Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 2003, A02

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A 2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 29, 2003 Candidates differ over development charges subsidies (Continued from page A1) more "environmental ammunition." She noted it was David Petersen's Liberal gov ernment that "awarded this growth to Oakville" in 1987. Mulvale also noted that half of the new residents in some developing areas are Oakville people whose lifestyles have changed or they are young people looking to afford a home for their family in the com munity in which they grew up. Mulvale pledged that if there is environ mental data to lobby the province to reduce its mandated population growth target for Oakville, "I will lead it" Burton took aim at the $900,000 the Town has made available in its budget for discounts to industrial/commercial devel opment charges. Mulvale defended that such discounts enable Oakville to better compete with other communities to lure industrial/com mercial growth here - along with future taxes that will help pay for services to resi dents. Burton pledged that he would not, if elected, give money away and called the Mulvale said she has never broken the oath of office and never will. Mulvale said that zoning changes and a push for live-work scenarios and at-home employment is all part of trying to grow Oakville's economy - some of which would be environmentally beneficial, if it reduces traffic. Burton said Oakville is currently 85 per cent residential. He noted Brampton is 60 per cent residential. "How much like Brampton do you want to be? " Burton asked chamber members. Burton said he's running to give resi dents a choice. Both Burton and Mulvale said they sup ported the arts. While Mulvale said Oakville leads in its incorporation of the arts for a community of its size. Burton sug gested subsidies to developers could be bet ter spent on arts. Burton remained skeptical that any new deal or a share in gasoline tax for public transit would see Oakville come out the winner against the province. Addressing a shortage of recreational facilities, Mulvale said the legislation regarding development charges needs to be changed so more of that money can go toward recreational facilities. Burton said Oakville provides one ice rink for every 23,000 people while Milton's ratio is one to 12,000. Again he argued "subsidies" to business could be better spent on Oakville residents. In closing. Burton said as mayor he would make Town Hall live within its means, understand there was no such thing as a free lunch, look at issues with a skepti cal eye and the ability to say no. Mulvale said there aren't "simplistic solutions to complex problems." Mulvale said the Town went into debt to rebuild Munn's Creek after homes were flooded there, to build the Rebecca Street bridge and to get the Third Line/QEW interchange built while the Province was dragging its heels -- all to improve life for residents. Mulvale said she's widely respected and has the network to deliver a new deal to municipalities. A third candidate for mayor, Richard Serra, was not in attendance. Peter C. McCusker · O akville Beaver C h am b er of Com m erce debate attracted about 100 spectators. discounts "unnecessary subsidies" which ulates campaign contributions and said 90 per cent of her funds come from Oakville could be better spent on residents. Mulvale said it's an investment in the residents. town that will pay significant dividends. Mulvale also noted that she has sworn Chris Chapin asked the candidates if an oath of office more than a dozen times they accept campaign contributions from and said, "I've never jeopardized the spirit or intent of that office." developers. Noting that she was in debt after several Burton said he never takes any contribu tions "from developers or anyone else who campaigns, Mulvale said she began accept does business with the Town." ing more campaign donations in 1994 when Mulvale said provincial legislation reg she was widowed and raising two sons. Ontario Energy Board Commission de I'Gnergle de Ontario N ow O pen! RP-2003-0098/EB-2003-0135 N O T IC E O F A P P L IC A T IO N AND N O T IC E O F W R IT T E N H E A R IN G E le c tric itv D is trib u tio n L ic en c e E x p e r ie n c e R o y a n . | Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. filed an application dated May 28, 2003 with the Ontario Energy Board to renew its electricity distribution licence. The Board assigned file no. RP2003-0098/EB-2003-0135 to the application. The granting of this licence would enable the applicant to distribute electricity. How to P articip ate in the H earing The Board intends to proceed with the application by way of a written hearing unless a party satis fies the Board that there is a good reason for not holding a written hearing. If you object to the Board holding a written hearing in this matter, you must provide written reasons why a written hearing will not suffice and an oral hearing is necessary. Any submissions objecting to a written hearing must be received by the Board within seven (7) calendar days of the publication date o f this Notice. If you wish to participate in the written hearing, you must forward three copies of your written sub missions to the Assistant Secretary o f the Board and one copy to the applicant at the address below. All submissions must be received no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the publication date of this Notice. If Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. wishes to respond to the written sub missions, such response must be received by the Board no later than twenty-one (21) calendar days after the publication date of this Notice. All submissions must quote file no. RP-2003-0098/EB2003-0135, clearly state the sender's name and address, and be received by the Assistant Secretary by 4:45 p.m. on the required dates. Information relating to the application is available to be viewed at the Board's office, or at the office of the applicant (address below). A sample distribution licence is available on the Board's Web site at www.oeb.gov.on.ca or by calling the Board's Customer Service Centre at 1-877-632-2727 or (416)314-2455 IF YOU DO N O T F IL E A W R ITT EN SU BM ISSION O B JE C T IN G T O A W R ITT EN H E A R IN G O R DO N O T P A R T IC IP A T E IN T H E H E A R IN G BY FIL IN G W R IT T E N SUB M ISSIO N S IN A C CO RD A N CE W IT H T H IS N O T IC E , T H E BOARD MAY PR O C EE D W IT H O U T YOUR PA R T IC IP A T IO N AND YOU W IL L N O T BE E N T IT L E D T O FU R T H E R N O T IC E IN T H IS PR O C EE D IN G . DATED at Toronto. October 17, 2003 An u p scale, m o d e rn b rasserie n a m e d a fte r a city a n d a tim e in F rance w e w o u ld like y o u to e x p erie n c e. M o n d a y - S a tu r d a y S u n d a y B R A S S E R IE O N TA R IO EN ERG Y BOARD ROYAN 218 I.ak o sh o ro Road F ast. O ak v ille O n ta rio Paul B. Pudge Assistant Secretary ADDR£SS Ontario Energy Board P.O. Box 2319 2300 Yonge Street Toronto. ON M4P 1E4 Paul B. Pudge Assistant Secretary Tel: 1-888-632-6273 (Toll free) Fax:416-440-7656 Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. 861 Redwood Square Oakville, ON L6J 5E3 Gary Parent Director, Special Projects Tel: 905-825-9400 Fax: 905-825-4435 1.6J1H8 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 8 6 2 3 th e M O N K I V in s id e F R 0 JY T P A G E I T p R o y a l S c h o o l £ to lied A a * 9 f CwwtsrsKw TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION CALL MICHELLE THERRIEN AT 905-8 45 -382 4 EXT. 235 OR FAX: 9 05-337-5568 V I f to ,a * , » H M fH iyM frifiw j«8 *k/'sa#ij O f O n ta rio J A 1 'rn'ate Co-educational School G r a d e 5 t o 12 1 REM O TE M ONKLY Cnttm Uauf I ChUon l»! 'W m .tfdriii'L Orn m. miTmAnr^ M ia .iW W V kd im Call for m ore inform ation OPEN HOUSE Every Saturday & Sunday 10:00 A M - 3:00 PM ·W ell-stru ctu red a n d c o n tin u o u sly m odified program s to cater to th e needs o f th e ever-changing technological world. * O u r program s arc designed to prepare stu d e n ts w ho w an t to pursue an academ ic/professional career such as M edicine, E ngineering in one stream and A ccounting, Law in the other. ·N o need for private tu to rs, y o u r c h ild 's needs will be a b u n d a n tly m et. ·M ax im u m o f 10 stu d e n ts per class 2 O a k v ille lo c a tio n s : 2ft40 Bfl-.lol Circle. Suilo 100 1305 A bb nvw tx xl D r Unit 16 Oakvillo O N . I OH b Z I (nor It. ot U E W off 3rd lin o ) (9 0 S ) 8 2 9 - 1 9 5 4 C L IP T H IS C O U P O N & SAV E (9 0 S ) 4 6 9 - 2 9 4 4 ·» O loii A b b e y lo c a tio n tm ly i arcade sound systems s a m e oav SerY!**: V * t- Also, w e offer: W e e k e n d c r e d it c o u rs e s fr o m 1st w e e k o t e a c h s e m e s te r U n iv e rs ity p r e p a r a t o r y p r o g r a m s In m o s t s u b |e c ts In c lu d in g C a lc u lu s A P h y s ic s P riv a te tu itio n In m o s t s u b je c ts . H ig h S c h o o l a n d U n iv e rs ity ·M ost Vehide's-no additional fees · Premium Unit · Professionally Installed Som e vehicles require transponder bypass Speers Rd 847-9131 2902 South Sheridan Way Oakville. ON Tel: 905 829 2212 E m a il: r o y aU c h Q o lo f o n m r io f f b e l l n c i . m 9 0 5 8 4 4 -5 4 5 9 1027 Speers Road, Unit 24A

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