Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, B4

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B 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y A u g u s t 6, 2 0 0 3 sa lo n & sp a e e l WEEOMAN re q u ire s L aw n C a re T e c h n ic ia n s F u ll Train ing provided. D rive r's abstract required Full-tim e wmter w ork available Apply in person. 7 2 9 W e lle r C rt. b e tw e e n 4 th L in e /D o r v a l. O akville, call 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -1 4 4 1 Fax: 9 0 5 -6 2 7 -1 4 9 9 A D iv. o l the W orld's Largest H airstyling Chain Ottering O pportunities for: SALON MANAGER · F/T Exp'd HAIRSTYLISTS · F/T, P/T < OAKVILLE LOCATION x we o ff e r t N T E R N A T I O N A l SAtQN & D A Y SPA C o m m u n ity ( f t /p t Perm) CLASSIFICATION INDEX 1 REAL ESTATE 100 houses for sale 102 open houses 103 prvate sales 105 W a s e s lc f sale IlCaoanerEiccnisiarsae 1 l5 fe m stfsa e B ti«n e d 120 out-of-low property 125 properly outside Canada I X Iwlsing wanted 135 tots i acreages BUSINESSTO BUSINESS 140 rvestnembusrtess prop. I^ rd u s to ra ia ls c a c e 150 cffce i business space 155 stores for sale, rent&wtd IS B m s h e n to p A iie s Itth m ip b if e 161 franchses 162nsurance 1 6 3 cd e s sx m a !ta y 164tax4financsal I K mortgages bans 166 accountants S3 S3 Handyman (M/F) Jack-Ot-All-Trades $20-$25/Hour Skilled in Carpentry. Plumbing, Electrical. Ceramic. Painting. Wall paper. Drywall Plaster. Floor covering * others Flexible hours Receive 1st cheque by Friday FT/PT. Must have own tools, reliable transpor tation+10 years exp Call Mr. Arthur 905-578-4405 or 905-826-0655 $500-$W00 Signing Bonus Great commissions · Career advancement Flex, work hours · Solid benefit program O a k v ille T o w n C e n tre W e are se e kin g h ig h -e n e rg y and ta le n te d te a m m em bers. Hairstylists · Salon AssL (Exp. preferred) Estheticians · Receptionists o TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym at 905-849-8808. Ext 221 F/T & P /1 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES com plete w ith com petitive salary + commission + excellent benefit package! For info, call Barb at 905-338-3333 o r fax resum e: 905-338-9561 "-- c .. M l N o tice s Deaths BALLINGALL. A lbert Sidney- II is with deep sadness that the family announces the passing ol Al Ballingall in his 91st year, at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. The death took place on Friday August 1st, 2003, a mere 13 days alter the passing of Ruby, his beloved wile of 66 years. Loving lather ol Doug and his wife Fran ol Burlington. Lmda and her husband Peter McLaren ol Mississauga, Dear Grandfather of David Ballingall. Chris Ballingall. Jett Ballingall, Sue Chalykolf. Greg Ballingall, Taylor McLaren and Alexis McLaren, and greai-grandtalher of six Memorial Service will be held at the Ward Funeral Home 'Oakville Chapel' (905-844-3221), on Thursday, August 7th at 2p m. with visitation one hour prior In memory of Al. donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation A special thanks to the slatf ol Churchill Place and West Oak Village tor their supportive care. BEATTIE, James Albert (Al) Born in Chatham, Ontario on March 19,1933, passed away peacefully al the age ol 70 years ol cancer at the Sturgeon Hospital in St Albert. Alberta, on August 2. 2003 He Is survived by his wife Pat (Mahon) of 47 years, his 2 sons. David (Dianne) ot St Albert. Douglas ol Saskatoon, and 2 grandsons. Shawn and Michael Brother ol Helen (Betty) Gopelle ol Chatham, O n!. Dorolhy Beck of Cedar Springs, Ont, and sister-inlaw Jeanne Beattie of Chatham A private family graveside service was held in St. Albert Those wishing to make a donation in Al's memory may do so through the Children's Wish Foundation ol their respective province. DeVENNE. Marjorie- Peacefully on Saturday. August 2.2003 at the Allendale Nursing Home with her lamily al her side Marjorie beloved wile ol the late Harold DeVenne Dear mother o! Eleanor (Peter Hodgson). Harold (Judy) and David (Elaine) Sister ol Kathy Pearson of Calgary Loving grandmother ol Michael. Caroline, Kelly and Erin Visitation was held at the Kopnva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road, West. Oakville (905-844-2600). Irom 2-4 and 79pm Tuesday. August 5th. Privale Family Service Those who wish may make donations to the Allendale Nursing Home. 185 Ontario Street S Milton. ON L9T 2N4 GLATZMAYER, Anne (nee Jowett) - Passed away peacefully at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Friday. August 1. after a brie!, but courageous battle with cancer Beloved wile and soul mate ol John Glatzmayer. much loved and caring mother ol three sons. James. Andrew and John Junior, daughter-in-law Nathalie and Dawn grandmother ol Melanie, Thomas and Beniamin. Will be missed by her brother Peter Jowett and lamily A memorial service will be held at the Ward Funeral Home 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221) on Wednesday, August 6,2003 at 3pm In lieu ot flowers, a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated HUFFMAN, Teresa- (Retired Irom General Electric) After a lengthy illness, on Monday, August, 4,2003 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Teresa, beloved wile of Edward ot 52 years. Dear mother ol Allan and his wile Cindy, Jim and his wite Francine. Debbie and her husband Paul Jackson Loving grandmother of Shaun, Jennifer, Alisha and Kacey Lovingly remembered by her sisters Vi. Linda. Flo, Jo and her brother Ed. Private lamily service. Those who wish may make donations to the Oakville-Tralalgar Memorial Hospital, 327 Reynolds Street Oakville, Ontario L6J 3L7. Arrangements made with the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home (905-844-2600) THORNTON. P atricia - Peacefully on August 4, h (A ES r skilled 4 technical help 515 skilled & technical help 515 r skilled & technical help 515 skilled S technical help 3 £ 00 3 l FEDERAL EXPRESS C AN A D A 0 h r · A t F e d E x, w e s t r o n g ly be lie ve in e m p o w e r in g o u r e m p lo y e e s an d giving th em ever)' o p p o rtu n ity to grow w ith us. T h a t's w h y w e've created an e n v iro n m e n t w h ere everyone fits in, feels co m fo rtab le an d is invited to c o n trib u te to o u r overall success. So d o n 't settle for bein g just a n o th e r face in the crow d. Jo in FedEx. <3 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area $11-S12/Iu All shifts available Fax resume to a " V ) * · HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 P R E M IE R F it n e s s C lu b s h ir in g C le a n e r s / H o u s e k e e p in g (e x p p r e f e r r e d ). F itn e s s C o n s u lta n ts . M e m b e rs h ip C o o rd in a t o rs . C o l le c t io n s a n d R e c e p t io n . FulVpart time. M/F . W e e k days/ W eekend A p p ly 3 4 3 0 F a irv ie w . B u rlin g to n , fax 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -1 4 1 4 a ttn Sharon Apo rt b " " 9 * -Together S E N IO R VEHICLE T E C H N IC IA N - MISSISSAUGA T here's som ething about y o u that sets y o u a p art. Perhaps it's y o u r s tro n g k n o w le d g e o f th e use and operation o f all a u to m o tiv e a n d te stin g e q u ip m e n t, gauges a n d to o ls n o rm a lly associated with th e tro u b le s h o o tin g a n d re p a ir o f gasoline, diesel a n d p ro p a n e a u to m o tiv e equipm ent. O r m aybe it's y o u r seven o r m o re years o f fleet, a u to m o tiv e o r tru c k vehicle m aintenance experience a n d a p p lic ab le lic e n ce s/v o ca tio n a l tra in in g . W h a te v e r it is. y o u 've got a n edge. A n d th a t' s w h y w e w a n t y o u to p ro v id e tim ely, q u a lity m a in te n a n c e fo r th e FedEx vehicle fleet a n d g ro u n d s u p p o rt e q u ip m e n t, in c lu d in g p re v e n ta tiv e m a in te n a n c e , tro u b le s h o o tin g , repairs, m o d ific a tio n s a n d d o c u m e n ta tio n . In a d d itio n to th e above q u a lific a tio n s, y o u h ave a c o m p le te set o f h a n d too ls, in c lu d in g m e tric sizes, c an lift a n d m a n o e u v re heavy vehicle c o m p o n e n ts u p to 70 lbs. w ith th e h e lp o f a p p ro p ria te liftin g m e c h an ic a l assistan ce a n d possess a C lass D Z licence. W h a t s e ts u s eu n . z : a> j j j £ £ s - w TIM HORTONS BURLINGTON NOW HIRING 169(xrTputef'rTtemetservces RENTALS 170 apartrels 4 fiats lor rent 172 furnished acccrwxidatffl 174 short temreriais 175 apartmeils 4 llals wanted 180 condomrvums lor rent 185 houses for sent 190 M o u s e s br rent 191 housing wanted 192roomsfDrrent&«anted I93ioom&boaidaval&wt(l 194 shares aKoarodaton 195retrefrerthnng M i lodges LEISURE UW fG 200 vacation properties 202 cottages tfrert 205 rentals outside Canada 210 motte homes 4 pains 211 mobile homes 215campefs.traitefs.snes 220 campers, trailers 230 sports equipment 231 aviation 232 boats 4 supples 233 snowmobiles 234 pools & supplies 235 resorts, camps 236 travel. 237 hobbies 4 crafts 239vwmenscoiijmn COMMUNITY NOTICES 245 births 246 adoptions 248 birthdays 249 coring events 250 engagements 251 forthcoming marriages 252 marriages 253 anniversaries 254 graduates 255 announcements 256 deaths 257 obituaries 258mmemonam 259 cards of thanks PUBUC NOTICES 260 tenders 261 iegal notices 262 pubic notices 263carpools1ransportat)on 265 lost & found 267 companions 268 personals 269 support groups Lead Supervisor Experience preferred Quality training offered Computer exp a must. Knowledge of food, paper and la bour preferable Strong leadership qualities Good benefits. Fax resume to: 905-681-3192 Please fo rw a rd y o u r resume, q u o tin g file #SV-03, b y A ugust 2 5 , 2 0 0 3 , to: Federal Express C a n a d a , Attn.: H um an Resources/ Senior Vehicle Technician, 5 9 8 5 Explorer Drive, M ississa u g a , O N L 4 W 5 K 6 E-moil: posilions@fedex.com N o fa xe s o r te le p h o n e calls, p le a s e f o r more information on FedEx, visit Z* I C n . - r 2 o MERCHANDISE 300 market basket 301 t o r s 4 deliver/ 302 farm service 303 horse suppfes 4 bearing 305podtry4Svestccx 306 furniture 307 clothing 309 terns under $100. 310 articles lor sale . 311 bicycles 314 venders'wanted 315 arte'wanted 320 garageyard sales 325 auctions 326 warehouse sales 330 firewood 335 C h ristm astrees 336 woodstoves. fireplace 340 antiques 4 art 345 baby needs 348 restaurant equipment 350 industrial elem ent 352 farm equipment 353 appliances 355 computer 4 video 360 tv. sound systems 365 musical instruments 370 pet supplies, tcarong 375 ptiotogaptiy 380 swap 4 trade 385 tickets for everts 10 400 cars for sale 405 cars'wanted 410 trucks for sale 415 trucks wanted 420 m 4 wheel drive 425 sports cars 430 antique cars 435 motorcycles 440 auto parts, stcpies 4 fEpais 445 auto leasing, rentals 446 auto financing 447 driving schools 450 auto care 455 garage 4 storage space 460 insurance semes 470 heavy duty equipment HELP WANTED 500 career training 501 career aw ce^4ie$ijpi8 505 careers 507 employment acenoes 509 drivers 510 general help 511 retail opportunities 512 summer employment 514 salon 4 spa help 515 skilled 4 technical help 520 computer 4 IT 525 office help 529 inside sales 530 sales help 4 agents 532 retail sales help 535 hospital, medical, dental 536 vetennary help 537 holistic he a l 540 hotel restaurant 541 part-time help 545 teaching opportunities 550 domestic help wanted 555 domessc help available 565 volunteers 570 employment wanted f i'l Express T iu tH r tk n y requires f e d e x .c a Full-time Help We otter Benefits and competitive starting wages More Employment. A Taylor Woodrow Company Call between 9am-4pm 905-257-1294 SECURITY PERSONNELN e e d e d to r a hig h v o lu m e s p o rts b a r. S m a rl s e rv e certification & experience an asset Fax or mail resum e to: O a rh o u s e S p o rts B ar 2 7 0 North S ervice Rd O akville. O N L6M 2 R8 Fax 905-3385002 Monarch im MATTAMY HOMESCAN AD A 'S LARG EST B UILDER Recent university graduate · Exciting opportunity! E ntry level p o sito n in a fa s t-p a c e d head o ffic e e n v iro n m e n t. A tte n tio n to d e ta il and o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills a M U ST, a long w ith p ro fic ie n c y in W in d o w s b a se d p ro gram s. D uties range from n o te -ta kin g to re a s e a rc h . L o o k in g fo r an a m b itio u s team player with a great attitude Monarch Construction Limited has an opening for an AFTER SALES SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE in the B u rlin g to n / O akville area The applicant is required to cany out warranty repairs in newly occupied homes. Should be proficient in minor repairs ol drywall. plumbing carpentry, electrical, painting, etc Must have own tools & should be familiar with requirements ol the Ontario New Home Warranty program. We olfer a competitive compensation package, which include a company vehicle We thank all applicants lor their interest, however only candidates selected for in terview will be contacted. Please send your resume and salary expectations in lull confidence to: Monarch Construction Limited 2025 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 1201 Toronto, Ontario. M2J 1V7 Attention: Human Resources - Fax: 416-642-0115 Forward resumes by fax to: 905-829-4836 SALES PROFESSIONALS Required by Leading Hot Tub Retailer for our Oakville Showroom. Strong base salary plus commission, bonuses and health plan. INSIDE SALES/ TELEMARKETER We have an immediate opening for an experienced In side sales consultant, who is highly motivated and can achieve results H I hotel restaurant Kitchen Staff (Days & Nights) For flexible scheduling, competitive pay, lun times & great food Call Claudio or Tim lo arrange interview #15 2003 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital I f you have: · Telephone sales exp good organizational skills. · Confident outgoing personality, desire to succeed · The ability to manage several protects concurrently. · The ability lo work and stay on the telephone consistently · Self-starting, willing to create and sell your own projects and ideas to customers. · Hourly rate plus commissions. Up to 35 hours per weekForward resume to Re: Telemarketing 5040 Mainway Unit #1 Burlington L7L 795 Fax resume to Doug @ 905-565-6845. salon & spa help LOOKING for a full-tim e or p a rt-tim e s ty lis t at a n ew s a lo n in D o w n to w n B u r lington W e have a new and funky atm o s p h ere, and e x p e r ie n c e is a m u s t. C a ll 905-631-009 8 S E R E N D IP IT Y H a ir & N a il D e s ig n - looking for li c en s ed hair stylist full/ parttim e C all Sandy 9 0 5 -6 3 1 7 689 Prop erty & C as u alty Insurance Due to expansion, PV & V Insurance Centre, Burlington, requires a BARTENDERS needed w ith e x p e rie n c e an d a d y n a m ic p lu s p e rs o n a lity a re w e lc o m e to visit us A ugust 1 3 th 3 -6 p m fo r try -o u ts . T h e `O arh ouse Sports Bar & Grill 2 7 0 North Service Rd . O ak ville Fax 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -5 8 0 2 Ph 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -5 8 0 0 F U L L - T I M E c a s h ie r for c a fe t e r ia , h e lp n e e d e d straight days no w e e ken d s A p p ly in p e rs o n to 1151 B ro n te M o n d a y -F n d a y C o n ta c t S h a w n 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 6 1 2 3 ext 7222 PR EP C o o k , e x p e r ie n c e d , fu lltim e , fo r u p s c a le O a k v ille c a te r in g b u s in e s s C o m p e titiv e w a g e , g o o d h o u rs . D riv e r's lic e n s e a must. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -1 5 7 0 C O U N T E R & W a it S ta ff req u ired for re s ta u ra n t d in e r In W e s t O a k v ille C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -1 5 1 7 T H E Extreme P ita H irin g fu ll/ p a rt-tim e s ta ff A pply in p e rs o n w ith re s u m e 1 540 N orth S e rv ic e Rd W O a k v ille . N o p h o n e c a lls please. cleans o u t y o u r closets, basem ent or garage? WHAT A G A R A G E SALE A d inThe Oakville Beaver! F riday e d itio n reaches 4 3,000 hom es in O a k v ille a n d y o u r cost is as lo w as *$ 3 1 .5 0 + gst. (·te rm s & c o n d itio n s a p p ly) F o r in f o , a n d t o p la c e y o u r a d in t h e F rid a y e d it io n , ju s t c a ll t h e C la s s ifie d D e p t, a t 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 , M o n .- F r i., 9 a .m . t o 5 p .m . D E A D L IN E f o r F r id a y e d it io n is W e d n e s d a y a t 5 p .m . If y o u r G arage Sale is ra in e d o u t yo u w o n 't g e t soa ke d if y o u b u y o u r Rain P ro te c tio n fo r a n a d d ito n a l $5.! N o tify o u r o ffic e a n d w e 'll re -ru n th e sam e ad, w ith a d a te ch a n g e, a t n o ch a rg e w ith in the n e x t 2 w eek p e riod. surrounded by her lamily Cherished wile ol Jim. Loving mother ot Karen. Jim. Dorothy, Scott and Wanda. Beloved grandmother ot Patricia, Jean-Paul, Robbie, Michelle, Susan, and Steven Treasured great-grandmolher ol Andrew Friends may call at the Oakview, Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd W (one block east ol Kerr) Oakville on Thursday. August 7 Irom 2-4 and 7-9p.m. A Funeral Service will be held in the Oakview Chapel, on Friday, August 8, 2003 at 1p,m Interment lo follow at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. In lieu ol flowers, please consider a donation in Patricia's name lo the Lung Association or Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. In Memoriani WEDELES, Herbert August 5,1996 Your kind words and gentle touch are some of my fondest memories. Images of your smile and your laugh bring a smile lo my lips and a tear to my eyes Dad I s till miss you w ith a ll my heart R E Q U I R E D by B u rlin g to n M a n u fa c tu r e r M u s t h a v e e x p w ith 3 D p ro g ra m m in g fo r C N C M ill DEKELM A H O exp & 5A xis M illing e x p P re fe rre d T o p p a y b e n e fits N O O P E R A T O R S O N L Y . N E E D A P P L Y Fax resum e to 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -9 4 2 8 llV i r f l o ffic e -c le ric a l RIB0 Licensed Personal Lines CSR for a Full-Time position Please fax or e-mail resume to: Fax: 905-632-4837 lindam@pw-insurance.com love Peter 11at Valiev I ID O L S Burlington location is currently accepting appf lor seasonal & F U L L - T I M E R e c e p tio n is t w / stro n g c u s to m e r service & c o m p u te r e x p e rie n c e r e q u ire d M -F . P le a s e fo r w a rd re s u m e to N a y lo r G ro u p In c fa x 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 8 3 6 9 Attn Kim RECEP TIONIST need ed, p a r t-tim e F a x re s u m e to K a re n 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 7 4 6 3 o r email: kbartlett©wilm prop.com OAKVILLE com pany lo o k in g fo r a m a tu r e p e r m an e n t p e rs o n - g u a ra n te e s 2 0 h rs /w k . fle x ib le hours. P le a s a n t p ers o n ality w ith e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills G o o d ty p in g s k ills with accu racy and excellent c o m p u te r k n o w le d g e . F a x resume to: 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -6 9 5 9 Perm. Sales Woodworking & gardening skills a -definite asset Comp, retail wage Some evenings & salurdays required Fax resumes only to 905-319-0115 EX P ERIENCED H o o fin g s a le s p e rs o n r e q u ire d for B u rlin g to n / M is s is s a u g a stores. F ax resu m e to 9 0 5 8 9 7 -7 5 5 2 BUSY O a k v ille D o cto rs o f fice requires additional p e r m a n e n t P a rt-tim e in m e d i cal reco rd s 1 2 -5 p m D u tie s - c h a rt p re p a ra tio n , fil ing. co m p u ter, p a tie n t co n ta c t. etc E n e rg e tic / a c c u ra te flexib le to co ve r v a c a tion Extra hours available W ill tra in (N o t s u m m e r only) Fax cover letter & re sum e 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -8 1 3 3 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If y o u d r in k , th a t 's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (4 1 6 )4 8 7 -5 5 9 1 (9 05 ) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4 N o te : Y o u r ad also app e a rs o n -lin e a t h a lto n se a rch .co m R N Required part-time, tor 8-10 evening shifts per month including every other weekend Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home W illo w g le n M ontessori School Requires a part-tim e French teacher. Fax resumes to: To place an announcement, employment or classified ad CALL 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 4 4 4 0 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FAX: 905-632-8165 BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: Burlington Post & Flam borough Post 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 O akville Beaver 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville, ON L6K 2S4 Bridal Show Vi'M i i i j , H u m ' l l ? D m ! Miss M fflrtaut SrtfH Effl T O R O N T O ST\IS Accounts Receivable/ Inventory Clerk General office duties. Fulltime Mon.-Fri. $10/hr Entry level position Call Ju lie at 905 - 827-8230 Sandtron Automation Ltd is looking for highly motivated people to |0in our INSIDE SALES TEAM Must enjoy talking on the telephone with a fnendly. cheerful voice. Sales & comput er experience re quired. $12 /hr. Full time days. To apply call Michele 905- 827-8230 R E A L E s ta te - L ic e n s e d S ales R ep req'd Im m em d. for successful real es ta te team in Burlington Fax resum e to 9 0 5 -3 1 9 -1 8 5 6 Please fax resume to: 905-385-3699 D E N T A L R e c e p tio n is t e x p e r ie n c e d . fu ll-tim e r e q u ire d fo r b u s y O a k v ille family practice. Fax resum e 4 1 6 -2 4 7 -6 2 5 3 905-338-0646 o r in q u irie s 905-338-7207 ECE an d A ssistan t, supply s ta ff a n d m a tu r e s tu d e n ts re q u ire d by C h ris tia n C hild C a r e C e n te r C a ll L o v e & L eam Child C entre 9 05-3368 648 D eadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication Special Feature deadlines may vary. t V a t/o ft a / i R r i d a l < \h o a > COOK/ SUPERVISOR/ MANAGER (2 positions) Energetic, customermotivated person look ing to develop in a food service management position. Strong cook ing background and computet experience is necessary Formal food service education required. Monday-Fnday. Days e-mail resume to: lewisloods® lewisloods.ca to apply S M A L L b u s in e s s b o o k k e e p in g / o ffic e a d m in is tra tio n s e rv ic e s P le a s e call Lisa 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -8 6 4 5 AOMIN Asst-req d im m ed for successful real esta te team in Burlington Duties include s u p e rio r c u sto m er s erv ice, d a ta b a s e m g m t. c o n tra c t p ro ce ssin g , m a rk e tin g etc Fax resume to 9 0 5 -3 1 9 -1 8 5 6 A C C O U N T IN G / W a rra n ty C le rk G le n le v e n C h ry s le r s eek s w e ll-o rg a n iz e d in d i v id u a l to jo in o u r fa s tp ace d office te a m D u ties include AP, AR. cash rec & w a rr a n ty a d m in is tra tio n F a x re s u m e to: 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 9622 C A R E G I V E R r e q u ire d for s o m e w h a t d is a b le d p e n sio n e r. in clu d es h o u se h o ld d u tie s liv e - in e x p e r ie n c e r e q u ire d S u b m it re s u m e w ith r e f e r e n c e s to B ox 1970 T h e Post 5 0 4 0 M a in w a y , B u rlin g to n L 7 L T 9J)ne3tic help available Paym ent: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon, 5:30 p.m. // I S ep t. 5-7,2003 · IniernaMC en tre, A irp o rt R sa d N am e, .Postal Code, Wedding Date _ D E N T A L A s s is ta n t, c e r ti fie d . re q u ire d lu ll tim e for O a k v ille p ra c tic e P le a s e call 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -1 5 1 5 R E C E P T I O N I S T .F u ll tim e for busy Specialist O f fic e in B u rlin g to n F a x r e sum e to. 9 0 5 -9 4 5 -7 7 0 7 1 o r 2 E u ro p e a n c le a n in g ladies H o m e s / offices E x p e r ie n c e d R e fe r e n c e s . C a ll U rs u la 9 0 5 -3 3 9 3283 . cell 9 0 5 -8 6 6 -9 4 3 7 1 Fax Email Send to: National Bridal Shows c/o Premier Consumer Shows 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 SENO TH IS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADM ISSION COUPON BY FRI.. AUG 22.2003 1 M o v in g /. 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