Oakville Beaver, 26 Mar 2003, A2

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A2 -The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 26, 2003 Liberal forum will discuss Tory budget The Oakville Liberal Provincial Association hosts a public forum Thursday night to allow residents to express their views about the Premier Ernie Eves' decision to announce the provincial budget outside the Legislature. "This is a way for us to demonstrate our support for Oakville MPPand Speaker of the House Gar)' Carr in his critical comments about the Tory plan to introduce the budget outside of the Ontario Legislature," said O PLA President Bruce Craig. The evening is also the last in a series of public meetings being held by Oakville Liberal candi date Kevin Flynn, whose talk that night will focus on urban sprawl, air and water quality, greenspace preservation and traf fic gridlock and how it's chang ing the community. This open forum and address will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn. 2774 South Sheridan Way. between Ford Drive and Winston Churchill, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Those attending are invited to bring a non-perishable food item, which will be distributed to the local food bank. Members of the public should register their attendance by going to www.oakvilleliberal.com or calling Bruce Craig at 905-8275286. Premier unfazed by Carr's attacks against made-for-TV budget (Continued from page A1) to 5 TO CH O O SE FRO M th e , ~W 2 0 0 3 Ford Ex p l o r e r S p o r t 0% UP TO 3 6 M O N T H S FINANCING P lus $ 1 0 0 0 M a rc h B re a k B on us 4x4, V6, 4 litre engine, 5-speed auto, air conditioning, power windows, door locks and moonroof, limited slip rear axle, premium AM/FM/CD/cassette stereo with 4 speakers Cash sale purchase prices a re plus fre ig h t · E xplo rer $ 8 9 5 , o il a p p lic a b le taxes Cash price s a lso include custom er cosh value poclcoge E xplo rer $ 2 ,0 0 0 C ashbocks c o n n o t b e co m b in e d w i t h lo w purchase APR o ffe r from Ford cre d it N o ADMINISTRATION FEE Plus freigh t, a ir ta x a n d a p p lic a b le taxos C A S H P R IC E 29,913 ST O C K #3T1 77 THE 2003 LINCO LN LS · V6 now with 232 bp - more than Codillac CTS V6 · Also ovaiiabie in V8 model, now with 280 hp · 3 new inter or treatments · Exterior design enhancements New front and rear foscio Dud chrome exhaust tips · Retuned suspension · Avcliable heated and cooled front seats · Available DVD based n a v i g o ' iO n system · A/ailabie THX -certified audio system L E A S E L I N C O L N LS V 6 AT A N A F F O R D A B LE troversial actions of Eves. Two weeks ago. Eves announced his government would release a made-for-TV budget at a private gathering rather than at Queen's Park. The announcement was greet ed by shock and anger by Opposition members and Carr. The budget will be released tomorrow at 4 p.m. by Finance Minister Janet Ecker at a Brampton-based auto-parts busi ness. Finkelstein states there's " likely no judicially-enforceable constitutional law that a budget speech be delivered first" in the Legislature. But it's tradition and should be upheld, he said. "The real issue is whether there is a constitutional conven tion that a budget be delivered in the first assembly, where it can lie the immediate subject of scrutiny and debate by the elected repre sentatives of Ontarians. "W hile the procedure for delivering the budget speech has varied over time, its delivery in the assembly has remained con stant." MPPs have argued they should have first crack to debate the budget the moment it's released Barrie Erskine · O a k v ille B e a v e r O ntario Prem ier Ernie Eves says he's not w orried about constitutional challenges to T hu rsd ay 's provincial budget. publicly. The Eves government released its own constitutional opinion last Friday and a corporate litigation lawyer found nothing wrong with the budget presentation plan. And on Monday, Eves defend ed the budget decision, insisting his government has scrupulously followed the legal prtx'ess. "I'm not worried about that at all." he told reporters at a ground breaking for long-term care centre. "I don't see anything out of order." He said the budget will be filed with the House, and the media, briefed in advance, will remain under lock-down until 4 p.m., like during any other budg et day. In addition to the legal opin ion. Carr had provincial clerks search for a precedent among Commonwealth countries. Carr said Eves could eventual ly be found in contempt and per haps even censured. But it's not clear if Monday's findings are the official House rulings because Carr has refused to make comments to the media about Finkeistein's report. The Speaker has been far from silent, though. He's publicly criti cized Eves made-for-TV budget as a ploy to gamer votes. He said the Premier has thrown aside democracy to hold a budget outside the Legislature, and accused Eves of allowing a trio of political strategists to run Queen's Park by suggesting the made-for-TV budget idea. He also warned the Premier that an arrogant government doesn't always perform well at the polls. He referred to David Peterson's decision to call an election in 1990 after only three years in power. His Liberals lost. Eves is expected to call an election some time this year. Oakville Tories pick candidate tonight The Oakville Provincial Progressive Conservative As sociation hosts its formal nomi nation convention tonight (Wednesday) to select its candi date for the upcoming provincial election. The event, which takes place at Le Dome. 11 73 North Service Rd. East, will feature contenders Andrew Pask. David Young and Kurt Franklin. Voter registration takes place from 6 to 7 p.m. followed by opening remarks until 7:15 p.m. Speeches from the candidates take place until 8:30 p.m. fol lowed by the vote at 8:35 p.m. Current Oakville M PP Gary Carr, who served at Queen's Park for 13 years and is now Speaker of the House, made it known in January that he would not seek re-election. 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C u s to m e r. » "aip o o s.tH e a t ica ae in c e p tio n fo r a d o w n p a ym e nt, c a m o» tr# o « e q utv alem o t S 5 .7 2 0 . tb e fir s t m o n th ly p a ym e nt o f $ 6 7 3 0 0 , a 'C fu ^d a b le ic c u r .ty do®o»lt o f a c p r o im a te ly o n * m on tbty leaae p a ym e nt, fte -gh t o re -d e liv e 'y cha rge s, ta<es, r r g is tr jt- o n and licen se fe e *. 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