Northern Advance, 6 Aug 1925, p. 1

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% I ?STROLLERS AND CLASSICS 4 t wn_1. CLASH THIS EVENlNG:j 1 - - V `rlule, Shoe Factory and C1a.~'. On: the othr,-1` hand 21 win for St1'oll<:r.< tl('I~` them with Drc-adnou_u'lil.< :l'01''i 'lea(le1'.=.hip uml lc-`u\'<-;~'. the other! teams out in the colwl. Strolrlers :11-e `determine-(1 to tie with D1'emlnoug'l1 1..<. , while Classics are equally rle.~:i1'ous of .-'<,~\\'in-31' ma1it.ers up. Both are out for blood anwl a l`0_\'2l1 battle is as- surml. 1 Classics leal up to this climax by Llefc-zLtin~;.~' Allzmtl-ale last Thurstlay night by an evcswhelming score, and then took the soldiers into camp on out of Drezulnoughts the same even- '1`ue:(lay. Shoe Facto1'_v took a fall` 5 Some hglf dozen m0mbo1';< of the} [Hamilton Kiwanis Club motored to! ; Barrie on Fri lz1.~:t. and were .2'uc.<`t:< | iof the Barric: Club at Iuncheon.i l.-Xmonf; the vi.<:ito1';< we1_'c- .-\11(I_\' Gaul, ipresixlent of the Hamilston Club; L'.} ;Campbell, :1 brother 01' Frr_-<.-maul ;Campbel1, our County I<`.11`;,-`inc-e1`, and :'H0n. Frank I3i_Q;2fs, who was the .=))0z1kc-1' for the lay. J Canada is s11'o1'i11g' population. for wanzit of Why should this coun- (Continuml on pa_2`(.- SL-Von) I 1 ; {an important town softball tilt E(!\'t3llllLL". A win for Class D1`L~ulnou:,:'l11s out in front tun`:-an-A a four-cornerc- tie l.'~'(:c0ml place among.-' Strollers, Allan- tlule, On jthe {TRUE CITIZENSHIP Q CANADA S 31:; NEED} %I.T<)n. ]_*`1'zmk ]3ig`}.,'.< .` L To I\1\\':1ms Club on ` J ,3:1]m1(-<* SIM-(*1'.' I At 21 111eeti11g' of the Simcoe Trus- tees and Rzuepayers Association he-ld in the police court on Wednes- lvay, took place in 1'eg'z11'd to the best 1110211155 of awukeni11gj in- -te1'c~st in 1'u1`:1l e(lucz1.tio11. W. M. I\Io1`1'i 0-f To1`on=to,of the P1'o\'i11cial .-\s.=ociz1t>io.11, stressed the necessity of i11eulc;1tin1g tl1e spirit of eitize11~: in the chil and thou_e'ht. that this could best be (lone by tl1e teat-.l1e1~s. Too little of it and too much voea~ tional and 111a11ciul t1'ai11in_g` is tau{.>:l1~t. He pointed out that it was up to tl1e 111 of the Assoeiz1tio11 to awake interest i11 school 111z1tte1`.~: z11'1(l be- lieved that this could be z1cco111plisl1- ed by l1ol 21 coun-t_\' co11ve11tio11 and tow11. 111(:etin_:;'.=. vSeve1'z11 of tl10se p1`e.=:(=11t e.\:111'e;<.+.el tl1e111sel_\'es i11 1`e2'211' to the new tow11: bill 211111 the 111ajo1"ity seeineul to think that it would be . time before the 1110.-it of the 1'a.t(1pa_ve1'.: would con. it in :1 l:'avo1'a.l)le li::ht. of the nin the Burricit t`n`. fth poke-ul out ` !couN'rY TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS MEET HER!-Ii I St1'ol1e1~:< hook up with Classics ini I this I I antll for y 1 % 1 Dr. Cahoe, of Mount Clair. N.Y., will be the .=.peakt.-1' at the Iiiwunvis iluncheon on F1*i(la_V. I\'iwa13ians are ffairly well acquainted with Dr. Ca-' I-hoe, who spends his hoIilz1_vs on Lake Simcoc: and has a the Kiwanis Club twice before. ...- 1.....t.,. ...c &\J\l ...c...= racc D. F. ;\IcCuaii_ was r;~:t, with 'W. Cooper, now of Mitllzmtl, second. In the womcn s 50 _\'a1`(l (lush Isobel, Smith was first, with Mabel \Va1`I1iCc st-coml, while in the lrzulios shoe race :.\I`abcI and Birdie VV211`nica took the honors-'. 'I.`lic-y also were rst Iin :th1'owin{.,-` the sofrtball. In the bo_\':~" taco untlt-1' 12, Jack Craig` was :~'(:conl. with Ray Living`- ston third, while Ray was rrt in the boys umlcr 10 race. In the race for '.i1'..' uncle)` 12 Lenora Simpson xvzus rst, while the Ryan brothers won out in the race for boys under 8. In the tl1l`f}(:-lO_Q`;l C(l race for men D. F. .\IcCuai:.-' and W. Grilliths came second. After the evenin_g' musical ])1'0f_"l`2ll11 a grcezit numbc-1' went to the lance hall, whr.-re a couple of hours was `spent. This Big` Four first annual picnic proved a success in every way and all will look f01'\\'a1`(l to the ;:ct-- `togert-licr outing in 1926. _..n,.. ma u_y\:- l%(=cuns'r- I);-l Iflmms \\':1;~` Lll1(l.l)l(: to iplu:.', :1 .~'lmk<.--up in the field was ; 11ecessz11'_\'. C2,1c-S211` was b1'ou_2'l1t in to ;second from left eld, while Hand ltook Cz1esa1"s place, Bert Jcnnut-t ,g'o- lin_2' to centre anal Lynch to l`l;L'l1l'.. l` Holly Dyer \`\`1'C`llCl]L`(l his knee `trying.-' to pick off a lrive and will be out of tho linv up to-n1or1'ow. Bax-1'ic--Cznx~'on c, Burns 1), Dob- son ll), C'ao:~':-11` 21), Dyr.-1 .~'>`, L. Jen- nott 3b, B. Jcnnc-tt cf, Lynch rf, Tlnunl nt` 1 l i | i . \\"1'(.` 'S0unrl won from B:1i3'io. \.vuuuA|'|.-\.|.- At six o clock all mt. down for supper, which wars waiting` and re.zul_v without the ).~icnickc-rs lmvin;: to wo1'1'_\' about. it. This was followed by a .~`i1ij.=~.~'oii:.*f, lml by Ernie R_\`z1n, with ;\I1*.~'. W. G.l'lllltl`lS at the piano. .-\. musical p1'o4'ra1n was then giivr.-,11, ziiiioiigg-' those tak'in'_;' part being` M1 . -and ;\I2'.~'. Codlinyg and S. W. Moore. D1`. L. J. Simpson actotl as chair- man, and the Barrie Czulct Band rc1i S(,`\'L`l'.ll Sf_'l0Ctl011v.<, which z11'>])1*ecia.te The :~'po1:ts 1n'o- :2'1`2un COl]>`lS7iCll of . inter-club C0Ii`t(`.'~"L.-`, in which Barrie won from Owen Sound, Midlaml won from Orillia, and in the last. contest Owen An intc-1'- club tLI_L','-Of-\V1]` was kor.-nl_\~` coiitested. First Owen Sound won from Orilliu, then B`dl')`l.` won from Mi and in the nal Owen Sound \\'on from Ba1'ri-.1. In the \'a1'ious races Bu1'1'i boys and girls took a good sliaixa of the prizes. In the 100` _\'ar men .'~: D `[7 1T..I".. .. . ])0km Lory. nu [BARBIE TIES UP N. 3 SIMCOE O.B.A. LEAGUE Inxu.-v u Hand BlG mm: KIWANISV ; PICNIC A SUCCESS tic, M'idlan;tl, Orillia and Owen Sound. The members and their fam- ilies from the four clubs 211':-ivctl 21-1; the Beach about 3 p.m., and it. is 2.~:ti1n:1t<,~ that there were over suvell un. ;un:.uuu Um hun(l1'e present. The xvc-artluar xvas itlc.-:11 and c-very one en_io_vml the out-ingx to the full. 011 a1'1'i\'a,1 21 splemlid p1'o,;`ram of s>p01`t.=. was im- mcdizxtc,-l_\' 5.:'0t under way by 21 joint con11nitIt.eo. I1 - s u 1 n A u .u Barrio, O1'.il1i:1 ,O\\'(-11 Smuld and Midlzmd Clubs 211` \V:1s21g;1 Bow-11. A glorious zv1.t'tcrno`on and evening was spent at \Vas:1,2`a Beach on Wetl- nc. by the Kiwz1ni;< Clubs 01' Bar- : I\ \r- n . I\ -u Eight Pages Lhlnuuw .. fc-mlor:< U1.'Ax.uA \I Barri<--Ho11`L'hton Morren c, Cumoron Elston cf, Carson Robm't. 1). urn . ILUUL I LPULA 11. .\Iilhur.'~It-\Vat.ti(~ 31), Brown 11), Garvin cf, Case): .=..=, Pz1t.`tu1'son c, nu 1,, I E The membe1`.~: of the town council ! ` were a_g'recab1_v surprised on ente1'-lg ing the council charnbcr on 'I`uesL}`a_\' L evening; to find 21 beautiful boq-uctiof 3 L flowers on every desk, with a card it bearing: the complimen-t.s of the Bar-} rie Horticultural Society. Before! proceeding to business His Worship i V the Mayor, on behalf of the `council, extended thanks to the H01*t.icultu1'z1l 1` Society for the. app1`eciati\`e tokeu.f;. rnI., ,1, , ,1 , ,, _..l.__-...~\, ..v. Thc chambers presontexl a very: pleating` app0a1*zu1cc and should lu1\'e7 a`u_2'u1'ezI well for :1 harmonious rim-ct-5 ing, but perhaps it was the weather} that caused some members to b just: a little irritable. Moms GAS PUMPS FOR TOWN smears; I B0q11ot.s' `f'm' T<)\\'11 ]*`z1t`hm's ;< To Put Stmun Smxmr 011 Blake Street. BARRIE SOFTBALL TEAM IWIN TROPHY Vol. LXX] V. 1\ oV. 23.` (Continued on page four) uu.-n...,~u.. WU-(I for cup, which was put I-tcr. of .-\]l'.1n .. v Want Fountain Moved nvnn u. ...\ ,.._.\.... = will bo out in t'm'c<.- next in an omlezwor to retain it. `_\' are p1`0n`l.i.~'(.`(l . real 0))- b_\' the other tozuns. 4...\..-nnn._o Al\. -u.....`_._r. .-. ,-itc-s in check c:~ anul .s.i.\ t.h. V , the bi111:'1\'.\' [1122 in the . :,~.<. tlu-y 13-4 .- . nu 31): u, 1|), -:1. By defo.-atiiiy: I\Ii last 'I`hu1'.~:-it lay night, Ba1':'ie become rst hold-3 ers of the A. E. Patterson troph_\',i embleamatic of the championship ofj the Rural Softball League. The two; teams locked horns in a desperate. sti'u_:_L'le, but Barrie e1ne1'_4'etl from: the 1'ra_\' on the long` cml of an 8-4` acorc. The contest was :1 nifty ex-`i hibition of ball. Bzu'1'ie broke thug ice in the 1's.t when Home-:h ton mualc i the round trip. In the fth cut-f t batted around, .~'c01'in:_-' ve coun-' E1,-rs, and ;l`l`2Li)i)\'(i off zlnmhui` couple; in the sixth to make inutu-1'.< safe.` -.\I3 czmio to life in tho >`t:\`('I1Lil smashing` the pill for 21 quanti,-tt.e of L..lI.' vy liccomc p<-1`m- '1`lu- p1'0.<(~nt :l(-- in I'...... l\A;\" .\lcLL-an held except in 111: x \\.w,x1\- who 11 Scnndlvn l llurtt 2h, Spencer rt 1 u xu~.. Hzu'lu)' W ilcs uku... th 1'01 21). 5 P1`e. M1-.<. C. P. Stockingyi I` VVaubaushenc, and Sccretru1`_\', }I1'.~:. H. [ J1. Aiken, Bee-ton. l`hc-so oicers,}. iwith the p1`c:~:i(lent and sccreitar_\' of` `each of the four di. form the; ii-xecut.i\'. The ofcers 01' the dis-N tricts arc-: East Simcoe, Pu`-; Mr:~'. W. Dunlop, Victoria Hzu'l)o1';l S(-c1`r.-tar_\ , Mrs. J. D. McCall, \Vau-3 baushenc; Centre Simcoe : P1'esidcnt,j .\I1:~:. C. W. Sago, .-\nten Mills; Sec-ii 1`ct.a1'_\', M1`.<. Jas. Wilson, WyeVaIc;; South Simcoc,-: Pre. Mrs. M.j l1 1'1 ~ 7`. in I (1 . 1 ' ' ' " l A'lderman Walker, who eVi(lel1tl_Vl has not been attendin_-4' council meet- ` ings or committee Il1(3LHtlI1f."S very? regularly, had several quest.ion;< he; wanted cleared up. Ald. Wallwin` twitted him on his neg-'lig'ence as 21` member of the council and tlnlsj raised Ald. Walker s ire. Frhe trouble ' arose over the new re_2'ulation~s re- g`ardin_e: gas pumps on the .sl:reet.~:. Ald. Walker wanted to know if it was the intention to grant a licens. to every one who applied. He thou_;`ht that permits should he limit-3 ed to certain classes of l)usines.<. Ald. Wallwin told him that this had been fully discussed in committee and if he had been there, as he should have been, he would not be h0ldin;: up the biisim:-ss now by asking" questions. .-\ld. Wallwin said that licenses should not be restricted toj any class. What. they wanted w i to serve the public. The l1(}C(*.<.~`zll'.\` by-law was passed to authorize thei l`.`_`_`,`Lll3tlI`l:` and licen.~'in_: of gasoline pumps in the town. A license feel of $25 per pump per year is charged, ` and the council have to decide who shall or shall not. be :::rante a li-l ..n...~,. l 'I'hL-. oicc-r:< form (the central I-xc-cuiivc and in accordance with a motion zuloptc- they are to draw up it at tho` Ll. con.~`titut.ion and gnc-X1" mmuul meeting . _ `_l}_qf()r<: this (Incision was a1'1'i\'(.-d at ;the various phases of the question were tho1'ou_L'h]_\' under the I. -zulc-1`.-`hip of S. A. Putnam, of To- ` ronto, `.<-n .~; ; Institut:-. of the W 0- I l In a plea for the formation of al lcounty .~'0ci0t_\' M1". Putnam .~:t1'c;<. ltlw noml of co-operation in all} lb1'z1nch<:.<. This, he felt, would bei on u..u.\.uu,.,. :1.-..~, ;mut more fully I) Ition. You can 3. 1-.'l.\'.-'OCi1LiO!1 with - v . un At 2-. CL-11-tral l)1(.`Cvtll`1_!'.' of the W0- ]men .s In. of Simco:.= Countv, ;l`.c:lLl in the Public Lil)1'a1'_\' Hall 4:11: lwcalnesday, 21 decision to form a county o1'5.>'a11ization, to be known as this County of Simcoc Women`: In-<>s, was can-ic- by an unanimous :\'0te of the 1'cp1'esentative.< from the g.va1*io11.~: branches. The 1)l.1)'pUSc of ;this o1`:_-':iiii'/zutioil is to act as an .0xc.~cuti\'e committee to link up the ;l)l`}.1l1Cl1L`.s' tl11'ougho1Lt the c0un_\' and xto act in conjunction with othur %counitics in the a of wo- j men's work. I The oiccrs appointed were as fol- 1 ;.._ 5 lows : ., .-....-u.,. JxLk..'A\l\.ll\/ ...... -...` `J. F:11`i:<, Bmulfol-rl; S0c1'ctzu'_\', .\I1'-5.] ?Robt. Bo_\'<.-.<, Lu1'r0,\'; \Vr.-.~'t Simcoc :1 Pz'0; .\Ir.<. D. G. Bell, Stayner; :Sec1':-tau-_\', .\Ir.<. John Czu'r11thcrs,% .-\vcnin.:. ' said in part. op(-ration. 'l` . A I . n . . .. .. .. ..L ,- .. .. ,...... .. ..`., \JI. w- lop(-ration. 'l`lu- Worm-n .< In.~`tit.utcs "Imvc 21 p.'r(-at opp01't.unit,_\' in ghomv thv truth in 1'12';11' to : tful fm`1nin_: and L'.~'])L`CiZl_\' in the` ;cm-(- of })ouItr_\' and the handling` ofl i(1Z1i1`_\' products. 'I`h(-_\' can \\'i<.-Id zm* V x i1mn0n.`<(~ influence in NW :~ of our lm_\'.< unul _Q'h`1.\'. Th(-.<<- oppor- 6nnIo1,.. 1....` ..H In. 5 lEl(*('1' ()F(ror;s' in ])m\\' Up! ` (`nns1'iT111im1 :fm' Next` i .\mmz1l f.\[0oti113_1'. 1.\v\;uu.'u 1| fo<'lin:_-' f'a\'m1rzLh].- to such :1 propo.~':11. |.\I1'.<. W. 'I`o&1 of Orilliu pointed out that initiative is Immlerl and that it could ho: 11.-\'<.-lopud b_\' it (zcmrzll 01'- u'z1ni1z1t,ion. ""' """' | Another matter that caused some} friction was a motion by .-\l Lit;~3te1' 3 and Wallwin that the l1-inikin:.-' foun-l tzvin at the Five Points be moved to Bayelzl St., (33 feet south of Dun- lop. .-\l Walker wa.< oppo. to the motion, as the matter hilt] never been oflici-.1ll_\' before the council., He was reminded that it was before? the committee on I":-ida_v ni:.-`ht and? fully _-l. It was clairm: by? mo;v1nb~:-1`.< of the council that this: fountain was blocking` traflic when` I .\Ir.<. H. M. Aiken of Booton [H-- Ii:-vwl `.h:1t. tlw ggvttixlyr to_:wt]1er of r(~p1'<-. from fho si\'t_v insti- tutes. in Simcoo would at lnast help to solve some of the difficulties that pr(-. t.Im1n.=L-Ives to-(lay in the form of 1'1u*:11 mluczrtion and i1_Q'l'iCll]- t.u ral problc-1n.<. .\Ir;-. C. Sage of .-\nt:n Mills, Mrs. W 'l'm'm t.u`r'.x1 .-\lbm-'t VV:11kor of Eadiu, .\Ir.<. C. P. Stocking: of Waubau; and othm' rcprr:; cj.\'pro.<.=o:-(1 them.=.cIvr-.= (Cont3nuv.`-4.1 on page four) The \'veather for July this year wus co11si cooler than is usual, acco'.-`(lin`: to the 1`L'CO1`(l'S of W. H. Buttery. The mean temperature was (51.7, which is 7 de_g'rees below nor- mal. The mean t0mperatu1'e for `June was 62.4, which was 4 degrees ubelow normal. The highest for June was 88 on the 5th and the lowest `:38 on the 1_lth. For July the hi_u'h- est was 87 on the 6th aml the low- lost 42 on the 1st. During` June `temperature over 80 was recorded on ;sevcn (lays, while in July on only `four (lays. Te:mpe1'zrture under was 1`CC0l`(l0(l on ten (ll_\'S in July. During` June there was 5 inches of Irain full, being `Zl incl1e.< ub0\'(: the :uvo1'ag'e. The lic-a\-'iost. rains were on ithe 1.-1t with 11,3; inches and on the ~`4 with 11,4 inches. In July the il'2llll fall reached 31/; incl1o.=, bein.-.1` V I _ 4 `.1 inch above the z1vorag'e. the 3/ :hoa\'ies"t falls being` on the 7th with ,4 let an inch and the 21 with 11,4 inch. l I WOMEN S msrmmzsi FORM caumv BODY! I MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR I I l JULY 7 DEC. BELOW NORMAL 5 .\ ........,..-n ...x Y,\lL|\4(l\l\IL| - .< can :11} hp rr-alizerl more of- -I_\' by ]u1\`iI15;' 21 county or- tion to cement the brzmchc-;~' :. vy ; W \,x........u.. an 5, be by such an 01'_L`L11iZ2l-` 1 _:(-t and _:i\'c help by! h other brzmchcs, he ]`his is a (lay of co-I n. . .......w, ..x co- : r I t. ......-. ... .-\g'riculture is to-day, as in years `past, our most l111(l if it is to continue as such we must have 21 body of men to c;'.rr_\= ion as eicien-.tl_\' and more efliciently than our fzut.lie1`s did. We mu.~:t adapt ourselves to clia11g'ing' conditions, use \.uu.u.u-.._- . tlie scientic inventions tfhut hu`.'e been brought to light and so pro- duce the maximum results. For years ag1'icultu1'e has been 'L2lU..?.`hWQ in `who-ol. From a nanclal standrpoint "the revenue derived from ag'2'icul't.ure ;is more than double that obtained `from the fores..=. and mines taken to- ,g'etl1e1'. Last year revenue from the mines of Ontario totalled 70 million l(lO11Z\1`S, and `million, while from a_-.ricultui'e the total was -140 million. After you 7,lm\'c cut down the forests, unless you ilmye 21 policf of refo1'e.'~7ta-t-ion, you through, the mines are limited, ibut the land is teeming` with wealth leach year. ly employing` the prin- l eiples of cultivation, rotation and a kno\vledg`e of soil ferrtilit-_\' a farm- ;er may go on each -year reaping a ihzirvest. from his land. Fzirms not only hold their own, but developed `on . lines will increase in value. To increz `e the value of the tfanit from year to year the best of `gnu.-tliod.s` alone mu:=.L be employed and to obtain tht-.~'e idezis the rural in- lial)i'-paiits must be educated to them. It used to be said that tliose inten:l- 3lllL' to enter proft-.<. should l`.l\'0 :un erlucation, but fz1rmer;< only :1 Ecursory one and a trust in provi- ldence. But such an idea is not up- |t.o-date now and education applied to 1imlu.~utry is reco_L'r.i'/ml as the only _.~u1'e fe ble plan of real develop- ? ment. n. impo1'ta1'..t ind u .~'try, . from the forests 100` .1 -.9. .~ ... .~..-V... anon`: h0] 1 -n , ......u.. I I i I 1 \ St,211.i:~:rt.ic:< to show that ho_\'.< who quit school at 1:1 have an a\'<-rzlgv n-211'nin~_u: capzu-it_\ of $500 per annum . for the m-xi 40 _\'r::1)'.<, con1pu1`(:! with .-$1,000 for ho_\'s who Iczwe school at 18 ;.'L-ur.<, xn.-1'u f;'iV'CI1 to pro\*(,- the,\' of rrtlucution. Takin;;' the difference in the amounts into account H E.- -rm...,1 .:.... :. (`.n- . .. ...,..v. All Lux. uluuulllca llll/U iXCCULlllL `it is 'l'ounl that it. mczins to thi- hay for (.`\'(:l'_\' lu_\`.< he _u`oc-.~' to l'll_L"ll School. Hi5.-`li School r-tlucntion at `,p1':~.<(-nt is J`:illin_: rlown l)(}C1\`_I>7(? it |:lot~s not tziko into account the fact Jtlmt fumn bo_\'.~: newl L- the .~pu:1.kt-1' stz.1t.(A Opport.unitit-.< on tlw farm are as l I I l i wont anrl ,(.-`router than c-Vcr, Mr. Martin pointed out. Higrli \\'il_'.l'(.".~` and city ll]llUCL`m(:llT.S lizive ait.Lr:1ctr-I many boys to the city in the 1m.-`t, hut to- with {liar ziutomobilo and otlior inVcntion.<, it i.~: po.~:. for tho fariner to avail l'iim.~'clt' of thr- city s oppoivtunitics and still rmnziin on the land. One of the l)ig;;'est troubles, mid the ;~npeake1', is that the farm boy is kept in the position of :1 hired man. He has no intcrc-st in the farm; his fatlier keeps c\'ci'_\'- thin~,2' in h.i:~: own liamls. If moi`;- fzutinc-rs would enter into partnership with their sons the boys woulrl have soma-tl1in,'.-"to look f0l VV'1l'(l to. Then ,1` .. . \IJ. ..,.,.......~...\.. ._....... tion. .'-\_;'1'icultAu1'e and oulucation are` kindred in many \\'21_\'.~: and inter-J LI(:})C1](I(:)`.`t on one zmothcr to :1 :.>'1'c-at` extent. Conferences between the ofcizxls of the two :.11'c-; Ibeing held to bring.-' those two do-;' part-mcnrts t.ogL-thcr :30 tha-t fhc work \ in connection with both may be (lone `morc (:foie`ntI_\ .. | A ~ 1 I 3 I | I i I f I Touching: on the crop comlitions in ! Simcou County, the speaker (1cc]a1'(`~t`.{ ltlmt the elds. of ynzxin were 111a{:ni- hccnvt. I have how over the m0.~1'; !of Ontario and no county can com- 'pzx1'c with Simcoe. The best and l`a1`3:u>`-t crop.< can only be p1=o by a k1`.wox\'1c(L:e 01' conditions, by the ` lin-kin_2' of ag,-'1`iculture. with educa- .14.. AHA A. I That there are many p1'0ssing` problems facing` the inhabitants of nural districts and that the Women s I-nstitutes can play a larfge part in the so1wvin.g' of these dlifcultios, was the keynote of an inspiring' z1(l by the Honorable John S. M-.u't;in, Ui11ii.-T01` of Ag_.-'1'icult>u1'e, speaking.-' to the mexnbers of the Women s Insti- tutes of Simcoc in St. Vincenst ;~: Park on VVe(l`n0S(li1.\r afternoon. I look on the Women s Institute as one of the most; important pz11`L:~' of the of z1_21-iculture; it wie1 an immense inliuv_-nce on the Province, said Mr. Martin in open- in:_," his znl HON.J.S.MARTlNAT J INSTITUTE MEETING} lS`r1'ossos Need of Edu<-ation For ]3o_\'s and Girls n11 " `rho Fawn. (Continued on page four) Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, August 6, 1925 v\AL/IL \JLAuu.| III . .n.\..-., .:<.'\.Uu\I J..U-I and Barrie third in 1.13. Coh|\vater and Collingwood had bad luck, the hoso _;'etti11_9_` a\\'z1_\' on them and their tin1e.< bnin_: much slower. Ba1'1'ic- made an oxcellc-nt showing` with second-.~: in both the ladder and the coupling: contests and third in the hosr- reel. 1-1 fvi .. n . .. -. . . 1 but they zn p0.~`tiOn Ban`i(- .... .. I\Iidhurst. 1 ......,,, Vu....._..-vuuu uuu \/unInuL\.'.' l p:11'zvulr_- to the park, with tho Mid-| land Band and the Barrie Collegiatei 1Bzm To the PCl1L't2l11`_`." Fire D0-lv {p211'Lancnt, tou:*m_v wixmvrs of last! _\'(_-211', fell the honor of Iezulin~_Q` the-E { p1`oc with the .VIi Band Euntl the Mhllzllnl B1'i:.-mule following` `in O1'(]L'1'. Then came the O1'ilrlia and {Cohlwater re g'htnx's. The Col- |Iou'iz1t(- Band. the Barrie and Co1Iing'- 1 wood B1'i3:a Clllf: next in line. n'VL,. `rs. ., TL, I u u u A.- ll , vIuu\| uu,.uu\..~ Lruui: llC.\L' lll uu\.'. [ | The Barrie I3I`i5:'a 1011 by Chief" 'Sh1`L1b.=oIc, were awa1'derl r; prizc-5 ,for the best Ire-.~:~:e company on l{\a1'ad0. In their navy blue uniforms with gilt l.)u&ton;< and p:oI bands on the . and 21 _;1'o'1d star for e\'c1`y {ve _vez11`s : and with a uni- :form cap and ba the Barrie re- .I\'|/\-rs -n~..A~A..A....l ...- ......An___1. -..._, _ V . . .. -9`, ....~. -Jun? sunk, AJ(.AALl\; lllli` x {men prc-.'~:ente(l an excellent appear- ance and won handily. . nu n - n n .uu,x. ulnl nun uuuuu_y. The Barrio Collegiate Band earn- ed 1'u1't-lwr laurels: by ca1)tu1'ing' the band cont:->1. Midland Band was placed sccoml. I | ! I l I I 1 l[:AI.o\4\.I: ..'\.uvAA\I- i I Sto1'1in_2' competition was evident in every event and the times were very iclose. In the hose reel contest Mid- lwaml made an exhibition run to wet the 11030 and inci clipped it off in the best time, 1 minute, 4 3-5 `=ccoml.~:. Pr-notan_2' won in 1 min., I I I n i I I . I L I \.||\. um J\.L.|. Firc Chi-1' Doyle of I\'cwmarkot v~:a.=.. the oicial jmlrrc and E. Beat.t_\' of Cznnp B0r the oicial sta1`tc-1'. Tim 1'e. ~,`uLt.s` of the contc-ts are : Ladclc-1` Raco--1, CoMwate1', 21 1-5 50cs.; 2, Bzu'1'io, 21 4-5 SCCS.; 3, Penn- tungr, 23 . 4, C0]1iI1f.`,'\\'00(l, 27 2-5 SOC.'~?.; 5, Orillia, 30 1-5 secs. H0.'~:(: Rut,-1 Cont;-st-1, Penctang, 1 min., 7 . 2, Orillia, 1.0.`) .sec.~:.; n-n ...n .1`... 3, Barrie, 1.13 1.37 2-5 :'('C.<.; I . -.\..'., - Coldwater, nn ... to 1<,:u'n . of thv first rn-3; :~:ion;n'_\' 0fT0rt;< in Simeon County,` wln-n only Imlizms rou.m<.-l here. The uuthnur of the bank is M. Bouchicr Sunfonl, well known to old rc~si(1ent;~' of Barrie. An error was made ihl lzwt week's Advance when the nzumn of Gordon was ,9:iven, which should! lmw been Sanford. ! .... ,. , Bzmd Comm-. Bzwrirg C911;-p.'iat0! Band; 2, llitllanrl Band. ,' x 1\1cL-g-zx n `p. M. BOUCHIER SANFORD 5 : NEW BOOK REAL HISTORY} I-I2L\'i11_2: c0n1p1ct- the 2'cadi11~;: of: 'l`hc,- Trail of The Iroquois, :1 now` book just publishecl by Lon~_2'man,} (hm,-11 an-l Colnpuny, Toronto, wv` can H-comnlcml it to th0.<<,- who want 1 . u ..v..u,u.u-,._. \.\Jll'L|...`La Given ideal weather the tourna- me-nti, which took place in the Mid- land Ag'1'icL1ltL11`z1l Park, 1)1`ovc-.1 21 great .succc.~7.~'. The (lay was just hot r~nou,<;'h to make the work i11t(.-1`cst- `inf: and the 0cca: spills and is:l1o\vu1's when the COl`.l.'(`~t2111l. s' .=.lipp<~ or thv hose became bumptious se1'\'ez.l not to (lZ|111]) .`l' but cool the remen. P1`CCC(lil1_`." the events the b1'i_L2ulc.~:' ifrom Midland, Orilliu, Bz11'1'ie, Pene- itang', Collin,-zwoonl and Coltlwa'Lo~.' in`. ,1, .1 A` Irtu -.l 1- AI, ._ -.u..`._,, -./uuu 21 Band. { pe11'L;mcnt, `_\'(.-:11', 1 John Dobson took the half race at the rc-men's meet in land on Momlay. Penemng` n b1'ig`a(le retlains the County trophy, which they won at the rst annual tournztment of the Simcoe County Firemeufs Association in Barrie last year, by cuptu1'in_: the hose reel contczm at the second tourney held in Midland on M-onrlz1_v. Pe11e*;' also copped third place in" the Iac!(le1' race and fourth in the hose couplinf: c0nte`.~:t. Coldwater tool-: 1'; in the I-adder race and Orillia nished in front in the coupli11-:4 contest. 0.. :|,,1 11 m IBARRIE FIREMEN . ` MAKE G009 snow ].<`irst for 13051" ]')r(`sso(1 Com- ]nm_\'; Il3.C.T. ]3a111d\V'i11 ]3z111d Cmnpc.-`ri1`i011 . .... ......:.. lay. ..\..,. Hdsu Couplin On --nuuu... \.u--u. vv tallies. n .1`- TO HOLD SPORTS DAY Wu- .-\ug`u. 26, th.:-% LA. is intom`1i11:.-' to hold a big; ; 'l`rac.L: and eld events, ning races and one or two ball; 5 are to be L1h`l0Y`l_`.`.' the attrac-E I -\..\...u.-_. nun zu ; uun.,g with Orillia second in 1.093 1-tn nu: .. .. .'\(\.:u, ., soc:-:.; 4, Pam;, C01li11{n\'o0(l, -16 2-5 Conh_~;-i---1, in-st-1, 5.-c.<.; 4, C0ll\v:1tc1',l C01lin_<:\\'oo 2.01! Ktlge mile `__..L L, \Ir'I nun. ' Mm- 1. M1`. Big;L`.= said he was pleased to ihave the oppo1'tunit_v to come to !Ba1'1'ie. The last time he was here he tried to help the people of Barrie to decixle on the location of the Hig`hwa_V running th1'oug'h the town. and hoped every one was happy. Speakina_2' on service to our commun- ity and coun or rzreat work for Kiwanians to do in ubuilrlinfx up a more f1`iemlI_v feeling` :between the rural and urba cen- tres. All that. was needed was to point of the other. In Canada we are 1)a.=sin_L' th1'ou_2`h : times with our high rlebt as the 1'e<: oi` -the war. We have to be taxed to bear the buralen and ments _`.`.'Ct the blame. It is ea;~:ie1' to be on the outside and throw :<-*..onc-.= `than to as:-ume ro.=pon.=ibilit_\'. was not . politically, because iall panties are p1'ett._v much alike. ;He nl:~: now that the road is paved` ' Our Balance. -,Sheet, Mr. Big'_2':< said there was a I I ,get the one to umlenstaml the View-' our Go\'ern- ` H0 . I ithe hands of the Educational Com- Imittce, 01' which A. VV. Smith is gchairman, and he askerl the president lot` the Hamilton Club to lll|t~1`0(ll1CO 'the speaker. This Prc-sident] lid in a few appropriate womls. Hon. `Frank Big':.z's, he .=_'ai was an active imember of the Hamilton Club. In `ispite of the criticism he had 1'eceive.1, :F`rank Bi_2'g's hzul (lone a _g'1'eat. tlr,-al for Ont.a1'io. He was chainnan of ithe Ag'ricultu1'al Committee in the iHami1ton Club and was doing ex- ccllc-n't work in aerating` 21 l)c-ttc-1' feeling` between the rural and urban ...._J. The })1'og1'z11i1 for the (lay was in- \'n.|ll.A\.Ct I-31:1-t. Iobr-rtson pit.cIw nc:u'l_\' in- vincible ball, t.u1'nin=:.:' the opposition] I I I 1 1 1 hack in onk-1` in the r.~'t ve . and h0l thvm . in uij;".1t .- 111 ,v1I

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