Northern Advance, 11 Sep 1930, p. 1

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V01. LXIX. N0. 28. '<,:ani'/.aition for twenty year:<, 2-'-3 -. every iuwanlan gets enuugn LU. uzw ' `" ' - * ""_"n""" * *'_~~ 1' V-- iA.` F.J:A.Ma11tcoI111sorS1, `_'lCt9'I31` -Slddelm st:1n1` Death wlicn Car 0' tie . gricu ura ocie y, 5211 ie m _ yw _ had lwen connected with that -or- Inns J-u1e' was doing good work. The aim of` Jas. .\lcI,.z1ug`l1lin, of .-\llandz1lc,wa.< r `the fair was to m:-(lucate the pr.-o3-I -,kill-.-d instantly early Sunday morn- in improving the quality of . `ing while driving; along Wasaga and farm products. There was no beach in at taxi driven by John lx-tter hobby than trying to iinproxw: La Monte, of Stayncr.. The accident the quality of stock. Tihe new l)uild- occurred almost. opposite the Rustic ing would be a great asset to theglnn, when Lu Monte, blinded by the fair, ` jliglits of an oncoming car, struck 21 J. A. `.\Iz1cLaren, chairman of thex log` that had been washed up on the . .-\griculturz1l Committee of the l{i- beach during a recent storm, and . Wanis Club. said that the farmer< turned over twice. lt is suggested had co-operated in every way V\`lll1`i|"l;l1a.l. McLaughlin opened the door in- `the club. They had hauled all me; tending to jump. When the car gravel and there was enough left 10 lturned turtle his head \va.< in some x up around the building. way jammed in the door, resulting J. E. Whitlock - in `a severe f_racture of the skull, ll. was fitting that on such an 0('- I which caused instant death. ., .__ .1- ....-..1_.... .1-....1,l 1... 711.. 1 1 17n11n.u:nn- Han inn.-mt l\..l.l n4 S. Chatten, local representative of no Prudential Life Insurance Cof. ad 21 unique CZ~Z}3(:`l enc: on Sunday xst. When motoring with a. friend n t! highway about tlzree mi1e.~ rom ll.)3l'0 :1 lccv: . Imp- .) .` 7.4 A4` "l`\ru r-nu '|"l-un rn~.-uunc l 2111'. {.-\gricu1wLural Iwanis `had every with ithe 111(- 14 1u~n:~ {-'.Hnn~ 1'1~ar\C' nn uni-11 an nu. the` fz11'n1e1'<` / 1 4 1 ) I J. J14. VVTIILIUCK I tting` o(--} casion the speaker should be Mr. J.` E. Whitelock. who is dirt-ctor of ap;ncul~tu1'a1 repz'esenta.1ives for thoi ,province. Stexvzwt Page, in introduc- 'in;:; him, said that Mr. Whitlot-k was particularly interesrtcd in young `people's work. Inuunnzl r\n nurrn 4'.-uu~\ F Jack Brummel. of Barrie. who xx-a.~. found on the side of the road now` the Glf (lllullg dsulnlayin a .1-lczaiidii tion t at oo e i.e me resut 0 2111 moltowg accidengr \va:a1taken to tlc` oya iotoria rospi , wlzere e claimed he had broken his back. Dr. Li-ttlc, who was called to :1ti`;e11 thled a.l1))pa1`;2lntly lnj1.:;1`Cg] tnxn, was to t e pa,tien- aw .lL:1`0 \va>` no useydoing anything for him as h( ' was beyond help. However, the` ldoc-tor s diagnosis of the case did; 1 not tally with that of the patien1.| who paid $15 and costs in police * ;court Wednesday morning` for breach of the Liquor Control Act. `SAID BACK WAS BROKEN, I BUT THE DOCTOR WAS WISE` ll: .1 vvuxn (Continued on page four) `mg the Dan over me Ienee. '1` Dan. Sz11'jea11t, the 463-year-oltl `C;yoLmg'ster, st:n=Le1 on the mound for .-i_Fe1'gus, and this suited the Bzurie * play_ers right down to the ground. - i l`hey gured they would make Danny `xgllke it before the game was 0Vu1,> -.and they sure did. With the score '-:'st21nding 11 to 3 in the locals fzxvor >.he handed the twirling job over to n"Phi1more. But the locals did not 1-[gure that Fergus would knock :-`Tribble s of fe1'in;_rs all over the lot. ..:(`nHin lmlrl Hwr-m tn fwn hit: In I ` ---T - In buddcn Death G-z11n<~ at N:-\\'1na1'ket 011 Monday ; S<:n1'c 18 to ]5. SYDENHAM NEXT Lm-uls i 1u_\' 15(_`.\`I Gramu } Season on l1'1dz1_\'; Slum` 5 Fm'g11.< 0111. I rnere. )li;;< Cole-\Ior,r:2m, the excliangtz teacher from Wales, the committee feel sure, will be an added strength to `.':i(.- Prince of Wales staff. .`Ji=s Simpson, teacher at St. Geor_r:e s School, wrote the board asking that her salary be 1'21i. 31,050. When the teachers salaries were adjusted Miss Simpson, who was getting` $900 last year, was rai;~:ed to $950, the same as other `..acher.~: after a year's work. board well .~'21ti.~:e(l with her work ,but felt that it would cause trouble ro 1".1i;~'0 .\Ii.<.< Simpson's sal- my more than others. It was agree-l to transfer her to ai ;:rzl(le(l school, at the r.<=t opportunity, as she do ' QIPFJ l 1n the most uxcitmg ;_."zLme of the season the Barrle baseball tezLn1 put Fergus out of the running in u sud- den death gun-.u at .\Ie\vmzu-kut, on Monday afternoon. The nal count- ing up of runs after the last mar} i\\/as mtlmd . Barrle wlth 18 1...-Hunt-..._. 4\I`|ll l4`..un~n.~ uvu'+-la 17` I` I \V CL`. 1. ULAL I counters xvas the yin +'nr\,` ' I'll? lilllt .'li|\l.' . ' land the supporters were given plenty to make then1sel\*c.~ fans, hO\\ \ (:1', had `laugh, and they sure `heard when thy sm: with the Ioc.-11.4 tiwr ` 12`-.n.nyeLh-.n- 1n..\Lv =\\'1In Y. ROI;-l':' Ll`l" Lo mu 1.,-uuu. E\'er_vtl1ing' Look gnuee in the y,`zunv: `to keep the f2:2i.~ _o1: Lheir feet. lir- rors, lots of liimxifz and the occas- `ionally good play mixed in. 'l`h_- ibnl`. park at .\'e`\'mui'ket is no place ifor good bz-1 'l`h<| ineld is {very rough mul iL was impossible for ithe players to judge ground lmlls. {The outeld is bounded by a".veed >pa.teh and :1 hit into the \\'eed.~: or over the fem-w was limited to two - And ll. was a good rule tor Ba1'r1e, as tlu: Fergus batters did not ileem to nd much trouble in put- iing the ball the fence. I nan Sm-1`p:n11:_ the . !f`-venr-0l(l =. game. - Barrie went to bat first and Emma J rst up reached first on Phi1more s :1 error at third. Dobson .=acriced, ;,lEmms going to second, from where `- he cu'.1mc:'. on Lmotfzn-1' e1`1`o1' by Pim- n ` 911 nun ;'1`rmn1e's o1Ier1n;_r.< an over me 10:. `>Cot:tie held them to two hits In {Barrie on Friday, but it was a differ lent story on Monday. And m0; of ;their drivgs were good for two bzL.~'e.<. . Ar-mn'n.1`n throwing` from tho out- ;tne1r urnrgs were goon I01` uvo u-.L.-c.~. I Accurate throwing from tho out- `ield probably had as much [0 do `as anything with Barrie winning the game, no less than four runs being 'cut off at the plate. Perfect th1'0\\'>` `by Lynch and A1-mitage cut off run- ners at the plate and kept Fergus from taking the lead early in the (ramp more. `Barrie held the lead until the thrm when Fergus tied it up on some zsolid hits and L_vnc.h .~' error. Tm- locals got busy in the third and counted four, but Fergus came back with two to keep the score close. ! Tn Hm n-:+ nf` Hm : Pnrrirl 'w1`t,h two L0 Keep me score close. ` In the rst of the seventh P-arrirr wonwt on a real rampage and .' `six runs and looked to have the game `. /I1 1-, ,3 ___ _______ g___\ 1"dl$(l IO -'.`-`'-')U, th I 4 1\.' mm-n Hm n+11 }ALLANDALE MAN. ; KILLED AT WASAGA i\Vl1lCn CH.llS(l IIISHIIIVE (IIEZLLH. Following the inquest held at Stayner Tuesday a verdict was 'b1'oug_ht in,by the jury to the effect [that McLaughlin came to his death while riding in :1 car d.riven by John La Monte. A rider \v:1.= at- 'tached to the verdict in which the daigcrous condition of the beach, !due to d1'ift wood, was mentioned, and 21 recommendation made ihat re- sponsibility for the upkeep of the beach drive, which while used as a public highway, does not come under `either the provincial or county de- Ipantinenxts, be determined. \in rhzn-urn has vi-f hnnn hurl `piL]'LlY1I1 US, [JG U'E(`.1'n1XnC(1. No charge has yet been lard agzunszt La Monte. More than 16,000 persons carry on the telephone work of the Bell [System in Ontario and Quebec, lopemtors -- lineman -- installers - ;Commercial \vorkers-all co-operate lto maintain the talking wirna for "Ins. ;\f Blot-is I11- sfant \\'h(-11 T1m1s 'i`111'e. i \.;UIIllXl`.'l'Cl2ll \VUI`K(;`I`S--E.lll CD'OperaT.Q' |to maintain the talking wires for `a busy populace. Talks to distant friends are becoming a weekly habit with thousands of users. uun unu Auunuu Lu nun, nu, ,. (Continued on page ve) THE SERVICE ARMY Icsr of Eight Pages .~:u'e.~`.. 1 L .-Xuxiliury Class Progressing" The report of H. E. Amos, in.spec- 1` tor of ;1u.\:i1ir1r_v classes, was tab1ed.| It reported a('commo(lation satisfac-i( tory, as well as equipment. The tc-v.che1".< work was very sa.tiSfacto1*y. `I There was an attendance of 12. ve|( boys and seven girls. Thi~' should be inc`-ceased to .-`ixtr-en. .\Io1'e pram ] tical oral work in ;:rE`..hn1etic was re ` commended. rt".-...Hmm.4 Ah -arrn cm-1 l' `I L\:.:.; V \. BEAUTIFY GROUNDS PRIZE WKNNERS AT 3 ESSA SCHODLFAIR1 Ideal wezxthcr conditions and the hospitality of the Ontario forestry branch added much to the success of` Essa school fair held at Angus crm1- | mutrity park 'l`uu.< 'l`hr.-re xvnre` 150 entries in owers alone and ap- g proximately 950 entrit-.< in all cla.<:~'r~.~'. A speczu prlzv 01' 21 necklace du- qntnd kw 'T"|-unvn,+nn _Tnnnr Tnchifnl spec naxed by mutnty ]I2H'K lu(*.<(1zl_V. ll1',`I"..' \\'I)}'L`i 1n entru-s by Thornton Junior Institute; to the high girl in S.S. ti, Essa, and SS. 9, Innisl. was won by Maudie. 171a!-nlanv n`F gg I H, IHIHSIH. "215 5. . Fletcher of S.S. 6. _\ 1--,1.-1 nv-ivu (IF 2 Fletcher 01 .. o. I .-\ cash prize of $1 each to hig." boy and high girl in S.S. 6 and 13,} Essa, and S.S. 9, Innisl, was won by ` Jack Spears uf S.S. 1: ) and .V1-audiw Fletcher, S.S. 6. unmqf 1 nnm-f-.\u. (`,nnnIn_r- Attendance zzmdz Classes OVcr<:1-owdcd; Old b`taft' All 011 Job. Johnny ucnney, r1`2'.1'\`t'y L/UClll'ZlIl(.'. I Oats, 1 quz11't--I`21.~':o Orr, Ray- mond Cunmfxhum, Boyd .\I1HL-1`, 11`Ol`l\.` Kennard, Myrtle Cunninghzun. ` nun .-he-ni'-\'nr1n:1 Miller. Austin ham, Liarnelu uouxson. VV11-cat, .~nc211'-~(`mrcld Coulson. Johnny Denney, I-I`ar\'oy Cochrane. mm I r111:1r1---E].~'i(* Orr. Rav- Fletcher, 5.5. 0. , Wheat, 1 quart/-:\u. Cunnlmg-` ham, Gareld Coulson. \,\/hnnr <'r1u-;1l'--.~C:x1`('l(l (w/()Ll1.~'0x|.\ xxennam, Myrue punmngznaun. ` Oats, .'hA'-:1f-.\'or1na Muller, AusLin_ Fletcher, Frank Ixomxard, Elsio Orr. Canwron Jamieson. D...-Inn 1 nnv.n~r_._.Rr-H1 WiIL'in, L`a.nw1*on Jamleson. Barley, 1 quart---B(:Lh Wilkinson. Myrtle Cum1ing`l1znn. BOLtl`iC0 Reed, Harold Halbert, Jack Cochrzmc. I-`em-I.-m H:1Ihm'i. Harold riamerg, .Jac.I< Locnrzmc. B2n']<~y, sheaf--H2n'old Halbert, Beatrice Rood, Elgin Foster, Mar- }:-.u`-at Couch, Jack Cochrane. T`ipM (-om--Ru.~'soll Coulson. Evolvn gau`-at Uoucn, JZICK LOCn1'2lI1C. 1 Field corn--Ru.~'. Corulson, Eu-l_vn .\Ic.\Ia(-kon, Jimmie 1\`IcI"zn`l;1nd. Sweet corn----TBernice McMackon. i`ll. Orr. Belle Stewart, Margaron Arnold, Murray Duckworth. \Tano*nIc:._C:n`@-Id Coulson. Maude Lucas. Norma namert. Carrots-Kat.hleen Smith, Bertha! .Bantng, Jas. .VIcEachern, Jan 319-, Cracken. Andrey Agar. Parsnips--Betty Cochrane, Lister (Continued on page ve) by, Donald bush. \Turnirps--John Howard, Donald Knislley, Erma Graham. Oscar Irwin, Vera Muir. 12no+c._.hnrn!rhv Rrmman. .Tezm .\Iangel:'.--Gareld Coulson, Maude Fletcher, Helen Beynon, Calvin Kir- by, Donald Bush. "I`umi,ns--John Howard. Should Have Another l L Teacher at Collegiate`! Vera Muxr. Beets--Do1'othy Brennan, Jean Gordon, Jamie Blackstock, Laura Lucas. Norma Halbert. 1 (`Vary-nf_:-I(athleen Smith. Berthzl. menueu. (Continued on page four) my mtib mm Amman czxtion would 4- I\ .~ I\ 1`\\ r\IIr\ ` Schools, X411 PAYS $32.50 FOR coma SEVENTY MILES AN HOUR| Francis R. Mills, of Toronto. \'va~-I relieved of 332.50 in police court on Saturday, when he answered to :' charge of 1'eckles.< drivinf: and ncgrli-. gence in failing to have an oper ators license to (1rivr_=. ;\'Iil1.< \\'2\.-- picked up by Tra`ic Ofcer E2'\'in=: on the 13th c0nces.~:io21 of Irmisl on the previou:< Monday going at the rate of 70 mi1e:< an hour. FLORAl. BEAUTY } AT THE INNISFIL FLOWER snow; On the charge of reckless driving he was ned $10 and co.~,L.< of $2.7-'3 On the o";he1' count he drew $15 and (:0.-:1; of $4.75. The Inzlgistrate a(]~ *.`ised that his permit would bu . to the department to deal with. E1m.'ies '6-11 Up 10 Forxnvr YL`i1`l`>`; Mrs. ;\[z1rqui.~' \\'in.< Silver Cup. '.1`_\'1'e1' Says Public Cz1d<}1` '.l.`1':1imn_<.' SE1Ti.\"EZl(',1H]`_\". I Churchill skating` rink \\'2\s a seem-= of beauty on "i'liu!7sday last, Sept. 4th, when the >'iX`Li1 annual Ilowei show of Innisl Horticultuml So-1 ciety \\'21_~; held. 311'. H. J. Nlooro, oi! Isliiigfoii, the judge, pronounced the I i show superior in many respects to ithaut of last year. One entry of `.3])CiE1i int:-ix-; single petunias, ex Ihibited by .\I1'.~:. Ben. Webb, was Lha bv.~.~:t quality he had judgznzd this .~c:-. , son. M1`. Moore also complimentrwi =the artistic arrangement of the first ihvizn tiinina` tnhlp hnnnnnt r>\'11ihi+mi }V\" F X(.'Cllel'1[. 1 | At the evening mee"'cin_e; `Cousins presided and stressed th value of the Horticultural Society U 4 the district. Mr. Moore gave a mo. helpful addres.~' on the preparaticmi of ower exhibits. He also referreu] to the International Peace Garden. {M12 Harry Reynolds, president of the `society, then presented Mrs. Marquis with the handsome silver cup donat ed by the Bank of Commerce to th ex-hibitor winning the highest numbm of points. ' T119 nrizo \\`innm~< wnwz :1: fnl.l 1L/OLISIIIS, lV11`S. LG. B10311. Asters, ve blooms, pink-Mrs. Marquis, Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. Cou.=,:v:- Asters, ve blooms, pu1'p10-i\'11'.<. 1:}. Reive, Mrs. Marquis, Jean V5 | (`.21m1d111:1. f"rr-4-`n 'nInn-m.<-_'.\'Tr< WICB. 1 Gerzmimum.=, six b1ooms-Mrs.! `\\"n1. Wzlrnica, Mrs. F. Lucas. 1 I Pmlsies, twenty blooms with fol` ' |a;_-_'u--`.\I1~.<. W. Allen, Mrs. Marquh` T nf'I)nir:.<. uinvrin, f\\'r>1vr- h]nnm<.._ l'1()(lga'0T1. Phlox, Marquis, [.(.-onard Q'nnn,lm 1 i ! L.nonam Snapdragon, eight Wico. Mrs. Marquis. T.:n'k.=n1n~. pitrhft nikn-M2v A1191}. spikes-Jean uwnco. .u1's. M_arqu1s:. l 5 La1'k: exght p1kes-May Allem. i.\Ir<. Ed. Sloan, Jean Wice. i C:1iHnwlin 1-nHr>r-Hnn_....Tnnn Wrn ;.\n'<. l`.(l. moan, dean wlce. Gzllllardxa, co11ect1on-~Jezm Wicn, 1\Ir.'<. Fd. Sloan, Mrs. J. Hunter. N Qnlnin-In;-is 1 1 rn:1.>n:` R/(ma `LT.-\.. `.Hl'.\'. I'.(I. DJOHYI, .\'lI'S. J. Hunter. Salpuzlosxs. 11 sp1ke.=--Mrs. Hou- vw-r. Mrs. Ed. Sloan. Jean Wice. c...r.k:..-_... 1-) mm..m.,,'\/r..e 'u...., `V!-1'. .ur.<. nu. moan, -ICZUI wlce. S(:abio. 1'2 bIo0ms---Mrs. Mar- 'qui.<, M1-.<. Ed. Sloan. I 1201.... n :v\:1Inc M... M....,....,n That the Bo:11'(l 01'1"-I(1ucz1t hz'.\-'0 to provicle at least teacher at the Coll:-g' nf t'1r- nrx\'.` 1.-`rm xv-N `1:- Iquls, .\`n-.<. M1. moan. I . Balsam, G spikns~--M1's. Marquxs, EI\T1'.<. Sloan, Mrs. S. J. Reynolds. . ."n..-!.......A .... -.......-, 91.-....` ` T` x The attendance C011-til1u('S to in-I icrease, 575 now being: enrolled. butt lthero is little confusion and .~;tu are settling: down for a fresh start. j- I On .\Ionda_v morning`, with clz1:<:4e.~:' .a. in the .-Xssembly Hall, Principal Girdwod gave 21 short talk on atvlile-tic.<, and said that every boy and girl should take part in somr-; _scl1ool atllilctics. as it is an iY1(:I *nt>l\'!?i to development, both physically amt! mentally. ' Ho ',1I1T1('|llH(`0(l that. a new nssntui H1L`HlE`.|ly. ` . H1` announced that a new assoc- iation had been or-,>;anizod for Cen- tral Ontario known as the C.O.S.A.. a meting for organization which hr` attended in Toronto on Saturday. Champions in sports, public speaking `or debating are selected from the `various centres to compete at this association s meet. Mr A D f"nnL-kn:-V: glen In-n-or` fl-1n Z1SS`0ClZl.tlOlTS IHOOC. Mr. A. B. Cockburn also urged the` studenvts, particularly the boys, to take part in the sports program, am. he hoped they would turn out to thv track and eld sports and rugby. Barrie is again in the Georgian Bu- lrugby league, the same as last year T1-y cuts were held on Monday and Wednesday evenings and judging b` the enthuiasm displayed there should be little diiculty in having good sen- ior and junior rugby teams. ~xuuu, .u;u. u. u. u.x._yuunua. (Continued on page three) B.C.l. NOTES [mclmvma CHARGED 1 ,wm1 MANSLAUGHTER{ Sent to Highe'1- Court for J.)va1`l1 of Hobt. \ \'z1`rti 011 Sept. 211d. Duncan Ross Molntyru was co-.n- mittcd to Stillld trial 101' the dezuh of Robert Wattie on a manslau_ htm. charge aftcl` 2:. pl`L'll1Till11l`L'_V h .. ,';n__ in police court \ v'c(l1:es(lay n1U1'l1l:`.g' The cliargo was laid follo`.vi'1g: thcv inquest into tl1 manner ".11 \=.viiiuh Wattle. 21 1'(.'l.l1'0l,i fa rim` of .\Ii(llr.:i'.~::,; W215 suddenly killud while \Vdll-(ll'l_'.:;l along` `.iiglnva_\= .\o. 27 on the ni.h1j 1 4 I . of .-\ug`u:`t 30th, `.`~.'l`llL'.l`l xv-as hold? 'l`ucs Sept. 211d. Since then .\Ic~ 1nL1.'1'c, il 1'u.~:idcm oi l`o1'0n Lo, i111.-` been out on $10,000 bail. ` Only two of the \\-'itiies.~:e.~: lie:`.1'd= at the inquest were called. 'l`lic.~v_l \\`(.-:`r- Loinu Poole, of Midl1L11'.~;1, who! \*.'a.s with \V;it.tic on the night 01' Lilo fatal accident, and Coiistuble William F. Tl1omp.~on, of the provinci-.11 high- way trallic police, who a1'rre. Mc- Intyre. Pnnlu 1-.~-m-mm] 'ni.- \'m'. of \'\.'l1L1Il UL IJL` HL`.\[ {UIZI1 \'\'LI.\' ...1`\` 1X'.l }l'|'x1(-!- tion conveyed to Trustee Dr. Simp son by P1`i11cip:.1l Girdxvood. Thcl'L`: are now 570 regi. at. the ('0' _ legiatc and se\'efa1 of the classes are overcrowded. 'l"1n un~nnu4- A-C 4-`Ian uun-nan-an-unnlr mtyre. : Poole l'(:}')L'6!,tL`(l his version of w`.m'.; happened, and in being cross--exam-3 ined by Col. Greer of Toronto, coun~ 501 for the defence, admitted t:':zu' Wattiu was walking; on, not at 1:10` side, of the l1L;"nway on the nighti Ii nun.-1-inn I-L. :L\;:-1-ihnll r`nr- vhnv |ElU.C, OI UK? HJ'5"ll\\`il.V UH LHU UIELIL in qmnation. I-In dcscribecl the V10 tim of the zxccidcnt `.-IS -.1 retir:-a_ farmer who during` the summer had` `been cmployed as L-ont1'acI.or for the` provincial governmeni on mad wor1~:. He said \`V'cl`LU(: was kl. mam about 0` `ft. tall, of well built prop01`ti0n.~:. iweighing around 180 pounds. ' Tn o'i\'i'nr m-irlancn 1'e i'::.~:! welgnmg arounu Lou puuuus. In _e_>;i\'i11g evidinco 1'eg;11"ling.Jj invetigfation of the accidcnv, Ozlkcr iThom'_1so11 said on a1'ri.'in_g' at the .cnnr\n nf' Hun 11-nnmrhr hr: u.'sn~I1:`tI ihul i'1n01n'_1s011 said 011 i1l'l'l.'IJl_`.. ,` ;u Lll scene of the tragedy he warned lhx.` j_rzLthe) ing' crowd not to touch \V2.1tt1e until the doctor came. Making a survey. 01' the immediate .s`L1)`l`0LlX]L1-; ings, he found headlight. glass :~:tr-awn ,over the road for 21 radius of about .50 feet. This glass was picked u l I and produced in court. Later it w:-1.-i put in evidence as exhibit A by. the Crown. i A u cnnh 4,: f`/vn rlnnfnv ~.n`1*i\'nr|i 0}. Warm wlth his I 4`-1/.1v nu` luelence. `ptie:< in it and the other : wcve I No, sir; just a cow, 2: horse and|i a bunch of pig, replied the witne.~:.-`F with the air of one who was not - going to be fussed. 12 Thompson further stated that ha- found a piece of cloth caught in the clamp of the front bumper. This was produced and seemed to be a piece of dark brown suiting`. Wattle was said to have been wearing a brown suit when struck down. Ti") piece of cloth was entered as ex- hibit B. A bottle opener in :1 leather key case found on the re.-.r seat of'the McIntyre car was n1:,u'k-, ed exhibit C, and two cases of beer, one opened with G or 7 em-_ entered as exhibit D. m..,.m 1. n1I!\c<:~ nx-nu-nnuHnn .~.l` (`I1LC!`8(l as From his cross-examination these two witnesses it is more than likely the defence counsel will seek .10 show r.~'.t that Wattie was walk- ing well over on the higl1w:1j' when there wa.< 21 wide enough place at the ; of the road for pede. /to \ \\'ltl1 safety; second, that his 'companion noticed the em` coming `but ,r.,ra\'e no \*.arnin11j; third. that the |oice1' who made the 11'l`C.-SI; (lid H0! CXH1 UIL u the proper warning before qucs-l tioning the accused. G1-eat emphasis will no doubt also he laid on the fact that iVIcIntyre s headlights were not working properly, one being out entirely an-d the other only showing a dim light, which would int/zrefere with a clear vision of the road. The oiled road and the dark brown suit worn by Wanttie would lmve made if` doubly diicult for the acc'u.=ed to distinguish what he hit. The fact that he did not return ltn Linn AF 6`-an annun n.m.l/and on r~:un of` 'oouo1y mmcuic 101- me accusen to he to the scene of the accident to see what had happenei is the strongest point of the Crown's zase. Tho case having been sent tn :1 The case having been sent to a -higher court for trial, Magistrate Joffs doubted his authority to gram a renewal of the $10,000 bail. This was later arranged in Judge Wis-_ mer s office. I DOIHC OI U10 bI'0V\'I1'S .'Zl.'(:. ` Befrri;"6'{;}.io, Tlixhix-.:;ay, sepizixio/11, 1930 OVI'(.'1'0\V(I(l. The report of the management committee presented at the bozml 1m:e.i11g on llonday night by Dr. Simp.-`0n read: That all schools o',\rv ed on Tuesday. Sept. 2nd, with all 1~:z\chr_-1'5 present. The board was foviunatc in being able to 1`e-engage the full staff of teachers at Lhu Col legiate, and although the attendance is Iargrv,-, 570, o1';'an`I::z11ion is well under way and pupils and teachers settled down to work. The result of `the past _vea1".<. work at the CoI1e<.,V`i21t= was very sati: and CO1DD2`H`f::i fa\'m'z1b1y with other .=choo1~: of .~imi 1:11` size. T1-.,. ,..-..-.....:++.-m rvnn-nrrnr` M :.~.- _\1_ i .`t'ne doctor au`1`i\'etl -.n-n-.-nnv AH-. ("..n, . I I 2 ions records Wednesday zurcrnoon, i. when the fine weztthn-1' brought out .|tla(,- largest attendance the fair has ,ever known. l-iundrc.-(ls of cars wc-r-: nparked beside the cross roads that isrun in front and at the ride of the `Oro town hall, extending in all dir- Iections for whzrt would have equalled ia couple of city blocks. 1 The number of entries reg'i.<`.crL-Ll was a record, too, as they excl:-'.'dt*(l . `llast year by 500, rnz-.king in all .-1~ar- gly 2,000 entries. The inCrC;\.'~'v \\`2'.; Enotecl in every cl':.:. Instead of {from two to four entries in a clu.:. 1:15 has been the rule in for 101` fairs, :*.l101`*;` were from eleven to fourtm-n 1311 many iiistmices. I-l (`o1mn<.:ntin;,-` in gciicrzil `V r-`Sc-cretary i`iC:\`lEl.ll0l1 said thv i'._u,:l- iamon;zj the dircctolxg, was ;year .< fair was the l)~':.~:t Ln-.: Orr; 5.`-Xgriculiural Soxrii,-`Ly 11-.1.~: wax` lwzri by all 0(ld.<. u `cards had been printed, which it \\'z1.= cjthougilt would be suilicient to tul~;'_ iL`car~3 of all the exhibitors. Tu-?~: 2 5morning' the cards werr: exhau=~:tr-i a_.and more entries were coming" in, (:':~:o that a. rush order for r.-:_1r.l.~: lmd c `to be put through. : 5 Acirln from Lllv rv Ll I 1. increase in nu m- Oro World'.~: Fair broke all prev-i that 1hi.~: ` Fifteen humlr;-r_l <:nLr_... lwmmrs FAIR, 0R0 I 1 mama THAN EVER} ;-tnougm; \'\'0u1tl Dc sullicierit L ) uu.'.. L care ~`mornin_;' 1_zmd 111.; "so had! _~ .{ Aside from the num-. J`ber, the exhibits were of a hi_z;`h<.-1' . standard, said Mr. McMahon, than 'e\'-ex` before. Thi.< vsgis soimewhzxl .~-.'.i` ; |]n'isin_s:, particularly in the vegwtzxhlpl 'i:md o\\'e1' c1a.<: which : no .;si-2:11 of dc-te1'i0rztti0n from the ion}: :|dry season. In this connection it \\'&l.~1 `:-pointed out that the owm` i0C[i()!1 :1:\\'Z1S much more extensive than las. -,year, and displziyed a wealth ~.:)i"` :1 gorgeous bloom that would rival any i shown 'Lt Ba.i`1'ir_= s reczmt flower : : Thu 1-nn+ and vncmfnhir r-Y1`-.ihit.= I %Ncarly 2,000 E11`u'iv;~; a11('.i Qll-.1lit_V Butter; .Ui;_y I .-\ ( f(211dz111(:c. 1 The root and vegmtablc exhibit: 1_\ve1`-3 excr.:1lcnt, according to one of !the judges, also the sheaves of oats, ibarley, spring wheat and stalks of corn, which measured from 10 feet ..... 1 ]sho\\'n '-Lt J5a.1`1'm`s recr-nt H0\\'(:1` 'no\ 1 try now. 1; Big Live Stock Showing `J Most of the directors expm-:<. !_gra.tication at the splendid lo`. 01 1'1ive stock shown. Some of the prize . cattle came from as far east as I Udney, Ont, and as far nortlixvc.-st r as Wyevale. In these classes the eiiargest exhibitors were Doble of UH` .~` ney, Dowel} of Wyevale, and D. L. Mciiinnon of Mara. In the hog s-3c~ it tion Doblo of Udncy and Ca1'sca(ldm'. rl of Bradford were the chief exhibi v tors. Doble also showed to advan- o tage in the sheep classes, as dld` Craxvford of Minesing. Tn :nnqizino- nf Hm hnrsn (-in: up. IThe only section that did not :come up to the mark was devoted Lu iapples. Here the exhibits were few- -er and of a lower grade than usual. lThis is zlccounted 01` by the late apple crop being practically a fail- ure. There were, ho\veve1'. some very nice pears and grapes, although lthe showing was limited. I Tn Hm nnnltrv section the ent1'i<~:~: [the showing was Ilmneu. 1 In the poultry fairly representative of the dual purpose breeds, Barred P13:-1 mouth Rocks predomina'ting. Here ,a decided increase in birds was not- iced. Excepf for the absence of turkey and duck this section might have been termed a minizxture poul- try how. I `Rig Live Stock S'nowin*: L Uraxvrord 01 m1nes1ng. ! | In speaking of Llw hor.<,c: c1assc.<.,. !one of the (lirectors waxed eloquent. ,lWe \'r: a wonderful ho1`s<.- shoxxl Ihere, he said. I doubt if you could see zmything any b(,`xf.t(`1` in several of the classes at Toronnto. .n4' nnvlvcn Hm mn=+ rmh~in< aw in 1.11` 5129. Tho committee engagnd Miss A]- hz,-rta Newton to ll the vacancy 14- at Victoria School by the 1`esi;rna- tion of Miss Li\'ing.`~:ton, at a salary of 3950. \H:: `R111-o+.f n'F`-on :1Inn]\'inxr 1' | severan OI Luv: cm.a.~<:.s ow. Auluuwu. IOf course the most entries arc in the ligh-t and heavy d1`au._L`ht classes. but we have some pr0t.t'y steppers |he1:e, too, in the driving` classes. `-Thxs was dc111on:~;t1*z}tg(l in the 1111;, Iwhen the ladivs drlvmg horses, we.-= xshown, a class of four be-uuti(:.<, on-.~`,t an outstanding type that g;avr.~ am judges plenty to do in (let:-rminin; the winner of the first prize. (r`.nn+inm:rl rm -nsurp ve` 1 I I A. F. A. MALCOMSON S BIRDS 1 I wm MANY PRIZES AT c.N.1-1.} A. F. A. Malcomson was success-I ifui in xvinninpr 21 good share of p1'i'/ms` Efor pigeons at the C.N.E. this year! `again, getting 12 rsts, seven sec-' -onds and one third on 23 entrir.-.< oil Magmie pigeons. He also won the} Eldridge cup for the best Magrpixm Two first and three seconds we;-v taken in the Rose Comb Bantams. He won rst and second in :1 c1a.<.~= `of 17 hens, several of which were` imlported stock. l Ottixwa, Sept. 5.--'l`h(- total num `ber of votes polled at the last Dominion election was 3,898,995 Of this number 1,909,955 were castl for Conservatve candklzmtr-.3 and 1,714,860 for Liberals. Thn w-n1ni`nin2' 274.180 Votes in- 1,909,955 VOTED TORY AND 1,714,860 LIBERAL 1,`I14,$bU I01` IJIDGFELIS. The rumainin;:: 274,180 in~ cluded 60,924 for U.F.A. candi(late.<. 59,155 for Libe1'aI-Progressives and the balance were divided among Pm- grossives. Labor, Farmer, Independ- Ienwts and Communists. IE1-.1. mo-o`l un+n pad in HM: (removal lenwts and Uommumsts. The total vote cast in the general election of 1926 was 3,273,062. BARRIE BIG FAIR - Sept. 22-23-24 {upon application to the secretary. G. 0. Cameron, on or before Satur- -senut by mail if requested. day, Sept. 20th. Tickets will ban SCHOOL CHII LDREN S TICKETS FREE . . . u n u ~nHnnh'nn 4-n +1-an cnnvnfnl-v 01 -wou. I Miss Burdett, after supplying` . ` Miss Scott's room at Prince of Wa1e~:1 school, was, placed on the perlnanenti .~:talT at a salary of $950. `.Ii.-.- Wnllnn xvnz m1 n: \\'mne1` 01 we nr. prlzc. (Continued on page ve`, >' - ` -' PI . -::-- V "` Q3; }1"\1wa111.< b`peakc 1' .`11'csm-s ; ? Not-(1 of Set-m1dm'_\~' 9 E(11l\'1T'i()ll. Jmaw BUILDENG % ;, HANDEEB ovaa T0 4 AGR L. socmrvt I I , i *:-` I The si]:r1". '01` co-operation ani" goodwill was very manifest at liiq; \\';mi.< on Friday 1u.~:t, when the lm`: m.-\\' l)ui1din.>: for junior e.mibitor.< gt} `:i the fair, erect:- by the <.-iub, \\':.i.=j handed over to the Bax`1'i(- .-\g'1`iCL&i-SI tural Society. The directors 01' thr fi society were preesnt as guests, and Presid--nt Wiii` .\Ici{innon. on b(}h:lH"` of the club. handed the key of the `. building to R. A. Stephens, presidenf of the society. In doing so he re-i` ferred to the whole-hearted \\`z1y in` which members of the club had en-, tered into the work of providing` the- building. The aim of the club wam to encourag'e the boys and girls on the farm and there was no better way than by enabling them to ex- hibit their stock and nroducts at thei fall fair. The junior exhibitors of to-day would be the senior exhibi tors to-morrow and the Agricultural; Society would reap the benet. T? A Stnnhmis. in accentinz thei I JMOTOR CAR Hns DEER V ON HIGHWAY SUNDAY ; on L.` - f rom uh I1'()m :"L- IL).)1`I) L1 41cx.'v_` . u..2I_!)- ed in 1"ro2'1*. of the car. The impact! I [broke two of its legs and it topp'ze:! over. Mr. Chatten kept perfect con- trol of his car and stopped within :1 few _v=.u-d.~:. He put an end to the dee1".~` suffering and then phoned to [thy 'i=r- wzu'dc11 s olce. A truck wu_. out from Peterboro and [the cz1I:c:1.~..-t taken to town. The deer, .~uid X11`. (`.h:.\tte11, weighed about 160 ;}.-ounAl- and was in splentlizl condi-1 1-inn !Barrie Puts Fergus n Out of the Running i 1 i the fair and Society would Lne Denent. l R._ A. Stephens, accepting the keys, said he did so with a great deal of pleasure. The new building would be a great boon to the fair, in fact, the directors were up against it if this building had not been erected. The Kiwanis Club had manifested the same spirit. in this as in t.he many other activities under- taken. They never do things in a small way. Mr. Stephens referred `to another matter of public interest, -the i;..e-ti of lavatory accoinmodat;io`.7 at the Agricultural Park. It was a shame to invite people to come to other attractions and not have accommodation. He hoped before another year that the Town Council and the Parks Commission would get together and provide a suitable building. R. A. Sutherland, director, he was glad to take part. in the re- ceiving of this building for the Agri cultural Society. It was a wonder- ,ful building: an(l just came in l.`l`1<` nick of time. It would certainly be made the best use of. The liiwan. Club of Barrie does things in a bi}: trict will be glad to welcome them on Thursday night, when the W0- men's Institute, who also does much for the community, will see that Kiwanian gets enough to em A F` A `.\/lnlnnmsnn.vice-president. .<,aid way and the people of Stroud di.'<-, Stall HI $3.121-Ty OI -)2!-3U. `l!lUiLL'U u_y Jllh. ucu. vvuuu, war bH'.` lligs. Fallon was eng'z1go(l as thl.- I auxiliary teacher at a salary of $1,100. She has had three. yea1~< e:q)c-rience in Bx-antford as au.\`iliarylp1`iZe dining` table bouquet exhibited -tezicher and this committee feels t.h:1:ll )y Mrs. 0. Black. While thei she will make a success of the \\'orl:irlu11g*-ht aflectecl the bloom of many: here. `varieties, the showing throug;-h0u.| ' " e\:c11ange,WaF excellent. ' I 1'_,-,,, 1 111-1,- u._ _:u.,. . A4. 4-Ln /\\vr\I-|I.v\:u ~-un..+2n.- 13-."

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