Northern Advance, 1 Jan 1914, p. 3

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. % .o f_ ithers tHingsV ` iand crifne ' _. -_.- .. --.-v E;-ayb} `Frost of Orillie open- ` ed his talk with the following: We ll work like a Turk, Till the, bell strikes `ve. We l'1 bust every bar, we l1 -close every dive. For an hour, during which time many people left the -audience - as the hgur was getting late, ,Mr. Frost quoted. figures to prove his son- 'tention- that local option had "not killed Orillia. He said the popu-, lation, assessment, customs, returns, building permits all; "increased greatlysiin the? 'l,st_ ve eyears,` fend the _cliurc,hes -{ind lhave rm 5 int amtpreeedented` `fashione H8;`.'1i?n,*" fafmers_ liv- ; ling` neg:-er: - gt 01'-illia-. it0..I s , - E :3!*1?tiaiti911?eftif ` Wi1'l local option stop drinking? was another ' query Mr.` Gibson answered himself. N 0, he said, unfortunately no. For you` have the men who are slaves to them- selves to deal with. If you love your neighbor half as well as your- self, you will .not continue to make slavm of men, but will drop your ballots for local option for no mat- ter what law you pass ; there _ will be some effects of the licensed trade _ to follow. . I In Ingersoll` .he had told Wood- stock men that they were welcome to the former town s bums as they did not make a town; Mr. Gibson .said there were `blinds pigs in li-A censed territoryv as well as in local option territory, and illustrated by using articles that 9; workman was safer who did not have to pass a hotel to or. work.'t , . - - "` I Is the license law "the remedy? asked -Mr. Gibson, and then pro- ceededs to show that when` the people of a town take the money from liquor license, they are part- ners in the business sharing in the prots. You can t' shouzlder. all the responsibility on the .man behind the `bar, for though , you may be wise enough to stay away, you are` still a partner in the business with. him. , . The liqour trade he characterized as `the greatest evil of the times. Great Britain spends $800,000,000 in liquor, and as long as this con- tinues, he said, the door will be `open. , Canada spends $82,000,000--`-three times as much for booze as for missions. Such men as Gladstone and other emin- ent men had said that the liquor 0 Itraic should be suppressed.- ...,... nu_uw u an. Lnere were, now: ever, some good people opposed to local Option and he would endeavor- to corrvince them of their mistake. trade characterized `nu `H11: nII0nnI~naI- -..:`I -5 L`,' - _- \.|. vuv` VGUPU Uub CHI]. command, - crowd like this means victory on January 5th. Mr. Gibson said he had been at the temperance job nearly 50 `years, but yet he: did not know it all. There were, how_- QVD1` Gnvnn lutxp-\4J ..----1 - ` -....... uuv may uuulellce naa come to hear. him, but rather to listen again. to the immortal theme, and he said the. cause that can pommand m-mm! 1:1... +n...'.. ...--_- After a opening rernarl by: Chairman to Smith, .. in" which "her cl-aimed -that the vast `audience was an laugury` of success, and prayer by. Rev. Mr. Cameron of Toronto, Mr. Joseph Gibson, ex-President of the Dominion Alliance, gave an hour s address, which was listened to with good attention.` He said he was not egotistical enough to think the vast audience had g tn llnnr l-rim 'l..'..L ...-LL--- Opera -Ho'use V lled; to capaciyo at 5 the; ;L. Meetmg afte r the church .. services ' on Sun? day evening` last. _ v'.. A. Smith was k the chairman,_ and seated on the platform owre, Rev. J.` 0. Cameron of Toronto, G. R. `Turk and Mr. J 09. Gibson` of Ingersoll, and Ex-Mayor Frost of. O1`-i1'lia. sed choi-re from the different church- es and e conducted by Mr. L. F. Addison furnished: music, and Mr. J. Herbert Morgan 7 contributed an excellent solo. ANALYS IEETAIEMENTS Option` 10SEPHjHBS0Nl&% A , EX-MAYOR FROST r on LOCAL omon T119` 0P1"a -Hd1`1sewas_ lled. annniv 3+ 4-]... T n 1:-_ 1..- 1':-h*.";:|:Vo1\_p INuin,J `ct cA'NAph cnrrzmou. pening remarks 1, in" vast `audience nan.`-9.. Barrie is no moral towns i much better to law and well- wliiskey `dives . -liable to get i sibly receivp TT'-A._ - _--_-, - A , ......._, .-w..., , Vote_ against 1: for good licen use. your inu 4 law is observed; regarded in Just recently $ in nes have been collected f the keepers of blind pigs in C61 gwood, and there show how the la is agrantly dis- _ ingW0d-, where they`; have had ' ` chiefs engaged successively to clean up the ' and rid it of these. foul crim breeders. There the -poli force numbers ve and the of the administration of, justice is vet heavy. 3 These are the _ nditions that will- This goes to undoubtedly V .p vail if Barrie is put - under loca option, for the j blind` pigger al ays hunts out the dry towns to ly his nefarious business. _ ` l 1 ' AH'er_e V is a clip w_eek s f Collingwood out-and-out advocate of local option, and supporters of the m not say the news is judioed source. .T-h By Th mama P ket i0t0r, Please Hurry! Two Drunken Me elry Store Win Beer Bottl Steal Je _ASo'me lperso 0 persons who apparently, had freely of blind pig booze, Some rings a d a few other articles are m' (triple %of 'nd Con- . dition` in %T.:`ij1 %eme%rgenies,% but in all the f%~ %%*actvi;vities,%%social and domestic, the iQ1l y a. ;helpful part and lighten . ETEN, when someone in the house is sick, the j takes a. sudden turn that is puzzling to the}Vnurseand terrifying to the housewife. i i or please; hurry! --the trusty` tele- and the doctoris urged to -waste isno time to lose, and but would be lost- -(A'dve1'.'fise`rnei) (in your home ? no new. `:50 d houses and then tie `blind! pigs-"-vote co to see that `the hlimyolr ho}? is to trouble and pos- ` jail term. 41.- 11- 1 - " -I Ontario, and it is have a good license one` bf ,the best and supporter _ therefore the sure here can_-_l from a pre- Bglletin says: ng from last`! Bulletin, an] voL. Lxm. No. 1.; T -`wQ6'I;t*'~f6-:?}}:5} THOMHION ClIU;,P,I.llI.lIllIuW < -;- A Break Jew-I w With IINIAJO It is proposed to make the unit 9. camp-going company. The city regiments of the Toronto Garrison will supply some recruits. Two of the city companies will go to Newmarket and Aurora. The 20th -Halton Ries will have their territory ` extended to take in part of Peel county, and Peel, Duerin, South Simcoe and York, will be in-- ,clu(_l_e& in the 36th Regiment terri- , 5...... . l\ York Rangers are recruited as follows: ' I -A. Company, Riversides; B. Com- pany, Aurora; -0. Company, Seaton Village; D. Company, Newmarket; :13. Company, Toronto Junction; F. Company, P-arikdale; G. Com- pany, Weston; H. C`ompany,\ York- ville. - .1 This will solve the recent diffi- culties in the 20th. A new com- manding oicer is expected to be announced. The results of the re- cent investigation into the 36th Peel `Regiment is expected in a decision from the Militia Depart- |ment in Ottawa. ..-vn.A vv AULI The 12th York Rangers, 20th Halton Ries, and 36th Peel Regi- ment, will shortly be subjected to a change. Plans are being prepared for .a change in the recruiting ideas. The York Rangers will be- come a city regiment, and the 20th and 36th Regiments are to be en- `? larged-. Extension of Two -sea's'ons. - .Scott s Em tan is not an experiment but I faithfully for fo NEW PLANS FOR REGIMENTS. 01.` ',, OOAPERANNUM IN ADVANCE swan oomn -man can j and Union with uu LLIULL ` VU11 V LU DUU .|.U.l'_ Ess and disorderly conduct, grom Port McNico11, three _baushene, (the liquor in. --...J-_. 12------ \ _Optor 1 a (Adfeti$mef1t `There are w Sides to:ev e4IV'y< L V estion!_ A ' This is e Right ,`_`.D);W1\Tl `mi: ROVED "9, . boon % :%t9 ;oo11ingw'ood, to` T;Mi`d1and ` viillj` _'proire' f - -' it `i3P, % , 1>1`.4 4.-..` ' u.s1& _ By one who . prepared to J . ASHE F0 THEM! AND ,HE DID! I part -this is -what he _._:a..... - .-54--Id aid-1 `writes; In V11Vmot I have not seen two drunks the streets `at one `time? - ` - During'g same` period -.I have seen only 5. Qdrg1nk_en"~ men in- Collingwoqd 1* % - What is the % Truth! about ollingwood? I have n `seen one . drunken. man under age of -18 1 ;;,d;;;i;ae 'i)]."`"`I1s3`iE>,`f `rolled up d Av license ti `my Books. [ 'the town has ' considerably. -u-4;ooq- _' more liquor . wood" under under hcense sumed in Calling- -It seems ridiculous more liquor from l\B` 4.1.- ..L. 1.1.-.. .'I:J 1 Option than _` of -blind p_iggers : .. uvu: `--`-H .v .|.uu1U l1quU.l.' 1l.'UH.l. O [the `flip pack on -the sly, than Vd1d a':vv+nnn l......a... .._ '.._:n_ ;.1_-:__ .1--__-. JUSETI-`GET F THE PEACE {AND REAL STAT-E BROKER ADDS HIS TESTIMOEY: ` It L-L LL- vass,_giving fperfsonalg eThis_ letter. is in- _y some` idea; of the 1 Option to the re- ter ' personal opinion; writ tended to foo" bene-ts of 2 ` tail` merchan ` T igures were obtain- " in.Dec., 1912, from 3 found that without, `each~ retailv mer- ` an increase in his Local Option, over .der license, `so `much 1 incmase for 15 aggregate an in- so that the f er yearr commercial- d.i .a4..J..V .5JL{U,. '_Jl.I.'a..LV, u.I.' ` fin ` the {Town ` `of i the dierent trades- " ._%`1`. ._-UP1PJFD0EP...VIEW;1 c can begin to-print A few excerpts ,rom some of " - e sta'12emex;;t_s`9f ccand hnsiness. _ A_.s`e6'1_`1_ T.belOwf;_'i` filmost convincing, -,-`accordingly. `Under. ~ licelise, streetwbraivling` -so greatr dan supplied; With 7 wood under `? " in "the streets" with the days [Local Option i Ier town, mor ;_or.e -pre%`l`<`=;%;x1 1:.. Al.- ` .- of: ,minof;{s L `.be ing Auor; In Calling- and peacefully, drun`kmnm%j`%ana ..1%?_SB`H%I as .Bm.@R! ..H%o-~I A %KEE1\{ JOHN MIIR, .I.P. co. Simcoel E?'sHIEI>Dsl J. ZIMMERMAN, (Mgr. White s,. Ltd.) > Under wwlloc.-`ali ' iness has increased than under hcense. freer, _ and I now -.._ J34. 5 `VOUU DCJ, V_l-llhull. \LI-\.I. rs `with their sleeves g ` legal hours irh TT_. J-.. ments IlLl\'lBo - I; `to `-`analysvb the t:ate- ` the Barrie . liquor be something of T` a: grdif accounts 01$ moral s-tandand= of my opinion raised FSIaNE"` `er: win a no... u... __-.._-.._- .IN;If_:`I:1'1s` 1'!`-ll' _O lll_il7l"_( or Asmcosf Ann -Ts'IM[coE{ oN1?AR1o, JANUARY :1. EUBLIC j -ROADS A AND % HIGH-A * I_.fWA YS Colb;-S\S`IONV -OF & % V M % 3*}: % .- *5...-`. -. -I. -I lD\I V. LAID! :9-on_stipg.tion. - uuuary Iuuucg 'Hal1 s '0arrh Cu-_re__ is taker : . in- `ternally; ._ dnd :.acts directly on- the blood ;and,gmucous` surfaces of. the` Tsystem. . Se_nd; "for testim free. ' ` i.- J; CHENEY-f & CO;, % T -V _To1edo', _-O.' Sold.`_fby- all Drvuggists, ` }1?'%i1ls AA ad-:u`gnA`:A.. lBarrie Carriage Co.,water `and light, a 1912 _ . . . . . . Canada Producer &.G. E. ' 00., water -& lig"-l1t,191_2 Manufacturers water and light; 1913 (Say) `Electric light, street light- .ing, etc. Accounts payable (say). Agri_cu1tura1- Park on culvert (in excess of amount raised by debenture) net Manufacturers exemption (conditional) . .. .. . .. - . T $32917.57 B`alance--Surplus , . . ._ . . . .8323? 02 -uuvvvv va. VJ:-nnv, \JlUJ VJ. J-VlDllU,} 88 .. Lucas' County. Frank` J .' Oheneyo makes oath that he is senior partner of the `rm of `F. J. Cheney & 00.; doing business in the City `Of Toledo, County and `State aforesaid, and that said: rm` will pay the sum of ONE` >H;UNDRED.. DOLIIARS` for each and every case` of T Catarrh that cannot: be .cf1f1red by the use of _HallA s; `-Catarrh Cuife.` 7.11` A t\T`I*1 `G in-'-v---n"oo-capo stater TOhio, City or Tolado,] nugg-' IV---..A... I ` ---{vvyoc my \avUv Ih \/O . FRA-N K J. CHENEY. Sworn to -befoi-e,1 me and sub- scribed. in` my` presence ' this` 6th day or Decembf,1',mA.D..- 1886. " | IQ....`l\ nrnnnnxv 'SaIaries . . . . Public Schools . . UICS oioo Q c u A 00 Collegiate Institute. .. .. . Debentures f not presented.. Coupons not presented . .`. De-beonture and cou-pon un- mu V vuuuuu .l..LULlLl'UUI.' or U. 134. - 00., overdue inetal. . .. . . 2000 00' Electric. Light ADept., De- ibenture/and interest` 6052 29 Electric Light Dept_., cost * of voting on by-law, etc. 136 03 `(Bradford St, water ser- .vices.... .. 18140 `Engineering fees re Main` .. _ Sewer construction.'.. . . 1081 89 `Engineer fees J1-e `sewer connections ._ .. . . . . . . . 52 11 `Water & Light 'Dept,share of audit . . . . . 150 00 `Rent of niarket istiail `and A - - _ 1VI\l\'rv\ ,,,,,,, - - V vvioq uuu. OlO O.IhII I000 II `Cash on hand as per bank .kM1, Iuavvv us ..I.Iu(4l|/CD date` . :Street Oiling, Ana... vs vv \/_;.uu5, uupulu '1 date .. Spencer Industrials . . ._ *0ar13ada Prgducer &`G. 1 | 1913 I U1_1paid-__Ta`x'es, 1 Unpaid Taxes, ; Sewer Rates, 114:`-A ...... '\4I-@111 sun; .;. U10 uupu xuvu, uurcu from W these be g obtained under license,). two fro nHi'I1sda'le, and one each from_ 0 water, Brechin and \Sun-. derland, hile three were me?) pick- ed up` a. he railway statiommaking a total 17. Of the remaining 15,` seven de ared that they had "got their liq r at Barrie. This leaves only ve Vases `in which -the source is not accounted `.for. that the police now, actice of bringing into,` court no only, every drunken man they mee -but every one they hear of and c get information against, this is a markable record, and a_ `Strong te mony to the effective- ness of cal Option in reducing - `pnblic. d _kenness . - u _ L`_, ..., 1 .1- naJ.u.Go..U.l. UHU '1U(lger I tIhe.- following? are the revised ~g_u`res. as published in the abstract sta,temen~t _'and distributed at . the nomination meeting on` Monday night. 6 _! .':-.:';?.r~;1.5.i;q_' ` ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Exclusive of Road Improvement, `Sewers, \Vaterworks and" Electric Light Departments, as of December 15th; 1913. . men has` ha. _'a"-ble .i to -nish - the year with aisurtplus 0 of $3237 0 shoulci be a matter for `general? congratulation. _ ' _ "They shouldered adecit of `nearly $2000 from "last year and that _ meang that "over \;$5000 would 4be 9 the real a_niount `of the `assets over liabilities for the , year.. This year` it was thought necessary to raise the tax rate to 25 mills, but as the `surplus is in reality $5000, a rate of 23 `mills would have sufeed to make both sides of the ledger balance. T113 ` ----- `V1 ' I I` ' J%suowm TOWN Jsmlamzuri 5. \IL -I (Seal) ` .Lia.bilities c .LUUVo "& _ W`T7'LEAsoN, `l\1'.. ;.-_._ 11-3.1: Asts ' 'u'np'a'i21' "`?<`6f d_runken 1913 .%.$7582 92 Arrears . . 1704 91 unpaid-V to ' > \l&JAJ'A-vlk.-7\.I.I.`, Ngtary` Pub_lic| um -_ L.` _-.. -.. $6 $33154 B?) 1022 28 17008 91 ` 821 29 3488 41 8 231 29 4348 23 900 00 2654 21 9464 03 6 667672 6616 43% t sen appeal town . of Option (1 : = labbvii heaaine ' in B-arrie` ` have :'j`iSs`ii"ed* 1 the electomlr of_ve:`a:g c;hhi.t;`{ ch the ` chief 'feature.:_fis `i `a copy fr an Orillia -'pape'1V`.j--opf_'.' -- as to police vcourt` J 1 his town, and "comments T thereon it which emphasis" is `laid - upon the `onvictions `for oifences; against t Liquor License, "Act, and for nkenness and disorders"- - 'On the `strength :of these gu s Orillia is held u-p..~as_ a terrible xample of `what Local . for a community; U11`-_ ' for the argument, an - the gures does not V As is well known , Orillia lice court is 3, sort `of ` clearing curse for the whole dis- ,- trict, an V: large proportion ofgthe .: cases do t originate in this town." Thus of e ten convictions '_.for` breaches the License Act, 3 only` three We - Orillia cases. Four cases ca . from Wawbaushene, two from Co on and onefrom Craig-. . hurst. ' the ten cases, "'th1`.ee` nst those licensed to 4 iquor, one of the _Orillia' cases bei ~_ against the proprietor pl ot the b wery, the only person in 1 J Orillia. ho has that privilege, ` though has no't the right to sell 1 locally. 11 both the other cases t the liqu was brought from Bar- C` rie, and 1d in small quantities ._to *5 compani A. this little transaction 8 costing o - man $150 and the other 1` three In he in gaol. 32 men convicted for __,;|_____1_A___ __, ___- 1'-_.,,1 1 `I - if 417 17} `"936 34 950 00 547 81 191 60 434. 59. 9000 ;r?hefgessins #9 ils

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