Vi ag'e Eight !'i:1Im--l':|.as_ l\li>'.~ Mi: . :;~l -Fir` .\r]:u`.~'lm|`l. ---l"il'.\ l-('l:l:: '.~:l-cl11.~'s h0nm*.~ July 2-1, .'\ViI||lH`.l`|'ll ||m1ur;~'. 1 11011-- |\'11.l|1- l\`li.s': M ih u Dzxtecl June 24, 1925. lCHAUTAUQUA ANNOUNCEMENT 1 i The sparkling comedy, Her Tem- porary Husband; the Eiiglisli drama, The .\1o1lusc; 21 gram! mu;~:- iical concc.-1": by the Croatian Tain- bourica Orchestra, an interest.in_;' pro- ig1':1m of. impcrs.onations, ventrilo- quism and music, by Pietro La Verdi; lectures by Honorable Frank Church uml H. Truman Gordon, are among ;the c.\:cc1)ti0n:1.l attractions which will ;u1)pL-ar here at the Dominion Four- Day Chaurtuuqua, which opens Aug.-'. ` 15th and continuc.'~r for four (lays. i The Cwlmutaluqua. ente1't.ainr21's will: `open the Chautauqua on the r.~1tu1 -\ lternoon with one of the most a1'ti. ip1'o::ru1ns that lms c\'u1` come to our ]town. Fo]Iowin:_" a prclumlc by Unis} Lcompan_v, :1 most unique and -111.01`-g Ituinin_L' p1'0;z'ran1 will he g'i\'(-11 by Pia-tro L21 Verdi, known as the man ;oI' many 1u1ent.~`, -m impe1'. sin;-,'-r, crz\_\'0n :mt.i. \'cn-tri1oqL1i. ! Quml 1mI. an r11to1`t:1i11m' c.\:t1';1- J . . um! musi i o1'i I\.. AL. UlI|lIIt|l_\'- On the nu-|}ix1:_-' 01' the f'n'. (lay will bu p1'(-.~:cI1tml Lluz ICn:.,-'li. lmunu, "I`ha Mollusc" by :1 company of M(-tropolitzm players. A popu.l:u' concert will lw given on `(bu .~'<-coml :1l7tvrm)un by tlw l\'i:4m' Sl:~'l(`l`.\`, 1'1-;uLurin_:;' co. 1lllmlH'l`>', vocal tlu0~t.~', violin salt, uml r<-zn|- in_-.-'.<. 'l`ln-ir rocnnl for rt-turn cn- :::L;:'-nu-m.~' i< pr0l)ui)ly (`XC|'(`llUll by no dun, zmrl Lhuir vi.~:it. to our town will mark an al\':lllCt"(l stop in (1h:1u- Luuqun c-nt<,-rtuinnnmt. l0llm\rin.-J :1 pr-ul1:lu by LlH- l\'isor Si.<`tv1'.~* in the .~\'-ningr, :1 l--vl\m,- will bv ;.-:i\'un by llmmrzlblv l*`r:mk Clmrcll. A Spoon- : A` (1,, I Yul of Sun (`llZlllil1llll|ll.'l :1 ,._`r:nnl inlislvul ('()|L"`l`l will lw ;:i\'-in by lAllI' ('1-uwliuii `I`1In. lmimivn ()l'('llt':u'll'll. 'l`l1is ])l'nj;`)`:lIll will cnn. n1` up:-rzl .wl-clioiis, 1m;iu lur uncl |):llI`i()ll(' .H`()ll_`.`,`.\' unnl l:1mlmur- it'll mu.~`iv. i\|uu:siu lay l)ll l`lu- (`lum- luuqun llils y1~:1l' will t'll1.`,':l}:`|` llw :11.- lrllllll ul' ucr-.mnplri.-lwxl mu.~'iui:1n.<, but it will :il.~'<) ]H'l)\/ill!` popular num- ln-r.~a which l'u1`ni.-:|i lIl.~'llll`1\ll()ll Xllllli r'IIlr'l`lXl1`lll\lI'llll fur zill. In u-leliliu-n lu tlw ill)0\'t` ])l'0_L',`l`1ll)1,` llltll` (Ill Hu- (Yl::111t.I1u.u.n. ...fl| I. . will .\l11.L*f;su-ls," I lw ;.','i\'<-ll by H. or 1'h- (`l0.\'ilLL" . ul S1In. On tln- tlxircl :1l'tr1'm>nn ` wilted :1 \'('l'_\' intvr:-.~`1i11.u' 1 nu - .. ll\.l\. tan` in Britain. um.- . `hu- Dependable Store With Uniformly Right Prices n. will Linette Table Squares, \\ hite ground with pa11't'01'11s, 54x54: Linette Table Covering`, 5-L i11<`-,l1(rs wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lingerie Crepes and Mulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Mull, (-olurs \\ l1i1`<*, Blut-k, Flesh, ;\l ;111\'(: . . . . . . . . . Lingerie Crepe, mlws 1'Im1(*_\' Dow, Mzu1\'o, B1110 . . . . .. Naincheck, <-ulms fI?m1(*_V Dow, 3I:u1\'<*, \\']xit(*. . . . . . . . . . . . Where M ost People Trade Men s Cottonade Trousers. . .$2.00 .\ goods(-r\'i pant`, \\`i1'11 ve po<-l sizes 34; to 44. Men s Twed Trousers at $2.75, $3.00, $3.75, $4.25, $4.50. Men s Wool Work Sox Grroy 01' Dark .I31'<)\\'11. Men s Merino Wbrk Sox . V (Hf 3 pail` for $1.00 RUPTURE Men's Cotton Sox . . . . . . . . . ..2.' I*1`(:m`_\;' Sox, also light \\'oi,t_,'h1'. Khaki Shirting Pick-2.-Pick Shirting . . . Gr<>_\ ' or 131110 Mosquito Netting . . . . . . . .10c yd. 136 i11(.-110$ \\`id(`, gr 11 01' white I`m:\tim1 'l`:unhouri(-:1 ()1'ch~.-| y;i\u- :1 .~'p1vml=i cone:-rt }n':.-- l'ourlh :Ll'Lurnmm M" Lin- Iqll.l. l"nll()\\'iI1;: tlxis pl`:-Illllx-. H11` In-Ullln-, "(}nl:I` :," '1`:-unmn Gm-Inn. E E. Suzfcliffg 3 C0. L-losing: ])l'()*,','l`:ll\l ul ('0 II . rnl - 1 will hr ]m-~ :` }u-n.;'r:nn h_\' will he not 1 It will not be long until the song; 01' the bin will be heard in Sim-.' coe County. The wheat is turningl 1`apid1_v and is filling` well. Several; `elds should average -10 bushels an: l".lC1U U1 II|U1Lo Crops in genral have never look- ed bet:te1', stated W. M. Cockburn to the Advance this week. "Grain and eld crops are making" excellent progu-es. f\... ..,. L-..II.~..- nn+ /-IV;r\"1\' -vv There are about seven million czxts. n vxvs-2 . Oats are howling out quickly 21153 present. There are more poor e1d. of barley than of any other c1`op.} \ `Fig-Id peas are looking: cxcoptionz111yj.1 `well at p1'u. and there is 21 n1u:`n'ig ' lu1'.;'L-.1` zlcrczuxv of them this yo-a1 than ; ( for ; time. In1.o1'o. has xx-\'i\'-ed I I I I IUX -`UIIIU lllllku lllk-\ A\.-`k ll\|_.` 4\ I A! git in the j:1'0\\'inj.:' of peas luv to Ihc. recent high prices o`0rc 1'01` Iheml uml the absence of the pm \\'oc\'i1. I Lc.~`.< corn is bei11:: grown this _\'\':l1' than usual}. T-lw 1';-115011 1'01` this is that more 1':11`me1's are co11cont.1'.1Vt- in:: on .<\\'c<~t4 clovc-1' and so less corn is l)(.'il1-_L` plzlntml. 1t. . :1 sut- hnck (luring.-' the cold, wet spell in Jun:-, hut it has 1'uc()\'v1'.,-:1 f:1i1`1_\' wu-ll and is now making: mpiul pro- ::rcs.~'. Ono of thu lwst ?"1u1:l.< scvn this _v:-:11` h_\' Mr. Cockhurn is . ml in tho Lm'e1'i11g' in .\1:\tc`n-:-- Luv u:1. to\\'n.:wh`1 1111}'ill;;` is _________._______ x-[)(`('l:ll :1-Lt:-ntion will be p;ivon to uln- ('llll(ll'(.`ll during` lllw second, thircl unzl il`mn~\tlx lnnr11in::.~' of tho Chnutaqun. 'l`hi.< wurk will be in clm1';:c 0!` mn- `[)v.`l\`l11 junior xvorlcc-r.~'. Kvpl lll .`|`|'|l. rxunn .1. nm un .._.,. [1-en _u`1'()\\'v1`.~' only two luul infurior 1'u~1|.<. '|`}w \\'-:1M1-1' in Simcou Coun- ty .~w,w-unis to prmhlcu :1 . .:h':1in 0| :xH':1H':1. so that sum! }:1'<)\\'11 in this count_\' .-hnul lw p:n'ticul.'n']_\' 3.-'0(nl. PUPILS OF MISS 0. SWITZER I SUCCESSFUL IN MUSIC EXAMS.l |`h.- 1'nllo\vin.-.:' pupils 0|" .\li.~'.< 0. S\\'it'/..~r \\'<-ru .'11cc-.~'. in tlw mid- .~umm-r '1`m'ont,u (`.u1m:1'\':1:tory of .\lu.x`ic l`Ix:xm.<. : - . n:...._ `1JI.`.AI\' n:,.:;_. lJl.4rl\4-n IIII4 Ali l`h().~`v (`,()I111t`(.'M`(l with Hxv Black .I':1mi|y plvzxsv :1CC\']3-I. thi-4 invitation `tn :\t1v11l thu .~'vcnn:| :1nnu:1l reunion uml pix-nic in lnnis] 'l`o\vn. 1 :u'k (Sth Lmu liozurlu) on S:1turlz1_\', July 25, uh I ]).m. Cm1Lr:\ctor J. Dumond lms. oom- plnted the aburtmc-nts 1'01` the new In-ixl-,:'v M. Cmen1o1'e and the steel for `the .~'H`l|( iHll'\` is uxpootml rig;lrt znvzxy. HARVEST FAST APPROACHING .\lu.~'xc luxzuns. ; ln`l.rmluctm'_\' l i:mo~-.\l:1. l{':ch'- unl .-\himt,t. Bliss Jvnn (`,m11`t.<, l\I:1.<'.-r l3m' llurst. | HENRY & COWAN .u 1. (in) In-vb ..... L"1l.\' .40c yd. .400 yd. .`,, 1,, lying` ]n'c1.`t,\' \\'-!l Innh-1' wzly n-5:-m. Du1'in_L' Lhc p:1.<~1 Linrcu Mr. Ovcrholrt, :1 )'op1`u.~'m\t:1t.i\'-.- we :~._-ml 1-much, has `much inspect- of :1lt':1H';1 than. :m- In-in_-4 . . I1 .. , . , r .1. THE BLACK REUNION .50c .35c Summer Properties .250 Jess Willard Work Shirts . .$.L50 .\ big` shirt \\`i1'h lots of rmnn in it`. Si /`cs ].-11; to 18. Boys Work. Shirts . . . . . . . . . . 85c Kllzlki or Pic-1<-a1-I i(-k Sl1i1'ti11;`;, good \\`czn'ing q11z11i r_v, well nmdo. Sizes 123,- `[0 14. Boys Scout Shirts . . . . . . . . $1.25 (n`r .\`|1i1`1, 1 \\'n })0<-la-ts and s11011]dm' stmp.<. Sizes ].`2V.`_,- to H Boys Athletic Combinations, $1.00 Sizes 24. to 32. Ra1ston s Shoe Polish . . . .12; tin \\'hi1(-, iIJlu<-k 01' Brawn Handy` Kitchen Utensil . . . . . .150 Fish S(.V1]0V]" :1pp1<- <- \'r- ( -]1n])`,)m` all. in m(-. Successors to J. Sutcliffe 9 Sons `xv _-vu; -uu~.. --~.,... ;.., so, your big oppo1'-vanity 11 Mr. Re-ave-l_v, the Lure exp:-rt. will be at th lnstructions to refuse 1: rr This applizmcc istmted to yet [person \vithoL1: not. spuml :1 px A`..H.. `..a:.o:.] o l fully satist` p1i:111(`L` for Mr. Reuve Don`t lvt 1 i from you. It is learmenl that there is being C0nSll`l1C\tC(l in England an aeroplane capable of a speed of 300 miles an hour. :COLLIER ST. UNITED ; MINISTERS : ISUMMER SCHEDULE IN EFFECT 'ON BARRIE DIVISION, C.N. RYS. l l<'oll0\\'in:.-` is tiho now scliwliile which \\'-nt` into force on the C..\'.R. lust, Suml:1_\'. All the trains are daily I.-.\'cvpl Sllll(l1l_\', with the exception of Nos. I6 uml -17, which are luily. No. :13 runs S:1t.u1'lu_\' only and No. 1-18 Sumluy only. Stops at B`.l1'1`l8 Rupture Expert Here THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925 Southbound -16, from Novth Bay, 5.16 21.111. 12. from Huntsvihle, 8.410 '.1.m. 56, from Scotia Jot., 2.05 p.m. 5'S,`f1'on1 1\'Iu.=kokz1 Wf., 230 p.m. -H, from .\'01whh Bay, 5.05 p.m. 48, from South River, 9.12 p.m. 148, from Scotiu .Tc"... 9.02 p.m. Rm`. S. H. Grccxlsladc. I\ .~ .. `I I All p.m.- c.u.~-nu mu... .... ` you. A co1~.s1.11:z' e:m21,\' will cos: you thi opportunity iou. lemember the Sunday, July 19th n.---Smnl:1_\' School. n.-Rc\'. S. H. Grow n.-R:-\'. A. D. Corn 1-: 1 .\Io1-1`hboun South River, 1.5.8` z1.m. Scotia Jct., 10.25 :1.m. Scotia Jot... 12.23 noon. Muskoku Whf., 12.48 11. > Scotia Jct., 2.55 13.111. North Bay, 7.50 p.:n. ) .\'01wth Bay, 11.10 jun. Welcome 2 . . . . . .$1.50 .$1.00 yard . .50c yard . .50c yard V. . .500 yard . . .500 yard u uouuu . ;..-n. on. .\I.A.. RD. \;u.u:.~ unles Will exchange g ]l(J1lS(B ill '|`m`m11u I'M!` :1 lmmv in TI3m'1'iu. nuu-. G1`ouI1sl;ulo CHURCH (111{\\_ MULCASTER AND DUNLOP. For SaIe-ChevroIet hu1f-ton truck, in rs't-class condition. E. Bolton, Barrie. Phone 577 or -184. null. DJ .LI1\J 1 L V V V 1 Lu L -ILWJIIIJ \-E Rupture Remedy n L4l\l A`\.v - uuwu v -.4.` . can be Sc-c111'ml \vit.h0u,t the usv of the Su1'guox1 s knife w1t,h Thompson s Renowned. `l\ . I5 I In your own i11LL-rt-.~'1, p'1\'1- us :1 chance to PROVE OUR CLAIM Perfect Truss Comfort as long` as a tmss is xwce-.-zxx-y Your prc; 'l`ru.-s :ulju.~m-cl {rec of chur_<:<-. Free .-\ to 1Cvcr_\' [humm- Stxffcrer at the __ --- Int . .. , ., New Hotel, iBm'1'i 0 Friday, July 17th. .I! 1.... .-...v..--`L..--__, .__-_v Napanee, Ont. Don L Mies '1'h`7..< Opportunlt;.'. Th0II1h/1%).SVOV11i,W T it-Iuyck Co. KI _ _ _ _ .... NOTICE TO CREDITORS .. _...v`l , V ____ all day and evening` when our Rop1'esemat1vo will be m z1`ttend:mco. To Let-House on corner of Peel and Sophia Sts. Apply to Miss Bird, 88 Sophia St. DANGEROUS A PERFECT RECOVERY A MODERN COTTAGE FOR SALE I. hono 3 1 . Barrie. WANTED TO LET sonable offer. n Donald Ross, Solicitor for Executonl Barrie, Ont. 4 1n.1,- 10`) and prices. for rent. LOTS To Let--Five roometi cottage, i`urn-; ished, at Big Bay Point; also two! cottages to let from August 1st. Very reasonable. A few choice lots at the Point for sale. Inquire at Advance Ofce. Phone 53. A few D. Hill spent Monday in To- ronto. `I 1 \r,,, -r n...._._L-1I -4` (\..1. 1 U]lLUa Mr. and Hrs. J. Campbell of Oak- villc and Mr. and Mrs. W. ;VIcGi1li- \'ray of lleaford visited with Mrs. Wardman, S12, over the week end. Mrs. Wardman returned to Oakville lwith Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. `, Mr. George Coulter and daughter I Elizaibctli of Thornbury resturned this \\'Cuk to their home after visiting with Mr. Coulter s son, Rev. G. E.' lCou1to1', Buvton Ave. 1 ._ 11.. LV.... 1,... :. i~.n\\\n -{'1-nrn \4Uu1L\:1, L)u1`L-UAA .xvx.. I Miss Luella Sande-1'.~: is home from |To1'onto for a holiday. n a `V 17\_._._1_ 1X7....1.... /1`. LT.nn.'1+nn LUIUIILU ;u4 a n\.uAuu.v- | 1 Mrs. Frank Wenham of Hamilton 'is visit-i11g' with her mother, Mrs. .-`n`msI.1'o11;_'. s. 1 1r 1 "n u7:..l,...- .....l .`\I'lH>Lr1'UIl`:`. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wisdom and D1`. and 312's. Webb are visiting` in Owen Sound to-day. Mr. nml Mrs. J. E. Morrison and Won Lloyd left this week on 21 motor Elrip to Detroit. and Wz1.lke1'\'i11e. 1 Rev. J. J. Coulter of Dzmforth United church, Toronto, "visited his '.,,,.u_ _. n .. n `D r*n..1+m. Hm`: v I i I E|\.nu1._':L:. 1 1 Rev. and )I1'.<. G. Coulter and _ ':m l3' la.-:-we on Monday for a n1oml1 .< ` gholidzlys in New Ontario. hey will !_travel by motor and camp along the `the s'31'vice;~: will be taken by Rev. Thomas Legott of Stayner, the form- fer taking" charge on August 26 and {the latter on the three succeeding ' Sundays. `way. During Hr. Coul-te1"s abseflcea l3I1'. .\Ic)Iullen of AlIzm anal Revw I t f` `If DI\I`IIl1\l.`V nn,l \ LT Wnucru--1, l i\;.y u\r ; J H United c" l,1'o1.h01'. week. `I u \\ BEA. Mrs. W. J. Pat.tcrson and family , of Perth are \'isiti11g' Mrs. PzLt.te1`.~:o11`s, fa`-.hc1', 311'. Marvin Brown. xxhu...` 11:11 .....1 \'....`u.. Wantved-Stenographer \vitl1 cxpor; ience, by the Imperial Life .-\s.=u1-ance Co., Barrie. Apply to G. S. Mc- Conkey, branch n1anag'ex'. `LRILHUA, .-u. .u.uuu Juxvvvlu Misses Evelyn Hill and Norma Pouch:-1' have 1`etu1'ned from a weck s visit. with friends in Toronto. `I 1 \v,,, 1 C` 1 ) ...,\.. .....I \ib;L. nun Lxxvuus All LULVALU Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brunton return- ui on \\7r-dnu;-.< from a motor trip to Xilvs, Mich. They travelled 1400! .mi`rc.< without 21 puncture. Miss Dorot.h,\' and Harold Riddell '1 1':-turned on Thursday to Gra\'enthurst, I accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A.` Brunton. 1| rn1 I 1 1. TWBLI, r`I..,,, -1` 1)....L..... , L)1unLUn. '; The Adult Bible Class of Burton} {Ave-. I.'1`.itr2d church held a very en- ljoyablug picnic in Queen s Park yest- e1'da_\' afternoon. .\Iembe.1`s of the` 1cla.<~= and their families were 1)1'esent.! ;G,ames, 1`ac<}.< and softball providedlw I 2n1u. for young and old. Sup- Ipcr was .=.e1'\'cd by the ladies in I \ [I'(:l` l charge. 1-. I C. W. Poucher and A. H. Fergu-` ison ea1'ne.1 the rig'ht to rcpre: A1- glandale in the Scotch doubles by He` |fea Ling' V. Knight and E. Shear. `on .\Ion evening" by 35-10. In` {the somli-nals V. E. k1Li,2'l1t anal E. Shc211' trimmed A. G. Walker anal Sm 'jGarsilr,- by one shot. S. Garsirlc do-I Ell-am.-:1 A. G. \Valke1` 22-11 for thcl it-ight to compete the :~:in1:']c rt.-prc-1 sent-:.zti\'r_-. j l -. 1 n 1 u 1 m I i I `lrlmonton on the way. CClX`L'lL|\`I- : 1\I1':~t. Ga-org'c Pouchcr IL-It lust} wctfk on a trip to the Pacic Co-a'st,J' vi.~:itin;: with friends in Winnipeg` and; I 17 . . .1 . Yc.~`tr.-1'rla_v u1't,<:rno0n uno1.'m21' party of ux1u1e1'p1~ivi]c;.-;<.-rl children from To-` ronto arrived at the Gztblcs for two: ]w'<;ck'.s' holidays. I Following: an iIl(.`L:'.~' of .~:cvc1'al ;nomlL~', .\Ir.~'. A. 1*`. G.:u'1'<:t1. ])u.5`a`(:L1| away at the family rcsi 19:1` Brzuifonl St., on Su11(la_\', July .12. D( whose Inujnlt,-11 name xvzms I'llizab.-th Frankcom, vvus born inx lu`n_s;'Iuml T2 _v(:ur.s :15,-'0, uml \vus mur- ric-l to Mr. A. 13`. (;`u1'1`u1L 5'1 yL-zL)'s up,'o, sho1'tl_\' z1ftc1'wa1`rl.~; coming, to Canmlu. 'l`hc_v livml for u tinnc in \V\:~'.'L (;`w.illimbury and F105 bcI'm'u comin','; to l$zu'1'ic 19 _y.-ur.~' ago. B.-.~zi:lr,-.< In-1' hu.~:h;ml is .\:urvivn.-cl by four tlzxtlgll-Lr:1`s zuul n,_, \v., \ l\....f. \I'IL._, ., ...... .. .-,.... -|\~\a v` .., nu`. 1,`nn-<.- . .\I1'>:. A. (}.'11'vin, .\1Irlhm'.~L; U132. G. Kohl, C0il1;'\V()()tl; Mr:-. .~\. 1%. I uLt<-r: .~\11am1ul_-; Mrs. l'}vu {<:j.`ll0H:?, I .:n'ri1-; l'I:|w:u'ul of l"lu.~:,* {ichzml of B:H`l'io uml St:u1l:_sy of M00.~:(- Jzlw, ulq) rmv .~:i.~`.tt-1', Mrs. A. Hook, B:1r1'iu:,uml thmc hrotllt-1's, Daniel and John 1"1'ankc0n1, 1011;1- lzmcl, zuul Frank lr:mkc0n1, l\' The func.-1':xl was ht,-lvl on W<-ln<-.~'- day from her late 1-L-si to the I%2n'1~i- Unirm (!l'l]]("L(.'l'_\', s<:rvice- In-inn" conduct:-(I by Rev. Coultcr, us.~;isLed by Rev. S. M. Bvuch uml is.-\'. Roy .\`I(-lvillt-. l.o. 01' around post u'|c<~, 'l`u<-. July 1-1, bunch of kt-,\`.~; rin-,5. .\Ii.~'.< PZl.]1`iIl1.','. Phone 5113. Town of Barrie (:oupl.. pl" w-1,-k.~: 'l`mi11 at I*I1n1\`z1l(-. m-nly, :n:.':ui11 nislml r.~aL in 1 ml lnowlim,-` tnurnzununt h--hl .Z;t_\' night. W. Ix . [(1114,-".< qLr.u~tmuu of mixed h0\'.'h-r.~', i11clu Mm. J. Ilvwibt, A. G. Campbell uml 1\`1r.+. W. H. Kon- in the mix- .-I lsowling,-` lu.~;L Fri ALLANDALE .\li.<.< .'\`lui.- .\h'.s'. 1". C. 1'li: of Hllnvzxlte >21):-Int few (lays in town l,l11.< W(:('k. MRS. A. F. GARRETT I1 , uuu wu:.\, uuurunqnn, .1 l*'rz1nk 1:111] on `.~i(- I-'.<.-um-l_v is .=pu-mlin;: :1 w':.Lh Miss M. A. I.._..,,1 .I.vLuuv.-v, -..n\.\_\. ..u, G. E. Coulter, this NOTICE OR REGKSTRATION 01-? BY-LAW % u: :\ ll`n'. 1: 1 m Don t forget the Herb. Lem1ox| picnic to be held at Island Grove, near J:1ckson s Point, on Au_2'ust 3rd, Toronto Civic Holirlay. I , , Alderman Wallwin is Chairman of! the Public Works Committee during` `the absence of Reeve Rusk, who is away on a few weeks holidays. In the town softball 1: `week Y.M.C.A. won from Allzxmlale beat the Shoe F11 the Shoe Factory slipped on Kiwanis. The chzlutauqua Will be in Barrie for four days,' Aug`. 15. There will be eight hi1.-:h class en'Le1'- tainments and season tickets are only $2.00, good for any member of your` I family. I Provyincial Comtzxble Kelly, with! C. R. I{r~.~mlal1, found evirlences of :1 still on Fred P1'z;tlt s property on the seventh line of V0;~:p1`u this week. The articles were well l1i in :1 bush and included several bugs o1'| mash. I Mrs. J. i\Iay.~, of 3Iil1(`:`_iI1,", .-`,(-nt :1` hn-n s in to the .-\ office` last week that bids fair to hp :1 113-` cowl bu.-z1ku1'. 'l`h-_- 1.l':-.'Zl>'11l'L*.'~ iS`$ inches around one way am! 7% I inches the other \\'21_\', and xvcigiis` 51,- ; ounces. If any one can Lent `this we would like to hear about it. :BARRIE. TENNIS PLAYERS 1 WIN FROM PENETANG GROUP: T I . Plzx_\fi1i_:at Midland on 'l`ur_-sd.:1},=' !a1't.ernoon the B'.11'1'ie tennis club team . l:u.lmini. a c1'u.~"nin{_-' defeat to the l 'iPenetang;' tennis club. Barrie can-` itured all the singles and one out of` three of the double ]l]L'CCl1(.`>`. W. A. Bo_\'.<, ]\'.C., M.P., Rev. A... R. Bever- ley and M. Bmwnscombe won in the: men ;~: sinf:le:<. Mrs. (Captain) ` l }\ve1`e vict.01'ious in the ladies` . In the men s doubles W. A. Boys and ,Rev. A. R. Br,-verley put out their ;0m)0nen t.~:, while M. B1-own.~:combe -lzuul Cla.rence` Ambler lost their l`mz1tch. In the ladies doubles Mi-.=. : Brookes and 1\`Ii~ss Creswicke were de- feated. As 21 result of the win the -`Barrie tennis team is the vsiuner of - the illidland, P..-n<.~tz1n.9,', B21)`1`l0 group, - | and are so entitled to enter the next l r round. `Bl`0OkOS and Miss Edith C1`:-swickeii {To HOLD POULTRY CULLINC. ? DEMONSTRATION NEXT WEEK I By-law No. 1156 Notice is he1'eb_\* given t.h:1.+. a by- law was passml by I510 Council of the Town of Barrio on the 15th day; of June, 1925. providilmg: for the is- sue of dc-benturss to the amount of $3,500.00 for the 1)u1-pose of 'insm11-`I ing new boilers Wales Public School, and Ihat such b_\'-1a\\' was 1`:-g`iste1':-d in the Reg:'ist- try Office of the County of Simcoe on the 22nd day of July. 1025. motion to quash or aside the same, or any part `ah:-roof. must. be made \\~it.hin three momhs after The rs: publication of this nortice, and cannot be made thereafter. -. >Lf\ Dated the 2nd day of Jul) , 1925. g. A. w. SMITH, Clerk. 1; I . 1 8-20` Any 1 in the Prince of 1 I 1 i , . u . ; . 5 1 \ 1 ' j77 V 5 Bc;:inr.in_2: on 1\Ionda_v, July 20,! luml continuing for a week, poulmyvl icullingg (ls.-m011.~."1.1`zLt.i0n.'~' will be ;`ivcn' ;th1'0u;.-'h0u.t North Simcoz-. J. F. 1n - .1 .1. I`\ \ rt n,...u.... h. ....V..,....,..-V .,....-.,.. .,. -. F1'zu:ci.t of tl1<.- 0..-LC. Poullhyv Dc-' lpumnumt, will comluct tln-.~'o lemon- '.<.`.rzL:l(Jn.s in tliIl'L.~x'L-nt st,-ctimls of the county. 01' lam: 1'urn1ers and poultry-' men in pzn'tlculzu' ll2l\'(: h<:5.'u11 to n'(.`(.' lvilue l'll'C(:.~':`.l'L_V of cullin_-4' tvlwlr llocks that Lln.-y nmy (.\l)tZlll'1 the maximum- l`(,`.~'Ul'm' with tho avoirlzlnco of \vu.stt2 -in Linn: uml monny in lnoliing,-' al't<-r lnfu1'im' l'owl. lt is with this unal in Vltrw that the lun10ns1.mLi(ms zn'z- ur- m-n:.:'m|. 'l`hu_v will In: ll('l(l as fol- low.<: at Allwrt Bi:~l10p .<, (in,-nl'x.-l, .\`Im1 July 20, :11, 2.30; John B. l- lulrlv`*u, Slmn.t_v Buy, l`u-.~' July 21, ul. 2.510; .Iznn<-5 (`Tm-l l-}:lj;':n~, '|`u-.<|u.\', July 21, at 7; Stu ':n'l Bluin, Vi`,-'0, l`lmrstlu_\', July 23, :11 2.30; l.. C. Cllurchill, Ill. S1. lmni.<,, uy 1- 1:. l~'rilz1_\', July 21, at '7 | wzmls, V21.~:u-_v, I*`ril`:1_v I 0 on ' {EDMUND HARDY S PUPILS f ALL PASS MUSIC EXAMS. ` ln`.rr1m-liu1<- School ] i:nm---1irsL- ('l:1.<.~' |1uImr.~', .\Ii.<.< I\ :m Owl. Junior Selma! l'i:nm~-ll on . . ... u n -- (lmwlrm l rim:ng\' .`s'<'.huu! 3'i:m l.<-n Simpsun. Intn~m|1I(nLm',v School (.`l.'l\'H -lmnors, l\1is:4 l"r:1 |nt:-rn1mli;|.h- Hi;- lm |mnm'.~r, Mi>::-' H:zv/A-l M: r fur LIM- .\`1u.~i(: \va-rr- . . . . `L I\ot;ce 15 hereby gxven pursuant, to the Trustee Act. that all persons I q having: claims against. the E;~tat.e of John .\I. Die H:-_\'. late of the Town of Ba1'rie. in the County of Simcoe,'. Caretaker, who died on 01'! about the 16th day of June, 1925 ; are reque;~_te(l to send particulars of_ their claims to the umlersi54_11e on; or Jbefore the 18th (lay of July, 1925, ' after which date the Exc-cutor will` distribute the assets of the estate ____ _.,.. u..._-. . ...:uA.1 u.,...,.,. Jun ~im' [hill r)l`>', 'Mi.~:.x` Mu .\'li.-:44 ll-uzv-I I M:n_\'Ilm- 1|`/I(':\ll1t"\'. Ilu I\1zH'.~'h:1H. Juniur (fuunlvrlmint, ()ll()|'::, M:1_v|-4 3\ lc.-\ul:g\'. Junior lIi.~lor_v--~-vllmmrs, :\I:1_\':h~- Mt`.-\l1lu-_\'. l'rIn1:u'_\' '|`h:-ur_\`~-l ir:4l~(-|n:<:: ors, .\1r.~'. W. M. Davin-, 4'\H.\'.~' I nrinu l"ri'/.'/.u-ll. I\'1i.~:.< In-nv llu l\1i.~:s Jnnul l:Ilwur:l. .l rim:n'_v Vn(':.|~~- li|'>'t-L*l:1.<.~: lm M11`. W. M. lmviv. AH U1!` EGGS GETTING LARGER LOCALS John St. \ V4ml|, n league this L. from, Classics, : Factory, and L_.... -11._.~,..'l E\lP\ P\CUP\`I z1mlilynt-.< .~;-nL up by Ed- |_v, Mus. B;1c., 1*'.'l`.(3.M., lrll-1 mil-. -x:nnin:1- 'l`(n'0ntn (iolm-|'\';1tuI'_\' of :ucc-.-.<.l'ul. '|`h-1i. ful- nun v u , n; Ann nun - llurva-,v, The Northern `Advance -.4;.\.; nu... \|\-ou\- w... ......-......- .....l, estatele among those entitled thereto, having: . . L 'rega1-cl only to the claxms of whxchlc he shall then have notice, and thatl" he will not be 1'espon~.=.ible to any per- ! _ son for the assets of said estatellt whose claims shall not then have" been received. I f .. .... It