Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 2003, B03

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y O c to b e r 29, 2003 - B3 COMMUNITY IIP D 1 T E Please forward announce ments o f non-profit and free events fo r Community Update to Wilma Blokhuis. Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567; e-mail blokhuis@haltonsearch.com or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250; BEFORE NOON MON DA Y to be included. Notices listedfree. R ebecca, 11 a.m . - 3 p.m. Country Store and Deli, white elephant, knitting, sewing, bake, OATS and craft tables, silent auction, books and puzzles, and children's activities. Free adm is sion. Tea room , $3.50, children $1.50. num bers and varieties in Bronte area as part o f the HFNC annual survey in 50kilom etre radius o f D undum Castle. Dress in layered clothing and bring lunch. Meet at 8:30 a.m. at Bronte Pooled parking loj, southeast com er o f Bronte and QEW. Call 905 279-9576 o r 905 820-2571. M o b ility | S ym p a tico | ExpressVu | H o m e P h o n e | Business Solutions Iroquois Ridge High School Holiday Craft Show, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., at school, 1123 G lenashton east o f E ighth Line. Shabby chick, hand blown glass, cem ent garden accents, angels, designer bears, baked goods, hand made jew elry - 90 artisans. Student m usicians w ill entertain. Proceeds to Collaborative Music Council for school's band and vocal groups. St. Michael's Bazaar, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.. St. M ichael's School, 188 Sew ell, featuring 50/50 draw, hom e baking, book noon, c h ild ren 's com er, and m ore. Proceeds to St. M ichael's CW L. Prices in effect until November 9, 2003. WEDNESDAY OCT. 29 Oakville African Violet Society, 7:36 p.m.. Horticulture Room . W hite O aks Secondary School - North Cam pus. 1055 M cC raney. use w est side entrance north o f greenhouse. Visitors welcom e. Call Barbara Post, 905-845-1550. B g U \A / o r !d THURSDAY OCT. 30 Haunted House, Halloween fundraiser for Croatian folklore group Hrvatsko Prelo, 4 - 7 p.m.. H oly T rinity C roatian Parish, 2110 T rafalgar Rd., north o f U pper M iddle. C ost: $3 per child, $8 family pass (3-4 chil dren). Proceeds to send Hrvatsko Prelo to festival in Croatia. Parents Without Partners Halloween Dance. 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m ., C larkson C om m unity C entre, 2475 T ruscott. M ississauga. W ear costum e and w in a prize. DJ, cold buffet, d oor prizes, spot prizes and m uch more. Cost: guests $14, m em bers and associates $ 10. Self-Esteem w ith Ingrid Zollikofer. Do you need to grow in self-esteem ? D o you need to learn how to stop sabotaging your own success and how to break out o f the cycle o f selfdefeating attitudes and behav iors? E xplore strategies for im proving your self-esteem by becom ing more pro-active and self-confident, 10 a.m . - 12 p.m., for four weeks. C ost $35. Call W om en's Centre, 905-847-5520. Need another reason to smile? O U S Q. Women' s Caring and Sharing Circle w ith Patricia H urst. Share ch allenges, life experience and wisdom . Every Thursday, at 1 - 2 p.m ., no cost. F or m ore inform ation, call W om en's Centre, 905-847-5520 INSTANTLY RECEIVE VOICE fo r Hearing Impaired Children, support g ro u p for parents, A ppleby U nited C hurch. B urlington, 7 p.m. C all 905-335-1069. Q_ Halton And Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) netw orking support group for unem ployed business professionals. 8 a.m .. in M ississauga. Speaker: Bob Scott, Sell Yourself and Get That New Job. M em bers S5, non m em bers S10. C all 905-3390268 or w w w.happen.ca. BELL WORLD GIFT CARD* 100 B e i l W o r l d $ 1 0 0 gift card d o lla rs / SUNDAY NOV. 2 With a Voice o f Singing , con cert o f favourite anthem s featur ing W alton's Senior, Youth and Junior C hoirs directed by Linda Fletcher and Joan Spares, 7 p.m., at W alton M em orial U nited Church, Lakeshore and Bronte. Adm ission, $10 adults, $25 fam ily. Reception follows. Call 905827-1643. Proceeds tp church. FRIPAY OCT. 31 Orange You Glad Family Party featuring the R ubber C hicken C om pany, Evangel Pentecostal C hurch, 1450 Rebecca. O utside inflatable gam es and food. 6 - 7 p.m.. Rubber C hicken Com pany, 7 - 8 p.m. Dress in favourite orange no costum es please due to active native o f program. A dm ission $5 includes five tickets for games and food, additional tickets - 10 for $5. Call 905-827-0251. Healing Prayer Service. interdenom inational w ellness service w ith m usic, serm on, quiet m editation, com m union and prayer, 2 p.m ., W alton M em orial U nited C hurch, Lakeshore and Bronte. SATURDAY NOV. 1 Poinsettia Bazaar and Tea. St. Paul's United Church, 454 South Peel Naturalists Club Field Trip · Fall Round-up SPNC coordinates inventory o f Purchase the SympaticoTM High Speed Internet service retail kit and receive**: · 1s t m onth of service · FREE Top 500 Web source Internet guide · FREE interactive CD-ROM w ith high speed demos and tutorials United Way Challenge Update W ilson C o rp o rate C hallenge: $37,522 of a possible $200,000 raised Sprott L ea d ersh ip C hallenge: $40,140 of a possible $150,000 raised Visit a Bell World store near you. C all U n ite d W ay at (9 0 5 ) 845-5571 an d tak e u p th e C h a lle n g e today! 2003 Campaign goal - $3,456 million. Oakville Place (905)815-9200 Winston Power Centre (905) 829-9001 Prices a nd offers in e ffe ct u n til N o ve m be r 9, 200 3 , unless o th e rw ise specified a nd are su b ject to change. C e rta in c o n d itio n s a nd restrictio n s m ay a pp ly. W e reserve th e rig h t to lim it q u a n titie s. M ay n o t be co m b in e d w ith any o th e r o ffe rs. Ask in -sto re fo r details. O ffe r fo r S10 0 g ift card is o n ly a p p lica b le to n ew subscribers th a t purchase th e retail k it a n d sig n -u p o n a 1 2 -m o n th co n tra ct fo r S ym p atico H igh Speed In te rn e t service. M a jo r c re d it card is re q u ire d to sig n -u p a n d S 100 w ill be ch a rg e d to c re d it card if co n tra ct is cancelled b efo re 12 m o n th s. " 1" m o n th o f service in c lu d e d w ith th e S ym patico H igh Speed In te rn e t service. Retail kit is o n ly available to n e w S ym patico H igh Speed In te rn e t subscribers th a t purchase th e retail k it and register fo r service in-store. Thereafter, th e re g u la r m o n th ly rate (cu rre n tly $ 4 4 .9 5 /m o n th ) a pplies. M o n th ly rate includes access, a n d m o d e m ren tal. S ym patico is a registered tra d e-m a rk o f Bell Canada. Community Notices Auction ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE On Saturday, November 1/03 10:00 A.M. (preview 8:30 AM) On Robert St. at the Milton Fairgrounds (Agricultural Hall). A large collection of primitive antique hand tools from the eighteenth and nineteenth century (around 300 pcs.). All antique tools were donat ed by Margaret and Fred Helson to the Halton M useum Foundation for Auction. 1877 Halton County Atlas. Lots of antique furniture and glass and china etc. etc. Excellent collection of Ltd. edition prints to include: A .J. Casson, Tom Thom son. Terms cash or cheque w/proper ID. Deaths Come one and all to the annual Deaths K E R R , H e le n M a rg a re t E liza b e th on Friday, O c to b e r 24. 2003. It is with sorrow, the family an n o u n ce the death of H e len M a rg a re t E liz a b e th K err (n e e Ferguson). Beloved wife of the late Manford Edward Kerr. Helen is survived by her dear step-daughter Helen Bliss of Ancaster; her d e a r g r a n d d a u g h te r C y n th ia B liss of Toronto: her loving sisters Je a n Pennick of M arm ora. O nt., a n d Muriel H orsfield of Oakville Also her brother-in-law Calvin C. King of Winnipeg Helen w as p red eceased by her sister Katherine (Kitty) King, and her only b ro th e r, L ieut. Col. C W illiam Ferguson, who was killed in active service in F ra n c e in 1944, a n d h e r s is te r-in -la w Lorraine Ferguson. Helen is also survived by several nieces and nephew s and several great nieces and nephews. Helen w as the eldest daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. C .S . F e rg u s o n . A fam ily s e r v ic e h a s b e e n h e ld follow ed by in te rm e n t a t St. J u d e 's Cem etery. A Memorial Service for Helen will b e held on Thursday, October 30. 2003 at St. J o h n 's U nited C h u rc h (262 Randall St. at Dunn) at 2 p.m. If so desired, do n atio n s m ay b e m ad e to the OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital, 327 Reynolds St. O akville. O nt. L6 J 3L7 or St J o h n 's United Church, Trust Fund. 262 Randall St. Oakville, Ont. L6J 1P9. Deaths MCDONALD, R andall Wayne - Passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, October 25.2003 at OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 49th year Beloved wife of Marilyn, loving father of Jeremey. Jason and Bailey, he will be sadly missed by his extended family as well as his many acquaintances He is survived by his loving lather Dave, his siblings Terry, Brenda, David, Marvin and Iheir extended families. He is predeceased by his mother Mary, his brothers Brian and Darryl, and his infant son Joshua. Visitation will be held at the Oakview Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block easl of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Friday October 31 from 1-3 p.m, followed by a service. Many thanks lo all the medical staff and volunteers who have assisted in his care over the years. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be gratefully acknowledged. 8 1 MKHARS BAZAAR Saturday, November 1,2003 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. 50-60 Drawl Pwmy Draw SaW Rafflal >BMkNMk · Nearly Naw Itaau St Michael s School 168 Sewell Drive M proceeds to SL Mckaafs Catholic Womeni League. Auctioneer Robt. (Robbie) M. White (905) 876-2884 Fun lo r the Whole FmSy! Don't Miss It! B lIC H , Sheila (see B a nge r) - p a sse d a w ay p e a c e fu lly a t th e L ondon H ealth S c ie n c e C e n tre , S o u th St. C a m p u s on T hursday, O c to b er 23. 2003 in her 70th year Dearly loved wife and best friend of V olm er B uch of S im c o e . Mom will b e lovingly rem em bered by her children Susan Fuller of Kincardine, her daughters Meghan and A llison: J a n e B re a k e ll and her husband Andrew of M ississauga, their d a u g h te r H e a th e r, a n d R o b ert B uch of Sim coe. A private family se rv ice will b e h e ld a t O a k w o o d C e m e te ry , S im co e . Memorial donations payable to the London Health Science C entre would b e gratefully a c k n o w le d g e d by th e family a n d m a d e th ro u g h th e JA SO N SMITH FUNERAL CHAPEL. 689 Norfolk St. North, Simcoe N3Y 3R3, (519) 426-0199. GREEN, Joyce (Allan) - July 9.1930 - October 25, 2003. Alter a briel illness. Joyce passed away peacefully in her home at Park Avenue Manor in Aldershot with her family by her side. Joyce is survived by her husband ol 52 years. Gordon, son Gordon Green and wile Susan, daughter Leslie Gaffney and husband Shawn, and sister Frances. Joyce was much loved Nana lo Allison, Adam and Erin Green and Beniamin and Heather Gaffney. Joyce is predeceased by her father Phillip (1965). mother Elizabeth (1990), brother Norman (1956) and infant sister Lily. Special thanks to her niece Frances Pritchard and husband Al. Bill Rennie, Stead Hobart and Annette Marenger. who devoted their time and TLC to Joyce and Gord during Joyce's illness. Thank you to the wonderful statl at Park Avenue Manor, Red Cross, VON, Lorraine at Meals on Wheels. Lisa at SENECA. Halton CCAC, and to many wonderful family friends and co workers for their acts of kindness during a very difficult period. Visitation will be held at Dodsworth and Brown Funeral Home. 2241 New Street, in Burlington on Wednesday, October 29. from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, October 30 at 1:30 at the Funeral Home with graveside service lo follow at Burlington Memorial Gardens on Guelph Line in Burlington. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Alzheimers Society or Halton VON. Bridal Show Craft Show O e ffS s u y ( ftiw -- te t/? p a to t H n k a n F m m MM M Where: St. Sfmm ! . \a tio n a / fjftr /c /a / January 2-4, 2004 National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place S C H A T T M A N N , Kathe - Peacefully on Sunday, O ctober 26, 2003 at the OakvilleT ra fa lg a r M em orial H o s p ita l, K athe S c h a ttm a n n , b e lo v e d wife of H a n s. D ear m other of Jo h n a n d his wife Anne, H a ro ld a n d h is w ife K athy. L oving grandm other of Krystol, Chris. David and B e n ja m in . L ovingly re m e m b e r e d by her d e ar friends. Visitation at the Kopriva T aylor C o m m u n ity F u n e ra l H om e, 64 L akeshore R oad W est. Oakville, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. W ednesday. Funeral M ass 11 a.m . T hursday. O c to b e r 30, 2003 at St. Ja m es Parish, 231 Morden Road, Oakville. Interment St. Ju d e 's Cemetery. Paul's United Church 123 Main St., Milton When: Saturday, November 1 9 AM - 3 PM .P o s ta l Cod«_ A R T IS A N S , V E N D O R S , B A K IN G , C R A F T S , C H IL D R E N S S H O P , C L O T H IN G ,C A F E S E R V IN G H O T LU N C H E va rya a e W elcom e! S la p la r C k rls ta ia s l A d a ils s lo a o a ly 1 2 / a d u lt ______________ C k llir a a FREE______________ I Wedding Dale F o____ Send to: National Bridal Shows do Premier Consumer Shows 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. ON L6K3S4 Fax:905-337-: S EN D T H IS FO R M FO R Y O U R 2 FO R 1 A D M IS S IO N C O UPO N BY FRI DEC 1 9 . 2 0 0 3 »D IV IS IO N O FM E T ftO U H O P H IH T m GP U B L IS H IN G ID KUSTRA, Clarence Ronald - Passed into glory, Sunday, October 26.2003 at the age of 69. Survived by his wife of 45 years, Priscilla his loving children Daryl (Jennifer). Dale (Danna), and grandchildren Sarah, Amy, Aaron and Mitchiell. Also survived by three aunts and an uncle in western Canada In accordance with Clarence's wishes, a private family service will be held A Memorial Service celebrating Clarence's life will be held at Lome Park Baptist Church (1500 Indian Road) in Mississauga on Saturday, November 1, 2003 at 11 a.m. In lieu ol flowers, donations to Ihe Czechoslovak Evangelical Mission c/o Lome Park Baptist Church would be greatly appreciated. Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (4 1 6 ) 4 8 7 -5 5 91 (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4

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