Northern Advance, 10 Dec 1925, p. 5

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1VIen s Knitted Ties, boxed, 75c value, for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 oonrauows ELECT (\`I:'ll"I:' DC Men s Silk Ties, in boxes, worth $1.50, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 E. J. BYRNE3 At the meeting of Barrie Lodge No. 63, I.0.0.F., last week, the officers were all elected by acu1ama- tion and at i as follows : J.P.G., Biz). A. Pugh; N.G-., Bro. N. Marshalxl; V.G., Bno. H. Coles; Rec. Sec., Bro. E. Chown; Fin. Seci, Bro. G. C-oles, Sr.; T1-eas., Bro. W. D. Clifton; H-all Board, G. Coles, Jr.; R. Jahnstnn, V T`. Vnnn.`*nr. . Men s Italian Silk Ties, all in boxes and \\'01'1`h up to $2.50, at $1.50 86 $1.75 Men s Linen Initialed Handkerchief for C111-istlnas . . . . . . .350, 3 for $1.00 Men s Silk Mufflers, assortocl shades 4, an -en 11g1:,1-.- -.-.: .I.V.L\J1.l D hI.\LJ.x J-VJ-LLJLLVL nu, 1,;-yuun \\ um and value up to $4.50. 1-I01i(1z1_\'i`)`1:i`.<\i;`(3 only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.45 Men s Fine Cashmere Sweaters, (1o.<<~(1 or dome fz1s1'o11m- 11o(-ks, as.<(n'to(1 s11u(l(`~s and \`;1l11(- up tn $+,()0. TI01idz1y ]n'i(-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l.98 unu. 4.v, ;a:.u. LDJU noun 1 , Men s combination Wool Underwear, 1 fl 1 1 -_ _ I ,_ _L' , - . f`\L ..3..1...-_ ,. J.VJ.U.I..l. D uU1l.l.lU.l.1J.u1uJ.vJ.:. vv vva. \ILLv|.\a;. vv vlrva, a \\'011dm'f'111 ba1'gai11 fo1'C11ris r111as 01113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . .$1.98 AUTO LICENSES bonturea of the Town 0! De mum. 51 Per Cent. Good Investment. Seomo. v?."i"1:f.`7i .`,"`is"{fi:`iz ~___..... A- I Aw-nnltl u- REMEMBER OUR STAPLE DRY GOODS AND HOSIERY DEPARTMENT ON THE SECOND FLOOR. HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE SAVING BY WALKING UPSTAIRS. BUY AND SAVE HERE. _.:_.:-- j 7 OWEN` STREET Maeanlc Teurple Bulldix _- 1c:-r II TIICITTTEITD VI 0 J-J|, --uuv - -_ Successor to J. Arnold -W *W$'WKW` FUNERAL DIRECTOR W 3 l:.|\o OFFICERS FOR 1926 love Barrie. CONS. `.VATIVES or Ilx TISFIL ACTIVE (Continued from pagre one) `| A. W. Green paid tribute to the `memory of the late R. M. McCon-key rand John Leonard, who were stgxulmclw 'supp01`te1`.< and workers in the Con- :~:o1'vativc Ass:oci:1t.ion. A resolution was passed that the secrerta.r_v for- 'ward a letuter to he fzunilies (le- c.-xpres9in;: the sympathy of! the .-\.~:.~:`ooiation. `U n 2: 1.- ......'I.l Inn nA11h+_` 4 4 LHL` :\.`,.`.`UL`l'd'l4lUll. Mr. Dyer sairl he could be count- ed on to do his part as 3rd vice- . pre;~:idcnt.. ` Tron-1 Wmxm Shrunk: I 1)1`c.~,1uU1LL. Earl Rowe Speaks Mr. Rovsm was roundly app1au wished to coxigratudatc the Conserva- tivcs of Irmi-sl for the splendid re- sults achieved on Oct. 29. His wic- `whrwn he rose to speak. He rslt to:-y am] the big; majority piled up_ was entirely due to such workers as found in the Consei-vative Associa- `tion of Ivnnisl. h n ,,.. L- 4.1-- r"-...-"Linn `non OI uuusiu.' to the Canadian pioiitxics, Mr. Rowe said that there was a peculiar situation in Canadra to-day, and these were days of grave con- cern. After just appealing to the people we nd -that no party has a _ work~ini_2j majority. Unrbil Parliament `meets no one can tell what will ham- pen. Another aappeail may be made to the people and the same situation * ! arise. The Conservative party had made substantial gains and it was manifest that the thiinking people of Canada were looking to the Con- sezwtamiwes to establish sane govern- u1:.L 4.1.... ulna Mann- SBITVWULVBS LU e5u`a.u|un:u aaauc suvy... . ment again. With the West c1~a1m- 4 oring for free trade, Ontario and Quebec for pnotedtiuon, the Mars.- tme Provinces with other problems and racial agi`baJhion, there is gmve danger to Conafeldenaition and it will be hard for any party to keep the W774`... L-...-.L`I..,... AL H-do fimn THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1925. n nam Lur any pas; nu nu`.-,. Provinces together. At this` 11,, 13-..... L...l.!..-nu] 4-kn! {an NOH .l"!'OVl'nCeS togvnrwr. nu -Luula uunn; _Mr. Rowe bellrieved than: the National Policy was the most suitable for Canada. When the xrst vote is, taken after Parliament is called it was the general belief thalt Premier ~ King `would be emtinrgtuishe-d. He will then feel his weakness and will give ` up as advised by such men as Hon. Geo. Graham and others. Neither . party expect anything` else but that ; an election will be held next sum- 1111...; ...:11 1-u4\v\1\l\v\ nn nno And now for an almost supernatural drive for has ever done. We are ready with the Largest, siclered, we have ever shown. Our object, Eve day\ a Bargain Day. There is, therefore, F ourte I`. . m A `I"` `\l\"| `IQ i the Biggest Christmas Business this Store Best and Lowest Priced Stock, quality con- Every article in our store a Bargain and every Fourteen Bargain Days Only left to do Christmas Shopping. Please shop as soon as possible and, if at all convenient Early in the Day. Come any distance to shop and Save at this store. If you can not come in person, let us have your order by mail or telephone. ~- ---~---n:.-._.3.3.:.;;o 1o 1o;x>owo1oo:o:o1(: 1010101010 till !T1C\.`|AlUll vvuu -n. u . V . u . . ~ . . . .._... mer. What will happen no one knows. It is hoped that Quebec will forget her racial differenwces and feell that Hon. Awbhur M"ifThOW1 has the 3a?fV`l& wanna -nu ugazgrs The Clothin Q Men s Silk Ties, in boxes, \\'01'th $1.00, 'f"m' m1l_\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .750 Men s Brushed Wool Mufflers, _z1Ss01r0- ml <-<;~1m`.\, value up to $2.00, only . .98c ` Thaw Here are The Harness Man , ______. L ALL KINDS OF HEAVY` AND LIGHT I-IARNESS5 Blankets and Robes All Kinds of Repairing Done, - Full Line of Travelling i Goods Men s Latest Style Overcoats, w01"rh up to $35.00. Christmas price . .$19.95 Men s Heavy All Wool Overcoats, qua1't0.1- lined and plaid b'ack n`1atm'ia1, made in all the leading` styles, assortccl colors. Clwistlnas price o11ly...$34:.95 ..__________.___.__.__._ Men s Wool Line Mocha. Gloves, $2.00 V1111(`, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.69 $ Men s Unlined Mocha Gloves, brown and gm_\f, value up to $2.00. .Oh1*is`r- mas price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 :-_.:_-__ Men s Suspenders, 0V'C1'_\' pair in a box, only . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .600 jnjzujun Men's Fancy Silk and Wool Sox, as- ,;,..J _l... r1r\r -`-`Tn:-+11 1111 `En F01` lVlen'S l'd:I.l.Uy D111`; cu.J.u. vv uus Mun, Lu) sorted shades. \V01'th up to $1.00, for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490 ' and degree team 'pliwmented by the D.vD.G.~M. ._., .,_ - ,_ . .7, Z; A ,__, , , _, . J; D. CUNNINGHAM, D. D. G. M., VISITS KERR LODGE, A.F. & A.M.` Kerr Lodge, A.F. and A.M., was favored with a visit from J. D. Cunni*g=haan, D.D..G..i\I. of the Geor- gian D`is:trict, on Monday night. There was a large attendance, many _ visiting` brethren being` present. The first deg'ree was exenn.plied with full musical ritual, and the oicers were hi.g:l1ly com- Ale- H... ln:]n'n uvnul: .9 hnnnnplf`. 1A'1/.*"i of YOUNG IN} _ST. ANDRE~W S CHURCH`: (Continued from page one) I . . . . I were nnag'mary ideas of perfection, Un- E I I I l a quest for the best in life. fortun-ate-ly many young` people to- day entertained wrong` ideals in spite of good home tr.ain FDJISB ideals led to disaster. Speaking` of the higher compass used bv ships in stormy waters, Mr. $[)lI`lllUIl\.L`\l U) mu: .lJa1J-\4IuAVA. I After the lod-go work -:1 ba.nquet u `was held at Vai.r s, at which a 1` `splendid programme was given. 0 ;w.M. Bro. E. McFadden was 0 toast,mzLstc~r. The toast to the Grand C Lodge and Grand Loduge Ofcers was 8 proposed by W. N. Duff and ablylc : responded to by D.D.G.M. Cunning- i _ ham, who gave some in*tere.sbing in- I _ formation of the great part that Free Masonry is playing in the ef- 'forts to bring about world peace. .- A toast to Canada was proposed by - R. J. Sprobt and reasxponded to in a 1 masterly address by Rev. J. D. Byrrnes. The toast to the visitors was proposed by J. F. Craxizg and responded to briey by A. G. Mac- Lellan, W.M. of Corinthian Lodge, and Rev. S. H. Greemsade. ,,._, -._...L..:L..4...,1 kn `D-nu anu Rev. D. 11. uu.-x:aua;u.u-.. Songs were conrt.rLb~u~ted by Bros. Cochling, J-ay, Monkman, Barron, E. ' Hill and H. Shannon, and a violin solo by Lorne Arnold`. An enjoy- ably evening was brought *to a close : by singing Au21'd Lang Syne at 12 best policy 1 country. The: Conservative ,._,1 1 LzDIlJSe1`VAI.L'Vc pal. by vv'uL ouuu-.u...~-. buiiness and be in the interest of the whole of Ganadn. Turning to Pnovincial mat't:e1rs Mr. Rovwe said that rbhere would be no , _L:.,_._ A.L.'... ......... An 4-Ln1'u ham!- nowe Sallu uuau Iuuun: by-election:s this year. As their last represembaitfnve in -the Legislature, he would do whatever he could for South Simcoe till they got a. repre- sentative. 'Dhere was considerable activity among the voupcpoerition, and it was possible that a general election would be held next summer. The * Liberals of South Simcoe had a i meeting and expect to hold a con- ` venmion soon. There was also a. ; meeting of -the Prohibritioniisibs and a - conxvemtion was to be called. The 2 joint activity of the Liberals and 1 Prohibitiionisbs was signicant and IIIM-r. Rowe advised the Conservatives Wvuuu ux. 4n: some Real Values for Christmas Shoppers for the good of the : return to power of the party will stimwl-axte L- 3... 51.... inbnunc AF The Northern Advance - Wool n - 1 1 ' 1 1 -_;A.L ' Hunter Clothing $9., Barrie Men s Worsted Sox, asso_rte(l shades, wm-H1 up To 756. Cllristmas price, 490 ""\`='.` YOU SAVE EVERY TIME YOU W E SPEND AT THIS STORE. Men s All, holiday pa`r`rm'n and 1z1t(:s`r styles, on sale at .$1.50 imz1g'in`a1'y perfection, 'fo1~tun-a`tc-ly Un-% I ! ,1-.. ,..4-..-:.,.n,l nu-A-"nu Lin.-:1: r\ cnin goujqg INlVPROVlNClAL GOVERNMENT S RECALLS FALL `OF LATE ST ANDREMPS TAKE OVER FISH HATCHERIES ANDREW MISCAMPBELL An Ottawa disipaltch says that by` One of the biggest of the many carrying into fuller eeot the policy in_g'ratit.udes of Ontanio politics is '.of Hon. Arthur Cardin, Minister of recalled by the burial in Barrie of pmlfecmon `Marine arnd FlwSl1C1`lCS, which is that Jenny Spooner, widow of the late "3 l Un`.in all inaltters the Federal Govern- Andrew Misca-mpbell. Mrs. 1\Iis- t'lmen.t should engage only in enter- campbell died in Vancouver. An old- `lay W1' ~' prises that are entirely of a Feclernal time politician read the news in the 3'00 't1"aln`ii~'- character, it is announced by Alex- Advance and said - ander Johnston, Deputy Miinixster, Andy Miscampbell was the only eompasslth-at the department has decided to man I can 1'er=.-ember who coulil be used by ships discontinue the maiinrtenance of sh an active lumhopmzm and M_P.P_ Mcl\'ab stated that one of the .<:reat- hatchemics in the Provin-ce of 011- without ceasing to he a student for est demands of life was not to have'ta1-io. the P1'e.sbyte:i.m ministry. Andy ; one s life deflected even in -the mridstl| For some years the (lepartment would attend lectures at Knox in l of the greatest teinptations. To has conducted hattchery operations the morning and deliver lectures in ; achieve that there was needed a con- at eight points in Ontario: Coll`in_2'- the Le.g'i.slaturc in the afternoon. 7 centration of the best an-d an elim-gwood and Wianton, in the Georgian One of the surprises of the 1890 . ination of the worst in life. Oincl,B-ay; Southampton, in Lake Huro.n;lelc-etion was Andy Msn-,amrpbell`s de- - could not serve two masters. Kemiora and Port Arthur, in thelfeat of Ontario .s first Minister of In this connection he Speaker Lake Superior reg'ion.; Sarniia andlAg*.riculture, Hon. Chas. Drury. `- said that oft. times the trifles of life Kln`R`5 U031 5 Lakf-`.EI`1-0 and Tl1l11`l0W father of Hon. C. Dru1:Y by 3- 5- were of the greatest moment. Small in the B43-.V Of Q1nt- _ 1' We scal m3J`0_1'1t_Y Of 153 _1 East S1Vm_`9- Y things often caused the gneategt y-ear 1923-4 the combined cost of V.hctLm of Whitney Inugratitude. 0atasm.ophie,S_ Drops of wwter fan- mairrrtarining the egiht lnaIt.cher1e.s was Andy was the .ch'1e.f.Conxsea'-via:t1v.e . am: close together upon the Greatl$37180. and In 1224-5 It Was 11- Gt1<= organizer for Whitney m 1905- Sn` `s Divide eml-e-(1 up in dii"ere,nt seas `OVBT $34,000 This F8 l1%aTCl1- James W.hrtney owed a lot to Andy .d with a continent beltween. Just so, WY Service Wm t<`1`ml`'3-"be 3b1lv `tlhe MiS_i and Andy 2:015 W11?/C young people gmwing mp in the end of May next. pollnticians who do most for pamby 8; `same home otten ended on widely `md leaders a`1 wa'Y5 gel -`the `hk- planes of liife. LOL No 605 CRAIGVALE Thebodmgwa 1Yag'yhl`m'b5r ingefts ' ` ' ` ' wan e ran oc rane, an ey M was a tragedy that the young INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS got Franrk Cochrane. Miscampbexlul _. .peop|le of to-day read such trash in- was passed Over and the Consewa` m stead of history bmgraplhy tales of At the annual meelllnlg f L~O-`L ltives in the Province of Onrhan-io V" "mae and` the ne ""v' " No. 605, Craigvale, held on Wed. stm have and alwa Swim have M :2 that would inspire them to grealer I nesday V7` g' Dec` 2 the fm w` reason to curse, the day he lfciogot t`}ngS' img ofcens were installed by District an that he owed to Andy M1-sc8_mp_ The speaker also adwislyd ne Youth ` Master B70` Ge' Banting 3 bell and gave the Ministry of Crown of to-day to -_bg IW`PIf11`1 111' 1'f-8`31'd t -I.P.M., Bro. Clarence Armstrong; Lands to 3 man he owed nong . . . . .. ., -L- m. ......... 1... m IIYDIFA lrnnwn urn nun Wm 'RpvnIdl(lzs' DWM. 4. n q\,,,1M,,, m W V *x'~"'*"*' ..,......,- d'i.s=coi hatch Fo ( a ei lcentrabion an Eliim-3W00(i . . not Kem I the Lake - Kin`? - U 7 caused Y'0a_1' 3 mi`-W Greatl$37 `S V9Y (1 3- 3; 1,, ;1__A. Ln... unnnni L.O n uuu un. unlv ,_..~....... -_ people history, biuograpthy, ner 1i:te'ra:t:ure greater` things. I advised the 3.. ..- .......l L. of t`o'd'a`y to be Carma "I 1-eg'ar" "V -.l.1 .1Vl., UFO. Ularwrcc l'1Jl.'llLobA\.uu5, L `heir comrmid =11 were known W.M., Bro. Wm. Re nidldns; D.W.M. T15 ` ma by thef class [1161 11:ePt|Bro. Wzm. Givens; C13h>ap., Bro. Wm . t---y -Tedegr _ away 'm- ~ . e"e` `*9? Taylor; Rec. Sec., Bro. Erawk Amm- develloping constan-lly both physically ,st_,mn.g; 1:\;,,_ Sec Bm_ Rabi and spiribulallly. Cromwell once saidisprouqe; Twas. B,.o_ Rex Guest ; . If I cease becoming beter, I will =Mamha11` Bm_ A],beq.t Leonard; com_ A ] Ieoon cease to be good. Younglm-Meemen, .31., A1e,x_ mack AF mot 'P~P1e hovrd have high ideals Of thur Green, T. Cook, J. W. Reid, T. .`hld 1" selrf. It was only as tiheuy beileved , shbpperd; Tyler, Bm_ Jas_ La,me1__ jealous ca: and trusted in themselves that they` Them was 3 good attendance and vitality is. would be able to do something. at the close Off the lodge wank va They should be loyal to the r.),vnl`s0cia; hour was spent and refresh ` t; in themselves. The young should mama se_rved_ ` II also be loyal Ito ltheir chrurch. Wi11h- _ . 8 outt being so in a narrow" sense, they 11011713111111 a dhowld study ue principles of Pres- youth of to-day must be pretparerl to reviving, I- obytbenianli-srn and the things that make 8'1'e31t S81`i`B9- N0 0110 Was that is 11 made old Scotia great. P:*e-sabyter- W01'thY he name Of Olmistian W110 Emulsion ians were proud of their cove~nant1:'.g' Was not 1'99-d'Y 50 die 01` Something h I - Le fotrefathers and the faith that mrule 01' S0-m9\b0dY- e ping .d them strong. In the past the church In dosing` M`l`- MPN31) urged V-10 hausted 1 Id had glossetl over those great princ1- Yolmg P901318 to l1?1V"3 the noblest mow the" as ples and had 'taken people in _ .1st.ideals possible to work for the com- scan; Bowl 11 4-,... kn anltn of nnmlwqy-s_ '[`hn'5nt0` of the l(in>g'(lom. anu nuu 'uLI\vu. pm;-uyu: In the sake of numbers. `.01 nun. "M' 11' I in it 30' I mom; sl` "59 t} 315 charactc ` 155 that th( 'Ir. d'i.sconti` a L- habchesri we ' tario. dst| .5 con on- eight i.m- ; wood :1 n: ker'.l_12UKe 51l]'}8I'l()-1` 1`LglUIl-', ou.nnu nun . A13 [fe in Lake Erie fa 1331 the Quinte. In m ;e_q1; cost `am- the haxtcheriers was -eat $87,180, in 1924-5 id: little 0; myover J; smievry M p zlely a L.0.L. N0. 605, CRAIGVALE, H1313 1 m- Zuof of L.O.L.l 1-e.No. Baler ervenfinig, 2, follow- 'outh '1ur...+..... Rm Gpn, Baimxinrn` l 'I v E v t 5 1 1 `-mu-]e so-Inewuuy. un-ch ring]- nobles : _*.;st,.idea1s 129 Dun1opWSyt_." Ibneprperu; Lyuuz, auuv. nan. .uu.u.....,.. l sociai |ments At $10.00-Young `Men s First Long .I.`\\'ecd Suits, assorted patterns for C111-ishnas, only . . . . . . . . . . . ..$10.00 Men s Herringbone Worsted Suits, in 1.1, /\ 1--..-H...` ru]\nr1!\C1 n (rnn qnif .I.V.I.U1I. D LLULLLILSUUJLU II Uxuuvu lhlvlnvvu, 44.. blue or brown slmdes, a good suit for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$19.95 Men s All W001 Blue Worsted Suits, t and \\'o1'kmans11ip abs0111te1_\;',g'ua1'- 2mt'0ed, made in young 1nen s or mc11 s styles. For Christlnas se1li11g..$29.95 Men s Holiday Suits, in blue, grey or brown Worstecl or hair lined wo1's`re(l, in assorted shades. Our Very best Inako. Evm-_\' suit tailor made. For Cllristlnus selling` . . . . . . . . . . .$34.95 B'oy s Tweed Suits, with two _pair of bloonm-s, sizes 28 to 36, a )\'011(1e1'f111 s11i`r for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 Boys Fox Serge Suits ,with `two pair of b1oo1nc-rs, C\`C1`_\' suit gumantovd. C`1n'i.shnz1.\' price . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.90 Suits for Men and Boys mrerl me an vmething aged :he :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OQ 2 1 Wan cmruLu_ | ':;;;r::; :a:pl.:ea"' ....&l-._ .Scut1?sEn,H1| mother : strength` should be guarded with care. Often when vitality is depleted " nourishing and strength- is just the help needed. Scott's Emulsion has been IIl\ll-r v-- _ Scott Bowm.-.Toro1\ 0. Ont. J - :4`-7 Page Three Specialist in Emba.lm- 2 ing.

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