.1. nu, \,......._...,.,u. teuenu-nt of the \\'in-] says that 1119 .-\.re11a `)0 `r\r\v~ nnnl nn `'6 . L)u\ -.', pawl uuxp e.\"1))`z2int-(1 by .\h`.[ the Ynited I~`z1,mn-1 Co., uf-191' whivh sion on Hm Suh- .~'. `open to the in- `, to tho m(=1`ch21nt. ,nizut1on intercsls-xi.` Italian Silk Lisle Hose in [Elm-k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 pair Silk Gloves in g`n< ud q1121lii_\'_ \\'i1l1 fzlm-_\' <-lr ...$2.25, $2.85, $2.95 Silk Gloves, short (-urr.\- . . . . . . . . . . .980, $1.25 and $1.50 Chamoisette Gloves w.i1,h <-n't`r'.-, G1'0_\', Br0\\`n. `_\2I`0d(/- . .$1.25 pair Hand Bags, H1211-]{, (:I'Q\' and ;\l;m\'<: . . .980, $1.25, $l,65, $2.25 Nice assortment of Neckwear at 500, 750, $1.00, $1.25 up to $2 Handkerchiefs in plain and -uI- urod ('()]`I1(`1'.\I . .190, 250, 350, 500 * : VALUE AND SERVICE \\ Ila`. 1110 i '1` h o l .$1.19, $1.98, $2.25, $3.00 .....{ll4.. dN') [':l'\ Partridge & Gilroy \\'<- haw .< (xx:-0]- 1in1mH_\' gnu Y:1`.11<-s in Interesting News for the Ladies! ?;artrid.%;<%Vfz_AGi.1r9Y II :4 ()lll<'o. -Hi iluylit-l(l .\`t.. |5;u'ri<-. :11 W! ])_:l_`.` _\'()1l `Mb SH` 11>` 1)<-t'm'<- _\' (1v<-idc Plmm,-.s`: Omce. 86!. n(`.\i(]. 8(i~l\\`. liositl. 1( EXCLUSIVE REAL ESTATE AGENTS Town and Farm Properties Market Gardens Choice Building Lots RES. PHONE 498 I07I_i. .o\' Hill. Page Five .3':5B .$1.95 .$2.95 Men s and Boys Outfitters 0060600-O6000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO9090600- . \\ . \r`llUbL \|>H\` over the week e roads mu (}l`)'il1}- moving 1r1Ic|<.s I 0000900 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0600000606060 ]"<>1' nwn that (annu1' be "fitted in 11w R<>;1<`l_\'- 1n4\\'u;1r ])o]m1'1nw111 . \\'o m'(:- s1m\\'in5.;' :1 full. .1';1ng'(- of i111p(n'10(1 Slliiilugs 1h:11L ('{l1l be nmdc in _\'m1r ]11C21S111`P--:111)' Sf'_\'](`S. Alex Milne & Sons TAILORING Men s and Boys Clothing and Furnishings `Tailoring Department Mrs. Barrie '1` h 1. G-nest \* f1'ien(1:< ~ {hm uvnnl: nn POWELL & CO. R0he1't. :n f or u ~L'ew (la , play, .\Iu1`1hui beg`z\'vn in the; `an churc-h on | not. I 1 end. :....- Irv 1 and 111115191 11osd:1_\` z1l'11=1 1`elz1ti\'<~>: in` I V 1 V LBll\"u I z1_\';~: early Eaer Suits and at Moderate Prices The patterns you like best, and made the way you like best- and m< not iced. `AI u.-. They show Quality, Work- manship and Style-- %A1e:i. M. Knox in charge Top Coats Distinctive I i 111:] loud in | .\I1's. 11.. : .\lI`>`. U. lJlilL'l\ smuru ILIIT J1 .-4.: 1L- on .\I(m(1ny. [ We -.11'`- . 10 lwar thu `(IGVJ S'IG\'I`I1SOI1 is ill. The muds in This Vicinity Hing (-rmdiiion for 111otorin::. 3 .\Ii.<.~: 1-I. Harper 01' I}z1r1'it- is ;l\Iv- .. 1`,-.w u-m,1.--.< nt hpr hnmr .\H>> J`.. J'1lIj)t`1 III l)(IIlH' In npvnnxr; im: 21. fr~\\' \\'PF`IiS at her home hm'e.5 ' .\I1'. and .\Ix'.<. I. .\IcL:1(-hlun undi d2u1_:hIm' 0|` 'I`r)11v11t1u.1e visit friemls here last Slmday. ` i .\ ]:11`:(= n1mrhe1' a7Ir>.m1<->d tho pub- lic spvalaing contest hold in the `school last 1"l`i(1i-_\' u.l`im'no0n. 3 Mrs. Hpmulrx 11:15 returned home `lzlflc-1' : the \\'iu-tel with h(`1` : .\[rs. On`, in G1'em'e1. `` | 1 x - The many friends of .\I1's. R. .\. .S111th-~1`1a11(l are plensml to hear than she is i1npr0\'ing nicely after her re- :-nnf nnau 1,: I inn mxr m Iulpl \I\ An cent 0pe1:1Ii`0n. A We 11:I"\'0 no.\'m' had :1 1)ot't0r a1ss01"..n011t of Coats, Suits and Dresses and the styles are up to the min- ute. The prices are \'e.ry reasollable. Jilst Suits (ll llll" \\l`L'l\. Aim. R. \`'. 'l`hm1msm1 J-ac]: 1'eI111'm.~(l on Tm spendillfg :1 \\'F)L"1\ with 1 the city. T\nu`I o` Our Store is Brimming with Easter Togs ,\Iil1in0'r_v is undm1btodl_\' the best llero, both in sf)'I0 and pl-i<-v. _\H New York ]n'0d11(: (i0n.s'. WW3 will 11;1\'o :1 spm-in] ;~:ho\\'ing; m Millinm-y on Sz1`r111'- day. POWELL & co. 1'01.-oived a new shipment of Boyish Form in Tweeds and Navy. STRCUD |\I. luck visited friexltls -`Jr... ight spent U1" lllU(Ul'lHjJ.. J ex` spvnd-; ` here.j \ x 1 and 4 Cu v\ An 1* MILLINERY :HOLD ANNIVERSARY 2 AT CENTRAL CHURCH .\Irs. J. W. Thompson \`i.~`i7*?;l .~`-txuutl this \\'v;-eli. Miss Wilsrm 01' C00i~'.: is visi in}; Mrs. \\'m. Cu1min_4nan. .\Ir.. \\',\'1e_\` 01' Camp Bnrdm \'i.: Mrs. T. .\. La\\'rence. .\II`.~:. Brollt-5` of C`nnk:~:1()\\'n \'i:~:i ed Mrs. J. A. Lomm.\' on Saturdu Mr. and .\h`.<. Normmx Thv)mp::t are s1)en :1 few days in Tomm Mrs. Barlmv mtmule:-J me ful-.L-r her cousin, 11:5. (:03. Dc-:.c1'ul I`11e-s::l:1_\' at Bt-emu. 01' o n llUlll'l'\l. Mrs. Mutt. friends in town in tho \\'(-1-k. `I-.,. D \l' ' I ` ` (Continued from page one) ,l'orliI11(1* and kindly, even patiel |1l :n nun 1.4` f`1n n....:.u~o- l.:..~~. .. 1l'oi'liilu wen patiencz.-.! [II is one 01' the easiest things in the} lwoild lo be lIll]')1|1l(`-III, but by curh-'- ill_`.'I our Iempers we grow more like` I llhe l er1`ect Ideal. 1`ntirin_<.: (le\'0Ii(>n. poi-sei'\'er:1nce, \\'a,S yet unothu-r cl1zu':1c-tr.-ristic. Jesus, heetlless oi" the joers and persecution of Ihose about Him. followed .\'c~dly in the path of duty. \Ve are so ezisily l.=\\":1.ye(1 by our euvironmenit, we think too gm-utl_\' of what `penple say` n1` us. You are not labouring for` ,tho praises of men. If such :1 con- : nil-inn nu-nan in nlxnu-n'l\ ~-nu ...,...I.1 >,\\ I-) (`ll |)_\ Utll t'Ll\ llUlHlllfll'l, \Vt.`| say! for; the rilion arose in church you would so\'m- your connection with it. Sup-i pose Christ had done. \Ve can hzu`d-\ Iv thin}: nf` Hun I1nnz`nnnnnnn:- rnui Enevor fails. It is true love lhnnl punk: \.-Illlbl uuu UUIJL`. '6 can Il2Ll'(l" l_v think of the consequences, for such an occurrence could not be as- sociated with His Life. Jesus had 2111 lllli'{l:1"IE*l'lIlK love for evenvone. Ho bore in heamse of His` love for his l`e,-llowmen. By means of this He was zuble to `nrint: men to (lml oven lh0ll_h they turned (mi Him and nally c1'uciiie(l Him. Low ;|':rin_:.=. out tho lwst in life. Our 111111)` as :1 Ch1'i;<,iian people is to sun-hi 'z11'tm' tlmcn (llFTibllulE`S of Christ and` in(-orporate them in our own ]i\'e< ` "No one can cmno into coniact with: . (`lu-icy m- -'|n\' m-m. y.m.;....`..1:..- inn uuv l.'illl l'UllH" lll|U CUIIIHUL \\'l[ll; Cln'i. 01' any ::x`o.':t. D(`l`S()l]&1lll,\' ` witlmnl ln-in}.-' inllnoncr-(l by Ihemii f.'ui1sr'ir)11; 01' 11n(`0115r`i0u:~:l_\' \\'~g iiiniiutrr their clinm.ctoristic.<. Wilh- rmt the mind of Christ we can`! `l1.n\'(- 1'?-llowship with God. l-`ellnw-9 .. mt-un.=, luck of (llSCOl'(l.'ll]I, l0\'o,_ pout-e :1.ml lizirmony. There is no cnncrml between i'igl1ioousm=ss and sin, love and enmity. 'I`he grain of true happiness will be the effect 01' inr'm'pm'a.tin;: these r|uz1.lities into our lives. E\'(*l"_Vthil1; we do is for tho s.'x.l of nipm-z1sin,L: om` llunszer for lmppiness. Brin_:in_; Christ into our rluily life will remove the obstacle '10 lmppiness, sin, and -His sn;p1'en1e love will be the fonlitlation of all hu.npine.ss." I l . . . 1 [net hninv-n I1()1I"n1>Ir\n- Xun nn|~)\V1\v\ uu.pp|nL'.a:. Just before delivering: his sernwn, .\1r. `mil .1'emn1`ked that as yet we do not, know wllevthew` union is com- ing or not. If it is consurmmaied the minister of .\Ir-ihodism will not have to ;;o to new charges ovmgv four _\'(*I`S. Soc-thing is m=r.=(i`ed at all nvems in 00-pin with the 2'I'f'ELl \\'01'k that . be cu1`1`io(1m1 Hn-onghout 1110 Dominion. 1 i lH'I.\l.\l{I\'.\Bl.l'} S`(`l*}.\'l<} ;\'.I` 3 \\'l<}S'|`l'IR.\' (`Hl']'{(`H, ()'[`'I`.\\\ .\ .\t '4-s`i(*I`I1 Moth. church, OH`d\\"'1. Rm`. 142. R. Brown. of 'I`nr0m0, con- tinned his sp(-`cial c-\'z1n,':e1istic cmn-` ipnizn yr-. and will continue iHirmi,Liiunt this week. with the e.\'-' ception of t0-ni5.;ht, when 21, special utltiress will he deltivered by Mrs. (Dr.) N01`nizin. ti1issi01mr_\' from J:L]')1lI`t. the nmetinzt being undm` the auspices of the Women's .\iissinn- ur_\' Society. Soiiiexvhnt're1na1'k:1-hie scenes were witnessed at \\-'estm'n church last night, when forty zl.(l1lH`S. 'Ill:lI1_\ without :1. special appeal be-in.:,' nd(h'esse(i. advanced to the front and re;:uistered their desire to denitely join in Christian service. The lnames of all were handed in. I ----:-~---- I | His .\I`a.sLer`s Voice" V_ic1or Re-' cords for Easter in large variety at J. G. Keenan's, opposite Post Office Square. THORNTOET )IHI_Alu_L', |\_;lIllhl IHIU Ulll 1] obs!-.1c}r~. lH\,| l.'ll_\. Don`! I'u1'g<`-.t the plav Made O\'m'," to 1)`.-";.\` Strand l 1`o.=h_\'H,*1`iu11 (-` 'Dh1n'sda)`, April 29th. I\lI`Q Rah! !-hmnn nnd The `Northern A dvance m"r.\ w.\ 1 1 n. Oth1wL; JHYO, can-i sc Cunri vnnHuuc| h ox-, I uu'L.~`. i ' Jzrmos Chrupman vs. Lillian !`ir1h.' `solo e.\'ocutri.\' 0!` .\nnir= Ch:Lpm.'1n. !`(1ecea.s-ed, (1ecIz11`i1L: than the Intel t.-\nni0 Chapnmn lwld rfnsln, hands and` wlproperiy as trustee for p1a1inl'if!'. and Athnt defemlzlm be ordered to {runs-` _ ifnr all cash. bonds and properties 10 "p1aEn'tiff. \V'. _r\. T .0y.=., 'I\'.C.. for }pIaintiI`f and ]\'(-rr, '1`11mnsun and, :.\fcFz11'1m1e for drAl`end:1nt. I 1` ._._1_n,,.. .. .- VV111. Carson, Robnt. Oarson. Jaxs. Ca1'-son, Thos. J. Carson and Angnes Roy vs. Jas. Clarlt, execlrtor of the last will and testament. of \V'm. Car- xson, late of Midi}-and, ship car.pen'ter, deceased, declaring that lands de- scnivbed in a. certain deed held by the defendant in trust, for -the plain- liffs and other children of` VV1111. Car-' son. deceased, and seeking an order ,direc'ting defendzunt to convey to -plaintis their interns! in the szxidv jlands. :\5.:ne\v and \Va11ace for `pdadniiffs and Hon. W. H. Be-nne=`H `and \V. A. Boys, 'I{.C., for defend- ants. , 1...\.,`,. f`1I..`......... ..- 1 `n- v - | 111'. A. E. Lennox of .\tmtl`o1`d renewed acq41ui11La.11ces in town on Sxlndu.-y. \Hqe awn] Iiilrnv 5: Iznoninrv nl I Four cases have been sent down for? the sxpning non-jiury sittings oil` the! S-upresme Court of On'tzu`i0 in and for the Counit-y of Simcoe, which opens on Monday, April 14, with Mr. Jus- tice Kelly p1`esid*ing. The cases area` I 'I`e\v days with M ..1uuuw_). I Miss Opal (.`-iIrc._v is spending :1` ss Edna Hzlrris at Cl1:~n1on~g. `J11: J N"-.11`)-in T-`.H'rmhnH1 Q1 in pAu_uuUu`. .`.Irs. J. H`zu'1'is_. E1iZ11`])(-`H1 .91., spendim: this week at Dajlslon wit non mother. ll`... ccn. .....I \v... vv_I._.. l.l('H IHUIHBY. Mrs. Storey IEEn1\'z1.1e sap:-nt w?th M1`. and CM 11 d lee. T) t\\' '1` TL I k I .\'()_.\'-JURY SPlH.\"(i `.\'I'l"I.`l.\'GS OF` lSl'I l{E.\lE (`()l'R l` OPEN .\l().\'D.-\Yl J.'1llllblli(_\, Jlplll LULII. | Mrs. Rnht. E-Iusou and I)uh_\'. whci have been \'iSi1iI1_Lf the l'orn1er'.< mother, Mrs. W . l"01'h<>s, returned" 10 Tomnwtn this \\'(.`(`|\'. R. Husml um], Jack I-`m-hes hz1\`in_u motox'e up on! S2111: l`(1-11) . uuuult'I`.. Rm`. '1`. W . and .\I1's. Bunt were in 'Doronto this week aendixlg ihe I-`.:I.`p!ist .\Iissio11z11'y Jubilee Conven- Lion. .__........\, .... \4\ .\..uuu:.. l -\rc-hibald Z\Ic'l\ onzie Vs. Jz'1c-ob! I~IamHton. P:1z1int.iI`l` cl-.1imr=. dzllnzlggesi of $10,000 for heins run inn, h_\' :15 amotor owned by de~l`.-n(lanl 011 me ypnlblic l1vi_:h\vu_\'. E. J. _\IcI`I\\'r~n for inlnintiff and R. E. Fair for (Ivfr=nd-l 'u1H. - l .Qn: Smith. widow, and $1-'hHiI]-l isI1'a11'i.\' of Donalzl Smith. d(-r:P:\s:=1.{ (`.--0. Smilh and John C:11np4he]1.' `Plaintiff Socks 10 have it r1('-r-1.1:`:-J by court that she is emillml 10 `(lower in cortlain lands Twirl by hz-r llatv husb:1n(1 and her dowc-r he :15- isi:.n1r>(l. That she 1'm*o\'-ex` i for (leteminn of her 1o\v(=1' from and ;al'lr--.' .\r-rzi. 1.016. R. 13). Fair for` i`p}ain!iIT arm 'I`. .\1l`zm and \`.=`. A. Boys for defendant. i READ THE ADVER I`ISE.\IEN'I`S. PERSONALS with your Easter Hat or Dress " Navy All Wool Serges, 54 im-h<~.< \\'idv. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tricotine in ..\'m'y {1'll(1`]`) l'(J\\'ll, 54- jn<-has wide, ne q11;1'li1_\' W001 Crepe, 38 invlws `wide, fl`im\\'n, (h~o_\'. ]*`21\\'n. S.-\n . . . . W001 Crepe, 54,. im-lws \\'id(-, N'z1\'_\' and :l}T:u4l< . . . . . . . . . . . . Gloves or H059 GET YOUR TICKETS AT SUTCLIFFE S FOR THE KIVVANIS MIN STREL SHOVV, APRIL 24 and 25. J- Dona :\ Ia +1: n v THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1924 Venus Pure Thread Silk Hose in1lwn~\\'s1n-ing .\`h21d(*.\` (>1? lu_;', Jicligri, (l`:1m<*l, flt-:1\'m'. T.\'(-xv Sil- \'(`l`, (,'nl`(1H\':1111Ild]`3]i1(']{. :lCx11':1 \'21h1r~ . . . . . . . .` . . . . . .$1.75 pair Mercury Pure Thread Silk Hose, pointed In`-(-I, I'}|:1<'l< zmd. l`}m\\'n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 pair Silk and Wool Sport Hose in ].%l:1(.-k and '\Vl1i1To. Cznnvl mud \Vhi1o, TI*`:1\\`n and \\ l1it<~. Rvg11- ]m- $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . .$1.29 pair French Silk Lisle Hose in Hlzu-k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .650 pair :1 ml nu-nu aml .`.Iw's. Usher of over the week and Mrs. Wm. S-to1'ey,| You need new Dress Goods Specials I The (lentil of Mr. George Thomasl Wilson OCC-11I'l`9d on We(111esday,g ;\.D1'i.] 2, in Toromo, where he had` been in the hospital for about `three months. The remziins were brou:.;ht '10 I-Iz1\.v1:(>s1~om-, where i11:te1'1iien`L 'l()01\ place on >`um1'(1z1,\', April 5.. l1e(-e:1.:~:('d is SllI`\`i\'(`(l by threw l)I'u-i llhc-rs and mu .'~'i::`I(~`1`. who hzive Ihn} IS_\"lll}`J:1Ih_\` 0|` the people of th- dis-l lrinr hold 2` `k`l.`. uu tluwe \ Ijvcl. ' ,dividua | nu n u w 1er s opemtions that paid this .\'v;1.1' :22 per vent. rm its in\'(-*s:tmm1`:. ThoKiI`1ie U;1nd."01 $1300 for their se1'\*ices for the sea-I ..,.u 9 _... __. ` READ THE .-\DVERTISE.\IENTS. i a 1 Ladies Coats, largest iStock and assoI"tment in` }Barrie. Simmons 85.00. i i | On Tnesdzxy r:\'enin.4 A 1uoetin_: mld zm Rll_Lf"h_\' to hear about new _-.:mdin_:: 1'e:4u1z11ion.:-:. my that lhe proposed 0,4}; pool )0 01wx`:\Ir~(1 \\'z1;< ). H. \\'i1:frid, of F21, ' Co-Opemt`i\'e uI'-(91-wl hrn-n u-21.; diennqqinn nn Hun : '0 l1:1\`o :1 .\'p<~<`iz1l line fm: buys in g'on11i11o Cali? L(-uthvr, in blzu-k and tan. This is 21 G00d_\'0u1' welt bo0f\\'it11z11-11bbm' heel and :1 Tolllld too. Si /.o.~; 1 to :31; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4.75 a, pair ()w1' Iinvs .1'z1ng`in;: in ])1'i(-0 fm111 $2.50.. to $6.00 pr. Gi1']s 1 a1t011t S111';1]) Slippers \\'i1Lh s1i1`<'11-do\\'11` solos THE B. B. SHOE STORE VERN. `BEARDSALL Patent Leather Sandals for Young land. Olci 'l`n'Fz111 ts Pafclxt Sandals \\'ith s1it(-11-do\vn solos and g'o<'>(1 q11a|i`t_V. Sizes 4 to 7:} . . . . . . . ..$1.75 a pair (}`rir]s' Sizes, 8 to 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75 a. pair l\I`.iss0s Sizes. 11 to 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.15 a pair `.V0me11's Si7.es, to 6 . . . . . . . . . . ..`.$2.65 a. pair J. l\J .,._, . ...,.-..- IA! rm... and :1 Hi(-(*, 811100111 inner solo, wide too, just the t and slmpc of flmse little feet, \\'i1`.11 :1 one lift leatlior !1(`o!.<. Sizes 8 to ]0T . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 EL pair ;['nt a11 ts" sizes, 4. to 71- . . . . . . . . ..$1.75 a. pair 1. ., J\l: ..., .... .. 1".-- ts ;`sli.<.;0.\" l atm11` ]-t1'ap Slippers in di 01'0nt sllapcs and 1u211itios, in sizes 11 to 2. R-allging in p1'i<:e.:< from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.10 to $3.75 a pair _. ._ .. .. n. -5-- SCHOOL BOOTS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS OUR MOTTO : STI-I LINE, INNISFIL