Oakville Beaver, 7 May 2003, A2

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A 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y M a y 7, 2003 I La ra W illisto n 7* i / . . . B u s in e s s P r o f ile C o -o p e ra tiv e E d u c a tio n is a p rac tical an d exciting way to in teg rate classroom th e o ry w ith real w orld experience. T h e pro g ram , fo u n d e d upon th e p a r tn e rs h ip b etw e en S h e rid a n C o lle g e a n d businesses, allow s s tu d e n ts to p a rtic ip a te as active m em bers in th e everyday o p e r ation s o f a local c o m m u n ity new spa per. Lara has successfully co m p leted her first year o f th e S heridan C ollege A dvertising P rogram an d is loo k in g forw ard to startin g h er second year. A fter Lara co m p letes th e advertising course she in te n d s to take a p o st g ra d u ate course in W eb D esign also a t S h erid an C o lleg e. L ara enjoys m ost aspects o f advertising, b u t is especially in terested in the creative side. She is in terested in p u rsu in g a career in W eb D esign. "C o -o p p lacem en t has proved to be a really valuable o u tle t to p u t m y skills to th e test. 1 really enjoyed the ch an ce to observe how th e new spaper is ru n a n d all o f the efforts th at go in to p u ttin g it together. I w ould like to th a n k th e sta ff o f th e O akville Beaver for giving m e this ed u c atio n al o p p o rtu n ity . It has been a great expe rience to learn from . I w o u ld also like to th a n k th e p a rtic ip a tin g businesses w h o m ade this e n d e av o u r possible a n d a valuable learn in g experience for m e ." W e ask th a t o u r readers su p p o rt the profiled businesses w h o m ade this p ro ject possible. T h is p ro ject allows you to "get th e k n o w " these business es from a stu d e n ts perspective. By visiting th eir businesses, you su p p o rt o u r y o u th a n d the co -o p p artn e rsh ip . A cross Canada, M ay 13 has been declared Portuguese Day, hut M ayor Ann Mulvale took it one step fu rth er by proclaiming the enlire m onth as Portuguese M onth in Oakville. Enjoying a special cerem ony held in th eir h o nour at Town Hall last week were, from left, Jo ao Botelho, Jose Defaria, Joao Simoes and Chantal Ayotte · Special to the Oakville Beaver C onstantino D utra. Town celebrates Portuguese month 'P i o n e e r s ' h o n o u r e d a t s p e c i a l e v e n t c o m m e m o r a t i n g t h e i r a r r i v a l By Paula Henriques OAKVILLE BRAVER STAFF On March 27. 1953, 26-ycarold Joao Botelho arrived in Halifax in search of a better life. Hailing from St. Miguel, Azores, he heard that in Canada you could work and save money at the same time, something that ¥ was very hard to do in Portugal. * So over several weeks the sin ! gle man travelled many miles t from his family to a strange land that he would soon call home and eventually settled in Oakville. Botelho was one of the five Portuguese "pioneers" who were honoured in a special ceremony held last Thursday at Town Hall commemorating their arrival to Canada 50 years ago. Local offi cials were present and the Oakville Portuguese Folklore Group performed traditional music and dance. Port wine and traditional sweets and edibles were also served. Across Canada, May 13 has been declared Portuguese Day. but Mayor Ann Mulvale took it one step further by proclaiming the entire month as Portuguese Month in Oakville. In her proclamation. Mulvale * states that not only is the & Portuguese-Canadian communi ty in Oakville one of the largest ethnic communities in the town -- totalling 32,7(X) people -- but also one o f the largest and strongest communities in Canada. Though people from Portugal did arrive in Canada before 1953. ' it was the large numbers that dis I v S h e r id a n A D V E R T IS IN G P R O G R A M Get Ready For Raleigh Elkhorn m NOW m Helmets REG. $49.991 $29"' Light REG. $49.99 NOW f a R iy/it iike. t/w Right aarw ria the Right in(e. a tt a t the Rightfiner L # C Y C L E P A T H .C M embarked in Newfoundland and Halifax ports that began to make a difference in Canada's muiticulturalism. "The Portuguese immigrants settled and integrated into this society and ultimately became proud members of this country," said the Councillor General of Portugal Joao Perestrelo who was present at the ceremony. "Yet they didn't forget their roots. They still use their lan guage today and in doing so. not only have they enriched this country, but they've also enriched the multiculturalism of Canada." The other four pioneers to set tle in Oakville were Jose Augusto DeFaria, Joao Simoes. Constantino Dutra and Adonias Lima. And their stories are very' sim ilar to Botelho's. They were all searching for a better life and found it. When Simoes arrived in Oakville, the population was 9,(KK). and it was mostly farm land. Humorously he said his first job in Canada was "milking cows, so I had no trouble adapt ing because it felt like home." Twenty-nine years old at the time, he was married and had a son, but his wife and child had to stay in Portugal until he was able to afford to bring them over. Two years later, the family was reunit ed and settled in Oakville, where they still live today. Nine months later, on June 6, 1956. their daughter. Adriana, was bom the first Portuguese-Canadian baby to be bom at Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. "I loved Canada from the first day. It has everything you need." said his wife. Noemia. Ed Viana. chair of the 50th anniversary organizing commit tee and also a PortugueseCanadian who arrived in Canada 41 years ago. said Oakville's rich history is partly ingrained with the arrival o f the Portuguese. "We have much to thank for the sacrifices these pioneers made before us to give us what we have now. It's very important for people to realize that we are all part o f the history o f Oakville." he said. As part of the month's festivi ties. St. Joseph's Portuguese Roman Catholic Church, located at 2451 Bronte Rd. will be hav ing a mass at 2 p.m., dedicated to the Portuguese immigrants who passed away, especially Manuel Peichoto and Manuel Vargas, also considered to lie Canada's first Portuguese pioneers. On May 31. there will be an all-day picnic on the church grounds complete with fresh sar dines, com bread and Portuguese sausage. The London Portuguese Folklore Group will perform a variety o f dances. In addition, a flag pole with the Canadian and Portuguese Hags will be erected as well as a new monument of the famous Portuguese navigator Goncalo Velho Cabral will be displayed at Candy Cane Park on Stewart St. For more information on the upcoming festivities call Ed Viana at 905-845-2761. *19® W e b e rs P r '^ e c e W e a K e v C h a tn p evrtet r . T I 'i i n w w jt !·/.> .« M il T M 5 0 0 Sp eers Rd. O akville, ON L6K 2G 3 Phone: 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -0 7 8 3 Fax: 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -0 7 8 4 Open 7 days a week w ww.support@ cyclepath.ca A p p r e c ia tio n D a y Join Us Saturday, M ay 1 0 ,h, 2 0 0 3 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Copps Coliseum F R E E A D M IS S IO N * for a c a rn iv a l-lik e afternoon as CAA S o u th C e n tra l O n ta rio c e le b ra te s 100 y e a rs o f s e rv ic e to M e m b e rs M em ber · · · · a i J E4B TV / 905-257-0777 2 3 8 7 TRAFALGAR RD. SO U T H OF H W Y . # 5 O N T H E EAST SIDE B ring yo ur w h o le fa m ily 3UIM T A N 3 T U D IQ 3 BS ° ; a o"' NORTH AMERICAS LARGEST INDOOR TANNING COMPANY P A C K A G E S T R A N S F E R A B L E T O L O C A T IO N S C A N A D A W ID E TR A FA LG A R RIDGE S H O P P IN G CENTRE S ta g e E n te rta in m e n t M a g ic ia n s , C lo w n s & F a c e P a in tin g F o rd /C A A P ro v in c ia l S tu d e n t A u to S k ills C o m p e titio n C la s s ic C a r S h o w In fo rm a tio n B ooths In te ra c tiv e A c tiv itie s P riz e s & G iv e -a w a y s * R em em ber to bring your M om borship Card for adm ission and to enter th e contests Parking is not included w ith admission ~ J I N D D O N 'T M IS S O U R 905-5 * 7-9826 6 4 9 FOURTH L IN E SE C O RNER OF SPEERS & F O U R T H LIN E 905-82 5-8826 1 5 0 0 U P P E R M I D D L E R D .W . 3RD LIN E - ABBEY P L A Z A .1 4 TA B M C LA S V D "MEMBERS ONLY" M A Y 9 -1 1 : 2 5 % O f f A l l L o t i o n with the purchase of any tanning package IN IT IA L S E S S IO N F R E E C E R T IF IE D S T A F F B U Y I, G E T Members save Plus an additional SALE! O N S E L E C T E D M E R C H A N D IS E HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Buy 1 full metre or unit of selected merchandise at Fabricland's Regular Price, and get the next 2 full metres or units (of equal value) FREE! Our Entire In-Store Stock! I Plus a further additional NEW LO O K PATTERNS Individually priced. ONLY 1.99 each Offer valid May 5-11. 2003 only Not valid with any other discount offers ON OUR ENTIRE* DEC. PRICED · E X C L U D IN G P R O M O T IO N A L G O O D S & E N D S ONE DAY ONLY. SATURDAY, MAY tO. 2013, FOR VALID SEWING CLUB MEMBERS ONLY MEMBERSHIPS FOR THE REMAINING I MONTHS OF OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR ARE AVAILABLE IN STORE IN-STORE STOCK! N o t a N o t a M e m b e r ? P r o b le m ! Sale in effect til May 13, 2003, on selected in stock merchandise, while quantities last. Most items available in most stores. Look for the red sale tags. Sorry, no special orders. OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V IL L E 844-7728 Join now! Details in-store!

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