League was not pxayeu. Mrs. C. Plowright visited Mrs. B. F. Tracy at the home of Geo. Tracy last Sunday. ,\cL.... .. ........1.-.. ..+- ..,....... Ac .-:l,l JLcu._y LL/lib >Juu\ALv_ya After a number of years of sil- jence, it looks as if Minesing Station will once more hear the hum of the circular saw this spring, as 0. Davis and others are lling un the old mill yard with logs. `Mr: T<`.lvin l'?i(-lmvrlsnn `hm: w:_tnrn- yara wim mgs. ' Mrs. Elvin Richardson ed home after spending ; in Toronto. Wrhn v\nr\1\]n n4` H-do nnrn in 101'011E0. IThe people of this community are pleased that the roads are being kept open, as the cars are still running around this part. .rn1 `Av .1 n- ,, 77,3, 1 ,,,_._. Minesing Station . \.1:..,._:..... Q4-..+:.m rI`11v;:- 12 7, LNG DI/I1, .l`4(1(.`I1Vi1l(3 'clllU[ "ill ('1.-1. 211' Mulhuurst and` C .\ n what Councillor remarked `Coun- let us see if we before we spend] L has return- `a few days [THIRTY-FIVEZRINI{ IN KEEN COMPETITION (Continued from page one) Barrie Elmvale J. D. Milne ....... ..14 J. Patterson .... ..12 Meaford Barrie M. Pilgrim .......... ..18 H. Kennedy .... ..10 Stroud Claremont R. Webb ............. ..5 R. Besse ................ ..17 Barrie `Toronto Dr. N. Rogers...11 D. Stormes ............ ..6 Orillia Outlaws F. Rickwood .......... .. J. Sinton ................. .. Bracebridge Thornhill G..*Tennant .......... ..8 W. Wallace .......... ..7 Barrie Orillia. Rev. Shortt ....... ..12 A. C. Harris .... ..10 Second Round Cameron ............. ..11 Beelby ................... ..10 Garrett. ..11 Smith Reive... . 16 Forsythe Allan 1 9 17.11~nLv Milfdmlagnesia Cameron... Garrettu... Reive..... Allan. Simon... Pi1g1'im.... Rogers..... .Tennant..... Cameron... Reive ...... .. Simon N Rogers. ll LIL... Slmon... L1UIlSUld.L ,Ba1'1'ie R. J. Lowe .......... ..13 .G; \Stroud R. .Suther1and...11 E. I A n:..+.m I 1\. -D uu1ena.uu Alliston W. H. Hurst...... Elmvale Geo. Ritchie.... `Barrie W. Rainford.... Barrie f`, TN Utvkkn u Darne G. D. Hubbard...9 C. Churchill W. Allan ............. ..15 J. .`Barrie H. Kennedy ....... ..5 R. . .*Thornhill W. Wallace ......... ..3 A. l D. Stormes, Toror. Snonnrl F Lowe .................. .. Allan ........ -. Rainford... Allan ..... .. Stormes Beelby ..... .. Forsythe... Milne .... .. ; Rickwoo I 3uther1and.... Riainford. | St01'rnes.... Elrick ....... .. Cameron. Pilgrim ...... .. "T`m1ns~mf {Pennant Suther1_and... 3.`orn1es.. `D. I nu rugnui, at uye Semi-Finals Allan ........................ ..7 Stormes 6 Reive ...................... ..s Pilgrim .................. .35 Finals Allan ...................... ..11 Pilgrim ...................... ..7 PRIZE WINNERS Garrett Cup Winning Rinl;-Harry Love, lead; Geo. Adams, second; Frank Simon, vice; A. D. Simon, skip.-Barrie. ' . Tory Cup Winning Rink--R. Canning, lead; , R. Lucas, second; Wm. Reive, vice; ~ W. Allan, skip.-~Chu1`chill. .I `P1-inuwv `/`.nr'l 1n'i7.n,-.T. Fl. Hade- AEBUMS VICC; ."\. A. blnltfl, SKIP--DaITl. Consolation, 2nd pr1ze-R. Lon- -Idry, lead; W. Braithwaite, second; M. Pilgrim, vice; W. Pilgrim, skip. ---Meaford. . Q1~r'vxv;fInT.T-T Q:-nH 1.mA- A lw. Auan, sK1p.-unurcn1u. Primary, 2nd prize.-J. E. Hodg- son, lead; Rev. J. McEwen, second; Ralph Reive, vice; F. Allan. skip.- Churchill. Q1vIr\1~:V1t) Do-u T T Plan]: land` kgnurcmu. 3rd p1'ize~Rev. J. J. Black, lead; L. W. Guest, second; J. R. Dier, vice; Dr. N. W. Rogers, skip.--Ba.r- vi cs me. 4th prize--J. T. Simpson, lead; J. E. Thompson, second; 0. Patterson. vice; A. A. Smith, skip--Barrie. (`,nn:n1nf.inn. 2nd rn'i7.e-R. Lon- --Mea1oro. ` 3rd prize-H. Scott, lead; A. Harmer, second; W. Walker, vice; D. Stzormes, skip.--lToronto Granites. A-H1 rn-i-zp_.T, T.11m1!:. Is-ad: W. U. DDOYHICS, SKlp.--U.Ul'UI1LU \J1'2i-Il.l..|.BS. 4'th prize-J. Lucas, lead; W. Stewart, second; V. Reive, vice; G. Reive, skip.-Churchill. l 'I`1w snr>('in1 m-ize nnpn tn m1t-nf- ueive, sK1p.-unurcn1u. The special prize open to out-of- town rinks, not winning other prizes, which consisted of 4 smokers stands 'donated by Ar1ns`rong & Rainford, awarded for the highest number of points, was won by R. J. Suther- land s rink of S'1;roud with 49 points. The special prize for local rinks. `, consisting of 4 1-gallon cans of Marvelube oil, donated by Chas. H. Beelby, went to A. F. A. Ma1com- .--nn ~ win]; uv-In {`.f\ nn:n+a IELHUCS 1'lHK Ul DLICUUU \V-lbll IC 1-galloi to A. son s rink with 60 points. Misses Leila and Helen Davis of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davis. 1\/`Iva XXI T 1\lz-T.ann {a ui.~H-nn- ufh Mr. W. J. McLean is visiting with her sister in Buffalo, N.Y. Mr: Jnennh 'MnI.c-ma 1': cnrinnnlv PHONE` 75] DOI` SISDGI` l 1511111110, 1V.1. Mrs. Joseph McLean 1s serlously ill and her .many frxends sxncerely hope she will soon be restored to her usual good health. 'I'hn annual mm'Ah'np' nf the share- U5U'cll g0UU. Ilillhll. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Ivy-{Fhornton Telephone Company is being held Saturday afternnon, Feb. 7th. Tho ant-in] whit-h Hm nnna'rao'nHnn D'd.LLU.'LlU.y k1l.LU1'IlIlUI1, .l.`D. 7511. The social which the congregation of the Anglican Church had ar- ranged 10 be held last Friday night, was postponed owing to the severe storm. It is expected it will be held at an early date. ...J.Z IUECHIC .` ....1_3 Allan .. 12 Beelby .4 ....13 Milne lameron... .... ..9 Reive .... .. i1grim ............... ..14 Short : Tennant, a bye. Fourth Round lutherland .......... ..8 Allan .... .. !.`orn1es.... .13 Elrick .. Pennant. ............... ..9 Reive Pilgrim, a bye m'ni-.F`innlc ;utner1ana.. 2-`ainfordu 9&IhE.I.J-\JI .51. \I dnlllu ul- Miss Gladys Vollicks, who has been in Toronto for some time, re- turned home on Monday. Service next Sunday at Knox prnnhvfonn (`J1I11~(-11 nit 7520 nm `.Lll`IlL (.l 1101118 UH lV10I1(.lbly. Servxce Km Presbyterian Church at 7.30 p.m. Rm-vim : at St. John ; (`..hnw-11 I'I'(5SDyC1'lZlIl LIIIUICII E10 'l.OU PJII. Service at St. John's Church at 11 a.m.; at St. James, Crown Hill. seat 3 13.111. Holy Communion. ! I`hn (`.1-n'm V_P.S. aw: menin- EH. 6 ]_).lH. I101) bUlllHlLUHUIl. The Craiglmrst Y.P.S. are meet- Evr: next 'J`ue.=day at Will Feaver's. Sleighs at the post office at 7 p.m. Everybody be there on Liz...;-. g;A1GHURs'r Third 1 n SERVA e ..o A. u. narrls rnes, Toronto, a bye. Second Rnund .9 Sutherland Elrick .. ....13 Besse .... .. . ......... ..10 :Tennant Third Round :1 ....... ..12 Ritchie ........... .. 19 Anon ""6i2Y cup " Consolation T\Tnur Semi-Finals .......... ..8 Allan `I'!.....I,. 1 6 Rogers " ....1 O J.V1ClS\VUU .... ..4 Shortt `hird Round .....10 Smith .. ...10 Allan 1 R 13Hn-uh-.-. ..LU ."\ll'dll .... .. ...16 Pilgrim ...11 Shortt .llalI'.lCK ......... Milne Besse Rickwood QM n14-G IVY lllal Slmon 17 11771-5 Page . WIN A Marshail Spring Mattress Five The Modern Serviette A. SMITHS LUCKY NUMBER CONTEST ENESHOT SQUIBBS COMMENCING I4`RID.-\Y, Fvln-uary 6th, pamp111e rs are being clishibutod by .=\. E. Smith, :1(lvo1'1oisi11g' the Mm'sl1:1ll Spring; Mat`r1'vss. O11 t`l10:so pan'1pl1lo1s flu-1'0 are l11(-lky 11umbm's; l`oa.1' off the coupon and drop it in H10 ballot box. Keep the whole folder with the duplicate numbbm-. On Sz1 r111'du_\f, Fol)1'11a1'y 21, one of the coupons from the box will be (l1'u\\'11 by 21 1'eS])O1'1Sil)l0 Barrio ci rizcn-- rl1is will be `rho lur-k_\' numbm-. The person holding this duplicate number will 1'o<'(ri\'0(1;1 g'e1111i11c $28 Mar- shal Spring Mattross FREE. See the Endurance Test Machine in operation in Our Window ADULTS ONLY GREAT JNTEREST `was shown in the last Marshall ,Sp1'ing Mattress Contest, wlnch was won by Mrs. Frank oCa1'pente1', Owen St. Secure your folder at the store any time between the dates, Feb. 6 to Feb. 21, inclusive. Coupons Absolutely Free -- No Obligation =DOUE.AS DRUG STORE; (Golgate s) ATTENTION ! Iontinues Throughout February (Vivaudou) (Viceroy) with Further Reductions on High Grade Furniture (Douglas) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1931. (Boxed) Absobent Easily Discarded 3olub1e 25 Fggn All makes All fresh I`/LQLIIJ I W; u.v Containing 50 sheets r7v1n $1.25 value l`I.u.J...J...:-... .-.. I 15c value Very mild Creamy lather 35c value Keeps the skin soft and velvety 35c value and guaranteed $1.00 value and guaranteed one year C Help to kill the unemployment problem by buying locally. Keep your money in Barrie. Here are some oerings that will be worth your while picking up at these prices. Look them over ! 250 value 24 sheets 24 envelopes with .. 7x10 SQUIBBS TOOTHPASTE 6 for25c 5 for 25C 1 2 for 89 Box of 12 19c 23: 15c TOOTHBRUSHES 69 39c 45 |` Wellington `I-Iotel Block The Northern Advance gi COUNCIL WRESTLES I; VEXED QUESTION 5 ------ I. uv1I.l5 1:: V :|:us5\.-3 | (Continued from page one} Try '00 Unite TWO Bands Having taken such a rm stand in IT11 1`ep01't Of the Finance Com- the matter of cutting down expendi miitee recommended as follows: iture, the County Council, or a.` \That information be obtainedileast a portion of it, went up in thc _ from the Dominion of Canada In~lair when the Roads and Bridges `surance C0- as to rates in Ba1'l`ie- !Committee brought in a recommen- `That 1`eq110St 0f C- C- B0thV`v'011 1`edation at the Friday session that the rebate on taxes be referred 10 the;sum of $40,000 be spent in paving Court of Revision. `certain streets of Victoria Harbor and [That Bank of Toronto be askedBeeton, the former estimated at to honor cheque of Mr. Frank;$16,ooo and the latter at $24,000. Rrmvn when nresented. ' (`nnm-illnr Rninhnr. who had ro- LIOUIE OI IVCVXSIOIL asked} Frank Brown when presented. I'l`}\2t mmnhm-. in On4f.m`in Mun- | I DI'0\VIl WIIBH PIBSEIILBU. ' IThat; membership in Ontario Mun- Iicipal Assoclatlon and Good Roads, I Association be renewed for 1931. _ \7'I"'|an+ n nu-nn+ A4` ('1 `Inn u-nnrln 6~n '.ASSOCl'cl1}l0I1 D6 reneweu I01` J.UOJ.- ;gra1n To pay I115 taxes, S310 3)4U,UUU ?I"ha.t a g`l'Z1Y1 Of $10 be made tollooked to him like a big outlay and the Sick Children s Hospital and a}they had better wait until next yeai grant of $100 to Salvation Armybefore hey did any more paving Rescue Home. $Counci11or Webb thought the coun \'Ihat letter from Immigration De- cil should make a desperate e`ort to lpartment re Chas. Dunn be referredcut expenses to the bone in order to lback for further information. `keep the county rate down. .'l"h21: S1900 hp 0'v2n1 .r-id tn the T-invr: (`.nnnniHnv F.v:ms: rnso nn nnn FRENCH OAP DaCl( Ior runner mxormauon. `. That $200 be granted to the. Band Committee to January 31st, and that Reeve Rogers and A1d.4 Robertson be a committee to negoti-` ate with Barrie and Allandale bands with a. View to combining the two bands. !mm4- m. n..+:m-. 1-m 4-nbnn nvu Ha; Ilot 'q:111;az11e Jioad near town nm1ts.; I Gramed. . Lon-gman---Shannon-That the fol-| lowing comprise the Court of Revis- \ 1 1 4 `ion for 1931: Dep.-Reeve Blair,` Aldermen MacLaren, Lang, Tyrer, `and Robertson. . `r\:`|'nnT n\1r\v\ CL.-u-.n~... '1"L...L T`I..'L1.' _.' oanos. That no action be taken on the request for a grant to the Institute for the Blind. Should Connect Up Dead Water Main Ends As a means of creating employ- ment it was suggested that the Water and Light Commission be ask- ed to extend water mains. In this connection Ald. Raymond said that there were a great many dead ends of water mains which should be connected up. In case of re there would be little pressure in these mains. A committee consisting of Ald. Lang and Raymond was ap- pointed to wait on the Water and Light Commission at the next meet- ing and take the matter up, getting a copy of the blue print showing lo- cation of all mains. Motions Longman-fI`yrer--Fl`hat council consider setting aside a denite sum of money for relief work. Rnl1prt:nn__Rlmnnnn-l l`l1:1t. Hoard .3. small ZISSGSSIHEXTD 11KB VlCL0l`la. 1131" _bor which only pays $1.40 per per- son, to talk about paving, he said. Our sole revenue is from grain and that has been nil this year. Reeve Dutton expressed the opin- - ion that as long depression in this have hard times. I appreciate Duiton has said, cillor Jebb, but can t get square spend any more money. Councillor Hawkins, took the oor. He said he knew what this paving business meant They had done some in Stayner and were loaded down with debentures that w_ere nothing but mortgages as people preach county we will of Stayner. `He knew something of the hardships people were enduring in bearing the burden of taxation and he was not in favor of increasing that bur- `den. I had a tremendous struggle in;.- self, he said, to pay my taxes be~I j |consider setting aside denite Geh- ` Robertson-~Shannon-fI`hat Board Pa) be- -of Works consider building a cement fore I Ceuld get the Tlomination cover over the drain on north side But Pm here and Pm here 130 he1F A of Sophia. St., be-ween Owen and keep dWh e-`(Dense chiey- Clapperton, . Councillor McKnight, who was Long'man-Tyrer-That the Pub- evidently on the side of Victoria lic Works Committee be authorized H711`h01` and Bee t0ny Said he Was OI `#0 place a snow fence on east sidelthe 0Plnih that if the PeVihg W35 of Sunidzile Road town limits.-nt dhe this Yea!` the $40,000 W01110 |(;ramed_ `|be spent on county roads. He oint- fol- ed out that the council decide two; Years ago `C0 do Some Paving in W0 Blair, Villages each Ye3_1`- I A1.1,.......... 1w....1......,.... 1...... m..-..,... H-` we awn cramp` to wif.l1l1nl:l Hmi .ion Dep.-.l Blair, "Aldermen and Z\'IacLaren---Shannon-~That Public". Works Committee investigate and consider and report at next meeting ;of council, if possible, the question .'of whether future paving in Barrie, `can be done by the corporation, and that such report cover (1) original cost to town in 1931; (2) amount of necessary equipment; (3) approxi- mate number of local men who could `be employed; (4) saving, if any, on the consiruction of pavement to the ratepayers. l_nno'-Af.`.(in:nn_-!I"'hnt. nnlima r-ell: ' a million VHl'c1g('.'S 21,011 year. If we are going to witlihold the grant for this pavi`ng', said Co`u;i- cillor Nolan, I might suggest to the council that there are other things we might make more drastic cuts in. Councillor Spicher was on his fee` again. We have to pay out a quarter of dollars for expenditure over which we have no control, such as the provincial highways. Hadnt we better cut where we can con~ trol '3 he asked. Let s pay our de- ficit `.','i`:l1 that $40,000. Councillor Johnston. of Orillia. en~ 1ill.l;`p'd.y_B.l.'5. Lang-At.kinson-!I`hat police cells be replastered and put in a sanitary condition, cost not to exceed $175. T?n'hm'f=nn_'R1aiv-_fl'11nf Tinnntv- ccnamon, C051. not no excecu pun. Robe1'tson-B1ai1'--'Ihat Deputy- Reeve Longman and Foreman Shuter be appointed to attend the Good Reads Convention. Friends of Mrs. Jas. Pearce, Jr., will be very sorry to hear of her illness. It was necessary to remove; Mrs. 1-`earce to the hospital for an operation. We hope that she will soon be restored to health. Midhurst and the surrounding dis- trict was held in the grip of a very bad storm last Friday. Av~H111r T\/It-Kan .T1',_ r-arefakel` Of spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Caldwell `were at home to their 'l'rieml- \lon- ' my afternoon on the occasion of the iftieth anniversary of their wedding lday. In the evening thirty guests sat .down to a sumptuous repast. The ' {toast to the bride was proposed by 'the Rev. Mr. Stewart and to the lgroom by the Rev. Mr. Caldwell. oldest son of the bride and groom. Many beaut.ifuL gifts were received. The family presented their mother and father with a purse of gold. Their friends wish them many more years of happiness together. vunm. 1\/rm... r`:1..1....:..+ n.'-+nn,lnA +1..-.v l Misses Mary and Jean Gilchrist I I bud storm last b`rxc1ay. Arthur McKee, Jr., caretaker of the Midhurst rink, staged a very ;succes;sfu1 fancy dress carnival last iwednesday evening. . .T `PT, Nlnrtin. Llovd Snence. W. Hot Water Bottles iwednesday evenmg. 5 J. H. Martin, Lloyd Spence, ,Craig and F. Fisher were delegates |to the annual West Simcoe County -L0.L. Lodge held in Barrie on Tuesday. I Tho fm*mm'.< of Midhurst have `iuesuay. I The farmers of ,been busy loading potatoes at tlw lC.P.R. station this week. I Mv M A All',`.|\1Q xznnm-infnm]r>I1f: (J.t'.1<. szauon t1_11s we-uni. Mr. M. A Ad`-`-ms. ;superintemlen`.: of Midhurst nursery, has returned to Midhurst after attending the 1'02`- estry convention 'T`11n wm-I: at the mn-serv is Qebtine I I v 4 `I I I 'L'Stl`y convenuon The work at the nursery is getting ,scarce and it was necessary to lay o" some of the staff. ycauc u; uu11ynu..:.; -,u._,\.u-x... Miss Mary Gilchrist attended the[ lecture on The Passion Play in Bury ton Ave. church Friday evening. Mr. Henry Ellis has {zone to Ham ilton to visit his daughters. Dnvirl N[iHnr : hi:-pr] mrm had the man no vlsit ms uaugnters. David Miller s hired man had the misfortune to break one of his legs in two places near the ankle one lday last week while helping Irwin `Miller cut feed. I mm 1..,nm_.v Am ,.+' Hm n..:+,..1 `Miller cut feed. SThe Ladies Aid Church will meet of 3 pm. the United at the home of Mrs. John Dobson on Feb. 11th, at Mrs. Sam Elliott and son Borden were visitors at John Robinson's one day last week. T.nrm Rirrm: is hank nn hie nit] Station Tuxis won .. r..- -. tThe North Simcoe Hockey League started Friday night when Minesing from Edenvale (Frail Rangers, the score being` 7 to 4. Owing to road conditions Mid 3 hurst and Minesing did not play.` On Friday, the 6th, Edenvale and """ ' will :1! Midhuurst (lily 1381? wcex. ' Leon Riggs is back on his old jab `K. IVIIDI-IURST STA.TlONERY GUTI-IRIE UTOPIA ibouncillors Oppose 1 Paving In Villages] q:1u,UuU anu tne 1aLLer d.E qm l q,uuu. minded the council at a previou: `session that it took 600 bushels oi '_grain to his taxes, said $40,000 `looked .*they ll1n`Fn\'n lmv did zmv mnre nnvino` Councillor Spicher, _who had re- `Keep EH8 COLIIH) 21148 (.lU\`VH. Here Councillor Evans rose up anu reminded the council that the people gfrom his district were paying or try- -`ing to pay $12.40 county assessmem` ' for every man, woman and child. Tet i; all rip-hf. for these npnnln (ml 101' 1112111, woman 211111 C11(1. Pt is all right for these people on small assessment like Victoria I-Iar~ $1.40 Wnnxrn TTnH'nn nvnrnacn H11: nnin. Lal H35 UUEII 1111 M115 year. T nnvn-nnn+a uv'|-\u4- (`nnnn11n~ IIZLVB Il1:11'l.l 1.111165. 1 1 (`.nnn(-i1`1n1' T-T`n\v1( We oil 'a . which : cit (".nnnnillm~ Jnlwncfnn, nf nvillia. on HCIIJ `.'.'1'.l`_ I!`.'{`.L v}`1U,UUU." Councillor Johnston, Orillia, tered the discussion here and said 11 was nothing more than fair that the -county should help unemployment and this was one way of doing it. Pavino- villncrn vzirnpfc i: np1`n`1nn- Chocolate Bars and [U15 \Va5 U118 \\'ily U1 UUl]|g Ila Paving village streets is perman- ent improvement, he said, and 1101 like putting gravel on roads than have to be regravelled periodically." T+` vn`riho' f`m- H11' nnvinsr motion nave 170 De 1'Cg1"nlVll8U [)Ul'lU(1l(."d1l_V. If voting for this paving motion is going to make the rate go up," said Councillor Kiernan, then thai ;makes 21 difference in my vote. A+ Haic ~'mnt-hnvn f.n11nr-innr Qnnf. ;malKes Z1 (nrrercnce 111 my VUHi. At this juncture Councillor Scot, chairman of the Roads and Bridger Committee, pointed out that spend- ing the $40,000 meant they would receive 21 subsidy of $20,000, and that the only difference it could make was about 3-10 of a mill on the rate. 4113,. ntrnxur rlnllav urn 1-11+ Fvnm me rate. For every dollar we cut from taxation, he said, we lose $2 sub-, sidy. ` n_._._A:n-.. r~..._1L.... -,.1.,.,J 4- 1.... .-.1 mu}. Councillor Carlton asked to be al- lowed *0 address the council, stating that he wanted to face the honor-i able body. His remarks were so convincing that when the amend- ment that the motion be not adopted was voted on, it was lost by 18 votes, the count being 33 to 15. (`mum-illm-: Dnftnn and ('.m`lf.nn me count ucmg oa L0 10. Councillors Dution and Carlton thanked the council and the villages of Beeton and Victoria Harbor will have their streets paved. v LV.IIlI\;IIl5 LII-CRUD`, 1 `The Minesing Station Tuxis Boys were successful in winning the first game of hockey in the league this VII :1 \' year. The C.G.I.`\T. and Tuxis held a joint meeting Monday night at the home of Mr. Geo. Tracy. After the meeting the remainder of the even- ing was spent in games. Lunch was served by the girls, after which all departed, reporting an enjoyable time. A ' I r- ~,.._`I. _.._.__ _.. 4.1.- bl|IlCo Owing to so much snow on the ice after the storm last Friday, the first game of hockey in the Vespra League not played. Mr: (`. Plnwricrhf. visitor] Mrs. B. EgYPti}}lalm