Oakville Beaver, 24 Apr 2002, "Classified", B3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 24, 2002 - B3 T he Oakville B eaver LA-Z-DOYgffiS S o f a s Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style, a a a a a m An Extraordinary Selection \ f i n f l M il of the Finest Custom Fabrics. X U U Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at l l £1 prices that will Delight you! W w for L ess! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 1 1 1 111 houses for sale M A IN T E N A N C E free, newly renovated 3*1 2100 sq.ft. bungalow. 65 x120 lot. West O a k v ille $248,000 90S825-0446 C A M B R ID G E . O n ta rio So m m e rs e t M o del Townline Estates Unique openc o n c e p t, m u lti-le ve l d e tached home C eram ics In (o y e r, p o w d e r roo m an d eat-m-kitchen G a s f/p in family room Show s to per fe c tio n $ 2 2 4 ,9 0 0 . 5 m inutes d rive to highw ay ·401 For photos www mik e a n d k e lly .c o m or c a ll Shelly 519-249-1993 flats for rent C la ssified 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) B u rlin g to n Po w er C e n tre · Q E W & B ra n t S t. * 905-331-7600 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 T R A F A L G A R / Upper M id dle. 1-bedroom basem ent, separate entrance, parking, $875/mo. utilities Included. Ju n e ls t. No smoking/ pets. 905-849-4109 O A K V IL L E : Lu x u ry 1bedroom, air. parking, new broadloom . a ll am en ities, cab le, patio. Non-smoker $725/incluslve. (905)8150935 O L D O ak ville B e a u tifu lly m ain tained , v e ry cle a n , q uiet building downtown. S te p out to shops. 1-bed room from $985; 2-bed room from $1250./mo. No le a s e 905-845-8254 (leave message) R E N T E R S s to p p a y in g yo u r lan d lo rd s m ortgage. F r e e re p o rt r e v e a ls h o w easy it is to own your own home. F ree recorded m es sage 1-800-695-8306 10*1001 S u tto n G ro u p Summit Realty Inc. D IN IN G R O O M 13-pce . C h e rryw o o d sot. 96* d o u b le p e d e sta l tab le w/ le a v e s . 8-chairs, Liah te d C h in a C ab in e t, all D o v e tail. N e v e r o p ened C o st $12,250. sacrifice $4,750 906-304-9994. ______ D IN IN G R O O M set- hutch, ta b le w/6 c h a irs. $600 K itch e n ta b le w/4 ch a irs, oak and a la s s o c tag o n al sh ap e table, $400. Couch and love soat, light peach, excellent condition, $400. S to v e , w hite. $100. 905257-4815___________________ D IR E C T T V P R O G R A M M IN G . $30 for three months guaranteed, card is subscribed no hacks. Call Jeff 905-690-4545__________ O IR E C T V / S a le s / HU/ H program m ing/ unlooping/ unlocking. G u a ra n te e s a v a ila b le . 900 ch a n n els. Call 905-333-3186_______ E L E G A N T custom livingroom suite Dark green flor al so fa w/m atching c u s h ions and pleated valances. 2-dark green wing chairs. Co ffee, end ta b le s includ ed. Traditional dininoroom su ite w/table. 6-cnairs. hutch, china buffet. All arti c le s mint condition. S e ll co m p le te or by room. $2995/060 905-827-5166 E X E R C IS E bike- Schwinn. Aerodyne Recum bent seat. $650. 905^681^3423 _____ E X E R C I S E bike. S e a r s Free Spint. model-16116695. recum b ant, p u rch a se d 2mos. ago. perfect condition, asking $250,905-637-9794 F O U R ye ar old white M a y tag S u p e r C a p a c ity P lu s , g as convection, self-clean ing stove/ oven. S550 Call 905-681 -2789_______________ F R ID G E . Frig id aire Frostfree 18 cu .ft.. top mount freezer, alm ond, excellent condition, $450 C all 905639-0864.___________________ G O L F balls, excellent co n dition $6.00 for a dozen 905-632-9701_______________ GOLF C lu b s Yonex S u p e r A D X 20 0 M R H 3P W B ra n d n e w G r a p h ite Iro n s S till in box. N ew $2300 A skin g $650. s e ri o u s o ffe r s o n ly c a ll B ill (905)842-9031______________ H O T Tub/ S p a . All selfc o n ta in e d . all options, w/ co v e r. 2002 m odel, new . still In w rap p er, co st $10,250. sacrifice $6,000. 906-304-7775. _____________ M A T E 'S b ed w /b o okcase headboard, m atching desk & 4-drawer dresser. $350. S o lid oak en te rtain m en t centre, holds 25* TV 905634-1728. after 6pm.________ M U S T sell entire contents of ap artm ent: B e a u m a rk d ishw asher/ m icro w ave . Kenm ore apt-size washer, living/ bodroom furniture. J V C 27* T V . lam ps, patio furniture, Craftmatic remote control bed w/vibrator. etc 905-330-3681.______________ P E R E G O ` Duette* double Stroller with extra can o p y and boot kits, paid $10 0 6 asking $400 obo S te p 2 p la yh o u se clim b er/slid e asking $100 obo 905-3327018________________________ P IA N O S a le - M c M a s te r University, May 23-26. Over 50 p ia n o s a v a ila b le F o r apppm tm em or Information P I A N O S . S a le l U s e d Yam a h as & H e in tzm an s. uprights, from $1995 C all Iv o ry T o u ch P ia n o . 905526-1601 ( H a m i R o n ) ___ PLAYGRO UND set for backyard- 4yrs. old, excel lent co n d itio n . M a d e by Tim er Jy m , includes Tim er Tent. Sky Glider. 2 swings. 1 trapeze bar, saddle w ave slide, hand over hand bars. $600. 905-335-4624 P O O L fen ce- 18ftx38ft. 4 y e a rs old. $200/obo 905637-1641 A P P L IA N C E S washer $125: sto v e S125: sofa, ch a ir, blue floral. $125/ both; g la s s ca b in e t S65; small cherrywood bar $40. 905-319-0211. ROUND cedar p ic n ic A sk in g ta b le S e a ts 6 $200. B u y e r m ust pick-up (905)849-8228 19-8228 S O F A B E D . Q ueen-size, denim blue/ cream/ brown . mint condition. $700. C all 905-633-9957 after 6 pm .___ S TO V EM offat selfcleamng. 30* white w/black g la s s co ntrol panel and oven door. A-1 condition. $200. 905-335-1355________ T O D D L E R car bed. $100 O ak T V S te re o unit, $100 W hite 6-drawer dresser w/ mirror. $70 All best offers. Lynn 905-469-2845_________ V ID E O C am co rd e r, c a r r y ing c a s e . E x celle n t conaitton $200 Call 905-847-3485 W A S H E R and D ryer, k e n more 90 senes 1 1/2 years old. E x c e lle n t condition. $700. F rid g e . Ken m o re side by side $100 905630-9009 C O M E H O M E W ... r FREE! FREE! FREE! Superclean building in the heart ol Burlington witr tree heat, hydro & A/C Amenities galore! Close to hwysS GO station. LUXURY 1&2 BEDROOMS FROM $900. Call Susana 905-639-4677 3 U R L IN G T O N - 3 Dedroom CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 app lian cess · Eat-in Kit. B asem ent · P lay g ro u n d · Parking C o n ve n ie n tly located near schools a n d B u rlin g to n M a ll Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited POLICE FOUNDATIONS D IP L O M A (1 Y e a r) Enroll for Sept. 2002 Halton Business Institute 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 C Tycourt Apts & Townhouses 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Parlt Dr.. Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW R IV E R O A K S : 3-bedroom free h o ld in good n e ig h bourhood. 5 appliances, at ta ch e d g a ra g e , walk-out rec.ro om with firep lace. M ay 1st. $l600/m o L .D a vies R E . . 906-333-4347 O A K V I L L E - 3 bedroom . 2.5 bath e x e cu tiv e townhouso. 2 firep laces, a v a il able June/1 st. $ 1650/mo + u tilities 905-337-7506 or (519)646-0268______________ B U R L IN G T O N . Luxury to w nhouses. .3-bedrooms, $ 1 175/mo. 4-bedroom s, $1275/mo. F am llyro om . b ase m e n t, yard. U tilities e xtra, parking $40. 905639-0950 ____________ B U R L I N G T O N . M illcrofl. e x e cu tiv e condo/T.H. ra v in e setting, 3 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, c/air, 5 new ap pliances. garage, ceramics, m a ste r with en su ite . $ 1600/mo. ^-utilities. June/ 1st 905-637-5331 O A K V IL L E 24 3 Bed room townhouses available imm ediately through Ju n e . 4 a p p lia n ce s. H o p e d ale Mall area. Lakeshore M an agement. 905-876-3336 B U R L IN G T O N wellm ain tained Free h o ld . 3+1 bedrooms. 1.5 baths, eat-in k itchen, walk-out fam ily room, garage, pnvate. quiet yard . a/c. 4 a p p lia n ce s, clo se to highway/ G O . No pets/smokers. $13757mo utilities 905-335-4843 E X E C U T IV E C ond o Townhouse. North Oakville, 2300sq.ft., 3-bedrooms. 21/2 b aths, fam llyroom . 5 ap p lian ce s, firep lace, air. garage. Immediate $1675/ mo. utilities C all W arren Hill. T ra fa lg a r Pro p e rty M an a g e m e n t. 905-3381J30. Ext.36 B U R L IN G T O N 2&3 b e d rooms available May. 3 ap-* p lian ce s, 1.5 b aths O ne outsid e parking. N ear sch o o ls, shopping. Parklike setting 905-333-1190 192 rooms lor rent & wanted 274 daycare wanted T I K I Private Sales B U R L IN G T O N North. (Kirstie Court). 4 bedroom, n e w ly re n o vated kitchen, fully finished basement with natural gas fireplace. C/A. m any up-grades Approx im ately 1500 sq ft . large backyard. $235,000. clos ing date to be arranged. No agents please To view call 905-335-6000_______________ S P R U C E A ve. Tw o story. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. Close to schools, large lot. g ard ens. updates. $358,900 519-660-0347 M IL T O N - P R IV A T E S A L E In choice area 3 1 b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e . H a rd w o o d flo o rs, n e w kitchen floor, new furnace, c e n tra l air, c e n tr a l v a c M an y u p g ra d e s A m ust s e e 1 C a ll (9 05) 875-2137 $159,900 APARTMENTS Bachelors. 1-Bedroom, 2 Bedroom From $675. TOWNHOUSES 2 & 3 Bedrooms From $995. Some with fireplace Includes 4 or 5 appliances Call today to view : 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 3 0 0 1 E-mail: tycourt@sympatico.ca fo r info. townhouse' (no basom ont) $950mnth Also. 2-bedroom apartm ent im m accu late . $840/mnth No dogs. June1st 905-336-7207.__________ A L D E R S H O T 1 b edroom split level apartment Cable, utilities and parking includ ed $800/mo May 1st 905631-7821___________________ * 2 -B E D R O O M S : $840 / mo (U tilitie s in clu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph Lin e . O ffice O p en 9-4pm. Mon -Sat (905)639-5761 B R A N T / O E W , Burlington. 2 bedroom , bright b a s e ment m quiet tnplex. Suites 1/2 professionals. Parking. A/C. Laundry. Non- smoker/ pets June 1st $80CVmo. hydro. 906-631-9915 B R A N T St.. Burlington 2bedroom s. $950.00. in cludes utilities & cab le TV parking extra. To view call 905-639-1960 G A R D E N apartm ent, fully furnished, F P . all utilities in clu d e d . non-sm oker preterred (905)849-9971 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lington. 1&2 bedroom ap artm e n ts a v a ila b le im mediately/ May From $895/ mo 905-632-0129 297 Q u e e n s A v e .. O a k ville- 2 4 3 bedroom apart ments available May Start ing Q S995/mo. 905-8428338 1 -B E D R O O M b ase m e n t apartment near 407/ Q E W Fu lly renovated , fireplace, p rivate laundry/ entrance Suit quiet, non-smoker No pets Must see! $875/mo. utilities included. 905-33158|3 B U R L IN G T O N co re 1 b ed room , s e p a ra te e n tra n ce . no pets/sm oking $635/mo includes all utili tie s and ca b le . M a y be seen Sat April 27th 11:00am to 12:30pm 332 Seneca Ave._________________ TA N S LE Y G a rd e n s . 2bedroom s. 2 baths. C/A. 4 a p p lia n c e s . M a y $1175/ mo A c tiv e M an a g e m e n t. 905-333-5506. Ext 71 PILGRAMSWAY VILLAGE 2 & 3 bedroom suites available in low-rise condominium in Oakville. 5 appliances, wall to wall carpet, vertical blinds, balconies or patios. On sue management. To view call (905)847-5043 2 -8 E O R O O M In w ell m ain tained low rise , c e n tral O a k v ille , n e ar d ow n town P a rk in g $879/mo. May 905-257-1669 1&2 B ed ro om apartm ents a v a ila b le May/ Ju n e from $825./mo. Conveniently lo cate d W ood w ard/ G u e lp h Line. Burlington. 905-6324265 room in e x e c u tiv e hom e, m any extras, h e a te d pool all inclusive. R e sp o n sib le In d iv id u a l $ 45 0. T r a f a l g a r/ U p p e r M id d le (905)338-5066______________ N E A R F o rd - p le a s a n t room, prtvate entrance and bath, parking, non smoker. Call (905)845-6374 F U R N IS H E D b e d ro o m , sh a re bath. K itchen privi le g e s U tilitie s in c lu d e d Po ol, hot tub. $ H 0 ./w k ly . E a s t Oakville. Non-smoker (905)829-5995 R O O M for rent In quiet, pri v a te h o m e , c lo s e to the hospital, free parking. Suit a b le for m a tu re w o rk in g lady. C a l (905)645-271 3 F U R N IS H E D room for rent in larg e ap artm ent. Burlington. Aldershot area, near G O station. 905-6319400 B U R L I N G T O N room , fu r nished /unfurnished $450/ mo. Parking, utilities, cable Share kitchen, bath. On bus route. Fem ale non-smoker preferred 905-332-9365 A T T E N T I O N babysitters part-time, flexible hours for sum m er & afte r scho ol. Must drive, gas allowance. 905-637-6872 C H IL D care needed in our hom e. So u th ce n tra l O a k ville . Fu lltim e w e e k d a y s until S e p te m b e r. G re a t summer job. Three children ag es 6. 5, and 16 months. Summer students excepted. N on-sm oker. A v a ila b le im m ed iately. C a ll E lle n 905-330-4825 d ays or 905844-9337 after 4:30pm Executive Director One year Maternity Contract Start Date. Mid/Late June 2002 o»wc»t Com Applicants must have ECE Diploma &/ or Degree. Min. 2 year Supervisor experience in non-profit child care setting. Fax resume to 905-842-3197 Att: K.Kocken, Chairperson P/T CONTROLLER Manufacturer of High-Tech Equipment requires part-time Controller. Responsibilities: Finance. Cost Accounting &HR CMA/CGA/CA. commitment to excellence & customer service. 2+yrs of post-designation exp in manufacturing environment. Exp. implementing MRP and managing HR an asset. Visit <rwvK.xiris.com and respond to: Craig Girdwood- Xiris Automation Inc. Fax: 905-331-6661. email cgirdwood@xiris.com No phone calls please. E X P E R I E N C E D M ath and S c ie n c e tutors a v a ila b le , g ra d e s 9-O AC C a ll 905332-3571 for more info Q U E E N S U n iv e rsity s tu d ent availa b le beginning of M a y to tutor e le m e n ta ry school students Call 905847-3485___________________ I C t l l e l furniture S Q U A R E b rass and glass co ffe e ta b le , hide-a-bed so fa, m a h o g a n y co ffe e table, round kitchen table and 4-chalrs. Ladder stool, q u e en m a h o g a n y head board. 2-night ta b le s, dresser w/mirror. Call 905827-9257 S O F A - 3 se at w/matchlng o c c a s io n a l c h a ir an d ottoman - R o se - all mint $600 - 905-844-3290 W E O G E W O O D One b ed room plus den ` Princeton*. B ay window, five applianc es. C/A. underground park ing. ce ra m ic b ack sp lash . M any upgrades $131,900 Call to view 905-332-0304 or email bradyrmOcogeco.ca B R O N T E H arb or C lu b - 2 bedroom , livlngroom . d i ningroom . jacuzz i. 2 car underground parking. 5 a p p lia n ce s, m illion d ollar viow overloo king Bro n te Creek (905)844-1586 W EOGEW OOD condo Sought after 1-bedroom. 5 a p p lia n ce s, underground parking. Lots of upgrades. $119,900 Must see! 905331-3128 W E sp e cia liz e In C o n d o minium S a le s & R e n ta ls Call Linda Davies Real E s tate Ltd.. R e alto r. (905)333-4347 I lots & acreages 2.11 acres, approx. 7 miles ftom S a u b le B e a c h on Main Hwy Asking $35,000. (S I 9)534-3691 S C E N I C 2 a c re country ostate lot on escarpm ent. 10 mins. from Georgetown GO . S h a re 40 acre private wooded park with ponds P R IM E D ow ntow n B u r lington. U p g ra d e d 1.2&3 B ed ro o m A p artm e n ts S c e n ic v ie w s B e a u tifu l gro und s 478 P e a r l. 477 Elizabeth 905-634-9374 1,243 B ed ro o m A p a rt m ents from $875/mo In door pool Q EW / Trafalgar area 905-844-1106_________ O A K V IL L E . La rg e . Imm aculato 1 -bedroom b a se ment apartm ent, se p arate o n tran ce , ca b le , parking M a y 1st. $795/mo. In c lu sive 416-737-3711 A L D E R S H O T - larg e . 1 bodroom apartmont. utilities in clu d e d , air co nd ioned build ing. P a rk in g spot in clu d e d 905-631-7958. 416-898-2244 FR ESHLY P a in te d 2Bedroom Apartments $949/ m o .* parking. A v a ila b le . May/ Ju n o . C lo se to G O & shopping. W ell maintained, q uiet build ings. B ra n t/1 Prospect. Burlington. 905639-7805 O A K V I L L E . Q E W / Trafal gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ m o.*; 2-bedroom fromt $949/mo.\ 3-bedroom from $ 1049/mo.* W e ll m a in ta in ed b uilding. N e llie , (905)339-2028. ( ` included 2 % prom pt p aym en t d is count) N E W L Y R e n o v a te d for rent 2 & 3 bdrm a p a rt ments. Clo se to all am eni ties. $1050 to $1275./mo In clu d e s utilities Park in g extra. Immediate occupan cy. 205 Q ueen M ary Drive 905-844-9670 B U R L IN G T O N - 2 bed ro o m s. a d u lts p re fe rre d $825/per month all in clu sive Close to all amenities. N o-dogs. A v a ila b le M a y 1 st. C all (905)631-1826 2 -B A C H E L O R Basem en t Su ite s- P r iv a te e n tran c e, a ll in c lu s iv e $700/month No smokers/no pets . O ne a v a ila b le n o w th e o th e r available Ju n e 1 (905)8440150 mornings only B U R L I N G T O N - sh a re 2 bedroom townhouse. $550/ mo in clu siv e . S m o k e rs w e lcom e, clo se to am en i ties. Imm ediate. 905-3190886 M A TU R E, non-sm oking male to share beautiful Riv er O a k s hom e. U p stairs bedroom , full house p rivi leges. Immediate $550/mo. 905-257-1428.______________ O O R V A L / U p p er M iddle: Share townhouse with one Parking. $600. First & last. 905-469-6054 DRIVERS F/T With G Lie. Able to drive std. & auto trans. Able to drivel ton van to Toronto, or small car driver, w/ good knowledge of Miss., Oak., Burl, for lo cal deliveries. Able to lift 50lbs Will consider car and driver for local deliveries. Call: Mark 2-4 p.m. H ilto n AutoParts Plus 281 Speers Rd. Oakville ON TERRA GREENHOUSE Our Burlington location is hiring immediately for the following fulltime positions: B A B Y crib , seld om used Excellent condition. $100. CaH 905-335-3475 B E D R O O M set. youth, in c lu d e s d e sk, good c o n d i tion. $100 obo. 905-8259107; Days. 905-842-7765 BEDSw hite, w ooden cap tain s $100 e ach . C all 905-331-7390_______________ B I K E - 15 sp e ed , $75 905-339-0730 girl's. SP O TLES S b eautifully fu rn ish ed . 2 bedroom . 2 baths. 6 appliance, central air, garage, storage $1575 mo 905-632-5393 ROUNDTREE MANOR T0WNH0MES Across from Burl Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON' Amelin Property Mgml R O S E L A N D : Beautifully upQ/mfcxl J * don « iott, liko now at only 5 ye ars' Mam floor m a ste r w /ensuite. main laundry. 6 ap liances. C/A. garage. California shutters. No sm oking. $1700/mo. Imm ediate. L .D a v ie s R .E ., 905-333-4347__________ B R O N T E . 3-bedrooms. 11/2 baths. 4 a p p lia n ce s hardw ood floors, $1100/ mo.+ utilities A v a ila b le June 1st 905-338-8041 L A R G E 3-bedroom , M ay, $1169; June. $1199/mo. ( utilities). 5 appliances, ga rag e . park-like setting. Lo ngm oor D rive . B u rlin g ton 905-681-0070 W E S T O A K T R A I L S : A l most new 3-bedroom semi. H ardw ood, c e ra m ic s, g as firep lac e, e n su ite . 4 ap p lian ce s. attach ed double gara g e P re fe r no p ets or smoking. Apr.2nd. $1800/ mo. L .D a v ie s R . E . , 905___ 333-4347 $1200/MO. Im m aculate 3bedroom n e ar B urling ton Mall. 1-1/2 baths, finished b ase m e n t, g a ra g e G as heating. D e sira b le co m plex. Available Ju n e ls t. Ni gel Maunder, A ssoc. Brok er. Sutton Group. 905-6817900 L A K E F R O N T B ro n te e le g a n ce . E x e c u tiv e 4-bed room, 2 fireplaces, magnificient lake views. (Freehold e nd ) $2500/mo.+ utilities 906-827-8768_______________ B U R L IN G T O N - 3-bedrooms, firep lac e, 5 a p p lia n ce s. Tyandaga area, backs to golf co u rse . Q uiet, e x e cu tiv e , senior $1200/mo * June 1st 905-336-6379 Greenhouse Mgr Perennial Expert Pond Stall Cashiers Fax your resume to 905-332-0640 D O M I N O 'S P iz z a hirinc now P iz z a m a k e rs. P a r Time, flexible hours Appl^ in p erson at 495 W a lk e r: Line, Burlington, after 4pn ask for Ricardo 1 C O L L I N G W O O D co nd o3 bedroom, sleeps up to 7, available Apnl 20- Ju ly 6th. $450/week. 905-465-2922 (905)845-2118 B U *± " H * 0 N TOWERS I condomin! urns for rent B I K E - 15 sp e ed , boy's. $75 505-339-0730 NEW rentthing your week 37ft motor hom e for luxury model, e ve ry provid ed , just bring s u itc a s e ! $1400/per 905-690-3693 C C M exercise bike, excel le n t co n d itio n , lik e new . Reasonable Call 825-2751 C H A I R , up h olstere d gold v e lv e t rock«r- e x c e lle n t condition. $50 C all 905637-3186 D E E P F re e z e r. 15 y e a rs old. Approx 4 x2\ $75. Call 905-847-6410 after 4pm. ask for Khymm or Will F L O W E R girl or first co m m union d re ss- E le g a n t, long, white, size 6x. $100 905-332-3763 W A S H E R - G E heavy duty, extra capacity. 8 cycle and 25 speed. $100 315-7217 trails $199.000 905-8731487 & Extra Large 1.2&3 Bedroom Suites 905.639*8583 www.ontim.com email: btowers® cogeconet *** for rental $$$'s -- *M §5 B R A N D N ew Lux ury 2bedroom low-rise condo. Central Burlington. Garago. C/A. Im m ed iate $1250/ m o .* utilities 416-255- @IECTR0M ART 20001 'S e n - " i n n i u i n i ^ m 8 0 0 S Q .F T ., 3 room s, priv. bath. 2nd floor in a home co n ve rte d to co m m e rcial use. O th e r s iz e s a v a il Rate s from $675 to $1.200 all in c lu s iv e B ro a d B a n d avail & com puter support immediate poss. Aldershot n e ar Ik e a C a ll 905-3333449 O F F IC E sp a c e (1350 sq.ft.) for lease, great loca tion. ste p s to G O station. Q E W . n e w H om e Depot Plaz a. S I 7/sq.ft gross (all included) Ideal for medical/ p ro fe s s io n a l tenants. Please call 905-616-5586 GOLDEN opportunity! O a k v ille unit tor le a s e for sm all retail b u siness. 201 R iv e r O ak s B lv d . W e s t 647-280-4739.905-792-9293 BR O N T E HAR BO U R C LU B ·Prestigious 2 bedrm. 2 bath, neutral decor, C/Air. 5 appl.'s. balco n y, I pool, security, lakeview $1500/mth Avail May 6th Call L Davies Real Estate at 905-333-4347 P A L A C E ': Lovely updated 1-bedroom + sunroom with am azin g sk y w a y & bay views, carpet. Only 1 year F re s h paint. C/A. 5 ap p lian ce s, 1 parking. No smoking or pets $ 1050/mo. Ju n e lst. L Davies R.E.. 905333-4347 1987 T e rry T a u ru s 30* w/ 24' aw ning , 12x25' deck, 4x6 metal shed, both 1-yr. old. located on Grand R iv er $12,500 includes 2002 park fee. D a y s 289-2604695. evgs- 905-632-0901 lost & found FOUND: B la c k long haired ca t In the Brant/ M e lis s a a re a W e call B arn ey . P le a s e Call 905637-7325. F O U N D : b lack c a t In the Mapleview Mall parking lot. Please call 905-637-7325 F O U N D : Fam ily photos in a book < 8 The R euse C e n tre Call 905-681-7158 F O U N D : set of k e y s w/ le ath e r holder. O rchard Ro ad / U p p er M id d le. Apr^lst. Call 905-331-6041 F O U N D : tool box Burloak & Q E W area. Call to identify 905-637-0915 L O S T : cat, M arch 30th. R o y a l B o ta n ica l G ard e n s. B la c k & w hite w/ crooked tail. Named 'Mischief*, call Rebecca 905-529-9169 Remodelled 2-Bedroom May 1st. Call Now 905 N O R TH S H O R E To w ers. Ju ly . 1-bdrm from $775 / mo. (+ $33. parking) Utili tie s Included. N o P e ts. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm 905-681-1307* B u r lington______________________ · W A L K to dow ntow n O a k ville. Re n o vate d 1&2 b ed room $780/840mo. immed/ M a y ls t S m a ll b uilding. Laundry. Parking. Security. 905-825-5539 O A K V IL L E 1-Bedroom a v a ila b le M a y 1st. $860. Includes heat, hydro, park ing. Quiet building, Bronte Rd./ Lakeshore area Close to everyth in g . S te v e 905827-6783 BACHELOR ap artm ent, b asem ent/ p rivate hom e. S u ita b le for o n e p erson Self-contained, private e n trance non-smoker, no pets. O a k v ille . $690/mo. 905845-3756 Cfwanin Trop»rt> Maaapttnrnt We are looking tor key people lo fill the following positions · INSIDE SALES · COUNTER SERVICE · WAREHOUSE -PART-TIME DRIVER Only those with previous electrical distribution experience need apply lor the Inside Sales or Counter Service positions Forward resume by tax 905-465-1665 or e-mail to franco@electromart.net OFFICE PERSON Fulltime, with skills in Computer Networking: Informa tion Technology: Purchasing; Inventory Control; Cus tomer Service and Sales Order 639-8583 for rental C A N A D lA N A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing V e ry sp acio u s 1.2&3 bedroom s availab le Imm e diate/ May/ Ju n e 5220 L a k e s h o re , Burling to n. 905-632-5486 V E R Y large 26 3 Bed room S u ite s a v a ila b le in well- m a in tain e d O ak v ille buildings. Clo se to schools & p ro fe s s io n a l s e rv ic e s . Easy access to Q E W & 403. 905-844-2646 or 905-8450987 A ll The Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm + Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. lac. 24-hr security & more Mapleview area! ® 9 0 5 - 3 1 2 - 2 3 8 7 tr $1000 mother of the bride black gown with sp iral beading and chiffon match ing scarf Worn once. Size 10 $200 Call 905-335-3475 2 tennis racquets for sale. $280. or buy s e p a ra te ly . Prin c e Triple Thread. W il son Titanium 2. C all Michael 905-336-9567 2 0 0 0 Ford F I 50 6 ft. box liner Asking $200. C all 905-849-0416.______________ 9 - P I E C E b la c k p o lis h e d oa k d in in g roo m su ite $1200, M atching hutch il lu m in a te d c h in a c a b in e t $800, black leather couch and two arm chairs $1900. 3 d esks $10 to $80. Ikea double b ed with m attress $60. 14 six panel doors 781/2x36 $15. each(905)8421424 _ ALM OND stove/ oven. La rg e ch e st free ze r Both working condition. $25.00 each 905-825-8413 A N T I Q U E furniture: pine harvest table, oak cabinet, dry sink & other V ie w by appointment. 905-845-3955. B E D - 4 poster m ahogany canopy from Bom bay Com p any. q u e en . 2 step bedstool $450 . lam p antique b r a s s b rid g e $80. C a ll (905)469-0021_____________ B E D . All-New King. Ex tra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic C o st $1700. S a c r ific e . $660.905-304-5573. B E D R O O M suite, brand new 8-pce.. solid Cherryw ood sle ig h b e d . C h e st. Tri- d resse r w/mlrror, 2n ig h tstan d s All D o v e tail. N ever opened, still boxed. C o st $8,499. se ll $3,999 905-971-1777. B E D S . New. Double. $220; Q u e e n . $240. C o m p lete w«1rame Futons. Free Delivery R efurbished V C R s . 17-25* co lo u r T V s . p ortab le C D players 905-681-9496 B E D - Q u e e n , orth op ed ic p illow top m a ttre ss, boxsprlng. headboard/ fo o t board. frame. New, In plas tic Cost $1275. sell $550 WW deliver. 905-971-3315. C A R P E T . I h a v e s e v e ra l 1,000 yard s of new Stainm aster & 1 0 0 % nylon c a r pet. W ill do livln groo m & hall for $349. Includes c a r pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 C O U C H and loveseat, cream co lo u re d D am a sk, C a m e l back, e x ce lle n t condition. >500/obo. 905-331-8106 D A Y B E D . m a ttre ss, sofabed, lazyboy chair, kitch en table and chairs, coffee table and end tables, obo 905-681-7052 D E M I T R I O S b e a d e d aime tank style dress with full length ja ck e t. S iz e 10 $1400 w ill s a c rific e for $400 905-634-6347_________ D IN IN G R O O M set- washed p ecan, table extends from 66* to 96* w/2 le a v e s Lighted hutch, g lass side/ doors. 8 chairs. $3500 905690-8226 STRAPPING TOOL REPAIR PERSON Part-time. Suit mature semi-retired person with good mechanical skills capable of repairing manual hand and pneumatic tools. Resumes to JEM Strapping Systems 2258 Mountainside. Burlington. ON L7P 3A5 Fax 905-332-8810 · e-man jemline@cogeco.nef D O W N TO W N O a k v ille C h ild re n s w e a r 19 y e a r established retail business with p roven m a n agem ent inco m e and bottom line. B u s in e s s o ffered at $50,000. in ven to ry at cost. Building available for sale or lease Contact Terry Hutchison. A s so c Broker. Re/Max Aboutowne Realty C o rp . 905-338-9000 I houses for rent B U R L I N G T O N - room y 3 b ed room , c/a. finished b a se m e n t with F P and W alk-out, new w ind ow s, p ark s. M a y 1st. N o p ets $1500* 905-639-4917 B R A N T H ills. 3 *2 b e d rooms. 2.5 baths, bright & sh arp . M ain floor fa m lly room w/fireplace. finished b ase m e n t, pool, w alk to schools. Ju n e 1st. No pets. $1750/mo. + u tilities. C all Kathy, 905-332-9760 D E R R Y Rd C red it V iew , Mississauga. Brand new. 3 b ed room s, 2 1/2 b aths. 5 appliances, semi detached. 1500 sq.ft. Im m ediate o c cupancy. Non smoker/pets. $1475/mo. + utilities. Ethnee 905-812-9000 B U R L I N G T O N e x e cu tiv e 3 b ed room . 2 b ath s, a p pliances. c/a. rec room, ga rage, decks. First/ last, ref e re n c e s $1550/mo utili ties Juno 1s! 905-336-6323 R E N T to Own options or 0 D ow n P ro g ra m b ase d on credit & earn in g s v e rifica tion. Contact J a y Nelligan. A sso c iate B ro ker, Re/M ax Escarpment Realty. Realtor. 905-639-5258; creatlveoptsOquickclic.net__________ C O U R T locatio n: Brant/ P la in s , 1 yr. old. 3 a p p lian ce s. c/a, 2 availa b le L a rg e 3-bedroom - 2-1/2 baths. $ 1600/mo. plus utili ties. M ay 1st. 3 bedroom1-1/2 b aths. $1500/mo utilities. Ju ly 1st. D ebbie 906-332-3542______________ B U R L I N G T O N S m a rt 3b edroom se m i, full b a s e ment. 4 appliances, garage. Im m ed iate o r M a y 1st $ 1200/mo. A ctive Management. 905-333-5506. E x t73 $2650 E x e c u tiv e 4 B 0 R M approx. 3000 sq ft N e w ly redecorated - W ed g ew o od C re e k area. A vailab le im m e d ia t e ly C a ll L illia n S m ith , A s s o c . B ro k e r. R e m a x Aboutow ne R e a lty Corp (905)842-7000 O A K V I L L E S h o rt term. 3 bedroom d etached bunga low. 4 months start Ju n e 1. F u r n is h e d all a p p lia n c e s garage air. $ 1300/month + utilitie s M a p le L e a f H M C Inc. (905)842-8383 W ould suit non-smokers, no pets O A K V I L L E 3 bedrooms. 2 b a th ro o m s . 2 k itc h e n s , close to schools and trans portation Kerr/Dorval area $ 1 .600/m onth u tilitie s A v a ila b le M a y 1st. C a ll (905)616-0870 Light Assembly Workers Wanted Afternoon Shift Full-time positions in the Burlington/ Oakville area. Basic math and English skills are required. Please fax resume to: Rental Bonus M O N E Y P r o b le m s ? G a r n is h e e s ? To o m any p a y m ents" O p tion s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. Jo h n Tonner, B a n k ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6310600 K v j mortgage, loans C A L L Redwood 416-4949883 ext. 321 o r 1-800328-7887 ext 321. 1 year 3.99. 5 year A R M 1 01 A ls o re fin a n cin g , e q u ity mo'rtgage prog ram s. 2nd mortgages available Clarkson Value Tonbridge Square 2 lights S ol QEW. West of Erin Mills Parkway. 1&2BDRM APTS in quiet community near shopping, community centre & transit. Rental office located at 2333 Truscolt Dr 905-823-1300 F R E E - 1 Month for Q uali fied A p p lican ts! G e o rg ian A p artm e n ts 1.2&3 B e d room s. Apr./ May/ Ju n e Heat/ hydro Included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 905-639-0456, M-F 9am-4pm. 6:30-8pm S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 B e d room s. F re s h ly p ainted, bright. C o m p e titiv e rent Burlington high-rise Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation . 905-333-9846. Noon-8pm LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $1.00 L IV E -I N ca re g iv e r needed for disabled elderly woman M ust sp eak tagalog. Call 905-829-4093 or le a v e message. __________ N O F e e to Em ployers. Fillpina N anny, live-in, a v a il able. P le a se call Amah In ternational. 416-221-3303 L IV E -I N c a r e g iv e r must sp eak tamil. 2 girls 7 and 5 yrs. T ra fa lg a r and R iv e r Oaks. Contact Lucky 905845-8395 L O V IN G Nanny needed full time, live out for 2 children in Oakville starting in June. E . C . E and d rivers lice n ce an a sse t. C a ll (9 0 5 )3 3 9 - 905-825-8425 Call Centre Employment Established firm expanding in Oakville is hiring 15 to 30 employees for outbound telemarketing (dayevening shifts). Central Oakville- Speers & Kerr St. & GO Station. $l0/hour guaranteed to $18/hour. Must have good to excellent command of English lan guage. Ongoing training provided CALL TO D AYS T A R T W IT H IN O N E W E E K . (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/ QEW Bachelor i mS759* 1 - M r m ,f',m^869* 2 Jd lO B i!0 m ^ 9 7 9 ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418 G lenw ood School D r., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bedrooms $ 1,000/mo. + 1- 1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 62. Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905)845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) 2 -B E D R O O M apartm ents 110 S o u th F o ste r P ark , O a k v ille In clu d e s e v e r y thing. Im m ed iate. 905849-8411. 10am-8pm 75 S te w a rt: t-bedroom , $825 /mo ; 2-bedroom . $925/mo. (parking-* $35 / mo.) Im m ediate thru Ju n e N e a r dow ntow n O ak v ille / Q EW W ell- m a in tain e d , cle a n building. 905-6444294 O A K V I L L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks G olf Club. La rg e R e n o v a te d 1&2Bdrm . N ew a p p lia n ce s, w ind ow s From $845./mo 905-844-5474 O A K V IL L E D ow ntown. S p a c io u s im m acu lately re n o v ated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Pa rk in g . On L a k e sh o re Road/ K e rr Stre e t, from $ 1 100/mo. utilities Im m ed iate No pets 905-337-7135; 905331-1301 _____ O A K V IL L E : 392 Pine Ave at C o rn w all & T ra fa lg a r R e n o v a te d , larg e suites. W a lk to E v e ry th in g 1&2 Bedrooms from $845 905842-1429. Ext.231 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-bedroom, Apr./ M ay from S1040./m o.; 3-bedroom , Apr./ M ay . $1225/mo. ( partdog) 905-844-9006 K E R R St.. Oakville. 2-bed rooms, skylight. $800/mo.+ hydro. P a rk in g , laundry fa c ilitie s a v a ila b le . May/ June. 905-338-5907 1101 Cl | « | articles wanted Te l: 905-337-7774 ADMINISTRATION / AO TAKER Required - One Full Time - permanent. One Full Time- Summer tor busy Publishing Firm in Oakville · Customer service and administration duties · Excellent command of English language and communication skills a must · Excellent telephone manner Musi be able to multi task meeting deadlines balancing cash, credit cards etc. Interested applicants fax resume to. (905) 337-5597 or email to : tcasas@haltonsearch.com · Only applicants of interest will be contacted NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 1 -B E D R O O M in q uiet 5plex a v a ila b le M a y l5 . S p e ers Rd./ 4th Line area. $775/mo. utilities extra. 905-849-0423 M APLEG R OVE/ C o rn wall. S p a cio u s 1-bedroom basement, full bath/ kitchen, ap p lia n ce s, s e p a ra te e n trance, cable, utilities, park ing, laundry, May 1st. $800/ mo 905-845-4988 W A T E R D O W N : Jo h n St W a lk to E v e ry th in g New Appliances, N ew W indows. Com p. R e n o . 1. 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $745. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647. 905690-4454 O A K V I L L E : 190 Kerr, at Reb ecca Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything N ew security system . 1&2. bedroom s from $845/mo 905-845-1777 LAKESHORE/ M aple. Bu rlin g to n . 2-bedroom , May. S995Vmo.+ parking; 3bedroom, May. $H50/mo.+ p arking . Heat/ hydro in cluded. B eautiful lakefront view . Ind oo r pool Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview & hospital. Great high way access. 905-632-5258 B U R L IN G T O N . 2-bed room. excellent locatio n, quiet building, fridge, stove. $780/mo. Inclusive, a v a il ab le M a y lst. C all 4-9pm.. 906*332-3118 . ____________ B U R L I N G T O N . B ra n t S t 2-bedroom ap artm ent in small building. C/A A vail ab le Ju ly 1st $875/mo.+ hydro 905-336-7742 905-639-9212 W A T E R D O W N Ju n e 1. 3bedroom , finished b a s e ment quad tow nhouse. W a lk to sch o o ls & sh o p ping. S1350 p lu s utilities 905-334-2836_____ G E O R G IA N Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington La rg o 2&3 bedroom townhouses. full basements. Call 905-632-8547 L O V IN G c a re for your child In my home, large in door/ outdoor play area. Crafts and other activities. Reasonable rates, receipts. 905-631-9257, for apB R IT IS H Trained c a re g iv er 12-yrs. expenence. offer ing quality home d aycare. C P R . F irs t Aid. All a g e s w elcom e. Im m ediate start a v a ila b le Appleby/ Fairview (905)681-3903. D A Y C A R E a v a ila b le , my home. Lots of TLC! Guelph Line/ M o untainsid e. C P R , R e fe re n c e s / R e c e ip ts . Karen 905-319-0030 H . C . C .R . hom e d a y c a re , full-time sp aces N ear Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC. lunches, crafts, fenced yard. C P R / references/ reoip ts. 905-319-3826. W A R M , re lia b le c a re for yo u r little one in a co zy hom e enviro n m e n t. R e ce ip ts. re fe re n ce s. D e er Run/ U p p e r M id d le Rd. area. 905-336-6345_________ HOME d ayc a re in a sm oke free fun and loving atm osphere. B ig playroom and rec. room, with outdoor a c tiv itie s in la rg e fe n ce d yard. Hot lunches and nu tritio u s s n a c k s p rovid ed . R e c e ip ts an d re fe re n ce s. Call (905) 827-4534 L I V E - I N C a r e g iv e r from C h in a , s p e a k s E n g lis h . P r o fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e , c o m p a s s o n a te c a r e for ch ild re n , e ld e rly or d is a bled Helen 416-708-6686 W A N T E D All- China. Silver. Crystal, sewing machines... R o yal Doulton. Sw arovskl, M oorcroft. Q uilts. G la s s , dolls, collectibles, estates JohrvTracy. 905-331-2477 BEST CASH WANTED China, Silver, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Crystal, Quilts, Glass, dolls, sewing machines, collectibles/ estates. Can John or Tracy 9 05 -331-2477 Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 2&3 Bedroom Suites From $975./mo. Available June/July. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. S P A C I O U S room for rent In large home. Cable, laun dry and parking. M ature, working Ind ivid ual p re ferred. $380/mo Nonsm oker G u e lp h L in e & Palmer 905-315-7082 K N O T T Y pine room , fu r n ish e d . in ran ch style h ou se. $90/wk. F e m a le only All utilities, parking, laund ry, phone. TV , A/C. 905-632-4730______________ R O O M a v a ila b le . $500 / month. May 1st. Full run of house. Students welcome. Oakvtte. C a l 906-829-4268 B U R L IN G T O N C e n tra l furnished basement bedsittlng. private bath/ entrance, g a ra g e parking. S u it m a ture non-sm oking em p loyed p erson. N o pets S400/mo. 905-637-6323. F U R N IS H E D room off Lo ngm oor n e ar A p p leb y. S h a re k itchen, b athroom , laundry Park ing. Im m e diate References. $425./ month First/ Last 905-6325434 For 1996 Honda Accord E X . 5spd. pw/pd. air. one owner excellent condition E-tested Certified. S10,500/obo 905-825-1368 __________ 90 H o nd a A cco rd E X R 5 sp e ed , air. S e rio u s in q u i ries only. $5500 905-6817927________________________ 1991 V W P a s s a t station wagon. Red. A/C. standard. 193k $3,750. C a ll 905645-5943____________________ M U S T S E LL - 1998 B ee tle R e d , A/C. P o w e r e v e r y thing. Lo w ered Excellent co nd ition. 76k $12,900 ObO. CaH 905-580-4177 E M e l sports cars 905-639-3301 O A K V I L L E E a s t B rig ht, re n o vated m alnfloor of b ungalow . 2/3 b edroom s, ap p lia n ce s, laund ry, air, parking. N o pets. $1365/ mo May 905-630-9350 A P T for rent $895 all Inclu sive. 1 bedroom. 3 rm, 2nd floor apt. in A ld e rsh o t on P la in s Rd. A v ail. Im m e diately Call 905-333-3449 H E A R T of Bronte 50 Ea st S t.. c lo s e to lake/ B ro n te Harbour. 1 -bedroom, May/ Ju n e . $975/mo.. 2-bed room. May. $1,155. (park ing) 905-825-0816 B U R L IN G T O N - 3-bedroom, fireplace. 2 baths, overlooks g a rd e n s. T y a n d a g a are a. Quiet bldg. $1200/mo. Ju n e 1st 905-336-6379 FAST service your classified ads. 1991 M az d a M iata w hite, w/hardtop. 5-speed, m etic ulously maintained. 36.000 kms., summer driven road ster. $12,500 905-338-5304 FAX: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5

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