Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 2003, D 3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 22, 2003 - D3 Bruins hope to rebound from a rare off season For a team that constantly strives for provin cial and national cham pionships, last y e a r's ed i tion o f the Sheridan B ruins w as a d isappoint ment. T hey d id n 't m ake it to the national ch am p i onships and they d id n 't even m ake it to the provincial final on th eir hom e co u rt last M arch. So, the B ruins have reloaded for the upco m ing season and after three pre-season gam es, the team looks extrem ely talented and ready to m ake ano th er cham pionship run. T he B ruins o pened w ith a 91-67 w in at R ed eem er C o lleg e. R etu rn in g sta rter B ashir M usse led the w ay w ith 17 points. N ew com er M au rice S m ith ad d ed 15 p o in ts an d seven rebounds. Jerom e (M ouse) R obinson, back after a o n e-year absence, added five points and dished out seven assists. Sheridan travelled to Barrie and took out G eorgian 72-60. T he hom e squad co u ld n 't han dle the B ruins' pressure defence and that led to 19 steals fo r Sheridan. B ashir M usse led the way again w ith 23 points and five rebounds. G eo ff P roctor poured in 17 points and added five rebounds. A ndrew F oster chipped in w ith eight points and eight rebounds. O v er the w eekend, the B ruins celeb rated H om ecom ing and inducted three form er players into the Sheridan Sports Hall o f Fam e -- Eric D uncan (hockey), G ary B rooks (football) and M artin K erstens (volleyball). T he w eekend w as capped o ff by the dou b le b lu e's third pre-season basketball gam e w hich S h erid an w on 80 -7 7 o v e r F an sh aw e from London. S heridan trailed 75-70 w ith 2:30 to go but turned the gam e around w ith a full court press. T he F alcons had no answ er to the B ruins p ressure `D ' and co u ld n 't get the ball o ver centre for the rest o f the gam e. O nce again, B ashir M usse led Sheridan w ith 15 p o in ts. G eo ff P ro c to r sco red 12 po in ts. A ndrew F oster chipped in w ith 10 points and new com er Kofi A gyei-A m oam a added seven points, eight rebounds, five steals and six assists. "We have a very talented team ," said head coach Jim Flack. "T h ey 're also a great bunch o f guys. W e'll see w hat h appens." T he B ruins will participate in the seventh annual R aptors C up -- a university and college b ask etb a ll to u rn am en t -- this w eek en d at H um ber C ollege and the A ir C an ad a Centre. S heridan takes on W estern on Friday, 4 p.m. at H um ber C ollege. Oakville Rangers rep hockey reports Jill Kitchener · Oakville Beaver Oakville C rusader M ike D aniels on the run in action from earlier in the season. The Cru won their M cCorm ick Cup quarterfinal gam e last Saturday 27-5 over visiting A urora Barbarians. T he O ak ville R angers m inor bantam A AA rep team sw ept undefeated through the fourth annual Jason A braham M em orial Tournam ent o ver the O ct. 18/19 w eekend. In th e ir fo u r p relim in ary ro u n d g am es, O akville defeated A m herst K nights 7-1, W hitby W ild cats 4 -2 , B ram p to n B a ttalio n 7 -0 and W indsor 4-3. T he cham pionship gam e w as a rem atch o f the p relim in ary ro u n d b etw een W in d so r and O akville. W indsor got on the board first, but O akville charged back w ith fo u r unansw ered m arkers for the 4-1 cham pionship win. Injured K evin C am pbell, on standby, w atched as D avid C lem ent answ ered the bell for all five tournam ent gam es, allow ing ju st seven goals. T hose few goals serve as testim ony for a defensive core that held opponents at bay for m ost o f th eir chances. T he forw ards played every shift w ith an intensity that produced 27 goals, h ig h lig h ted by the to u rn am en t M V P T y ler Stothers. Cru host Cup semifinal on Saturday T he O akville C rusaders rugby club had a great regular season w ith a 13-1 record -- tops in their elite M arshall D ivision -- and they continue to roll along in the M cC orm ick C up playdow ns. T hey w on last S aturday's quarterfinal gam e 27-5 over the visiting A urora Barbarians. O th er league action had B ran tfo rd o v er O ttaw a Irish 48-3, Irish C anadians o ver M arkham 9-6 and Balm y Beach over Yeoman 33-26. T he C rusaders will host Balm y B each this Saturday (Oct. 25), 3 p.m. at C rusader Park. C RU S E C O N D TE A M T he C ru seconds also won their second round p la y o ff g am e 29-0, also ag a in st A u ro ra Barbarians. A nd they will also host a sem ifinal gam e this Saturday. 1:30 p.m . T he opponent w as not know n as o f the press deadline. 5-0 w in o ver the visitors. C oincidently, this brings their season record to 5-0. A fter a scoreless first period. O akville broke the ice w ith a pair in the second period and three goals in the third period. S cott W ilson had a four-point night w ith tw o goals, including the w inner, and tw o assists. O th er goals w ere scored by M ichael Scott, N icholas K ashty and D ylan C ooper. A ssists w ent to T yler B adham . A ndrew O 'B rie n , K ashty and d efe n cem en E ric Ja ck so n an d N ath an iel D om agala. R anger goalie C hristopher M iniaci w as solid w hen tested, especially in the late m inutes o f the gam e to preserve the shutout. N ext hom e gam e is this Friday (O cto b er 24) against Bram pton. Another Oakville rugby player honoured For the second consecutive week, an Oakville rugby player has claim ed male athlete o f the week honours at M cM aster University. Harry Cheung has captained the m en's rugby team to their first undefeated season since 1996 with tw o wins last week -- 50-5 over Waterloo Warriors and 24-0 over C arleton Ravens. T he M arauders' record is 6-0. T he fourth-year com m erce student has scored at least one try in every gam e this season. His selection follows on the heels o f teammate James Wood, also from Oakville. P lay in g h o st to th e W elland T ig ers, the O a k v ille R angers m inor p eew ee A A A rep team continued their early season success w ith a T he O ak ville R angers novice A rep team continued their w inning w ays this past w eek w ith victories o v er G uelph and A cton on the w eekend and a 4-2 w in ag ain st F ergus on T hursday evening to im prove their record to 6-0-1. S coring in the Fergus win w ere C olin G eorge, Blake Jones. T yler M cLaughlin and T yler Ruton. A ssists w ent to M att Lunder, Ruton, Ryan B um s, M cLaughlin and defencem an Jacob Prinsen. OAKVILLE'S BEST COVERAGE IS ABOUT TO GET EVEN BETTER. WATCH FOR DETAILS. rni] iiAkviLLE b e a v e r FOR INFORMATION CALL 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 3 8 2 4

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