THORNTON Bent IVY . I to repent that Miss: who is ill `in a To- is improving satis- Jennett and Ernest I Capt. and Mrs. Avtuhur J ohncson and their*hter Evelyn had a n'arrow escape from asphyxiation !from gas fumes on Monday night, when gas develzoped overnight in !Lhei.r stove to such an extent .that the three were quite ill from the CC`CtIS of it next mo1ruinng'. Capt. J ohnison, who is -head of the Local 'Sa`Ivart.ion Army Corps, had bannked up the fire on Monday night wirth coke, whsich contznined quite a Lot of damp coal dust. During` the ni.g;}1it the house lled up with the gas fumes, and about six o co1ck next morning` Capt. and Mrs. Johnson were awakened by their (Laughter vomi.timg. Ca.~pt. Johnison jumped {up to go hohe1' and found him-seiif I s `- - D1mere seems to be one law for -the rich and one for the poor, and about l t.w_o milion for the middle class. I .v....v.,...b. uwyu. vvnlnmuvu _,u.u.y\.u "scarcely able to stand. Mrs. John- Ison, too, was quite weak, but man- aged to open a. window wide. Both imorther and duaughrter were quite in the rest of the day, but are none the Worse 0-1' their expenience. I Vital statistics or the month of `November in Barrie show 5 mar- iriages, 12 births and 6 dearth; to ;have taken pbce. ) -.. _. _-.......J .. - yu. u,. The victims of scarlet fever are all on the road to recovery, but some cases of chicken pox have been g l`(3`p01`tF."d. ' .l`J1`\JllIUUc Mrs. Vansickle of Elmvale is vis1it- img her darughter, Mrs. Newrnan, Bayelll St. ` `.\;f..,. I.`I.n.+.-H. `anb una+.11vr\n1` -Fwrwn 11! !~G{oodwin made a trip to -he Kit - land Lake gold mine district recent- 1y. I YYIL, ,,u- 1 n .. ...... .. . ._,, . The co.1Io oors for the Bible So- 'cic~ty hgve comq)1e their work in :the vicinity ibr this year. I rnL, Y 1- u /11 1 - -- E The Ladic-s ,C1ub held 2. success- ful progressive eucshre party in the hall on Tuesday evening. rnv - l!CAPT. JOHNSON AND FAMILY |`NARROWI..Y ESCAPE FROM GAS VITAL STATISTICS Pa 1` 9 {zen .Lnu1u1u, um. I -Mrs. Kennedy of 'I`mwonto spenrt `thhe week end with her sister, -rv A (`1___:L1_ `visit to -her sistem, Mrs. Rose, 121 D`d._V'llUlll Ob. . Mrs. Hunter has rerburned from a} Thorold, mt. V ,,.._,:__ .1: m.......;. ....,....+ -mu. n \-\.A\ \,..u H. A. Smith. )1. .1. L)IlIA`Lv|I~ | Mr. Victor Guest left home on, Monday rto take a pos.i uion with his' uncle in Toronto. Mr. A. W. Laidriman has 1'eturn- home after spendi1Lg` `three months in mhe West. ` rs 1r,...`r\~.......1f1 .....-. H1. . 112). ram. nuun Cuu. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry of Thornton are spend`inug' the week `with niends `in town. `I r\n,L. T1..._....... -1` f`,.1.I..unJnu Juunuua xu vunu H vs. Miss F. E. MacDou;:'a11 was the guest of 1\Ii.s;~'. Edith Russell in Ori1- lia last week end. xr ,, 1 11.... H7 1'`\ 11......" .-.4? VNLUIL 1u'xL:1nm nu uuvvu. Mrs. Ohto Rawson of Co1 `is visiting` this week with her mother, M1'.s. Gauley, of McDomald St. -u:__ ~n._....n... nu". A4! '1`m.nm+n -In anus, 1'11. auu LVALO. ;. n. \('uu\I|An Mrs. A. Pae is spending some. `mime in Dundas on account of `the ilness of her sister-in-ltaw there. nu rq T'.\2...L_.. -2 D......:.. ..++a.n`,ln:l! 'THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1925. 3 OTTON HARDWARE (:0. D1135. uLu'|I:_y, UL AVLVA/vluunu >./In Mnisms Dorothy Ottton of Toronto is spending some time with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Octlbon. 11.... A Dan {a .anornA;nva' mrwnn! JJMXIBSS UJ. vn\:L 3Lavc'.L'ulL".|cnvv uu\.n.. T. C. Fisher of Barnie attended" fthe funera'1 of the 1-arte John A. `Thompson in Toronrto on Momtay. `IL. ......I Man 1'\ D Mvarnhinn Inompson 1n 1Ul`UlIllaU uu Au'uu.uaa_y. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Murchison left Tuesday m'n-nimg for`Lake:law_1ds, Fl where they wi*1`1 sped the win- I'- .W. J. Simpson, Eliza.beth_St., is progressing nicely in the? 3R.V.' pita), where he underwent an oper- alhion on Wednesday. 11;... 1:! I1 `l):..`I...... nail ll.-3.55 'IKt.\v-u EJUIOH UH. Vvuuucuuay. `Mm. F. C. Bishop and Miss Mary Johnson of Elmvale spent a few days this week with the forrne-r s`mo'hher, Mrs. M. E. Dumcher. Mm. J. R. Radcffe Dier will rr.- ccive on Tyuesclay, December 15th, from 3 to 6 o'c]Jock, at her residence, 28 Wellington St. West. ~ Mr. Pete Bakogeorge, who has been in Toronto for some utime, spent the week end in town, lc-zwinp: on Monday for a new position in Lon- don. 11,. 1:..- .1 'D:11:.......1.... .1... Ln.- IGKWUTIKF-tb llaabla WCUJX. Miss M1i`1-dred Mcxmgmi mif Tat ,_,I_ ,__.I -L r1--!-..;......... . PERSONALS-% rut \\JLLLI. \..`I 1 UN L1]. JUJ` 1\ J._'Jllll Hockey S`ric.1{s . . .$1.00 S1aye1'd s make . . . .$1.50 w};]~1mI{tF% ii5e1;}3? "s;i;1;; -409 `each Can you think of a gift more appealing to a red-blooded Canadian boy '._or girl who revels in our many outdoor pastimes than any of the undernoted accessories ? We cannot ! ` *=z*~1/ Boys Hoclcey Sucks, 25c 11"!` TT 1 (`(1 - 1 1 1 Second Gr`l'O\\'th Elm r4;- 1 1111 An us-'~.-.I."-: . WE _-CARRY C.VCf1_\/I. AUTOMOBILE SKATES The _p1'id0 of p1'0foSsi00na]s -the joy of amatculfs Modol C, ]>1'i(-0 $6.00 pr. Model D, .]n'i<`-.0 $7.00 pr. Model B, pric-,0 $4.50 pr. Ploasllro T11b0s, $5.00 pr. M011 s .a\u1`0 $3.50 pr. Ladies Auto .. $3.50 pr. Yukon . . . . . . . .$1.25 pr. Klondyko . . . . . . 90c pr. Billingsley, who has : mas holidays. been amending the Godilege of Phanmacy in 'I\oronrbo, returned home last week end for his Christ- Mdss Irene Wson, who is in ttraining in the Hospitail for Sick Children; Toronrbo, slipped on uthe .~s1:xeet< last Monday, sprarinximg` her amkxle qwime badly- _ IMn-. Humph.r~ey Jones of San Jose, `,Ca. l., visited last week at ahe hornes of his two nieces, Mrs. P. J. Moran and Mrs. J. Jones, and his nephew, Mr. D. H. Ooleman, in Bvarnie. H Mr. KG. Frank Do'y`1e axttbended the! ` 0.H.A. meeting in T-01-`onto on Sat.-i urday as representative of the Bar- _rie Hockey Club. Mr. J. R. Dierl also artrtemled in- the `interests of I Camp Borden. The't is anh-ounced of Edith I. McCullough, daugyhvtel` of! Mrs. L\ and the late W. C. W. McCu!11~oug.h, Lefnoy, to Rev. J.! A. Ward, of Georgina Island, son of: Mrs. George Ward, Uxbridgc, the`, ;n1a1'1'ia5_:;e to take place the -:n:l of: i December. 5 I D l Only routine bu.<.i11c:9s occupied; [the attention of the Hospital Board; |z1`r. its xnectixw: on Mon(l'a_V Il`iL'ht. g A . . - . .. A . 1 Miss E. Wahker of Barrie as` spend - ing a couple of weeks in Elzrrwale. - ~--- 1- In 1, , ________ - . The new O1*t.hophonric Vicrtnola is`, ncw in principle, new in design, new in constructon, new in musical re-) sul-ts. An zLppx*opriate Clatistznlans git. See J. G. Keenan, opposite: Post Office. I Ono hearing of the new .Ort'no-E phonric Victrola will change you:-`j whole conception of music in the; home. Be sure and hear it at J.i (G. Keenan s, opposirbc Post Ofc. I | At three o cLock last Eviday mom- |ing' re broke ourt in ~21 manger in Mrs. Hinds barn on Clwpperbon St.` The alarm was senit in by a night - pol-ice man and the blaze extingvuish-i led before it got much headway. I : In last week's issue of the Ad- vance in which a list of the pur- chasers of 1a.n-ds for arrears in tax- es was g'ven, the name of Joe Haynes of Vespra was given as the buyer of iihe lot in Beeton at uhe corner of Cox. 9 and Pattrterson St. We are notied that the nhme shoud have been Geeo. A. Haines of Beeton and wish to make that orrection. Senrtetnce was `given this ('I\hu'rs- day) morning by RM. Jieffs upon Archie Neaurt, who was convicted last; week on charges of fraud and of impersonating a provincial police constable. On the first count. a jail sentence of one month was imposed, and on the second a ne of $25 and $16.75 costs, or in defaulvt. of pay-I merit a term of two months in jail, was imposed, the -latter `term to! -...............,. -4. m... n....:....:.... -4: u..-I ! uuuun r- . I 3-ft. Toboggans ` 4-ft. Toboggans 8-f1'. T0b0g`gans Hand Sleighs P_ri( . . . Hand Sleighs Prices . . . Good Q11a1i1`_\' Snowshoes price . . . . . . . . . . . . Good Qu21]i r_V Snowshoes ]_n'1c`(` . . . . . . . . . . . Good Q11a1if_\' Sn0\\'sl100.` price . . . . . . . . . . . A small deposit will ad article .until a later :date. Order yours to-day 1 .~ Mr. B. E. Mo-benly is snding 21! w days in Toromo. - .- '~ ,.,lVI.i5s Edmza Ward visirted f_gjgpd;s\_jr1~,_ Necwtmarkett last week. __ __ _ - Ir -.- ~. v -.2 nice ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Girls Wood-Runner Sleighs Silver Bird Sleighs . . . . . LOCALS Viking Arrow Red-Ru11n.0r Stem.-111g Sleighs ....$1.89, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 each Si1Vr F1yer Steering Sleighs, I hwu uluwuus 111 Jan, to -the ercpimtion of the`, SNOWSHOES TOBOGGANS $12.25 [G-ft. Z'1`ob0g'ga11s $5.00 $2.75 7-ft. Toboggans $5.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.50 54c 7 :c 95c ea. Nos. 6 7 8 m1-1.4 an: AP m1 rsr-I __ . :,.V law: . ' , , -~-q ' ...;--I-.-.1 muzsaaz7wr:wuw<`:wi3w<:vw< 3w4irE.u.na23w:ywr}@c;m-,; ,m-,.. g;zm'unr#<"d)"4 mi ID. \_I I $1.14 $1.25 $137 ea. - `I , :I/`Ia.r1-y Shannon enftereil the CB-arnie branch of -the Royal Bank on `Friday. 11:... In nnkkzm. ,.4' mm 12 (`I a+-an (chi1d1'011 s size) A Q0 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,.. (mo11 s 42-111.) . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . , I , (1adios 336-111.) (J $3.50 each . . . . .$1.74 CH`! `IO .. ..qJ.L-IA. .'$2.19 ea. The Northern Advance }'.75 `$3.25 .."$3,75 .uu . !home'. 1|! nun: LVLL|A\.Ll.c\.I. `u.-\.;nu5uv week end at Cookstown. nun. u-...y. .;uvu. Usuvnn ;..\,..;m_y. Mns. Fred Robertson spent ti week end wi-tvh friends in the cty. min. _...1 II... 'l ..'l_._ T1 ... `.. `L... [I13 Lcl|rl|.\.2`L, uL1.. \./nun. LJ\JuvA1- Mrs. Wilson Blvack entertained a number of the young ladies of St. Jameis United cfnurch to a tea on: F1-.iday afternoon. A .L`..... -1.` 1.1.... ............L....... A4` T\lI':.-. J.'1`|ll(`ly LLLUCL ll'UUlh A few of the members of Min- erva Lodge, A.F. and A.M., attvended the meeting of Kerr Lodvge` mt Bar- {rie on Mondnay evening. MINESING Mr. S. M~acLeod of Saskazboon, paid a ying visit rho friends in this bung. rI..1.1.. .....I .........1... nun 11131017 mu:-`H . ..;...uuu_y vvuvnn AVLJ.n n. . ;.n.u.u.u.u. ` The sympathy -is exte-ndd to Mrs. Pev`ter Spring` in the loss of her sis- ter, Mrs. Th-ovs. Jack, Lefnoy. THIS... 17`..- .1 T`l-L,\..J.~.... ............L LL- I I n\.\.4u \,x|\| vvA|.`A|. .a_;n.uu-..v un mu. \av<.yn I Mr. and Mrs. John Harris have} irexturnecl to their home in A.u-pom. I after visiting` with friends here. ' 1\/r.. DAL; i_r-...:u-.. -4: 1J.,..m:...,..v..| u;u.; VAJAU A1`: vvAvuA ;;. uuu uvu... Mr. ,Robt. `I-Lvmilmon of H=orning sl [M`i'1Ls vspenxt Stu-mlway at the parson-ll - nan. Mr. Donald Banfti-mg was in the! city on Safn11_r Mr. Will Black has returned 1 uuunnnuu ; I Mr. Wilfred Boovth is visiting with` his father, Mr. Chas. Booth. I IA ..- \`[72I..-.. T)'l....1_ r\vQLF\.J`l\:`lll\J 4-. vu uuuuu_y. I M1`. aml Mns. A. E. Page and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Balxliston of Barrie spenrt Sunday with the latzter -s par-I ents here. ` ` .., m. . .... . I TR. J. Fnlxeiy of Tononfbo ing acquaintances in town d}is`w'eek. ' "'-$ Adva Smith of Toronto spent` " wk end at her home in Bar- I nus. I Mr. and Mrs. WIiI|1 Leonard and Miss Leonard and Mr. Howard Letmard of Markham spemt lzusfl !Sund`ay wirth Mr. W. J. Leonard. I 7"I"l.... ..._.....,-L'l... .... ..-.J......'lf..J 4.... `l|lI'.... ` -.-.. nu`. - ilrene of Ba ltheir daug'11a` ion Sunday. I 1|/r_. .....1 1| |wi\"i1-.M\;Vy.i.1`son Wice and Mim Jea-nl 'Wice molt-cred to Minesing on Fnitluy and spent the (hay with Miss R. Co]- lins. I at . -- .... .. -. . `I `bvnlu `Lv `Lulu vu.-J uv. n nu--n,. I ! Miss Hilda Ferris of Mrinesimg was ?the gtue-sit of her pa1`env`os over the-' tweak ey_n(I. _ { M1`. and Mrs. Levi Pnatt and Miss Baririe were the guests of daughter, Mrs. Ru'sse'1.1 Webb, I_., n,,,, 1," . 5 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Green vhavel Tigone to the city for a while. I Tl/ff..... LYHJ- 1TL.....!.. A2 'IIf.'......:~.... ..-.-`ml U145- Colds and coughs are very much 1 evidence in this vcinitty. One STROUD the yuA'uuvAvAI \;uuul;~u.u_y wu .Luuuuu`u. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McQuay of Elmira visited with relatives here last week. -. I Ivy -my -vr . .. l l;;..v...uu..; 4;. ;v_,. | Mrs. T. Barlow and Miss Florence ihwavc re.`ou1'ncd home ater visiting the northern towns of North Bay, |Powa.ssan, Trout Creek and Orillia. `.5: `LL; ,'3*- :3` I [ Mrs. Spence o-f Midhurst is spend- {inrg some time at the home of her |son, Newton Spence. Mrs. Harry Banting and her mother, Mrs. Hussey, visited in To- ronto last week, the lahter remaining': `for a holiday. 1 1M'.. 1"-.. 1`)..1......;.._._ _'__ _._BL, :11! l.:.u; u. uuunuu_y. l Mr. Geo. Robertson is quite i`11I wibh pvne`u.moni`a. ` Mr. M.'H. Lowrie has returned? `home after spending the summer months with the Great Lakes Trans- povbartion Company at Mid1va"ml. ! . `M - ....-| `Mr... 1m_.._...1 1ur-r\....-- _.l The Y.P.C. Wiilsl meet in the base-g lmcmt of the United church on Tues-` lday eveninxg at 8.15. Miss Mary` Mason will prepare the p1*og;1`amme and Mr. Hubert McKenzie \VTi1I1 take the topic, telling about wxhat he learned while he was in Chicago. All the young` people are cortlial-1y invited to aittentl. `Ar 1` -u . -..w. um. ... ..u.......w.. vnauvuxu ..., lOpi'1l`ia recemibly. Miss Ethel is visiting: lfriemls in Ivy. ` ' .1\K...~ '1` D....1.....- ....,l 1|:I 3..... T31 ..... A- Auuu vv us..- Mr. am ! Mrs. W. H. Kennedy. of Barrie vsited at J. T. Jennccws on} Sunday. 1 nr- ...... ...1...: `I\ ..,.;......:. 41...; wur:-,.l ... ..u. Elma G-ooduwin, ron-to hospitbal, factorily. `IK......_.. D-..L - AA\.I n \. unv back and ho} strong again. Tl/I .. `I7! .. A nu. V.-D -.uA\,u..u. Mr. W-ice of Stroud visirted Miss! lcoldins during the week. - fee-lsilike enquiring if we are going! through gm epid_1'r_nic .such as the flu of'a..f,(=.yv years ago. Mrs. A. Rdnalig is home from Bar-I lrie. We are pleased to have her hope she may soon be; Os-nun n ma un uv cuvvk.'AA\I- I Jas. A. Jalnrieson visited in, 41,, 1 1 nuuy. ! Miss E. Robbins of the B.C.vI. staff spent the week end with fviends in `Toronto. \A' u_.__:_L1, -c 1:"1........I.. :.. ..:r.:+