Page Eig 1,1]. Fl. .`Vl.\'UH U~ . Har1*i. 0. drawn J. G. Kemmn 1, 0 hate: .' neis;*h- ` Following a serious operation, Ald- erman E_ A. Hodges passed away at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Fri- day last. Only a few days before with Mrs. Hodges he relturned from a trip through the 'l`hou.sand [slamis and the C.N.E. On Wednesday no was taken to the hospi=`.al. where he underwent an operation for bowel trouble and pzissncl a\vay on Friday. . The late Ald. Hodges was born in 3 Dorset. England. on Dec. 26th, 186-1. : Coming to Canada as a boy. he lixed `in Toronto for forty years. beiore imoving; to a farm at Caledon East n! wh(;rr_- he lived for a few years. Five lllyears ago he came to Barrie and ` t,.,joined his sons, who were o1)<-.ra1Eng lithe Barrie-Allandale Dairy, but re- tired two years ago. La.~',t November e he oflered }1l!`ll>L'if a5 a candidate for 1- alzlermar. for ward four and \\".`.s is elected, and \\'a:' one of the rm).,-2'. :r.i'aithful members of this yc-,ar .~: eouzr i,.:i L1,. u`-1: -.. n~.:-mlwv nl St. .-\:1- \ci1, He was a member of St. ;d1uv s Church. also of Corinthian d Lodgc .-\.F. zmd .'-\.M-, and Signet u- Chapter. ..A.M. Only a few 1non#.n.~: 1; :1 he `:'a:- honored by the Son.s 01" "England when 1;; cnted with 2`. 1:_'- year jewel, having joined the Order in Toronto in 1883. F'ort_\':fo~.1r years u.-';ago he married Margery Reid. of D,11{nicardinc. who survives him. with one daughter, Mrs. Norman Inc-.~:on. ;d`Barrie. and three .son;~:. Harry, John Jfland Bob. all in Barrie; also one _~i;<- er ix.-`:11: Mrs. F, Hanham. of Peace River. ~-< ' 4|-In , 1'31 -uxthlut mcmoers or Lms 3Lt`a.1 .~. 1;\)u.|- 1 D Alta... The funeral on Sunday \\`a:< large- `ly attended. Service was C0]1dLlC:(l at his late home. 121 Sophia St., by Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, assisted by 3Rev. W_ J. Wallace. Pall-bearers ;were three `sons, Norman Ineson. son- 1in-law. and two grandsons, Edwin iand Ted Ineson. Interment at Bar ,riu Union Cemetery. ,1 Dr.-<.-cased '21: i'narr1ec1 111 burrie on- June 5th. 1873, to Nlary Ilurrell, 0` {West Gwil1imbu1'y_ Sh-e predeceased nlhim in I\ ovem'ber 1932. In religion ;)ll10 `-.\`z1s a. member of the InternaLion- W tlal Bible Studems Association. He` rt l is survived by thr-ee daughters. Mi.s~`-3- 1 ;_ }Marga1'et, Elsie and Gertrude. all at. gihome; two sons. Frank, of B1"ti-.~h dlCo1um~bia, and Harry of Midhursi, 9 one sister, Mrs. Geo. Simmons, Ne- (] market. and 2:. brother. Mr. Frank Carson, of Vespra. _ "Nan +'mnm~u1 wag: l'IPl(l on Tuesday`. ` Following 3. Lingering` illness, Jos- Edgar Si1m_:.:,on, Shanty Bay. pu~'se(l `away at the R.V. Hospital, Barri-~.i on Friday. August 24th. He \\~z1:<! bron at Maple. l\`Iich., in 1859, but} moved to Chesley, Ont_, when a boy? and resided there till 1889, when he: came to Shanty Bay. residing there till his death. In 1880 he nl`dl'l`lC(l l\lai'garet Ann Malcolm. eldest duu;_:li- = ' ,ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John _ Malcolm, who predeceased him in: 1918. Deceasecl was the last su1'\iv- ' ing n'lCl'll`bt}]- of a 1'-amily of eight, six; of whom died in the last five yezu`.<.! He is .~ui'\ive by :1 family of eiglit ' 9 Mrs. Campbell. Victoria, B.C.. wlioi " an-i\'ml home on Aug. 22nd; M1's_! I Miller. " ! Ne\\'m:u'ket; lrl` Allzincnvn 1`o1'onto; ;\I1`S_ Pembe~1`ton.1 Percy of Calgary, .VI1~.<.[ Vvnlkm-. Willlizim and! Newma1'K0t; kercy OI L;zL1gzu'y, .u1>..| T. Atkinson, Walker, Willliam and! George. 2111 of Shanty Bay. Ht: ;=i:.-3| l\Z1\'Lt_; 22; g;mnd chi1(i1'en and 2 grozmi grand childrr,-r1. The funeral \\'u\.< held: on SLll`1dd._V, .-\u,u'. Zfith, from me: 1': ' ` (.1011;-x: of his l;:v_1_-'1:tc1`. Mrs. .~\t!m= son. and \\'u.< comiuctcd by the RH. D. Roy Gray, with intanment in 5%. 'I`h0mu.< C-_-1n:tc1_\', Shanty B2l_\'- Pa" buztu-1'.< were M .~1'.<. F`. Day. '.` Kendall. H. .\'la2*tin. A. H'.zulv:r`. A. Graham and H. G1':Lhu.m. CRAlG---.-\t `.119 7\ I'nn,lnu Qnnf R .(1 ;u\. AIAA ..... .. L1 'cL.1n. auu. I [J-up You are r-ordially invited to these l , Knl-\`;I'A4.` ROBER'l`SON--At cm E Ann Q....4- A Wnhsu-1 IVUDJLIXIDUA---'.*\I., \Jl(|I:,v;sn. .... - ` day. Sept. 4. Robert Robc1't. In his 87th year. Funeral from the home of his nephew, C`h2l.<- ?Iohc1't- son, C1`aig;\'a`x'c`. on 'I`hLu'.~: In- terment at Svixth Line Cemetery.` Innisl. YEA J`ES---At St0nvcrol t. Allan- dale. on l`11Ln'.-<.l:1y, Aug. 30. Mrs- Wm, Yeatos. in her (57th ye-.11`. F`-une~ra1 on Saturday. Interment at` St. Puu] :: Cemetery. Ilmisl. HODGES-.-\t the R.V- Hosuital, Barrie. on Friday. Aug. 31. A. E. Hodges, age '70 years. Funeral on Sunday from his late res\i(1ence. 121 Sophia St. Interment at Bar- rie Union Cemetery. rvAncn\\',,.A+ 111: hnme. Eccles St,, 1'10 Ull`lL CA RSON- n~n QI1111 ~ I It depends on how you are getting along whether when the vve o c1ock whistle blows you pick up your din-I no, pail or your cane. ` v1\'.-Ll\J----.-H. `.1:-.: n-v - Monday, Sept. 3, to Frank Cralg, a son. Cemetery_ -ARSON---At his home, on Sunday, Sept. 2. William Cm`- son. in his 85th year. Funeral on Tuesday. with -intennent in Barrie Union eme*tery- WlLLl_..!`. !- CARSON JOSEPH E. SIMPSON I ON-~.~\t Cmi;;'\'a1e on 'J..u.<- _Jt. 1 from This {abort- aig;\'21`re'. Cemetery. DEATHS` Sunday, Sept_ 9 1934 10 a.m.--- ]`he Church School. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-The Minister. BIRTHS V. H0.<))ituL M1`. and . 75 E1iza..beth St. C_a_mpers & Tourist_s Supplies Specials in_ Used Cars $675.00-1933 Chevrolet Sedan, Special 650.00-1933 Ford V8 Sedan, Four-Door 400.00--1930 Chevrolet Sedan, Four-Door 400.00-1931 Chevrolet Sport Roadster 300.00-1929 Chevrolet Sedan, Four-Door 300.00--1931 Chevrolet Sport Roadster 300.00--1931 Plymouth Sedan 250.00-1928 Stutz 7-Passenger Sedan 200.00-1928 Essex Sedan 300.00-Fordson Tractor and Cockshutt Two-Furrow Plow ~ Bacon The First Co-apezaive Pa ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Allandale balance within th-lrty (lays Lxlereuuux. . For further terms and particu1a1'.<'l of sale apply to - STEWART & STEWART, i Nfnv-+rn.crr>n sx S01i(:itO1`S ikyerst 8:. Harris, Ltd 13'Inr-no FISHING TACKLE PAINTS ELECTRIC RANGETTES AND PLATES WINDOW SCREENS, ETC. A &\l9a.U iopaufcng Products .a._L.a.1 4/ 4-.A._.._ Government Inspected Meats for Your Protection. 2 AHA_N1`!.A, AND ALL COOKED MEATS -MADE IN BARR]E- Hams HAIZDWARE I lu`xn1b1t1on. I Mrs. Raymond Dufeld (ne-e Mae ;Lowe) and `on Kenneth are spending MORTGAGE SALE Htwo weeks ln town as the guests of itzhe fo1'm~er s aunt, Mrs. B. Ga1'tner_ 0` vamabl", Farm ~PrPelty an H The familiar sound of the school T"`h'p f P'a'; t '3 `bell was he-ar_d once again at 9 21.111. , _ C:1`btY _ t "Of ti 6 Owe I Tuesday, 1-1ng1ng1n1_:he fall term. All 1 Undel 3-11 _ Y V1? `3 __` p f , the br1g*ht and shumng faces beamed v Of 59-19 Cnl9`1`d 1 3 eam m"| enthusiastically when they took their ` gage. which. will. be _D1`0du`f9fd 3'3 Eh` y places. especially those who were em- ` t1me of sale. `ohele w1ll be 0 ere oribarking into school Life for the rst \ i ( sale by public au*i at the .time. Mr, B. Collier. of Utopia, is QUEEN'S HOTEL. BARR_lE lin charge of `the Jr. IV. class l.ll>lS by W. A. McConkey, LAuc2t.1oneer. I year. lling` the vacancy left by the on ;resignation of Miss l{_ Kennedy at SATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 1934 `the end of_la;t'te1'm. Mr. Collier has at 12 o clock noon, the following lands been "'0` _m Align-'~`_ 0`-` the Past and premises, namely : I t\\"o years and 1s 21 p1'o1111nent member The Southeast Quarter of Lot. 01 St. George's Anghcan Crru-rch. /qr-1\ .....1 Han. __ ` LIMITED SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 j Sausage ers 13hone 230 Phone 128 of Ontario Lard and prem1ses. namely : Number Seventeen (17) and the Northeast Quarter of Lot Number Eighteen (18) both in the Seventh (7) Concession of said Townsnip of` Vespra. except that part of said Northeast Quarter of said Lot 18 de-| scribed in Registered Instrument No. 3189 for Vespra. ` 'T`11n1'r. L said to be erected on said 6183 I01` vespra. There is said to be said` lands a good residence and burn, `: The land is good clay loam and well situated. The property will be offered fox sale subject to a 1`0S(`.1'\'l:(i bid. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur i chase money at time of sale and bx.-E ance within thirty days t`ncrcafLcz. ` For fL11`t1`l(31- terms and pzu't1c.1}ur`.1 of sale apply to 3 S'I`F.W.-\R 1` & S'l`EW.-\RT, | 1 Mo1'tgagec s Solicitors. Baruc, Ontario. "\_L..J 092 1q2_1A 1_'4v\.Auu5 an n REV. LOUIS PICI{ERJING uvHI vn-nnr--11, i'..ANDS FOR SALE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES -.D'dl'1`lt Dated August 2'7. 1934. Notice is lT(.~1`eb_\,' g'i\`cn that Lln; list` of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of ta.xe;; in the Count`; of` Simcoe has been prepared and is be-`i ing published in an zulvertisenmerlt in the Ontario Gazette upon the 4th ol` August, 151-, of Septembc-p and 6th of` Dctober, 1934. : r~.m:n.- nf mid list of lancls or ad-`, mu; REV. IOUIS-PICKERING MIN Our Church School at 10 1934. . Copies of .<.ui list ad-l vei'ti;~:em.-nt can bc .~;cun in my ofccl or will be mailed upon making up-1 plication for szunc. In default 01'; payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or bcforc Tuc.<(luy. the 13th day of ~.\ o\'cmb:.-1~, 193-}, at the hour of two o'clock in the aftr-rnoon, I shall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House. Barrie-, On- tario, proceed to sell by public auc- tion the said lands to pay such ar- rears, top;;-tl1m- with the cha.rgc< G-In nwnnn Sunday Sept. 9 1934 Morning at 11 `L1 I\`I 17 f1rfI1|.f1/lTY\"Yf\?d x'ezu.'.~a, thereon. A n n I` 1Q: u1.u1.u.nu5 an HOLY C'OMMUION 1935-], 21? LWU U\;|u\.n~ D. H, Coleman, i Tl-eaIu"e:-, Cuunty of Sim.-.00. I Treasurer's Oice, Court House, Barrie. Onario, the 25th day of July, 1934. Dil1`LlL Dated .-Xugust 23, 193-1. ___ We have high hopes for z coun-'[ try where the element 01 sc 1 age is pesstistic over the older gen)-:1-` `bion.---Kingston VWhig-Sta.n `ig_1L*_ .n.;.w.a:.4.a. vv.-;-.-v..-v-. Subject: A Prayer for Power" The pastor invites members, adher- ents and visitors to partake of this sacramental service. Evening at 7 1 f\TYYG DTFTIF In the County of Simcoe `AMI 6?. bJlhVVn.1\.1y Mo.1'tga.gee s Solicitors. -Barrie, Ont. ...;-+ 0"], 1924. TO WIT : : ..,.,x 1"... `. !1Aiiandaie Newsl Miss Blanche -Carruthers spent` Sunday at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gartner spent .S:1tu.rdz1y in Toronto. ' Mr. J0s- Bell. _of Toronto. spell: the week end at the home of his _ brothler. Mr. T-hos_ Bell. B-radt`o.1'd St. \Kfn1`n4-1. L`r;l`(Y0\' am-1'\m:l nn Wv(l',1v "l'O1Y1l1I`. O\'-81` one 11011021) . , Mrs. Elliott Ogden and Stephen. ` Ogden motored to Toronto and spent ;_Monday and Tuesday -in the city. I Miss Victoria.'.'d. of Bella- 'vi1lo. visited at the home of her pur- |ont;: over the holiday. _ _ ! 1VII".s`. Ric1i,u1 Cockburn is vismng -H1`(:i1t1\'05 in Toronto for 21 week. 1.1:. un/I NI:-c \N Qn|crn1nn_ n+' '|`n.. llllli ZLVUl"cl}.{L'- ' L'nu. col'd weather prevailed `toward the close of the month. the `minimum air temperatures of the 25th, 20th and `enough to cause ground frosts in -----`some localities. The minimum of 37 idegrees on the 30th was 2 de_qi'-e-es coun-I lower than previous low records for R01 August. The August minimum gennrm seldom under 45 degrees. luv]. (1 1. l`a\V' I I .1 I. H. Luck 1. J. H. Nixon 0, d1-awn Alex. McKee 0. E. McLau;:hlin 1. 30th being` low drawn 1. Art McKee, Sr.. 1, W. Campbell 1, J. Peacock 0. H. Hazwrison 0, drawn J. Waftie 0. J. G Keenan 1. is d l`21.\\'11 1. W. Wright 1, A, Wlkinson 1. -W H. Buitterv. M::.1'o:'it\' for Mitlhurwt. 5 games. l C r 5 V 1 01 M1 . and Mrs. W. mcLm:a.1`y- Mrs. W. Hill, Tifn St., was visited ` 0\'t`]' the week end by Mr_ and Nlrn. ixomnan Quinlan, of Picton. 3' Mrs. H. Firmzm and children, of Toronto, ;;}>eiit the holiday at the ]home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Firman. 3. Mr. and Mrs. C- McQuade and `;(laL1ghto1':z Beatrice and Roberta visit- ied over the holiday with 1'e1ati\'(.-.< at i0mcmeo.. Ont. - n \H-,-;._- `4`l1'l -uni] WlII1;I'O Ninnllzinirx REV. L:ULJ1b 1 Lb1\I1xlUlL`dL1 ' will preac-11. Subject: Going _?ut'. in Order to Go 11`)! brothter, Mr, '1'nos_ 15611. b-rau1o.m m. Wallace Hedger arrived on Friday mom Kenora to spend some time at his home here. T\1i.~.< l`nn1-.. Whi+11nv. nf (",nHimI- ms nome here. Miss Toots Whitney. of wood. visited with M1`. and I Tomlin the holiday. \I.-.- h`HinH- nrnlan and '1`(:llEl\ 0s 1o1'0m;o lU1` u \\'t:m\_ M1`. and Mrs. W. Sclgmzm. of T0- ronto. spent the week end guests 'o1` Mr. and 1m-5. w. McC1<:a.ry. I NT: U7 I-`H11 T`{'-`un Ki . in: V}; tr-d Lxenerzu r10.<.p1tzu. 1 M1`. and 1\'I)'.<. A. Boynton and fam- lily. of Flint. Mich, visited wifh rela- 4_tiw-.- o\'c,- the week end. Mr. and Hrs. J. D. Wisdom and [Misses l\'Ia.rizm and Adeline Wisdom. 5!acco1np;mie(1 by Messrs. John Sinclair ` 3 and .-\1b(,>1~t Kelcey. motored to Kashe i Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. VVi.<,- 9` ' (10111 are sm.-ncling :1 \v<:c-;k s holiday " there- (` Vfu ..n.-l N/Tum Inu'mh.`nn \T-n(`.;1\ni: ` I (lay 101- LOI'0IlLU_ '; Miss Marjorie Modeland returned 51011 Monday from O1''e\'il1e. after jspending two weeks as the home of lher aunt. Miss Hulse. M1`. and Thos. Lougheed. Mr. `and Mrs. Bert Loughecd and Mi.~f.< :Li11ian I(em'nS sponlc Monday at the 3 Exhibition. 3 1\/rm n....m.-...,J hnmnm (nan M'aa COOKSTOWN MAN FATALLY HURT WHEN HIT BY TRAIN l John Dinwoody, of Cookstown. age `'74. retire(l farmer, was fatally in~ ju1'e(!1z1.<`. Szlturdzly evening` xvher `.~:t1-uck by a southbound C.N.R. mm at a c1'os.-ing just south of Cookstown Mr. Dvinwoodyy who was sonnexxmu deaf, was driving a. herd of cow acrro.s.~a the track and failing to hum` the 2L})})l`0lLhiI1E.-' tra-n. .-:eppeC. 0:u [nu truck, and was knocked uncon- ..~..Inu.- LL. V`--1.; un:~1nn;l 6-n okn D-1 . 1 1 iS(_'lULl.\'. I 1(.' \\'d ihospital by F. Eat Cookstown, M10111 an l Lll:.LK)`I A u9.`- ! 'Fhe xnewn mnnperamurc for thv `month \\'n.< 3 degrees below normal. 'FotulxwnfaH anlounted to 1.45 inch- es, behu; 1.40 of an inch less than the average. 1 T'nn 1-nhl xunzxfhnv nrnvn:-4] Coilier St. United Churchi 10 . 1!). -)f\ CK, a,ll(1 \\iL3 k\HUL'E\L'H HUI; Hp '.\':1.+ nlshcd to the Ba; \ kw IF Llnn-lann f` \' D "an THE WEATHER Low 1.1 l'LlSI1L (l LU ITIU DEL ' Hughes, C..\'.R. agen. but died snortly after `ed : 56 :9 )3: U0 (3 (3 .`1-) .48 I{\ gust THITLHHUUI 15 (U'2L\\'H 1- egrees. --W_ H. Bur`ttery- Majo:-Sty games. _(1al1g`ntC1':z D(."cLL1`ICO emu L\.UUt.'I'L2L Vinn- MORTGAGE SALE ----- _ '0memec. Of Valuable Residential PI'P"`3' ' Mi.<.~:u.s' Ella and Eunice McQuaL1e the Town of Allistonv in the and M . Wallace McQu:1de spllt the County 5 Sime- . week end with their sister in Toronto. Umlc.-1' and b.V` \'l1't\10 Of 3'11? P0\"'U1`S' l\I`i.~'s M. liclcey. of Toronto. spent Di" sale contz1inu(l in 'd. certain 1n01't- the llOllll2`.`.' at 5111- home of her .~'ist01', gage. which will be prod-ucod at tl10lM1-,3 A. Hoopm-_ time of s'.1le,_tl1crc }\`ill be 0lT013 f1'l l\'Ii.<.< Bnssiu )'Iz1tl1e\v.< ll-ft Momlaiy 5319 by Public W10"-1 at the [to 5:0 in trainirig; at the Hamilton DOMINION HOTEL A1-L_15T0N General Hospital. by W. A. Mcconkeyy -\ut1eer' 0I1 Iilv. Mich. ' Co1lin;:- Mrs. H.` High Rain 72 1)-1 (53 I!!! The Lions Club will hold their first meeting after two months holidays 21` the American Hotel to-night, when D.D. Gov. Lion Frank Dobson will give a report; on the Inte1'nationa.l Convention held at Grand Rapids. All unemployed men in Baruic who wish to get relief work must rep;iste)' again on new forms supplied by Lhc go\'e1'nm(:nt. This should be done at |"|Y`l(`('. oi House to Rent~--On Maple Avenuu. Apply to Jas. L(~,\\`is, either at 45 Maple Ave. or oice of Lewis & Robertson. 0.65 1 ' Don": forget Ba1'1*ie~ s Big Faii on! Sept. 17-18-19-20. Everything will be ready, new horse barn. new aiwia, ; and plenty of attractions. on SATURDAY. SEPT_ 22. 1934 at 12 o L'10ck noon. the following; land; and premises, lmmelyz [ 'I`h_.1- mu-+ of Town Lots ;\'u1`nbe1's[ Norris Webb. inspecot.r under the Liquor Control Board in the Bmwie brewery \\".u'ehou;~:e. was notied this week that his . were no 1on,:e1'1 required. \ 0 0 A useful alumimun funnel and strainer givrm free with a year s sub- scription to The Advance, or \vit1`. renewal. Ask for it. Ernie Ryan. 5011 of .\l1'- and 1\'Ir.~t.| E. A. Ryan. has been a.\\'a1'ded the; St. Michael Scholarship, worth $400 for his stzmdiiig in the Senior .M;1t1`i-E culation Exam, Ernie has also a good :.11zinc+;- of winning the Knig'-hts of Col-.1mbu.a' Scholarship, the Carter Sc`r.o`izL1'. aml the (V _1 101.; ;.;`.1i1.-. \;.. .3 1 1 1 ] E Andrew Hay '. House to Rent--35 McD0na1d St.. '7 rooms, all modern convenciences. Apply George W. Eastman, Slimcuu Marble Works. Phone 277. The air mail postage from Canada`; 5 to the British Isles is now 6 cents fo" 3 1 the first ounce and 5 cents each; ounce after. .-\ r_-hzu`ge of being drunk in a ;JL'.L~ lic place \.\':x.~: (1is.mi.<.~:c-(1 z\g'ainst Chas; Sutton. of B1'a(1fo.1`d. this n1orning'. Georgzu Young. Toronto ma.rat.honl s\\`inm101'. will appear before 1\/121551;:-. trate Jeff: in police court next Tlm1'sr_lay to answer to a charge of road l1ogg:ix:g'. 3 1a11'1(}{ia;;l11I1a1%1`C(`)1%1lI<};v1"i`:: ;Y 3\Vumbe1`SlIN1isse.< ;\'lz}r1u11 and Adelln-e Wlsdom. - . 4 - . . ,.. . I ' - Sixtyve (66) and sixtyqix (66) 0nif1cc1(>11_{%)f)111}e(1Vby S111c1zu1- "he xvm of Dutfex-ixi Street 1ni` ` ` t\:he To\;;n `of Alliston '1ccor(1i1m. $0 I. 5 0 Su"da3." M Plan of pan; of said Town of .`-\lclistOI1: ':,}$`1}e hhd'rl)" . .,I`,.';..1 H _ _. the County of simcoe -a3)artiCu1m`l3~' \\l1o \\e1`c 1na,r1'1cd_ at Elmvale on described in Reg'iste1"ed`V In:trument; Aug 31St' astopged 1 at the home 0f] No 4585 for Aluston - Ith-e formers slsfuel`. Mrs. W. Bell,` There i_` mid to be~emct\d on :aidtCent1'e_S'... on`F1-xday afternoon \\'hiix 1-mde '1 n'bo:u1 brick c1`1d 09116 wrfd HI? the. w.d`!m~ =' tp' M` UC G"3`mi-`* h residence. ` ` 1s _p1`1nCI};1al of the Wawzx-1<:;.' Continu- I`1-m n.\~nnu.l`f.V will be o'e1*ed 01` . I I . . 1 1. .2. M2L1`ks. who nus ucen v1:~:- F. J. .\'IcCaule_\'. of the unempl0_\'-ia` ed relief camp at Camp Borden, \`\'n.<\, sentenced to 10 days in gaol this` morning" for being drunk in a public. place. The accused was :1.1`1'ested Tuesday 111g-:l~.t on Dunlop St. ` | ------:- . j J. R. Boys, their counsel. Four Toronto people appeared inll court this morning to answer toll liqur charges folwlowing an accidcntlf which occurred near Crown Hill lastl? Saturd`ay night. Horace J. Ola.rke_l the driver, was charged with drivingi while drunk. reckless driving andl illegal having, while the other three occupants, Mrs. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roberts. were charged with being intoxicated in a public p.acc_ l The case was adjourned until Thurs- day. Sept. 13th. at the request of Mr-.~:. C1'l*`0n- Of V95P1'3- ` The funeral was held on Tuesday,\ afternoon from his late residence. 4.`) Eccles St., with interment `n Barrie Union `Cemetery. Mr. J. H, Pexzin. `of Cameron, Ont.. conducted the ser- :' vice. Pall-bearers were Messrs. Al~ bert and Charles Alezxander. Earl and Ewant Carson. Vivian Simmonsl and Irvin Carson. of A130. 1 _ ALGEBRA Middle and Upper School taug;h'.1 most successfully. Start Sept. 1st.` Phone 351. Barrie. ` A woman is a. person who her furniture if it 1sn t llkc her r bor .<, and hates her hat Lf it 1 l*Jxp n :~. of` Czmaclian live cattle to the British Isles for 1934 from Jan. 1 uup to Aug. 23 totalled 34.136; 215' zu,rain. 31,627 for the corresponclingr. pcriml of 1933. i ._.__. 1 Jack Sinnot. :1 Manitoba fzu'n1r-12! 110211` 5r:uu. thros-hed 1,325.3! bushc-l;< of oats off eleven acres. 21 yield of over 120 bushels to the zxcro Men attract '0 them the po.<:ition. that belong; to them. A small lnagvaut never lms 1.110 p<*.\ve1' to drag` after it big: things`. BARRIE CHECKER PLAY-ERS BEATEN BY MIDHURST I At a checker match played at Mid-' hurst Reforesty Hall Friday 11i.;'1`t ]a.~.'t Barrio lost to Midhu1',=t by ve gzunes. F:rf I-I:-IF g'ZlIT1CS. First Half G, VV. Basso 0, A. Wilk`in. drawn 0. J. Dyck 0. W. Campbell 1. (l='uv 1 half storey residence. g The property will for` sale subject to a reserved 'bid. Tnrms: Ten new cent. of the pur-_ 1: Alex. )1:-lieu 0. drawn 1. \..L \l..I. ._.. Q`. (ll'EL\VIl 1. Art .\IL'I\'c-Le. S12. 1. '1`. VV. Wii`.u1'.'~' 0. draxvn 1. J_ Peacock 1. 1'2. .VIcLa`11;;hIin I. J. Wattiv 0. D. ML-Kinley 1. drawn 1 LOCAL NEWS 1. W. VVri1.:ht 2. S. Kain 0. Second Half G. W. BL':s~`L` 2, '1`. W. Willa-1' 0, J. Dyck 2. S. Kain 0. A. A. Garvin 1. D iVI<:Kin]ey 0.- dvawn 1. T U In.-.1; 1 `I LT 1\Yvn~n n A-no-~.u-n ` 1. . Barrio .-Xgricultural Society is supplying free tickets to Bar- rie Fair for all school childurcn. Teachers are ,urged to notify Sec)`;-ta1'y `Gr 0. Cz1merc:'\. at once the number of tickets re- quired. Phone 33. A. A. Gztrvin 2, J. H. I. H_ Luck 1. H. Har1'i.<< FREE TICKETS FOR FAIR The Northern Advan T 2 A long residence in Barrie `V115 `l :.~:eil } Clo.~ed on Sunday when Mr. William 1, `Carson passed away am his home on 'Eccles St. He had been ill for some Toronto ma,rat.honltim~e following` a stroke a year ugjo ` gal. i\rIag~L=-,l21s.t June. i\I1'. Carson wag born on olice next, the Gh concession of Vespra. and was l 3)` in his eighty-fth year. He spenll gmost of his early life farming in Ve;<- g `pm. with the exception of ten ye.u:_= unemplo_\'- spent at Tliessalon and two years near `- Camp wa. Fourteen years -.1-.;:o he re I lays 1;}-.1, ' tired and moved no Barric._\\'here Incl in public had since resided. l l Dr,-ceased \\'al: married in Barrie onl sed N l1....,. ml. 107:2 +n Nfm-v u'ln1'rell. 0' halt` storey 1-es1c1ence- gauon DCIIOOI. Mr. Jas. `nus been iting for the past week at the home Terms: Ten per cent. of: 13111 i of -his aunt. M13. Roy Lee. left Mon- chase money at the t1Y1Y1`9 0 15a1"f5tmd I day for I`o1'ontp_ 1 within `Ch'i11Y t10'1_33- 91* Marjoue Mode and `mm. f111'H1nv 'r.r=rms D9~I't1Cu1a1'5`|nn Vlnndnv from OranQ'm'ille. after]