Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1948 Ice Cream Social Under the Auspices of Dundonald Busy Pals ON EDEN CHURCH LAWN Wednesday, August 18th, 1948 Beginning at 8.00 O'clock Admission: Adults 35c Children 25c Armstrong's Store News Announcing an AUGUST SALE A Store-Wide Clearance of Seasonable Lines--Practical Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men, Women, Children: Sportswear, Bathing and Play Togs, as well as Yard Goods, Underwear, Work Clothing and Accessories. To Mention Just A Few-- Bathing Suits, Shorts, Halters, Slacks, Men's and Boys' Swim Trunks and Shorts. Prices slashed to Dresses--Women's Misses' and Children's Cottons-- Reduced *4 to Kiddies' Overalls and Pants -- Many at Half Price. Children's Wash Suits, 2 to 6 yrs., reg. $1.59, for 98c Men's Zipper Jackets, reg. to $10.95 ........ Now $7.50 Men's and Boys' Sport Shirts all Greatly Reduced Men's Work Shirts, broken lines,.reg. to $2.50--$1.79 Yard Goods -- Real Values Here -- Voiles, Dimitys, Organdies, reg. $1.19 per yd. On Sale at 95c Cotton Prints--A full range at Sale Prices. Watch the Red SALE Tags for Bargains Throughout the Store! SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th Jack and Gene Armstrong "The Friendly Store" MEN'S WEAR DRY GOODS LADIES' WEAR PHONE 172 Coyle Block COLBORNE A Small Deposit Will Reserve Any Article the world'* dolly newspaper-- ME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. you JT«<* you** in your IJfi fti>V<*r u*** Mntm*n* Chris,lon NOTICE - FARMERS! 24 HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses or Cows, according to size and condition. Small animals removed FREE. WE DO THE LOADING. Highest Prices paid for Old Horses. PHONE : Stirling 553, or Peterborough 4026, reverse charges. NICK PECONI, Owner PERSONALS Capt. Wm. E. Redfearn of the S.S. Mrs. H. W. Steward is spending-, 'Outarde" is spending a week here, few days with friends at Toornto. Redfearn keeps Co3.1 ^eePs Rea<fearn Good Stove Wood on Hand ORDER NOW ! New Wall Paper Just Arrived COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER ! GOOD ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS & VARNISHES Beatty Vacuum Cleaners and Washers Limited Number--Place Order Now ! Jas, Redfearn & Son PHONE No. 1 King Street COLBORNE Mrs, Jack Johnston of Toronto v ited her sister, Mary Kimberger, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Grant have moved into their new home on Cedar Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Quinn and twin daughters, Toronto, are visiting realtives here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Peacock of Peterborough were weekend-guests of their parents. Mr, Cameron Philp had the fortune to fall last Thursday morning and injured his ankle. Nursing Sister Lieut. Irene Corbyn, Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. G. Corbyn. Mrs. Florence Mitchell, Rochester, N.Y., visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell last weekend. Miss Joan Myles is spending a week's vacation with her cousin Miss Betty Histed, Hamilton.. Mr. B. McCracken attended the Johnson-McCracken wedding at Brighton on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Fox of Montreal, spent Thursday at Toronto. Mrs. H. E. Reeser and her mother, Mrs. F. O. McGlennon, Toronto, visited friends and relatives here last Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Gwenyth of Blackstock were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally. Mr. Frank Coakley and son, Mr. J. Coakley, Cleveland, Ohio, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Broomfield. Miss Jean Badley, Windsor^ spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Broomfield and Miss E. McGlennon. Mr. William J. Troop jr. spent a week in camp at Petawawa with the 33rd Midland Regiment R.C.A. (B) of Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Goheen, accompanied by Mrs. Ida Goheen, Birghton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ladu Goheen, Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Myles were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright of Toronto at "Holiday Home," Harwood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Onyon and1 their son, Mr. Warren Bradley over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wolfraim, Montreal, visited his father, Lt. Col. J. F. Wolfraim and Mrs. Wolfraim at the Hotel Brunswick last week. Miss Reta Turpin has returned aft er successfully completing the Teach er's Training Course at the Roya! Conservatory of Music, Toornto. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Crandell and son Ronny, Gait; Mrs. Maude Harvey and Miss Dorothy Morden, Toronto attended the Johnson-McCracken wedding at Brighton, on Wednesday. Mrs. B. Smith, Master David and Miss Beverley Lowe, Mrs. Gordon Hay and daughters Jean and Doris are visiting Mrs. W. Suddes at Pointe au Baril. Mrs. R. E. Chandler visited her husband, who is a patient at Kingston General Hospitol, yesterday. Ted s many friends wish for him a speed* recovery. Misses Mary and Margaret Rutherford have returned home from Hamilton, where they have been taking special Summer course in Primary Education. . an Mrs. Everett Yarrow and sons have moved from East Colborne to Lakeport, where Mr. Yarrow purchased the property of the late Wm. G. Kernaghan. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and daughter, Miss Verna McNally, visited relatives at Eganville during Old Home Week, and attended the Rut-ledge-Davis Wedding at Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of Bloom-field were dinner guests at the Hotel Brunswick on Sunday. Mr. Thompson, a former employee at trie Onyon garage, renewed old acquaint- Mr. and Mrs. William Rutledge, Bobby and Gary, Detroit., Mich., visited Mrs. Rutledge's sister, Mrs. N. S McNally and Mrs. McNally, on their return from attending the Rutledg -Davis Wedding at Bancroft. Mr. Ale'x. Cosens, a pupil of Mr. W. R. Freeman, A.T.C.M., Brighton, pas-Grade III Harmony and received first-class honours in History in the Royal Conservatory of Music examinations, held recently at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joslin had as dinner guests on Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Lawson of Stamford, Conn.; Mr. Leslie Sinclair and the Misses Donna May and Lorainne Little of Toronto; Mrs. M. Coxall and Mr. V, G. Corowell of Loughbrf^e. Colborne. Mrs. R. S. Blackwood spent a days with relatives at Gananoque Athens. Miss Kit O'Hara of Toronto was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. A J. Dive. Mrs. J. F. Wolfraim and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Maude Richardson arc visiting relatives at Powassan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hess and family of Hastings spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis. Mrs. Wm.Eakins jr. and son Garry of Detroit, Mich., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Onyon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Otto attended the Ontario Angora Rally at Winona on Sunday last. Mrs. William Hetherington is spending a few days with her mother. Mrs. John Guild, Mallorytown. Mrs. Sarah Nelson is visiting at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, Port Hope. Mr. Sam Aboud and son Lennis, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. D. Hetherington. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pappineau of Bowmanville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald. Miss Orletta Harnden of Toronto is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Harnden. Mrs. Jennie Manning of Bowmanville spent Tuesday with her niece, Mrs. J. Blackhall, and Mr. Blackhall. Misses Ilia Smith and Laura Milne of Weston spent a day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dive. Miss H. R. Abraham is spending her vacation at the home of her sister. Mrs. J. B. Lake, and Mr. Lake Pow- Mr. and Mrs. Al Mathers spent Sunday with Mr. Walter Bestwick his summer resort, "Birch Point Lodge." Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Minaker and Mrs. D. S. Minaker spent Sunday at Rice Lake, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelley. Miss Marion Delaney, Guelph, is vacation with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Stacey and lughter Lorna of Chicago. 111., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Blackwood. Reeve Leonard Gordon, Messrs. R. M. Bressee and R. S. Blackwood, attended the Liberal Convention at Ottwa last week. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Waite, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Findlay of Wicklow, are on a two week's motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. M. Davidson, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMurter, Oakville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hose. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Davidson, To^ ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMurter, Oakville, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Herley. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Goodfellow have returned home after visiting at the homes of their sohs, Hon. W. A. and Mr. Cecil Goodfellow, Codringtor Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Blackhall and baby daughter of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. Blackhall's uncle, Mr. J. Blackhall and Mrs. Blackhall Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong are spending a few holidays with their daughters, Mrs. Ivan Loveless, Peterborough, and Mrs. George Rennie, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Connors and daughter Carol spent the week end with Mrs. Connor's brother, Mr. and Mrs. James MacGregor, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ashton and the Misses Florence and Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashton and daughter Lois of Kedron were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cook. Rev. and Mrs. H. Wolfraim and daughters, Ruth, Anne and Helen, of Almonte, visited Rev. Wolfraim's father, Lt.-Col. J. F. Wolfraim and Mrs. Wolfraim,* at the Hotel Brunswick on Monday. Misses Marge Mueller and Phyllis Steward, Messrs. Clark White jr. and Paul Iannello, all of Buffalo, N.Y.. spent last weekend at the home of Miss Steward's grandmother, Mrs. W H. Steward. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Malloch of MacDonald College, Quebec, visited their daughter, Mrs. A. F. Turpin, and Mr. Turpin for a week. They are also visiting their son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Malloch and family, Pelee Island. Capt. and Mrs. Grant Redfearn and sons Graham and Donald of Stoney Creek called at the home of Capt. Chas. E. and Miss L. M. Redfearn on Tuesday last. Grant's many Colborne friends and relatives will be, glad to learn he is able to resume his duties after/a lengthy illness. Anniversary Services -will be held at- Colborne Baptist Church Sunday, August 15, 1948 at 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. REV. L. M. SMITH of Ottawa, will preach at both services Soloist--Miss Dorothy Baxter, of Hamilton The ?fte«ojg&> Drug Store Vacation Needs NOXZEMA SUN TAN OIL........................ 30c - 60c BAND-AIDS................................................. 15c - 30c FLOATING CARBOLIC SOAP .................... 3 for 20c CASTILE SOAP, per bar .........,.............................. 15c SKEETER-SKATTER............................................. 35c FLY-TOX ........................................................ 24c - 43c TAT ANT TRAPS .................................................... 35c W. C. GRIFFIS, Phm.B. Phone 85w YOUR DRUGGIST Colborne For Emergencies--Phone 85J or 176W SCREEN now available Firestone Velon Plastic Screen In Stock IT'S Permanent Year-Round Installation Light in Weight Easy to Install |TP Can't Rust 1 1 Never Needs Painting Has Greater Impact Strength CANACRAFT THE MODERN SHOP ON CHURCH STREET Phone 99W (Just East of United Church) Charles CLEANERS and DYERS PROMPT SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery Monday, Wednesday, Friday We Clean Everything PHONE 219 COLBORNE CHARLES ROWSOME New Feed Prices Shur-Gain Feed POULTRY-- Chick Starter............$4.40 Growing Mash........ 3.70 Laying Mash ............ 3.65 Broiler Mash ............ 4.10 HOGS-- Pigstarter ................$4.00 Pig Developer .......... 3.40 Hog Grower..............3.40 Hog Mineral, 25's .... 1.15 Hog Wormrid ,t>ox.....50 Reduced Iran, jar .... 1.50 CATTLE-- Dairy Ration, 16%....$3.35 Cattle Mineral; 25's 1.15 Calf Meal, 25's ........ 1.10 GRAIN-- Wheat ......................$3.60 Barley........................2.80 Oats.......................... 2.85 Mixed Chop .............. 2.90 Bran .......................... 2.90 Shorts ........................2.95 SALT-- Plain Fine ................$1.15 Iodized ...................... 1.60 Plain Blocks...............70 Iodized Blocks...........75 Cobalt Blocks..............80 BINDER TWINE-- Bale, 600 ft......... $12.00 WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF HOWARD'S STOCK MEDICINE AND PRATT'S STOCK TONIC Prices F.O.B- Mill--Delivery Charge 5c per cwt. Colborne Feed Company (Chandler Bros.) PHONE 139 COLBORNE "Buy Empire Products mud Support Your Home Town"