Page Two G0 E1izubet.h St., Upstairs. , ` Adjustmenrts for All Diseases Phone for Aq)poinvtn1en~t. Houns 2-5 and 7-8 and by aDDOjJl|Ul11el1!t BzLrrie's Gna.(1u:ate kgoneer Specia1ist of Ch\irospra.ctic" Please send me, '?L`iHl0Ht charge, your line map. Dunlap at _\luI(:\. DR. D.C., Sp.C. 1'1` In` REAL TS'l`.\'l`IC. GIFT.` I'd s. all xi"/.09 and Ilnllwu fmm $16,000. Phon e 4 046 1924 .n..-. -,v. -eon provi: xahlod in C` .'i rn nnr REGISTERED C}II'ROPR.~\CTOR F;"R .T. S. Ant! `D. >lJ \l I . with in spir; LvJ\.'u\'\_V\7 fided in 1 the L< n nu` :o I`>uI'1'i0. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1924' HM CRGSS BUNS E :Du1i<.-i 11; mama -.u->o-wcp u-on-oanocpo-no-oc-Is:-: Am MCENSESE l)ubm|tIn-as of the Town of llnrrio. 5; Per Cent. Issue. (Rom! Investment. W. BELL, ISSUER Enjqy them all through LENT Spvnlc ii bunqm-t pointed ( nuv.c1'r]n 4 ()\V l`].\' 2~"l`RI{ FOR SALE [nsmmnco Box 902 jmple Building .<\\'e(>1'm1CC1 Arnold See me. fi l 1 (rd ,U|lIEHlL' UHl _' D ILAEIAILL a\\'z1_\'. There was hnporng trmnendous such m`0duc<- as :1: (Jo H- \\'-1: hrzr--Juan l`Ll'. uhea ..I.\' Vv/eak axgazil Nervos. Made Well by.Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Vegetable Compound VVcbbwonrl, Ont.- I was in :1 wry weak uml run-down nervnus conrlitiun, always LlI`(3ll from the time lgut up until I went to lied. Sleep did mrt rust ` me at all. My sister rec-ommc.-ntlccl Lydia E. Pinkham's \'1~g(-t:il,ilu (`um- pound to me and others told me almirt 1t. but it was from my sister's a(l\irr- that I took it. lt did not tzalw lum: until I felt stronger, lu-ndm-l1(v.< lL'iI me and my appetite curre hack to me. I am a farmer's wife and ll2l\'~;' mzmy things to do outsklv the house, such as milking, looking after the ;.vuuln'_v, and other chores. I heartily rccumxm.-ml the Vegetable Compnunrltuull Whnh:1\'('il1c same trouble I had, for it is a line medi- cine for womon."-Mrs I.0I'lS 1*`. ELs.-\S- SER, Hillcrest Farm, Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief n--. u.._..- M:,.L.:,...... 4--I m.n'm-mi Wm ` ~ =.`.5<%, VVhy is it that an inteligent! ivate citizen is suddenly turned` to an i`gno1`a.mus when he is 91-:-ct~. to a pulblic oice. I nuuuicx ucl vuuo n umnu : Iuua |\\.n\.l Port Huron, Mic-higan.-"I suffered for two {ears with pains in my side, and if I wor and just as tired in the morning as when ed very much I was nervous - I went to bed. I was gleepy all the day ` and didn't feel like doing anything, and ` was so nervous I would bite my finger nails. One of my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ' pound, and it he] d me so much that I soon felt ne.- rs.CmmLEs BEELER,_ ` 601-14th St., Port Huron, Mich. 117-...-- uvlnn anR`:n- 4':-nrn nnu fnmininn A flat pocket book and a. Hat tire! make a poor combination. DUI-1`iul 00., A U: L ;AuAvu, Aillwlla Women who suffer from an feminine ailment should try Lydia E. ' ham'a Vegetable Compound. C JU INC` 1121111 re the miion. Ull!.`H urunu. eat what the )0 County, eat 1':L\vbor1'ies In and followin ...-'11 Ln`-n \\ uh the .< `parm nn "h or ILL (11 Urnuu L`UIun1uu11_\ rc-contI_\'. Prof. G1'uhan1: )1l1 that e\'er,\"`t11i11_-4 b0u_-_- h1`. 3119's dis riot took money an V1r\n~(\v\ 6`nu1 Orillia Iv Thvr uu. nu) u .> Home Indu T6` <-nn -u-3 Lillllltlb 5 rlmbarb the rhubn that idez VVh0 can dene a. szu1sa:c." utown 1'ut,hers have given up. llHlU HM L3 U1 agns. letluco,` people were` Dnr in t".nn-` I9 3` The devvlopmonts that have come :to light. before the I ubli~c .-\(*connts C()lll\ll1:l1tt,*P durin:.: the last two !\veel nmsit he SllO(`1(ill_L to the :1vm'- `gage citizen ot.` this p1'u\'ince. no mat- ttor what. his political opinions nia._v ,he. The lltJN"`I' incutpaoity of the late 8 [1 D province clearly. In the case of the Hate 1 rovincia1 Troa.su1'e1', the gull"- `ins:>, if ignorance it was. ot' 1 'o1'(lin-ary methods of t`1nnn~ce, cost the `liprovince in one case alone uwpwards of $100,000, while the information `supplied by his detputy to ont.sidm's with whom the (le.p:u't:ment \v~.1s do- 1-'ing hnsiness, and which should lmvo 1 been a,l)solu:tely privztte, cost. many thousands movse. E.\'-P1`en1ier Drnry may throw the blzmne on the Treas- ury Departentt. but it must be real- ized that he wins the one thmt chose d the head of that department and was n in a nieasure restponsible for his actions. a'(l1n1inisl1`zLtion has indeed cost the` g The 'I`0\\'n (`xmncil ` ~.i:.:In co1np1oted 1110 I: .111}: the e. for it will be ::':1ti!')'i11: invna u-:11 uni he ran \ HHU lk d<>nt1,\' , th<>.<(= -.u,\..4- ` |l|t'l't` `I this ;for 1 an :1 .l'Ulll}7llll` \'Uhlh, lllllhl. lIcl.\ 1' I:.\l'I IIIIIV; `uM1iI_\', : lmvv Hw stznxnimn In idn !'nm'Im-n or I`1I`l<-nn hnllrs` wm'l: :1 idn._\'. and if frnsl or hail. wind or ,drzm_:ht. or ood, or high wind V brin_L':~' the year's work to m1.11gl1~t. Jmust have the counuzv to take :1 `drink of water and a cold bath and _|smr1 ovm` again. And the above is ionly an incomplete ]ist-~a mere ! -start toward `what the famner should | know. Yes, it is a great life if you don't woalken." V , `fortil and \(ll UNI. 3~.lI . `pow:-1' plu inn 1| nnl `I '7 \ Ho must he :1 ;,-and .lm_v:~r and: seller. :1 good n1:1m1'.:-x`, should: jknmv mmnuh about `|)nn1il(l`|'[)'lI1LC I0 scompule crmls, must have c-x(-cutive x!||\`3Hl\' -.-hnnhl hnvn Hun stnnlinn 10 1 You can t tell these days if 21 man; is really stin;;_v or just saving up to! buy a car or a bottle 0'1` bootleg. I 'xllH1_ iltle mped 1`l`f\\'l)' lllllllli|L',\'- ir-s, m.- I`( climate, C... 4 Inn `.\'l'i ..\' (`O-()l l*]ll.\'I'I()'.\' _\ `Jill proble- lxu (- ('l1lllI'l',\. Hnw IU unnum- mlixm t`l1f.'iI1O \'ohi(-Max` and us, how In (In (`ll`[)l'1lIl'|`~ Iumhing and h1u(`ksmi1h- ljll l'lI"IlI|o`lI_\ mlniiml 01' Pumps In, tho mtu*tim1 4 , hosi \v:1_v of h: r-rnps, how In fu vv (wk in rvlu 19 |...ur In . know about soils, ('hI~IIliSlI'_\'. soil n to soil" of crop` ....n- n!` In.u:llinu\ l lIlI.\ (|lll`.\||IH| u_\ I-Iv took :1. mt spocifir: and re- huw tn H-puir how to hnndh lll Ivnumu uni I I x 1 M- ..,.1.:,.1n.. 1|I\1l .\Inm12v,\"` 1` .....\u Wxiy 1 private dnto rul fn n Ill |TlU|lI {lIl(Hil1LZi ml 21ml| mm to K illl yuldt` r ml i;lIl1P1](1 1l1el1t' Toronto. Aipril 7.--_-\n:othe1' heavy week, !both as `to legislation in the House and [business in committees, ended with `all the estimates CIC-z11'e(I. zuvay, and `supply voted to the extent of $6!)..`J01,3'5.`J. The 1 remier`s =l)~ill respeclin:.ri11ie(1ica1 and `dental in- spection in schools was among the governnient uneasums reported by committee 01' -the whole, without. on 1'i`hui'sdu_v evening. .\I1. I"e1`guson ntook occasion to point out very clearly that nothing is ib( - ing done -to int0i`t'ere with the inves- ent 111/\V41)i`0\i(iii1f..{ that no t1llC((`.il] or surgiczil trez1tn1en't" as distinct from inspr-ction" wean the given with- out ooiisemt, of -the ciii1(i's.p:ii'm1t.s or ,2'u:1r(1~ian. A zhiil ii]U`()(iIlC5-1`. by Hon. Charles .\lrcC1`ea on `Mondzty a1'1`ects the natural gas area of the provintce. and is designed to do :Lwa.y with `the special sit,-utus obtain- ed `by .var.i-ons -townships "by `declar- aztion that :the pipe lines -thm'ein are t1`IlI1SI11`iSSi0n ]ines. All the mun- icipalities *will come under -the gas 'bO:Ll'(1 .in future, 't'o1' .prico .xii1vg, if the bill ig_OS through. When`iC\1H`l1l`I Stiin`I'E).`[eS were up W'ednes(1ay and Thm'sday .H0n. J. S. M=a1'tin, to whom, as a practical fzirmer nwt. the head of the '(1eparrt- .1nen~t of `a.gI`i(`.1l1Ll1I`(-Z`, `the province has .und0u~bted1y ibeen 1`00`1iill`_L_{ for practical nieasiires `to .improve farm- invg cm1`ditii0n~s, outlined in st1'ai;:hl- i'n1*\v`a1`(i t':Lshi0n some of his plans, and in I'rank, thusinesslike -terms call- ed for `C0-0`I)01'ilt.`i011 of 21.1] in the House. 1.211101` `Hon. .\l`z1nnin-2 D0- herty 1`0ne\\'ed his 'DI`()l11iS of gen- eral support. `"' -:.`..._ ...m4:.\u y.u. .u..,_r,.\.. .,. -u.--av In connec2I.ion with im1mg1'ation M1`. .\Ia1`1in announced the proposed o1:;ani'/.z1ti0n 01` conmxiuoes `in each county, one .1no.n1`be1~0l` -which will `he; the district a:.;ricn1t1H`u1 repres tive, `to ztssim and advise ne\vcomex's in such nn1.t1e1's as the purchusn of land. The xninisler complted his I'n1`('-H-mc(>.~' to the \':n'i0ns br:u1(-h(A:< ol` the live stncl: in doalillg r\\'iIh hog `_"l'iHH11_L,". pm11'H'_\' (-n11vin'.'.} and pro(1i(-tin: l'<`\`\'l1 0|` tho slmena :iIH11lSH}' now that \\'m`1d : 01?} iwonl. nc.(`n1nuI:nvd dnri11;'._t}w wzuzl h:1\'r,> ohhml and .\11st1':\liz1 no Ion n.. H... r.n...n.vo..u L'}\A\ u-as 'T`1 \\'El<}K ;\ I.` THE l1EGISl`..-\'l`L"I{E )` |'l'|'lIlll`l` l`l`I`4llF()ll llilll ]H|)HHl|lI|'| .-Lthn-t Ontario shmlld .mnko up I} .iw1nmw_v lwin: paid Ymm Hm Dmnh 1 ion j.`.l`:lI1I for u:.:rim11l11r:11 mlm-atic _ and (H. ~`.`H`i(,'| I'op!`(=.=0mz1ti\'r= X l'\'vi('4` -! 1`h0n Hon. J. R. Cn0ko`.< hm. in 1(:x`e:1sin_: tho bnnns fnr rllrnl hyth ",1i11<~s'. hut] hem} hu('](9(1 up by :1 V0 H01 $1,000,000. _\\'Hl \\UII\ Ulll ll) Ill!` :0!` Iho ponplv Ih0n1.~' ;m` the pmvim-,n." In <*un('l1I. .\h`. on-t. Iwn imporlum n .u 4`... :1\`Cr\IIr\:-` |lll.' ]ll'l)\H|('9`. .\I;1I'tin pni11lM|1 mu . u1r(~:ul,\'; taken in lhv imorns! of 2l,L'l'i(`lIMll1`(`. `.Wh(~n H10 `m'n\'inm\ had failed In `alter tho (Incision :11 O1-1:1\\'u Ihu-I Hum .'fn(l`I`u1 . should hr` mm off `I`1'-nnior 1-`m':'u.=nn hm] ])I`0nnun(`mI llhn-f (Wu!-n-in ehnnlol .n\nL'n nn Han: . With the advent, of spring wen-i ther and Easter near, the hens seem to be working overtime these duys,l judging from the noise they make so eanly in the xnorniin-gs. 1; 1".II.1\'m-I'r>r, '[\'.C.. LOL:isluti\':-1 `Sm.'rul:11`_\` for Northern ()n`l:n'i0, who \v;1.v. in \Vus11im:ton rnc<=nt1_\' in con- nooiinn with the diversion of great IILROS `\vale1' by Chicn,-.:n .H`:1ni*lary C0mmiss`ion, on F'I'iday a,ft<>rn0m1 introduced `a. resolution callin-`,1 1'01` noon by :th(- Fedeml G-ovornmen-t to stop this theft of 10,000 cubic feet per second, .which, as Mr. Keefer poimed out, is -greater than the flow over the American Fans. and ,is adnnittod sto be nthe eqmvalent 01'. IIFW LIH u!\'um:: I wm`l( .I.,\ V\l\ illllu elect \ J The Ndrtllern Advance \H||L`llV |}|(lIIK IIF.` cull-ins.) ival slmepg mi` 1 wzu~_| `t. ... un `r.\\t-~ H\l` .\ Ulll, Hl'| r h_\'dro, vow` 00.004) ` `chome 2: .4...-"1 `11`:11llHl'z|l \\'llHI_'4 uuu The I-Inu.=e approve-d `T))'nn1in`I' I`::u-n-u._vnn nni !1l'IIuIx' ;()n1uri ]\r\(- ung u ' (1 rm wn |`lI.-.4 nu What would have ha;ppened had` the Drury Gvovernrment 1'en1ai:-19:1 in power four yeans Ionwger ? asks the Newmarket Herald. Tha.t's rather insulting to the intelligence of the people of this province. UilHl\. 1 J. C. \Vl1iltz1km`, l`01'1n<"1".y :;01w1'a1' _sn1po1'\`is()r at the Ilnnm Hunk, told Ahe cm11mitIee that ho had hevn in- strllmml on one <)r'(`:1.s'im1 h_\' J. ` 1 . I.-,.-__,.. \v,.-.... 41...... ..,...n....1 \\\nvI. 5SII'll(`H`(l 011 UIH` Ul'l'i|.\lIHl n_\ .1. 'C00p0r Mason. then :;'(~nm'u1 Ingm- lzxgt-1`, to S(`('lll'C for him S2.:3|)(I in ]1e_;ul tvmlm` as the Hun. 1 ole1"' was r~on1in_:. He also -lesticd vlhnl. 301. .\Ius0n had renmrkod that I-Ion. _\Ir. h` .w;1.< "not ln. tinw." \\'itnoss th011:.,~'ht the refer- `onco was to not lusi any mum in `s(*r'1I1'in:.' (`mnn1iss on deposits u\`nnru1 :.. |1\r\ haul: hr lhn U1-nvinmz l\'(`('lll`H1f.Z ('HIlllIH:i. Ull lxvpU.\.|Ln !q)1nr'o(1 in -the hunk by the Pmvincv inf Ontario, \\/'hitIn.kor swore that. 1110 socurml $2,;'D0 2'1`-m1 the teller! :11 lhv hzmh, plz1r'H1 if in an vn\'('1npo land handed it. 10 C01. Mason in tho, n1um1_-.:r~r's umco in `I110 pmsmxr.-e 01'. llnn. l'4~lm' Smith. , A. I`). Cn1\'m`f, 1`m'mm'1_\' n1:1n:1:.:or inr um Ijnmn Tl-1I\L' lntnr to: find g A. 1'}. Ull\'(`l`l, l()1'llll`I'l_\ 11|a1nu:,L': {of the Home lhmk, later tesiiriotl `that he had on sovernl 0ccz1.si0ns secured 1e;:u1 to11(1or for C01. .\In.srm, which he had lwm [old was com- missions for doposits made `by `thel Province. On each ocmsinn he put] 'tho money in an envelope Tm` the. general manager. Notiawzusag-u Council decided that men Avorkin-g on roadwoltk be paid 215 cents per hour and man and .te:Lm 50 cents. ax/////x/mm . / , I \\'. S. lh'<*\\`. " Use the Bell to Sell To map out campaigns Vol I. Govermnent control of the li(]UO!' question received :1 set back in Bar- rie on .\Iond'ay night when two of our rising young la.wyeI`s who de- fended it in a derbazte lost out to the! iwo who defended the O.'I`.A. ` He (lee 41.. (rI`{ Manager I the intr>1'- of Service Helps Q! Ill ilself. l`1{:\'()l!. ' 1 ah- Of [Mei .| _\ lll'\\ l'l_\ Jas the C9011: I `rerun-(1 by 11 I` [Tun-rnxi-1 YV-1 AVE you a map showing your lines to 1` towns and citiesgto use in laying out telephone campaigns? Writes a sub- scriber. Our experience with Long Distance business in 1923 was so encouraging that We wish to develop this side of our business to the fullest extent in 1924. We would like to profit by the experience of those who have built up a big telephone busi- ness, and would be glad to have you show us the most effective methods. Would you like such a map? We have one that is proving helpful. Phone for it, or fill out coupon below. The total receipts from enforce-I ments under the Onrtario Te-npex'a.nce Act last year were: Fines, S353).- 346; other sources, $18,500; liquorl conscmted and sold. $71,650; con-i stables Ives, $12,569; sundrips, $186; Value of liquor seized. $110.-` 150; total, $572,391. In Toronto` alone $116,940 was taken. 1 I`1X'.l.`l~INDl NU H YDHO SY.\"l'li.\l Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Name. . . . H. A. Hl.\'llY - \\ . -I. (`O\\';` l'Imno 3 . S trcet City. .. Every Organ in Your Body Is Con- nected with the One Under Your Hat Nn \vriiu~r has more (*1om`1_\' e>xp1'e.=s0(1 the _:rone`zL1 principles upon \vI1ir'h Cl1imprz1(`ti(* is bn:=,ed than G. H. Patchen, M.D., who \v1'iIo:< in part: ... . - _ ,1 -,,._ A. |_-.._ .41.- u...\.. ... `...... . This new science claims to locate lhe pllysicml cause of (li.=oas0. In prm'i an origsinal and ndequzmte means of zuljtlstalng 01' rem0\'.inL* this catlse more pr0'mpt1~y, 1'a(lic-ally and perumnen-lily Lllzm any other known method. The lmsic princ.ip|les will be explained at the oice or write for liltemlurc. Consultzuion free. A jaunt into the C()1lI`iH`_\' at this time of the year will do anyone vgood. Nzuture is .2ain perf01`nii11_;; a miracle. The buds are bllrstiilflti forth, the grass is shooting," up and` there is signs of life on (=\'e1`_\' hand. The birds are me1'1'i1_\' twiting about; and i)11i1tiiI`l_`; their nests. the hrooksii I)n,hi)1e and 50-2111: to 1`0j0i('o \\'i[}1t-i'(=-. zuid the1'e is a calixiiiess in,i I 1 i I ( tho 1ltIi1f)S[)hl`(} that is restful to the; soul. To the one who is in tune 112l111i`P tlivru is now hope 21nd:= u`n:~nwnd inn