ied She ohn ral Barrie, Angus} 31st, .1915. W `Lot Arrar "C o`sts _Total. 7% % . V 5'23 % M 1 1-8 f 2-9. 553 '.-:.:. . ".`. .1 { . . . (coo ` doolv in`. I u l,_! O I`I or. `U710 3`-4w:Acre I(Ei;<>'is_'h 8 1'2 coat in 0 Cl 21 20 15 Acre}: .. 1'2 IICO` on TOWNSHIP OF TINY . H Lot Cqn.Ac s Arrears Costs Total ...-- A . .` AA V V. December. Rod `and Gun, publisehd by t `W. J, Taylor, -Limited, Wood- stock, Ont. is` on the news-stand iandis replete" with interesting stor- vies of out"-door` life, besides the usual` departments devoted to Guns and Ammunition, FishingNotes, etc., etc. whic_h. are, well maintained.` [Some of the` Stories noted` are The Hunt- er '3 Christmas, Three Polars and, a Gr_ee, Heiot_ or`:`,A ,Story__of Dog Devo-. 1'tin, 4Nor;ther'n"Campmg Trails, - A NWf01111nds'ts Cbwv v'ofjf; ,Nelsz..i;falias; `O.1ie~. `A moi ; M-AH 'J,ust "'R;et`r-ibution,. Sailforu :20`-f ' the ;;ar:ui1i8e.s ;-fito V ut:pu'u.uI:u_u xyuqgu puuuupma vv 1-b_e_sof . special int` regt is conducted Ellison and , dejvbted to j.`1;g;.nersts`tgfvdqg lovers uizder the he f---'1`.he-*Kennel -in. DANIEL QUINLAN, _,-,__.,_. n,.__;__ as r48.IJ.alJa Igwuovnagggv, . Treasurer,` County Simcoe. No. Anvma The Messrs. Dawes and Riggs; in- `ordina'tely pleased ' over their rehab- "litation, " were barely through deliv- =e"ring'_` themselves of `their protesta- tions of undying fealty, when _the -`sound of voiges came up from the `lower hall. ` Frederic started to `leave the room, not caring to face those who had witnessed his unmeri- ted degredation. `Yvonne hurried to hissivde, ` not In . As sire sat` in__.the_ dim study await- ing her _stepson s reappearance with the two old men, her active, far-see- Ting mind was striving to estimate the cost of that tragic clash. Not 3the cost t6 herself or to Frederic, but ; to `J_ames -lirdod! ~ 111- -"I y; `ya uuuuxl;-J 1 He stared at her in wonder; You cannot expect me to stay here--- ' - . 111-\ . . 0 `I an I 1 0 1 .But certainly, she` exclaimed. Listen! I will tell you What to do. Her voice sank to an imperative whisper. He listened in sheer am- azement, his face growing dark with rebellion as she proceeded to unfold her plan for a present -victory over his `father. -r a. 1 .1 .0 `T annu ukuvo Where are you going? she icried, sharply LT- ..J.......,'l \ '..L 1...... L. ;.-..J-... `the twoteld men? V ...... .. ....,.,. _............E, ...,w.....`..... James-- Brood was the last to enter, with Miss Followell; He took in the situation at a glance. Was it `relief. that sprang into his eyes'as he `saw n .1 0 I annu .LI~vJl\.L 0 No, no! I can t do that!` Never, `Yvonne, protested. . -` 4 K 13.... QAAQO ,....I-.. 1'J`-...J J-- TWA... N 4. v vnnnav 11; vuvuuuuo For my sake, Freddy. Don t forget that you owe something to me. I command you to do as I tell you. It is the only _way. Make haste! Open the window. Get the breath of air he prescribed. - And when they are all here, apologize for your condition ! ~- - When Doctor Hodder and - Mrs. Guning entered the room a few min- utes later young Brood was stand- ing in the open Window, drinking in the cold night air, and she was blith- ely regaling the blinking old men with an account of her stepson s un- happy efforts to drink all ` of. the wine in sight! As she told it, `it was a most amusing. experiment. T...~...n 'D.......'I ---..._ LL- I....L J... ....L.... I m awfully sorry to have made a nuisance of myself. It does go to my head -and I--I dare say -the heat of the room helped to do the work. I m all right now, however. The "fresh air did me a lot of good. Hope _you ll overlook my foolish attempt to be a devil of a fellow. He hes- itated a. moment, and then -went, more clearly. I'm all right now, father. It shall not happen again, I can promise you that._` A close observer might have seen the mus- .cles of his jaw harden as he uttered the nal sentence. He intended that his father-should take it as a threat, not as an apology. - D...-... ,'l ....... .....J...`I_..... 1-:_-- _1__-.I__ - .-vv you Inna IHIJVIVSJO Brood was watching him closely, a puzzled expression in his eyes; grad- ually - it developed. into something like admiration. In the clamor "of voices that ensued theolder man de- tected the presence of an underlying `note of censure for his own `behavior. `For the first time in many years he experienced a feeling of shame. Qnvrunnnn -nynn nus...-.I-:..._ `.1. `L2. .1 II VV \I A VVIQ lLl\aII C wFrederic came down from the win- dow, somewhat too. swiftly for one who is moved `by shame and contri- tion, and faced -the group with at well-asumed look of mortication in his pale, twitching face. He spoke in low, repressed tones, but not once did `he permit his gaze to encounter that of` his father. ((7! 0 II I i `I u.xI;w:.:\.11\.4\4\'.1 (1: 1.6611115 UL mxaum. Someone was speaking at his cl- bow. Janey Followell, in her" young, enthusiastic v_oice,. shrilled some- thing into his eaf_'that caused him to look at her in amazement. It was so astounding that he could not be-. lieve he heard aright. He mumbled in: a questioning tone,_ I beg your pardonl ~ and she repeated her re-" mos-Ir " - ma1'k.j` , How wonderfully like you Fred- eric is, Mr. Brood. i Then` she ad- ded; `V`Do you know,AI -ve never no- .._ticed it _until_ to-night". It s _~rea'llye 'remarkabIe.- - - urn. 2-- _ _.,.,z -01 - -- -.,.........,....... - It is a most gratifying discov- ery, said he and turned toaspeak to Mrs. Desmond. _He did not `take his gaze from Fre`derie s white, set face, however !' and, despite the fact that he knew the girl had ,uttered_an idle commonplace, he was anoyed to nd himself studying the features of M9.- tilde _s boy" with an interest that. seemed almost laughable when - he considered` it later: on; ' T " - e no--p..;.&.. .D-._-_J U, `I 5 V,VI *`CHAP?1 ER3 "~EiGH".lf-" iwdutinud)`. rrAvuaE,nvuunJ III (E LLUIIDJ U1. .l.'1Vuu`_y. What a perfectly delightful Buddha, cried A Missf Janey, stop"-` ping in f_ront of the idol.vHow per- fectly 1ovely._he"*is-_-'-or .i_ ~-it` a*sh, Mr.`iBrO`..! ;"_.\:.- . ', 51,3-.9 -",.-1;` :7 - ' : ... .. considered It later. on. T, H13 guests found much to talk a- bout in the room. He was soon be- iug dragged from one object to an- other and rodered to `reveal the his- tory, the, use and the nature of countless things that obviously were iutended~to _be just` what they seem- ed.;~such as }rugs,._h_shie1ds, lamps,'and- so forth. He was -`ably assisted ; by . "`What` .1: * Messrs; Riggs 31167 Dawes, who. "lied; prodigiously V 5 in 9. ,frenz`y'-ffof ` rivalry. A .3.L`l:'..."1.J.1.'.;I Copyright, Dead Mend aim The following lots A are pathted (except .whei'e other- wise stated): V _ .` - .- By `Gcorg Barf MV_:Cutc1`1eonV 189 % White 1 "Ho ye continnegyf [JOHN JENNET'ri i '_(;l;Al-GHl'JvR;';'.';)'l\;': f LICENSED {gmcnoutnn iron `n-I couu`1;v` o_r7s'~Iin'e~o~I::' Most reasonable eterms given an al Co...l- C4-.. Andrei; nu wr;c'r3nt ' Buggifs, Catrina. Wapno ` _!__l_ -_I,AA; 100 1n1' f'T's'ii';Ks"a. :-s'I".E:'utt'}'."'"" ` 3'1.'.'r`5n"o..'p:.`..~. Horsuhoeins N0 _..;!V_FJ!5.ll!_ 37- |I.h9.!!9&!E99%n.@v| a:.\a.u.nJ 5 II\lBI'uuJ I 5 Al1kinda of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. 1 1 . , e s'l!i`:1t1)el.x:sr.uo}1Ecf E:?~.3$?.?.'.".. .`3.%?..: .'. ."l`.P.`3, Anna nuuuo us rruua nun urueuuenuux 111388. ` is',:`.*::%.e*;st`:?::: E;;:z:i':. .*::*::2 $2232 1 ; uumuemetc. navcrynnmg m the Nursery line. Send list of your wants for prices. Catalogue Free. Apply For Terms AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ,1. H. Wiener, Nurseryman, [fort Ergin. Ont.- 40-ll - I `+:u':x'rpoon'ro 1-H: -rANN:n'v| The Advance has decided, in future, to charge for all ad- vance notices for entertain- ments, sales of work, etc., the object of which is to make money. We have been forced to adopt this rule owing to the many requests from churches, societies and other organizations for free adver- tising. ` Publicity which is necessary for the success of any business enterprise, is the main source of- a newspapers income, and we nd it neces- sary, in our own interests, to make the charge. ll'I`I.- _.-L- '.l.'.`.. -....-....--...-..n... 4- 31'-34.9 HN .;r1___...`-._.4, onnvunn vn-av Vanuatu 3`! The rate "for announcements of this nature will be 1 cent a_ word, with a minimum charge of _ 25 cents. l\`I..'J...-..-. ..-A..`_-.. -_.'l _-..L_.. '"63`iEu}y"oEi'c'"'ana poetry will be included in the above .__1_ in me year UL uur uuru. n1uuvucuu.uuur_cu _unuruuuu5,huuu t e (_!0II1lIl8Ilding mg. to` ~ nd ? mentloned and descr1b_ed, hm. m =1:hg.,: county or-; Srimcoe, for arrears -respectlyely due th_e1_'_epn,`; _.~ togethgl-_: with my costs, I hereby" give notice pmumnt-' tg.=.tjhe.~-A,.~{ eessment Act and Amendments thereuno," `-7tha.t` - ~ me said arrears and costs be` spqner paigl; 7I"phg11 on Contractor T & ;Bu1ld_er e Repairs of all kinds Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phdn. 637. 1541 B.S.RAN|(|N 1 T t :11 rd inCASTING8. 13 -n`1 n'p.u': zs,'o. ' Baum. tn`: not and all kind: of farm And a nanny lllnnhinnrv Innn nolwrl. as non um an and: or tu-mand stagglnary machin made cud repaired on ahozteat vno cc and moderate prices. A1" k" d b rt achin- .. clans`: % TREESU V 'l'REES!! lfid R Huff nn (1-ma-....~....5..1 VI`-. oi-u5osu?z":'n'6s-s'T E1 .` JOHN BABES OLD STAND N0 run Noncns Ewe? ni.'u'.:I ERT!_!IZ*2P.!S9PF1N _- v- . ..__.._- -.._.-v- . -.__ ,,, .. . _ k -, ....-..-.. ..-_ t f Simcoe, bearm date the ` 18th. day `of A1131 9:) H313 ycar of our Lord ineteenl-Iund1'_ed,9;iid' d` ted meta` :1e =u` "the, say! 1t.0..gem:'1ef.(IEnns:dhand descnbed. mwawin-`V"3" n4..-hey T-wv-`-`---v-:----- -`: v- ----- guaranteed 5, 10, 15 years. , Beaver and Blshopbrlc Wall Board] j Cedar shingles. Metallic cemng ! Anything in the Lumber Line `car out: nucas BEFORE YOU BUY mg sauA`u_=_ummc rm cu. -_l_-_ __ `__. 'l'ele;;;;e I09 BARIIIE. mm Yo}: sn Like vane Has a- marvellous eeet `on rocugli skin. One or -two applications will remove the roughness, and by in occasional use the skin acquires {n smoothness and sotness of -a bwbfo. :n warn` ml-.'.J... -_.I _J-_.- Glyoedonzi-a is not sticky, and giovea may be worn a few moments afor using it. Price 15c and 25c. Do- Iightful after shaving. ' A QL:-:--___- IJAS. ARNOLD Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency `Money to Loan A number ol good Farm and Town Pro- peu|cs'lor sale on easy Isms. Bank of Tot-mto B1IIdhgs,Barrb By virtug of a waniaV1nt _issi1eJ the Wdtdn `oT_th'ej} 9.IL`3 $f.rsL`?; tr j'?1'"riet.ent ?i..}.1ar}:1-1?afrtp%:nstA~ own YOUR own nous an---`.5 a anus-IIa\.ll\ug ` Small cash payments. Balance } as rent. __ Farms for SE15. ` j--;--- - _____ ` Real Eahihoild nunnco Phone 53!. - lounko Block . Barth (Successor to the late R. L. Bu-wick v__._ . av GEE" MONKMAN. nmriah | . . Transact a General Banking `Business. . '. . . Note: Diecoaulsd at reasonable rates. . C'oI1ec- tipn 9/ Notes and Accounts given T. Beecroft 'r. aeenor-r`, Hangar D3-aa Issued payable anywhere. Cheques on outside banks cadaal at lawestrateaqfeazhange. Sale Notes Oaalwd or Collected on,m'o:tfauor_able crma. . T3i9.MXWARv'"" BANKERS Ojlce Houro-10 to '4 &. CO. "i.'n'n'ne5 ' ONTARIO 40 41 AG ong ZZ 21 12 Plan ; UV 67 00` i}\] 91. 92 97 (`ID 7 3 Plan AUU 101' `Ir./`I JIU 177 J UU 107 108 Plan iv 71 J AUG 11 `I11 A10 119 120 -Inn i 101 ifi 125 126 iii? 13-2 133 `I111 $55 136 137 `I'll ! 312'?) 140` -143 `IAA ii? 148 149 `IP11 i3`? 152 153 `'11:: Adi} 160 161 100 NEW WESLEYAN. T53 `E13 Auu 157 `urn i<'3 1P"I ii 173 1"`! ii 1'-n '1' Plan 529" 3 Plan 1 A 2! All] 17 75 1"!) and were therefoi!` 1. . _. ~ 2 .=' ;=.;. -..-.'.'v..:" ADJoURNDV%%L%%s{:.` Pla1,1, er` (Continued' rozxg}T'I?I:ge, 3~) IN ARRARs_Fb7%"%TAxs; COUNTY 01* smooic, TO VILLAGE OF PORT `McNIoHoL ammo: i3 -1.8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-8 1-8 . 1-8 1-3 % 1-3 V 1-8 143 1-8 1-8 1-8 "13 1-8 1-8 1-8 vv V` `J VIIVL \I&"}-`I 1 `I'll v M 311011 'circun11ocution as ,-in, :~fhe'~ I3a1 Church was found `.:`1_1ej(!'es8a1?_y:- g depose Bishop ..co1en`m;;h;hh they. gentlemen -evidntly'~At_rie(};.: `V low a panoply around, thp"Co;I;fe 1130 system, of which; C01 `thus to hlde 1ih_,:t;hh;m9',;5r fnungs the English: t] ;1nd .in the eccjlxpixxgxg i: 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1~s 1-8 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-8 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-8 1-3 1-3 14; % 1-3 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 I-"U 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 . Arrears Costs Total -A. -- A- _- 4- -.. well-trained choir of little ones, who lled in the ` intervals with .`many pretty little pieces of music, _ A melodeon was`.on the ground; pre'_s_id-I ed over by Miss Maria: Smith. The stone was then let down to ,its_;,pla_'c_e,! properly. adjusted, and aadelieate lit- tle silver trowel ,was~ made to bm_an-. ipulate the cement that- binds to- igether _t_h'e fragmentary ." parts-+-!'1_rot obeforer believer, l,-phot0'grap!Is of the "vqriotig leaders --and qnemhers `of ;thee .ecImr9hl were ereposi~ ` ;tr?3;.'be8id98`r.-hesp $0.316: ?1Bl.1` r A 5; 238 (Ian 210 211 212 213 214 217 218 219 nnn EH l 523 ll 523 GAR 5?? (I10 i3'5- . I96 $22 59 * % P1an,,555 I.-"ii nzn 66V 221 00 253 El E33 256 257 020 JUO 263 264 265 (`IRE 5-73 CV71 OCH 273 2754 275 276 . 277 23% THUR1MYaPEEM3iR..1!i;191 531' GUU 291 310 311 312 313- 314 315 ` 316 . 317 318 319 DOA 321 t E 1-2 :.. __3 5 1-2 1047 200 (as described 1:. regxstered deed No; 491) 1 2Voanv;' co gist 9 34 S E 1'05! rfob 09..-19' 24 2 W at the hour 1of_.; two o clock .*in;`<:`he ? afte,rnbon,]at .Vt.hVe* COURT H_OUSE _1n the TOWN OF_BA-B.R,IEj, proceed to sell by Publxc Auctxon, _W.I'1`HOU'1` RESERVE,Athe lnndaiheree ' under described. , ' 4 v "