Oakville Beaver, 24 Apr 2002, C3

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The O akville Beaver, Wednesday April 24, 2002 - C3 Create a family keepsake to last for generations Thousands of people around the world, and here in Oakville, will cele brate the sixth annual National Scrapbook Day this weekend. It's an annual event that emphasizes the importance of documenting and pre serving family photos and stories in safe, meaningful scrapbook albums. National Scrapbook Day Hands-on Introductory Workshops, to help partic ipants organize and preserve their pho tographs and stories, w ill take place here on Saturday. April 27 at Chartwell Baptist Church. 228 Chartwell Rd. The event runs from 9 a.m.- noon as well as Friday. May 3 from 7- 9:30 p.m. at a location on Marine Drive. Saturday's event will be kicked off by a free, one-hour demonstration for the public on how to create, in ten sim ple steps, a family photo-story album that w ill last for generations. Pre-registration is required for seat ing purposes by calling 905-639-8719. During the workshop, professional consultants will teach how to preserve photos and memorabilia safely for gener ations to come; three different ways to document the stories that accompany the photos; and how to do a creative page layout. Introductory workshop attendees are asked to bring four photos of one event only to the Beginner's orientation class event. The Introductory class is $15. Participants at the Chartwell event are invited to attend the all-day Scrapbook Day Celebration event. If so. they should bring more photos to con tinue working on their photo project. Cost for the all-day event is S30 (includ ing lunch and door prizes). There will also be an all-day National Scrapbook Day event at the Marine Drive location on Saturday. May 4, from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Cost is S20 (lunch included). The event is sponsored by Creative Memories, an international direct-selling company from St. Cloud. Minnesota. The company offers photo-safe scrap book albums, supplies, home classes and hands-on workshops. Creative Memories originated the direct-selling photo preservation concept in 1987. Txlay. Creative Memories has more than 61.(XX) consultants world-wide. Creative Memories' consultants are trained to teach people how to organize their photographs and memorabilia, how to chronicle their family history, and to create safe and meaningful fami ly scrapbook albums. To register call Dena Hill at 905639-8719 (Chartwell event) or Shirley McConnell at 905-827-6787 (Marine Drive event). Notice of O P EN H O U S E Joshua's Creek Rehabilitation Proposal, Town of Oakville abridge Pipelines Inc.' s system doesn't forwarded for input and approval from the just mu through communities - it Region of Halton, Town of Oakville, Conservation Halton, Ministry of Natural connects them. To keep this connection strong, we strive to lx* an active member of the Resources, Department of Fisheries and communities through which our pipeline runs, Oceans, and two private land owners. and we are committed to responsible Based on this government agency review, the behaviour in every community where we approved and preferred alternative invokes a operate. One element o f maintaining this 230-metre realignment of Joshuas Creek to its commitment is to meet with people face-toformer (pre-1957) channel alignment, face. rehabilitation of the pipeline right-of-way and Enbridge Pipeline Iuc.' s is hosting an open restoration of the abandoned creek channel. house for the Oakville community regarding As part of Enbridges commitment to quality planned rehabilitation work on property near public consultation, we are interested in Joshua' s Creek. sharing the details of the planned rehabilitation Enbridge has retained experts to examine work and hearing any comments you may have. possible alternatives to counter the impact of Members of the Oakville community are natural erosion and creek migration to the hereby invited to Enbridge Pipelines Inc.' s company' s pipeline system within the Open House for the Joshua' s Creek Wildflower \Y<xxLs Environmentally Sensitive realignment project. Area. Specifically, this involves property located If you have any questions or suggestions with south of the Ford Motor Company truck respect to the Joshua' s Creek realignment access road, east of the Ford Motor Company Plants iuid north and west o f `Old' Ford Drive. project, please contact Terry McNally. Various alternatives and plans have been Enbridge Pipelines Inc. at (519) 339-0516. £ This photograph or M ike IMagojevic holding his daughter Danielle Frank, was taken at his older brother. Andrew's wedding, a year before Blagojevic's death. Donors are vital link (C ontinued from pag e C 1 ) needed a knee transplant, and an elderly woman who suffered a hip fracture. Recently, the Blagojevics learned Mike's donation saved another seven lives, for a total of 32. " M y strongest supporter is a young woman in California, the same age as my son. who is on the transplant list waiting for a heart-double lung trans plant. One day al ter she got married, she couldn't get out of bed. She's been on the list since October 2000. " It was meant for her and I to find each other." Debbie found her Web site on her granddaughter's birthday. " It's the talking with others that has helped me through my healing process." According to M O RE statistics for Ontario, there were 1.705 patients wait ing for transplants as of Dec. 31, 2001. This resulted in the need for 1,289 kid neys. 279 livers. 61 hearts. 28 lungs. 45 kidney and pancreas, and three heartlung. Transplants performed last year totaled 618 - 182 cadaver kidneys. 152 kidneys from living donors, 58 hearts. 42 a i i -........... ...... lungs. 31 livers from living donors. 13 kidney and pancreas, and two heart-lung. " Almost 1,100 people are still await ing transplants and that is only in Ontario," said Debbie in a speech deliv ered at a Victim Services conference in Caledon in January. "Imagine all of Canada and the United States." This week. April 21 to 28. is Organ Donor Awareness Week. " The clear message here is organ donor awareness." Debbie said. "It is so important to convince the world to sign their donor cards, most importantly to make sure their families, friends or peers are aware of their wishes. " One of the reasons that there is a shortage of donors is that not every potential donor is identified, (and because) some health professionals are reluctant to approach the family to ask about organ donation. "It is very important that families discuss their feelings about organ dona tions before any tragedy strikes." For information about organ dona tion and M O R E call 416-340-3587. PLACE: John Knox Christian School 2232 Sheridan Garden Avenue Oakville A pril 29, 2002, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m . DATE: SSL. " The ©akoillc ©incr 3045 Winston Part Dn», OaJrvtU*. Ontario. Canada L6L6N2 W e lco m e to your d in in g e x p e rie n c e . W e a re h e r e to s e rv e you d e s e r v e to b e tr e a te d a n d re s p e c te d . Relax a n d en jo y your tim e out, le a v e th e c o o k in g a n d c le a n in g to us. P le a se s p e a k to o u r m a n a g e r for s p e c ia l re q u e s ts o r re s e rv a tio n s at an y tim e. H ave fun! Satisfaction gu aranteed or you don't p ay. Breakfast served all day Cranberry Juice Apple Jaice Orange Jaice Grapefruit Jaice M om's B asic Good Start fo ld M y E ggs Please! $ 2 .9 5 S1.S0 Western (3 egg omelette) 15.95 15.95 $$.25 Ham omoc < indgtwn pepper W hole Lot of C heese BlendofmouaieAa Mosercy jadr tod cheddat B am & C h eese The G reek Way 2 egg*, snp bacon or turn a ; sauugr A Little L e u Cholesterol (toe egg sttead ol tw o Hold the Meat Please! Zeny feu cheese and tom ato Veggie* Veggte T uon tomalo green pepper and m ushroom Sausage S 3.95 $5.25 SC.25 SC.25 2 eggi with the trisumnqs Back Bacoa Please! 2 eggs tnth aSfee umsmings and out deboous Canadian bacoa All Fblds are Served with T.OD. Trimmings. Hungry Man M eal 3 eggs 2Area of bacon. I dee of hamand 1sausages piincA fcwot frenchir.oi hone few s. baked beau ir ftutx4!xjtT\ta 58.95 Gire m e meat!! Steak odeggs Fresh Trait Plate S9.9S 54.95 Still More Choices! Spectacular G olden BottermUk P ancakes $4.95 Add W uetwtry or arawbetry compote ot bananas o* Zetyjsotmeai Fantastic French Toast $.95 $4.95 Sprinkled withawumon «ndpawa*-sugar Wonderful Waffles All of our good start breakfasts include your choice of white or whole wheat texai toast or rye toast with home fnes and T.O.D. baked beans or fruit. Only grade "A" extra laige eggs are served at the OaknlJe Diner made Ota ^randmotbra w til bn pfeand < PUia Served «ith maple syiup turn nrmaman ndpawtbMdSBgB $4.95 Waffles with B laeberry or Strawberry Com pote or Banana and W hipped C ream $6.95 Sugariess Maple Syrup available, no charge CoSee included 7 am to 11 am, Monday to Fnday (except on Holidays) IMPORT SHORT NOTICE COMMERCIAL & PUBLIC AUCTION ART & RUG AUCTION AUTHORIZED & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (810 WITH NO RESERVE LIKE AT THE DEALER AUCTIONS) CARPETS: PERSIAN & ASIAN HAND KNOTTED LOTS PICKED FROM 2 OCEAN FREIGHT CONTAINERS! APPRAISED AT OVER $1,750,000 Forget the dish. Get the box. Satellite vs. CO GECO Digital T V ? The choice is simple. With COGECO Digital TV, you already have access to great entertainm ent over cable. All you have to do is get the box. H u y th e b o x o n ly FAILED EXPOSITION UN0REX 2001 The United Oriental Exposition Failure due to U n ite d S ta le s C u s to m s & Im m ig ra tio n D e n ie d a b u s in e s s visa to m ore th a n 60 Tehran. Iran ba se d c o rp o ra te a d m in is tra to rs w h o m re p re se n t p a rtic ip a tin g firm s o l th e a lo re s a id exp o sitio n . A s a re su lt m a n y lo ca l e xh ib ito rs te rm in a te d th e ir c o n tra c ts ca u s in g a co m p le te ta ilure o l th is e xh ibitio n , le a v in g g re a t q u a n titie s o l o ve rs e a s -s h ip p e d g o o d s u n so ld . In lig h t o l th e cu rre n tly w e a k w h o le sa le m a rk e t a n d in th e in te re st o l e n su rin g the sa le o l th e se sh ip m e n ts, to h o n ou r o ve rs e a s c o m m itm e n ts , th e liable p a rtie s ot the U n ite d O rie n ta l R ug E xp o sitio n have fo u nd th is a u ctio n to be a m a n d a to ry c o a rs e o l a ctio n to avoid B a n k ru p tcy! M a n y lo ts to be so ld w ith:_______ $ 99" NO MINIMUM BID NO RESERVE BID HIGH - VALUE SHIPMENT OF PERSIAN HAND KNOTTED CARPETS BE P R E P A R E D TO T A K E A D V A N TAG E . C O M E EAR LY L IM IT E D S EA TIN G A V A IL A B L E . A TT E N T IO N ! C O L L E C T O R S , IN VE STO R S, A R T E N T H U S IA S T S & D E A L E R S P r im a r y o f f e r in g : S e c u ritie s M a n ife s ts L is ts C a rp e ts fro m Ira n . K a s h a n , Is fa h a n . T a b riz. N a in . Q u m . M a s n a d , K irm a n , B id ja r. S a ro u g h , a n d c a rp e ts fro m m a n y o th e r re g io n s . T rib a l R u g s a n d L o n g R u n n e rs . A ll Im a g in a b le S ize s A p p r a is e r 's Comments T h is c o lle c tio n in c lu d e s ra re & o n e o f a k in d fin e S ilk Q u m , K u rk W o o l Q u rn . Is fa h a n S ilk B a s e . F in e T a b riz, T re a s u re s s u c h a s o ld S e ra p i, K a s h a n . R o ya l K irm a n , Y azd, T a b riz , F a ra h a n , K a z a k . M u s h a d . K a s h a m a r, m a n y o f th e s e a re O v e rs iz e d P a la c e R u g s, a n d S e m i-A n tiq u e s . A u c tio n to b e S u p p le m e n te d W ith : S o lid w o o d F u rn itu re , F in e D ia m o n d J e w e lr y 1 -2 & 3 c r t. D ia m o n d s o lita r ie s . F in e A rt R e p r o d u c tio n s o l O ld E u ro p e a n M a s te rs E x q u is ite ly F ra m e d , L a rg e G a lle ry F ra m e d M irro rs , D e c o ra tiv e S m a lls . C o lle c tib le s , L a m p s & A G re a t D e a l M o re l OR R e n t th e b o x fo r 3 m o n th s o n ly e Pick and pay for only the channels you want · Over 200 channels of movies, sports and unique programming $ 299 5 e Incredible picture and sound FREE PARKING (Auction at 1:00pm Preview 12:00pm) FREE PARKING AUCTION HELD: SUNDAY APRIL 28,2002 L O C A T I O N : P A V I L L I O N R O Y A L E , 1PM S H A R P 5165 DIXIE ROAD. MISSISSAUGA. ONT. (The Starlight Ballroom) (Hwy#401 to Dixie Rd. South on Dixie past Matheson Blvd to Pavillion Royale at the Corner of Dixie & Aimco Blvd. For Directions Only Call 905-624-4009) A U C TIO N T E R M S : M /C, VISA, C AS H . C E R TIFIE D C H E C K E a c h ite m w ill b e p ro p e rly la b e le d G u a ra n te e d G e n u in e . A ll g o o d s re le a s e d o n ly u p o n im m e d ia te p a y m e n t A ll im p o rta tio n d u tie s a n d ta x e s h a v e b e e n p a id o n s u b je c t m e rc h a n d is e a t p a r t o f e n try P ro p e r I D. re q u ire d u p o n re g is tra tio n . T en p e rc e n t b u y e rs p re m iu m in e ffe c t. S a le s s u b je c t to a d d itio n s a n d d e le tio n s th e re fo re s o m e re s e rv e s m a y a p p ly a s a n n o u n c e d b y th e a u c tio n e e rs : S H O W M A S T E R P R O D U C T IO N S ltd Call 1-877-779-3111 Visit www.cogeco.com Available at Uittilliib'UC?!1 or your local COGECO retail store. Free 3-m onth preview of up to 50 new digital channels - a savings of over $85! Offer ends August 31. 2002. Current C O G E C O Digital T V customers > 6 months who are renting their box pay $99 99 All other customers pay S I 9 9 9 9 and receive a programming credit ol StOO Box rental charge after 3 month offer is S 12 95/month Offer does not include any programming Not available in all areas Some restrictions may apply l(f\w ttt.///v - w v-71. v-/

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