len, field #3. again st N iagara Falls. (The w inner o f this gam e advances to the sem ifinal on Sunday. A ugust 24 against O shaw a K icks): · Men: O akville w ill host a double header at B ronte A thletic Park on Sunday. At I p.m .. O akville A lfield U nited w ill face S carb o ro u g h GS United. At 3 p.m ., O akville C N SC Livno will face W indsor R ose City. ON THE RO AD ... · W om en: the O a k v ille S to rm travel to H am ilto n 's M ohaw k field and will take on H am ilto n S parta Sunday. 11 a.m .; · U -18 G irls: the O akville Angels travel to L on d o n to play L ondon Shooting S tars. Sunday. 1 p.m .; (A n o th er O akville U-18 team , the O akville C o b ra s, have a bye directly into the sem ifin als on Sunday. A ugust 24. They w ill play M ississauga D ixie D om inators.) · U -13 girls: O ak v ille D em ons will play Saturday. I p.m . against host Bram pton B ram s U nited at C entury G ardens; · U -12 boys: O akville Energy w ill play Saturday. 5 p.m . at O akes Park in N iagara against N iagara Falls V ipers: (U -16 boys, tier one: O akville Red Devils won their round robin tourna m ent o ver the July 5/6 w eekend to a d v a n ce to the se m ifin a ls o f the O ntario C up on Saturday, A ugust 23 vs. the w inner o f the B ram pton and W exford quarterfinal w hich will be played Saturday. Aug. 9). TH EY 'R E BACK! This unidentified O akville Explosion U-17 p lay er (blue jersey) challenges for the ball in the last O n tario C up round at Pine Glen. The Explosion host a q u a rte rfin a l O n ta rio C u p gam e S u n d ay in Oakville. See above schedule. Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver Mitron Pre-Season T h e an n u a l M O H A M itro n P re -S e a so n H ockey School is on tap for the R iv er O ak s A ren a. A ug 18-22, and A ug 25-29 (T echnical). Full d etails for tim es, etc. are av a ila b le on the M O H A w eb site: w w w .m o h a.o n .c a/m itro n . In m ak in g th is an n o u n cem en t M itron d ire c to r K eith M urray em p h asized the im p o rtan ce o f all O ak v ille rep and h o u se league players as p o ssib le tak in g part. " We w ill have ev ery O ak v ille rep team w o rk in g on the M itron p ro g ram this co m in g seaso n to assu re co n siste n t p ro g ram m in g for all p lay er lev els, in sp ite o f u n av o id ab le c o a ch in g tu rn o v er." he stated. "A s w ell, for the co m in g seaso n w e w ill be m o ving the d ry lan d train in g p ro g ram to R iver O aks B th is fall, from the O ak v ille A rena. " F o rtu n ately Kim C u co ch (tow n rep V.P.) ju m p e d at the o ffe r from the Tow n P arks an d Rec to m ake use o f a sp acio u s area in the u p p er level (N W co rn er) o f the rin k ." As reg istratio n is lim ited for the tw o train in g sessio n s. M urray u rged early en ro llm en t to av o id d isa p p o in tm en t. Q U A RTERFIN A L ACTION Here are last w eekend's quarterfinal scores: second-place Sault Ste. Marie defeated seventh-place Tri-City 20-0; third-place M ississauga W olverines defeated 6th place M ega City M addogs 21-15; and fifth-place O shaw a Hawkeyes defeated fourth-place North Bay Bulldogs 26-24. Invictas win quarterfinal, host Hamilton T he H alton In v ictas w on th eir O n tario V arsity F o o tb all L eag u e (O V FL ) West quarterfinal gam e last Saturday in Essex 17-9 against the d efen d in g O V F L ch a m p io n E ssex Ravens. Jordan Pavalicic had tw o touch dow ns for the Invictas. T he Invictas play in W entw orth at M cC rae Field against the H am ilton Ironm en in the sem ifinal this Sunday (Aug. 10) at 6 p.m. T he w inner o f this gam e advances to the O V F L c h a m p io n sh ip at U niversity Stadium in W aterloo, on Sat. Aug. 16. Upcoming clinic this Monday (Continued from page D1) "We norm ally have 20 students o r so per class -- we d o n 't like big classes because we are trying to do technical teach in g ," B ow er says. "We w ork only on skating te ch nique by correcting and adapting these skills into drills for the players. "O u r clinics have been running in O akville m ore than 15 years." T he C indy B ow er Peggy W ard P ow er Skating C linics run A ugust 11-15 and A ugust 18-22, R iver O aks A rena. Spaces still available for all ages. R egistration form s can be picked up at R iver O aks A rena o r call C indy at 905 877-9793. Peggy at 905 3 3 16476 o r reg ister on line at w w w .cindybow erpow er.skating.com . Aquinas looking for football coaches S chool still may be the farthest thing from stu d en ts' m inds, as we enjoy a good old C anadian summer. But, o f course, it's very much on the m ind o f C olin M cG illicuddy. the new prin cip al at St. T h o m as A quinas Secondary School. T he school, he said, needs an influx o f volunteer coaches for its football program . Interested volunteers should phone and leave a m essage at the school at 905 842-9494. Win and a tie for the Wild T he O ak v ille W ild U -15B g irls so c ce r team tied and w on recent gam es in im p ro v in g th e ir first p lace reco rd to 9 -1-1. O ak v ille 0. K itch en er 0 (Ju ly 31): sh u to u t to M ich elle S m iciklas. O ak v ille 6. N orth M ississau g a P an th ers 0 (A ug. 4): all sco rin g w as in first h a lf by ca ll-u p C arly M artin (2), A ndrea C o rk u m , K aty H u g h es, K irsten P assm o re and S arah C o llin s. T he O ak v ille W ild w ould like to th an k th e ir sponsor. RBC C ap ital M arkets. Liesa Kortmann · Oakville Beaver AGELESS W ONDER! H am ilton native Dave A ndrey chuk was back in O akville for his annual stint at Doug M cK ay's hockey school which was held recently at R iver O aks A rena. The 39-yearold A ndreychuk will be back as cap tain of the T am pa Bay Lightning a fte r notching 34 points (20g, 14a) in 72 reg u lar season gam es and six points (3g. 3a) in 11 playoff games.

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