Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1898, p. 6

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_,__.... _ fl!`-Ila ITOOI IAIIITI. AS` {I2 thin 13'Au:i-Wwnxi. r.nn:TnA1.% J'2ulUJL 2%-1, 1'ss.W "T50 3500* quality at salary lush ovary I day at Cubovolfl. Y The Not! Inlket snhednlo. The new law governing market feee went into elfeot on January In. and ya: put in- to operation here to day\for the tint time. The oharjds now are: Two-horse ri . ton eontr; one horse rig,vo cents; each and- buket. other than than eontainod in rigu. one cent. In the cattle muket the charge for each barre olfeud [or sale will be ten cents; horned ecattla, ve rents; oalvor. sheep and evina. two eenta. The weighin fees ace:--Bey. Ibo. a load; meeb. under 00 lba. two oente; over 100 lbs. and has then [.000 1:000 Ike. and over. ten oenlezlive animals. other than aheep ` Ibeepand gs infotaelllveornore. one cent each: than Ive. lonreenaeeauh. Meaenring wood, ve nenta a` load. HI! . ve comes. `and pipe. three canto: ` I 1 . _j___ _.___ _: __ 1.. H Clark Entertnlne. but evening L. H. Clark. on, H. C|ark&C0., took advantage of the visit "of Capt. McLeod, R. E. ltiepin, Cept. Crangle and R. Logan. to the city and en- tertained them at dinner with alderman \ and Allen. At the Brit- Stewart, Donnw ibh American rel. The visitors are old In toasting their friend: of Mr. Clerk. health. the boat with uent oratory, spoke for over twenty minutes. completely over- yhelming the gueete with surprise, who were not familiar with hie power of epeech. Hie doeire wleto Iee freer and stronger intercourse between the Ameri- can end Cenedien people. to in one good fellowship He piid tribute to he public 4 irit of hie .vieiting gueste. and claimed t eir diepceit-ion townrde Kingetoniane. einoe their errivel, both in bueineee end social connection proved them; redit to their respective citiee, end to;t Ameri- can nation. Each one present made en nppropriate eddreee. UlUbU0l' un one urluu, li!l`ll.6ll (U0 groom. On the 15:}: inc-c. one of our young men. Bethuel (`larIr, lvisited lnverary (a not un- usnal thing for him) and brought back his amiable bride, formerly known as Miss Nellie Crieloy. we extend congratulations and best wishes to all. George Sutherland was elected trustee at the annual school meeting: Joshua Weurth. Athens, has been re engaged as teacher for 1898. The residence of Mrs. George Loucks took lire about four o'clock on (fhrietmas morning and was burned to the ground. The house- hold furniture was saved. They have ulreedy begun to rebuild. J. E. Angliu and family I-pent Christmas at Soperton. John Thorne is hauling hay and straw from his farm to Battersea. 1)wi71Sleeth is getting out heading for . Mr. \'oung`e cheese box factory. Rev.Mr. Platte, Methodi.-at minister, `announced that revival meetings would commence on Sunday next at the school house. Visitors: Joseph Robb and sister Susie, Kingston collegiate institute, at home-for Christmas holidays; Misc Blanch Tabor. Soperton, at her sister s,uMrs. J. E. Angliu. _j___r.__. H: upon Scored a Great 8ucoese-A house Burned. KICPILI-1R\'ll.E, Dec. 30 -~A number of the young people from Bnttersen took advan- tage of the good sleiglnng, and drove out to the residence 0! John l-2. Anglin on Wednesday. where a very enjoyable oven- ing was epenb. On the 22nd Inst. a happy event occurred at the home of James Robb. Hie eldest daughter Maggie was united in marriage to Charles Clarke. a young men, well known and highly respected in this neighborhood. The ceremony was per- hrmerl by the Rev. -lame Platte, Battersea. Miss Mary Robb, sister of the bride. acted as bridesmaid, the g `go being assisted by hie brother. ouben Clark. After` the cere- mony the oung couple drove to their new residence. Keelerville. On Tuesday last: George Mam-Farlane, proprietor of the Bat- tersea mail stage, invaded our neighbor- hood and carried away one of our fair `young ladies in the person of Mine Hannah, daughter of William Dixon. Thehnarriage ceremony was performed by the ltev. Mr. Laird, Hunbury. Miee Ethel Sleeth. Bat- leraea. acted as Rridcsrnaid and W. Dixon, brother of the ride, assisted the groom. O.) the l.'):h ins-t. one of nnr vnuno mnn IJK UIHCU. (V Tno city hall was built. in the boom days of 18.35-56, and was considerd one of the moat aubstanhiul buildings in the city. ll Omllll Ofclillg I] LIIUTU was as of smashing timbers. Back slid the reporters chairs. There was not timeto move a limb before there was a tremendous crash, and the end of us all seemed to have como.- There were three of the reporters writing at the table and carried when the crash came. the floor. platform and hundreds of citizens down with it. There we no warning. and the surging mess went down all together. I cannot `describe my feelings when I found myself pinned down beneath us seething mass of humanity. jammed together amid tons of timter. brick. broken furniture andanoliice safe. Inever heard more earnest or more . heart-rending cries in all my life than `those of the dying and wounded as they lay around. above and beneath me. The prayers. the groans, the entreaties of my fellow-sufferers seemed to continue for ages, while willing hands `set about rescuing us, so slow does the time pass when one is in extremity. In -the col- lapse I got seperstied from my fellow- Arlvertiser reporter. My chair was com- Mo:-tely turned over. the legs were stmi_ht up. and I found myself pro- mote by it from being crushed by the table at which welmd been writing. and which was also completely turned over. From ubove me blood from those killed and wounded began to trickle. and that, with the cries of the dying for deliv- erance from their pains. made an impres- sion on me which I shall never for- get. It seemed an age before the res- cuers could get the unfortunate fellows out of their troubles. and alas. many were fated not to be taken out alive. I regard my escape as little short of mira- culous. As it was. my limbs are severely bruised. ff`..- ..:a._ L_II .____ L ,-I. - .1 , l , 1 DUIILL The second grant diawzer in the history of London occurred on July 10th and 11th. 1883. when the Thames ovez owed its banks" with treacherous rapidity and drowned some twentv-three people, chiey I`6Bld8Ii8 of London West. ` H". u paunlnnrn AA";-.bln-- -nun-tan FUBIUUIIIJH UX LJUHUOH VVCED. Hmy Puusmore, Advertiser reporter, who went. down with the crash, thus de- scribes the thrilling acano:-Budden- ly there was an ominous crackling as of lmmlhina limhnrn RAM: Glosingpsalej UL Lue scene or we manner. Landon ban sulfered to a greater extent from diuetere attended by great lose 0! life-than any "other city in Canada. The chief of London : tragedies was that which occurred on the Thames on Tuesday, May 245b, 1881, when 187 exouraionhm;-, who had been spending the quaen a birthday down the river. were drowned in shallow water by the collapse of the steamer Vic- boria. VIM..- ..........l ..._...g J:_.r_L,,, :. LL- L!_L__._ (Oontlnuedfrum Pigs One-.) ` ` ~ All the flag: on the public Building: are u halt-mum end tholetreen are lhronged with people who are ingend re-panning the eqene of the acci one. The telegraph oioee are crowded with bulineae from out- side plnceeenquiring u to the fate of rela- mvee. Outside reporter-I are arriving in ' the city And photographs are being taken of the" scene of the dleeeter. lxmdnn hnn anH`m-gr! On - ....-..o... nirfgnf. KEEL_ERVILLE NOTICES. AN APPATLLINO pcqgnzm`. Iona this new law! In can at Itonliiyg. 0'69. nation`; in lcguhiuo ` it-. It weeeqnell herd et the lecieletnre. l ll UII'|IOI- Mr. lieycocl: eloo expreeeed hie pleeeure at meeting Inc A repreeentetive deputa- tion. He lied ot given the hill much ooneidention, only no it had been intro- duced` by the attorney-generel. He read e letter from n friend nt Sanlt Ste. Marie. urging hie tekinz e rm etnnd for Ssh obeervenoe. es in thet town I good 0! labor hed been expended on Bundeye` in pulp worh, much egeinet the .`viehel of the men employed. A1 rennin the word "'tI-eieller the speaker eeid the meaning would grutly very were eeoh of the depn tetion to p`eee hie own "Intel-pretetion upon neeneh e nrtety I ircnmetennee govern the notion. At the pretent time there in e euehelorethe oonrmendit ie epu-to! unwritten Iewnoetoueetlegieleeiennhw hefotethe eonrte. Thenwho ehoeld en- `M loeee the Inc? In ete..InJehinu!ientnviddln-hn--n . UUDUTEHCUH 0' D08 uepubauon. In reply lion. Mr. Harty expressed his pleasure at meeting euch a representative deputation of moral and religious thought. He would love the nemee and standing of the dep ration `before his oolleagues. The various nitione given tp"trnvel|er no doubt lee the matter uncertain. and he pereonally would like to see more de- nite legialation. The half holiday idea wee entirely new to him. and he would certainly place this feature also before his colleagues. There was nothing in his mind to fear in Kingston b way of a law- brealring Sabbath and he elt eure ae long es the people were represented by such hodieeaepow sit. in parliament they may never fear having a United Staten Sunday in Canada. ` u- u-_---|_ _I ________ J Li. -7 Ieguuacuro. Mr. Mnodomxld said this concluded the utberancoa of the deputation. In mnlv Han. Mr, Winn nvnrnxnnrl H. KIVU IJIBV EXEC?) IDDHIIIHK O1 [[18 Word traveller. Ho think: the courts nra nob the ones to handle the subject bub the legislature. ll. \l--A...-I.l ....:o'l L:......._.1__.I-.I `L- LU IIHIKU Ilx Vofy Ulllr. J. Mclntyre. Q<` . was clad that the legislation now in accordance with the Lord's day acb applied to corporations. He would like to see it. go further nag give the exact meaning of the we t.rnvnllm'r, Ha Lhinlun thn nnm-n um. nnh llpl UH nuturuuy. Rev. M. Macgillivray concurred entirely "with former speakers and favored the half- holiday weekly. He would like to see a clear statement of what the law of the land really means in relation to the Sunday question. The bench in divided, and the legislature ought to interpret the not so as to make it very clear. J Mnlntern O (` win ale:-I lhnf. H-m (lH'BL Ully UK [$50. Rev. S. Houston agreed with Dr. Dyde in his ideas and Llzough the workingman played an important part. in the question. He thinks the workingman ought to be so protected that he would gel: hie day of rest. ae others do. Corporations have wealth and can stand out: independently in rela- tion to their employee; and if Sunday labor were to be carried on it would mean the orkingman doing seven day : work for i-ix a_v's pay. He believed the legislature ought to alleviate the matter by; eomeguch arrangement as a half holiday weekly, per- hape on Saturday. Rnv, NI Mnnaillivrnv nnnnnrrnrl anti.-nln Ill` IU HUW III TAIIKIIIIU IIHU LVUW IAUHIEHU. In those places a half holiday is compulsory and thisbuablea the working clwnea to en- joy tlio rear. and recreation needed. He Llioughb the legislature could take the pressure offsunday by It half holiday as who option of the municipality. - \lnx'nndnr (`.nrnmnn nnnlrn hrino nn his Up IUH UK LIIU Hlulllulpllllly. Alexander Cameron spoke briey on his early (mining to observe the Sabbath and was in favor of any legishmon no help a qu"et day of rest. Rnv H nnunhm nnrrnnrl with Hr Hmhzin UK I I`. WUUIU [JG] UIJU HDIUUU runway 00!`- pcriition hereto run oars provided even one quarter were in favor, bub then wlmb about the men employed?- bbe day of rest for them? It. is a case of the rich few against the working people. In Toronboa largo number favored Sunday cars becnur=e'of the working people but the speaker suggested such `eyelet ion b )ena zbed us is now in England and New Zeuland. In rhnnn r\`nt\na a hall knliplan in n.\..u\..l........ IIIK ly Kl VUYI. Ur. Dyde said that the position theLord a day alliance had aesu med was a very con- 'c'i-vative one, and they were seeking to preserve what they believed they already had until the law was put in operation). The opposition was seeking an innovation. The settling of Sabbath observance is a question of direction for many minor points. This law in to cover all questions of differ- ences. and hence the importance. Cor- p:?tione will make money. and the speak- er id it would pay the street railway cor- r ntinn horn tn run mun nrnvirlnrl mum \4lllIlSUHlI DiUU3lAU. Vicar general Kelly was pleased to be present and aa a representative of the Catholic faith expressed his views. The poi-nitrous that Roman Catholics assumed was in direct sympathy with the semi- ments expressed previously by the Lords day alliance and they would lend their aid to mnlre legislation as strong as pol!-_ siblein Canada for aquiet Sabbath. As Catholics their people had certain observ- uuces that were absolutelv obligatory and others of exhortation. Injury ofbeu fol- lnviis by making positive demands. Amongst their obligations there was the attending service in the morning and ab- staining from unnecessary work. They were exhorted to visiting among the fam- ilies and reading good literature on Sun- day. In closing his remarlrs the vicar felt that the deputation was at one and what- ever: support they could render to the fur- therance of a quiet Sunday would be will- irrgly given. . Hr Darla unit` Hunk Hun nnnhinn t.knT.n-r-I ; IXUULUIIII] UIE|lI'lL'lI nuu I UKUII. ` Rev. J. E. Starr congratulated the legis- laturo for the recent bill to amend the Lox-d a day not and in his opinion the bill meetsoll the requirements of the Lqrd s day alliance. But the matterof the deni- tion of the word traveller has been left for the courts to decide ad he thought ' the legieluture__ehould put such an inter- `pretation up6 n the word as to settle for all time to come its meaning. The legisla- ture is higher than the courts. As well as the civil aide to the question there is a religious standpoint to be looked at and the government- has a right to consider all legislation from more than a civil level. l nrr.v nr nn nvu-ltv Inf. nu hnvn Hm nmun_ llll |t'g|Hl!lLrlUlI ll'\Jlll l..IlUl'U bud" H CIVH I8`/eh Party or no party let. us have the coun- try : been intereann served by the quiet: Cmmdian Sabbath." \'.' . . . . . A . . n -..I l(..l|.. ....... ,..I.........lL.. I... U. I3. LIllUWll' \I. IJDOWII unu L. J. QUHHKS. U. M. Macdonnell, in a few worde,_open- ed the meeting and stated the _ob)ecb of the gathering and called upon T. J. Shanks to state his views. Mr. Shanks said he was in favor of any measure that would in any way securp a quiet Sabbath. He showed that natural prosperity was very closely identied with Sabbath ob- servance and quoted England and Scot-i land as laudable examplee. In Canada. at the pro-.=ent,t.his question was an important one. and the speaker hoped every avail- able means would be ueed to ensure a quiet Sunday. He spoke in very favorable terms of the Sabbath: in the north-west, the Kootenay district. and Yukon. Av J F. Qr.nr:-nnnnv-nr.rnlnl>nrI f'1nrorv:n. zoc goods for I 5c. 25c and` 3oc goods {or 20c. 35c goods for 25c. 50c 40c. 65c 5oc. And hundreds ofothcr bargains all thxough the hotise. It w.1l pay you to Luy ymr Dry Goods from us. ' TAYLOR8vCO. ' Prominent Gentlemen I! It Upon '1` e lIepreunt.stIvu- 'l`helr'< one Wlehel Olen:-ly Expreuedi -'lfh`e Iletber Wlll Be laid Before The Bovemment. ' A- large and inuential deputntion of ( Kiugrniena waitedq :1 Hon. W.'Har|:y I and .Heycock,M P.` .'.M'. the Y-`.M.C 8: last: evening to lay before them their views on the lnazialgtion for Sabbath obaervanc The depul5`at.io"h coneieted of vicar-gener I ' Kelly. Reva. Houston, Luing, Grenfell. King, Starr. Whing. Mc(`nllivr'sy, and Means. A. Usmeron, Prbf. Dyde. Dr.Ang- lin. Dr. Uhown. Dr. Sparks, 02' M. ,Ma(:- donnell. W. J. Mnhagh, R. Meek. .l.loing. C. I9. Chown, 0. (fhown and T. J. Shanks. L`. M Man*`nnnnlI {In In `nu: xivnunln nnnn, ` _____._ `Ila!-urn or All Demnnlnotlone And The IFOR [Emu o_BsmANcE.I HON. MR. MARTY. AND J L. HAYCOCK. INTERVIEWED. uunulng, may no cured by Illln '1':-urn Mag-noun Ointment. In Ioothot. Iuungtlh om nndhoala. Ilia tho` gnu pilo can. 25. E. G. Ilitoholl. . ' Con II Skoppcu a combination of- wild c y. whih purine huhioorieo. lirioulhonnd and mined, in A` law fotn. . i ad . . . on n our:-ugvu. h I Rllnnink Boron, indolont con and nHni- lf NOHBIOI. even though `uuuy gonn- "llld" . In red I) ' TI-Mk Mu'n.|go 3i|:`ytmnn::u In uu nl=:nEu-amt)...` of the law. So it. ought to be lor Sabbath observance. The speaker claimed that the egricultu ral claee were the- Ynoet law abiding citizens in the land. In the new indbetrioa ol dairying much labor had to be `expended on Sunday. and yet only that of necessity was done. He believed the legis- lature would do all in their power to keep the Canadian Sabbath. up: I N UIFIUIIIUII. /` victory over his oppo nt. Rev. R. W. Reyeon. for school trustee. The doctor polled e etrong vote. the people whom he served long. faithfully end well being con- tenntoheve him continue` to repreeent them on the board of `ednution for the emning two yeere. The vote by aub- divieione etood: f\ l u; _. cu . ___... V/In Rideeu ward Dr. " had en veuy ." Persons indebted to the estavt of P. J. Walsh can make payment by calling at the store, and by so doing save themselvfs ex- `penses. Total Majority for Dr. I5 _ Our store is now closed taking an inven- tory of the balance of stock. `which will be sold by tender. and- of which due notice will i be given. :OOOO90OO99-O99: Sherries. Ports. Clarets, Liquors. Champagnes. DECANTERS. mmuuuuu In one warm. 1 remain, yours truly. M88. 0. PRICE. For sale by all dealers or adqleaa the Corupmy at Hamilton. 81 per bottle; 6 (or 01 ._ml -- `Rdbef'tson:_1_ __B_ros., g"m EXHIBIT IIIIU AU Illl GIJIVIAIJUU BU IIIIIU '*su.m-- /Nivv--7 --'-wan . Is the inost delicious fall Teas --absol'nte1y put.) and nutnitioua. Bealod'lend packets only. 2 is, 850, 400. 60c and 60c per pound. All Grocers. ' We carry a full line of these goods in a doien different varieties. `TA SI!?1.PL.ST0RY,% ._----__. .._.___. NM: that the bo-Ins have coma and gone ncznn! needs nmun Mmorb 1 the ntoutlnn olthn re pie. We are nivimx out of-the-nrdimn v in. auiw uuu a noun: U! H" anomu be in every household. Yours very truly. R.'l` Phillips. K INDIGESTION PERMANENTLY CURE D. ' 81:. Williams. County Norfolk. Oct. 19t.h,i8i7/I. Dmu Sirn._-It gives me grant. Phuuro to testify to the fan that Moan : Indian Ton 0 has (uiusenln most rem-u-imb e ommgo in m condition. For two year: I have suirurod from lmiisze-itinn and weaknosn. and not ndina relief from an! othor modi- uino unmayuur agent came hero one du and advised me to try iiloun'a ndlon Tonic. 1 did no and have used {our homes. at. as made It mu. ohuuro in In lit and I can now rant and sloop witbeune and comfort. `I believe Sloan's Indian onio I the but medicine in the world. I remain, truly. M88. 0. PRICE. scrolnsz. amt expel-xeucre no distress after eating. I ave m-ommended it to suventl poo lo and in every one it but given grand to- sults and a bottle of it should be in Kousehobd. Yours vnrv trulv. _ - .... ,.. .,...V.. \uuuunnIqUU\ a. IOU], LEV 1))-IAN Hms,-Somo time ago I was trmted by one of our host. city doctor for con- _tlnuad bleeding at the nose. and the f.x-eutnxent I warn subjected to weakened my stomach no that. nothlmz I could out. would agree with me and 1 could rotanln nothing hm. bread and milk. which was my ehief diet. ` I tried at bottle of your Sloan's Indian Tonic and at once began to improve and It. has made a pernmnontcure in my cu so. I chn now partake of my had no matter how and distress neonle and in even mun it hn nlvnn lvnlul ._ ' 1` IVKJI-IL I1 LADal`\.LJ|lVW L Maple (`My Coopemge. 11, T. l`lulHps, I`1'upri}stor. t 9,) nothlmz [mum nut .. \Jll\I\uI\vl\.lI.llIlI II \z- , '/ { ` 5 / 4. xi K 1 ) , E , ) \ I; : we have now ready. / ,' Our I\I;I14ti erwerSale is Now in Full Swing Come and see whgtwe have. L*-`5'This Sale is in charge of Three Young Ladies, who will be delighted to show yozi through the stock. No one asked to buy. JOHN LAIDL_AW& sou. White Underclothing ESTATE 13?. .L WALSH. AXOI. Itn. On: low price: quality. WALSH S. Dr. lalootod. . ...-...a l\.. n:\.". L BOARD. ofa spYendid stock of 5."'r.';; ' FROM A LEADING CEATHAM MANUFACTURER. Cnnnnrnurn. IMPLESTORY, We give vu-ietyto it with every: issue 0! the diily ndupspor. but it all amounts to this : . ` ' M uckleston s Old Stand. -jut-Tj-?j \ CEYLON TEA and lol. nor. 0 IIIVIIOQ. .::~.-...-:-..'*-'*-......-..~...-~s..... -*:.:.-1- " (ICED C1 ` I It ; pfetty much the sa_me story ~ cvotywhere about the store these days--.-3 story- of balancing up ntpcks after holjday bssiness, a lraidine to parg with goods at much essthah they+cost. TTTTT You will get full nine {or ovary dollar you vest in our store. We have sold toll: of wit, Km. for Ohxintmu Cakes and the rush mtlxmn. This wook we call spools`! utumon to our on or Fancy Goods. Gun: Tu Bots. Dlnnpr ts. Banquet Lampc. Fancy Cup! and San- rn. limit Dluhon. Em. All uultablo for ristmu Pnunta. V HOS. H. JOHNS, no muons: a'm.nx'r. nu. wit vi M? n:na'as.. min. and lql. '-'- :2'.'..`.:.`; :?.':.:'.'. av SPEND IL "ESTATE DOW.N. 00 I In! Gal; Au D-gt.`--- .....' ;...;.......% " :..:..:` loltbltlnuuti Id. 13. mm.n...aay.:nunau.. _ n uwaulu NVIIJH UV ' Porsulc or Exchange. unnnlnh-Ag gm) D..n __ n the Ittoutlnn olthn giving -_nVt. of-the-ordlmuy in- dnoolnonuu In v-now ~bovou, Ash .\ift.- Rh 9. Door Cheeks anal spring-. anwn. Axon. um. (Jun Inf nlinml uh: uni. mnnn nnnr -rsa,`0oal Scnmes and `coups. Wmther ` YOUR MONEY. Chnthum .|0n 0.. 18th, II?` `An! nlv Jnnln-... In- -.... To the Best Advantage. DR:-zssy Goons. K9$"o'$"o'2 `N E 85 and 87 Frlncews St. 3 NOONNQOOOHOONNHQQ 696949 090 O 0 TAT 1 TUDIPIIIOH OI H48 Kln KHOWII.` noily applied. with an elegant up- nurance and lasts. Weighted Brunhoa rented by the duy for polishing {hora . Also agents for "Star Anti Dust. W. A. MITCHELL, IIIVU DIPWIIUII. .I.l|lH ll UHU UUIII repsruion of its kind known. ...--_....... ....A l..-0. I'\7..l...l.t...l Ilsd tboy nnod our JOHNSONS FLOOR WAX this never would hang lunnnnnnrl Thin n 0}-In Lac}. EIIUUIV VVAA DIIII IIQYUF WDUIH hi?! happened. This in the beat. nu-Ann-Alinn nf its kind hnnwn, TCORBETT, Bocaine they were healing wax on the stove and It caught lira, HARDWARE wmr om `mt uosnm BURN? \ ACTUAL NEEDS. It will be a happy` I yeartor the tamil y if the good house- wife resolves to 88 ind 90 Princess Street. We are sorry to part with you,but with good resolu- tions made we PRINCESS STREET GOMMERCIAL. -."?hoes_._ DOUBLE WEAR Trunks. rw Valises. E PRICES v mom. : 666666666 OOO 6 O III\IlIII , OOOO90 IIIQII H Ull1l"O MEMO ulvjr Pill; [f ,3: by than any ql ounninly phat '1 *6 Ru-oh` pnrgotln romodiu anlut gig. jog way to tho go-nu action and aim clack cl Career : Hub l.;i nr Pill; It . IIIII LII than than -m ...o.a_|.. ..|.... Jlntshov W. Price. Menuhin Grove. to lit 01. 0!, .8110 uixth division court. ol Iron . invtho mom and stead of Jqnoo g Bhibicy deoouod. Jalhuu A Duunocu, .T'a|\ to ho q haili` of the sixth di- vision gain in mm o! mom: W. ms... -lbinnid. . f , The Mum-xl martin`; of who Ki:-guoon and Bath mad company man held in the nolioo court room yutorday afternoon. The udunnr pzpaqnhod A nancial auto- Ibno thawing unlno dividend could be declared; Thqrotirin diroohon were re- laobod. and up a nu uont meeting of director: D. J. Rsukin ro-Appointed nnddnnk I n U: rl-I) ur. Too opening-Looting for the week of `prayer was held in the Y. MC A. hall Inst. ovoninpwith A fair attendance. Rev. Dr Ryokman presided, speaking vary forcibly on the Assigned topic : Confession 9!_'ain, for the wnnh of`oonlorm' y to the word of Ciiriat; for minutes! privnleger; for luck of courage Rom. \`l. I-I4: Mott. xxv. 14-30- uhnnl ivinz for tho blolling n! the ye .' Pa. (`X A , I I0; I Cor. H. 7-H! Sovral mmintoro named ivrpnyer ,, Mina Wnlker pronidod as the piano. an Queen street. church choir led the oinpin. A 5:. -._,-; 1 ._ . . T0YE$FpRmAD. Amends are cordially invited to the IDDBQ; ` ing- _____________ S_YDENHAM STREET B-L_AW. 1: Wu Detontcii by the Large Majority or .. " mi. The Sydenham street by-law wns simply snowed out of sight, only seven aub-divi- sions returning a majority. Evidently the people do not require a short cut to Princess street just yet. 'l`here is no doubt but that the estimates on the property were low. and it is doubt- ful if such a g00d`0ilel' will again be received. considering the manner in which real estate and businesa is expected to boom in the future. St. Lzwrenco ward. in which most of the property lies, yielded amsjority of three against the measure. The VDNJ nnllell mm: A nmnll nnn and Ihn One or The New Blood. William McCartney. the newly-elected alderman in Riclepiu word. is is native of the city and was born within the precints of the ward which has now elect-,-d him to the council. At an early age he was appren- ticed to the trade of bhicksmithing, r-0I`V- ing his time at the locomotive works. Eighteen years ago he began his career as a contractor and has been eminently auccei-i-lul. Among the many edices he has erected as monuments to his fame. might be mentioned the Carruthers sci- ence hall, l).)ran wing at general hospital, new church at house of Providence, Y. M. GA. building, the Hegdry and Upper homesteads and new Sydenhum street Methodist church. He is an extensive property owner in Ridenu ward and IUI. ouhof { In whinh I-nnnr. of Mn; -u-nun-.- l.'.... ...'..I.I-.J amgjoruy of gain Lueuluuuw cuurL:n. me If! an extonlvo The vote polled wasaemall one.and the pmparw own". Ridm .`""d Ed majority agnat, um manure may be has always evldenced deep mteresb In counted an axbemim one_ The vote by municipal. eloctiopa. In politlcq hoia n wb.djvi5ion. -3, : cnneervntuvo. but. us one who WI not por- .~.... .,. . ........ I mif. nnlitinn tn stand in Lhn wnv nf hi: nl. UWII """"\ Au-'lC F93. ` The nuuu-ll in;--sting of Mice Ada Leic;li a homes for English upeaking girls in Paris will be.held at. Binlmplelgln to-morrnw, Wednesday, at 11:34) a.in., when Mrs. hewin will welcome all friends. There are over `.300 Canadian girls in Paris. cbielly studying art medicine. etc. of whom fifty four hwo been boarded or helped in different ways (luring the past. your. `Fl-lends cordially invited the 1 ing. 1 IIIIQIUTXIII I). , - Chief of police Ihael. Peterboro. has re- quested chief of police Horsey to keep a lookout foreman named Ernest Bmulb, who disappeared from his home there tbme weeks ago. He is aged forty, stands five feet. nine inches high. is clean aheven, stou`. and was amred in a unit. of brown `Wen A...-at Fran. "`|.a. .I. ..n.`_..__A' III.. A). I_2._\,?- uu Im prouucnve or union goon. This morning chief of police Horsey re- ceived : communication from the chief of police ah Hamburg, (lermmny. in answer to an enquiry made some time ago for a miss- ing sailor. The latter was wnbten in Ger- rmmy. and interpreted by police constable Timmerman. ru.':..: .3 ....|:.._ 1-_....u n.'.-_n___- L-.. _- .'..n.. 1'4. l_z. LV.ll He J. Rev. G. R. Iamish made a ne impres- ainn at Brockville, where he began his ministry on 1-lnndsy. The Tumes Hays he more than fullled nll expectations, and the Recorder says his ministry is cercain to be productive of much good. Thll rnnrnino Alain` nf nnlina Tlnranu rn, lolsnrc ufafocuul by nu. Hjld lmw baen extensively dianovoroil in Labrador and it is expected that the coun- try will be another Klonrlyke. Halifax companies will buy claims and operate sev- eral miner-. 7l".L_-I LL,I__-IA, I I-,_,,,,I.,-,, _, Ullll IKIIIIUF. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, lu soothe the irribated surfncel. to instant- ly relieve and to pennanenbly cure piles is the mission of Trask a Magnetic Ointment. `.?.")r'.. E. C. Mchell. I I) ........:_L .._...I_ .. C..- 1..."--- D.... 1 wepcpme 1898. (Iknno warden Smith. Belle-ille, found four,` red duet under a loadof cordwood uour Bnnnockbuln. and he reports that the parties whu shut them have been tinml. m.|l|,-__L__ , ., ~ I n~ I L1 UW I Ul'K IIIBUC CH8 IIITRGED EUIPHIBIID. Very cold weather in the Ottawa valley. Montahello, 20' below zero; Kazubnmzn. `J2; Vankleek Hill, 17; l{ockcli'e. 26'; Winchester, `.30 ; Eganville.`.!H`; Mahnawu, `, `.30 . I IUC. II IJUX. LVJCIACOCI 8 HIDE REOFG. In the shipments of apples made from this continent during the season. Montreal took second pluve with 150.06`: barrels. New York made the largest. shipment. Varv nnld wnnthnr in Hm nm...w.. vnllnv. IIIK uni)- Abtornay rMart.in Hughes. Sbeboygan. Wis., is dangerously ill Ana result) ofa bar rqom row with "Bob Fitzaimmons and hid theatrical company. Cnuah Rhnnnnrnf -A hnrmlnn and nlaml. IIIILI IIIH DIIUHUTIUII Ctnpanyo "Cough Stoppers, a harmless and pleas- ing remedy for coughs. colds, brouchibis, hnaneneca and all other throat trouble. we. a box. McLeod a drug store. In tlua n`u'nnnnnrn A` nnnlnn n\n:`n fr-nnn OI unalll. [0 iseaid than Tray. the Napnnee mur- derer, will be sent to the criminal asylum in the Kingston penitbiary instead of bag ing hung. Ahfnrnnv >MArf.in Hunuhnn Rlmhnvann, .lAUllUUI'lu Yesterday was evidently a day not for Joaeph." as all the cendidetea who bore that news went under. and there were four of them. I; i. _-:.l Ll...` III--- AL- 11 _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ .._ BTU WU IIIU condition. GI... JL... UIIGT VIFIUIIIK ITIUHHI In (one `HEY. Mrs. E. W. Rathbun, .1)osoront.o. is in the city. She bdoughb down a `son to re- ceive trentment as a smart} hospital. E. C. Gnldem A inn vanhh. Rlinnarv CGIVU IITUIIIIIIUIIII Ill! It UIIQTI3 HGFPIWBI. O. Gnldere e ion yacht. Slippery Jack. was the first to grace the ice this season. She was set up at noon to-day. Chins wants to bnrrmv fl mm mm frnm Good B} .e I897] EDIIIDUII. Dun was eel) up 36 noon no-uuy. Chins wants to borrow 116,000,000 from England. It offers its land tax on security. Russia says it can give beater terms than London. V..-b-...l-.. .....- ....:..I....LI... - .I-_ u_-:. L... oonqluqu. ' The-steamer Gnllin lrom Liverpool with the Canadian mails arrivad at Halifax this nlternoon. . l.I_- \I.._L..._ L-.. -..... I J..L-_L ____I 1].- Ilcuruoon. ` , Mn. Morton. her son Robert, and the Mines Morrow have returned to Colborne after visiting friends in the city. Mrs. E. W. Rnhhhunn. Hnunrnntn {.1 in CF90?! HI UB5 011100 0| WHO Clliy CICTK. The bnud at. D:x l rink attracted a lugs crowd lub night. The ice wt: in splendid condition. / Tho Vary [alone now: Orowllnd Into Tho I lmnuan ur Inna. ` Mia Emma E. Perry is seriously ill. l Mgr. durnolli, urohbi-hop of Naples. in dead. v- ' (I630. A handsome new con) above has been M oreotad in the otoo ol the city clerk. The hnnd at. Du : rink nmzrnnmd n hu-an IIHE4 P. M. Elllll llo mvlaond Dcclund. __,,, ____.9_`._ ,- co2r: `GENERAL PARAGRAPH8. Apboltnoutn lulq. _. II? I'I__'-- Il_.__A-!_ `TR;-f Pu) or. __-A!.__ p, cum. 8. Byron, pruidodt `ox sin B:ook`lyn halal] club, did to day. uvu-ul III _-rI. UIWIVII Mrs. W. Dawes. wife of WiNiuIn.DAwua, connocbed with `the Bell uolophono com. puny`. vod gt her home in Montreul yum.-. `day. Four months ago deooupd under- went an opu-union, from the than of which the never reoovorod. She Inn t.hin.'y~vo' anti .o1`ngo. and -A native of Kinunton. uvinghon for Montreal ubout cwnln you-1 Inigo; A oimor. Ilia Kata Hui-iuno, and n brothor. Thoma: Haley. rqidoin ihin city. The latter Iunllor Manual tonight to" attend M19 lnnortl. A hnand nnll Bun nhildnn nnvciun . ia"`o'..T&.Tn $.'.a}'z'. s'e.s JIa':.2.'J'."u.."?.7i A huobond and n ehjldmmurvivo TIDE. ~ The father of Durrant bl! roocived. from Mel-idnn. Texas. a document. which purporsl to be the origiual ullegod confession 0! Jose Bl-nm.be_r to the murder of Blmcho Lamont and Min- nie Willinms. In will bo used in the final 'el!'ort. to mourn a shy of execution. _ Ilohou-led The Event. SAN Ql'l~2.\"|`l.`<' PRISON. Jan. 4 Theodora Durnnr. ha: rehearsed the scene, of his own death A . his own requaatmmdo Absolutely without emotion. he has been through ovoryinnidenttmat will mnrlc the minutes - of his Int hours of life. A lnok and aero- rnl papers on religious subjects were re- ceivod an the prison yesterday for 1)-. nnt. ' uuuwv, vm.. (lenernl Flospltnl Board. A regular monthly meeting of the board of governors of the general hospital took place yesterday, is good attendance grac- ing the occasion. After discussing the possibilities of rebuilding the Watkins wing, 11 special committee, consisting of Col. Dull`. Dr. (Jarrett. B. W. Robertson, W. B. Carrutbern, H. W. Richardson, W. F. Nickle and Dr.` Wnlkem,wne named to consider the form of the new bu-lding, together with the probable cost, and to ro- I port. to the governors. l)r Pnmnhnll wnn nnnninoml on nu. ...... porn no we governors. ' __ 1)r. Campbell was appointed to the sur- gical cuff. vice Dr. Cunningham, deceug. ed. . I'\- (`Ln-n. ....-l "I" ll ` h-|_-__._, -n I (1. ` = Dr. Chown and T. M. Robertson will be visiting governors for tho current month. Accouuu aggregating $879 :35. were puuv ed. W. J. Dick & S0n.4 lIllllllCI[)l|l |`JJO(.'|aIUHU. Ill p0|l|.l(3i D015 ll conservative. is will per- mih politics to stand in the way of his al- ways noting in the city a bent `interests. unu KUUUl'U5ll.4_y. He married Mina Wilmotz. daughter of ex-alderman N. Wilmot law: lvo }o:.re `ego, and his homo in Rideau ward is one of the most exquisite in the city. The ward in which he now has his we-idonce geve_him the largest. majority, and FronLoiiuc.whei'e he spent. the days of his boyhood, gave him the next: largest. As a legislator there in no doubt but clmt. he will give entire satie- frction Co both members of the council and citizens at large. Heia somewhat of It "society man, holding membership III Cntnraqui `lodge, A l. and A.M.;Cr\mrnqui lodge No. 10, I O O F , and the A O.U.W. Heist inter- ctod in the growth nnd prosp ity of we city, as outside of his own business he is connected with several induahriaa. I: has ever been his ideal to increase the city`a standing by securing employment: for the working classes, and it is worthy of note that his ellirta have generally been al.- tended with success. Personally he is A large employer of labor, and his employees testify to his genlulty, kind-heartednesa and generosity. TWA mu:-rinrl li-n \.ViImnf. rlnuuahrnn nf Ill) VULTHVU LIIUILI. - In I891 mayor-olecb Livingston entered the council. Ilia business ability mid power of mastering all e.Vlg8l]Cl)8 proved -of the utmost sorvice to me council. As a proof of this it might. be atatorl that he wus appointed to all the important. committees, the nance included. He presided over the majority of commilzteea as chairumn, and his ruling was always wise and judi- (HOUR. months had elapsed the premises proved too small for business ; a new store was rendered necessary. In 158.": the` nlagniticentlv equipped building at pre- sent; occupied was built and ts ken possession of by tho rm of Charles Living- ston & Bro.. and for the past twelve yen.- bhe custom onjnyetl has steadily in.mensed. The year tho nmyor-elccl. went into busi- ness his father was chief magistrate of the city, and the good name and career of the father has fallen upon the son, well worthy to receive them. I. IDHI ___..__ -|_._i. I',.:. .._., , , u ,. Chulea Livingoton, gm of ex mayor Charlee Livlngatomis 3 nntiveol Kingston. Born in Frontenac ward in 1857 he has since made Kingston hin- home. As a youth he attended the public schools, re- deiving therein nrsb class {uudamental educabion which has been sutficienb 0 carry him through the world wich success. After leaving school he entered the em- ploy ol his father. but in 183.`! he opened business for himself. in A pmro _ on Brdk street. now occupied y McKe|\-ey & Birch aqa stock deparbmen : So pro-peroua did the venture prove, that: before many N A Ilntln Of llnnton-8Itch or III: Car-, oor-l an or am-nag uunmy-:un ~` I volloul Growth 0! The Business lrlru. Undnr llll Control-Lilo Father. Like vrnlgpopum MAYOR-EL'ECTV.] `HIBVMAJORITY THE LARGEST EVER PO_|.:LED HERE. Death In ,In Dunn We intend In mnlinuc this sale until the whole stock is diapmed of. -

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