i A quiet but prc:t.ty \\'Cti(ii11f4' \\'z1..=! solo-mnizerl zit. Brant Ave. Unitmii Church, Brantford, on Sa'turrI2i_\' last. July 10, when Laura Isobel Wilson became `the bride of Mr. Duncan F. McCuai:_>', of Barrio. The ccweinonvyi was conducted by Rev. G. W. McCz11I.] The bride who was griven z1\va_\' by her I father, wore 21 becoming` grown of rose ` ]ez1.f taffeta with hat to match, =ami carrried a . bouquet of -pink ro- ses and sweet peas. Little Mz1rg'a1`0t Allen, cousin of the bride, acted as I I I i flower grirl. i P. .-\. Williams of Dcitroit. i I . .. uuu .-.n.~. vvlll. Auu-;nI.`uu (L ; 21 few (1a_\'s wiith WVP: | .\'I.r.<. Swzu'tman of G/o1' ; a few (lays with 1101" pa1'cnts, M1`. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson -zmd M1`. )1) \ \\7!1I.' _ _n rs... . u Rev Wm` '\'Io1'1'i`< of Toronto oc- fth at-"1a't'k` cunictl `tho Dulpt of iuhe L'nitod! 31355 )Im'~'-"m't' Spri-L` is "i*"M-"" Church here on Suntlav lzwt a11 f"i""`l` i" Ema Howl` p1'eachL a v(.-1'_\' ne S/('1'111011, which! _ _ _ Ht: Cm-C\.C(l bv .111 who h0.u.d `him {who \\'a:< \'1. Mr. and .\I1';<. .-\I\'o_\' C .. . ` . , ` ' I ` . . .. .. ; V, , . Mr. Mols W05 a School teach. how E Maltm ` \\.-1..> .u called home `Om? Voars ago `Ila:-1t Sa:`.ur when ho1'.nmt.ho1', IVI1's. `I ' H C H I `I Geo. Wilson fell tl0wn.=1t:-1i1's breaking ` ` LI C`1ut1m1" anf` \;V_"l`m( her ankLe and two ribs. ;4 .3 4: -. . -- 4 . -_~ - _;-or _ , > 11` H `mm 1` 0 H A \'er_\' succt-ssiul Inez-ixn}: of the Mr. and M1-:<. Gordon Howe of Al- IVVon1on s In.' was held at the landalc, Chas. Dunn and Freda Dunn, Ihomv of `Ir: F01: on the qth in_t V . . .. ., L , .` . L\Ii.~:.= Bcg`a1'(li': M1`. Chc21: 01 The Anwlican S S picnic Tb the Banio Spent S}"]a`V Wml Ml" mm:Pz11'k on r:h<,- 8th, inst. was all nthavt Mrs. John Robm;~:on. cculrl be A ball --nmn .hn- Mrs. Chzwlc;-.< 3.Iz11gi11 of 'I`o1`cnt.o- A 1)1'0_;'rcs.=i\'c named Br_\'.d vopedl | rpitu of the fact, thzvt. he was pair-, I. He must have been czu'ric- my by the g'rc~zut tension under hich the House was `lztboring. Any! ay he \v:Ls :1 Byrl". ; I I V M1". Dzwicl Jones .s'pe1r`. an L-\'c-ning with Rzulph Boll. Lrwin Mills)` Ford to\11'i:m;' car. is .<])o1`itin_<: 21 new J. II A IJ ' The distinctive body lines of the New Overland Whippet resemble th smartest custom-built automobiles of America and Continental Europe. Stand in front of this car and you can imagine yourself on the boulevards ' of France. _ It will travel 55 miles an hour in perfect comfort . . . pick-up in 13 seconds from 5 to 30 miles an hour . . . go 35 miles on a gallon of gasoline . . . over 1000 miles on a gallon of oil. Measured tests show that the Overland Whippet, with its 4-wheel brakes, will stop in two car lengths from a speed of 25 miles an hour. The Overland Whippet is 5 feet, 8 inches high . . . not as tall as the average man. Yet it provides more room and comfort than you ve ever found in any automobile of this class before. Canada s First High-Speed ` European - Type Light Car r'nL - _I__L_'., The THORNTON UTOPIA McCUAIG--WILSON See E. I. BOLTON Overland Dealer, Barrie W. -....., `.111 M1`. and ';\I1`.<. John} the 12th.in O1~z111,:`c-I Wrm! R 0})- gL2u1'cul21, I01` 1'13 this Dcminion 0;; :1 sane and sf i s3S`se(i of ta c ! [03 nwtted to. (left: . countigv is o [of inccmpetcnc i 1 as we ha_vp hml ;e< i1'~ i ......... . ed A limited n icy with full book my they last. $1.7 H32 Dunlop St. I All pz1.1`ti0s are now busy prepar- ing: for the coming` election. It will be :1 stx'u_2'g'le f1'au'l1t Will moment- cus comeqixonces to the future of ` Canada,` for it will (lOtL`l`Y'IllllC wl1e{:l1er .<*ta})lo ::overnment,; po~ sse-.=;: clam` m:1jorit_\' and com- to definite policies, or if t:lm is lmvo another period inccmpetlenco uml corruption such ]as in the l:1l.<'t four ,\'uu.1's. l - ` is to be ;z'ove1'no(l by" .....u Au um uuap1w.L uuw. 101.11` (lays. Deceasc-d was `born in Irmilsl on .\[;u'ch 3, 1854, and had lived in Bar- rie and surrounding d1`st1'ict the most of his life. He was 2). son of the 1zu`.`c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forbes. The funeral took place on Thurs- day :1ft.ernoon, July 8, 0 the Barrie ; Union `cemetery. I --_..-a --- John Forbes, :1 well known resi- (lent of Bzuwie, died in the Royal Vict.o1`iz1 Hospital on July 6. Dea:t.h was due `to `pneumonia. He was con- ned do the hospital but four days. Dnvnncnrl uvne J-uum :n T--1-~13` The '1'0l1o\\'in.-4' is the report of `the }Junc }u'.\'aminz1ti0n.< 1101:! 21-: S.S. No. '17, Imsfil. To Jr. IV, .~\1o.\'. Bowman; Erl(Iie_ . c J._C. KEENAN To S1`. 111 Aikins; K no\\`lo:<; Kn0\\']c.: ( lm ('1 .. :; Bliss Jenn Switzor of Crown Hill `11215 H.-turned homo aftel` \'i. her f:mnrImo"hm- 311-5. SWit7.(-1'. Wilson F01`b(-5 \'i; 1'ola`tive.< in tlw ci*t_\' last week. Chz12*];-.< whn \\'n : \'f:H'inn' llv nml W--> \1<~m- J | .1 15 1? , f I u. .vAJn. ; LLIIF, un LHL' obll, lll.`L. i An_L'1ic:m S. S. .Pzirk A ball 5.-nine `be- t.wor~n St. Pz1uI .< and Sir. Pct01"s \'1S amon_s:' the at:`.`1`ac.tion.'< and -all kinds iof races for the i{i(ilii0S. 1; Aikins. unuuvu lILllIIll\.`l UL of in. $1.75, at J. Cu 4--.`.. number 12.11 L, I n 8TH LINE. INNISFIL ST. PAUL S INNISFIL , ;_u;m.u_ .1u\uI.`,. . Pr. Muriel .\Iz11`t,in. Pr. E(l_\"-the Bowmzxn. --'I`c-ssie M. Bc-zml, Teacher. 'I Hf_.'ISI).-`\Y JIJLY 15, 1926. Beginning Friday, July 16th. Euvrg iatt in mm` 5111139 mt EEIIP JOHN FORBES . .....u.\. -..u..u., x..uu1L'.VL Alvin Mitchell; Hzlrohl T.<-fbcl I`owm:1n; Gerald S (R). , Kzxthlcen Hugrhc-s; (H). ` Do1'0v`. h_\' Aikins. H:11'oM Marti11; E2u'I1c: \I. .. 111.4 In "Ir . . of Ukuleles, -ur-.`.ion.<. while l\'oon:u1'.~\. (NOX1 in I}:m|( 0| 'I`m'mI1<)`) ,, .. L. Keenan '. S. BROVVNLEE Deceased is sur\"ived by his father zmd mother, three brothers :a.nd a `sister. The funeral took place on Monday xxfternoon, July 12, from his la-he residence to the Barrie Union cemetery. ......u_., nu;L:LLL:u. ' He w2Ls.bo11n onJune 10, 1899, in] urrie, :1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. IcQuar1'_\'. He av`.rtemled the Vic-1 L01-in public school and the COHC`Q'iLt0 _ Inzszituto. By trade he was a carpen- tor. I ! Suffcrinyx from lead p0is,onin`g' con-' Izmctc- about 1`11`0e years ago while wm-kin_2` in :1 fzLct~or_\' in Toronto Russell McQua1'1'_\' passed zuvay at his home on Maple .-\\'e. on Satumla-3', `July 10. Deceased had been an in-l `valid for almost all the time since be- `c0n1in_r.',' infectell. , I I YT . _..7 - T "` ` ` READ THE ADVER'I`ISEf\IE.\'TS ' Following` the c01'emon_\' the happy couple left by motor for :1 brief honc-ymoon in the United States. The` bride travelled in a figural foulzml dress with hat to mzvtch and fox fur, On their return M1 . and Mrs. Mc- Cuai: will YOFMQ zit G9 MacDonald Ave. Barrio. RUSSELL McQUARRY 0Vne Store Only s..w\JLvu.v.v..L':.1` kJLJl.I.)5 Keep Strong With E SCOTI`. S EMULSEON _..... AV\.'5K.`, uuu one ln-otlwr, Wilrlia.m, all at; home. Tlm fum-ml took place on Frirlay :Ll'-tm-noon, Juy 9, wt two o clock, from lwr lute homo -:o the BZll'l'lL' Uniqn (:1.-nmta-r_\'. Rvv. J. J. Black, puator of Collin-2' St. United church, lcnncluctml v.ln- `funorul service. , . __...u_., ..u._\ nun, at ini whenl I Edith Emma McI{eve-1' passed away at her home at Cundles. In her six- oeenth year, she had been ill for 21] week with pneumonia. She was in -the secoml form at the Collegiate Institute, bu`: had been unable to at- tend school since the winter -time `be- cause -of in mastoid operation, fromil which, however, she had fully recover- ed. Mi-ss Mcliever was a member o-f `.'he Collier St. Sunday School. 1. Born at Cundles on January 18, I911, deceased had spent all her life in Barrie. 'I'here are left to mourn her loss her father and mother, M1 . 1 and Mrs. Samuel Mcliever; three si 1. l.('l'.\', Jenn, Lorraine and Rent and 1 9 TIA... {`un......I 4_ev_ , I - ` ' A \'c2'_\' sad loath occurrc-(1 on 'I`uo. July 6th, at -mi when Edith Rnnnn 7VrnI. mm.. .. -_I 5 1 ` Seized wizh 21 st.1'oke on Monday, Roderick Redfern Reynolds passed Z1\\'Zl_\' in his ba1'bo1' shop at 558 B1001` \*.'(;St. Toronto. Deceased was 41 ye;u':< of age and :1 son of the lzito J. and of M1-;~:. Reynolds. I He is siurvivcd by his widow and -two childi-en, Everett and Evelyn, 12 and 10 _vear:~: old. His mother, three b1`o'~thc-1'.<, Thomas and B(mjamin of 'I`oro.n".ro and Sylvester of Stroud and three : Mrs. T. Binnie. .\Iim~: Hrs. A. McPherson, To- I1-onto, and Mrs`. Herbert, Ru,::`b_\', are also left to mourn his death. I The fuiicwzil took place on Wed- ne. ai"`Jcrnoon, July 14th, at. two lo'cock to Park Lawn cc-mete1'y. , S.`., I I if Ia iHon. R. J. Mzmion, Pos.tmastc-.1` Gon- lr.-rail. Hon. J. D. Cha-plin, Minister of Trmle {marl Commerce. lHon. G(co2'_L'e B. Jones, ;VIll'llStCl' of Lzrbor. - Hon. E. B. R_\'ckma11, Minister of 'Public Works. 4 Without. Portfolio: Hon. Sir H<-m'_\'l D1'z1y'toJ1, Hon. Donald Sutl1e1'laml, .}-Ion. R. D. Nloraml, Hon. John A. _.\lZ1CDO11ll(l. , The Po1'tfolic:< of I\Izu-inc and Fish- 01`iz_-.~', the Interior, Immi_;'1'a.t.ion and -Colrnizatioii, H:-alth, Soldiers Civil RC~l'_: and who post of So- licit.or-Gcncral are left. unfilled at prc-sent. suni/zl ESLDS Knnn (2!-....._,.. In 12 . :- _...u.... yu|uL~AL.c|1 u.\pL-1'. l"olIowinj.>' are mom the Cabinet: Right Hon. Arthur M i 11 i.~:.tc1`, Sec1'e'tzu'_\' `ternul .-\ffz1i1's and P1'i\'_\' Council. Hon. Sir Gnome POI cu. Page Four |\.\. Hon. E. L. Pu Justice. Hon. Hugh Gu $011111 Defence. Hon. H. H. Stc toms. Hon. S. F. To] culture. lHon. W. A. B] Ri_::'h`t Hon. Arthur Meighen an- nounced his Cabinet on Tuesday ev- ening` and the Ministers were sworn I in wt Govermnent House. Nearly ev- 1e1'_v member of the new Cabinet is a successful `business man, and many of them outs4tamI ing' in .their paxvticulm ucrt.ivi'tie~s. All of them have also had if.`,'1'C?lt vpohltical expe1-i=en~ce. |`nHm.-.'n..- .. L ..-.1... sun LIL.` Stats. Hon. R. B. Meighen : His Cainet Slate EDITH EMMA McKEVER Tolmic, Barrie, Ontario . . _ . . \.x. Stevens, ;\Iinister of Cus- ,......u. - Parley, Sccre t.a1'_\' Phone 243 Black, _ -..l.,..\,.u.v... ' members constitulting 't: Guthrie, Minister of Nat- `Ir-n Pate-11z1u:lc,, Minister 3cxn1L-t, .\'1inistc-1' of 1 REYNOLDS Min istor cf .~\g' .\Iiniste1' of Rail- l\Iei_;-;hen, Pri of State for _ I 1'csi of The N01'tl1e1'n Advance j _1;yERYTH1NG _1_N MUSIC ,11"| J The sixty odd divorce cases on z1ccount.of dissolu';ion were over until the next np:u'1i:1mont., Ibo u b10x~`..~`i!1:: in li.~j-xuisu to .-' .J., u un_'r,.~II hu*`.| will be ..u-. E) \.uU1dL cunupCL1II;l`O11. Miss Mumuroe, Victoria nurse from Ba-rrie, {_>'ave 21. very pnzndvicall zul-luesrs ;l-to rthc mothers prescvnxt: on the care of zbalbies. A `beautiful baby spoonn E was zLwa.r(lel to Gliendon, son of Mr. and Mr`. Fred Wright, as being` near- iest the coi-ivect weigli for his age. :`The babies `of Mr`. J. Farrier and ' Mm. Third were as nearly corre:-t i weiglvt rthat spoons will be ;z;iven :0 them also. Over fontzy ladies par- Look of a l=ainIty lunch SC'l'\'0(i at: the close of M19 me-o`tim_-2;. .In View of rt.|;e i~nt.e1'0.~#t l)ein_1_:: arouscnl in Jiistoricul rc~seai'cl1 by tllie Iiiatitwte. It is in- t.m`estim: no know `t-i11L?.'- rthe farm on which tl`li.`S inoc was hold was the mt farm cl<.*zu'e1l `on ".110 P(`l`.C`l.-1lll_'. mm! in *t.l1c itiownship of lnni.~u"il. The Atlgust n1c`0t;in_L1` will t:1! 1'10 form of :1 picnic at the lake .~'.lio1'u. - _......... LIL mmquus was 01 1nm01'0;~`.t.] Mrs. W. J. G`o0 g'zL\'(,-' :1 roponz of -the wfornoon : of the county convondziovn in Barrie 11 July 71.11, mm Mr`. R. A. Swthexduml 1'c-pouifml the c-venin-gr session, rwhon Stroud was succc-Tssful in winning" : prize in the choral competintion. IV;-a 1\/l'..`.....-.. `7:_A_, - - Stroud W.I. _ A very enjoyable and p1'ot.:1~ble ' afit.ern0on \\'L.~` spenr.` 21.: ithe home of , I\Ii=:<. A. Fe1'1'is on Jul_\' Snth. A: no L -re_:ulzu' brunch n1e(tin_L' had been l held in June, there were .=.e\'eml J iltems of` business to the rlispo. of. Co1nn1ie'.lt.(-es were zippoinited wto 1TI2Ll\'0 ;12'1'a11g'ei11(2ii.t.: for .=;c-1-vin_4` iluuncli and l1zL\'in2' L1 booth in lthe `park on eld day, July 21st. A S])l(.*ll(ll(l report of the di:~1`.n'ict zmnual held zut Toititen- hum on July 2nd xvas 3.-:i\'cn by Nliiss l:~'a:l)el Goodvfellcw, who is Di. Director for Stroud branch. iS:1'oud s po.ste1'( sliowiii-9," the years work, re- ceived honorznble meniticn, and their exhibit of vzm-'.iques of initerest. 'lV[rs. ,2`: '0 repon: aifornnnn 'r`-:.c1'r~n f\'P +1.- ..~....L.- . . ...u..xu:1-nu-mu`, . 1\Ir:<. G. SICOVCI` is Joan Wice. ........\..-u:-nun. nun. '.V1`2LI'\' Mr:<. `I. .\IcLa.ch`Iam and Wonu of Tc]l:0mIz1I]c is the rtho fo1`mc 1"s .1)a1'cm'J.<., Mr. " I Wm. W 1`i5:hit. 'M..-. A I vvu;;n1L. ' M1':<. Ang'us .VIor1`1'is0I1 and . Rowena -are \'i.sitin_<: with H 01".: moi`.`h01'-in-law, .\I1's. BM`. 7\r.... r1 rm - -' ..-L.u_.. Mi:<.= Florence Ha1'1`in_L"Jo11 has 1'0-~ turned to Gil.fo1' zLt:e1's1)cnli11(.' :1 while at hm` home hCl`(.`. Hrs. Eva I\IcConkc_\' of Bz1`1`1'ic spent :1 few `last WC-Ck wix'.`h her Inoher-in-I-aw, Mrs. |M2u'_\' McC0nk(=_\'. ;\1,;. `I \`1..r..,.m. ~ v .... 1 1 Bell Pianos or Willams Pianos ` Orthophonic Victor and Victor Records. .-..\, ....-nu; uuc uu-5'.-.=1`S C11`t?. Mr. and I\I1's. Jack Hc-\vs=3n of To- ronto spenlt 1`/he week end v."Zt.}1 the formt.-1"; pau1'0nJts, Mr. and .`\I1'.<. 'I`h0.'<. ' Howson. -..- .\ . . On 'I`uc;< z1.ft.r:1'noon a Sfl`l.1('/ti\'C`(]C`H1OI'1$t)'E1 iiOn of E\'e1" cooki'n_Q' uwttmsils was he home of Mrs. Thos. Sc_\*t] The SI:n'ou bz1..~'c. -hall t.oa.m I ed to Lefrcy on Szut11rIa_\' (av play the 1'(,-'t.u1'n gmne `o=f t}1A.:3 `M10 ; being` 9 to 1 in 1 i Lc-f1'o_\'. Miss Kelnwell of Toronto is vi`. 'm_9: with Nlvs. Mary Givens. Mr. Jas. Fonbes of Toronto spe-mt the week end wt his home here. Miss Pzulg'haJn1 of AlIan(lzL1~e and Mr. LIoyrI Forbes spenlt; the week end wi.t.h IZ`l;t J0l`S sister Mrs. Roblt.` rHuson of Weston. Mrs. Mary McConke_v is spen(l'in_"'l s 2L few days vthis week with friemlgs in BZl1'l'iJ0. I .\' v A u s. u1L: .~,L)u1'_\` ,-) .|.(.`Z11 -D Ha1'r_\' ;\`Izu!iIl is not imurovi Madill and M1':~:. Wm. W r:1In<*o under the ([0(:t'L:1.fS ca I TU .`...x 31..., 1' '- H ' I\I1:;<. Boako of '1`01'onto is vis .in~:1 xvitfh hm` t|z1ur.;'l1.`J(r1', Mrs. Herb. VV;1l- lace. U11 U11 . uuo. numer on 5zLLL11~;lz1_v. Mr. Robert. Humil'ton of Hournin-3.-.~: Mills spcnt`t11e week end mt, Mhc Pzur-` sonzmge. ,U,. ,. .. _ `Miss Joan Cowar l1oIid'.1_\'.in;1 with her Bc-_vce. Don t f01`_L"(!t the :1 to be held in the 1):- : 91? luv up I 21st. .-.._\uo 11 um uluu. I Mrs. J. B. 'I`homp: of 'I'hnrn!`!nn 'called on friends here on Sumlny. 1 Mrs. 1\'I:u`lh:1 I z:i`.nL`erso11 mml 01', and Mrs. Coons have rvurm- u.l - cor visiting: wit]: Iric-1ui.< wt Chll!'('.liH. Mr. and Mr.~'.' ('h:1.~'. 1):-(_-rin=,u' 01' Huz`.t;s\'iHc are vi. wirth _ l1< Milt- ors fuihm` M1`. A. `C. \V:LIIz1c(-. `M1-s. J. N. SpronI`<- zmul :.-'r;1mI.~m1` Ivan Orr IIZLVI} 1'(:t.u1'nr:l h'nn1-. Mr. Jack CoC'l:<.-1' of Uurriv \\':1< `thw- M1`. and Mrs. Dzuric-1 McConJ and Miss Bernice of '1`0r0nI`.(o called; I ! ':.>'uc-s~L of Mr. J. S. Wico on Sun on Mr. Goo. Hunter SzLLL11v M 1>,..1.m.. u.......-1..-`. 0 I ? . (lay. Is now located in his new store next to the Bank of Toronto You will find a large assortment of Musical Instruments, and at very exceptional prices. .1\ Ir. and Mrs. WM] Bu (l21u."ht;r:2' Hclml `of Thorn".on ( [M12 A. C. Wrznllace. `l\/I:~.. n.r,, n '-._.. Y. .,....uw. I Miss 1\ Iznr"2'a1-at Wzwnica of Hum- ilton is visiting: wi't.|1 hm` f:L'.lu-n` Mr. I. -\n::11s Wurniczl. IT... 7 h nu - -- - .M1'. and Mrs. I. I3. Mu.~:.<<-lmzul umil son Oscar of Muplp were thv gum-.~:t..4 of M1`. and Mrs. A. W. (In-vn on Sun- l]\' i Cowan of Barr1e IS an. "VH1. 1.... ~ _ 1:. -- ..,. ... \uI\-,LAAJL' nu suullu, severe hardship mo othcr ... \unvuL\.\. \.L|-VII.` nlucll were laid may STROUI3 , ,..,.. [ zL. jou1'm_-.\= ' revonin_~'.-' to -1` L-,' 1 `....-u. \l`L Luz: lL'.l.L|lL`, favor of ~....;...: u up _;;n\'L Th 03. Sc_\'th (.-.;<. _L H Your old instrument taken in exchange risen rlz1u_<:'l1;t.c-1` 15: uthe form- Br-n. Webb. 5 5:110 _L_"11c-st `of Bliss} .) lozutn that Mr. tiwm)1*ovin;:. Mrs. . . I VV1'lQ`:`. are` "L ...`_ annual eld day` ):-1-k here on July B().'l.k1' and} 'Fl.......A .. V- .......u. 1.3 aum, Miss M. . , hl\.-`V v; 21 ml M1-:<. _.,uv..-u _\ . te1' which sun: 1 (,'1l('(lv`ill ....- :' \V0a1'- }"iVcn :1: .u ilalf lrirr $5112 nf illillinrry .:n\'ny which the ed. Mrs. I\'ennmly of 'l`o1-mm "s visit.-I n_u' her d:m_:'ntm', Mrs. Lunnu. l`rinit._\' Unite`! Church, Suml`:1_\'. July 18. So1'mon.< by `tho p:L.<:or; .\1ornin:.~: Sllbjcoi . A Grow` Rock in :1 Wo:1r_\' I.:md". I'Ivoning' The Joy [of the Il0`1'\l in the Soul cf 1\Iam.' . -......._. . . [ M133 Chwrlotto .\I:1. IS spomI111:.."{ a week :1 H-ornin-_-.~`s Mill. II \v up .. -1 .. .. ..-........_..V ........ 1\Ir.<. Noble of H0rnin_-:9 is spend- ing` :1 week \\'ivt.h hm` .~`i.~'tc1' .\Ir.<. Mn- Mr. HL-wiwtxt and fzLmi1_\' from De-' com and 1\'I1`.<. H.ewit.t. of Hum-y` Hzwbour zmd Mrs. H. Huwi'tt. of Mid- laml vi: at Mr. J. .IL11C:L1f. l Mr. and Mrs. Chiffon! Case and Mrs. .Geo1'p.'o A1~1n.~z't.ro11_.-; of .\'Ic:1fonl. M1". and Mrs. Joe .\`Ic.Gi11` and son Andrew of Bog'na1', Mrs. S:1n Cook and Mrs. Fred McC`uIIou::l1 spun: Mu` week omd alt the home of Mr. X. D. Clarke. n. . . -- -.....\,. . :_rA||lL\Jl\Is Mr. and )3. J. A. PaJt1`.`011 zuul Mr. amnl 1\I1`s. Willis Smith `wt.".emled the .\'ee`]_\' re-union zut Gilford on July 6th. 1: vv ... . - I\I`i.ss `Olive Mullise is spomlin-_2' :1` couple of weeks with her .' ;VI1`.<.l Fuller cf B1'm1fo1` ` I Co11_:r21tL1IzLtio'n;< to Mi. Mzu`_\' Flcitchw pupil of Gonm-'ic:11<> J.ami(~son upon ])2\.ss.i11:,-` her In".`ro1luoto1`_\' pizmo c.\:z11nivnz1tion of $110 'Po1'on}to Con- Mr. and Mrs. Hzu'r_\' Thornton and Robin: . 1`2th.i vilwlc. I27 Dunlop Street