UU.1H|"-\". In many instzxiices the province \va_,- defrauded th.roug;h 1`0'p21i)`n` being: made to housos and the cost :ha.`.`;.1`ml to the 1)1'0\'iHCU for l`('l'It 1lhm'u.:r--. In one ('Zl:`(E the amount ciizn';:e for x'<-p-lira r-.\:('(:r-(led $700. 'l':ixv;< for pe1'.~'ons in :n'1'nar.< \\':-re i]`n]')1`O})z',`1'i}/ . pzxid zmrl vh:11'ged to the In-o\'i:'icr.` In one czisrr :1 home own:--' \\'u,~ ."ouml to have his taxes paid 00 in :nl~ vance. In some ('71. . :iil~'.~w- am mu. coils.--.:tcl and 2l]i}Iii\f(i on taxes on vacant property- Rn-liwf fut-I in the form of :or1\\'ood \\'u_< rut \\'i in rr-lief 1:1.h01~ and deli\'m'- ed in town at low cost, but xvas uni- foz'ml_=.' ('hz'.1`;.1'C(l to the _;'o\'m'nmr:'.it 21` $7 9. cord. far above thv actual cu. Ono e:~:z1mpl(- xvus where an 21rljoiziin:.: to\\'n.~'hip \\'d_.; cut`inf.r wood with 1-<-- Iief labor. void the wood to H `G1'u\'m':- hu.2`.-t f'L1(-I (l<',uIm`. and thu t.own of . Midland bought; the wood {min the)` Grz1V'cnhu1'.~t man at :1 cord, fori - which the ;1`o\'crnn1L-nt wzis c11a1`g'e(l;1 $7 21 co1`d_ The government thus paid ~ twice. D \.,. . , ..,. 1. (Continued from page one) The practice in Midland has been for merchants to receive paym;-nt through the town for their accoun-`.4, ` which were submitted to the govern- ment` for . of the province's `contribution of 80 per cent. of the cost of direct relief. After the bills \\'ei'r- paid. fhe grocer and clothing; dealers had to refund to the town} five per cent.; the bakers refunded 1 per cent, :1 102).)". or 1-1 per ct-nt., and the Public Utilitivs Commi.<. ix.- funded 20 per cent. When some groi,-ms` 1'l'fL!.~`(.'(i to make the 5 pm cont. rc.~I'unrl they \`{(,`I'(_` rofu. relief bu.-:in:-.-< In CONTROI-.LlNC. PoTATb TUBER msmsgs TI`I.'7"'DAY. SEPTEMBER 13,1934 _u-.-...;_g._.. 1' I`l'[`. 1):) \'\ ` mad :1 n:xv:ro\\' xx. ..4- H`. -1... 01 :1 LUUCX`-l Detailed jcct undm` ('Ll!'(`(l from`-. hm`at0r_\' of cur cu. um my him as he was It struck :1 .!`:Ian xvluich xsitiic nu .,.v. n,. ,,. F,`- R In- ,.``._-i P} 21 nt .._` 1: _;.m z1thology. l.'.' lI.'l.'H Jl.`l`. UH cm}; in the mow, Ixln-v .\u hi I`. `Ill Bread wu.< . by om: bak<:'.'_v` a1` 4 /c and lz1tm' :1 loaf. On June 15: the 1na11uj:;u1- was in.~'t.1'uc`u- that in future the prcie \\':1.- to be 70 a loaf. and he would pay the town 2: rebate of 1c. Thus both got 21 slm1'(:, of the loot and the g,'o\'c1'-mont \vv..~:i stuck for the exhra 2c a loaf. VPHKI fnxvn nun-ufurl .. +nn...`.+ (X k1lil.\I'H` AI - . the; T1 1 Uni` ls c11z11';:o;f(l ; the ;t11u.< pzucl M,-1;_ `:11 `..1l'.an nu n . 1 Iv I .-.,..._, Ll: Au-Anu_y AuI|\u U1 Ul\.l`lllllL' ln.l\` orito dztintms w;L.< .<(:`1'\'L'(l by .\I:'.~ Do\\'no_v and ;\`I2's4 Du:~1. o. Tm: Oct; bur xncutnng will be held at the hon}: of .`h'.~'. Herb. Johnston. Mrs, Geo. J0hn. \\'z1.< `run/0 o\'<-:1- the wovk end. A There will be no service in the :United Church on Sundz1._v owing t( `+1'|n ' ..4- \-.o. in 1 0- on1-:Cx~;.u I\v\' r.(x-vw-1 ,... . W ;i`Ixca Pai11.<\'.'i('k Women's Instituzc held ~thei1' reg'ular monthly meeting in the `hall, Painswick. on 'I'ues(la.y. It `_`.b(-inn` chilth-cn .< day. quitv :1 number ) 1 .\L1<:L1. "'nf bubic-.-: and c.hi1dr(:n were p1'c. -The sc-c:1`cta.1'y '1'Zld the reports of the nmofirnr .-mri Jnlv IIi."n. IJJ2} [ uLV&&L` Jilin -I-cl` Z The funeral of the late Miss Grace Walton was held on Wednesday al- ternoon last from her brother sho1:1\;, where a short service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Cruse. with interment 1;; `the famiy plot in the Union Ceme- tery. The deceased had been ill for some weeks in Toronlto and was re- moved to her home here about two .week,; before death released her from . her sufferinzzs ;community is extended ` rcaved mother, brothers in their bereavement. The Women s Institute met at me home of 3' Its. D. The sympathy of th to the be and Campbell sisters 0!`: Tliurszlay afternoon last, xvith an at temlzmce of twenty-t\\'o_ It '~.\` .1. Grandmotl1or.~: Day and many r.eJ.ic.~ uml old ph0t.o_. wt.-r(.- clisplayed which proved very in'terc-sting. The rol` (3:11! \\'z1.~' z1i1.~'\w.-1'::-(1 by an old m2L\1m Orchard rear! some ir.tvr(:. currcrnt e\'Cl.t.~. I\Irs. Cr21wfor or proverb. p-repured by Cook read an M rs- intor. ```Old Time Hos1)itz11i.`._\'. and A. 1`) `:1 D C ,, M rs 0. rmul in}: by .\lr.~`. Hr-,rb. Johnston of 031.: of ;\'in2L Moorte Jmniu_~:on .~' choice ar- ticles xvas enjoyed. M rs. `.0 n a 1d .i~_- 1ig'ht\-L ; 2:11 with an old Scotch . and some c0mmunit_\-` singing` wzzs .~:n- joyvd. . Iurlcb. a1 the . Arr:111;:r:1nont.~: were made for faix. .-\l'L:-r rho .\'utir.)n:11 Anthem had been .~'Llll_`_ .' n thiinty lunvh of old-time fav- Downov ;1.!1(i '35 M 1'4. Dn:~1'n .< clnw.-(1 .\I :' 'l`n.- (`M-` .1111: :1. .u:ua.L_y '1'c'lu LXW 1'L'pU1`ES OI L-Ii.) `:Au}:L1.. meetin_2' and July piu`:nin,. Du1`in}_-' the btlsilwss session it \\'21.< (ir- fcidcd that Mi.<.se.< B. I{(-nnedy and la. iQu21nLz d-mon: (-ooking` at `he 'BzLm'ic Fair, I Rn rum :2. -.u1.-unw.-.4] hr \X'-um ' L118 ill .\'IilI.d. DZL1`l'lU E2111`, | Roll call \\u,- zms\vc`1'cd by VV:1_V;- of MuL:in_<: Your Head Save Yuu,-r ;H(-:eI. .VI1';~:. W. I\'c11nu(ly thun g'u\'c fun int<~r<*.~'ting' pz1p..-r on C2111? of tl" `Fm: New b'.Lbio.< wcr pm-.~'e21ted `with bank books. the infmlt hta.2 of .\L:. B. '1`. Smith and infant ;-0:. `of .\Ir.~'. W. [`:1_\!-J. brringz; :11: new babic-.~'. \.. .' 1 1. c 1 L o 3 uzunn-.~'. I .-`.n i11t(*`.-'<`.-'iin;: zunl bml-sciztl talk` and (lun1on.~'t1'zLtion on 'l`hr,- Steri1;:;1- \tion and Bz1nl21_L'in_: of Wounds gum Poi.-on 'I'.2uz1t1n-r:nL" \\'u,- givc,-n by .\`-.'1:-. ?(". F. .\Iz11`.~'ha11_ I i .`-\_ pr:~.s0ntzu`i0x1 of ex . ch;-e~x~` =am|, (:mck(-1' wzls 1n21du to U: VVV. Kennedy in honor of her 2.5..15 \\'L'd(ll_LL` z1nni\'c1*;<:12_V. thn 2uI(I1'(:.~.< Ew- ing." read by ;\I1'.<. H. T'nomp. Luul `Lhu p1'(*. made by Mrs D `L:-nn`o.\'. \ ..n..Fl..`.:+.. ..,...;,..L ".41. .:)..... snvu-er auowance. On threat of losing the bu.-im-.<.< the milk vompz1niv.< were in. to : 1'ai.'~:e fhv }:`1'ice from 7c 10 S); :1 quart. and _:`i\'c~ back to the town tlw 20. l.L'IlIX'U.\. ; _-\ popularity comtcst. With sin. collection of ,;::tchwo1'k :;u1i`., tiny)`; wz1:< won by. 1st and 2nd. .'fr.~'. 'rlarke1'; ::}1':`.. Iwlrs. Peacock. ' nnnrl uvnun n-:y-:1 tr. +1-.4 an L-dlI\L`L, ':}l~Iv J11: c`cc(l,.~. were g')\'<.~1` `mitiw-. A. bull flowc-1's \\`'.Is on (1 show. .\Ir.<. You ....,I I\\ r.- \ :1z'1'; L|\'ll]_`.." uuoln p .\I1'.<. E. Carr; A. .-1'; Srm1)(lra.g-nn.<. .\Ir.-. 7.innia..<. I\Ir.~'. Pl?:l(`0('k .\lz.<. 'i`ixomp. Lnnnh \\'n< .-MT:-cl unrl - , 1 man. _ _ i .; The Women ;< In. wL11 meet- ,`at. the home of Mrs. Addison on Mon-I ,` aftvrnoon. .\I`1's. R. M. Black. o'| gI*]l1n\'uh-. will he the speakm-. `I 1| \-'.l-IKLLJ. 1,." AQJ. % LWKJ J , Mr. Arrhlur Jury and `Jury have 1'<>turm-(1 from `visit to M2`. and 3112:. C wTor0nto. - ` M1`. I of .~\1lumlzL1(-.'\\ : tor with M1`. and M1'.<. .~\. 3I0ndz1_\'. mrm. Q11 A`. vrn. .N!."- JHUH1})>'U|l. Lunch was ,~m'\'c(1 and 2 e11,ic*v.>.d_ at the (-10.s- <\ .WlUlI(lil_\'- _ M1`.<. Cowznwl. S11. of Toronto 1. pnyirig 21 visit wiih .\I)'_ and M1'.<. 3/V. ; Coward. * Mr. R. .-\d(li.~:nn . the w-ck -~nd at his home. Miss llury Dwy(.-1-, of ;\'Ii(ll11a1'.=1. spent 21 few days last wueck with 311`. P. McGinni< and Mrs. BLl1'I1.\'- \T.. nu.) WT`... Dnlnl. flu lVLC\1lI1Ill ELHU .V1'1'.\: I3Ul`l1.\'- Mr. and llrs. Ralph Gavin visituu. friends here during the week end_ i ` \`h'< -\ .T:|v`v nnrl NT)` 'P.n}\ .T:n'\'| 1l'.lUIl(IS Ilfife QU1'lIl`g LIN.` \\ B(;'K L`Il(l_ . j .\'lv1'.<. A. Jury and Mr. Bob Jary visited `Collingwood and I`hornbu1`_v on Tuesday. { ` Knnv (Thnw-T .`m'\'i:-n :11 . 7 R0 n.m.' on 1uL`Sua.y- Knox Churc.b _<`l."1'ViCL` at 7.30 pm. `next Sunday. ` Sr-1-Viv-r~< nn Knhtlnv nrntf. urn` Rf a>m.u:n 101' I110 e.\'I.1'a Z0 [Oilf- Tho town operated :1 t0u1`i.~:1: cmnp; as a c0nm1erc1;11 venture, L1sn1_,r' rc~1 lief labor and t]1ou. of dollars- slwlt-er alldwance. nu +`m-n..4. .-.4: Imam. proting` by . '~ Allowzmces of taxes were made for the benet of persons Well able to pay. and t1`.(:.se were c11z1'.'_r.{c(l to the ;:ove,rnn1cn|. as L ,\ 1.... `HL`.\E DUH(l'd.y- IV SL-1'\"iC('.~: on Sunday next are: St.'H PL-t(.-r.< 11 a.m_, St. Paul s 1.30 p.m..; `.ST. John s 3 p.m.. St. Jam 7.30` p.m. Sunday School at St. Perm".-t at 10 z1.m, Ch 2'i. Church and St. \John ,- at 2.15 pm. I In-nnn Ozh-nnrh -Iv i; vi nf T? F. I `ill; IU 11.11] , K/lIKL`L K/HLIIUII ZUHI DL. lJo,hn pm: _ _ _ ` ; I1'(-ne Ostrzmder 1.: v1s1.t:1ng' at R P. ("m*.<<-z1 ;~' in Pr2mtfo1'd. Rf. lrfillnuu A4` 'I`nnnv-:4-A { -1` \rT\-.. \ 2lT.\'('il(l(l(.`ll S III I')I'2lllLlU1'(,l- Mrs. Miller. of Toronto, 1_, at .VIr:<. ` Ri(-hzmlson s. . M. m..... m...,....... AF xxrM,m...L- m(-namson's. ` Mr, Chas. Bluomzm. of Woodstm.-k. `is . with Mr. and Mrs. Blue- `IY1-.\v\ `_,,._`,_v_,-. .. .,.. I`o\\`nlim~ :1nni\'r.-r. . are `to be held on Sunday, Sept. 23rd,` .mm`nin_2' zmd eveningr. x \Tic I'7\vT-.n-nn \11rI`T\nh1]l`. nf' Tnvnnfn L .mm`n1ng and (.`V'l)I1111E_ ; )1 I";\'Izu'ion .V1cDona]d. of Toronto ` is \'1. with Miss Genovrerve Jamm- COT`. SOH- Mr. Jos. Corbett, of Cookstowm: \'i.~'itc-(l with the three C01`b0ti bro- " t.}1o1`.<. John. David and .-\n( .1'0\\', 1'0-` cently. `I~ D 1'`. Par. mwnn i< nuihv H` :1: H" ronto. `MI 1. .`-1 ~ ll. `kn. lllh (`fruit I.` q.1nLL' n all timo of writin:. ;\h'.<. S. .\Tilli1:nn hm returned home after spending a holiday with her -n-- ` `. __<. ;,.`.`.u- Ii1:1c1~:. 1;. T0- ~unvI`r\ '1` 1. ' ' ~ ',|lI'|'~ `lt`I. to {hp zxppearance of his propert . .\1i.'.~: Dorothy _\I.-uiol. R..\'.. is spend- in}.;_u few days under the parental $50,000 Said Involved ` While it is di"1cu1t to learn ux;u-`- 1) tan sum of \\'hiuh thv \\'a.< dcfr:1Luiud. it is tx~'ti1n:1t. th.1L it app1'o.\:imates 550.000. 01' w!1ic?1 the ]u.1'_:e. item 3. nu:1rI_\' 520.000 in; shelter` :L11o\\':1ncc.~' g'iv(~n p1'()})-'31"_\'. owners. ` mi p1i7.v.-,4 were Dining Room '. (`:H'1" Iivintr c;;aA.I;?:~1U'RsT J. A. Lennox is haYi118- 1 T .I.: PAINSWICK W.l. '.'.`T- .-I-T}_?,1\T'J'.``.7>N MINESIN G _L:`I\'m1 to LHL` I10\\'(`!' con. bmzutiful collcction 0!" : (li. f'o1'tl1re H0\\'r,-- ,Y0u11g` act(,-(1 .1< jL:d;_va- z1\\':L1`d~x,-(I us forH0\\.~. loom COI`ltI'() Piece. 31!". i\'in_L` Room Centre P1.~(L-. .1rr; .\'[T:=_ Hark- rag-nn.<. D. Lonnox; Iv: Dnunn. \rI.....'n--\`.. I- nf. m': is quit -Han` . 1' L`HCUl.'l\. 1 A3.` to the o\\'m' mm ,.,.11.,:,m ILC Ill villi 0\v1n_<. , to at Arltxx. uwuurb. f M)`, Cmll . it would . t.;x:1t' this Iutv 52;ovcrnn10nt \\':1.~' :z\\'a1'c- 01" some at least of flu:-. f'1':u1(IuIL-nt p1':1ctice.<. but (lid not have the com`-` age to put :1 stop to them. Haul they` done so and a.<. 100 pm` ('0nt_ or" the cost o1`-direct relief it would huv.-w szlvcrl the p1'o\'in-ciu] t1'eu. Immey. SINICOE COUNTY S PREFVHER EXHEBITIONA New $35,000 Arena, New Horse Barn, New Poultry Pens .\1"11-1` 1111: 1111111- 111' 1>ig111 (8) 11 1-.1111-.11 111111. :11] 111111111: 1-1111-11111-1-s 111 11111 1111111 will 1111 1-11131111, 1111.11 110 (1111- will 111- 11111111111111. 11x1-11111` 11111111 };1z1_\'111e111 of 011- 1111111-11 1'1-1-, 111' 1111- 1111-5011111111111 11f 1111:11111e1'.s'11'1]1 111-11015, pz1.\'.x'cs, 1-1:1-. T1111 1111111's 111 1111- -\1'1:11;1 will 1111 11115011 111 1111- ]1111)1i1- 11c1\\'111.-111 11111 11111115 of 111110 (9) 11 1v1111-,k 211111 1'\\'c1\'11 (J2) 11`1-1111-k, 1111`1-1111;: \\'11i1-11 11111111-.111 j1111gi11g 111 11111 111111111111: will be ('()JlI1)1C1'0(1. 1.00 19.31. -'1`1111;:i11g' 111' 1*111:1\'_\' 11111's11.s', 13111-1' (1111111- 211111. S1101-1'1. 2.00 `1 ..\[.-()1f1'1-1111 ()111r111'11;1' 111' 11}:11'1'i11Ex11i|1`i1i1111 111' H1111. 1111111-2111 .}\1 z11`s11:111. 1\1i11is1111- 111` 1\g'1'i11-1111 111'r.: '1 111'1'111,- 1 1`11\'i111-11 11'1" 0111211111, \\'1111\\'i11 .\']11'111{ `1"1'11111 1111-. 1 1'1-ss _1`11.\' 1.11 1111: 111-11 1-\1'111111. 12.30 11 ..\1.-S1`:11'1 111' '1`1-i;1l.< 111 1911111111, 2.28 111111 2.20 A C1:1ss11.s`. 23.30 P.M.-S:11111l1~ C|11.<.<, 11a11i11.< 111' (111111l1-1111-11. 1~101's1.~s111111 1 i11-11'111g. 8.00 1 .f.\1.-S]111.11'i11l (`11111-.01-1` ._f'1'11111 11111 Press !*311.\' 111 1111-. 111111` .A\1'1111z1. Monday` - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday .\ll 1-.\'l1ihi11.~` 111 C`I;1s.\'1-.4 25) to 40 "111:-l11. 1-. In 1111 1l1<- ;:1'n1111(is })1*l 01`(-. 15154111 (8) 11':!<><-I1 . W111-11 H11- jI)1i.1`(-1-1`111'.< \\'ill_ be 011 h111`1d 111 .~t(w 111111111 ])l`(11)(`I'i_\' 111211-(rd 111-`r'01'(. j11dgi11g, with 11111 11x1-11111111111 111' Ladi1~s \V01-1:, \\']1i(-111 1111181 bu 111111-(~11 b(.*1i'o1'(1 so\'v11 (7) 0'1-1111-k, as H11`. -T11(1g'c will 1-11111111111111-1: 1101' d11'1i(-`.< :11` 1.-igllt (8) (f1-1(>(:1{ ;\lu11dz1_\` 1:\'(111i11g. E11T1`i(`.\' 111 ])u1111-s1i<- S1-10111-11 and ]<`lo\\'1,-1's 111:1)` I11- 11|:1<-1-rl 111, 11111;?` 51.00 21.111. 'l`11(1s(1:1_\', S(*p1'o111'h(*1' 18. '|`|1v .-\l'(-nu will b(- opvn for tho 1'(`(`()])Ti(.)1l.\` of !1i})it.\' nnly. 1 nu rn L\l\ 1 I1\ ` I T . I '-'_` __"""- *' '_""'I ' 7 "g! B211.-.1-ie Fair is noted for its fast and keen tmcic events. '_l,`his year they prmnise `m be ex(-,e}.)`ri_011;1]l_\' gtmcl. .\mm1g` the speed) l1o1'ses e.\ [)e(-fed are J. 71`. T :1.\'et`r(-. .< .s'e11sz11`i0nu1 CH-zun u ,l.`:u'ta1'. $650.00 IN PRIZE MONEY Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.28 Class and 2.20 Glass Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.17 Glass amd 2.24 Class Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 Class and Free-for-All Bi1g`Tr_ack Events, 3 Day 1:. ma.-\4v...J -I-`A1. "4-n n1\r1 lrnnn +\Io|.'4 Merry-(i)-Rou1;d- AT G DTI -r "l- "'n:=' _ -- ` ers prots` are low`.-1`cr` :1 .d7 . 7 2` Sui';;:i-.~'i11_:' tliv-w rliic-u|ti<,-.< met in 3" the : :n'L'-live` "`$l~"- of this n(lu.~" ` ` in Canada. liowever, is the more .~'(-r- 0 i0U_s' problem :u`i. from the L`. 02' :3 (li.sea.~:ed potzitow for set-d, n p '.':ctico. leadinu To .\'(.`('li-pi(`(`(` rot. \\`ea'<. ,I0l'm ination. poor _ and low yield.<.; Moreovt-1`. the use of (li. . . . . `J: tubers re. !!1 coxitmnnmtion of the t Y soil. thus making: it mo.<'t difficult. ii ` -I not 1mpo.<. to produce (lisease free potutm-.< on the sznne lo('a.tio:*. t for. _\'e:1)'.<. The iinportzmcc of this principle is better apprt-ci'.ztr_-rl when it is known that new izmd i.~.- 1'clati\'el_\' frc-0 fi-on1 (li. u1f:zLi1i; and should be s:1feguzu`(l<-(l aszainsti such contznninzition. In .<.l{ll1f..! `.0 control potato tuber it 1.` well to know that 21 number 01" them attack both "Lli)(.'l'.~1 and tops. so that they niust be dealt with in tl'.`r- we- stock supply and in the field. T'no.~e (l' ~: confined to the tubm'.< alone n-c-ee..itz1tt- such 1nezi. as .~'(,H:(i` treatmen. soil treatment and seed selection. all of which are being in- vestigated by the Division of Botany of the Dominion Experimental Farzns `n tl`ll`0l1,Q'l1 its brzmch lul)o1'aitori:.-s. Al- though such p!`z1ct'iceg an subject tcnig ]imi?21ti0n.<. when carefully c011d'.n-ted ` `* tlicy p1'0\'ide a means of bettering: 17 crop production. and of 1`eduv1ng,r" very n1-.1te1'ially, the 0tl1ei',\v'ise up-`J preciable los.~`es- It mus`; be ClL`21l`l_Vl understood that' sec;-(l trezitmcnt will not prevent (il.~'021S(`_< originating in the` 5011. Under these circumanccs 21 I scheme of soil trcatinent or . mun f . agremcvnt is 21 distinct adx-anta,:e. " Seed treatment. of cou1`se,,`c:1n only 1' be effective aguiiist diseases occur-I ring on the surface of the potatz. tubers. wliercus the more (iL'3.5'i;v"` seated infections, notably lute blight` .` rot. black leg` and I*`t1s2>.:'iL1n1 1'0`, cur`,-i ` not be reziched by seed t1'e:1tngent.l In these in.=tancc.< the cori--cf"prc\'h.x1- tive Ineusure i< to avoid usim: the: (li.~'ea_ tuher.~':. . `z, _, .` ("m't::in sllch :1. leaf roll 3 monic and spindle `nbor. cannot i)(:j dot.-ctcd in the .<(-ed-tuber. 21lth0ur.r:1` they give rise to denite symptoins in the gzrowine; tops. The erudieiitiun of 511;-so (Ii,-oi-(1.-:< can b~ :l(".'0mDll>':1 ed onlv by 21 system of. thorough 1'oguin}: combined with t].""-O)\'1.:1L : of n tnbm--unit .-cu- nlot. informu`ion on tho sub- ject :-nn.~'ide1`ation m:ty_be `se- .-un-mi i'rn-s` 2 1 ! `.1 -':mn THE EXHIBITION IN ITS ENTIRETY WILL OPEN `ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. ALL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ARE WELL LIGHTED MIDIVVAY IN FULL SWING EVENING ADMISSION, 25c AND 10c EXHIBITS OF ON '1`.-\RIO .S ]`3ES'J` LIVE S'l`( )(JK AND POULTR Y - R.()O'l`S, \'1*3(I{I FRU7['l7, I*`I;()\\'ER.\`, Il).\ IRY PRODUCTS AND ]I)OMES'l,`IC SC11'*lI\'CE SIMCOE COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS AND WOMEIPS INSTITUTE EXHIBITS - _L`I-IE BEST OF ITS KIND IN CAl\K\I)A-- Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture mom PRESS BOX or ARENA TUESDWY, SEPTEMBER 18th C-3AY 5 4 :-.1.-L C{ *Ns.D.1AN MIDWAY SHOWS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th Thp \'m-f'=u--H` OFFICIAL OPENING 2.00 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPT. 18th The Programme Di:<(-u.<<=rl potato tu.hr~r~ : able for mzu'k(-tin_-2 _nu.2'p:. (liseasud . may m` in in f?.`H` 5?. `-1-mm-4:1-.\Hnu' ; .~\d\`n:u-.' NIGHT HQ,` Ferri W.1;e1( I*I"F"\ -r l S K V ixczegtida five 'Se(171(at'io11Vs - 1` Many Added ATTRACTIONS and CONCESSIONS A11 `ETA... 'T\Il'.-'.I-"e..n` ALA......n4-,`.,..-. |T|`l-in `CT...-..-. WEDNESDAY`, SEPTEMBER 19th 8.30 ;\.;.\I.-(,`rz1tcs Open. 1.00 l .;M. J udging in L`:11t1'i.:1g'c, .lx m:lL1s1(en' z1ndl nn_v Classes; Dai1'_\' ()u11Tle, S\\'i11<- and .Junior Liw Sim-k (,`|z1.~`s<:.~'. 2.00 P.L\L-S1zu'1 nf 'l`1'i21l.s: ml Hlu-ml. 2.17 and 2.24 (_`;]?1.`\`.\`L*,.\`. 3.00 l .M.-L;1(1_\' ,D!`i\'('l` and h`i11g'l<` 'l`Lu'11o111. H:()J'.\`(`.s`l1U(} lI i1lIin_:'. 4.00 J_.;\l.-S(-11im' Liw Sun-l< l :1l'21d1-. 8.00 10.1\lA.--Sp<-(-iul (.`u11<-wt l"mm Ilw I 1'<-xx _lu.\ u'L' 1110 no\\' ;\1'c1121. 8.2-)0 .\.l\;[.-(:};11`(9s ()])(-11. 8.30 ;\.1\[.--(jTi1~Js ]Tl`m1s0lmld Svicm-c Judging Gum- -.,.4..'4,L... ..4. 4,l\.. l......... L`..._4..... C`. 41... \.......x \1.r_;u .4n..-L. \4111 ;w nu.v\.uu-\.; r_I\ A.\JJl\ `J V V . . I _ ..-.b-..L._, ,.,... }_)ct1t1u.n at The .I1u11m' 30011011 111 Ihv .-\1-elm. 8.50 .-\.l\I..-Li\'c Stet.-lc and b'0v(1 .I`11d_`,'i11_9,' (`mn]A>(-`li- iiinu, C()1111t_\' of Silm-no fz1Hnm's' .~' 2.00 f1 .1\I.--S111rt 0'1` 'l`ri:1Is n1" h']>-ml. 2.30 (`lzms and J_l`(t(,'-'lf`()]'-.`\ Trot 01' Pure. 3.00 1 .M.--S]>(-.(-i.'1l .\1]1|('1`i<- Pm}_"1'z1In. Tlm'.\'(:.~;l1u0 .I i1'(:hing. 4.00 I .;\L 411111101` I,*`211'1|1c1'.\" .Li.\'(- Sim-1; l_ m'z1dv. 5.00 .l .i\I.-~Li\'(.- S1`(>(-k m:1_\' be 1'(m1u\'v(1 z1l"tTm' This "lu\l\ A .un. .lJII\, I'l\r\ I\ nun 116111`. ($.00 l .AI.-]*Ixl1i1)its in 1110 rt-mn\'(-d Imtil z111m' this TUESDAY--100'Yards Dash (open); Pole Vault; Three-Legged Race; Catching the Greasy Pig. THURSDAY-Ca1f Race (this year s calf); Boot Race; Pony Potato Race; Shuttle Relay Race; Obstacle Race; Hurdle Race; Shot Put; Running Broad Jump. Novelty and Competitive Sports-Continuous Concert in Arena each Evening GOOD MUSIC JII Llu|ln 'L- . count. gr1`im~.~ tmn, .~\`- 21 .--n.~~ . .....\ GRAY S BIG MIDWAY IN OPERATION ALL J*]XIHlI'l`S ()1 J#].\' FOR jl.\'STI. EU .l`J.().\' Athlegics and Sports THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th Arcllzt MVUST NOT be 110111`. Page Five FRAUD IN MIDLAND _- RELIEF ACCOUNTS