IRlMESi STREET w-v. vu ' : III III. III..- I'v- isitl Neoniuevhlesdisgrnesthrwgh- i on sad clues thepley. The rst not intredeees este when 0! the corps mph-nudges. Eur, leeeelere. Secre' i tuy olthe British W300; Csptsln Jnlise Beennlerc. his brother just up pointed to the View mission; we; Isrqnisede Bionuee. end her dsnglr ter Dore. Countess licks. I'll. when. i The cestrnl Ignres ere Juli-n. lm .- v |. O S elthe Countess. vu- nursel luck tn i heelth he. serious illnees by her. end is her stench-est lor him she forget the misery of en only [Innings and do- mestio mutiny. New s new cloud en. coups-es her. Jslisn loves Dora. goes beyoel the noneensinsl twntor lags ole host el sdmirers, woes and weds. snd inspires in the breast of the shsndoned Conntesle ternble reveng- lul vatthe destruntion of their happi less. The eneeeellng eats (four in all) we strongly tinged 'llsh sentiment. ul- ternsted with vivid illsstrstions ol the pensions which ettend the development of hete. deceit. jeelensy end suspicion. The Countess succeeds in stesling. 0D the eve of Julisn's departure for Vien. n s. sn ooisl Ipsper of great impart BOOB, slips it into a note addressed to Berna sum is Russians spy) written by Dors end expressing regrets thet he was not at her wedding. Count ()rluff, a .lriend. is arrested on rontn to St. lu ternhsrg. end is confounded to nd a photograph given by him to bars in the hands of the police. The note sent to Bsron erin is recovered. unil the missing document found in it. (ir cumstsnces now point to Darn III [in- tlnel. Julian is forced to believe timt he lms been united to en ndvnntnrens and related to s dsngerons womsni His ruin seems complete; there is a stormy meeting. soonsuions. protestations of innocence. unlorgiveness and sepurntion Then comes the revelstionr Henry Beauclerc detects, in the peculiar perv fume upon the Countess' gloves a smell resembling that upon the stolen docs: xuen't: he nds that everything she toucliss is msrked in the same way; he lays n trap. and she wslks into it. cou- lassen to avoid srrest end exposure. is; crushed honor and until vindiunteil nml conuence restored. Miss Rindalpli ndmirshly depicts the wickedness of th female nntnre ; she gsvs some demon- stration ol the poetic lines. Hell hath no fury like s we. scorned." anny Reeves pouttnyed the very opposite ahsrecter, the amishle Dom. Weuriod .1 l. ,- __L_|._-n..l LI. end licks. The Csptsis is en old ll un s Unllwwly 0U. Inn-'1' IlUlLI. nun-IV of the attery of unbalanced upm warmed mu devotional moorl by the dashing Juli-n. sad only Wedded to bu overwhelmed by the terrible 3le which tho treacherous Zioln has hatched. She plnyed well, but not so brilliantly as ch. can do in comedy. Her costumes were nob And vary Bttrmtive. Mr. Gilmour distinguish himsoll in the -4- -r 1.4;-.. ...A \l. Ann-.II Ain- were HUI lull 'Il .umwunu. u... distinguiuhod role of Julilm. And Mr. McDowell dia' played his old timo skill and sunny und iucreaud the popullmy in which he in hull. Mr. Day nude 3 capital Count. Mr. Benn numulmblo Baron; Mr. Dawson. n Algio Flirt. at.- uche of the Embuuy. performed well. and so did In. Fatal, the Countess. She "I an matron of great abllitv. The rest dul Well. Altos-user the Company :- agcod one. and deserves the Ileaer support, It has boon tccordml. L'lly I l m.--" --n nun-d ma full house NIPPON, IL mu uwu lbuuluuu. u. of Lyon" wu playod (on full house thin nibernoon. Tonight "The Shaugh nap." will be given. Gammoun bu been revelling in a scandal of connidcmble proportions- culminating in a sun at the recent. mt. ingq U! the Division Court. Kmte Macdonald sued Chas. Glover for 0H. expenr Uncunod in providan for Ina illegitiunte child. born to the p. . mm on June 22nd. at the Gencml Hospital in this city. She mule In nnlnvnt as as to its paternity before the Police Magistrate, Hating um Glover was its father. and thll aid-viz wu properly led with the Clark of the Peace. De. fendnut at on. time plid phinti 010 but mfusint to contribute uuy more: plnilti wok lho child to his momr's home udlof i! there {or him so take care of. Del Iduzu mother threatened m wtmn lying: phllti lot nbandon mg the child nnleal it In ukon away. as defendant. wu only a boardnr than and lmd nothing to do with tho home keeping slam-I. So tho nhild In! (or a r - Inna h. hnninl n! [IM-(L Mnrnv. Keeping lullrl. 00 an. nun-- "5 I1}: .. tine placed in keeping olFred. Mnrrey. end lately edoptod by Bicherd Herie. It was while the child wee with Murray then tlge expeneea were incurred. (or clothes. medial send-nee. tc. Accord- mg to the girl" evidence ehe haul ex- pended contidenble more on the child then she chimed; but u .14 In the emouel. net! {or jeep-en In given foritnviti oeete. No defence we: 0L Ru Henry Wilson. D D.. bu return- 0 l to the city um t woo'xu niniomry Lual. Ho bald mien u A-bmt It kind on Sunday. The oi-III pnvontui him pro-chin; u 0 [our church on tho [and udjho ghl lb,- minions! conic. m m Ind lot Novel-bot 15w. OI [out] be van to Bub ; on {Tad-j to 0-: Wetland-ya I B-.A-.g.L.L.- III. a- Tana-1' [4 '1, II! vI, '- "WI3., w Frau-scum ad a. TM, a Adolphnm'n. M Ill than Looting humbly-diudbyihobuldemy. The anti-p won hid] tun-dad and AL _L.__Di_ A- .L _n' '1..."- minnow map a]; Thy: lam-uh"- h-I pain-d. bums. . (to! madmanwmhvihg to mhurmmmmlm: wWai 'WMHDWV nan-I. It-Wihoiddmbunnk' ;mmvbwunqu Envinuhnn'I-pc. EW' pth'll'hbmhhl '_._L_- on! Pub.0! .- lube-dr- A- V. I. lab VII-A - h GOLDEN uon moms/2r W. R. Ioao & co. ._.....- SUED FOR [I 'llb. Dlm-AC' 2" 85mm: shall be munmnld "new. 2. Nutwithabnnding nnything in the and Act. or in any other Act. contained the Suki assets Mid esnta shall be held managed. administered and disposed of. and Lhn said power: and franchises shall in! nxarciind Ind eniaved bV the Mid A11. prowded. howovor. man no In mum only which ahnll be derived from the nul assets and Gate or frnm Iny other Mute into which the same ahall bu muverwl. ulmll be expended nd ap- Plletl for the and purpoau or any of them. and that. the principll of aid shall be mlintainod intact. u \:..ouiol..t..nalinu gnvthinn in the and Ella mull and franchises snail be exercised and enjoyed by the Public School Board of the City of Kingston. exclusively for the purposes alorcsuid under and in wcordunco wish le pmvisious of the Iniustrinl School's Act, uml of the Public Schools Act. sad for every other Act 3pplietble to said Public School Boud,a.nd thoy an here by ox prossly authoriud to hold the real estate. hereby vestad in than]. and 1.0 acquire and hold any other real estate for Lhe' nurnoqea nlorenid. exclusive of (IMHBH rue w sue quuwu; same. 1. All the end acute. real and perwnnl. pnwere end franchises ol the mud Mulluud Dietrich School Society ere hereby ubeolubely vested in the said "lhe Public School Bolrd of the City 01 Kingnbou' es well for the purposes set forth in the preamble to the Act of In corporation of the said Midland Diluict School Society. peeled in the 55th your at King George 111. end oheptered 18. us fur the purpoeea e! eetehliehing nd unintmmng It Kingston doronid en luJuuu-ial School or Sohooll under the provisions of the Iudeetriel Schools provnded. however. that the in- mnm nulv ucquuu and hold other real ensue for purpoqu More-aid, and m addition to the real estate which they are nnw nuthotiud to hold. a NaniOM-rnndhia anything in th- IUI'B to II. um.- un u-v llv-nl- The Secretary duo to Ibo Action nlmt hm] ukou uhtivo to m nublinb- meal of the school. Tho Bard Ind tnllv sanctioned the scoopqu of the funda. . 9.. m-Au-lllulln lll AIIITI. nuthorued to new. 3. Nntwitbstauding anything in the Industrial Schools Act. or in my other Act contained. it Ihell not be necelsury to lodge. except during the hours of instruction. or to feed or clothe the children attending or committed to and proposed [null-trial School int Kingston In order to constitute the meme an luiluntrinl School Within the nonn- iug of mild Industriel Schools Act. but an proposed Industriel School It Kingston mey be deemed n Indutriel School within the meaning of said Let. uotvvitbstanding the ebeelce 0! my ec- co'nmmlimon or provision fer the lodg- ing, clothing and feeding of such chil- dren, .i h nlinll In the dnu nf the 1id llC JCIWI Dullu . Mr. Phipps. rod the upon 0! the Epoch] Commute. spoil! to count der tho Indunrinl School ache-Io. Thoy were preprol so .00. die bill {or the Lnunfeleneo of the uni. of the Lu- I n,._) A~ AL- NLR- A largo I LKIUILUIUHU' CA an. I"- V: vuw u cuwrmn School Bond he the Public Sruool Bond in I" teapot: but one. lho third clsnu. thy prolornd to leave so the dooiuol of I. Bum. an A ,_ ~l_4 _-A.I AL- -6A_ 4, It shall be the duty of the mid Public School Board. in addition to .uo other dunes impaled on them by the said Imllatrinl School: Act. the Pub- lnc Schools Act, or nay other Act. to cszllllih at. least one such IIdultrinl Hchowl, as aforesaid. within one you from the passing 0! this Act. nd hence mnh M maintain tho u-o inln a- cnent. mun-er; 3nd in dehult thereof the powers and fnncIiuI. nut. and estate hereby veltod in diam. or the enhata rppreuntina the 3-9. Ihnll be (Hunted. and shall nvort the said )Iidlan District Scle Society. A '11.... AM. .mll not his all-ct. until HJ. Mu- uu. u w.- "lnnlly docldod ti 1):. Foo she'll n: turn In tho chm. which he bu! uken It the opening of u muting. Mr. Pol-on 0pm at tho houblo tint. ind arms in the Public School Bond und regmm tint n the pun moot- mg then should be such I Ind] ro- prewuution o! in unborn. Tb. meeting w norm Add! of tho Pub- lic School Bond. .- n ,,,A_ _-_.| .L- a--. -l n.- Midland Dlsmct School Scout]. 5. Tllls Act. ahtll not uh aoat until the Legislature skull luvs rs-bod or provided for the support of laid Indus- mul School u: nuns! ubiin or sun of money to the mount of ~ dollars at but. r oruywc. Dr Foo-QM It. L Thibodo uh a chic. nd Ir. Polo. uncond- .ml the moou. Thou III 05W than: the monk-n out. Wu lBoud. Mr. Pol-on uid nth imply uocondod the model A: n compliment AL ~ I __._A.-l- h. '6 -.- risen-um: III Ill-U. Mr. Thibodo objochd to the Int clunu. and moved an sandman tin tho mcome only of the property bounded by Wellington. Brock ud Okra-o. Streets be ocrod to tbs no of the pro- posed lnduurid School. am the bul- lute of the property be mutated to ne school Board to carry out tho pro- poud lmlnurid School. TL- nu.-- mun.) nut thnt 11. nm. Luovuug|jth|lpld an Public and old W W WIMMhbm-ad Mel Mm pn sen loan. 8. I. I... W. Irvin. N 0. Poison. 0. WM 8. Anglin. lu~pecwr Kidd. ow. I'. W. lirkplriok. Rev Henry W... A. Thibdo.W. L...JI|I|I.4L... Ila-n. Forum. n- In val! lo. m A schedule of I ch Minn WWII]. mu ul- llul vJuu r l proposty will 50 sud accom- fpanyabidWhTMh. n-muWi-mbm. ' Poauomwmbo-uh-mm " akin mxmobmpuuumn. Th: expoueoil m m a imoltbobill willbobwhyh "Wamiuuhm' oidmuhvmmmnlhi ..__ Il unm-mnnm 60011 CHEAP HUSIBRY ! mnv & IURRIYS. you. I-IIUUI I HUI-Wu. Tho mover pointed out tint tho pro- party on Wellington Stu wu leuod mad that a tale of u would be impou- uiblo. The amendment was not seconded. 13,, _|____ _-- -_._:.J _hb. A_I.. llDIO. I. In lluuuum-uu w- my "unw- The tint cluu Wu tried with only one ohjlctot. S. AMI. 13... nan-A alga-n man-J .ithnllk one ODJWWI U- -Iu-t The second chino pun-d with. dimdmwu. .vu , , _ J._.__.'-_ _m Ak_ ALZJ umcumwu. Then up I dmuio- am the third in regnrd to the lodging. slot-hing. d [ceding o! the childnu to ho too-ind u the school. I: m ntuqluutly struck A 0". The lonnh clan 1m mod unli- mounly. mad the lth omitted. cm n- manna. ZdncxlbvlhomQIIlIilun- qt. Ir. Huh-swamp MONIth mmam.1 :myWINN.W- torluau. D.- l' rm: I" I. I..."- um Ill. I'll ul- IMP..- . pm What Bishop (leary m going to any Lo-morruw evening. and If Lhera'll be standing mom [or all who want. to hum hum Preach ? murqu F-"Uv "met 1- II. morn; IL. To-day Dr. James McCammon. who in repreunced Frontenac Ward for nome years In the City Council. cold I Wnlu reporter that he was a candidnta (or the Mayoralty. no ha a given tho quuticn manure consideration and is prepared to take his chances. Who his opponent willhe in at. present unknown, but u nuns, it is ma. will be unannou- ed in n kw (lays. 'qu Ul- UII l Wth the city lunch] um. will be u. the olou of this you. nd '1! Dr No- Cnmmol will than his prodocoasora I! eluted Mnyor 2 WI. :n---t.l 0h- hrm hrimm-d hm... PIIUI-Il-U" How Int-y young ladies have sighed to booomo wbrosson snnoe thov nw Mrs, McDowall in Diplomacy 2 nu.-- .L- m... -..l...mlhu unrn |n mulluwcn In Ulrluunt y . When the by Indewalku are l wurne condiuou ' H a man Is a good Judge of what. I or in ucl. mural when Ina own cou-lmn is mmewhnc doubtful 2 n An I tn,_,,..n -A.-. A;_. The Toronto 'Iilryranl says: "A re mukuhle untename was Intely made In the papers regarding the connmupuun of opmm in the city of Kingston. and oueof the lrrggilta tnerg was represent. .1 -._ --...... .an I... l.-.l MJJ mlmnc rm Ill U KIWI 'WIUI-UIIIK . Why broad in so dou- whon what And our nu Io chap 'I an.-- sL- Ill-d- n-nihn nnrM-A lav-n un- w viar - Whu the Bollovilh quail." pnrpou giving the King-to- mn I chum to uni than out 7 II'I A Li ,!.4 l___-:_l -A-A_ _;II |._ 'Iwm may!" I Who invonbd the brosd hrimmod hum worn by the India. and if. in tn obllruc the no. In umbrells wonld'nt. be nor. urvicuble during sh. theatrical performs-on . LIA h--II mun.- Indian Lain muhnd Dueul MIU Iu i'xll'll mm": W" nupnum,uu ed 8! saying that. he bu] gold 'ithout. thirty pounnh or 48d ounces of opium during the last. year. Apart. from the fact that thirty pounds do not. according to upotliecaries' measure, contain 481) ouncea.hut uiiiy 360. the article hears evident traces of having originahod. on but in some measure. from the fertila bnm o! a sensations! reporter." Wu may add that (web! i.he;druggi9cs of the city have informed us that. our loan! contemporary has been considerably of! in his calculations. that the bulk of his statements seem Lobe ctitious. We 61 prex; no opinion. but druggista ought. to know whereof they speak. The Nu" had better quote its authority. Ehs Ct\co.-Guuvm. AND Coanmi. -"By a thnrm ,m Ir ,nwledgo of the natural laws which govern the opentioua of dlgei on and nutrition. and bv I. uretul Ippll cation of the neprnpuniu o! we selected Coons. Mr. Ep has provided on breskhnt tublen with a minutely avour-ad buversu which may save us many heavy dootorn' bills. If. in by the judioinu use 0! mph urticlen of diet, that an Inntmmon may iw grndually built up until strong enough to resist cvery tendency to disease. Hundreds of mbtla walndien are oating around uv' ready to attack wherever there in I weak poirit. We may esonpe mnuv I fatal shaft by keeping ouruelh-a well fortied wiih pun blood am ~ pruperly nourinhed 1.....- "_t'..-.l Nam. I}nzl!!I.-Mlde nim- "lanolin-00: M. I; w an. an. m I IO . II I n-4L_A__- I Who pond no u. gnu of the lac Ir. John Sun-I. o! Viol. and why III a body In uku when an m m broken 9 r- .L , n,4:,, - OL#J_L- L-.. _- __-L 'lm- in a... "m- vuv vuu ....- . Whether then 1: much bottom to the iudptrial boom. I '1! then is not IOIIO ingot ol aptly-uni works giving the city In clocul'ic shook non powcrful thu it cu ably land P u naAA,, nA_I.:_ ___I - _-__- L - un- 1| Ill." Inna 7 If Mtyor Gukin run, menu to u- tinguilh hi- plblio hum a eld of his term nnd go ouriboo hollow-ting ? WL- Inn-J in .n 3-:- nhnn Ih-nt and by ouruelh-a well mnmca wnn {flm0.(}llll .S'a'rvzrc Gaunt-Made ly with boiling wwer or milk. Bold only v In Pckuts sud Tlun MM and lb )I by gm- oers. labelled-ux?! Ens :2 (10.. Humm- pstbetic Chemists, London. Eng."A|m mnkeru of Epp'u Lybocolnte Euenoo. .0. 7- SIICO the remoul of Dr. M. Souvxelle'n Thrmt. Ind Lung Institute to hm new quumrs, 173 Church atmel. hundreds nu!- (oring from canrrh, cuurrhnl doslnem I bronohmn. uthmn sud many dimnsea of the thron sud lungs hue rooeived treat mom. by his new and wonderlul iuatru mom, the nplmmeter, which convovn med: cinou In the form of cold Inhllnionl u tho nanny-uku- II. 0P. hunk? Whylhoyd.\.rl1d0m in air m ud an In. will. and III- plouut MUM, mi... on... Dr. m...- in th- Inouhy coil-. ll 'm '3" nunjmiybo? ' Wholhuuriboobok hswd at W maul. adult cu: b- mnb, paw-g 3 link I on m ' H O m W In".- I I! the Medial 8nd.- in" In much urn u they pmh- to poo... sad i! not land. why did "lo 01 then jump Cunnan Conakry (also. on u up- prouh a Mr. Nicol no other nigh: ? "LAN... 0.... .- numb ban-m tn lhn m urns 18" mm I -vuua- - "v .. _.--_ -1 __ ___ A aloe I-(Jnm-l of (11qu Human.- mlv 0d this man. Ink. you ohm And "I the good anal. (Tn-van and Plaques. on Tub". Moist Colors. ml sketch- lul I up". PRICE: LIST; A Ipllnndhy Auorlod Humkfllvor hung lb- Punm Requires. Fresh Ind aw. In: mu '[ILBSJl.0WBRIN6--Bll.nsl A .nLu__ n..__._.|.,_ ..- Charm and ovmhl. (Ices-u I. m I (kn; 7! PW~ r H B Am-vim (oal O" I. h n m d ugly. I 1 06.7. W on. AW! phosphatlne! 3" u i u n- odny vaybod m nudge nanny. (12m. sud no umn. no only at tho ph-I'IIIII'V NEW ELECTRIC BELT. _._L~_ _-.- .....o. nun-tn main} J. I II. RECEIVED TODAY med I A no. n... ma received I 1",. [ock of rum-ma em mwsn now. ALL woon. from I l $103100 15 no 50: per .1: Lemar (imam: hummuwtml How we worth an .eleoe ne In. 0! ('uhmere Hoee m I uolorl. end I Iplen'hd mufn-Ill ol rived ru. Jereey Gloves In Cashmere end Ollk Llned. we" mm {mm 9.51: m 150 per pelt; lMIu end ueule Kid Mm- nnd (Hone mu 0 to"... em none to gun. (ll/wee. lined with bunt) at... 1mm 90:- wary. pa! 1. A). lot 0: mn on"- a 1 .ueren | mm :1 use worth 50c. A new lo! 0! Clnlon Yunnan, gnu err vodJrorn 10 to p- yen. eennu car I IN piromaurn " mmlml urn cen mve UNDERWEAR from The w 5 per mm Four oeu- u! Cenedlen end lamb Tweed- . unallP, {mm Inn (.0 3|. end .Hb pot yenlgml for vune celll be but tn the (My. All In: ol I m , 17-, ahuvs lAnee nu convince tho clone-t buyer the! A may II m. heel [:1qu suite D" W )1 : u h-l-lai vnu Inn! In D" 0011'. , - imam Bnah. Scotch 1 Wm Wool 0mm ml Bums -1'|IE OHIAIIST DI TII CITY. AT EQWE9EECBNETTES Ankh I... Chin- . }Now Ulstorc. Ulstorlng and Ovorooani ! COMMENCING 'IO-DAY v " HU-wv-_ --' Envy Ribbed ('ndorlhiru Ind Driven at 350 . Envy Doubl- M Shir n 500. worth 650 ; Ih-Now Kim-ton Shirk and Dunn st 50. 60. 75. I! ; Inn It) and Tina All Woo| Undonhlrb Ind Dnvcru u. all 01, O1 35; lul Minn Jakob nonnu wood qudity. st 91.75. .1. 02.60. .5; lenu Boom Wool Sash. l. ; 5'00. human-do Soon 86 ; 50 dozen Moul Cuhlncrn. Goth and Mad Kid Olono m Mun- (Ir-At haw-aging l'. Hosiery & Gloves l'ur men, women an] children n SPENCE .l CRUMI.EY'S. Woolg m Fluxnrmg l-Zldur le Factory sud Humemndo It. BPENUE a t'lH'\!l LV": iw" ALsha grainy-s t DRESS DEPARTMENT. Brut unorled sim-k m Illusion. The lowest prices. Noll place 01 old goods In Illl house. _ . . . r..,., .. I.-H.., nun ,._ ESUTHERLANb. mud mum a bum - Volvomn But. a... .u .. .. Velvgmn- inn-1 New And Fuhiouhlo Ila-b. In. .50 to $1.85 pgr yard. They no Splendid \duo and mu! M Pile. I. IoFaul's. iii'dii" Q'iisi'm boxulan noon. loo w Minn. (he-t harping It fux. COtvTSiiEAU a. 00., ISO Palro Ladlu l2 Button Black Kld Olovu AT 500. WORTH $1.50 M . F. X. COUSINEAU I: 00. iRICHMOND 85 BO YDIBN iLadies! Something New. ,1 "Inn! Dun uu- xlll unu Inn-v A! l. I'Ml. l-mn "'l'-""""- -0V...-~ "' i * mun-n ATMbh.quhm-W hops-ovulb Wumap-nyudb an." nu. mum , LA~~ .4...- l-_..I-.- -mJ-_I- iYOuRkgNygqg gLEAsu-z. I wisest. wnczvl. Li'th god rugby Dran- Goodu. Spoon] undue-menu to ouh buym. A um um. Good- um tuna-rod u ud and" an ACTUAL (:AIH Pull?! Ln an a. a. 1.9.3:. Patchwor- II want 0! Pm: ('lw Mhnhlc (Modal I... thus lbolouh mm thou! nos noun Hu- 0 nanny, u the not! mvm ho. dead mu In A "um um. nun vs no In rm. um PIncy Human, Unlau and cotton lhmmp. Plan And Funny Duels. Don ac. a n E if" "Eff-313T AL: 1 mmlu'lidoohdwhndo. Thing-u mHumay. mm 'ihi""may";demewilldowdlwdlum. D. P. A MITIOIOU. 0,, m rememmdrm. m whamm- W I'll. Hanasmn fohim. And lasting twa weeks, Look out n a tumble at u um Ind but 0! TB: '31-'35: can-any - Ila-do! shon- ( [(1 JILLX .vv ~lu- (lmupvnt Anuvrlment of Dry Goods. and. Mantles at. annual-I) A. lnIl-I l! ,Kmok & 0mm 0... IA, _ ,,,,A1 A- I b] lb. m but spam '0! r. 'u H y ' Kngluh. Scotch and (SCHMI10 woodl n In- nun msnululunn print. A In our! 0' "you IV)!le BLANKET rumlnlna. 5 par can. and" coal. Your about at.) Wool nod Clam: Rh. 'l- n In: than "mm. .1. Como Alan: and an money by haying your "71 Good- m MICE mm, 7 AMI? DTICVEV 2, "mm JtJHST: Allmm moms 'orl'n-iq mu: a. mum. .- A - Am A...L__ _AL -Mluhw-dh .wwVv w '_____ .7,,,, if N , 7 a HOSE hum-1 and n stock \Ml.l BOSE. fro 1r lumlm ,wln nude .31.) a an: 0! wmcr. mm - n _ I ,d- -44 AllL-l_-.l Volvotoons I Volvotoons I 1w Key John Hondonon, 00.. An Immense Stock of New Drona ($001: In gran uricty vary chap lolurod Plunhea m :11 shndu. Houvy Wlnur Honiary Ind "tidal-clothing. [not for Rum on WW. up... Nov. 8. For Men. Women n-d Children nu spa-re a urn-left. in gym; Is All In nor Belly Ill-Icy Only. Ax-"itrong -nll I- an int,- n-.. "nu- 4 -v :(o)1 W. have now rocenved the router pan 0! our New Fall mock of Doom and Bhoeu. l'ld we tell you In ooudouoo Ch wt honove we are aenug better ulue {or the money than ever before. Our new styles for Lndies are equnl to the boat Amenan mnken, por- fecv. tting and genuinu in qualny We hra nurn to plane I" in thin dapnrlment. Gentlemen should cull on us {or A Good Dariu- Sbrorg Boot. or Fine Shoe. We keep. Luge Vuiaty And our Prices are Low beyond comparison. PalmsBring your little ones to un we I'll t them with I good wenring oomtortnbla Boot. We pay pufuculu Attention to the childrenn depnrtmeut and kuep the prices down KNIKIIOI'I. Bella-ville and Trenton. The only One Price Boot & Show Hausa In Buy 0! those plug. at 1'7 rxr bngEAR: Reeves & Cee.t Bhnapsst a Best Assortmeml We wxll hue 3 (iron Mark Down Sale 0! Boots Ind Shoal, Low Priced Boot 51 Shoe Store. 103 Prinoena Strut. none to To Stan. m inn; Will. hr the Hui Thin] Dun. "are 3 WILL OFFER THIS WEEh living you! Dry Hood- Ill I'IIINUEIII "II-$17, LATE HICKEY & ILETT, SPIENIE a (BIIMLEY. 13': and HI lrluoom Htroet. opposite a Hohl. IIIINES & LOCKETT, Underciothlng IE Walsh 8; Steaoy, IM Print. 1 now for Boats and Shoes hue nominly nhn '_X'xi315:' $1338. . lull 0.3-...u c.-..,. Ammis- nu. gnun--. u..- -wvww 128 J! I30 Princes: Sgwt. opp-0708.1 Haul. BOW I}! & DISSOIB'I'I'II. 2m Prinoua Sum. oppouu Windsor Boa]. SUTHERLANDB ml Vcln-Loenl from 500 to Brouqu Valvul- do. lbu. In! pwa at ood- II Ir. no place. It rum "hr up, Epoch! Lan o! All-Wool Coloud mum-u} na n on W walnut! n mmlulnunw-Mnlwb 6 up u. Ilw- Miami-HI. Mm - mg... . .u- out: . brow rpm :1 on III I h a 081.1! . w. gssvss a cm. I mmcmmmm Ml ___ v Slim-MM Out IOTIOI. Man. this." a! II- "hath-1.1170. I Ag... I cit-lu- In I: III-la D whit-n! I 01. 3001.11 Aowgm 1. name a u. m gut-Putin I In..- In! unto. FANCY TOILET SUAPS |r Jun Ill Hulk aplwrrv Jam In hulk mwnJmn 'nhnlk. c. I Huh Jnlu In hulk 10" Must MAXI-,1: Yum, To per lb YOU WILL FIND AT Winch we t-'ar It We on 1h "\ll \' Hardy In Murrays. V}! R Y FI NE FRUIT LAMA (H I umrunonl ol thy'l Ind nlher m...- w- W- ' 'c'l.m mug-1 a! Inn- a. one! __._AND --u x'runus. 1'24! lhs for M i. he in}. aliAPEs. IM Prim Stud. hp, 1200 par box. KIVHSTU IMO Box- Mumm anml WeizmMr W, F Imhmna, projector of the Mowmg Mn (hllle Wuer mama. a personal cur mu 0' u "no of the lending citiznnu. and omnme seven! 05,0!) Inscriptions of Mark llu m uhtmmng I the large mum.qu In (nu at. rst, . he will accept u! mmllnr unwuntu by 1.1- bye, .. 7 7-. l'mnnm .lm k?) A juckey from LL-n w n- c-ugugwl n luv d u mg m. Hurnmmeh [(1 drive a gentleumuw ' ' | NL,A|. I. -1 Snug INJCRLD ~Whou Wright. Mo Ilmy. one 0! H. a W.J. Crothon' agent-- wan drivmg into a farmer'l bun non Lyndhum the, horses became frighten- Oil and sprung forward. The door through which he was driving wu low. and Mcllroy Itruck the beam Ibove it. uml was hurled backward. By the full hm up. was injured. He was brought L0 Kingston yesterday. nuering gran _....7 'l r" LVHINK Liam. Next. you ll a Mall Tub-phone ()ompttny inland to can utrnsc u Lvloplmuo hue through (nnndu complemng IL m Lou mouths lrom the hm. lhv. I made The |oca| nun Agar mu m Napnneu n [MI leI :go. 3r llll:ll1'Ill'lhlllrN'LIUU at oucou! A line In... ..... V... I Sydenhulh I l mu. undo, l __ I Mmsxou Hu,l.Tho evangelinhio "mo-hugs. held in this place ovary Sul- day evening. at, the close of the urncu m the churches. are Iallattandod. Thov are uilmlly con luctu by Mr. Mnckny, but wurkcrn belonging to any of tho churchos :nro Invite! to take part in the harm... The spin: of um" is manifest. m all them) umolingq and many have fulln l 1:. plan: of bleunug. Tomorrow evening students of Queen! and album w I Luke pu'rt AN 017nm: Avuuau. A circular. mum! hv the Department. of Education ymu-mny respecting we subject: of we Muumutions for Leachori' certicates m July, 13043. which will be those of the currlvulum prevmusly announced. autos zlmt mum um three new smudmonn I.) Hm rnguluzimu. tho woond of whim dicl'ueJ that. in Enllnh Linntnre u . 7 .._:I_LI.. n. 1an nunlid-hn n1 Tune! Ill-[H'- A mm 0! May [Jul an ('OIflletl nu pol lot inn-i. bu urnn-J he! fur the pupa 0' kind LLr-lumrnlul nun han. she i. from Marni-n (.mu , u at French our. Lmn. h manned her full)! nd all" mlmuullv The (uuplo lo (or homo v. r 9 SnuuL AmmanIr. D. onlo. editor M mo Edmuqu Monthly. nd upooiul sguul of (mebell a 00', vi" lddnu um L'Ity Tmhcn Annocmiol in uprd to school works. le Hold". new gloves. chap underwear. pro! lancy hIDIImh'wll. uobby lumu collnn ml cuu. jut Opt .11 n. Hardy & Murrays. M. BOO Boxes How Ralclnoi .inclwe; mm In Lngllnu mun-w": u. option in avuilnbln to every cgndidnbo of undying Gold-min: a vaeller" in- numd of "Murmmn .rvu.__w . i 1 Farm Iodonu winds be- moan out no} south, hir ionic! nod high" umporuaro. mrvu-n Q1 mum. PAIN. Last. evening I qumlnllu party occurred in the Town { Hull. l',xv..nmqui. l'pwudu of 60couplel wen.- pu-uent. muluxlmg About. 30poml| from tho city l'rol. Reilly's band fut- nulmxl delightful music, The nasirwu QUHPU up bv the young men of Cutan- qm. who dewna much pmmo for the umnmr m whil'h they carried out. I. prognnnuo. The pnrtv broke up shout in m .-\mong those present. In the uhlm. maiden: ol (uunan H. In. H ffhsama n uuy uno 0! me oonv fouvu. Mm rum lothl u! u. Got-Inn's l I pm I W l..-"-" l , Luann [ADOIJIoJL M 0:07 0! Canon Ion-a. m with. {unto-mu unmet-mum. hm mar-now Inn, in. 'Ilm'n Inn. PM. u- w I'-"l o. " (mornLuu'a Rut"Whul tho nevi on the K. .i. P. RB. lino? Hun yuu unwed nny union! yet 7" Noth- uig npecul. mid the "pro-Ink. ol the lma in tumor to the Inc query. "About. H30 new unions. 1 only know ol one on the trunnion. It bu bean and all-wrxlgwan Rant. booaun men are Im-anion: on I mpovor Lye lino [name - very tan-i Ind had to huh. I: h u m hue cl [Aka View Iounuin from tho anmmi! o! wlnch Von can no (hull hka wd poor mm Low Ctudn. Th0 "repomr an}. ID a! II. Indy _Mh HIV-7 \n Illnr'. .. .m f mv-n unLvnw-J at. Humnton fur hofu nf (night. in)! All Line Intel-I r. was to Imu- been married next. lm-k. MIng mum: of his good! not I: on IWIH, A whnrf here were found I umlmr ul NHIKI Imlol from the Rays] Wolls. Mr xhrana. um,- person A the :Lnnmi subscriptions m'k mmuh 1|__ w-u- ' fa... mdnw, AM M twill... I... by. 1M 51" 0|" 3-! W... .m n h.uC.ll 57;. w. -" " w "" .h m-.. .M n. nonhum I. ufm ,A A -4... an. Ln" Ills BonnAbout two'cloak I w-dny"um lelimghg why.- u an I ounce-'00 'ol the Town-hip 'ot umcbinbmm ml In has... {not of F. X. Lvhnuoo non. Ontario I]. --.I In. hi. 4"...- nd unaudbolonodunzmm-M n,__--_4l In an. an. I." Li- LyunuuhumJndnlui-lun- 1 .Hhrswlaeoolhinlou. 0mm? ulnahindlapudunuudum bond: the m Vulcan. I. tip; mml)pouldlol haunt WMm-quuu no. 3.1m.- Nabiulmk 60 can, sml a. m and }!Wulm.o an... L-_ ht... .- _hh- L- . Bs- W- I .unu nutu .- kWu-Mbysw. .r_.-._....7 (11" AND VICIII'I'I'. lWI-s rugnxvu II n w -.. 4...". umeh mun Uu lewny buck has tied rm Lu n Lrlugrnph pole. ood on Hw, Lu: kod the been. on the hold I: rk, um] nthurwuc shamefully \ a. He left. the buggy on the mud n l urnw'l home a la "Gjlpin." nu t In ... "Lu {0 anunee. WINDS M A L of the nton ran mun, John Albert. the policeman who shot the boy ll, Parkdmle only in the mun~ mar. and who was sentenced L0 be exa cubed at. loroulo. ban hm! his neuteme commuted to tweay years In the Pani- tenuiary. rm... ---.........M1.n nf Uhriut, ('Inunh Lennary. The congregltiun of Christ. ('hurvh hue ordered, It. a cost of .133. a tablet In memorial honor of tho Into Rev J. Carroll Ind Mm ('urnll. [hn tablet. .bout 4x5 feet of whim- marble with blue: lettering. is to be nudes by Messrs. Walsh. 0! Kingston. 7 ##77, I . u . \)DD city to-dny. ll.Wl mu. 0|. A horse on Simcue lllauJ kicked a scythe 3nd got. the worst. of the bargniu Dr. Malia sewed up the Ioverod tendons Ind esh, He wdn nearly drowned un hm "turn paiugo m u skiff. The son ran high, La. 1.... pk. unlmnumn who shot any w-uny. Mr. W. L. Hamilton, luspectur of luv land Revenue. mm In the Cnty towlny .- , , n .4. _.:. .... 1.....1. 1' o] g |Illll uveuue. wan In hlqu V...) u\) ..._, Marquis Antoniere. leader of LI 0 Equnorinl Geographical exlwdniun. il A--a call h York. OGIWI. Uuiul nu um pm". The School Bonn! mll probably not. most again thin your (or business. union Ur. Fee resigns. 5.13 [number inform: on. Time ml] defeat, that. resolvev Yesterday a ( mawh ucuurrad m the den 0! tho Eh I C \l Collagw Re Itone p:rsuu h 0.! mm: mm knocked out. ud his tuuguo bully hummus-i .. LA -~_.__. L-.. 1... mm... Inr Hm v luau-W'- uui Ilu III uuuguu u. . 'lhoconrwt hm: been given hr Um cation 0! she new young tun-l AIDK'k, Inf Alexandra Buy. In! H 1 an wonh. o! Mxlwnukee. Ilm can 13 05,1! 0 The walhuuc IBD.W1IIC|IH a numm e. nllttlwu L119 dram! Ill valor. mu] w alovoriy dewrlbml as u vrum In-Luceu u hindwreun and Ill umbrulh Luruml 1n lid. out ,, u:__,.,- l-ln.l h...|.m| u su mums 1mm GRAPES I} r" .' "' ' accept. His Lcrdship Bishop Junot has been rocoiving npleldid receptions throughout L1- _-_ as--- um-I: ha nnid n rocuvmg lplelulu rectpuuun uu Uuuuuv hi- IOI diocese. Last week he paid visit to the pcrilhoa of Faber Casey and liolty. Dr. C. R. Dickson attended upon the late Dr Tolgmnun from the tiuno his dngemus mmhuon was discovered until the arrival of the city doctor, who found that. nothing more could be done lib-n Dr. Dicknon had already perfonmd. ____... I'll OWL; |Unua urn On the oveuiug o! Thaukaglvmg [My than will be 3 service of song In St. Mo'l Cnuodnl. commencmg at. 7 o'clock. Oorilg for the poor. 0L_ uAL-_I n5: .ll urnlmlulv uni At McKelvoy & Birch'a re a prom. non! Aldcrunn rushed madly atoub and gnu orders that. wero not obeyed, boctuu be mun not rocognizvd run the bond of tho Department. Tho water found it. way through the oor of tho msin building. when the Alderman. ml- droosug a reman. asked . "Where's your tarpnuhna "" "Wheres our what?" nskad tho mm OI um. 10 uucu, Tho Boyd Bluzk Knights of Cunmhn Anomny in Victoria Mania H. occur- on Hominy ova-mg; Tickets, gentle In 35:3,; Indies free - n, .L, 4-... . A: Trunk-"mm.- haw Wu-l ll Tu-pouliu! tarmnlins. sir !" The human manually replied by taking another qnution' Did the Council give In Any 3" The Alderunn rttlred nhashedl The brig-Me Ind to borrow urpnuhnq in onion to nave the property of the rm hom rum by water. They also suffered thelou o! choir own clothing been. VA ,___I:_A ...:5l. nn-tn and price [or man. The whoolo u Juaruqm no glow! And the olucatiou ol nbnut mo chlhlrau in .llly neglected. A In com. the city for Instruction 0 n u.1.........L. mud thn hanna! 0", [or IIIII'ICHOLI P. C. IuCurmnck vmxwl the house a! Banjomin MMIODII]. ngniun whom I warn; ol uiznro was inolod. but Ion-d mu. 0! uluo lo llutb. nu , n ,4 h|,_|. l.'.....ho.. nl lunnJ-l .nu ' Akin... aunt-n In! a! The Ink-dim Coup-y Tho In. It. my whim-u WWII-tho pal-ml Kiwi-thy. thuululh. HavilljlthIyMy.ThopluiIh-l vhithinuwpui-honTu-hy. 'IIML Ibo MW no I idgndla-Mm. 'Whmq h "Dim." mumwnumomummlwum aw mm and... datum-huh- Mdumiwt'hbb nch ugh-cud ro- ;nnoo ind] eon-kin. Tho play lmv Eill nit nlih bu noon; bu. bod- hly ad unwu Huron-nth promise. d Mail-ding".- through- to ho Vt, brisk during the Inn at. I 0 phy- Int 0-. thing a mum. hops mean. iumdluouu an uni-nu] whoever man my below the atom ol L388 will Inn to psyn Mg mme priulor mam I 1-1.- ..I.....|. .. "unnm u. cluiol panned .uu z lb yacht-no- ol my ulceon. Tho bud-an of m ad shippinl the l0. OI in." own CIUIIIIDK llthunv no supplied with rubber cons and book. __._..-____.i Pour Jun |u bum Ihapborrv hu Duluwn Jam In hulk. Ilnnuh l-In m hulk Sir Ruchuru'l Cutwright. through his anulu scan a has been .liupnsing of a number 0! Ion human in um. vicinity. Hui! a Ito. In" purchned Hm ground upon which unit mwhino 14th and for .1111); Wilder Joy hu bought the lots on which his earrings shop on Dundu 8t. luldl [or 03 Ill). giving in excmuge the brick hone on the corner 01 Dullu Ild Bichml Sta. It t valuation of 02.511); Ur. Philip Hum ol 8, lerricknburgh, [ hume muon- one mile south I Name. (or 000 per Acre. _.._ mow_. I'll. Rev.W. S. Raiuafortl has received a :all from FL Goorga's Church. New fork. where his salary will be 88,000 pr yelr. Heia undecided whether to A pro-out mnuicnpnl ocitl o! the Township of Redford o- goum In lnl dooron the morning of the m int. Iu lurpnood to nd I ne boy baby ms Ion: or ve "ek- old. A gondo- Ill urin in King-to- yuhrdy. on Home. to opt-sin ; Illbibl (at an if in iuutn- . h... H. 'u Illnmlul. A genslo . In d Hmowunith thinks of uiopung , it n his hair. The Bollard gcnuounn , ilh In In a wry "rum" join | onnllovo'u. T. W. Casey. of anuuee. was In [he __ A- .l-.. I .- Mui- hhkoplaeonhhoCoI-I lape- Iona, .5 3:11) o'clock. pnnc- l uv. Tho computin- inn-dot the 1 uhdlhobellinion Arullcry Auocio- 1 60- spin-t thou-Ital uncouth-1 Mil Canada. Col. Imm- 1 1m OJ..'lb-umpuoon mop-n l atom: Thdih'llotox- lpehiouynanhnnou m h-. ' __.._..._._ thrt'l The Tll ond I'll-r1 lw. THE BRITISH w-um. sxruaun NOVEMBER 4. l382. M Duluwn Jlll llumb J-Iul