Page Fm of all classes selling at cost price Regular $4.50 to $10.00 Big 3-Day Sale Thursday Buying Opportunities You Cannot Afford To Overlook MEN S SHOES i RUBBERS Iccall, Butterick and Chatelaine Patterns Women s Pat. Straps R. NEILL Ltd. The Uutsllnuding Shoe In Ladies Footwear Empress Shoes ALE During the Phone 25 Friday News From The Store of Values Women s Kid Straps $1.93 to $6.16 Regular $4.75 to $10.00 Mr. Geo. Livixmmmx of tin: R mm imnn W, 1.!-..l.. N`-,1 Uunlup HI... iln.rrio, who for the past fty years has given to the pulw of Hm h~w\\ .~m. ,-mmmm\mg \~h~|ul1.y I.|m ul.nms:l; in Footwear Value and Ser- vice, ha: d<>cid :`n mm ma Inxnixxmm n\w+\` tn um mm. Hui. lml`nrn doing` an 1111.3 (1oci(led,.zLs his last busi- ness iv y;\\'x*~ Una pulsl iv the umw`-(u1\U.y nl` lmyinp; Hm luigllest grzmde footwear at prices 11it.`n<>.'cto i1'.1'<'.`.v\vz: ~.~.~. Um wms % Saturday $4.95 Always Glad to Serve You `V0 are offering the nosf lino of ';\[e1'1 .~; "` ` -- 7 47 .l.'.-. `l-,.\n..~ ".'Hn .\m..m-.mI Shoes p1'0<-111-able, at ])1'i(-cs cost`. CHILDREN S SHOES also rcdui-(-.d 20 to 50 per cent. $2.84 to $5.60 Women's Ties and Oxfc rds ` arranged in the store. $1.98 to $5.95 wag ALE EVER KNOWN Barrie 0 Ontario Ii ;Strou:l Siioift Courses '; Conciude With iianquet l In spite of severe weather condi- tions :1 very successful banquet and `.1-nm-n '51: hnl in Stroud on Fridzwltho hzumv couple left _.\iu1nouzmu zzliu Luv; L.`-.lul'nollan(l, of Toronto, VVcx. -. um: . H1: MB`-.rste1'), only son of Zwlr. and El- ' Peter `Grecian model of powder blue L 7 `carried 21 nosegay ' wlowers. `;`inclai1', of Barrie. i;m.o11;' zhe bridal party 1 :L-ialmoral A`. e., 'l'o;`on:o, 16.1: JLLC. LJCLuAAl.~ . ( Ha.r`:`.. carriage to Ale:-:a.nder of Barrie. L gownea i T. Clark, bride was charmingly ion with hat and shoes to mat of old-25.. She wore the gift groom, a necklace of French bl'.I`: enamel and old gold. The bride Wa:: attended by llargaret Clark Sm: sister of the groom, who comingly gowned in beige c..i:fo `\'\'17l1 matching hat and sr.o-:s. Tie groom v.-as attemleu 03' Peter 3.. - fter zne c-. zhe home of the groom` ceptiou was held. Durizi supper, appropriate music was iurn -ished by Mrs. .\larg-are: .\lile.<. Late: for :1 5:10;`: I ltions successlui Danquet .unu;1 dance was held in Stroud on Friday - `evening, January 20th, to celebrate the conclusion of the courses in` `.Home Economics and Agriculture .which have been taking place dur. ;ing the past four weeks under the` idirection of the South Simcoe brancl`. iof the Ontario Department of Agr`.-, lculture. Upwards of 170 young `people, including a number of dis- 'ting;uishcd guests, sat; down to en- joy a most delightful feast prepared. ;by the Stroud Women s lnstitute. E The community hall was tastefully: ;decorated in green and yellow and` L 1011 each table were candles to match. \ Tim +.~.n_.+mn.~+m- W A In/1al1ln\' out that we, as panaui-ans, are In: Ia very important position at the ' present time in spite of the depres- sion which is being talked about so much. Dr. L. J. Simpson, M.P.P., responded to this toast. In his open- ing remarks he stated that he was _glzu1 to be in Stroud again, having] practiced there several years ago? and intimated to the young people that he knew them a great deal bet- ter than they were aware of. He proved himself both an interesting and eloquent speaker. , Selections given by a male quar< tette composed of Messrs. Bruce (Cow-an, Robt. Boyes, John Cowar. and Frank Cowan were much enjoy- ml anul wxvnnlml Hm Fart. thnj: Lilnnl pleasing 11121111101`. I lThe toast to the boys class was; proposed by Miss Eveleen Watt, 21 popular class member. This was responded to by Mr. Fraser Suther `land, president. of the class in Agriculture. At the conclusion of Mr. Sutherland s remarks, Mr. Elwin Smyvth read an address of apprecia- tion to Messrs. Lashley and Western for their efforts in conducting such ` an instructive course in Agriculture - Mr. Roy Goodfellow then presented Mr. Lashley with a three-piece shav- ing set enclosed in a handsome lea- ther case, and Mr. Western with u smoking outt. Mr. Lashley and Mr. Western each replied thanking the ` class for their kindness. Both in-,' structors spoke highly of the calibre 1 of the boys and the interest and co- I` operation which they displayed , throughout the entire four weeks` spent together. YT'lm tnnsf. tn Our Cllnsls wns vnrv SIJUIIL LU}.','Ul4XlUl`. YI'11e toast to Our Guests was very graciously proposed by Miss Helen sbuuems. Mr. Chas. Lucas ably proposed :1` toast. to the Home -Economics Class Miss Eva Reynolds, :1 member of the girls class, responded in a very pleasing manner. |'I`Iw tznust, In the bnvs' class was Z1110 1`l'U.HK \J0\ViU1 \VUI'U mucn UIl_|Uy' ed and revealed the fact that talent in music was not lacking among` the students. 7\/Iv (`I1-we I.n.--.1: nhlu nu-nnncnr` u on eucn Lame canmes [O mzucn.l The toastmaster, F. A. Lashley, uproposed a toast to the King, which was responded to in the usual man- ner. Following a few brief remarks the toastmaster called on Mr. Ed- ward Johns to propose a toast to Our Country. Mr. Johns pointed` lout that Canadians, are in: 1-. vnvv imnm-mm. nnsitinn at the far 1) 010 W past W(:(:K. - ` Mr. and Mrs. C. Manual, of Pun-`_ `liac, Mich., :-;p:nL thr: /<:c:k cnrl` `with Mr. and Mrs. L. (2. .`!:l, "Owen St. l'L.,.uh.y- ('ny"..xnn hf. \'nrt.'n H312`. Pay Cash and Buy for Less son, Smalybt. . _ ' -cncr.-, if nccressary. Mr. R. J. Gallagher vva.3 m Fog on motgon of Re A` A_ Wall, `POTILO `HM W001` ilttndinii W`: fUY1"rnonic,~:a that had been contributed to ycral of his cousin, John G. (mlmghcr. rnm,-L ~`m; expenses f h W _1 `Y _r M of Bond Head E0 Le . an am ample . I ' :rnt:r;;::ncy were turned over to the i M13 F1"d"k L1V1$~'*1V T1 1" I 01 ? i rn.`~;bytr:ry Fund to be used in meet- IL8-"-SiDi Mich-y UJ"'?1) 0 `1 bU-'`J`=-"1-'`',irx',: the needs on the Hawkestone ` trip. finlrl. Nlr: AI:-y. Cm/ it` leavinz `hi. -'.: L`:-v A I Vatrln nv-neon!-n.l Hm. vn, Uwen ht. (1hz:sL(:r (lurson, of .\ urt.h ay, spent Llu: VW:`:k end with 'ni=; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Car- Small St. Mr R J, flnllmrhrzr in T0- tnp. ` l Mrs. Alex. Cowun is lea`/ing `hi:-t.`| `week for San Francisco and ()tl`|F:Y;~[_ western points, where she will :-zpendig N the balance of the winter. -I; ll R/[an E h::_:: Ir-ft fnr a vi:-xit`1 `A. W. amnn. ; Mr. John Payne, of Toronto, :~:p.-nt ; |Sunday with his pare-nL'-;, Mr. and ; iMrs. Ii. W. Payne. 5 Mrs. Cecil Tuck left this week to 3 `visit friends in Flint, .`.-Iich. ` ` Miss Isobel Devlin and .VIi:~;:-: Mar a gate: Murchiezon attended the Con servatory dance held at the Royal .York Tuesday night. .\Ii:-;~; Devlin re- lmained in Toronto and will be a guest to-night at the Loretta Abbey `ldance. [the balance 01 me wmwr. 1 Mrs. S. Bolton has. left ` with friends in L6,-vack, Ontario. M `U 'I' ('mm:.~rnn Umzmo. : Mr. W. T. Cameron and his"; mother, of Se-dgewick, Alta., are vis-;__ iting with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cam-`C ornn, `H1 eron. . Dr. Harold Smith, of VVe:~;tern` Hospital, Toronto, spent the wee.-k `end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. `A. W. Smith. i Viv Tninn pawn:-, nf Torrnnm. :-ment [ \`-""""`* I I `!Peter [bride `Grecian m `fon 11 icarried =o\vers. 1 a `enamel an attended 1 ` lwith mate i:..='room wa \a.4rnn\nx -u.._;..,.. A quiet. wedding was solernnized ` by Rev. R. S. HO;iiig', when Jean `Isabelle, only daughter of Mr. Frank - Mulholland and tar; late Mrs. Bertha ` xr,.x'..n11.m,l nf Tm-nnrn urns unit:-_u' ......-.. _,..\.,_, Avon ...\...,,..-..\. --. ing. Mr. Aubrey Scythcs proposed :1 , toast to Ag`ricu1tur0 and paid tri- bute to those men who have labored so strenuously and through their ctl'o1`ts have succeeded in pl:u-ing agriculture in such an important position. Mr. R. W. Wade, director of the Ontario Live Stock B1-zinch. l'I'oronto, who was invited as the special speaker, responded to this toast. llu :-xtrc.s'so(l the hood for better live stock, not only to umkc. more money for tho fzu-nwr, but to provide at more suit.-ililu nwnt for llw liouscwifo Mr. Wndr: ndvi.-=od tlum: who loved zuxricullurc lo romuin on ll.h(}`fll1'nl Ill-Hi to mziko use of UM` grout. opportunitins \\'hi('h are lwimv, :dl'or the present }(`llL!l`1|iil)ll. "|`lm ,uimrin|r nf Anlcl l.nnLr HVIH2 of all desel-iptions 1'edu(=ed 20 to :30 per 0e11t. :1ll0r(n'(l L110 present }:0IlL'I'm1UII. ,'l`hu simzimg of Aulql Lung; Sync lmmglxt Hm lmnquc-I to 21 closu- Moth young and old Lhuu I`I1m1g` in mum! mul .~4qu:n'n lum-,in;: until the wee smnll lmum of mu nmrnim;-. usneu Dy .\11`s. .uztrg2u':-L .u.u.c_~. 1...;-.::. the happy couple short trip by motor. They will reside in Kitchener, where the groom is :1` member of the Kitchener professiozl-i hockey club. . mg class. I Cook Book---Won by Christine Lister for highest in general pro- ciency in the home economics class. l'I`hn fnllnwimr bovs were nresentcd 'nc1ency. ` (T1105. Bowman---1st; in pubhc speaking. Rm: I.onLrhm=,(L--lst in stock ,iud1r- mg. Y1`]1emomete1'-Won by Helen Boake for highes`t. prociency is.` the nurs- ing class. Cnnk Rnnk--VVnn bV Chl'iSti1'lC`I John Marquis-1st in general pro-, ciency. I'I"hn=, Rn\vm:m---1 st in nubhc `\\'lth DOOKS on IIVG SHOCK: I D1-:ATHs- .V_-\.NSIC-l{LE---ln llmvale, on Wed- Imsduy, Feb. 4, 1931, .\lr_<. Yan- sickle, in her S3111 year. Funeml: Presbyterizm Church. Imcrmenz ` on Friday at 2 p.m. Service 111 I in Elmvale cemetery. in 1 an : 0 "- (Con. Mr. A. L. Webb. reeve Iof Innisl township, and Mrs. R A.!tee: ` Sutlierland, president of Simcoei , ` County Institutes, each in turn re'\iRf:"' 5; uplied briey. They spoke very high-;` *5. _p. ly of the value of such a tr-.iiningC_ m' in agriculture and home eu:onon1ics.i`"` '`:?. "` and even pointed out the fact t11z11`-`q`.";;1 }``m` would be the probabIe3"m5 mptom outcome on the part of a few of t.i1e1$:`90` P9119 Studenm ileiand and T14 \-ncnnvicn on Hm man fn +h.~h Sam? 35 students. i In response to the toast to the: stall`, which was proposed by Miss: Christine Lister, Mr. H. U. Western} and Miss E Rivington, household] lscience instructress, presented the ;prizes won by the different students The winners were as follows: Sewing` l{it--Won by Marjorie _Reid for highest prociency in sew- m . %`11rxn1nn1n1m'-WoI1 bv nciency 111 the home economlcs c1z1ss.l I'1`he following boys were presented with books live stock: Ink.-. R/Tnum.nia___1a+ in rrnnnrsll nrn. l 29 Dunlop Street Pexson axis Simcoe F resby ery i T` , - 'I'\ , - __.._._. peakmg. Ray Loughce(1~-1st judg- H0` CLARK--MULI-`IOLLAND IHH \.. [Pill]. `:2z`/ink! `hi?-` Rev. A. J. Eagle presented the re- 0*-h`:Y;por`L of the Boundaries Commission `Wm f'1II<-'n'J1and upon its suggestion Wyevale - . , izmd Waverley, under the Rev J. A. f01`_ 31 VI31'LfPetc-h, were set aside as a se1f-sus- `-`wfthemgtaining charge. ! In rehnrncr f`nv- Hm (`nv-nm3H-cm rm THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1931- -, 3 I140. ueeu. Luuue. 911.1 Rev. John A. Peacock. who has `been supplying a: Hmvkestone, and `wno has been preaching for some [time in the United States. made. up- edgplication for reinstatement in the an- Canadian Church. is request: was Tallpassed on to Conference with favor- 'm.ab1e consideration. Mrs. J. Mc- em`E\ven. of Churchill, president of the `Simcoe Presbyrerial of the Women ? __;\Iissi0n:.1i').' Society, wa.:` made :1 cor- Iresponding member of the Presby- e`_'\9 tar}: and its Home .VIi.\\`ion Commit- - - fx\x\ !L.a.HIlHg cnarge. l 3 In reporting for the Committee on ; ieligiotm Education, Rev. H. W. lstrapp said that the Sunday Schoo1< of the Pre:~:byte-ry had raised for the `[;VIl.=..~'ionary and Maintenance Fund S3,`)]0, and the Young People s So- I cietie-:4, $1,218. Enrolled in the S.S. .wr.-rr; 8,548 teachers and scholars and in the 34 Y,P.S. there wer= . L183 ms,-mbr:r:~:. l the had ral.=.r.-rl. For local purpose= ` L746. Qrmnz. n*lv\av- -- LHP: 0.9. nzu F.-U $21,140. Some other :~..ati.=.tics, which are incomplete owing '0 fou'r charges having failed to report, were- Church members, 9,977, an increase of T0; 276 baptisnis and 167 mar~ riages had been solemnized. Thei-= were 70 organizations of the W0- man : Vii: Inrmv-v Qnninrxr and R9 W CFC I U UFEZHIZKCIOHS `_men :~: Missionary Society and 62 _Women s Associations, the lattex iirais-.ing_ $22,923. For minis:er s sal- waries, in churches reporting. OI "U16 W0 the $5 ,T01, had been raised and a total of givings, $20-3,406. Dr. Laird, gave a very comprehen- ":~.ive address upon the nancial cpn- ,-dition of the whole church, stressing r W25 the needs of the Pension Fund. it `me determination of the Gen- eral Council to place the fund upon 2. sound actuarial basis. Dr. Laird was cordially thanked for his in- structive and eloquent address. he report of the Committee of "he Missionary and Maintenance Fund was presemzed by Rev. W. E. Ralrnr 213 R24 had hnan rnicnti n1' Be sure and see our window display and the many attractive buys that are OUR DOORS OPEN FRIDAY MORNING FOR THE BIGGEST SHOE S1 11.1110. W35 presemzea. DY KEV. W. 11:. Baker. $38,634 had been raised, or 95 per cent. of the allocation. Dr` Laird said that Simcoe Presbytery `5u3.IldS. high, but unless they and .many other Presbyteries reached lcheir full allocation. there would be tragedy, especially in the West. I? wvas not Christian to allow their bre- thren to bear the burden alone. `Heroic etforts were being made and `selfeacricing gifts being made to meet the emergency. Hundred dol- lar gif"s were coming in every day and it was hoped that all of the thousand units would be taken up. `Already eight hundred such giftc had been made. 1 Da1- Tn}-nu A Dnt1nr\nl.- vuvlun `nun ___v-- - -w -w-J Reports iiogress f. Rev. E. S. Sinclair, B.D.. present- _ ed the report of the Home Mission Commitiee. The following grants %were reco1nv'1eude<.l for the coming ;year: .\'otta.\va, $5222; Chthotf. $275; Singhanipton. $775; Warminster. S400; Penetang. $500. and Christian [Island Rama. Indian Missions 9 the same last year. f 1 1).. I`, \l` Quail R .\ nrnsanfn. . Sunday, ren. nun. - 11 a.m.--`.]on:\h. the Missionzuy. , Story for young people: When , l`rosidonL Hoover was ll Student in l<}m'uopo." An(hen\-`'1`l1o Lord is My Sm-eug'1,h" S0l0~-b`0lec(ed, Mr. L. Bouver. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. The \\ m~ld`:: Ga-oatoat. 'l`eac1mr, Luke 6. 7 p.m.--r-\,'l'he Sovon lnxmps of Architecture" Anthem-Al Even oru the Sun was Set," -'1`urner Solo---~"l3`zu'o to I.-wt! ----Johrl:_sbon Miss Vern Clmrlva. 7(`\h\(`Bdi\_\', 7.415 ]\.m.. Bible Study nnul l`r:u_\`~-r x\1volin;;'. Snlvjvcl, C:'-`-`.- y ---Monck lpitality and courteous attention. `The next session of the Presby- tery was ordered to meet in the C01- lier St. United Church, Barrie, .on |Tucsday, April 28th, at 10 a..m. KIM. 1 mm. Rev. A. A. Wall, pastor of the church in which the Presbytery held its session, his officials and ladies, were heartily thanked for their hos- pitality and courteous attention. -'Inn next session Presb_v~ UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA who last V `| Rev. G. W. Snell, B.A._. presented- {the Pension Fund report. Some lmmistezx: had been delinquent in paying in their a:\ thus not only weakening the fund. but also endangering their own claims upon the fund. i n l nr_.n .... J-.. AF 14-": \n.u-gnu... ...-- v--4 Rev. E. R. Young. B-A-n P35'~" `urn -,, rIl.._2.. iunnfn GENERAL. EHURCH February 5 - l\I!V- I2" I\- Ivuug. -....., ._-.-, Andrew Wigglna. Choir Director Audrey L. Clifton, Organist Sunday, Feb. 8111. n Jnnuh HM` (Elizabeth Street) - n v ,,,,__ n A gs Walker Stores Limited