iiIl12N ;AIn1;trr} . . . . . . ..l2c ....14c1b. .11c to 12c FOR SALE .llclb. Five Points Ba1'1'ie_ The traffic through Barrie over the week end was the lleavfos-T. we have ever known. On Friday and Satur(la_v thlousamls of motor cars passed through town on their way to Muskoka, \Vz1sa::a Beach and other points. On Honday afternoon the return traffic started and there was a continual procession which lasted well on through the nir_:ht. Trains going both ways were well lled also. The Federation of British Indus- tries in a report covering` an investi- gation lasting egihteen months, iimls Lhat foreign trade, upon which Bri- tain lives, is e:bbin~_g' away because of too heavy taxation and the deflation and restriction of credit necerssary to brin_e; the pound back to the gold .-'tandard and keep it there. Unless national expenditure and taxatioii can be reduced by at least one-fth and more credit provided for busi- nos: and for foreign in\*estig'ation.<. British export trade is vitally stricken. Britain has 2ll\VZ\_\'.':' dr;--V pended on her lfl`eZ1i; export trade and in are so org.j`anized that un- less that -trade is fostere and cured there is g:ra\'e of a] revolution. Mr. Frank .\Iobr:1`l_\' of Bzwrie wrme on July th as foilows to the Graven- hur.~:t Bzmncr: Ha\'in_g' occasion to visit your town the other day it call- Jl to minnl that the 1'ai1\vz1_\ ruuclwz.- G1'a\'cn'.1u1`.'~:t just fty _\'ezu's 21:10 this yczxr, havina` bccn built from W'u.~`h- ago in 1875 by my l)1'0thL-1', the late C. W . .\`Iubc1'l_v, formt,-rl,\` th<.- chivf r'n2'incc1' of the Northern iuilway. Durin_u' the saline . I maulo 0x- _I._, .r,, r ,1 . - ...u `- Notes and Comments 0 Down in Florida where they are tr_vin_4' to attract tourist tra"1c you can drive forty-ve miles an hour without fear of speed cops. Those who place little value on their own lives or 011 the lives of others should 2'0 south by all means. The town council has seen t to open up the way for the gasoline companies to do a wholesale business on the streets. of Barrie. But why should this monopoly be restricted to gas compairies ? Why not allow the grocers, the butchers and dry goods me1'chant.s.to have a counter along the curb, and while moto1'isnt.s are having` their gas tanks lled they could do their shopping: without get- ting` out of their car ? If the pub- lic have to be catered to why not do it 1'if.{'l1t ? TVI-VIURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925 _., U. .....uu.n_._ u -uuupu `ivt-:1 just 21 week hc.~f01'v- of the Czlmula .-Xtlanticl u .~:imiIar 01'ranL" I ;.u Luau |.|IV lI(.lA`|\.|l LU L(lIl (l . ;<--.<. 01' the CoLmt._\' Coun- cil to tlmil with the matter. At their rcquv-st Wzmlun .\Ioil`u\'i.~'h cnllml :1 .~'p<,-cial m(`(.`1inf.L' o.f thv County Coun- cil two \vcL-ks zuro, but the }Imiow_-1' p'.1vim:' proposition was zurain turns;-rl rlown by 21 vtoe of 25 to 9. I*`ollmvin_-.1 the announcement of the vote thv Hanover town council held at special nlcc- Ling', and it was xlcirlwl to break away from (in-_\' County uml join Bruce Count". Thu motion \vz1:~: pa.=.:'crl withoutv 21 <.lissc1~.t- ing vote. Page Two Canada has had a.` budget system ever since Confederation. The sep- arate provinces have their budget systems also. In this 1'eag'rd, as in many others, the practice of the British Parliament has been follow- ed. In the United States they have used a -bud=g'e't system for four years now and from its use great econ- omies have been effected. The nat- ional dbt of the United States has ben reduced nearly three and a half billions, and the public expenditure-s have been reduced over two bi`-llions annually. This year President Coolidwge intimated that taxation would be reduced by $400,000,000. Why is the budget system so effec- tive in the United States and in- e"ect.ive in Canada ? In the United States they have a Director of the Bud_e_'et., who presides over the Bud- L-'e.t Bureau of Experts. Their busi- ness is to cut out duplication and un- necessary expense and to work t.hroug'h co-oordinating experts in the various departments of government. They have been successful to the ex- tent of two billion yearly. In Can- ada the same duplication exists, but without any serious at-. tempt at co- ordination; the same extrava,~gancc and waste exists without any serious attempt at reduction or elimination. If the money now being` spent. in un- necessary taxation in Canada was spent. in indusxtrial undertakings which would develop our natural re- sources, conditions would soon im- prove. There is need at the present time, above everytl1in,<;' else, of strong`, capable men in our Govern- ment, men who will put principle be- fore party. The town of Hanover is on the ve112'e of .=eccsJ from Grey County. and is p1annin~g' annexation with the County of Bruce. This action is bo- in_-: taken as 21 protest z1`rz1i11:~:`t the Iaotion of Grey County Council in re- 4`n.~:n,.. an ",4, rr.\..-.. .. n, , -.. V- ..-._.. V.......~_y vuuuyu Au LL` fusing` to vote Ilanovcr the sum nu-ces.=2u'y for the czu'1'ying' out of her .~:t1'L-ct p21\'in~_;` prog'ram this yezlr. S(C(:>`>'lOIl talk is hcar_l c.-vcryxvluere lin town, on the .~"t1'(:ut, in hotels, clubs, and all public })lac0.<, uncl citi- '/.<:-ns an: pl2mning' to hold public ls,-mon. I Iinrly hut spring` the town council `[>u;~'.n- :1 motion to have Main St., |which is an connuctin_:' link in the 'Provincial Hi_;'11wu_v, pzxvr,-(I from end to end, the Province to z1.<.~'.u1nr.- 40 pm` ct-n.t. of the cost of sauna, the cnunt_\"~l0 pm` cont. and the town 20 pm` CPH1. 'l`h(.~ contract \\'u.< let, esti- ]l_1121L(`.< prr,-}:zm.-cl and L-\'c1'ytl1ixm` was in _-Inn. o.` ,.n.\.... A. .._A~L I have had faults, but his virtues far overshadowetl them. In his death the town loses a good friend and a wise counsellor. His memory will long be cherished by the people of .CoIlin_gwood-a life well` sperm, 3 work well done. TOWN OF HANOVER VVANTS TO JOIN BRUCE COUNTY REFORM THE COMMONS Uuch has been said by the Winsl- jummers of the House of Commons? about reforming: the Senate. A re View of the sources of co11structive suggestiolls and acts of the session just closed would seem to indicate that the really elfective reforming should st,zu't in rthe Commons itself. At any rate, there seems to be con- -:.l-....L1A ._:..:):.___ ,2, L` nu: up ..y nu; Luv, vuuzx. ox.uuua LU uc Lun- siderable virility in the Old Man";< Home. They cut down the amount given to the depositors of the Home Bank and they made a report on the railway situation. The cutting` down of two million and a half on the vote to the Home bank depositors not only made this a vote on comp-assiona-te grounrls rather than a moral obliga- tion, but was a distinct savin_2; to the ratepayers of the country. The re- port on the railway situation at least: will place the seriousness of the prob- lem fairly before those who are .~:u`icienitl_v interested to study its proposals.--Farmers Guide. Saturday lasrt was :1 mczxt day in Toronto f0l`])1`(:Z1CI1C'1`S, b1'i(Io.~: and b1'id0_9,'1'oon1s. The Z\'Ia1'riz1,L'e Lieu-n.~u Rm,-'i.=t1'a1' srtatc-(1 that over fty appli- czu1t:< for license stated they were to be ma1'ric-(I on Satvurdzty, Aug. 1st. Shorthzmul is one of the art-.< that lmvu never been lost. A. : was przlcticutl in Phoenicia l)e'i'01'e the G1-erl<.< cxistorl as :1 people, and pos- . also in Babylon. lh-fe1'rin,2` to the [)zl.~">'ll1_ of Wil- liam Williams, the ulitor of thv Col- lignwooml l`lI1t(,`1'}))`lL~',() s'u_\'.<: William Willizun.~: is eh-ml ziml the town . Z1 1.-,'rc~ut loss. l.00l{ln;;' hack \\'ll('ll wn were 21 pupil of his fifty _\'oa1-.< :15.-'0, with afl`n-ctioiiutcr rL-m(.-n1ln':1nc(- we mourn the loss of a pu1`. f1`l(.`I]ll. As 1.-rlitor of our opposition many hard blows came to each of us. In earlier yczlrs it {vus tho fa.sl1ion zunl cxpectml th-`Lt rival L'(lltO!'>' . call each other nz1mc.~`, and so it \vu.~'. Personally we n(wm' lost si_'.:'l1t 0!` his- integrrity and honesty of pu1'prm,- and his desire to so;-I've. Often [)Ll`VL`l'>'- in his `opinions, as 01ll(.`l'.~` saw them, we believe he fought fairly and con- scic-ntiou;~:ly. William Williams may When in Toronto last week, before leaving for the West, Hon. Arthur Meighen expressed himself as being convinced that the elections would be held this fall and he felt that all Conservative workers should prepare themselves to meet that emergency. He also was condent that the main issue of the campaign should be the tari policy of the Dominion. In shaping,-' such a policy he pointed out that any vG.overmnent must take in- to consideration the true interests of the whole of Canada, and such a policy could not be shaped without having due consideration for the manufacturing`, as well as the ag'ri- cultural and laboring` interests. Any Government that failed to do so, as the King` Government was obviously (loi11_e:, fell short of performing` its full duty to the people of the Domin- ion, for in tending` to tear down any one branch of Canadian life the whole -;~*truc-ture of Canadianism was imperiled. 11-.. 11.. 1r_:,.,1,.._ :. _L,,,,-,, , 1- ....,.....u.. Hon. Mr. Ms;-i_e'hen is sliaping; his plans to be in readiness for the fall elections, and he felt that the work- ers, in doing` the same tliing, should pay particular attention to the tariff sit.ua.t.ion. The results of the failure of the I{in_e; Government to take in- to consideration all phases of Can- adian life have become apparent to all. That is reflected in the large number of factories which have been closed since the King` ad-ministra-tion came into power, and on every oc- casion when an industry is forced to close its doors through the lack of tari protection, a serious blow is dealt at Canada. The Dominion needs, rst of all, a stable and con- tented population, and such a popu- lation cannot be built up in Canada as long as the xvorkers feel that they are being: exposed constantly to the rl.an::er of their place of employmenlt being closed. Or late , there have been too many instances where 1'actorie.= have been closed through lack of pro- tection to their particular indust1`_v, and in each instance the result has been that the workers have been compelled to search for employment elsewhere. All too often that search for emplo_\'ment has taken them to the United States, and so the tend-I ency has been to tear down Canadian life instead of build it up. 'H` n ..,-....~n.. nu .-.1.,,~. o- iv. ........:..--.1 HON. MR. MElGHE`N PLANS FOR FALL IA;\. AAIqI.L (A\( UL uuuu Lb U11: If a person wishes to be convinced of that situation all he needs to do is to consult the gures which have been presented from time to time by the United States officials, for those figures show that the steady stream of Canadian emigration to the `States is still going" on, and that there is no prospect of it easing` up. There i.< one way in which that serious leak to Canadian life could be checked, and that is through the construction -1:- .1: . -m u - - ...._. u. . -... Lnnsvv .4;-uuc n.cu\ could of a stable tariif policy which would I.-;ive condence, not only to the farm- ing interests, but to the manufactur- ing and laboring.-' intere.~:t.<. as well. Hon. Mr. Jleighen _'.:'a\'(: to Canada the z1:<.eu1'ance that, during the elec- tion cumpai_g'n it would he one of his duties to Canada to advocate such a tariff policy and to do his utmost to see that the dz1ma_2`e occa:~:ioned by the King` Government was repaired to the 5.-'1'eatesrt. possible extent. I know a man Who thinks Printers are crazy And just to prove They Are Crazy Whenever he needs Any P1'inLing' He writes to Hall a dozen Printers And .`-\.~:k.s them to Quote. The other (lay he hzul a Job And so as usual He wrote for l)l(lS. The lowest. Bltl was One Dollar and Sixt_v-Five Cents Aml the I'li::l1e;~'t Bid was One Dollar and .\'ineLy Cents. He spent Twelve Cents for postage ln :."ettii1_-_-' His Bills and He .~:pent Three Cents For his Envelopes .-\n-.l he .' Four Cents For his Writing` Paper And he paid Eif.:`l1tecn Dollars A week to the (lo-wk who \vro1- the Letters .~\ml liclu-cl the Stamps And so He senrL the Job To the l.owe.~<`. Bixhler Who bltl One Si.\'t_\'~Fi\'e. But, it cost. him 'l`wo-FourLeen. \ II 1.`. ... , V ' THOUGHT PRINTERS CRAZY- The Northern Advance . ...u.-, In 'I`hu Imprint. SHAPING ELECTIONS . 5 there. I the L-ngir Railxvuy 21-3 Notice i. givi-n thwt all Cl`(*(llt0l'.~i uml otilicvs 11.\'iIll"l' claims zigzziimt the Fl:=.`Late of lsaibollzi loszmlco. late of the Town of Bari-i(,, In the Counvty of Simcoe, Mzirrioil Woman, (iL`C( ZlSC`(i. are )`0(11lll'(Hl on or before tliu 'l`wc-ivt.iuUli lay of .-\u,u'u.~2t, A.D., 1925, to suml by post [)l`(`])2ll(i or to (li~liv(-1` to tho un . mt B:m'ir-. Ontario, Solicitors for $'2'xl(i l-Ismti-, the-ir full munes and 1Hl(ll`CSSUS, zx full Siluiltotlllclllt of their claims, rluly vurieul, and the nature of the secui-it_\~', if any, held by them, and that z1l'tu1`. EX(`('.lIf0l' will })roc(-ml to distribute the assets of the S<'ll(l estate anmoimg the pzwtics enititlod t.he1'L-to, havinig 1'ei;;'aml only to `the claims of which itln;-_v sllmll than lmve hml notice. `l'\n+ml n+ `|')......:.` n.:.. nnn_ -p .1-.. nuve mm 11 once. I I Dated at Bm'1`ie, this 20th day of July, A.D., 1925. E on. . t were cnjo_ve and at 5.30 supper '\\'a.s s(:1'\'(-(L Owing-,' in) 21 shcxver of ruin the p1`o;'.:`z'z11n of >pe0chI:.< lzad to be cu; ;~1:o1't. The pu-sidenz, M1`. Wil- Black, how:-vor, mud(: n fcw lzzlppy )`(-Inarlis. Later the clouds lift- wl and :1 full {n-n:.>'1~znn of races was `zivd out and cz1u.~:e(l a meat Ix-A of an1u.<(:'1nen1. Not till the sharlcgs of (-\'cnin:;' were ("Ion-pt.-nin;>.' (lid the happy _L ,tl-hL'l'il1'.1' lHS])(,`1'SO, all l1opin;:! I sports and 5,-'a1nu= of \`z1rio`us }\!H5 \ to n1<:L-.t. z1:::1i11 next _\'car. The ;<,zun-;- oflicum \v 1'e-z1ppoiI1te(l, Mr. Wilv son Black p1`c. and Mrs. 0. Black seen.-tz11'_\*. , , ,,,,,, ._ _-....-..., Park on Saturtlay, July 24. Over ouu humlrotl xvcre present, from To- ronto, .~\1Izu1 Sta.\-mar, St1'm1l, I:Ih'n`.'alc, .\Iitl1u1'1(l, C:'ai.*.'vu10 and 'I`ho1`nton. Du1`in::,' the afternoon )MEMBERS OF BLACK FAMILIES ENJOYED SECOND REUNION Members and 1':-latives __of the Black family vnjoycd the second rm- imul reunion at Im1i.~;l Township stur Jomts reuct comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a. jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers. at any drug store. You will have the quick- est relief known. Always say "Rowlcs." snort time. Red Pepper Rub is the cold rem- edy that brings quickest relief. It can- not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the con- gestion and soreness right out. Nothimr has such rnnrnnfrnfnri mama. gesnon and ngnt out. Nothing has such concentrated, pene- trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief at Tho n1nrnpnf- 1-nu nnnlu Dari Wnnnnp (Founded 1851) Published every Thursday morn-- ing at the office, 123 Dunlop St., Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year ' in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 in United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. um. D..m.,.. 1:..:.v- :. .1... ....m ..,..., BHEAK IIHEST l}|]Ll]S WITH PEI] PEPPEH NOTICE TO .CREDlTORS ;u..u. Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for Executora.` indispensable as the Telephone " THE TELEPHONE COSTS A FAMILY LESS THAN 2% OF ITS ANNUAL OUTLAY To Merchants and Salesman 1. n. I'\ A frank recognition that speed of communication is the most vital factor in e_xpanding'busi- ness and social life. As indispensable as the Tele- phone is now a favourite slo- gan used by some large manu- facturers in their advertising, when describing their goods. Ju(Iwg'i11-g` by the look of some people re-turning to town on Mon- day night they put a lot more into the holiday than they got out of :'t;. Indeed, a rm s position in the business World may be fairly judged by the extent to which 1.3.- L-I__-I___, "wn\AB\4\A it uses Yhe telephone - and especially Long Distance. unnv vxxuwxnu |I\J vvllll/ll. VVe now handle an average of over 41,000 Long Distance calls a day. 129 Dunlop St. I The Harness Man ALL KINDS OF HEAVY] AND `LIGHT HARNESS K Blankets and Robes I All Iiinds of Repairi11g Done Full Line of .l.`1'aveHi.ng Goods I Notice is hereb_v given that all creditors and others having` claims a_g'ainst the Estate of Charles H. Bosamko, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Dentist, de- ceased, are required on or before the Twenntith day of August, A.D., 1925, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the unde1'si_:_:ned at Barrie, On- tzwio, Solicitors for said Estate, their full names and zuldresses, 21 full state- ment of their claims, duly vemienl, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, and thwt after said date the Executors will proceed to dist1'i>bute the assets of the said estate :m1on:_-' the Dal`-tlL`S entitled thereto, l1u\'ing' 1'e_`.1'z11`tl only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. has.` .l...+ T)......:.. o-Lt. nnn. -4: [Smith Kain! lXil(l II`U"LlCC. Date llibt B:u`1'ie, this 20th (121 July, A.D., 1925. .C._, _ . . , , ,. D 2., $00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO3 ....,...W. .,. ..... ..u....u.. .....m.._. ox- ploration J 01'1hr.- 1.-.\'ton.~:ion of t.hr- mil- wuy to Lake I\'ipi..sing', n1ukin:: a .-`urvc-,\' and locating; Cnllamla-1'. I also made an (-xplo1`z1ti011 1'mm Grzu'enhur. to I arr_v Sound, as then,- was some idea of huil 21 brzxnch #1., ..l 2...; .. ....,I. 1 Av. O I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I ! BARRIE TANNING CO. HIDES WANTED! We will pay the following prices- Green Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cured Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Calf Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kip Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Specialist in Emba.lm- ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont'.. Phone 268. NOTICE TO CREDITORS `V. E. ]3RE\VSTE[IT{, :. J. BYRNE ; .-~u. ;Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for Executors. Barrie. A lady on the Alland-ale bus re- marked the other day, There s no fool like an old fool actinvg like a young fool. Nlanager d 21) I BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY JLEM BROS. Phone 616. Memorial Tablets Corner Stones ! Markers Monuments I `Canadian 85 Scotch Granite- PRICES REDUCED iJOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. Telephone 734 I79 Baye1dSt. - B E Barrie - Marble - Works` P1-ices reasonable VVo1'1 gllaranteed On all F:n`.`ai1,\' wnS}1in2' __-_----w-u V '1'l_Ie'Vi;:am'ln-rich Food-tonlc It's Cod-liver Oil Pleasant to Take The Ottawa Govermnent has its ear to the ground waiting for the voice of the New B1'un`;~'wick people -hovping', yeit sc.9I.fr's_ _v~1iI1's%%i? 6 ~ AUTO LICENSES Debentures of the Town of Barrie. 5; Per Cent . Issue. Good Investment. Re-establishes Strength miil j--II- -n- THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925 xisi71;vl:i.'1I"1"s7sL`t5".:1z Guiana ....\ Laund1-_v called for and delivered 7 OWEN STREET 1\Ia.s-manic Temple Building 111 11'I1- -r ---an-----.-.-.. __.--___, -.---a -a nu.- Successor to J. Arnold Insurance B-arrie s tax rate should be con- siderably lower next yeah" with all the revenue the town council expects to fret from gas pumps along` the ,~,t1'e-cts of the town.