Oakville Beaver, 24 Apr 2002, C4

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 24, 2002 N otice of Liquor Licence A pplication Nixon sees a bright future ahead By Melanie Cummings O ntario S P E C IA L TO TH E B EA V ER Not many 10-year-olds lay claim to medical fame like Tori Nixon. In April 1992, at just five months of age. her infant body lay on an operating room table. The surgeon had never per formed corneal transplant surgery on someone so young. The elastic ity of her own cornea made its removal tricky. Ensuring no vital tissues would come out with it would be difficult. Thanks to the keen observations of a newly graduated pediatrician, Nixon's milky white eyes were quickly diagnosed as Fuch's Comeal Dystrophy, a rare hereditary disease which swells the cornea From Nixon's perspective the disease caused her vision to blur like a frosted window that never defogs, said her mom. Cindy Nixon. Had Nixon been bom 10 years earlier, she would have gone blind. But the groundbreaking work of surgeons like Dr. David Rootman and the magnanimous generosity of people willing to donate their corneas. Nixon and others have been spared. The Mother Teresa student owes her debt of gratitude to two children, an eight-month-old and two-year-old. The first surgery transplanted a cornea in her right eye. Held in The following establishments have applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Bombay Bhel Classic Restaurant 2525 Hampshire Gate Unit 10B. Oakville Application for Additional Facilities Abbey Grill (The) 270 North Service Road West. Block C Oakville (outdoor area) Any resident of the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than May 24, 2002. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W., 7" Floor Toronto, ON MSG 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail: licensing@agco.on.ca AUCTION - ANNOUNCEMENT SHORT NOTICE! At O T E L L O 'S B A N Q U E T H A L L 2273 RO YA L W IN D S O R D R IV E , O A K V IL L E (N orthw est C o m e r o f Ford Drive) place by 32 stitches and hope that her eye wouldn't reject the foreign cornea, it was a shaky start. Anti rejection drops administered every half-hour for weeks kept the trans plant intact, thankfully. At six months old, Nixon had the second comeal transplant. It took. Anti-rejection drops four times a day over the next two years, ensured complete acceptance of both. The Nixons have never looked back. A driver's license is very like ly in Nixon's realm of possibilities. The brown eyes behind the vibrant youth's glasses are her win dows to a world of horseback riding, a love of acting and creative writing. Her medical case was instru mental in helping scientists the world over study further into the disease and isolate the gene which causes the most severe form of it. As for Nixon, she's proud of her schoolmates' donation of $ 1,200 to the Eye Bank of Ontario. Demand for corneas remains great. Nixon's surgery was delayed eight days until one could be found. The wait continues today, says Eye Bank of Ontario spokesperson Fides Coloma. " It is so important people sign donor cards." said Coloma. April 21-28 is National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week. Call the Trillium Gift of Life Network at 1-800-263-2833 or www.giftoflife.on.ca. Julie Fairrie · Oakville Beaver Tori Nixon, 10, a tirade 5 student at Mother Teresa School, and a double cornea transplant recipient, reads one of her favorite Hairy Potter hooks. TH U R SD A Y, A P R IL 25TH 7:00 P M ___________________ (PREVIEW FROM 6:00) FURNITURE PARTIAL U S T IN G ONLY: O UTSTANDIN G FR EN CH M A R Q U ETR Y D ESK W ITH LEATHER TOP; CURVED GLASS CORNER CHINA CABINETS: 19) P C E WALNUT D I\ I\ G TABLE S E T W ITH 8 CHAIRS; MAHOGANY CARVED Q U EEN SIZE BED; EEDERKL S TILE B M K C A S E WITH lA G IJ i ACCENTS; PR. O f TRENCH M ED AUJON BACKSIDE CHAIRS (EXEC. COND ITION ); GRANDFATHER CLOCK; MAHOGANY 3 DR. CHINA CABINET W ITH B O N N E T TOP. VICTORIAN S TY L E RO LL ARM CHAISE LO UNGE: C O \S O LE TABLES; ELABORATELY CARVED MIRRORS; LYRE-BASED DUNCAN P H\EE TABLES; TEA CART. HAND PAINTED COMMODE W ITH FLORAL MOTIF: BEAUTIFUL SALON SET: GRAMA PHONE- PRIMITIVE CARVED BENCH; U S E S PRESS: APPROX. 6 6 ' HEAVILY CARVED ARMOIRE IS U ITA B U TOR E.N TERTAIS M ENT UN IT): C HEVELLF MIRROR; LOUIS XVI MEDAIJ.ION-B.ACK SIDE CHAIR; SEVERAL OCCASIONAL CA SADI AN A STYLE CUPBOARDS; ORNATE INLAID FRENCH MARBUITOP COMMODES MAHOGANY BOOKCASES; CHAISE LOUNGE; DROP-FRONT DESK. RUSTIC JAM CUPBOARD: PR. UNUSUAL BIRDSEYE MAPLE SIDE TABl£S W ITH MARBLE TOPS; FRENCH COMMODE W ITH B U R IE D KIN G SW (X)D AND S U B TIE ORMOLU MOUNTS m A MUST SEE".; DEACOSS' BENCH: HAND PAIN TED CRAFT CABINET; 8 DRAWER 16 B O TTLE WINE RACK; H A U . CHEST; LIBRARY TABIJu COUNTRY HARVEST T A B U CJW 6 CURVED BACK PRIMITIVE STYLE CHAIRS; 7-DRW. IN IA ID IJN G ER IE CABINET. GESTIJ-M ANS 8-DRW. HIGHBOY W ITH BURLFJ) IS I A ID FROSTS; HEAVILY CARVED MAHOGANY KING SID E BED; FRENCH P R O VI\C IAL CURIO CABINET; WARDROBE; TEAK WALNUT NESTING TABLES W ITH IR O \ LEGS; CARVED PEDESTALS . SEVERAL OCCASIONAL SID E TABLES. BLAN K ET BOXES. UNUSUAL CARVED CABINET: CAN ADIAN A DINING TABLE W ITH HAND-FORGED ACCENTS. ELABORATE 2 DR W ROUGHT IRON W INE RACK 5' H IG H W ITH 71 BO TTLE CAP. MAHOGANY BACHELORS CHEST MISC. A CO LLEC TIBIJ-S LARGE SELECTION OF LEADED GIASS. REXERSE PAINTED. PUFFY AND PORCELAIN T A B U & FLOOR LAMPS; BRONZE BASED TORCHFRE LAMP: BRONZE PEDESTALS; CANDELABRA SETS; GLASSWARE: BEAUTIFUL SELECTION O F C O U E C T IB L F ART GIASS IMPORTED GLASSWARE. ROYAL DOULTON FIG URIN TS; CHINA ROYAL. UM O G E. C H IN T Z SATSUMA; ETC. REMINGTON BRONZES `AFTER THE MASTER' C HEYEN E - HORSE TH IEF MANY CIASSIC BRONZE STATUES A URNS. PR O F BRONZE CRANES 47'& 55 HIGH: BRONZE FIGURE SEA CAPTAIN 20' HIGH: BRONZE: BALLi R l \ 4. 5 BRONZE IA D Y H O ID IN G AN URN SHALL WOOD AND HAND TORGED SEA CHEST; APPROX. IS HAND-KNOTTED PERSIAN CARPETS RANGING IN SIZE 3TCS' TO rX IO PERSIAN. GILABEH. BALULCH. TABRIZ. BUKARA. TURKMAN. ETC.: CO ILEC TIO S OF O IL PAINTINGS. LIM ITE D EDITION. STUDIO AND DECORATOR PRINTS BY WELL KNOWN CANADIAN ASD AMERICAN ARTISTS. FEATURING A T R IB IT E COLLECTION BY GROUP O F SEVEN ARTST A J. CASSON. ETC E TC FAR TOO MANY TO U S T FROM THIS GREAT COLLECTION 27' COLOUR TELE VISION MICROWAVE. ETC. O NE O F OUR F IN E S T O FFERIN g T e V E R T VJD E VARIETY' AND SELECTIO N O F SUPERIOR QUALITY, SOM ETHING FOR EVERYONE FOR HOM E OR O FF IC E TOO MANY ITEMS TO U S T TERMS: NO CHARGE TO REGISTER 10^ B l YERS PREMIUM IN EFFECT. PAYMENT BY CASH. APPROVED CHEQUE. INTERAC. MASTERCARD. AM EX SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS A ND DELETIONS DIRECTIONS NORTHW EST CORNER O F FORD DRIVE AND ROYAL WINDSOR DRIVE (WATCH FOR SIGNS). Mother Teresa students make a donation By Melanie Cummings S P EC IA L TO T H E B EA V ER It's very likely organ donation is the topic of conversation around the dinner tables of Mother Teresa Catholic School students. After all they are reminded daily of the good such transplants provide in fellow student Tori Nixon. The 10-year-old is in Grade 5 at the Westview Terrace School. When Nixon was only five-months-old, she was the youngest Canadian ever to receive a double corneal transplant. Nixon still holds the record as the youngest double recipient. To drive such an important message further, students at the north Oakville school were told the heartbreaking, and heartwarming, story of another 10-year-old. Ryan Doige. during an assembly on the subject of organ donation held at the school last Friday. This week is National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness. Ryan died suddenly of a massive brain hem orrhage in May 1997. Just a month earlier the astute youth had a conversation about organ donation with his parents, Nancy and Dale, after he noticed they were signing cards of consent. " He thought it was a great thing to do," said his father. Dale. When the Doiges were told there was no hope Ryan would live, the grieving parents opted to provide hope to others by donating their son's healthy organs. Ryan's corneas, liver, lungs, pancreas and kidneys benefited the lives of seven people. " Ryan is a special kind of hero because his organ donations helped people see again, play again. live," said Doige. According to Darwin Kealey. C EO of the Trillium Gift of Life Network, the Doiges' decision was "a gracious, compassionate one," In Ontario only one-third of the number of organs needed are offered and at any given time there are 1,600 people desperately waiting on a waiting list for a transplant. The shortage is so severe, one out of seven of those people w ill die before an organ becomes available for them, said Kealey. It could be said the assembly's presenters were speaking to the already converted. For their part Mother Teresa students raised $ 1,200 selling cupcakes, and organizing a dance and loonie campaign over the past few months. UH The school's student government presented the cheque Friday to Dr. David Rootman. med ical director of the Eye Bank of Ontario and the man who gave Nixon clear vision. Corneal transplants have a 90 per cent suc cess rate. The money raised by the students will be used to buy vials, which contain corneal dona tions and a fridge to store them in. Comeal donations remain useable for 14 days but demand is so great, they are usually snapped up within Five days of harvesting, said Rootman. According to Nixon's mother, Cindy, who spearheaded the fundraising, the students of Mother Teresa and their lifesaving efforts are akin to the heroism of people such as Ryan Doige, Rootman. Kealey. and all those others who make organ and tissue transplantation pos sible. "Organ and tissue donation is about courage, compassion and hope, and these stu dents have given us cause to continue hoping," said Cindy Nixon. " If people are squeamish about signing an organ donor card, then donating money to an organization like the eye bank is another very worthwhile option." she added. All-Star Offers on our Award Winning Vehicles! 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