Northern Advance, 9 Dec 1915, p. 8

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-f- ~4-w-rvw4g4\m.;....,, ` (\_.`;;`'-r_ x `hmvahout Ontario tzuefiin`53r$sf3f { ii "~ -`C %`5'i 33*snbezs- .1520 .,can;vassing.~~Lihe:a1v eoirimis'sioVn"'-V r 3fef.7nrlamS%tA O V 9` * `-i=:'.-...,`. . V | FWriteV:io;.%.*'*11am% A . 'l3.XlD at Barrie this 9th day of October, 1915. BOYS & MURGHISON, UNOTICE IS HEREBY (%I\'E.\ that Percy Lyon \Voods of the Town- ship of Vespra in the Count_\' of lsimcoe, Province of` Ontario, N- Farmer, will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada at tho n'0.\'t session thereoffor ab Bill of Divorce from his Wife, Lucy Woods, fornlorly of said Township of Vc-:~:pra. but -now of the Village `of Burlington in the County of Halton, Province of `Ontario, `on the ground of ,adultery. ' 'l\Arn*m'n ,. 1-. - --- ---- I '-4Forf_fstylish Christmas Suits and Overcoats go straig'ht. to Hunter's Clothing- Store, Barrie. a:~:so1't1nont the `.1drgest, values the host. DECEMBER 9 H ....... .u.uuu1at1or. Special for 4.75 ....5.00 11. Pair 35. . . . . . . . . . .. soc We will accept, at the Northern Advance office,` new and re- newal subscriptions to `the Northern_ Advance _and The Canadian Countryman, in combination, at $1250 per year. * The regular price of these papers, subscribed for `individually, would be $2` - - ner~- *'V99.`l`- i . ' and Records of Barrie Ontairio, for the Applicant. Nemo and a Ia brace Corsets wns and black- .;,. .. .. .. 50 e) 1915 "1 ` * JV - _ . T . T The Canadian Countryman is rezognized as the brightest agri'- cultural weekly in Canada. It `has a net paid circulation fully 25 per cent. greater than any other -farm `paper in the Dominion. ' T--...L ..-_ L1__ 3,,_1,r| .- n Special Club Rate---One Year $1.50 Theorthern Advance The Canadian countryman doxnnnsbk Anv-rs. 13.50 _ 4'.%ia-49 AND ot_"f5o3ar1y-to{ be thinking of .. -your Christ-mas'i`j`ew'elry We have 5 a splendid assortment. Two stores `--Opp. old` Queen s~ Hotel. and at F Cor. of Elizabeth a.n`d`Ma_1_'y-.streets. ' H.,Williams.'- ` ;uuuv IIJIU \JJ.u.U.lo ' .The literature of a people must spring from the sense of its nation- ality, and nationality is impossible without self-respect, and self-respect is impossible without liberty. I Church Union _in Orillia and C(1- lingwood churches is favored by a large majority 61:` both` members a'nd adherents. The Orillia church gave 468 for and 173 against. Calling- wood Voted 160 for 'and,84 against. '--D1'ess1Iv1:`aking-E'v'ening I blduses 3; Specialty.- Miss Lomas, 22 Well- iington St., E.- % 48-52 The Barrie Cllesdale l A ssocia- tion `{v_ill sell Without reserve, by Public -Auetion,' at the Market Sqiiare; Barrie, on . Saturday, Dec: 11th, at 2 p.m., the imported_ Clydese dale" Stallion, Windfall} [11237] (15527>) Terms cash or-good `paper, at three months. ` ' 48-49' [ -}-Solve -_-that erpiexing Gift lPro_blem by visiting Moore .`A [beautiful array of House Sllppers for men, women and childrn now `ready. . ` V Orillia And Oollingwood ror Union ~Aftrnob1i and Jwening, Taeday, `Dec. 14th. A Aprons, fancy articles, suitable .1:'or;' Christmas gifts; "Home-- made` dainties "and candies,_ Tea served from: 6 "to _8 'p.m.= Grood programme; Everybody` come. .49-49 e.o.so1a:e;s* sa1eo ehcugefai fancy` 7arti_cles`, also ? .home3iiii_1de5c'a.n- diese at the, Red "Cross Shop, Thurs-' Trinity` church. 'e Rev.` W. R._ R.- Arr'nitage,.; M.A., of Toronto, will take the services in Trinity"-chuHrch next Sunday. day, Dec. 9_'tl_1,L 3"to. 10_'o o`lock. 48-49` -Bhazaair 5.1;. Chrit ilkvvas `ia s_tarcha}nber `session; it `of Collingwood council `last week to consider `an industrial - proposition. ' According to the Bulletin the _ ` `in'an- T p is said to have taken place in anop- -cial situation which is` not `nearly `as satisfactory as those IneXt" toQthe dir- ` ection of the townatfairs would like." Instead of being improved, a move posite `direction to the extent of sev- erehl ,thousand `dollars. On top of ` this, the town s_~ bankers `are said to. have taken a position which brought matters to a focus, and said by -ac- tion, if not by so many "Words, Some; thing must be done.- On Monday evening after much quiet talk in the mayor s oice, the consideration of the Wilson proposition was laid aside and a deputation of the May-I or, Mr. Bryan and the town clerk appointed to go to Toronto and havei a talk with `Mr. Howe, general man-_ ager of the Bank" of Toronto. The trio went to Toronto on Tuesday ` `morning and by appointment had the conference at which arrange- ments Were made for the time being, promises being "given that curtail-T ment, in every department of the II municipal governments would be . made the border. nu 1- 1 I - n 1 --For stylish Christmas Suits 2-and Overcoats go straight to sHun`te1" s Clothing Store, Barrie, ` assbrtment ; thew-.r1argegt,.~ .vValu`eV "the g - j -L-N01. Christmts gift cn [bring "mnc_h pleasure to -every member . {farr2i1L % We S 7.111.! ` : .-Mr8'go'-_R?ndoIp_l1=% D_unba3`r, fa dough: ' Dunbar-,-At "tLE'"c'ottag `Hosp; tal, .Wel1esley : street, . Toronto, `oi;-~ Saturday,- Decembr 4,, 1915, A-Mrri 1 _ the advance made in the Dominion 1 towards prohibition and the work >.O_t.ton. There , were also some in- `._of boys and .- a` sextett of girls,Y, __trained ~-by` Miss McLennan., At -Br o'_w,n,. each fmaliing brief addre'ss`,-. - f}`zo11'r`2`.w"a_s' A" splendid and appreciative aud- ience greeted Mrs. Hyslop, Domin- ion Organizer for W.C.T.U., last Thursday evening in Essa street Presbyterian 1 church, Allandale ward. Mrs. N. B.-Johnston presid- ed. ,Under the. caption War for a Principle, _ Mrs. Hyslop `drew a strong analysis between the war` of the Prohibition Party and W.C.T.U. and Britain s. war for liberty and freedom. Reference was made to. of the" Committee _of. one Hundred outlined ' the W.C.T.U. s. share in this work in raising $10,000 for the campaign fund. I A- -musical pro- gramme was rendered by __Mrs. Laid- man, Mrs. .(Rev.) Brown and `Miss teresting recitations. by a quartette the iconclui si_on.\ of "the" program .0 Clark` moved: ....a`..:,.,=-vote "of thanl'_s=- yzhigch was "seconded f by Rev. -- ` es. 5 "A1landale ,',ladiesi then - served V ffreshment_`s ,a'nd.. ;ai`ple'asain_t ._socil The Vair Grocery Company has received poultry orders to go to the far north country, and require the poultry in Barrie on Friday and Saturday oi this week, the 10th and 11th- of _December. Will pay as good prices this Week_ as you will get ater; It takes 10 days going to the. destination. `No. 1 chickens and select chickens. Choicegeese, ducks and turkeys. _ A On Friday afternoon oi last, weelf, after school was dismissed, e - teachers of the Barrie public .schoo _ met in the Central school and gave Lieut. R. W. Stewart -an official l farewell. 7 Tea was served by ` the lady teachers and on behalf of the teachers Mr. Marlin read an . ad- dress" and Mr. Morrison presented the retiring teacher with an illumin- ' ated wrist watch, suitably engraved. Mrs. Stewart was presented with a bouquet. In his reply, Mr. Stewart - said he felt it his duty to offer his services to his country, while lie` would like to remain with the school he felt it his duty to go. Before school dismissed the pupils of Mr. Stewart s room presented ,_him with a military walking stick, suitably engraved.` _ - _ ' ., .-There s' _surc_ to be a `Merry C]11'istn1as Where there is a Victro1a'.` Geo. Vickegs, `Headquarters for Barie district. , I\ `H. G. Boag of Barrie is holding a credit sale of cows on Saturday, "Dec. 11th,. at the Wellington Hotel yards. Mr. Boag informs us that they arexan extra choice lot of _cat_- tle and those who bought from Boag s previous shipment, will no doubt,` take advantage of this sale, Among the lot are several "freshi m_ilkers.' Q I -For stylish Christmas Suits and Overcoats go straight to Hunter s Clothing Store,/ Barrie, assortment the largest, values the best.` T Deep Snow at Minesing. While in Barrie and neighborhood there is just ..enough snow to make sleighing, The Advance learned on the market , Saturday that therewas 17 inches of snow at Minesing after the storm of Thursday night and Friday, morning. e`he depth, We were told, ` was by actual measure- ment. New Laid" tggsyfor sate. T W E. To_dd,'Lpho1;e._478_. ` .' ., .' 47-tf. Nine `roamed bric"k-`clad, hoset for i n1 media te-`salfor will" rent ..with `op-,_; tion` o, `buying. 5 Please _. see, "V this `i property` and make ah oer;V;j.--Agplyf at 106;*?Bay_eIdi:;_'St.,`.Bar1*i6;f` 47+ 1p.. Credit Sale. Leture by W.O.T.U. Qrzanizer. `The. snow of last Thursday and Friday is with us at the time of, writing, (Tuesday) and the chances are it is -with us to stay, although there `is no frost in the groundl- there is still sewer, water and gas excavation work being done. `Al-' though it may not ' be__ suspected, thefe has ` been enough frost to `make the pond `just east of the `Taylor greenhouses, on Dunlop street, contain a thickness of ice that will Withstand the weight of_ the small boy, and ` in consequence hockey is, again ourishing. -The slogan is Economy. You} can ractice it by_. making your gift pu1;gh_7ses `at M9o're s Shoe Store. _. fhotqgiaphs P1611; .B`elgi1ini.' We h"ave been compselnlede to hold over this week several items of local- interest, among. these` __\is the ports `of the c.ouncil.;.;=meeting, Red- Cross and Field VG_6m:Eort News and 'the* weekly budgets from our coun.-_ try co1frespondents.. Looks As If Winter is Here To..Sta y ` `New ; lgatter Held Over, ' MfR6bt; ` s.1ehananoo rceiveV19.:4%i 'p1;tit.g*1j$tphs`- from tho war; front, oteral at ` Ypres. The "two views the` once famous cathedral, now a mass of ` awful ruins." r saturday . frail so`1`1Williain T " g"?'the ;.destructioii. done to the. 'show,_ in`toerio1jo and exterior `views of; Presentation to Departing '1`ea`cher.-`. *' K I'or `Sale or toc.Let.' ` Nice cottage on Eugenia street. Town water and electric light, ne garden - with chicken coop. . Apply to this oice or box 366, Barrie.` c . An an `GOOD 1>oUL-my WANTED. BORN. ;1t`dm'3:R;N ["AnvA:tcn % 52; so. 1` Off *Se9; `J-aura` \II --An immense `purchase of ladies gents and child s Overshoes, button or buckle style. Go on sale this Week` at less than` wholesale c'ost. All. sizes. .Moore s Shoe Store. I(ll\4 A_l.I.6l7s3I1, Vavlllc `I116 Thos. Sheppard, Aa Collingwood boy, who went _with the rst contin- gent, is reported killed in action.| This makes four from -Cpollingwood who have given their lives for the Empire. ` * A- o ` 1 n u 1'- _ --_-For stylish Christmas Suits and! Overcoats go straight to Hunter sl Clothing Store, Barrie, assortment the laxgest, values the best. '1.,...-. C1L__.___-_,1 , (1 110 ' C I T M L MARRIED. M ' , Lawson-Wism;er_-- At St. An- 'dreW s church, Barrie Ont., on Sat- urday, the 4th December, `_.1915, by the Rev. Dr. McLeod, Florence Bea- trice, elder daughter of Judge Wis- mer and Mrs. Wismer, of Barrie, to Lieut. Horace James F. Lawson and] Mrs. Lawson of -Toronto. - | ;gj.-e 1;-LOST, 4+ -`On Saturday; V 1th,, between the Ben Plenigg Mill 'a`nd_, Midhurst, a brown Vp'urse;`" `con-3 dtainingea sum of money. Reward on returning to The V Advance V oifice. . Al` lf\ . Tgelre $10.00, sa'1e,price.....' ..... ..8.50 - WereT8.5o, sale price .... }- L-"Were 7.50, sale price .... .; ....... ..6.00 Were 6.o'o; sale prl_ce.;..;....`.... ...5.00 - V Were 5;oo, salc pricc.',...`.-.;..._..,.4.35 - A -`few only Boys Overcoats; with Velvet `Collar, regular ........ ..l\. ..... ..l,.-...-._..... ...;...;. .... ..*..'.'.`.`...3.95 s - A . -.'~oat.m'.4(I>n-uI'.sn':-.;r.-.1:-Izro-s:O&~4uR.\x`v-I i' v `r -0.?-:.' our--If-'-vn'n_-zxu--.n:oa:m.:\$ ()1: nkrykv--.v ---urn .. _.s..< -....-__ All Men s and liwys Suits % Re- ~ duced-in Price. % Men's `Tweed Overcoats, madefrom tfeavy vertiblej collar, were 10.00, sale price AMen s Brown Ovfcoats, extra heavy weight, convertible collar and `belt, were'I2.5o, -on `sale ......... .; ..... ..$l0.00 Men s Dark Grey and Brown` Coats, with` convcrtibic or shawl collars and belt on back, were $16.50, sale price .... .. Q111-A Mn s Brown Tweed Overcoats, with Shawl collar and beit _on.back, all sizes, were $18.50, sale price .......... ..$16.50 Be sure and see the won irfu|- value; we are offering beforg purchasing. OUR GREAT SALE or MEN S &BOYS CLOTHING Boys Suits of Sterling Worth '\ ' I A1togetiieIr,' }1"i1e Canadian .Coun`iry1nan /is mnkh a _.big\.step' forward, tb 'a" point where its editorial service wi1l win for it an incerasingly `strong regard in the. goodffarm homes. of Ontario..- , 1 Send your subscription `for The N orthern` Advance` -_an_d The- Canadian Countryman to the, Northern Advace ..oic_e' xto-day. Be? sure to get on` the listin /time. for a" eopy of The Cfoujntryman's'~ ._yC__hriStn1us Nnmberi. ~. - Good weight British.made Flannelette, pure ,' bleached, full 31 inches wide, selling at less . than the price at the mills. . 20 pieces to sell at, per yard .._....10c Men s Black Cashmere Sox at 40,c ' Here is an- offering every man who wears V . `Socks should take advantage of. Extra fine British-made, cashmere Socks, Dr. jaeger make, sizes 9%, 1o,"Io`2_and II, pr 40c 2pa1rsfo_r........`... . . . . . . , _ , . ...`..75c Iiadies Cashmere Hose, (Penman s) 35'.dozens' `of Penman s plain Cashmere Hose,-ne gauge, seamless Toot, sizes 8%, O (TIA ari In t\n:v QE- Shopping 5 Totir be 'sure1to.,..t.visit Vickers. Goods of all kinds; and here yonhavethe advantages of our buying facilities and a choic Itnerchandlisethat isnot excellecl hereabouts. . .Da.i1_1ty Tea.,`-Afnfdns at Less . 4 - . . Women s Shot Silk Petticoats ' 163 designs of very pretty Tea Aprons, be 4'75 and 5'00 . t in a complete set of a... leading rnanufactur Beautifully made shot silk F _ ers samples, boughtat less than their-pvalue " _purple,"green, grey and blue C ond offered to you at much. less than regu'- our best Canadian make. Spel lar.` There areno two alike.-' The prices and . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . are 20*, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 an}. Fifi- . 1: o - -. _--_ Pure White Plalzxnellette Pictorial Pat- 1 V _ . _ Nem< tems and ` a 1 Magazines _ V . ` Cox -.,...., sun. gausc, acauucab luut, SIZES 072, 5,91% and Io,pain-..................35c 3pa1rs snu. cogs ON DEVL IN & MURCHISON uuv. u All-L001 uxau uvzx wuuunu nan: 1115 paper Wlbln :1ho11rs. "Finis will give -the_ Market Pages much greater value. The Countrywoman at Home? is to receive greater ~ attention than ever before, and the program of features to` be provided-un-- derv this heading will possess" strong interest for the women folk, on _. the farm. In the Timely' Topics - section, the `practice will be continued of offering cash prizes? for every idea sent in by women readers that is accepted for . publication. - ` Young Countrymen and ._C_ountrywomen, _ " a page for,` the bo"y _`s, and girls, will contain a good story" every week, ' a `humorous pictorial. _.featu.1fe, a good poem, and, frequently, a competition will be in- troduced, with` prizes for best garden lplans, best ,dra'm'ngs of , .various kinds, etc. 7' V M : an -3 -in Alliston Herald-The Baxter sec-i tion of the Sudbury division of the! C. P. R. has been adjudged the best maintained piece of road in the 3rd district of the, Ontario division and! the superintendent s prize has been} itenance of Way crew, Mr. Thos. J. Smith. This prize is given_to the foreman Whose section is the most highly efficient in the division and to _Win it is a mark of distinction [giving evidence of a thoroughness and eiciency which is a delight to oicials and the travelling public alike. A` - awarded to the foreman of the main- `e I -For stylish Christmas Suits and Overcoats go `straight to Hunter s Clothing Store,` Barrie, assortment the largest, values the. best. Overcoats go straight to Hunter s Clothing Store, Barrie, assortment the largest, values the best. . A-2-For stylish Christmas suits and] :1 ; r vv TEEDIC, \i\JlI` to .'.s7.5 I o o o | Q o o Q o no ' ._I 5', it. Twceds, con- AIII inn $2.50 and $2.75 `pair _-_..__ ..-- V. ya--guy Iv. ovwv-.I.o Each week there will be several good strong feature articles, well illustrated, dealing with the outstanding timely" problems of the Ontario farmer. Figuring ve such articles, of a ge or more, to the issue, gives fully 300 pages of feature artic es in the course of a year, with upwards of 500_ to 700 selected illus-. trations. The Week s Reminder -is to; present practical hints for every week in the year, written by a well known manager of a large farm. Under the heading of A Dollar _for a A Good Idea will be published descriptions of practical ideas _sent in. by Countryman readers, $1 being paid for each idea accepted.. Practical Discussions by Practical _Farmers," is a department in which will be given -the experiences and views of-good farm- ers on the most important seasonable subjects. A, page` every` Week is to be ' devoted to -Live Items of Agricultural News e -- - brief paragraphs reviewing happenings of interest to `Ontario farmers. Some other special departments being established, and .to be given a place in the paper where they may - regularly be found, are: Notes from the Counties, - Round the Farm, "-Feeds and Fertilizers, About `Live \tock/~ "` Orchard and Garden, Making Poultry Pay, .Ve_terinary Advicg, Points of Law Explained, Your Questions A.nswered,' Our Young Farmers of To-morrow. An .installment of, a` good serial story, and a short story aswe1l,_will appear every week. The Mar_ke`t Pages. will be developed to include a column` in which questions from" our readers, with respect to _their `individual problems of. market- ing will be answered. A new` mailing schedule; provides that. the market reports ,will close `Tuesday afternoon and every _n sub- scriber having a rural mail `box should have his paper `within. 94 l1n11ra `Thin will n-inn .4-Inn -'M n-..'I:-Al Donna .-......l.. ...'......x..... -._-|__-. . Victor Victrolas, Needles Heather Socks _ Men ; Heather Knit Gloves Special Value Plain Taffeta Ribbons 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, and 30c. Pi: ' V navy, tan. turquoise,[cardinal, wine, Paddy green and black. This Is The Ribbon Store Woman shot Silk 4.75 1 BeautifulIy made shot Pe purple-, green, grey. co best make. Speci and.................... 3::::./:: .`?: f'.. `Lwjeather bound, in greys, browns Pe'r pair .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A plndid chdice or fancy Ribbons, shades and widths from,4 in. to 7 in_ Reguvlmvalues from 45c to 75c. S `of Town 41-1 Solicitor ___.__ ..--., vu--V- ...;q_s..- `awry; ALL 0116 JJUlllLL1l.ULlo Just now the installation of a printing press costing $32,000 (the only machine of its kind in a Canadian publishing house) is making possible a substantial increase in the-size of the Coun- tryman. During the next year the" minimum size will be 32 pages weekly, with 36 pages during ve winter a months`. This has . opened up the way to a new program- of editorial features that will put The Countryman in a -class by itself. 0 ,1 , `I II

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