E. J. BYRNE Barrie - Marble - Works Memorial Tablets Corner Stones l Markers Monuments :Canadian 85 Scotch Granite PRICES REDUCED i { I I %BARRlE S BEST LAUNDRY ,JoHN F. MURPHY, Prop. i Telephone $79 Bayeld St. - B iPhone 316. * FiVe P0iI1tS. I ,. . ,. ! Laundr_v called fotis : and delivered Prices 1 cz1>5011al)le \\V(n'I\i:):n1. gum-m1teed on all i".n~sil\' w:v.<<}1in a1-EM B395. 'l`I'II'Rh`D.'\Y, APRIL ]0. 1924 Financing the Farm Specialist_ in Emba1m- I mg. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. i | 1 :4. \. I\Hl'|x('. l')i|-~-om' nf Sxll-\'oys. Jmncs`. Lyons, Minister Lands and Forests. FUNERAL ~ DIRECTOR R. G. MANUEL Mgr. Phone 721 Notice Page Three Ba1'1'ie. ALL` 15 )1` the 16th n n (3 \.. PPOrtun-i`t`y_ The careful nancing needed nowadays will be easier if you deal with The Bank of Toronto. A deposit account will enable you to make your payments by cheque, avoiding the necessity of carrying large sums of money at risk of loss. The paid cheques give you a permanent record of transactions that prove your pay- ments beyond question. A~ . . .-. . . - . 4 Our local manager will be glad to talk over your nancial mat- ters with you. Capital, $5,000,000 . HAMPTON E. JORY - ' King Block, Barrie IXSl,'l:.\N(7l'I--l3`i1'o. l.iI`r.'. (':1~1::1lt.y. l'l:It(- (ilztss. Autnumh "J'l(`l{l" l' .\(;l\"I` -- C:m:: ]`:u'i!'1c H2Ii1\\'z1}' . 11l(l .\`l<-:1.n1. Lin 171- A\li \..Xu...y ..n,1 \ V -r 'T- | ` :... r`. . .1 \. ..,.h.`.. n.._...|.u .,_,. v : An up-to-date line of new furni- ture at very reasonable prices. Your old furniture taken in part pay- mf nt. Anything not in stock can be supplied on short notice. FURNITURE Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention 11151 [ARD work alone will not make the most of your farm '1r1-uni!-v :Bi11'l'i(3 If It s Furniture You Want Call and See BAN KWTORONTO Goods Called for and Delivered W. FIRTH A. E. SMITH 20 MULCASTER St. =CLOTHES= :OOOOO00000609090000600COOOO0OO9000OOO 66: Z .\llNl.().\' -lvplxtmt-.< DR .A\,}C`TTIES : A\]|1I1(1.4..l1( DAD TI-IE ADVER' LIL Repairing Reserves, $7,000,000 Eln1\':11c Phone 229. `any; 1. Lu .\utmnnhih- ` T 1. . THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1924 `Operating the Incubator and Setting the Hen. { ~ Operatin`-_: an Incubator. ' mometer must he accurate, and to ` the year. ` usually V Given a suitable room, the first; thing is to clean the machine before[ and after every hutch. Brush the| machine clean, wash it out with hot: water, then spray or wash it with`. a dissiufectaut. The next operation? is to set the machine level. The ther- I I assure accuracy it should be tested: at least once, or better, twice during The temperature given is 103 degrees Fzthrenhelt: throughout the hatch. Our experi- ence has been that it is better to take an objective of 102 degrees, and if the mztchine creeps up to 103 (le:;1`ees we have no cause for worry; but given :1 temperature of 103 degrees, when the machine. goes up to 104 or above, usually either the hatch is small or the chicks hatched are hard ; to rear. L0\v temperatures are not so fatal as are high temperatures. Thu nmnnnt nt` mniafnrp rnnliirml I .: the lllt.>'.>lUll in all (.`5Li.lllill[L`l power lilal-ly :1 muiiu-,ipz1llt_\' V '.z1lL' quoted r Rllld secuntlly. lUl' Illlt 11')\ll'Cll plzxm -\\t`u 11-. siuirs 3,`(`llI'lll \'()J,L~(l la)! mu The lL`.1)Ul"L t;iil\\'u_\` and cur:-(1 2L cxow Chute pl-uu-1 plum r .\lean1ime, l lvlleclric Com your conxlraic-t power to u\lit, uishene at F2` to 3:16.50 per volts. Other for ipo\\'e1', `(Ll l)(1ll_;_"l1lt[Ile < the-111 $475,110 -good will. in power -site at the c.z1.pucit_v creztsetl ltrom l\'_\',;|i The mus HATGHING or EGGS} 3 Selecthm 01` [Eggs for Hatchin,r_:.s-D0. : Not Keep Them .Lom;c1- Than Tang ;' I)a_vs-Justic'e to the S0il--Tue j l Lamb Market. (Contributed by Ontario Department at ~ Agricuiturc. To run Lo.) 1 1 i make and the room. G(:neral1y it is : rections. Hatttliiiig by tho I\'a11u-al Method. hU 12.lLil.l its d,I'(.` lllgil LEillpL`i'il.Llll'{`.. The amount of moisture required in an incubator depends upon the I best to follow the manufacturer's di- I i 1; 2. N 5 the sitter. It is generally agreed that, in or- der to secure a good hatch, the hen must be placed where other hens are not likely to disturb her; for. as a. rule, we seldom get good hatches when other hens lay in the nest with Some furthers do not set {L hen until one In-cmiivs breody on J. i1e.~:.t \\'l1L'I't' nu otlivrs lay, which often in -cessltztt:.~s latte ('l:icl The (Hill- culty can be ove1'conw by making d. new nest for the hr00(l_v hen. about twelve iil(`.l1(`S SL[ll:l.l'i_' and six inches (limp; some unrth. or an over- turned sud in the bottom. with care 1 i F I A box ` to have the corners -\`_-r_v full so that `- nn nn'(rL- nun null nu: 0'.-Inn ch.` hm r1I\II a LU HELVU LHU UUl'[l(f['Li '\'.'l'_\ lull 5U llllll. no egszs can roll out from the hen and bu-L Chilled; m-xt.. ulmnt \g_o l11_c_l),L-,5 01' LI'i_1_\\' or chaff. and then ii 1'1 --w r-;u'1l1(3n gigs [iii into the In-st. The nvsl should be placed in sumo pun \\'l1e1'u nothing can disturb tlw hon. and put 1101` un a.1"Lv1'du1'l(. Foetl unrl \\ uU-r IIHISI. lw within vu.~`._\' reach, and a dust bath should also In-l:01l\'t~I1ir I1[. 11' the hen is sitting quiet Lhu next day. you will be szllo in putting the (~53-5.8 undm` her. In our experience we got ninety per cunt. of the hens to sit by following this nlethod. It uhnnlrl hm I'l-nu-nI|`lDI`r.A that tho h\'L \.lll|lL,'U, Ill straw ch ou1'{'l1'i1 <,-gigs {K1 nnri nut hnr nn 5 l >-IL U) lUllU\Vlllg' [Ills lIl(`lLl0(l. IL should bu rm-niunilaem-cl that the hvn will bl} in bl-1131` condition if dusted with insvct powder when set, and also a few days before the hatch comes off. This will usually keep the I lice in check, especially if 501111, tansy ; or mint lvuvvs are use,-d in making l the m,-st. selection 01` Eggs. .\l..,. cu... .. I,\.. ..z -O 6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO9000000 _ ... ....... .. \Il .4_.,,,,,v. Select for color, size and shape j the kind of eggs you want for mur- | kot. Continuous svluction. year after 3 yozu`, will give results. Do not select ldirty ogrgs, nor handle (eggs unless 3 your liuuds are clean. The shell is i porous, I1-,-nee tlicru is possible con- l l';llllill2lVtl()'.il. 5 Imm ,1. l I i I 3 I Luululuuun. _. . Eggs deteriorate in hatching qual- ity` '\v1th ago. When you hold for hatching km-p them place al)ou_L [my to sixty degrees l2!1x'o11l1eit. Be ux_'g the place is (:l_cy.x_1_;111(.j npt niL1'.s'.y. Eggs [01'hutch- ing should he kupt not 1011501` than ten days. Thu v_L:::s from Into hatchc.-d DUHULS, ` 01' immulurv l;i:'(1.~:_ st-ldonx hutch us : we-ll -.15 eggs from mature birds. Our ` hast h:1IL-11in: -;;,`,:.e I121-\'c l)('!`l1 lH'l)-` ducvd 1 m1nv;u'I_\' h'.11c'mdp11ll:-ts that I in :1 cool` 1 5 a I 1 i i 1ui in 1l:- 1-;:1'l_\' M111:-1' and Iixvn ` \\ 4-111 Iin'nuv,rh :. mu-1?-.1 nvnull rm... 1, book helps locate the nvs and crops. T1163 Northern Advance U1 ilHU mult. lul. !(lH`I(.'()I{Y ('().\L\llSSl().\' IH*}I ()|l'l' : ().\' Si-l\'l-I2i.' l ()\\'l'Il{ S\'.`\'i'1-J. `J'.H;'L)ll ll." \,UlHH1l.`bllJll uuuuv: it IP11 co11:I1';1c-t 1'01` the s\1pp1_\' 1)!` spuwer u\lidluu(1 and l (`I1t;'Iill1}.;'-I \lIis1w1w rules 1`:111:_.;i11;: .I'1`0m $2U| !to 1101.50 ~p0\\'ur at 23.000 D V I 1uuuic1puli1ies applied zmd in 1014 vlhe ]v1_\ lm11:._'hL the ('0lll[)illl_V out, .pu_\'ing the-111 $475,000 for `their `plant and `i11cImiing EL 191150 of Ihu ipower Port Scvc-1'11. In 1015 `the or the `plzml. was `in- |C!`t;*;LSO(l 2,700 1i.\`.11. to 4,500 . `Q . .. .- 1"` .l- 1- .. 'T`l\n v\` .. un E ..._. . u..-.. . re(*ei\'in:.: : in such _L the l'("(1ll rzltv 011 th per cent. .1 the effect I PSDI`\'f* n!' L Zl.`cl,bL'll ILIUHL .3,lUU l\.\.Ll. LU `1,-JUU l\'.\'.u. The plant now :~:e1'\'t~s 17 11111nicipz1li11.ies. with 21, cm111bi11e(1 pup- ,ul2111'1o11 01` 33,000. The peak 1[)O\\'(_`l`. |10'.1(1 has i11c1'v;1sv(l [$0111 200 h.p. in 11911 110 .-3,6118 11.19. in 1921. The ilulal i11VesL111e111, 111 11119 s_\'s1e111, 111- 5c111di11_-; the :.:e11e1'-.1.1i11g plan)-L 1111115- 1. 1 , o... . \.'l.`5l. s`(l|J>L`l[ llt`ll`| I} ilUl llill l.'UblB' have `boon chu1'_<.:c and the only qm\sti()n `that zlrisos \\'h`-1hm` '01`; not such costs should include sink- . _ I in: t`un_(l cl1u1i;v.~', and if so (109.5 the sysiexn acquire 'an_\' interest I l1'e:3e1'\`o 0l_' $227: ; jGr<-gory CUIxII)ni;s'.'.it)I I '4im=er had lhv l'('(1llCI.i0n 977. x ) ::e1w1-zu inu pla n-I `. `A S {U of me (1ep1`eci21.I,i_on , `F2110 tho .\`e\'orn s_v9tc.1n from . -to 1.35 -per om1t., which had .1119 of 1'C-ducin:: M10 ron(=\\'a1s 17 by $11!},{)7I`.:111e3` (`XIJI't`.`.\"`ll nr.v- nun 1 say Hleir Mae '1 n nu-I vn `) ..a .75 011- opinirm `; nu- Dry-Ceaned and Pressed {HUN l,H II III I-VII . `Hlll Ull|.\ It ll.1).1 I4 1111111 H 11.1). in 11121 and 1.`I.`_ :2. '1`t11: `(.911-:u1`,\' Comlni inn points 0111 11121.1 :1 H10 S1`-\'m`11 :~:A\'. p21.i1l 111211. 1 power $2,837 lug: than the -totalfi cost. (i.1101111,1`111(_{ ('1.`<<"d cl1u1".'es) (>111 ssuch pow(-1' to the E113.-1-111:1 und`s |W".1.<(lvIl`s s_\'st1.A111s. This. tlwy 01211111, ( '\'io1z1t<'~.s the p1`i11cipl1- tot` po\\'e1` at 1 1 s cc-st." .\`11hseq11e1111y 210111111 c0s1s= '01` not II\:r (~1`r*f\liI or-uni:-n :nI\1* infnv-nut \ L\ .v.;u-.3 nu opinion on tlu The sinkin_; its (`IT-`(UL nn N ` l'4|l_L'.L` . gum! V I*...... 3;-,x|Ir'L` `that. v'\nhI.'< `.,Vf.`),Ul-I. nu this fund (lurin la n1{ln'mip:1|it)' 'l`h.- I-nan:-vn (uv Ul1'__',H|:U that |lh`_\ \\ bel'o1`o the the war. "Fl. I\ U.- -.., }(*X]Jl'L-.~.`l`d opinirmi pm` cenl. umwuretl `nn-| Ixiuh. but had oI'I`-rm] nni H... .-.1... ....o,. u l\` lll'\\ I11 _; fund 1`r- Octnhex` (-0loc*l.i0n "311!" 1.110 l .l`llUll tll(ll|UHh Ocloher JJISL, TIIPPC is an `1' 0\'vr_\,' home- 01' I119 s_\'stn-111; 911:" no: I - 1 rr-smvo hzul mg 2:151. 1922.: is -made. -for I \'t~ .\'(.-;11'.<; THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Illllll. U.'.[(l 1924: and! frmn H10! in 1913' 1" 1...! I l I ll\ drnn`.= L x 1 K i ('()l.l.-lN('i\\'()()[) 'l.().N'lCS 0l"l` ().\' TOY .\l.\.\'l'I".\( "l`l'l{l.\'(} I I..\N'l' I i In 1.022 the I-I:.1s'lin:.:s .\Iz1n1n';1ctu1`- c011cessi011s and 21. honus, located C0lliu_::w0od. Tho plum, was moved to C01li11_<.:\vu0d, `;1.1`1e1' the mwn had paid over $1,000 and submitted 41 b_\'-law 10 tho people to endorse bonds Ito the extent 0!` $10,000. The Pub- lic l'liI`itiS Commission found suit- able q11a1`1e1's for the vplunt, which was to 1nz111ul'21r`vm1`e toys. in the old (}x>11ernt,i11:: Slatitm. Rem was to he frev {mm June iill October, and uI`t01' Ihat an the mtv 01' $4111) per _\'mu'. [0 he paid (|ll1I'I(-`I`1_\' in ad- '\*:n1o<>. 'l`h(~ concvru xms not 21 :' `('e.~'s and no rsmt \\ us paid and by 1 no .1 ..u;.... `v`nl\l`lI`II'\' Hun-n H`-nu in: C0., after :~:eu1'ching around for- in` ..\ll|)I.J .\lI)1 \\ (l-`. ll dent, l The 1* nu ! u llll:' ylnpU:~l' Ul um bUL'lt*.,\. Hm \i!lU\" and plum` in the C()l1Hlll|.llil_\ , '\`.'h:IT itl has ar:ca:::plishr>d and what hr impedl fit \\'0:11\1 be able 10 (10. were om-} [lined ha" me 1')I`0.'~`.i(1f`l1t. His \\"01`-` `shi-p .`.I-.1_\'0r 1)uncm1. .\h'. 1-`r;u1kl Cook. P..\I.. and .-\1dermz111 Grzxv at}, o:cpress.-*(] their s)1111p:1t11}' wiih Ihel `=w0r1<. V1`. \\'. J. Justice. County In- spocmnr. 1'.'Zl\'6` an i11teres!i1L: and in- `struclive z1(1d1'oss on the work Llmt 'is ~being done. following which a gzenerul discussion took place. ` 'T`hn nmr-or-Q nlnmprl \vDv'n - TIv~o.::'_ `-;L`lllfldl uIhL;u>*uIUn lUUl\ plzllte. V The ofllcc.-rs elected were: Presi- dent. Mr. T. J. Campbell; I`1'easu:'e1-,1 Mrs. D. L. \\'hit.e; SecreI:u`_v. .\l1*.. lR0bert .\fcCrz1cl It was decided} 'tn zLppoin=t -.1 conmlittee ro c0-0per:I!s=1 with thv officers and if possible in-1 ;creu,sc Mm i11tr;1_'e_st_ in a_.nd influence` {of the soviet) in Midland. The com- }-nxitlce will consist of the pastors 01' [the (`lllll`(`1lE:`.~ and one n1oml)eI` from I l leach (-on::1`o<:z1tlo11,with the sec1'0ta1*_\'| ._m.' we Y..\l.C.-\. | The Simwe Marble Works G. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277 Dyeing Let us 5.101` it IM- 1011-d and ready for setting oaxrly in H10 Sp1'i.H',`. A. large .\'1`o(T-l< of all. kinds of g1';111- e and 1n;u`b1c to (-110050 from. 0 Place Your Order for a Monument or Memorial 20 Owen Street llh .\l\l -W` hum on O \l u '1` ;.\.\'I) i'.lI.\.\'(`|I (`Il l l.l)RI-]N'.\` F S()('ll-ITY .\.\'Xl'.\l. .\ll~`.l'I'l`l\'(ii 8111! Hill 111 0811i II `-J \?rl Unnu`:-no \I. \\'ll.l.l.\.\l S. LOVVEST 1 RIC`ES im{Riii' 5 Goldi R. Harper 3 E Decorator Stroud ..\ k\lllL\ ... :11 no was 1 ]924. thero I"l\ n I u k Ivvn\! .li11:nri1 \\'i1liz1 -1:-/.I .1U\'ll,' V. `.\ll\|l'LllHl UlilllL'al, 11211`. `37, with the presi- `. .1. C:x.mpl)eI1. pesldiuz. - 01` the society. its \'z'.]11n 1Iv|\:\' :6 u Ohm nnn.nm.u mow `ISH TI:i_E T1ME__ ,in:` of H19 Chil- .\lid1and b1':1nc31, ".' uId`.. 0| . A n - n r. )l.\l{'l'l\' and much umm .\Im`lin hrmw. 17 l<`ri(121.\` morn in \lnnvy-r...l ` Q 1' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOO? ih9N11rthvrnAh11a11r2 ; (Founded 1851) Published every Thursday morn- 3 tug at the office. 123 Dunlop Street, { Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year Mn Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 {In United States. Subscriptions ipayable in advance. Advertising rates on appiication. Morrison & I Y i i McKenzie, Publishers. 109 Dunlop Street.