A Genuine Radio Bargain is the receiver that gives more per dollar cost than any other so-called radio on the :::ar-ket. Columbia is unquestionably the greatest Genuine Radio Bargain, richly deserving of the supremacy it has Won and holds in every nook and corner of the entire World. Columbia is world- wide. You can buy a Columbia, or parts for one if necessary, in Japan or Russia, in Brazil or Scot- land. It stands supreme in the estimation of artists, tone experts and critics the World over, and is the choice of Kings and commoners alike. Truly it is the An Advertised Bargain Radio never is the pride of the owner- repeating ifs name brings an apology. Its manufaetu1'e1- has no reputation-perhaps is already out of business. An Advertised Bargain Radio annually is dumped at reduced p1-ices-the demand does not ab- sorb produc ti0n. ' SEE AND HEAR` THE MARVELLOUS NEVV A Governor `General Depar; RQLLS ROYCE {BF RADIO NEXT DOOR T0 McCULLOUGH S GROCERY OUS =.'Jf3-'_-U Is-EBIA RADIO AND PI-IONOGRAPH COMBINATION AT MAGIC NOTES FROM THE THURSDAY. F1E'BRUARY 5, 1931. : r`; VJ. uu. u.'_DL.'93`; U'~J.l..LC e. (e) A11 Advertised Bargain Radio is built to a p1`ice--n0t to a stand- ard of quality. (f) (f) (e) A Genuine Radio Bargain is built to a standard of qua1ity-not to a price. ((1) An Advertised Bargain Radio is purchased by the hasty spender -he buys promises. (d) A Genuine Radio Bargain is pur- chased by the wise investor-he insists on facts. The Northern Advance A Genuine Radio Bargain is the product of a company that for de- cades has been famous throughout the World as the pioneer and the pace-setter in the manufacture and distribution of sound repro- ducing instruments. An Advertised Bargain Radio is the product of a company With but scant experience and precar- ious nancial standing-the pro- duct of an amateur. `Excellenciee Viscount and Lady Willin ull military honors were accorded Viscount Wi11ingd_on, on the occasion of his sailing from Saint John, N.B. F in the Cannd`5,sitn Pacififcllinr %gntcl_ttre, onhrehncmhriing hinagiost as Gov1e)rno1('lG];:_nerin1cif gianargalzl tio hatof euro 0 n a. e 1 uress ow: e ce-reg partyon oar arp,nu n er usume t y (fan; Ca tain G. Fitzgibbon Mccomhie, of the "Montclare"; olonel Humphrey Snow, Com troller of the oueeho d; and Lieutenant D. H. Fuller, A.D.C.; the inspection of the guard of honor, wit Captain Streateld, A.D.C., in the foreground; he had a sfoecial berth on the ship; taking the salute in front of the Admiral Beatty Hotel. and one of the gun-crews_o the saluting battery on Partridge Island, which tired 19 guns as the liner pasaed, bearing Their Exceilenciea to England. I Barrie, Jan. 28, 1931. Dear Sir--During late weeks the iBarrie Band Committee has been `given unwarranted criticism. Would it not have been better for these `gentlemen as patriotic citizens to rst have acquired some authentic information into the activities of the ;'Barrie Band, which has been in ex- 'iste11ce for 60 years with the excep- tion of the war years.. We invite `these zealous public men and par- `ents to sit in and see the work that `is being carried on among the youth of our to\vn, and it must necessarily be among the young men and boys, for Barrie, unfortunately, is not in the position of Orillia, Midland and other similar towns who can yearly bring in players and nd them jobs, , while Barrie is continually losing the 5 positions. 'Tl1nrn{'n1-r- um inviha fl1n nmnxnil adult players because of loss of.` uy me surrounumg towns are from 11/. to 2 times larger than what Barrie is giving, in addition to every- body boing a booster. Carma nn_ rrrmnnmn V V.-mu In-In luouy Doing booster. Come on, gentlemen ! Your help lis far more valuable to a town or- `g-anizafion than public criticism ,based on inaccurate knowledge. The fwriter and many of the players of h the band who have given their ser- vices gratis for twent_v-\'e years do .not think the commenas made are ' justied. p0.~;1u0nS. Therefom, we invite the council- '1o1's and the public to come to the :Armouries on any Monday, Tuesday iand Wednesday night and learn at ;rst hand what is being done by our jvcry eiciem bz111 and then Ewe are sum Hmv will rrn nurnq; ,vcx_y L'lllL'll.`lH Uzu1(1lnuSL( :1', 1110 tnen gwc are sure they will go away {boosting rather than criticising, and I at that, we are very willing to accept Eat `anv time honest. r-nnzh-nr-x-.2 at. `any criticism. `put-1-nun; CFILICISIIL Perhaps it is not generally known that the grants made to their hands by the surrounding towns from 1%: to 2 Hmps Inwrnr H1vn1 ml...` u| we um: `any time tir=i. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Yours trul H. A, very wunng to accept honest, constructxve , county treasurer, engineer and 3-`. . ....u.uu AL\4UI lt was moved and carried that the committee be a special committee to present to the Minister of Publici Highways the statement of expendi- ture on county road system for the purpose of furnishing in detail any information that may be required by the minister. Who Rnnr]: and R\`idmne (".n~mmiHon chairman of the roads and bridges l uy LH8 111111131381`. iThe Roads and Bridges Com1nittec| made the recommendation that in-| surance against accidents on the county road system be taken out with the Globe Indemnity Co. am`. the premium, amounting to $771, b; paid. i - 1 I present Juuge. The warden and county were authorized to sign and submit to the Provincial Minister of Pub- lic Works and Highwayri the petition of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe showing that during the year from Jan. 1, 1930 to Dec. 31, 1930, there has been expended on the county highway system the sum of $217,172.95 and on boundary line bridges, assumed by the county, . the sum of $5,561.66, requesting the ` statutory grants on these accounts.- the Highway Im- ` as provided by provement Act. 1; ._..__ .._.__...x ...._`I .A,,,,' I -V - -1 clerk ` I ,.- _.. Consideration was given the mat-l ter of constructing a. suitable sub- way under the C.N.R. tracks at the Old Fort south of Midland, and re commendation made that in the 1 event of the C.N.R. refusing to pro- , vide a subway as required by the j county, that the county solicitor, up _ on the advice of the county road 5 committee, be authorized to take ] such action as may be deemed wise : to compel the C.N.R. to provide a subway or satisfy the requirements ; of the county. The matter of 3 . special grant for the improvement of the Dalston road in the township of Orillia was left over to the June session to be dealt with. No objec- tion was offered to assumin_g as a county bridge the Waubaushene bridge in the township of FI`ay if the county judge rules that this can be done. < 1 l V uunub mu vv Thursday afternoon found the County Council more or less en- ` gaged in routine business. No de- ` putation or visitors addressed the members and practically no discus- sion took place. 7111.- ..J_,,',_L.`I:L__ .0 uzuunuby," rema.rKe(1 warden ulover. ` :Some lively discussion arose over the appoimtment of an auditor to ll the place left vacant by the resignation of R. J. Jemmett. The, name of H. A. Henry of Barrie wasI proposed by Councillor Blair and seconded by Councillor Longmami Ex-Warden Cunningham's name was put up by Councillor Johnston, who gave as his reason the business ex- ` perience and ability of Mr. Cunning-J ham to ll such a post. On division H. A. Henry was chosen, the vote = `being 22 to 17. "F1 .... (VIIIQVF n1-`L.............. $`.........J LL... ..V.. W... ,....w. (The advisability of appointing another county judge was urged on] the motion of Councillor Morley, seconded by Councillor Davis, asking that the Minister of Justice be re- quested to make such an appoint- ment forthwith to relieve the extra strain which is being` felt by the present judge. 'T'l1p wnwlm1 and r-nnnhr nlm-I: I Approximately three and a half j miles of road were added to the county road system on the recom- mendation of the Roads and Bridges Committee. This runs between lots `I10 and 11 in the township of Ad- ; jala, commencing at county road , INO. 12, thence easterly to the town- line between Tecumseth and Adjala, thence southerly along the said townline to the road between con- cessions 4 and 5 of the township of ffecumseth, thence easterly along the said road between concessions 4 and 5 of the township of Tecumseth {to county road No. 10. I IT l1P rnhnvf. nf Hm nnn-n~nH on -\4vAAulAlu\;u Anvub pajgc uuc: `. I am glad to see the council a.p- ` preciates Councillor Robins mag- I nanimity, remarked Wa1'den Glover. Snwln Hvnlv (`liar-I1=ein~n nvnan nuns- (a) A Genuine Radio Bargain is never reduced in consumer price-the demand always absorbs produc- tion. T1'he committee also recommended payment for the maintenance of .-mm!-v mum: attending` co1Im:intns| (tul. ,w cuuuby roan D40. :The report of asked that John C211 AA +,. I,...4.. `D.-...,1 [County Council Ends i January Session (Continued from page one; T n1`\n uh! `I\ ,...,. LL- the commit! ee -Hnn kn an-nninr, `l Orillia Object-ed ` Councillor Johnston of Orillia township moved and Councillor Boyd of Orillia seconded, that this report be not adopted. The fear was ex- pressed that the $15,000 Orillia had spent in connection with its power ` plant to maintain a certain lake ` level would be wasted if this motion went through. Councillor Evans of West Gwillimbury pointed out that =1the motion asked to have the levels maintained at normal and also took into consideration that the lakes formed part of a power development l scheme. On division the amendment ` lost, the nays numbering 37 and > the yeas 7. t .The standing committee on Equal- ? izat-ion and Assessment recommend- * ed that no general equalization be ' made this year, but that at the > June session adjustments be made in the equalized assessment of Tossor- ontio, Midland, Port McNicoll and the township of Tay. Councillors Curry and Potter are beginning to feel that at last Tay is going to get some recognition. I\,, n . .. -_... 1...... ,,.........5. The Railways and Canals commit- ` tee recommended that the council ` communicate with the Department of Railways and Canals at Ottawa. ` requesting that some action be taken 1 in view of the danger of abnormally "high water in Lakes Couchiching and Simcoe. If something` was not done hardship might be suffered in the low lying lands in the townships of Tecumseth and West Gwillimbury. including danger to the bank of the Holland marsh drainage scheme. It lwas urged that the levels of the above lakes, which form part of a power development scheme, be main- tained during the spring months at as nearly a normal level as pos~ sible. `throughout the county and several outside points. The following were l appointed on the Uniform Promotion Examination Board: W. H. Carlton, l P.S.I., Barrie; Jos. L. Garvin, P.S..I, Barrie; Isaac Day, P.S.I., Orillia; Miss Margaret Duffitt, Midland; Geo. G. Atkinson, Bradford; W. J. Mac- kay, Creemore; Wm. McKaughan, !0rillia; J. E. Morrison, Barrie; A. |Ha1'vey, Collingwood. Annnini-.mnn`r.: 1-n Hm nnav-Ha no lnarvey, \..ou1ngwooc1. Appointments to the Boards of Education in the county were made as follows: G. J. Kohl, Collingwood, for 1931, 1932 and 1933; Thos. lNottinghan;, Midland, for 3 years; G.eo. E. Copeland, Penetang, for 3 years; lG,eo. P. Simpkins, Bradford. , for 3 years; J. O. Coates, Orillia. : for 3 years; Geo. E. Smith, Barrie, for 3 years; Wilmot Hussey, Allis- ton, for 3 years. - Will Borrow $350,000 At the Friday afternoon session the nance committee recommended that the warden and treasurer be lauthorized to borrow $350,000 from time to time as required until such time as the levies of the munici- palities are collected. The treasurer was also authorized to pay accounts between sessions presented to him by chairmen of either standing or special committees. The usual grant of $50 was made to the Ratepayers Association and the matter of grants to municipal hospitals was left over to the June session on the ground |that there is new legislation re hos- Ipitals pending. . T`l-m 1')n. 1.......,. .....i rL..__L -- Before adjournment Councillor Longman took the opportunity to thank the council for the courtesy the council had `always extended to his late father during his term of oicc as school inspector. ;'rllC thanks of Hm r-nnnr-ll fn Hm (b) (b) A Genuine Radio Bargain never requires superlatives to convince -the product fproves itself. A11 Advertised Ba1*gain Radio requires supei-latives to convince -tho dictionai-y is open to all who wish to use it . _ _._D........... On the agreement of Midland and Port McNicol1 the sum of $3,100 will be paid to the township of Tay on their county levy for the year 1931. This would seem a fair adjustment of their tax difficulties. The com- mittee also recommended that, Tos- sorontio be refunded on its levy for 1931 5 per cent. of the amount of its 1931 levy, this amount to be paid by the county treasurer after _ the receipt of the levy for 1931. lThe committee nn r.m:=1;.+:m. ..,,, me receipt or me levy for 1S)_31. [The committee on Legislatlon re- ` commended that no action be taken on the resolution of York county council that the Mothers Allowance Act be amended to make the mother r with one child eligible. It was re- ported that the resolution from El- gin county to the effect that changes in the present constitution - of county councils which are to take - effect in January, 1931, will lead to . many complications and inequalities, was given considera`:.ion and the committee strongly zipprovezl of the - present mode of representation of v the various towns, villages and town- ` ships and recommended that the clerk notify the three members of ' the provincial legislature to this ef- ` feet and also send a copy to the ` provincial secretary. The annual report of the Inspector of the House of Refuge was presented showing there are 101 persons confined there- in, being 3 more than were noted in the last report. The total amount audited and paid by the county t'rea:=urer for `he maintenance of the house for 1930 was $20,607.24. [The largest number of inmates were admitted to the institution from Bar- rie and Orillia, each town sending 19. Farm produce was valued at $1,410, stock $2,159.50, ofce furn- ishings $395, farm implements $846. Other items included boots and shoes $56, dry goods and clothing $844.13, groceries and provisions $580.30, householld furniture $4.091.55, fuel $1,994. .T_ J, R/r-(`.l\"hln'l |f. nnrl T-T `X7 f"n..L.... q5*&.U:I1.)O, luel qa1,HU4. J. J. McKnig'hf~ and H. W. Carter were appointed auditors on the Criminal Audit Board for 1931. {The committee on Reforestation recommended that no new planta- t-ions be put into operation this year. unuun year. unite us scnool inspector. thanks of the council to the s\\'Zl.I`(]6Tl for the very fair and effi- cient manner in which the sessions were conducted was moved by Councillors Nolan and Evans. The next session will convene .Tx:nn ;. - rl . n r1 Page Three (C) A 'Ir\r\v-v Ca) A Genuine V din Bargain S (c) A Genuine Radio Bargain gives pride in oWnership--t.he name it carries is that of a manufacturer known for a product of quality.