% ALEX. ._('): _BRlEl_`. -3+ `. I`.LI.'Ai-_n__-._.n -__..n.L... - ,__ A, -. _ 3*` tint I :uuT V VSIII` III `IIIUII Jtllllls `I! IS Nox. .. El-mn.. \ Norma. Thirty-`lwo Iooterl. The bhirby-bwo loot: clue boehe rounded the buoy eb Geor e`e hem wibh the No): lending. lollowed y Norma end the Erma. On hhe run back no hnov No. 1 the boobs eeb their 9 innekere. end ceme up well to- gether. he race In: nob very enunc- hivo, owing to uhe few bone enoeriroxg. but I the three were pretty evenly much and ram: nmnnd hhn nnur-an mnnh in Ann}: UUIIIIIITIOTI IIIFVII. DI LDTVDDO. ll IIWO minubea time in allowed the Ounds the nee ie here. and she gave her opponent e hob run. The homewerd been no windvnrd Ina sailed under I light wlnd. Oom- modore Jnrvie yacht increued her lead. croeelng the home line no 2:44:28, Amid oheen from the npecuebore and booting of whilolee. fulty one queroor of a mile aheed of the Oeneds. The Inbber crossed the line eh 2:46:40. lawn and one- hell minubee behind. The other three nished en lollnwnz Zalmn . Vrodn . Morrythoughh . Onnndn . . . . . . . . l_l.4- I. III' WK Ind Ibo d ...._.._...I.... IV UIIU lI|I|I homo buoy : Dill VIICIIID Illl III]. III IIIIIUW III!` out conelderahly. All attention was given to the content between the Merrythought and the Cana- da. It was a remarkable race between theee two lavoritee. end it van a matter of clone epeculatlon an to which would get the race. The Merrythopght. the heavier boat. apparentl had a slight advantage in heating to win ward. but the Canada pick- ed up her lose when running beloretho wind. The other three in the clue kept well to ther end node e catchy race. but on e eecond round they dropped back fully half A mile behind the dub two leaders. On their eeoond return from the Wolfe Inland buoy the boat: paced the hnme bnov 2 UIIIIIII Zehin . Vrodo. Aggie. lI|L2_ . (Continua from P530 Ono.) Although the Ouudn gninod one-hslf Inlmlho on the run from homo no the third buoy, the llorrythonghb gained thirty- umt sounds on he on the nut round trip. Tho Zolmn md also cloud on tho Aggie and V on niohi log of but uh round and Id ml for] In WIIIK II .01 Ill llllll BIO X00 III- Io . uoood ouhin nine. and wound. have 5000 lotu- h And m mlnlnuulnn nah FIIU &`l|U Illll VITIUII IIUUIIIIIIIII for third plnoo. On rounding the home buoy the Vrodn nu May to lounrd to nob lulu]: with hhn Annln. hall on nmnlnn [um um mm RACES.| IIIIIU VTCIII run `WI II) MW-K K UV club with tho Agglo. but on coming thou! the ran into the truck of hho Aggio. which hoplngon tho Ibnl ht run forced hhn Vrndn In fall Aunv. in hhmu hnr ---_- --` .-- .-u- -- -.-` an -my .... uh; uni. for hho Vrodn to {All Away. in hhrow nu la nnnnldm-Ahl 1, `l`wonty- Two root OIIII. Yachting Noun. _. r\_:_._L-._.)- .1 Im`I'q'm niuu lorthday p. Kinanhm J. -86 us T IIMDC in m',|lf& homo. ' M~ ` `A -inl-nnnn mm nuuuulltuuuy Ijrxlll I3 311;!!!- tiooondlhocgilno non olit until tho dnyhlcnllnnnoltochodst Iichub. Altlnllino bound Pnttouto givohiu his Inusav. vhunna: Ih Inc can in AI IZIUZ III `OUT FIKUT W `IV. BID 5`: money. that lit two want In lL`KX~l&_ mu PnK`Q|_ Inoiinp UTFIC II` I1 f'- I no! `II. .`$pIIX in Dnwln, bullion told by A. 3. Benton in Iniofnrtuno nnpliod. Young ' ulouthy& >.(Il0.du to ninplnond con- II apponn that Oh young minor cond- ed tonlriond.onoolIhogu_udIin chug: ol the (noun on tho Wan. that ho land in his passion duct to the uncut ol 851110, and Inighing imuly thirty pounds. Thin ||lIl'd, can by name. nggutodlhntho gold to ploccdin hi: chu-Ir; tr. nlhur. in n nlocninn rnnmnnnn. OI the Yukon. Sn-rn.I, Wnh.. July `22 --A. E. Ben- son. e young men from Benrdetovm, IIL, who come down on the Roenoke from Dew- ooo Oily. my decide to postpone hie vilil to hie bone in the eeet Had-luck" uorieeuelhereleend notthe exception inbewenn. Inld bvA.KB.-nun WIII IWIIU [TIMES lholun, July `:3, 8 can --'l`bo miniatu- oi public instruction. Ionor Gunuo, in au- thotihy (or tho statement that . hononblo to the Splnilh any. will uortly bi concluded. Lon Hushoano or o6Lo DUST. A I. IQIOI. Ll Illlnnb HID. `II lobbod [In TL` I`-L__ ,;_unnuo puoulgu ooouronoo III! & .x:.\utud They report ` int hri law. Ann nuuvu expocll maoponuonco. GlBllAl.'!`AR, July 22-10 in reported born that udmiral Curran`: rqnndron is expect- ed at the Spanish penal settlement: olCouhn. opposite Gibultor. uhoruy, when bhoy will unit. ronnlu. |l........ I..I.. mi o- _ lax- _,.- 2..- 1 will Iuul my III: uuuculuuu. Puus. July `:2 -Tbe Matin to-day up thet. while nothing denite in known, it is rumored that senor Cutillo. Spanish am- huudor st Pu-in. Eu been instructed to approach Gen. Porter. the United State- embeseedor to Fnnce, with the view of opening secret pence negotiations. Up to three o'clock this Afternoon there had not been my meeting oetween them. :'A~un\'::1*nv_ Jnlv 99 _.A rlnnnhnh Cu... INUVI nu] Inuuuu UBVWEII unom. W'A.~aaI.\'u1*oN. Jnlv 22 -A doapthch from Col. Andmou at Mnniln nyn Aguimldo bu doclnrod I dicuoonhip md mu-tial law. Tho nntivu expect indopondonco. GlnllAI.'l'AR. Juli 22-1. nnnnrtnd Inn Lum>or<, July 22 -lnquiriu made in of- Gold circles here full to conrm one auto- monb of the Spuniub minister telegraphed from Indrid to day to the eocb that pose. will shortly be concluded. "ARlR_ Jill`? Blnhin Mstini -nun nu xunn, uuly zz.-no omclu report: I ha; ma you reached the Cuban junta in New York that Gen. Garcia bu roiuaqd longer 00 co-operaho with Gen. Sluftaor. The members of the junk any that if Gen. Garcin has resigned and has ncoed in the IIIIIIDOI indicated he will be called upon to oxplnin hi: actions. l17................. l..l...)u A .l-___L_L 1 - UIPIIIII III` CCUIUIIU. Wmmlrmmx, July L") -A doapntch from Col. Andouon no Mnniln on than Aquin- nldo has declared I dicta mud mar- tial law. The native: oxpooo indopond- anon. Will Be Aoiod To Explain It II: In In- o|[nod-An louonblo P0000. Ihnnlu. July 22 -'l`ho minister of pub- lic instruction. tenor Guano. in authority for aha ahumonb Mm peace. honorable to tha S nigh nrmy. will shortly be con- cludor \Y.. .. \'._.... I..I... on \v_ _m,,- u mggvnullnliu [DH 3 PIICUIIII nll : ot,'nhu-.inuolcopingroomoccn- pid four Inn-in chnrpo of Ibo gold lawn in SL Hiclnnln mu thn gnu... one III!` plny uuuu can no acooraea mm. W. H. Holden, of bank robbery lame, arrived here on the 2:05 p.m. train and was immediately taken before police magie- trate Daily at his oioe. A large reception committe. awaited him et the station end the police oice. He wee taken from the bus and hurried up etaire.a police guard all about him. The short proceedings. which were only formal. were noon gone through with. The prieouer loomed jovial and wee enjoying e cigar, and detective Dongberty requested this indulgence for the risoner during his _ incarceration here. 0 this magistrate Duly hnd no objection. The prieoner is a men of about sixty years of age. and looks the trump in every rospect. His feeturen are course and repulsive look- ing. The two prisoners, Pure end Holden. are quite a striking oontrut to Maclie and Ponton. DIII l'lI0llIl' IUIIDOII. OI WIIWII IIIO BIO h eo much through the prominent part her hueband had taken in the caee. It in eaid Maokle can prove an alibi, and hie eolioitore were in Believille yester- dny looking after his case. A demand was made for the return oi the money. come 8200.which Machie had on hie penon when arreeted. Magistrate Dal] eaid he thought this money would be needed an evidence. but on coneidering the qneetion 325 was given to the prieoner, some of which he immediately cent to his family in Believille. No new feature! have cometo light and although tellre of other arreete are flying about it in eaid that none will be made. Othera will be brought to the trial, however. who, it is claimed. were cognizant that uchemee to rob the bank were on loot. It in claim- ed that the Saucier woman will not 'be implicated in the robbery, she only acting as the tool of her brother in getting rid of the uneigned bills. Some are of the opinion that she acted as the go between for her brother in N npanee while the plot wan being hatched. It is stated that a guarantee compnny carries Ponton for 36.000 and that two prominent men in Belleville are also served for an- other 85,000. They no doubt will be anxious to ete that Ponton will have all the fair play that can be acoorded him. W. nnl( Dn_ nl hnnlr nnhhgpn 'nwI\A 1 corner: peclal to the Wluu. I1 .-unuuun InI_ DI`) nptuuu vu ulv V1 nlu. Narmxs. July 22 -ID wu wondontly oxpochod nun tho prisoner Holden would on-in Into lab nigbmhuo this morning in- nnh-I nlldt b Inna hhgh In ind m\h_ 'Il'l' IV` IT` IIIC ll|'IIU,DII3 IIIII WOTIIIIIK III qniry elicited the foot that In had nob. If he doel not Arrive to dey end the trial hutohe pottponed sgein. it in under- etood that has will be epplied tor the prieonere Ponton end Mnokie end that in on probability it will begrented. The county orown attorney xed the torn at 810,000 each. Ponton n lawyer, E. Gnu Porter, hed I lengthy in- terview with hll client yesterday end ox- preeeel himnei! u utined that Pon- ton in not uiltyii, of the eeriouu ch-ge Ieid eg not of sweating. And taking ladies to identify Pomon by the detectivee pr-oven foundetionlene. '.'lhe lady referred by Porter n being teken into the jeil. wee the wife of inspector Keely. Mmoheeter N. IL. who wet on e pleeeore trip through Cane- de with her hoehend, end who through feminine onrioeity winner! to hevo nook et tholjzrinoner Pouton. of whom the bed has an rnnnh hhrnnnh Olin npnndnnnh nee-h him. The charge` Ho In ICIOIIQI lnpunoo-.0011: Pong: In- torvlowo Ill (molt. %......|.n on ma urn... uuuuu. I Nsw Yunx, July 2:2.--No oicinl report: In 10h ronnbad thn Cuban innhn in NA: I GEN. GARCINS POSITION. HOLDEN ! AVR`|`VAL. Tu INK! "Why. it .....% ".....='? " ..... ;:.:T..... .... ...... Dunno luu-an Iaoworoc. Magnum. July 22.--`rho m. that! tho Mona-col -touuhip I lit! who vqtocluuding the muting of the Nilinnlia nnnnnnnr Ilinlmnnnnlnnnn 0 SATURDRY I56. Cbnplln. 0Ip0\'houII. I50. Swill : wharf 3 pl|.. Sun:-day. Ono bou-:00: Vioam: homo Spun. 8n Enuo. tickobonly 25. J. . nnlnm nnnnL Ptol.NicolondlL D.BAkut Irlrqir-I land as the Wnlknr bout. Totoolo. Big Sale of the Guinane--ej -- Bankrupt Stock XIIICVII CIXIIICI WIBII `DC W". 50*. W" I btighl uh.md oholnd droppod doudou Ihopotch. Baton the hodywu nmovod ilwnlndl In mod, And: thouoodpon uonuhadcoiloctodsboutlho bout. u---rvu - -vw vvluv-\ Pn1I.\m:Lruu, Pm. July 2`.. .--W|ltot Bush. I St. Louie boy, In inubntly killed lnt nigh: by (raping I live win. Tho boy nouicod a win hanging nbovo I bay window. Ho Gpoood tho window nnd Ltappod out upon a null porch and ought old 0! the win. `u soon us his land ounn conhch with the win then VII a knight ..L ...aI AL. I-4! A-nun.) 41...! .... Ihu Ohllnll-on lonnd. LANSDOWNI, July `22.-Tha bvo ohlldron ol laaac LaRooo I. loch lash Saturday on the Blue mountain. wage found Wodnor duy afbomoon in a litilo shanty four miles from the camp. They wore both olivo. Tho olduo girl donarvau tho gruahaab credit for her nuccaaa in hoping the baby alive for tour weary day: and nighbu by looping a rag woo with vabor and harry juioo in in month. Now that they aru lound. it will Ahnhhh Dnanh than; -Ln AA--hgal big; --I- AVUW IIIII IIII, II` IOIlll(l' IU Will :r:`;:::Iy touch than who shroud tho ugly rumor: About aha hmilr A lnunn thaw PIVIKUI Iicll but; VIE TIT! III. -`I, rumor! about the funily I lesion my oughh co prot by. If You Need Shoess ----coma 'ro---- 5 IJVIIPOOI. IAIIITI. IJVITOOI-N , J I 22-Wht. H. II Mdznd .w1?:r,ol: d ; No. I C|l..::`ln Am.. lib oom. . bodzoorn. ow, 8Il1d;pouI, . IUI;IIId.I&;lAl|0W ouu. nuwy,a1-ou;'n ma, an-ad w&Ia..vy3ls0d. choao- mus-nod} Iuu uu}lluI. ll HID colnlnluaon accom- pliahon the ranlca hoped tor. oohblhhing uh. praunh vary friendly rottuom on m ooduring basis. than will be I prodigious growth of trade between the republic and bho domiqjon 0! Cnnndmlor Canada [In bub juah comunooood no doulop bot gnu natural roconmol. uuu uuurmuue nun ol Z1,1AZ.51`. "Great: Britain : encire exporhe to Cana- da in I897 amounted to only 833,157,234. There hee been a eheedy decreaee in her Canadian trade since 1883. when it reached high water mark. $5`2,0.'r.!,465. The pre- ferential tarill` may nob do more than over- come the oonetanb shrinkage that ad- veree oonditiooe have forced each succeeding year (with epaemodio recoveriee) aince 1883. Canada : develop- menu in the peat ve yeere ha been nar- vellona and her ple were nevereo active and hopelnl. I the connnieeion nomin- nlinhne the Inltn Innnd Ivar nahnhlhhinn IRDOII. , I n "In cotton and mnnutifaenru tiunof. (iron Britain sold Cnnndn in 1897 to tho nine of 83,551,560, the United Bum 85,645,693. Bub Cnnndn in now manufac- bnring her own cotton goods. and the im- port: 01 cobmn [mm the .Unit.od Bhtol uhia you nbow quite so inorouo. whilo the imports of cotton mnnntscturo Ihow n mukod docrouo. England bu only nob- ton mnnufnnnmea no coll nnd the ohnnniop condition: until in favor of the Unitod Sumo. In brosdobu. coho nnd coal. hog produoumduiry nnhu, nod: tobacco Ind lumber Eng and does not: compote with she United States. The oohl under this bond for hon months of 1898 rouohod tho nnormouu mm of 824,472,872. "GPXH Rrinninh Ankh-A nvnnu-an In (Yang- muuuuouurol. O0.4Ml.O5l. "Twenty-bhroo out of bho thin-by-bwo ubiclu than an increase. some qnibemub ad. and the tonal in nearly I bwonhy per oonb. advance over who some period of 1897. nlthou h this who the banner you in ex- ports tom our country to Cnnndn. there being narasdy inoreuo irom $44,858,039 in 1856 no 864 334 800 in 1897. The new sniff giving Grout Briooin I wont;-ve pet can. prolorontinl duty [on into oifoob August: In and is will undoubhod give than -country I portion of tr 0 the United Show bu won. but it in doubbinl if the doorouo will be no marked on anticipated. Porhupa the lines in which ohe United Shoes and Gun Britain oom- pono moon oorioully an iron And wool And cotton. English oxporha ho Cnnodn of iron and wool sggrogubod 311.157.2184 in 1397: United State: exports, 86.44l.68l. Bun motor: 0! iron and wool in (the United Shanon havo rocoutly domonatnud bhoir nbiliby houndorooll Grub Brltnin in her own nnrkooc so the Csnadinn unclean probably be counted upon so thin can of melt`. ul_ _-AA-._ -_J -/W -' ` on mooning In UIIIDOO. In viow o! who opprosohin oouion o! tho oommioolon o doo cob rom Homo W. Brnoh, conoul on Moon, Oonodo. ro- gudlng oho trodo 0! Condo ond hho Uni- Lod Sooooo. publiohod by tho ohoho dopor mono, io of poculior inborooh Ho ooyo: "Conodo, in proportion so hot populo- tion, in tho lorgoeb oononmor at our pro- duou. Tho guroo thou oro obboinnblo (no A forooooo thou Io grobifying. This-by-oigho londlng orbioloo inn nod inoo Uonodo Iron tho Unibod Bbohoo who non nxontho ondod April lob, 1808. un- onnbod to 83l,80l,4|0. no ogoinob 832,014,- 325 in the mono period the procodin on-. Boaidoa bhoao hho imporoouiono of 301 Ind uilvor and mun-cuaoburos oborool omonntod to 85.267.576. ond of iron ond obool ond monutooburol. 86.441381. "TAnlv.hhIuA nno .J AL. AL! . A _ A __- Icpnuntnuvu at the cum: lulu I01! 3 Prollnllnlw lacuna -v lion llguru lognrdlng outdo : `Inc: with no Unltod Itltol And Inxland-Ollldn Itrorglnx about no 3 lulu. Wumm:-rox. July 22.-Ropnuno.uy.g of t-h Uuiood am... on tho Onnnclisn con- mi nn null hnlrl n Ilnlllinnun ............ ua |.'|.I uunwu Bullion uu out uanaaian on will hold a preliminary meeting to '1? organisation and to talk over the antuat , It will he the rat tiinethe member: have all been together. Sanlxr lfatrbauka will be choeen chairman an .1 secretary may be ohoeen from the aev candidatea eoeking the place. It had been expected that the lull commiuion would ensemble in Quebec about August lot. but owing to aenator Falrbanh engagement to preaide our the Indiana atana republican convention on Au uat 3:-d. secretary Day hae notied Bi:-J ian Paun ote. British ambaeaadcr. that it vuli theconveniant tor the American com iaeicnero to r pon there before Augunt 10th. After a meeting today the membera will aeparate until the time of meeting at Quebec. In via: 1:! aha Anne-nanluh... .._.x._ ..n lsouu THAT WILL BE USEFUL TO THE SUTHERLANDSE (lrupod A Lin WIN. .._. _--._ IL I.|_ on mun smIs1=1E| COMMISSION. Kin` Loopoldnuua tun. lounou. July 22-4. A. Dan! in cold MI 0, the I (3. ID! onhooiblo hing I Williuuon and gghnnmol this city. I lit ynohhnn bonphllotllnlingoltlu Bolghu. Hi: uuu,Iuu IS. I. UTIIIIII. ITUTIU The ns round on! four: in Qho an- nual honruunool of Oh Cnndhn whim league vru oonplohd Int niubuho coon: Ni II follow: : Toronto, Victoria, 320, nod oodatock. 301; I`oI'on|o~ Athonotum. (A) 3).uod Sun Fnnciaoo. 304; Athens- tuln (B) 315. and Linda}. IN. Tho do- huolubosanlnncincohun In unr- prioo an ill nonhon no Anon; III: onck plqycn ol the Uuihd Shun. from `tho Anonoou In Thoillu `raunc- nont-Ioord Ionbou IIocto Tononm. July 22.-Grand nun: Io- lono has appointed bho following mud ounlnmnn mnnhnn 1:! lb. Innrrl nlnunnl nouo nu nppoluuu mo muowmg Inuit! gontlunnn member: 0! tin baud olgononl I-pout. A.l'. & A.|l.: I`. Mcwnu. u-o; L. B. Iubyn. Kinoudino:~Dr. Rao.Obuun; I`. W. [)1 Brodorich. Lon- tInn,nnd R J {II-Ahnrn vnonnnh numuwuwuz 1'. w. u don.md R. J. (mmu.i TH: rah Ilnnntl nllhn :999OQ9'9999: zSUlT8THAT} "":-7nr'.""' OOROOOOQOOOQO It On nln-Whc|I.. R0. I (hm HIV` 0.`! ; Pumnt I0! .2)Io ...,,.s.: vquuunuonl : sglm, no to `st lo to who Bud. one to mm, '70 on I). .I7nmnan:PnnagA|nmn-2.-nu. :OO-`+94 Y"' B UITB TH AT PIT. CANADIANB WON so*wo"Il gift `mmy mm. Linen Cnash Coats. Black Liistre Coats. 5 } Russel _C;ord Coats. 5 -`J ; White Duck Pants. ' The Newest in Linen Hats and Caps. Say, have you ever traded any here ? - '1:....3JB! '3:- -K [NO BTRBIT. IHIIK 0I'O0lnl'I`lO`!@ . . . . . . . . . . ..Hl 1: Dumlnlon Bunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23?! 321 Vlllo Ilr|n,.... .............. ..loo "2 M an Onlorod .1 hnnlnhnoouon .. M In 4\Vulnle....., 2.3! IOIIIIAI. PIODOOI IAIIIII Uontll. ' Quc. J I 2).-non Boon aha bun; market QIIOI-II-lohn-I: K?` _ I;u_rj4,50to_ $0.1 SDPIIIK. an . uvul null: on union nu-union. neconpnnhd by 0. lncdondd and J. (hllivu. wont to this runs `an: yonngnonvuognnyulnnoiul I tnhnintolhobouuud vunllullnllot Ilnirntcu. 'l.'lynhod,lo valid: mnu.buIIold0apI.8inohlrl! want-' oinnvudtowriIolollov.J.A.ltK|n~ n1n_RII-an-n NV -.4In _...IAL. uuutuy lit IGVIIIQ UIIJNI IDII DUI!` iugoohotwqynp Alonntlrhha Io shuapormth Onplnwu d ay- odnou-ly lsslfonbourln pkthgip Ohm yonngnonwhohudlunllrownhtovho tho nut our 050 foolol Wovlo Island. and land has II; lot Iboir liven lot Inna ninuhl hing plckod up. The Iowutd I ynwl and 3 dock had hunch utumion. unnnnnnnlal L. n |l-..I._-|J -_.I I ____... `lino Young Ion Phlod Iron ll: `our In In; Ilnh -0 Im_- lntbolotof ns NEARLY A FATALITY. +9 +8 I `"r`?z?_'f?f 900 Wreppere, lo price 700. . sale price 800. $1.00 Wrnpper , sale price 31.05. 1.50 Wrspreu; sale price $1.15. $1.76 Wrappers. sale price 81.85. 82.00 WI-uppers. sale price $1.66. In line from 82 to 46 inch. We,-Are clearing out 311 Ladies Hutu-pnd Print Blouses at greatly re- ducedmprieea. 10 Tho Innolold O! A ooutnry. luton. July 83 -0u oldut inhbb nnLin than-nan nlm ll.-II Laid; Crumley Bros. CHEAP sue o|= Ladies Prinywrappers In cannot. Bcuon Deon and Windows In in absolute uoondty. Ooh nAdy-blu uoubn ol loo mad man- qnltoo In Into. III- L..__ `L. lI-,,- , ll , I,, A 1..---on uv aw-vu W0 hon Ilia Sutton:--cll ready for In. nodliso up. - Then up Oh modest prlcu : w. A. . Nll1`CHBI..L.| To Bo `Comfoi-table DOCAN nuances RATES. .!U ' " ---:-- -!-Int`-I. Quin, -Iuvy u~- untur- II f - II P v 1s:"u.w" "t`-3'8`: `"n`.u3z`" 1" um amine aonor.'s4.ao to nib. Jloqllol (rumor Bank ...... .. u wlhnk. um.-r Bank of numu.. rn`l`ownuhIp . . . . . . . .. Quuhoo....'...... Xllljg as-w-- - - w--wv I have also ;':1.1;.'9o:1;: hang: of Whitg Serge Fanqy Vntlng n_t quick selling prices. ' an! .`- . OOMM! ROIAL. I6l'l'llu. noon nun:-n. as ...i a1;1x_pt-ons-s;1{n:;r._ at Prlca That Hug In the Shade of Popular Favor. 5: nuvv-v--uu;I-u'vUIl'VI.fUI. Baunx. N.3 . July 21-A army vu Indoin dry dock Iodqy for tho French contain! the uhip Oronu-tyohin. which was in oolligohux. with thoxnt shuns [.3 Bourgogno. Omnlrty inhdnnagud quiu ununivoly. in can having hug Ion onnnhuly Any. I' . ZUIIC Ihoriv_or I-5- J...- unnvwurvunumnu Intnd In tho lam divotooftoln ha Inhnnd. Kc hu- buaduvhoolopod with soothe women in l895.hunoIbnnnon u-and shunne- Iin. Hoinnppondtoboincanuin. Coolsummersuitsl qili Ulfjwg j coupled; any. v-uu unv- -1 Q -Uupif. lhmson. Win. July 22.-A distruoing oocidonl occurred Tucodny on the fun: at [one Bndl-.-y. Sun Prsirio. a fur unloo can ol this city. Bndloy was no work cutting och. driving the map: himnll, what: he hit a joltol the nnchino. And. looking down. be cut tho hand at his hula girl. shout than can. in [not ol and lo. II appears 3 tho little on `III, IEII $31 III. II "X5 0' sin Ind nnyd Into no gain and Ill aiming down. hidden tton viow. who the nupor pundovcr Int. oounhulv nnrinp uh. vv ulw 3:. uuzuvwlu IIICI IIIIIIIIO I0!` IOIIIC nooks. hovnl olwn o n tho otoro until putordny. During a nloornoon he nu-hdto Fort Onlotio. which in nou-' his holno. no lie down in tho chodo and ox- ind. Bo hndhoondond oomo tilno bo- ron found by It. Riody. who wont looking or him to non onppot. Ho vu about thirty-n you: old And unmarried. `IIQCIUC 1 IIIVCIT5 Coluunu, Ont. July .--In. Alfred P. Holt: :0. Bantu`: mu, N.\'.. acron- Ihorintrunhnn.hn mama! .. .5... Inn Dlnnu In `tho Onnu. Ouwnuo. July 22.-John Mcowumnpd thirty-two yeah. I Inolnbor of the shot lieu of Mcovun & Collins. dropped dead In Ibo strut lab night Iron bout Minn Whllo Mr. McGowan Ind nucnd for Hun: hank: |m-nn `lungs. gs pk- -3.... ulula VUIJ Iuuvuu Au! Ifllll VXBUII I00 others cu in; oargoou in bulk nimply have their old: coded up. Those carry- ing freight in packages in bond umnt also any to Anuiun custom otliooron board no pnvonb ovuion ol ubo vnr tun by breaking bulk And chipping to Canada. r, nuruu. ruiut, Dllrnl. ucvoy. noun. The new rognhtion which provide: for the uinn up of freight: curiod on Amo- rioan Into nasal: to Oanndinn parka, aim- plioa the work of Canudian cuaboma om- cinlo very much. Tho grain vessels and nlhnn nu-rvinn any-nun In hnlh .in.nl. IIIIII until: In UDIIIWI 00-lll0I'I1)w wnlou Fluid ngnlnnl the Bhnmrooka ol Montreal. ol owing in tho ll of players who will Ian to-nigh? : Allan. McGibnoy. Grif- bh. Grimm Yoclxo, Shunt. Mona. Gun blt, Mona. Packer, Burnl. McVoy. Nolan. Thn nan mnnlntinn rhioh m-mridn. 0...- uuwu. uluuul [I'VE VIUW. VH3 IIIO our hot. oonplouly nvuting tho and hon the body. "" 'o.....`""'w:.."r......' '" ~ .7... ml bhadn. tho pun`?! (`Icons Boll In Yart. The nttutnoygouu-cl will I11: h Wnlnomn man In. nnrl w--r--g--. v-u--u--u vuuvvuuu vvv---u- otouo To-lonow. Tonosm, July 22.-J. E. Quick. oner- ul hoagun ngont for the Gnnd `rnnk. bu ngnin boon elocbod secretary and u-ouurur of the America: ouocistion of general bnggugo agents. wbooo {conven- blon hn junta oloood Lb Detroit. Thu Tnmnhnl nlnh -ill nlni uh. INK! IIII JIIIU will II) LIIUDTUII. The Toronto Iscrono club will play bho nun tan in Ooh`: to-morrow which nlgial -nnlngh QLA nb.._...~.L. nl ll-_L-..l llnpllfying Oansdln Ouuoml WorI-l.|- nun--A T... `@211: 1 WOIIIU U0 WC" W3 WIIIUUIIIII Ill pulmuly. Rolm-val. lake 8!. John. he been select- ed ee In place eh which the ennuel con- vention of the dell-ymen e eeeocietion of nhe province of Quebec will be held hhia yeah-' The convention will open on Wed- neede . August 3rd. It ie intended to have e eele rehion no Mehebeochonen on the pre- vioue Tuesday in comtnemornblon ol one ereoclonof the [inn lndien mieelonery chnpel eh hlneb place in 1676. HUI IIIDUT. EIII Ully LJ_VUllI- Yeeterdny the management of him Bribioh-American hotel wee ndvleed ho re- form in eervice to prevent Ipying. After reading one expleneblon of porter Dryer one reform seem: to be needed so well among vinloore. -The ploylng of the detective around hobel con-idere in not very dignied work and the hotel mnnegen would do well to condemn ib publicly. Ra-ml. IA}: Rh. John. hen hnnn nnlnnh. I DUI KUUOYII I IBIII. Mn. '1`. Fiugibbou and son Kenneth. of | 'v'v uinia-i.oim, 2\'.`;'., niuvid in his city yarr oordny to spend a couple of weeks with her panama, Mr. sad Mn. P. Lyons. Ord- nanoo on:-ooh. She wu accompnniod by hot ninbor, Miu Lily Lyons. Vntnrdnv tho mnnganmnnl. of M13 aury uwuouuu. . Oapb. William Mcliibtrick. who nlnod bho than And stripe: ovor hho pllnoo of nho conquered Santiago do Cuba. in I son- in-lnw or Gan. Slnlbor and I member of obs gouonl`I nu. Mn. '1`, F`iI.nnihhnn um! um Km-math. nl poruou. ow. Tho buonon Mtodonsld ol Enrnsclio. who bu returned to Englund from her suul visit abroad. it uh pronoun in London. I: `that daughoor. oh. Hon. 5 l.ll'l, IITKU IIIVWII IUIIIIIIIGJ DIIU Ulu Pimo picnic at Channel G:-on this ulter- noon. Two boob load: of picnlohn woub corona. Tho 14th band was idnhtondnnoo. NIL-..` _-- - a--..L 4|--nu.-ul bun -uninv- across. '1 n0 IILII Dnnu win In Inwuulnuu. Then use I grant domnnd lot union inch in bho oioy no-day. A couple of bun Ind Anal-icons purchuod one each und paraded eho shrub with 0110 ag: bind ho punch. coo. Tho Inmnnn Mmdonnld ol En-naclib. nary uvw llI'I- nu |uu'uIyjIIII'u wil uhnIoW|h|nIonIuqoIoo non `KTIIU III `II. IIUIIIIIIIUIL The yuoht Kan-odgoh into 3 scrape luh night Incl wn haul up. It In: no!) no- ounry to bail in on, And it; was let off no- dny without oven 3 roptimnnd. This nfmrnnon thn nmnmvncht Virnlnin. any wlvuolu Ivan u rvprunnnu. Thin nltornoon the Itonmyncht Virginia. from Alonndrln Bay. tn-ind in on `win: s puny ol Sponinrda aboard. boy were bound II? also Ridonu for A nhin orniu. A 1-1. I-.. -...._.I -n...4l ah. --ma UIIIIIUI ZIIIOII. 0| DlUIIUlIlIo llll DUUII nppo_l_ntnd I provonlivo aioot so Bond Emu for tho nation of navigation. 'l`hn mum nnhh Gnnlh.AInnndrin Raw. ITIIIUT BIT] IIIICIUI on ghuo, 0017010. N.Y. Hlr Jahn Rionn. K in in: hunt nun ommu Inn -no In-llnnl nl I.-Ann ADI CCU. iv"! luvvu vlwvju uuwu u-ow II-allot! cl Inna. Tho Oolnnblsn In tho only excursion shauur going bolow Clayton on Smar- AV. I01 `EEC `Q Ill DIVIKIIIOIL Tho acum ynchb Gonlu.Alonndriu Bay. with u hlmmon nboud, oonohod at this porb this morning bound for the Brobhor iulnndl. II.` D ll--..l-_ --.4I -4. `In.-`ml. --`A uuvuru, L1. 1 . In. Sir John Rygou. K 0.M G., i: coming no Ouuda in Auguat, and will u ud coma months In ahin and shooting n diloronb part: of the doll: nion. Tho vnnhh Kuhn] onh inhn u gonna luh IIHE 4 I . M. snnmnl Mrs. P. Bcunlnn and non Jon h, Ind In. P. Don hulolu on Thu u . pon- shunt: Ardun I on I vinlb boJohn no- ..I.... l\._..-.. V bun Vina?" 32: El I `Q. J. P. .bono8 Iiohhouly Tllo. bulls. can Hunt. 150'. lvllfo win! 3 io'E'i'u"u1}"fzY&}LTa'rJr'I'dIiin `Z;-`ii-L" ' A hit y large crowd ubuud the "Old Pimp" nit-nin at Dhnnnnl Grown thin altar- Ollld nolnuu I] A Ioopcr. nvnnn Tin I_I-00 A J.'.4__ iimlu unto.-y. of Blenheim. bu boon nlnhd A nmrnnllvn nnar AB Rnnd Emu . GENERAL nmannpns. `A NEW REGULATION. ,. ..`- I V" ` .`.`=M_ 1; ?f ` cm: 89. Qua. ' ""` V` I luuuyt Ivljll -- I. C `A-0-uh Irtehlrfnchu Inn up P Ind J. . ..`."""....... w......` `+ ..."*. WIIICI INC. IIIHI. The male Bochouor twonty-on hour. Podropanctoi nomo situation by hot n! ailing. Sho had on only not. . Tho jookoying of tho Vrodo and tho Ag- gie on tho nioh oi Ibo u-on round ollovod tho Zolno to pin oono diotoneo. Ono ol tho Auto : anon Ml ovorboord whilo round Ibo homo buoy. but In: opbofonlhoyoohlpuood ".l`-ho onto:-hiunonu no the club bout Io-night sud Monday night will 50 lot clnb amnion and tho ynchlnnn only. puknndtho whnrvu than his harbor tronlvcnnro-dad -ssh --- -uounnuupunandtho than ihhubotfnnhvuoctowdod with apoc- Inlu-qvho nub but nunhnd Ipiltho Ihounndo. Tb Glad: dild In tho truly-two ioolchngbnt blind to uni from tho buaywiththoothcuud luau the Inn nolonluodtonplnon. Tenant ma u.c.o......-..- -I--- Hooch min 3. A. with Q. 1'. map I. Mortyhhought undo the full no: in that houn, thirty-four minutes. oightnon uoooodn. TOK- Tho nevcluo yschh nilod their:-we at the nu o! In miles an hour. while the wind blow bard. TL- HAL]- D..L..A-_ g__,_._ . - ulucxnuuil ell? nil. Ihing ubonnohunutlionoruinfnneos Thonauunounniun hrlhn -I--I nuvun. um way Iuappou many nno nova. A. C. Johnston `kindly Ioanod the ohm nolnolor. by which the oicid time In: mknn. wi`:::-nufvw L. thmynvcu but clan. twuolylovcn loot clan and wacky kpochhovn chum nil. nun... n -IIwInI Illll wxvuu. nan noon notor- 0d.o 25 and $36 minimum: hing ohlgotl lo 835 and 832.50 nupoolivoly. mango nun have bun reduced R. 1.50. making its minimum unt. WII III] Illa In $1 0' Dw- To dny was eld d: for the cannon lawn. and any ndtp mmy ne views. C. Johnston `kindly Inannd an n)-..-... WIUW UIIIIU. The ninhing time of the Venus. the re- cond winnonwu no 2:l2:l5; the Widgoon, 2:l9:3S; Omogt, 2:25:02. - -vu-nu. nvsvu Commodore Grimohnwh ooepatch boot Inn on hand in one of need. Tn plan -g- ; .l.I .I-_ 1... AL. --._-__- ...V-.., .-v uvvw v--u-. The bwouby-two class yachts not around the aooond buoy no 12:24 o'clock, the Pedro away in She load. She fnirly aw uny [tom her competitors and incrouod her Jud. making hot rsufpuo by the home at l`2.55.55.. the Venus second, 1.- 04 I0; Widoon.l.0i 13: Om . 1.12. The Podro tooainod her In and nished the limo round, and rnco n-ob, touching the home buoy once! nu 2:05. muting aha (all course in two our: and foray-ve minnow. Venus wok second pines. and Widgoon third. Tho ninhinw him. nl hhn \.'g-nu mix. .4. UIIUIIIIX ll) WIIIU CIITI. On the eocond round the Norm reached bho aocond buoy rnbund puud it to 2:42, who Erma nlmont. immediately tollowing, and bbo Nox nearly hnlf A minute behind, and 3!! bonded for home wioh I" cunvu. and when bho Wmu worn to prune the yachts Ind just aha club homo and headed for the our Mile point: on their law round. DUI uluuucu uuuwwu nu" nnu mo IOMIOI, but when crossing the line the In: I cboro diletnoo ho windinrd. Norms Nox . . . ` Erma. . . -.-. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Showing than the Norma bud ick`o'i u; we diounco between hot and the leader, but: than nrnuinn tho Iinn aha -An A -Dunn Tho ahrobch from home to buoy No. 3 included very little working,snd bho Norma gninod I alight ndvnntatgc. The bone uilod vary closely bogobhor. and hhoy won handled with (rub still. no time being lost on bho change of Mob. The first round wu nishod: VIIU UIIIX WUIU VIUUIIJ IVUUI IIICWXUUQ. Illu wont sround the course much in much othor'a company. The both: made their rob crou mm the line in this order : T TZI H` Um I. $31 '03.- whilo tho 862 60 minimum has been in- 315 `Q ngnn-J -Lin -`L.-