DR. VICTOR A. HART. GRADUATE? nf 'I`rini!\' T7nhvorcHv nnrl ulna I III! Ull with inn in (U the On o-in Ill.` Lllll\4ll llU<' 1' there had 1) \V'h0n told .th:1 Hominy: dmm, 1] on N. .. "IIt'\r\ 1ll.Hl|Jl,' Ill \V'e1c0me 1I'x\1I r\\ :1~:1V repm`1.< r-n n vnvu .x-... (xx: -nu: .-v. nd m'm`)' 0.rmt<~n1ml {ms m1Ir'h to tho 0: the 1\'iw.'\ni:1n:< nf tho wnlcnnlo lmnal m1i':rnntsll1:1t r-on UL _t.;il H II`! secured I\r\:\I~n :1 "4 I Hllbl("l loading \\'hm'e H` ll\_`l"ll UL hUlll rwlcomo and our from the old 1 n.nno:nn- nu: :0 the British '14- re 1.9212110 \\'z1s ro- Ch:1111hr-1`1:1i11 and or 1111111 1i1no 10.00!) _:i\'m1. 5.000 bmls 1s 01' (-!o111i11_:, on-..| r\ n6` nknnb 11". nnn 1 ALEXANDER COVVAN, SUCCES- sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guarclianship and a.dmin.ist1'-atlon, and General Soli- citor, Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Offices: Hinds Block. No. 8 Dunlop street. 1 u_-. unsu- gmnts 2L u 1110 Teloz; ad brxon I11 41...? 01. [U (U slept hip: .`\l mm 9 hp. I- l\lI\l \\L` 1' those Slides 1 .1 nu tun -r)u11tr.. . i l3:nr1'io ` `A\ ll. illlslll. H UHL lU HL`l IUUHI. _\U'_lXI lmitllxight the t':1mil_\' were um1l. In hm` muons, which she l)x'u\'r-ly Hie-< to stifle. 1`o\\'zu'd.`~:. morning she .\';1.= l2Lpparentl_\' behter, and her .5-an \\'e.1 "10 his \\'o1'k, but had only 1`e:\..c2`.e- -Ln |z.nl- x|v`\ nu `I11 \I'a\1~ L}_l1ILllL`llLl_\ IJUIALUI, illlu Hll -321:1 \\l . `I0 his 1`e:u.~2`.r-.61 `the bank when he was .<.u:111nonea1, home. She passed zu\'u_v \'er_v quiet- 11_\ , 21. beautiful nish to 21 life of ac- Livily and vieissitmles. .\ se1`~. xc0 \\'zLs held at hex` son's home 011' _'l`ues evening, comlueted hy two 1'm'n1e1` pszu.~o1`.`~:.. Revs. A. J. Pun} and C. .\I. .\I2u`.a`hul-1. O11 \\'e(l;1e.~'(l:1,\' morning her Iemains were hmught I0 Sxroud and interred in the .\Ie1h- odist c<-meIer_\'. zufler 21 short :e1'\'i(-e by Rev. J. S. Stevenson at the home or her nieces, L. und H. Orchard. She is su1*\'i\'ed by four sons. xJ0h11. on the old lxolnc-stead at Bis. Buy l'oin~t; .-\n(lre\v, 01' I'hlh0l`l`; no` I).-nu K7n'|unn uvnl ("M-1 vluc D :[3ny I oin~t; I hlh0l`l`; ~J2111w.~`. of Pom Nelson. and Chzlrh-s `of l`u1'0n1n; also nine g`l`21x1 mud t'H'Io=11 _::1'021I :;I".u1 I-Iur only d21lL4'l1le1'. .\lr.<. lhlgh 1~`in- `lay, nr 1)oI1'niI, 1n'-ah-c~z1.<-(1 In-1' -)u1\ 'l`u-n hI`1IIl|nX`< :I7_| `-1. Hk` uuu. |}L`L'l1 D11` I the home 01 h (iondwood .-\\'e., A Ln u.nu..l h....l Page Six BARR & TWHSS Elizabeth St. \\"m-ld s G1'c211'(*st Hail` G~1'<>\\'r_rr. G1'm\'s hair on bald ]1(,-ads`. It 1111151` 1101 be put: \\'l1(-1'0 114111` is not \\';m1L-d. (, 111'es(1;111 and all. st-ulp houblcs. $1.75 per jar. 448 I.r;_9ia1'11 A\'(:n11e. BIRH. l`Il.l'/..\ l|'|'lI .\'()l'| .n, .\u :. ; h_\'mn.s, 1 1. went luv hub 11*` I ]<`.v\'II. _l`( ) GR()\\' ]I.v\ H? ORIENTAL HAIR ROOT HAIR GROWER .75 _ H1 Soulu been n..." no` pRdESIoNAL We Carry a Full Line of Hardware, Stoves & Ranges, Tools, Etc. ;\\ (1.. 1U :11 hL-21.11.11 .\lz11'cl1 30 . 1-. u- .-1. $50.00 REWARD .Ll\\ ll:L\|l.lK`|l $011105 inquired etc., then .<:.u_\`iug - 1,. kn`. bjllfllll he-1` r\ l`:- PROF. M. S. CROSSE 1c1\: uzuuruu II\ E l)l`l\ r'1_\` : 0I'11i11g `.1 1 \\'e.H* I 1`e:1.c21e-'1} was su11111101:e \<:1,\' lo -\ sernce 011! ,1 ....a l\r` 1... 4....` Agents VVa11tcd .u,u. the ood- `\\'lm that i-;\n|\ n ESADENHIJRST & I-IA .\I.\IOND. ! Bax'nisLex`s. Solicitors, etc. Ofcel 1st oor Masonic Temple Build- . ing. Money 10 loan at lowest` rates. | For the first time in Ontario, an attcnupt will be made this spring to or; xnize a \'uluntax`y egg` pool. Ar- rux Jganxents far the undertakin `nz-1\'o been completed by the Uni 1"a1'mers C()-0pcl`.';itl\'e Company, and it is hoped to control absolutely the egg market in the province. During the year 1923, 3,380 tourist automobiles entered the province of Nova Scotia, the Land of Evangeline, according to the annual report of the Nova Scotia Tourist Commission. Altogether (33,000 tourists visited the province and distributed a sum estimated at $6)O00,000. A picked detachment of an offi- cer and ten men of the Royal Cana- dain Mounted Police recently cross- ed the Atlantic on the Canadian Pa- cific liner Melita. Their duty will be to guard the Canadian exhibits at the British Empire Exhibition. The Exhibition and buildings cost about $200,000,000. A chain of factories stretching across Canada will be established by the Dominion Tar and Paper Company, sponsored by English in- terests. This was announced by the Furl of Dunniore, V.C., and Sir Harold Bolton after a recent visit to Czinzlda. Sites have already been secured in Montreal. Winnipeg, Van- couver and Toronto. K` HHDOI rtallod S nn:\.~.-\ no THUR~SDA\', APRIL 10, 1924 \\"i11nip(s; andThre Barrie SURGERY AND DISEASES OF` WOMEN j C'1]'l{1(1{1. wry, umnrxo ks and high- :1 (`hzlmro in Lu W L'll. with 1 H0 09.1- \Fl|l'll I -17 Eli'1.u.beLh .>-VlJI": (KIIKK lKll`J(llg L;l}ULl`luLlUu' hours, 11 21.111. to 5 p.m., and ~byl appointment. ' JR. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICEi and residence corner of Torontei and Elizzubem streets. (oppositel Elizabeth St. Uethodist Church.) Telephone 167. E In. VlLzLLlI\. A. 11.'il'\.J., k1[1.*\lJlJ:I.1IL: of Trinity University and aIso| gra.dua,Le of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases Offxce, corner Bayeld and War- elery Sts. Entrance off Worsley Otce open until 8 p.m. ruunuu nuns, 14 ter, Solicitor, er-c. ple Building, Bar loan. 1 DR. MOR'I`I.\lER LYON, 122 BLOOR` St. YVest, Toronto, will be at 9]| Orwen St., Barrie, 1st Sa.tu1'da,v of} each month. Diseases Eye, Ear,` Nose and Throat. Consultation- >..-......- 11 .. ... 4,. : -n... ....A .L...| D. F. .\lcCU.\IG, BA. Successor to Creswlcke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Omce. Russ Block. Barrie I l`Ili7.'Ll)<-lh 1 DR. \\'. A. I.lu'\\'lS -sn.w -n v\ ()[H`ll. i-tuhnlh \JuA\.\, -1 `J Ofce Hours : `I0 `)1! 0 v\ nx OPTICAL M IEDl().;i,_ |H'.\'l\', ()! l`.'.l). H; IHI:-I'Zf"l l`}.\llE.\l:.\l El Associate Coroner. Cm: Phone 61. OfIice~-. r\a:,.,. 11.. LEGAL i7`J.`J .!..l '-S p.m. [ :unL:.` of Slmcoe ; ~58 Collier St 1 Op}: nnfn ` I`( Hi .\ ND `AI! I-;\`is,-lli 1 Phone 218. CARDS B.~`\.RRI'S* sonic Tem- Money to Fittr-dz __,._ BAC., )0, Or-1 Hlunnvvuv STEWART & STLEW.-\RT, BAR- risters, Solicitors, NC-?,a.I`i6S Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan Lin :Ln_v 5111113 at. l0\\'(-st current rates. Oice. 1:: Owen street, Rn1~1'r> T! AT QIn.un~..-o I l revems Ir:-e:;ul:u-ity of Bearing-- Experience in Tllinning l luxns- Hints for Thilming Peaches. Unbalanced production of fruit oc- curs frequently on m,-u.1'l_v all kinds of tree fruits. In :~:r)xm-: years certain v;u'iuti(=.=s or kinds will yield a very heavy crop wliils: in the following _v::ar littlu or no iruit is produced. This ix'x'<::;ulu1'iL_\' ol In-uring is unds- six`abl:, l1I5L'2lLl.5'f: it u(iH_:1'suly uI'f<.cLs A1'Lm' L114: 1922 crop lhv V'lL4.li1_V of smxiv plum {revs \\'us so low that I.lu-y \\'-z':.- suriously injnirc-d, and in .=.r.m: cu.s:::; killed 0uI.r1;;l1L, 11'. U11` >',!'\`t-l`l` \\`lI11l-1' fnllruxviriu 1 both tliv murk:L and the vitality of` ` tho: tI't:4:.s'. LUV: LK".`(.`S. of : low Lhr land st. UL UULH. I Our fertlliznr rt -commendation for; fruits is--no potash; phosphoric acid 4 and limn only \\'h'l`G green manuring j is pmcticed, and if such crops show? ban:-tit from applications; nltrogeni and humus in the form of barnyard! manure and legume crops; nitrogen! also in ex quickly available form asl in nitrate of soda or sulphate of am- monia in early spring before growth : sta1'ts.-E. F. Palme-1', Hort. Exp.` Station, Vin:-aland station. I y:u.\., Lljl ax: uuxrr cuxu. an mutt` may be used to advantag. ' uumus.--Humus (dc-cayed -'.'ege- ` table u1atLm') is the basis of soil for- tility. Phr:sp11oru.~;, potassium, nitro- :.:on may be in your soil in abundance, but. without 21 sutcient humus sup- ply it will not be a. fertile soil. Main- min the humus supply with bm'n_va1'd manure, or green crops plowed down, or hnth I i U1d.UUI `C, auu uuiuuuiuss Ul. U16 LYLHL LI't.'t'. i Lime.--F1'uit crops, with few ex- ceptions are acid tolerant, i.e., they will grow cquully as well and some-| times better in an acid as in 21 neu-I trail or basic soil, unless the acidity! extreiiie. 'l`hurofore the upplica.-` tiou of lime merely to correct soil acidity is not warranted. On the; other hand many grec-11 uianuringl crops require a "swc-et or llmeci soil. i Lime applications on clover, etc., are; nftvn \\'U.l`I`lI1tt`d in the increased! growth sl.~ci1i'vd. which In turn favor-| ably lnuencz-s tree growth. NiLr0gon.-A sufficient nitrogon5 supply is uitv-n lacking in our fruit Hg nnnlir--.n'nn u llullnllxr \I'uv< bupply IS U1L|`l1 ld.ClilE soils. Its application ranked, xvlxethor in [IL minous ,'.:1'el/11 munuri yard or con1murc Ia1 fe ` is a place for 2111 thru? to advm Hnunnu, LIu.u... 1 ` ____._ _,-..N v,,..-..... _,.._.--.\...- .-. -...-.. I ` crops. Appilcations L1)e1'<.-{ore are not: warranted. I _ l ...-.... u. v Phosphoric Acid (Phosph01'ous).-\ Averzlge fruit soils contain suicieutl 1'01` the direct needs of fruit crops.` Ilowow,-1', this may not be sufficient for the needs of :.;roen manuring crops. If such are grown phosphoric acid xnay give it decided inc1'ea.se In growth and thus inuence the growth and fruitfulness of the fruit tree. g y ' . I V 3. I in. (tv (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) * i BOYS 8: MURCHISON, BARRIS-' ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,. Conveyzu1cers, etc. Money to loan: at lowest rates of interest. Ofces! 13 Owen street, In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Oice. Elmvale, Ontario, VV. A. Boys, l{.C., M.P., D. C. Murcllison. In the past fertilizer recommenda- tions for fruits have been based largely on the plant food require- ments of eld crops, as grains. etc. Recently C0l1lDl('[I`.`d investigations, however, indicate -very strongly that` \m must reconstruct our ideas in: many particulzu`s. The food require- ments of grains and fruits have been shown to be mutcwially different. Tlmse experiments sl10w:-- n..i....n_ /n-4.. 0 FRUIT FERTILIZERSI Different Fertiiizgrs Required For Fruit and Grain. ` Nitrogen I\im'e .\'v:wle:l by Fruit Than Pota.-ah. I lll) ~'h<)l`i('. .-kcial or hin1c-- Humus lmpm-Izlnl in the ()I'ch:u-d` --Thin ymxr Fruit and Do It liarly. - \ll|4l44ll \-u.....,.uu....,. A.-.u.t,~.} fruit soils contain sufficient for fruit` ....x; ....:|_ --._....-._ Potash ..\. \...y-. (Potassium). ....4:r._.:,.. 1:5 U1L|`ll ld.L'l\li.l`'_ lll UUI' Lruxtl is usually war- l, the fonu of legu- .~; munuring crops, barn- >r con11nurcl'a1 fertilizers. There lace tllmo and all three .1) IIL_-nrl on nrhvnn+nnn TH I .\'.Vl NH FR L'l'l'. nuu, mun 11 1 11:15 1101' 041.51 1.1 1511!. >`l1e (1`11ln L 11211111 to have to explain h1~1' blucl: eye, and 11obo'.ly could take :1 thing like that 1'01` "1*;1;1Ir: .\lz11',v could l1u\`e posed -.1: 11 1101'- 1 -Lble exu111ple 11113` 1111.1 ; 1l1ou_L:l1 wl1e1.l1e1' the l1o11'o1` was that she should have 111a1'1'ied J0l111~--:0r IL.`-121.t such a l~:i11l, when sober, 1111111, could turn into such :1 end, wl1e11 (IIl1I1l(-- 01' that such :1. nice, (lo(l-1l'ea1`i11g c0111111u11i1y as ours, could permit 1-uch p1'ocedu1'e, I don't think she quite realizetl he self. :1 : I: l -..u. uuua. 1 Lu-_v n L`ll`l1 L lllL`l'(.`l)'l ,`\\`hilu. l`lu-y lluuuled ll1en1.<:el\':~.~`.3 | 1`l1e_v(li(ln l llll`(31_\ hanr._: sLmi:;l1l.} `They l'1'ill0(l all over their st:11'cl`u-(l' ,odgo.=.. If the morning sI,:u's San}; ltogethr-1' 0110:: upon a time, .\I:u'_\"s `curtains undoubtedly shouted .with joy, as far as any one,c0u1(l see them. I ` 1171...; .x:.: u_-,. ,,,,n DR. L`. .G. 'l`l.'R.\`I5['I.L G1`a(11mt<= o1`- .\Ic(`.il1 Univ:-rs ;\Ion`L1'0a.1. Ofce and Re. beth and B1'21 $45., Dru` Phone 105. mnn 11 ,-.....-. n1n .. A 1 n Insirln, _\Ia1',\' told us proudly that _she only won! out occa,si0m1I1.\` now. :She didn't h21\'(3 to work hard. Her [man did that. \n:I 1..-.'n..-,. I.n...,. I.:,. .\.......on Luut. \\d.:: `(U1 LL `seven slept in they spoke of z clespised by 22. V mu. In (I. un'a_) vhole place had jclnwains. They vmhen. 'm.,... :1... 1 Lucnu. i \Vhat (lid hey say ? `Well ! th social !the_\' sui Praise God I tday by day; hm 111051, 0 the O.T..\." I ;L-:5:-.~.I:~.-2 Alltlll {I111 lllill. And hrinqs home his the social worker asked. A11 hut two dollars, .\Izu`_v said, and you know, Miss, in the old money ?" ,t1z1_\'s, if he hmnght home an_\'uthin'.: it would hznve hf,-on the two (lollams. He'd have SDHIT, the rest himse1f.l '-= $ >| >3 5.4 The `shadow of 1110. old years ,:~t0mm~(1 10 full zu-x`r).'~`.s her as she `spokr-. She leanr-(1 forxvurtl, and ,whispr,nd. \\'hv-n I think whal I \'e Iiw-rl rh1'm1:h.....if I H1rm_::ht ]thny d r-var b1'in:_: that :1\vl`nI liquor . I. V "A J` - '9 \o...r`r'.,. 1'.l 1.... , . 1 | , 1 .5'u_v II. With Clu-tains I" Says LL certzuu Social Service wumer, whose \\'niU..- hzurs hu.<\'eu`L blmcixed her sense of humour, "I'll 5:13 the ().T..\. is 2: success. In 1'-act I'll .v...v ;. ...:4l. - --- 1115 : I'll never hopelc ness of I Jvlu 1 nnauvnu uuu gull CU`! whole place , ]`hp1'n \\mu.-n Ojce H0ur:~: sxfllhlll (Iu(ll_\' ...HI I. Dd.) J L V NuLL1raily, It: took us n-inn .n .\. One day nor-ul, 5110 .n.. n.:II .., an -`~` will \\'.(_'. J.`.l'.V xx. x: u. :.-uL:l:\::s. 11.1 I with curtains! y, we didn't gm Lha.'.. is down to leL ms see process of de;1m:1:su'at L first she ,descz'ibel AL iv n_-ad 1,. 1x1 ,worn out with life in; .'~:-aid I0 John. '0 John,` m givu up this (l1'inl;-| .uv:_\ ml) 3 worker said `raise for blessillgs hm of course, for 0. piece of 1 1u'niz;: there. l`l1ez';u111l_v 1 two beds, and wn as bedding would well-bred dog. :2: 1!: {org ` her I DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC-i tans, Surgeons. Oice and Rest`: -deuce, 47 Maple Ave. Ofcei` hours: 1 to 3 'p.m., 7 to 9 p.m.,; ar by appointment. A. T. L!tL1e,[ M.D., W. C. Little. .\I.B. Phone! 313. x_..u.....I11 n, :1wl'1 lay down 21 nl\'inL , (1(`1i(C2l 1...... .... (.'()l;l'JL\' "got the sombre race as she uuldl The N01-the1'n) Advance if an and d,ir*. a-lit-,z1.l<-. ohild, uvvr to ht-r. I)! '11! ll, ilH`ll ` I I ..;... K-\r..! C.` U LHU Dlltlhll -_\\ t'll.'UUlL` uuu Lez1.:.:ue, Toronto, .'-'.':u'e an int i]1llSl1'Ll113d tall: on sonm ph the inlxnigrution problems. :n1i_;1'a11=t himsef some 1'0rty~f1\ ago, 311*. Chambe1`1ai11 said In s'on'1elhi11_'; of the loneliness ( who come ac1'o.<.s the ocean. were shown of fz1milies ( twelve, and as high .~i.\'t(~e in}; to 1`m'u11tr), wilhnnt :1 1'1 zreet them. and 1101 knmvin; In (`ms/I .. uz.v-4nn< nlnnn Fun .. . WELCOMING BRITISH SETTLERS TO CANADA] At the liiwanis 1noe.tin:.: 1:15! l~`x'i- day Mr. A. C11:unb(~rain, president 0| the British ._'\Ve1come and \\'e11`:u'e interesting plxzlsvs 0!` il1ll11i`.fl'L1Yi0!1 ;\n im- + ` nan... I'1\I-Ow I`.. .. DONALD ROSS, far Qnnnin... r -iillll/.(ll|UH lU \\('J those ('omin_: 1'1 called :1 public n.- ich xxrnymm lU >lUUJ_J UH Zlllll IUUH ll! Pill, _\]lilIli from a. cheque for $1.000 1`rum Ihu-' lute Sir Ja1no.s: \\-"l1itn0_\ , thvn 1 :-om- ier of Ontario, the fumls for (`z\I`1'y- in}: on this work \\'-as m'o\`ido(1 by vo1u11ta1'_v subscriptions from inter- ested business men. .\Iz1n_\' of those who -spent their rst night in Cmlmlu at the Welfare Leaglle. and who did not ha_\~ e 21 dollar. are to-(lay occupy- ing high positions in Toronlo and other places. `Vith 1hn rrrnnl xvnv nn inunuhn--.u-I uu..u...h nun ..-. ...\.. un- night it was ODOIIGLI 3-1:: 119 of tlxem bein{.; ban \\`err> given a welcome. a to sleep on and food In `from $1.00 Sir \V'lmm.>,\', funds :9rr nu Chin I`vr\|vl- VI-.\< 1 'UllH*'1` ylancrn. I `Vim the grreal War on. `nnn1i_:r:1- 'li0n pr:1ctic:111_\' ceased and the or- ganization dishrlmlod unrl thv oqudp- ment handed over to the soldiers in traiuinsr. I)X11`i11L' the Izwt _\'ezu- or two the need for 1*en1i;'m1izz1li011 bu- cmne zlppurent. Some two )'m1rs~ ago :1 pzu*t,\' of SCnIcI1 i111n1i`g-`1':1ms was oxpectorl in Toronto and 012'. Cl1un)e1'1ui11 z1. d I11mnL*l1 thul press that smne-lhin:' mizhi ho dmw 10 give 1110 in11ni' \\'<\I(*()n1w. UOI'01'e the z11'ri\';11 Tl`1I".1'I':lHl in-| rnI11'1hr\y' H` !`\r\\Ir\ `|\n.I `\r\r\II . I I IU ;;1\U quirod ` spouse. Iiitle or offered 01.:-. nu .- |_4:\ If. i 1-`our hI011I}l.< 3:0 i11(- 3riti; \\'wi-! '<.-mm: and \\'(Ai1`:1re U-:iL:\xo rv-i I(il'2:nX1iZGf1 by Mr. :1 few rithmzs. Sim-r in-Pals linvo `h( 1`I1 .':i\'on. ':1nc1 1,t J0() a1`tic]o:~: m (-!()iiIfi1_;', 02:-..' nr E1Ii'(??\DOI1(iiY1li` 01' about $7,000. \`\'hon the 10112119 . d four mnnlhsu ago 3500 was b01'1`0\ve(1 to equip an office, and to-da,\' t11e1'r:`- is no out- stanrlinz indelnzedness. The (`.m'ern- vments 11a.\'e been impressed with tiw l10C(?`.`~'.SiL\' of the work. and 1 x'mnier T-`mzusnii followed in the fnotetc>.psl of Sir James Wi1iin0_v and _:a\ (= $1.000. The Fotieml G0\'m'1im(=nti has taken the matter up and will nnv fnr pvnrv immi-rrnni nnecinu lltlh l(ll\L'll llllf llldltlfl (ll) illlll \\Hl pa)` for 9-Vc-\r_v i1nn1i_:1`am p'.1ssinu th1'm1_:h tho institution. Hun. J. .N`._ .M.'u'tin promises to start 1L \\'e1l`:u`r-.-g league in every town and (`il_\' in tho P1-ovinr-.0, by h'.u'in:' such 0I.f2ll1i'/.21- tions as the Kiwanis Clubs, R0t:11'_\' Clubs. vtc., take hold and extend :1 welcome to the in11nL;rm1ls that. come their "W21} . Wt`. Chnmlmrlain said ho \vu.< not a. paid oicial. but was intm'z-\sI<- in dhe work. It wzxs :1 work Ih:1l' :11] should be il]tf*l`(`-Sl(*(l in. To _"i\'n [E1 1`1'irm(]1y wolconm In thn immi-` 'L'I'flI1T.S lxxozlns murh In` Ihmn. II` makes them fool Hm! smm-rm. r-:u'r\.=:. um] m'm'\' r-nnI -ntml immi-` . ... . ..a.... V t.. 4 I... ,.,. o ...n.. ..,. ZHH llht` l1e1'ty. r\. (`n.- _:;rnm mom Ho llrgr.-d to extend Tlrilish inn J uuu (L IVCDLIII In 1907 M1`. aw other hush rr-I-1\I] ...H1. 11 ESTEN & ES'`EN, B.~\RRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court 91 Justice, Naiaries Public, Convey-I ancers. Office, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money. to loan at lowest current rates. G ' I-1. Eslcn and M. H. Eslen. !