Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1882, p. 3

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OOFFEIES ll` IIIJIWKUJ In um nussuu um.-.-. Bynn, the prize tighter. in welllguown bunny, having visited this city-lust IIIIIIIIOI . Hi: former sdmirorn cannot. undonltanu how such a bug mun was A9 -Ill IICIIIIOII me nuts". ` . The Bodoty bu paupnud lhdt hid!` Ichool until Fndny. 0| Fridny evening 1 oonoun In n: in the uohool homo. Yu-hr._on hhll d the Church 01 EIQIIBII. Adnu undo ova` 01.!!!) in: low hountllin morning by purchasing sud lling Poihgoln Prairie property. In E- mm-.-A43 shut Ir, J. J. Hlkilll A Kingsboniun hu just returned from I run over the Cundn Pucic Rm road. from Brockville to Matuwa. and Inaben that the conduct 0! the officials of this rend. who are none other thsn the Syn- dioaIo'I.|will ho Iucient to blast the proupocu of the Conservative party It Chi Ioxl olection. The screws urn being put upon the farmers and iuerchanu, and they have to pat freight. ram tbs: } an uorbinnt. I-`aucy paying 02(1) for I on (mm Brockrilio to Xlntuwn. with Iilnihlntclin proportion mother plneu. ; 1! this he the nperionca in Onurio. what will it he ii1`Ilnnit.ob. where there in lo eo!IipOCI'ion'h'6n'I otlioi riifwiii Y 5 -.-_-._ I lnuunto-night. &&vIIoIi.|lhavo|nuupouoIe0. eugnboutlnxb. Abvllana ol tholoyal llnibtill `Iill unnimoo tho nsrkoc. , , u an n u,..:-._ L..- .4.-Inananl IVWI-' `Cancun-- u--u .v. .--..---.v -vi h . Itlllllthohibcnl dononsa-uion inane N olWiInuBm'nhiin.dnwnbyLuam1` olwiitohonu: Noun W.Putkuon. I.P..Sou&IBnnI;T.}Iobortnon.)(.P.,. _ IhoDoIl"I0.N.8.;u-Mayor . Ald.'3 . J. IoIH.lr. a. u.r.sm1. .npm-I tho Yum; Libcd Club. qt g'Iil@cn;Ir.W.R.InBu. undAId_ ,"W.Wilnu. Othuudlvnto Nnpnoo, ..`hth&IIvIIh|II.Indnhw|dIbv ' .. , L._....L I I Thig o'clock fol- lowing potions: left for Squaw -An._4I ah; lvnngl dnmanauulinn in non `I'Io lupus: The Inlqullouu Synllr-It. UIATI JIUIWII THE BRITISH .WHIG. WEDNEDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1882. ----? $101 luuxu unuu plunsuu uuu Auvnnuwu vuuu interest in the exhibition to the last. while the receipts at the door, a by no menus unimportnnl. feature, exceded the manzgeu` expectations. And the oiceri of the Genunoqne Field Battery. under when directionl the rink in muna.ged,mn.y be congratulated upon the appreciation shown by the public of their enterprise in devising a pleasant entertainment. ruuuu all n Una LAAu`avvu~ In every respect the csrniul mey be considered as It success. Those who hznnlapent so much time and cumin preparing their coebnmee seemed to think their evening`: enjovmenn in am- ple recompense. The speotemre were more than pleased and retained their in oh; nvhilnnn On Oak: `nut. .'..o........o on Friday ovening, Feb. 3rd, a tea- meesing was bold in connection with the M. E. Church. Batmrsos. After enjoy- joving an oxcollont bu. Mr. D. J. Walk- er, Reeve of Storrington. was called to the chair. lid delivered an excellent nddrau. The following programme was successfully carried out : Anthem-Bntornos Choir. Speech-Mr.Smi1.h. Duett--Keurs. Lyon and Edward: Spooob-Mr. Steinburgh. Antliuu--Bnttcrun Choir. Spoeoh-Mr. Stonou. Solo-Min Lyons. Rending--Mr. L. Ho inn. Anthem--B|ttoruAs oir. u-mm-h_RAv, Mr, Rnhnnon us panics In uuunsu nun, anus Manna.` -. wt-vh- es. and numerous other female char- acters joined `in the many whirl with Brigands. Tramps. Irish Moonshiners. Guy Fawkes, Admirale.MidahipI:nen. and scores of ideal beings whose names and avocatious might be judged by their trappings and bearing. 'l`l.e excellent music of the (lananoqub Battery Baud added greatly the pleasure of all pre sent. and seemed to have an exhilerst- lug sect upon the skaterq. At nine o`clock the masks were removed and those not in character dress were al- lowed upon the ice, which permission was taken advantage of by many` who up to that time had been only epeqta ton. and the carnival was continued till late in the evening. Every availa- hle space was taken up by spectators, i many of whom came from Kingston, Lnusdowne. Mallorytown and other places, Among the Kingston visitors were two in the dress of Penitentiary convicts. chained together. and in charge ofa. third person wlm represented a Penitentiary guard. 'l`hs-.re was also an Admiral from Kingstn. |-- ----- --.--~.-.-A AI . . A n - -.:-.1..." 1-... bong-mr. w. non-1|. Rendin(-Mrs Ferguson. God Bsve tho Queen. The audience dihporud In Into hour. all praising the successful entertain- ment. The Buttons; deputation ur- nvod home about 11 p.111. oiulurvvu. eue wuuu wvuv --n-.-. with numer-one lerge picteree. beenere. end A protueion of evergreens: in the centre ol the rink wee 3 `null temple covered with every-eene; eedin every pert of the building were Chineee lee- tene oi verione petuerne end colon. end powerful geeoliee bnrnen which threw e ood of light upon the whole scene. Shortly after eeven o'clock the In iskere began to ll'I'iVI. eome ccmingin l:I)`.4Lullm end going imlnedietely upon the im. while othere proceeded to the ample end comfortable dreeeing rooms to errenge their attire. By eight o'clock the whole Iketing epoce wee occupied by I whirling. gliding mass of humanity of every eile. end such A variety of coetullee elm. their motion reeembled the changes of e keleidoe- cope. The dreesea were well ohoeen. remar kably true to the times and char- octerl intended to be represented. and uebefnlly arranged in every way. in someones giving to inferior and cheap maberiule the eppenrence of rich and cimtly `fiibrice. Red Riding Hoods. Dolly d\'\erdene. Cinderella. the Son- none. Yoimg Squnwe. Milk Maid 1. Lediee of Entern Eonntriee, Mermeide. Goddeer .i ,_ n-__I_ -L-.. The Onmno remarks 2 The Max! ee- serts that the people of Kingston owe no thanks to Mr. Gnnn. their member at Ottews. for the manufactures pro posed to be established in that city. The famous orgsn of monopoly and dis- sllowsuce insiets that ell credit must be t given to the N.P., ignoring the fact that 1 Mr. (iunn is the largest stockholder in the dierent schemes. and their chief promoter us well. Without lihersl sub- scriptions or civic honusee the N. P. would he powerless to eriginsts end sne- tsin sny enterprise. And it wee ever the same. Important msnulscturing in- dustries were estshlished in this coun~ try before the .\'.P. Wu thought of. ' Kingston would have visited s long time for such esteblishmente so we now pro- mised had not such men ss Ales. Guns ud his friends subscribed liberal sums to eneonrsge the business. The N.P. hse precious littletodo with the met- - I 1 i l withushmning sound that I140! olthoroon: the walls nu ulond A4`, _,,_, ____- |_.._. _:.s-.... L`----. wuinnvuyhdouulltiou. and tho DO*IdIhIliIi mun ethic- oblopnhnudupnulnpupu-iubr the cunt. At tho null and 0! the buildiqnlnrp plsuorn. Ii: or night footuhonthoioo. wuuIotodlorIpoc- _.._- _:.. -...........I.o..l q The Buttons correspondent of the` Sun nay: tho hnun Inn nlnsdy` Hunted I oouidonblo unountol um: 3 and timbox. Ilthough than in I scarcity .0! now. They will have to Ihip tho} 1 new only or they will In huvy loan. ` . u. n..I.... sand. .1 u;|n...-.. Ind Mark Twain's New Book IIDW Girl] 0! hut} vuu uv uuuv, IvUuLI- A Mr. Robots sud. cl lillburn. ma ha. .y. badly hurt bu week by u edg- ing th aw sndbdnghurldl _ ., . U I |.....I. KW-III IT! iuotnopnhqbcingdblislodwith tho. I--I nn I Antnem--untu-us unonr. 8peecb-Rev. Mr. Robeson. Duet.--31iu And Mr. H. L om. Ruding-Mr. 8. W. Va unu. Bong-Mr. W. Non-in. RnAinl-MrI I-`amnion. Boclnl cl Wright`: School llouoe. .I...-O pninn -nnnnnx hucnaluin Ina. CAIJIFJL 41` 011411099" I -`IIOI Induutrlen. VALENTINE: I I-'0|lTlI'YI!lu rui: nmi. Rev. E. A. Stsord would take up his spevch where he left off last night. He hisd developed in his own way the truth that the uiinaiousry work foitisu the faith of the Christian Church by bring- ing them into contact with hunienity and showing them the vastness of their brotherhood and the pettiness of their schemes of advancement. The (`line- tinu Church depends upon the niissiuu~ a.r_v eld for the reinforcenient of its faith in Christianity as u. great regene rating power. In the city churches they ` became so polite snd rened and de- veloped that the children were inclined tobelieve that regeneration belonged to 1 the more rnrsl places. and to an age l gone lag. and had no special sppliostioii to thsrn\at sll. He held um um. grand old i.locti>lno had power to lift humanity from the ldqvest grades of degradation. They needed the same kind of regene- rstion ss renewed the heart of the Chins.~ man and the Indian. The second point was that on the mission eld they learned again the Divine suthority. and the perpetuity of the coniinission which the glorious gospel haul to save mankind. The tendency in the civilized lands was to lose condence in the Divine autho rity, in the Deity, in their religion. As they heard so much about new theories in regard to God's word. they were apt to get the idea that there was nothing more in the book thsn in Tennyson sud other writings. But it wes God s book now. just as much as in the days of the prophets. It` was I. great thing to hsve it good leader. ncnma run cuanrnn more cusursn more in England, the great Duke of Welling- ton had saved London from possible destruction by his skill and foresight in the disposition of the troops under his command. When they could not answer all objections to the Bible they could turn with full condence to their divine leader. Roaseau so ught to do away with religion and wrote a book setting forth his ideas. He did not succeed. and when he told Tallyrand how very hard he found the task of introducing a. new re~ ligiou. the latter said "You go out and be crucied. and rise again, and you will nd it is 2. grand beginning. and the ouly one that will ever be successful in founding areligion." The first requi- site of the Christian Church was a seal- ous piety. It should be their aim to excel in holiness. Then they needed the spirit of an enlarged liberality. Here was their weak point. The Lord had poured wealth like an overwhelming tide into our country but most of them had the same ides of liberelitv which we had when toiling for the bare necessi- ties of life. They should cultivate a liberal spirit. A man was what his ideas made him. n n n -,.,_- ,..._.- _ A-_-.. -..l.\ H- Uwlw Zln CUIl- Iljllli III: and :2 an chi: um nnukod ms the muting could not fail to be 3 pod one. on they Ind in excellent deputy- uon. From the choir way would miss ono voice that had contribntod in no , n :|-._.- ._ -LL-.. _..._ A- -.I.- UIII VUIAX IIIII IIGI vvuplnnl-on an on: null degree. in other you-I to note their onnjvonorioo Ineeoulnl. Tho vo oolioto wore. howovor. well proporol to Add to tho interest. of tho mooting. `Ill! onunczfo com-nnnnox. Mr. John Wdker rood the report which won expressive of thonkfnlnou tor odunooment. mule during the put yeor. The genenl stntalnont bu boon published. The sum contributed by Queen St. Church woo 0816.58. end 0! thio the children in the ` Snbboth School raised I78. nu _ _ _-__ _.. -_A|...._ n..- L.-g. mwo mm. Prol. Bristowo gave a user I0i0. He is pououed o! I very nely cultinud vaioe. Hi: rendition of the piece was much admired. IzI7\.' nu rnmnv`: uvnuuucz. IIOD. Mr. Rockwell using. on sweetly solemn sound." in her accustomed and pleasing manner. nmx. nnv. nut. cnoenrs urnuuucz. That all were anxious to beer the Rev. Mr. Crosby wu eeeily seen by the burst oi nppleuee thet greeted him when called on to peak. He held the unwavering attention of ell hie beeren _ for over an hour. epedting with great earnestness to the young people present The subject of his remarks WI! nimilu to that of Mondey evening. his experience among the Indiene oi the Weetern Coast "oi British Caimnbie. TLe audience eoem never to tire of listening whiz nerretion of varied experience: of miuionery life euong the lndiene. The eegexneu -1 cl..- In-Ilgn-Hanna rad man mhanr IllIlIllIIlIUX.Ilu1iOIII-UIIIci--I-V inclonucyohhwcnthotthoudionoo wunoo ulurp II mighthnvo boon --..b.4I Ila IA}-n Tnnnnvnnn CAI 43'-9'.-1-_~-*~l umans ul-' nun Ill. rnnsou. Rev. M. L. Pecruon said he had lis- boned with very gmst. pleasure to the singing. He mialod the voice oi the law William Tandy. Ho would not re- call him; he was glad to know he Wu in I better land. He `Mr. Pearson was glad to moon with Kingston friends. but he would not occupy their time for many minutes. as all ware auxioun to heft the other mambo rs of the deputa- yuuux-nu n----:;---u`u- `oounotinu vilhtbouuu Static. ll.ciuvhvuhddlutun:iI. lo- _:1.._ AL. 2___L.A1__ __.I AL- .:A_ [III Itlullg buu nun-anus. I uw u-`ou---- ol the hnlt-nwskenod rod men when , _ ,1 .L- _.u-:_... _|.:..I. 4. .. ..-- In 0| Bun II-ee-aw-uuwu --u mu- more of the religion which ie when to them ; the long jonrnoyes end numerous eecepoa from deeth by etorm or expoeure, coupled with meny pleeeent incident.e,ell ; tend to ewlleemlnd deepen the intareet in the eubject of lnieeione. vm.- 9.- ...l.-nun meinud In don the V m we lunguct Ul uuuuuua. The Rev. go-damn retired to don the 'gubo1_uIndianchil.undonhiq return; rammed his nmirkl. explninihg KS0 ,____ :_ _|.:-L. ' 1.- ...o..I .. -...-.. IKIIIIIGI nu rvnuu-. ca-.u........ ... planner iuwhiclfhe nctodu pence- nakar among the hostile triboi on dior 1 ant. g_m4,>II-" II-L- _...s:_.. -I.....l .6, INHI A`:-inn-.I, ' 1 The mutingcloood ut um o-eioa- I It In: vary uncouth]. Great Profusion. IIIVU 1 In. Tbe choir sang nu IIHIOLII very nice- wI.-OT-Il unonunolzjkiclul IcPanI ou'. Qlflll B11381 (IUD!-`I. ._.-- .u:u._~. ur nu.-nu--.. l'lu-mrlnmrn of last. your were ordered to be paid 01.50 each for their service: and 3 like sum for auditing the book: for 1882. bun uuuuuu. The election of Director: rnultod u follows: Messrs. R. P. Flower. J. D, Flower. H. H. Porter. J. Munlon. C. F. Gildorsleevc, G. A. Kirkpstrick. W. Nic- kle. B. W. Folger. J. Swift. The meeting than adjonrnod. At: meeting of the Directors after- wards. Mr. C. F. Gildonloovo wu re. appointed President. und Mr. J. D. Flow- er, ofwhite Plains. N. Y.. Vice-Pruidont, Lhluuun Ur I-Ilnnvlvnu any u-:--4---. Mosu-s. Jnmos Swift and Wm. Nxcklo were appointed scrutineera to count the ballots. 1- n,-,__..____ __,__.u,_1 -_ II\.'\ n 1 a nun AIIIIIV |-an-Vvun.-\ -` The lm-ocwra made a preuentatiou of 0:25 to the funds of tho (ionernl Honpitul nu-I l.'H:-tel Dian respectively. JL \\:\~4 move-I by B. W. Folger, av.-cuuded by Williuln Nickle. that in tho event. of loath to any of the emp|oyeas of the (`mupnuy. members of the King- stum & Pembroke Railway Benet. Aid Society. a sum equal to I0 per cent. of the amount granted by the Society for the b-not. of such doceued member: bu :ulvlP`l to the grant.--Cnrried. Es-his UOCOA.-Ul.A`l'IYUL um Uouonnxo --`'By a thorough knowledge of the nnturnl laws which govern the opantiona of diges- tion and uutriuou, sud by I careful applica- lion of the ne properties of well-Ieloot-ed C0001. Mr. Enos has provided our bx-ea.k iunnv a. IIIRRIY. of the properties ol well-Ieleot-ea Cocoa, Eppa rovided break fast tables with e. do ioetely avoured be- verage which may save lll muiy hen doo- bora` bills. it is by tliejudioioui use 0 such articles of diet that a. constitution me. be gradually built up until strong eno to resist every tendency to disease. Hun rode of subtle maladies ere oating Around in ready to attack wherever there in I weak point. We may escape may 3 htel Ilnlt y keeping ourselves well fortied with pure blood and B properly nourished fume.- Civil Service (Janette.--Mede simply with boiling water or milk. Bold only in Peck- ete and Tina glb. and lb.) lebelled-"JuuI Ens 5: Co., omtnopnthio Chemilte, Lon- don. Eng."-Aleo melxere of Eprpfe Shano- lete Essence for nlternodn nu. ` 'lv.Uuu . u The expenditure on running sccolm. for IHH] \\"J.s st`-0,689.4], leaving a bslnnc-0 of 9l.',I:m.(; to go towards mtareat. Tlw report was received and adopted. .. . ya-_. 1'4\II' . nnu nn`|.vl\'nl pun: Thousands cured of catnrrh, bronchitis asthma and lung diseases by Dr. M. Sou- vlells's Spiromstar. an instrument which oonve ysmedicinal Eroportias direct to the parts aected. T ese wonderful instru- ments are used in all rst-class hospitsls, and prescribed by leading physfoinns. Full directions. for treatment sent by letter. and iustrumentnotxpressed many address. It is only am Bouvielle`s invention that lung diseases are no longer lasted until their very last stage. Write for particulars to M. Souveille. ex-aids Surgeon of tho French Army. 13 Phillips Bquara. Montreal. All letters must contain stamp for ropl . 1 0, King. Chemist and Druni-t. sole nuve pleasure in roporun I new - crease Ill tmic. being $76,828.09 for M551. um against |5U,938.79 for 1880; 940,399.21 for 1879; 087.287.3610: 1873. and $81,459.54 for 1877. Tho opening of the line to the vicinity of tho Clyde River seem: eupocinlly to promise in- creased tnilc both inwards uid oug- wnrda, and already the outward {might to that locality shows the vnlno to the umrclniutu ul -Kingston of this new country. now for the rs! time placed in cmnmnnicatdon with the city. Th. fnllnu.-inu in Hm trnln rnnnrt. for All lattenunuu comma sump to: rap: J. G. Kiug,(1hemiIt Druuiuf. IO{O Lgont for blingnton. ea end use uovenunluu Inetexot nee been received. The nding 01 ll eddi- tioulthreenileeneehiegtotheeonth brunch at the Clyde liver in Levent h also well edvenoed end ooeetx-notion pectin: are at work between that point end the lathe d the Clyde. It in the intention to heve treiu running to the letter point. About seventeen Inilee from the Miuiunppi. for the ehipmeet or tin- bor end equeme timber by the let July next end to e the rennindet ol the dintenoo to e Medeweeke River inmo- diataly under contnot `with the view to its completion during the present yeer. The survey between the Clyde end Medawnslu RIVOII ieegein being uvieed efter which the Chief Engineer will complete the survey 0! the whole line to the junction with the Cenede Pecic HR. at or near Renfrew. The Dirootore lmve pleasure in reporting I etaedy in- cream) trulc. bole: 76328.09 nu cummumcauou win: we cuy. The following is the tno report. for 1881 an follows : Touiuxao-oi:-;ua.uopnanI anal maa! Ihouholhlicad the xanpuuuum Iloeuurd in tin. (`mans-It : L1 M. US DI-riuljuiv juuvuunvu intho Oouapufouluonmlubt. 'l'h8u2chI'yIlIh(`pIynul Ihenotiocuiuqlhonaqnlioth -innit: ol the ho! pun! anal _.-AJ8_... Fred. 5}-uu.-In Marmalade` unwed ;v 11.: learner. which Wu ner for -ale IIIIUILIA. The Pncidut ol tho Oonpuy. II. C. I-`. Gildouluvo. and the Anal :0- _.... .1 n._ n:.....4..._ 4. al.. .I.....L.lA._. no-sou3L"x (ionuonnn-Dnrinthoyeu-1&1 ta uuloa ol the Conpnru lino haul of aha Minsininni Bivuhno ban oonnln mum on we uonpnyi nu noun or mum` ' pikivchnobunoonplol ad And the urnunuid thoulot has 5.... ......a-.a -m.- .....n-. .4 .. ..u.. NEW GOODS. we u`/o randy to clan out our pnoonc nook to main room, lznpulnon mvilod King Street. 4 door: hon Prinean Shoot. Fab 6, ; F. c. um.o anon, ` innumsjgnaummmmrmtm. SPRINJ: TRADE, Pour In bulk ul ".5 xv per pound. wumumlzns nnurns, } nmom mm, I IAIIICI -.....................lI Ill' OI onit I4OAlIDoI an-I Innul L uhuun:-u. nu ma ! 3553: Pusengern ............ .. Mails um! undriem. Freight inwards... .. l<'1ei._.Int()uLwnr(hL... KB we upset. 3 Ian oonu uncut of New Good: In 3 low Inch hr 0 Iffiyinv Low mess. ILVIOIX O ETD II -.-- lrllllnul Iclcllllc TIII-pi. REEVES (5 C0,, Hue yuuml pol. `tin invnu ' l7L 076.324; (9 014.788 85 7.748 1:! 44.126 40 9.713 72 Fano Drou Goodn. st 50. 600. 700 Ind 80c. now only 300. Shoetiugn, Towollln I And its Quiltc at low pricen. 2 Button Kid Gloves st. 750, now 50:3. 4 Button K 1! Gloveu It 01. now 760. Kid Mitts. Fur Tips. :1! reduced. Flnnnoll And Blunkou at low pnoen. Wool Clouds and Wool Shawls at Grant Burgnmn. 100 Pinon Wincoyn Lt Granny Reduced Priooo. Winooyn st 50. Be. 100 and lo , the Chnput. ever oorod Henvy Cloth Dru: Goods, st 50. 360 and 400. L roduoed. For the Chan 1. Winter Good: go to B. WALDIION`l, Wilton`: But] :13. Jun. I3. EAIKIES & RICHMQND. _&_`BCAD1_Z'_I.I'.`)IE'J1\'l' Will oer great Bargains for the remainder of the mouth. lording pumhuorn a good opportunity to buy Cheap -{ {lir7?o, {c....:., Iiillinory and lilollisjl }- Or anything in their line. Purchasers can depend on getting Genuine Bargains. Jan. to. n-c-uuuvu.Q_ You can buy boner lnue at the Gold- en LIOII Grocery than any where elno. .998. Josephine Gloves CLOTHING MADE TO ttnln. ----Stook Now Co1np1ot.o.----- IRI.A.N'I'I'()IBA. LOTS! [Genuine Bargains_Mamd This Week F`. :tI"Ei5i'15'i:A'& co. Fab 6. Stock-Ta k j_ng Sale! Splendid Stock of Overeoutingn. sort. with < Anna. unh11c.ud umber |oIdlilIIIaIOOI %:.Wuu couou.'I*nNouuoo.'loInIo and and Oodnoldvoryolnunnocl D0`!!'Ol PBIOIH an The Prime mm W $'.l.'E.A.OY II IIITC ITIIIT. 500 yds. Colored Gros Grain Silks, In Now. soul Brown. Bronn ma (Inrnol. n we. my yard : ruulu vrlo ll-UPI YIN Ftent Icewcr-eepe! Are the very~b:nt value - Ifyou wsnt. to get. a the suit. In toga. married in, or I choop unit to do buninou ingq to DIIEBLII C Cb. Corner Prints and Wdlhon Itroou. _ ._ 1...... n.....a-|.:._ a. ski. in. -in null: ch chnnnnt. DUKULII C 111)., boner rnnuu nun nuuugwu ----nu. Oct. 8. Tho Haas la Gonfl Furnishing in thin it]. who lull: the cboopout. < _......_ W; hue now in shook the hunt assortment of rst-clan Bondy Ida Clnthin I' our show: in Cumin. Man`: (hands Tweed Suits. 07.50 to 018. Ken`: Scotch Twood Buitl. 08.50 to 016.60. Men`: Wanted Suits. 09.60 to II). All cut And nude in the but msnnor Int-clue oompltent workmen. and quitaoqnnl to oloalng. `I-II'I'2E'._:_A Gopps. C. 3" WOOL UIDIROLOTHIIOI ijltclly can by rrlu-Jung mt no-an lcQIhoua-aI.Jnna,a-any-nno:-I D III! U-vb-0 Irina-I you-bu baht Illinlhrnvlt l4l|nnla&I&I I II(`I IIIADAFIII Vlll I told Indy-vnnuonlcunhylhcnodlhrlli lug nut: and -any potpdvo I& DI'lnI.`\.' 'l'lll.` nlnnn _Ready Made Clothing .____....-_.._. *_ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL .AY COM'Y ..-...u : Thcundhn Iohusdtlu!|onIuaIt'l'urdtorylornloM ..____________._.._ L Eulolidlw-1 nanny oil-Vr hula in the venue long 0! Ioni- Pu annohomudoono-Iixthsttimra iudznmwtgxinucnuusnpuonu 'n. ood . `ml n worn bought Inc In: full, And no I : per oom. undur proton: pm, 0." II, n` "lhnllllou " :0 Button EVOIlll1 Bhndau ll [I 2 Button Btnm Hhadu 5| 0|. I Hindu M. OLBI 6 Button Stroet Shade: Al [I 25. Alan I (load I-Inning Glovml yn: Cal February 4th. .' 'ii}:i"`E"bon s1'qI=u-:. Thuoiuucuufavsnuhgiuu CONUIIPATION u4_n1han-ndothaomnuIhtav thnrotigintoudauvdcndnmcolch Swatches] Innclqnndiuctiud 1hD`quboc0rpn,vhnIc nil 3`7933i`33tJ$3T "CU l'-II DIV II-I annobouudoono-sixth sttimrolpurohnu. ntln hlsoubxwgnul - withintanntotixporont. > V , J 3.9: no. winning-Ionolho ' Dy&d Ihul. it JCICI ij tut 7- -~--- ---v Navy, Baal Brown. lronu And Guud. come. not yud: NI!!! W "III Th Below ofour Snot om-rod an and at Ulnn'Ig Frau," luoommonud his ads at All winter 6004:. III ollon Qoolul lnducenoalu to pause requiring WINTII IIIIII IIOOIII or WINTII HILLINIII ANII IIAITLII, sad in pnpnrod to do whu In an concerning say of in Winter stock. I! you wuut Anything m bl: lino don`! full to [In mm u call :0. I98 nnd I80 Prlncoi In-cu. u... .. nnnmin Ollv Haul. -In order to reduce their stock to the lowest poiuI.- pcuon. muuu or my aunt- noyo. Torpld Liver. Rheuma- tism. Dizzinou. 8k=|rHoad- ache. Lou of Ap Jaun- dica. Apoplu , Fruminnnnn Skin M01000. R IV VI VIII" 7" " I on on-uh oonditinnn, to: cultivation udolhor ii ' -rs. |_-..A can: land: A-LEX;%R_O)SS hsnunuuuuporo-In ` A llobafo .25 per lor- , ___.-x.. .....u..-..... 4... mshivgkinn nulothnr inasmuch. tulonuurougnnnnocuuwy. mu nu Iccivcd nI`l'eIperecnI.Pu-II- __ _:.L x........ .._.__,g ._,.,,.M,of..d".x` -Are not half no chap 1: R. M:-l"AUL'B- R. IN[OF`.A.'U'L, Pooplda o1otr{1z};. Honda. nrooatingn. Nolw good: and nut-olun ulna. We can as confidence that our stock of _, _._..._.-,-_ ._-_L... . ._ ....-.:.n. .9 cimgnl nnrolnu. sud tho ITIIVUUIII IIIII CI!" IIIUU-burg otc.. .11 ul which was Baum -au' u....A.!u 1.... Int c-on..nm=v lhp nuut. I I'-INCI} C CIIUNILEY. Opposite City Haul. ....._.,._...-. V-.. . r~-->_._`_ .___.:_..-.-_ - qnunnu .nmn%h'. ~"-~'f..'.':'..:.- ,.........; uuvcv. opponw Olly T IIIIC IN DIE!) Xfjk I2] PL'lu_I-`Y THE BLOOD. .. -_L:J _--4u:;.-.- Dual: in an Hnlrn In mdumu. lend & `lil0vpIu.pAv:l`1Iu,lv||' lull dawn-5 man must: A mn. PHIL Gimp Tobaccos. You can buy a boner Pound of Tea. nth more Strength and Aroma. tlnn you cnu buy m any other non. nnd for I gxezu. dual less! money. T C-I1 I'll!!! W? VI Iiouonou. Dyapopoigl ' potion. Diuauo of the Kid- non. Tomld Liver. by uycmg J1 IOPDM sxfOu0nS. PHCE 25 078. "I IUTTLE. I bill!` I IIIJA Ar|J\JI.rnl `I -vi-on Irv-v vi UY n dioo. A . Eruptiop:nP.n:s` Skin: at.-. All ul thick [bx TEAS ! TEAS la: la! uu-up-A;::,xm_ gm-g nu unsung III, JOUIQC I. WI. P'I., Inonuul. W. ll. Nltlllli & (I0. T1118 SPACE RESERVED FOR new cum I UHIILDOQM. Ponchos. Pelrs. (monoborrnun. Dan).-sonw. .\.n (`Do-n-`ll. iI.u. Banned Vogetablos !i AND FRUITS. LAIGEBS. . 2.11.`. We per pound J C` IIAKIIV rm. u~1II| A Clllllc Scuu1.--Revivul urvicu am going on M. the (Xanadu Motlnodilt Cburcln.(1ulel;rooko. While the peoplo were at prayer one evening. somo follow opened the door md shouted "Fire." which caused a. rush lor the outside. Several lomnlu fainted. Hui the church been as full so on Sunday aveninglile would probably have been lost. ns Mucu Sl~`.ll\'lCl'..-- Detective Sul~ livun. while u.t.t.achel to the Toronto police, want. much of In.-4 time in Itudy- ,ng the ulutecuun uf crime. He accom- ` puliod the oiciuln on several important miusionu. He participated in the search n.... u... ......- ;.I;..o .-.-;_..In in n .Iinmmt.inl i (`mar um Hmxl.-FOI' 50 cents you i c ll] purrhuo from any reliable druggiHt_ " 4 hox of .\l.1vl<'a Mngnebiu Medicine_ I which l`0nl&lll*1 fun-t._\'-tivo doaes;t.h1a in i cheaper than any ()UI6l' similar medicine E rmhl. -.inl whilv it is rheup our druggintl any It in the best. and given siuisfaction 1 .. , n_...1 .i.- ...|..-..o;.....mu.o. in i UHIBIUIIH. uc pnuu.-yuan`. .... ...... ..-....-.. (or the poor idiot cripple, in a disgusting huv-,1, tho-. |nrti:u|ur.~4 of which were repurwd in the Winn some time ago. - A Ton Mnl'ru4o.-Our good Tory friends have come to the conclusion that there is too much activity among the Grits. and shut aomouiing nut be done to countoncz the eect of Ipoochu much u that delivered Int evening by Mr. Putorson. And no we no inform- ed that A demonstration will In held before long, that Sir John lhcdonnld and such on he may uloot or suggest. will mnke the upoochoa. __,___.*._.._.. Golden Lion 0rocory.! mum. u. {my In g in In cases. Read the a I, another column. ._,?_.>....__. Rxcnnum N.wmn1ox Coin).-The mteroat in thin Company is incrouing. Szr Hugh Allan has issued I cironr. advising ahnroholdors not to allowisr-V ties to vote on margins. but to and him their proxies and he would who for I uh-..` It G: unnrntnnrl thlt Lhl follow- Lnolr promos nun uu wuulu vvvw w. | them. It is understood that the follow- I mg will be tho ticket. of the opposition |party. :11 the gentlomou being fully qualied to not In Directors: President. Mr. L. `A. Sonooal; Vioo President. Mr. ' Alex. Mm-my; Mean. Ryan. Hndon. ' Rnmrd. Deujurdim Ind Cownn. Direc- RK'lL`I.\'l!\'u vruz (`-numun-:ut.- During tho past yocar I number of workman Along the Inn of the K. & P. RR. rocoivod mnneu such an necessitated their re` unovnl Lu um ('|L_V and lrentmont. in the lxoapxmls. The Company to-day oxpresnexl their Iealinga towsrdu those Institutions in` douuuug 025 to ouch of Fun n YuLu:n.-()n Monday evening. about 0 o'clock. a burn on Mr. Lucas farm. Ynrker. occupied by Mr. Walton wu burned with all its contents. Noth- ing could bo sued, In the burn won seven] tons of buy. In his nod gnin. I spun of honour. nu cows. uonnl shop. a new not of humans. wagons. I reaper. and n number of farming implements. The` loan is heavy. Than is u innu- nmce in the Apzrlcultunl for Ol2,(Xl). The ltmnly worn nbuut. at I rehgioun meeting In Colobrooke. ..._.___. ll'IVUZ$lI\-a J. I. noaumox. Innuen- had. and othnpnd ' Ala uh: nungg :4 I O i Kluntox Pmu1u'runv.-Hy. Lune- gar. from BLTIIIJ, urnved this morning for the Penlteutmry. He remains three yearn, hnving Been convicted ol u.rson.'n crune of which. hn tuld a reporter. be was not guilty. Iuun llnbcmun luuonu u Iulvyuru Iououopu. IolIII.luooch-A CoIcnqI1ldgo._Io.OI. OHS); A The Lu-goal. Vnrmty in the any Smoking uu-I (`hemu5(. lain-an H13 pa K.-|LI.lI. llllwiw Iv u--- windn. mostly iron: the west and hit. continual unhl vruthu. _..._..._:_ Runyon` B.u.L.-'l'hin oven tutu phco this culling under nunpiou non prolniuinu. The hall has been notlly dovornwd. A Inge number of invita- uonu have been iuued. ..__ . -o.t_._.__ Mn. J E. Hrrnluox wisheu to mu thnl. the sale of Poruge In Prsiria lot: will not be oercd to-night, in mud st Int. nnghvs ule. bus will take place to- morrnw night at 7".-10 o'clock. 90 Abnnousu A In-rwu.-Thin diat- noou Mr. .\. 0. liodgo uidrouui Ibo nmnbon ol the Kingston bunch n! the Ontario Tndo Auocistiou. Than Inn 3 [001 number prount. -la C9391. Hunt`: )lnu1ux.n.-'l`huo have u- rivod. nnd to-dnymmle I panda of the city in nunctive costume. What In any oxpoct :1. their uppounnco thin ovonmg my in judged by the following (mm the Montreal Herald Tho popu- lnr Ininntroln dnnood. nsng. mud and in their but lonn.` The Brennan: and ` Cnpuil [Able gun the `Cooput Che rn: amid loud npplnnue. and the Ku- rnyn. It the conclusion of thnir `Lon uzd Liquor set. were oncond nin nml ngnin. Mr. sud Mn. Bnuun. u tho rivnl bnllnd xiugaru. were the wry manning. Mr. Nod West. the lnvonrito nH.bo|i1dI.annnndclnnoodinh'ntU| _t-l... " ....:.:"....,.*` ".;.; axoolhn uyh." n me count Lion onocenmf AIIIITUII V. QIIFI -u run wading 06.--eLuu. Q. Cu. and he -- ...I.. ..... moot nnimln I nmnnik And wunnng us.--a-cu:-. w~va. -w- --r u ordor um tout ui-10 I Iouuit. Ind .- __... - .:L.n... a....|.a..m 0... an gs. one: mu wins long: I nu-un.n-u ' uoauuavidacotqgpigi-ualuua:.as I Thiuvru in action and uIAn'iha"` bola: AnnoIr.J.. nIho\'i|ht Ldllu` 3` xaauonanrshoprieouns olgnin. which wan rocdind bylhdo. fcudntuuovul-piusohneuuo olgnin ubipyotlolno Ella Inna" as an--~; an-. 053::-ingrnud. 1'hhhnIut_ unit uconnb Ila uluivu 2&8 0; _L:_ .__._-_J.._.._t.L.- glam nln-aha` [Ia 3':-7'-5' IIDIXII Iuuv Kaotnh l|u\c.olc 3 mono IouuMO.|.n. H _._ ____ Mum: v. liinp;:ud Hound lint- _,_n:_..n`. |l-l..-t` `:-mllnn . CITY All! VICIHITY. __-__..--:--- IIOIJILICIL unni ngnnl Inn AJ.I-'- IIIIHII II . Wan Lmv unncnm 5. vvn -,..........v e advert iuement. in lliibl ill K\IUl-ll IIHII. Mr. A. G. Hodge. Secretary of the Ontario Trade Benevolent Asnooiartion, in in the city at the British American Hotel. -1. n n u,m_._;_L .. ,......l....;.. A! IJQIUIIIIIIIIAIVI HUI Ila. Liout. Parry. R..\l.L`.. has not yet left for the North West. He'wu.u in the city to-day. M. on]. `Mm Hnuagll \'OnnhuI|~u\lI Llm 'IU'UI]. Mr. and Mn. Russell Stephenson. lnttor I sister of Lady Duerm. snout: at. Rideau Hall. II. A ll Harlan \'onrnf.nr1.' nf 30%|. E. D. B. .\1cTavish. a grzidunte of Queen : College. and for some years a resident of Kingston. has been appointed City Solicitor of Ottawa. Congrut.ula~ tioni. v. :_ __:J LL-L \1._ n .... ..... L......;.....- -5 Yut.orday3!ternuou'.\1essrs Robertson And Paterson visited the cotnuu null and Locomotive works. n,,,,# I) \l :1 I . _ . . ...t -5 I..n IIIUIII It in said that Mr. Drouambarristar of Quebec. and law partner of Hon. E.J_ Flynn, will be appointed Judge at Gupo, in place of the late Judge Lam- fromboiu. n _ .:,_ \l_..l._..-.'.\ ....x. .. w.:A Aroluuouu. Hon. Alcx. Mackenzie Look a rapid run through East: York constituency. Ho WIS received with much enthusiasm. sud strong hopes are expressed of roduming the ndxng n: the general oloctions. In nv I5! n_\.__ _t '1'___.. . . _ N . .. 9,. U VVBIIHCU IIIUIAUIH. The Young lnahmeu ox Linn city held nmoeting on Monday evening for the purpou of making 1rrnngem`ut.s for the colebntion of St. Patrick's Day. Acuon in the matter was postponed until the nut fortnightly meeting. The uovlety il strong in numbers and 1: In a. ourinlr in` condition. MARMALADQ UIUUUIUIII. Mr. W. F. Bn.kor.of 'I'ront.on, goes to Msnitoba. in a few days. Parties wishing tonvnil thomaalvu of hu exporienco m investing monies-(shore may apply for psniculun to Mr. S. S. Bukentjlureuca street. This morning neon of Mr. John Coxe. Home Inland. hitched up hislethere team for the purpose of bringing a load of oordweod to the cxly, He drove along; leienrly until John oailaapil-s farm. PiI:tebnrg.wee peued. when one of the horeee knocked 0!! the whiletree. and both succeeded in getting away from the driver. leeving himself and the sleigh on the reed. The horses near Mxlton Island bolted ol the road on to the me. They proceeded but I few role when it. broke. Bath went. in and were drowned. The ice weeonlyeboul en inch Lhzck. Two young men on horeoheck were following the runewey teem and were but. A few rode in the nu when the accident. occurred The enilnele wee valued et 0800. XIII, IIIUU UP A serum in Mru.'|'.23'h1bley n. Ynrker. ` stole 05 from Mrs. J. West. and denied the theft. She was proven gmlty. Iud oulyoncapod prosccutmu ul] prob.-using profound repentance ~r-...z-.... ..;n 1.. .....;m..a nu m March PTUIIIUUII IUPVHDUIUU I Toulers will be received up to March lit. for the couurucuuu of u spun. uud tor tho pointing of the Roumu Cxlzhohc Church at Westpon-L. Faber htnutoc intend: to make Lha elhre a helutiflll UIIU. A muting of the creditors of the ('u oponntive Supply Ausocmuou. Montreal. in called for Thurmlay ue\t.. II. In .-abated Chat the present uaumul nxnharrn.-m menu will bo ~.urnmunt.euI. as om-rs hue bnen made Lu Lake stock m the suocintiou to the extent. ul 93(m(II_ nu . an ; .| Iv! 1 , l\An ...... will MMIIDIUU K1 IIIJU DKDCUD "I U|`\'-"\"'- The Itu 0! the U!/w M ()cL.twn will be Wm. Houston. correspondent: A, (J. .CImpbell and H. Muthioson. reporters; the Mu:/, (Ma Johnston. <-orrespondcnt: A. Wnllu and J. A. Luuusdeu. reporuers. Tho Wm`/zl wxll pOs~.IhI}' be ru|rcseuLe:l by Wallace McLean. A A. ,, A..- L..I.l UIIQ rujuun rrunu pxuyuq. It in ungpuod me Mr. J. J. Hnwkina he laid to upuk in Kingaton on politi- cal J. J. bu good In; piwur. Today I `rest may people were out for plenum drives. The excellent -|.:.|.;-- ....a A... -Anlhnf -an (rut inantino. A motion bu bun mule uking tho Court of Quota`: Beach to ix tho limo lortho trial of the West. Northnmbor had petition. n---...| I..|;.... .....i nuntlnmnu have unapumou. Bonn] Indian and gentlemen have (one to Ottawa to be present At. the Into bull. Major General and 5111. Strange In registered at. the Rusuell Hausa. Ix-.- Hm .-..-;.. o`...l.mr in wa-llkuowu mmncu wmz. only znc, " map, ~

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