v oovbt [kipd Right Now is the Time to Get Ready for the Hot Weather Stocks are now Complete and you can buy to advan- tag'eby_ doing it early. Mqs_lins aml_ Zeph_y_r Voiles_ at Ha}fpri_ce ays I`ternoons% dUl`1ngJuly and Aug. About 20 pieces-ofvthese wash mate-rial-s that are'ne quality and fast colors, regular value "18 to 25c., on sale to clear this week at IOC. ` Dresser Covers, Stand Covers, Tray Cloths, Five o'clock Covers, Hemstitched and Em- broidered, bought at aggreat bargain on sale this week at..'- ............. .; ........ ..'. ........ ..;.29c. The 'Middy Waists will be very popular they are so cool and useful. See our showing of them this.we_ek. All sizes and colors. re- presented at $1.00, 1.50 and 1.7 5 each, SARJEANT & KING KUM KUM KUM Baseball Notes "SE %Dresser Covers at 29c. Come-Vto`. the . Diafnond Jubilee Celebration at Barrie. 1 l e ' A A _..J.u__ne;30l1I:and July lat. F li':gA'hVts_, TWVat`er Carnival, Old Boys Reunion," Miilitary :TttQo, _F_eVId."Sp_or_ts, ~Fix_'ewo:.k,__Band Tournament of 25 of the " _ %Bes t",B~ands iii Canada; 1%? waists 111. (ll: ULLVEV LAJVQEAAU, .l./\.5AlA'\ItI' O\.lIlI COOK AND DINING ROOM` GIRL WANTED at once--App]y at the Simcoe Hotel`, Barrie. 20-tf IFARM FOR SALE IN `SUNNL DAL_E_-100 acres, more or less, gbout 65 under cultivation, bal- `I A_ -,_ s-ALvA'131oN ARMY sEi7icEs, % SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1913. All `are invited. to -these meet- I ings. Friends from the churches! will be qni1,_e welcome after fheirf evening services are over. i .Ensign Burrywishes to inform all concerned, that the recent self,-denial effort was a splendid success, and on the local_ corps and" his own behalf, wishes to thank very. sincerely, all who con- tributed in any way` toward the same. 11.004 a.m. Holiness meeting. 3.00 p.m. Praise Service. 7.30 p.m. Mr. Clark, Secretary Y.M.C.A., will preach. QUOIIB 00 -uuuer Uuxuvuuuu, uz:u- . `anoe pgsature and hardwood tim- F91 15he_ f0110W111g' Wqrk in con- ber, . SO11 `clay loam; good` orchm-d, D00t1I1 W1-th P115110 30110018, good I` barn TOWH Of Ba_rr1e. WOI`k 130 be `rough-cast house; `oonvement to ; C0mD_19ted_ by, the end Of J1113 - and spring well. Snap if taken at 11.10% by F1 d- 0t f]0I1,CC1hai1'Inan once. Apply to. TWm. Spicher, 0 1'0P91'T-Y 311 ' UPD Y 0II1mit'fee- vSunnida]e `Corners; PQO.` 25-27pg WEST WARD SCHOOL --New A fmm Victoria, B.C'.,` .`~'~ay.<: (..'-a11a.da"s rst railway con- r was a recent visitor to Vict- m'i1. John Harvie of Toronto, is 51 yuxm of age but still hale and" l1cm't_v. He was conductor in charge 0f the first railway train to_ope1'-ate in ihv Dmninion,` from Toronto -to. Am'm'u. 30 miles, On the 1 old! To-* rrmm, Simcoe and; .Huron. ro-ad. T}:<- rst train pulled: Out of Torovn-_ tn, .\l:1y 16, 1853, and`, Within "the 1)`.il f limit of 30 miles succeeded nm1is]1i11g' the single passenger c-ozuxh. No onefwas= killed! ..9.I1d the rmul \va.'s: not sued .for 1n 1'n1111i11g` over `one cow and: do-" pimw ADVERTISEMENTS. LIMITED ii * Recognizing the Wideespread popularity of . shorter working hoursduring the hot` weather and at the sclicitation of our help, our stores will be closed every Wed nesday at l2o'c|ock, noon`, during July and August, commencing g July 9th. We bespeak `your cozopera _tion in this, progressive movement Barrie is making great progress as a summering town and this movement of utilizing Wednes day i afternoon for picnics and pleasure, is a boost to Barrie. As an inducement to do your shopping on Tuesdays during the holiday 'months, we will have special bargains on this day during July anal August. Particulars Later. {ceiling for portion of ball as dir- zpcted by Property and Supply Com- gmittee, style of plate -used t obe se- {lected: by Committee. 'W3AC1"I'\' 11"YA'I 1.`I'\ (Vl1TTl\f\T| '\'T'___ i3URToN AVE. SCHOOL - Varnishing and painting hall W00dr _-work . -Storm sash for four west Vrooins of school tted, painted: and glazed complete with hangings or fastenings. T A.-._-_._-__._. ..A.-..._A__ __ _ JJLAKJJ. ' V1 A.LL&lJ J..L\J\J'.l.4' J.1\lVV] hardwood oor, :1`i;hed' complete, with oil, etc, - 711... J... A, 1, - , J,`l_____ - `I LIL T.`__._J W. M. (`ampbel1, foreman at the` 014111;. freight. sheds of the -G.T.R,`,' has 1'e.s'ig11e(1 after forty-one years of service. He joined the staff of the railway at Seaforth in 1872, about` four yealxs after the Buffalo & -Lake" 1Iu1'o11 Ry.. was absorbedibythe T.R. Subsequent1y_ he served", at 'I`1'<}11trm. Belleville and Colborne, and moved to Orillia in 188$}.A Mr. 3e1'Ir:1111 Richard` will be his succes- van, vvvl "nders us be addtresseda to Fred. W. !Obto.n, Chairman of Property and Supply Committee, Barrie, om >01-`before June 27th, 1913. 'I3'TIT.11\ `II A 1'31) 25-25'-H ` Barrie` :>}w~E`:ducatiovn. . The time for receiving tenders for concrete pavement and curbing _has been extended until noon of the 28th of June. Barrie, June 5,__1913. ` - ' K. S.` Ma'cDONF.-LL, 24- Town Engineer. v .-.4-na.-. '.a..n.\_1\J,;J .;. harcvlwoodv iJo:ver hall, ed complete. Vamishing and paint- ing woodwork. ` %9.=`f3N%"-:.RAL :$CH.0P ..- M9931 .\;vv\A- IJJ \l VLALALAJ. UIl\.l\IO 'fE`AST` nS(_L`}TQOrIJ--1`\T EXTENSION or TIME TENDERS. WANTED | Jay RE:D.. 3 VA. S01 . Orilli-.1 Pacl{et--`fSupt. Lynch just treated himself to a. new Iiri-` vate car. If charity begins at home it sh-o:u1d- not end there. What about a new station for Orillia.. ' Rev. J. S. Humphrey will rotorn from Toronto: Conference thisiweek," and will preach at vhoth services in Burton Ave,_Method'1-st Ohumh next Sunday. 1.11.3 mornmg subject .will he, '.l`ho Voc_.ation of the Preacher, _ and the evenlng subject, The Pray` ers of the Congregation. " f _ On Saturday evening a atcar 1ou(le(1 with steel rails got ldose frmn Conductor Stoner s train` at Vino and, owing to the heavy 10nd, it soon gathered speed on the downgrade into the Alllandale yard.'<, and nally, on its arrival hero, plunged into a shunting en-` ginc. L The shunter was` in charge of Engineer Geo. Overs, VW_hO was` badly slmken up. Theat car was conlpletely demolished'.:"'8_.f1dV several of the rails pierced the boiler on the engine and damaged it so badly it is out of commie? sion. Mr. J. Hipson of ;BarriO!.,' who wz-1;~: driving` into town, nar- 1'ow1_vesaped being hit at the F0SSin:.'. near Alderman .CIark s house, by the car. Mr. AHipson'- states it must have been travel-g ling Over 60 miles anhour. The Orillia Packet - says:--91488.3 Friday, after travelling _f Q1` 0V9`-" a mile and a- half with thev-"hOt'.'L box hroken and tearing up tih` roadhed while burning coals. W461-"95" IN THE MATTER or `I'll! I$'rA`TI. gl ELIZA ANN HEWITT, I810 01'` QIIO cggwllldlgxf gggelgstlhe countll of 8Vl_n|V-f Nnilng :. L__-\ __ -,nA_',,. ,,__,_,_,_A.'A.- Q'A._'A. M1`. 21. u, __,___vw v and family, "arrived _ en- for the summer months Tat: cottage near Lover s Cre ek.`-5` 011 Friday at June 13th, the dea?r::&rr%`k;:; fornlerly of Alla ' ? arrived here, ac(I3lL:i1:::t;.1ii':`(Iilebb_(?.dy:.-~ parents, and Mrs; J.` B.` M}i)Ao1,ts, ald, of Toronto, on the e `W : train Tuesday_ The fuherai 11<;Qfn.., {)]11'a11~riL\7al of V the train for `teh:`;~ mull `.en1etery,. theLRev. A; V Pearl Rutherford, 1 ` r.,_o of M1-_ and Mrs. Jnool? Brown conducting the Gerem % ony at the grave, "`~ "H-Uvv. ucceuacu . Notice is hereby given puraunntto sm- utesof_ Ontario. Geor e V, Che -26, and :1" `hnEAci.s. that a creditor: andhothors Fvi claims against the Estate 0! the-said; lgmzl Ann ilewitt who died on or nbouvthe W da of April Am. 1919. are re uired orror posftlrct .e,12:h.day of July A1). 191 to send and grenand or to deliver to Mesnrs Stew , ul tewart. Owen st Barrie. Solicitog-0* on M? xecpior of the will at the said. L arm ewiik the-i.r Christian and lurnIIlIoI;={I<.l'f.' i chi csand descriptioniutuil artlouinn ot.he,,i imnm-La statement of the?!` accounts` If " i we of the security (it any)~he|a' bg;1gm" And furthur take notice that on 'r'ui1d`.' ggtdmftzgitionad date the said, executor Wat mm mdiatribute. the assistant the- vdet_:,l_O `rd gm 0 parties entitladihereio havi V fhen buy to those claims 0! which ho`-s mbenebnotice: and. the ao.id_ex_ec_nt6!-`,, g; meant: le for the said assetai or any_,-.. `ism..:u:2;%:...s:':.*:.':,.?.m;:e.'.... ~ im at the date of such distribuiionj` Flt!!!` `limp. `ALL unqu- Mr. Kirk Ferry returned lrom -on Saturday evemng, `. . Mr, S_ A, Jenningse_l1"a;e;g1_'e _ 1' 3 his summer cottage Tneat~""Mi.n gltlys Point for the seas_on.U. ; M1.` Chas. Wilson returi_9 Monday "from vWa.Shin8't0n ' 5 he has been at the 'I4`i1`_eme;p1;"V_8 ". (3o11`.4g vention. ML A, H. `Lefroye of`fToro _nt gusts--_25 CENIs oooo.oooo`oc> o_ f`-6;O1 ` 4 nnn. Woo L ".935? T0 CREDIT9R; --V-v uuu uuug Q! In` Dated June 10th. EIUIIFIIIEV . CV WIJI` I 9 `luv _ ful- 1nd-ay clock. . .696 -7 .. -.--- -on-rvnnvlnvnwali-_ une low. 1913. { "Q: A swwanw 8; STEWART '~ Executor:-,?,ol.!Mxt_ ' l\__ .__ IL.__-A'L' "6'v'vZ:i eec, Ma Marv-buy. . v.'> I ~ 51-90 44 7 Per The Hamilton` `V`i_SitI0l'S thougilt` Barrie 9. pretty ne town--until-E [hey saw` OriIl~ia, remarks The A. _ Packet-`--and` then rllieil` -~ im-I -n..p\n.~-.\._._ ___.- J Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Wilkinson, lwho are touring the Pacific` Coast, have sent back excellent views and newspaper reports, describing the Portland, - Ore., Rose Festival, held last week. It is a week s carnival" of fnn,and millions of roses are used in decorations and displays. V Messrs. W. J. Robertson, the secre- tary, and "Mr. Digby, the chairman of the me-mbershiptom-mittee of '-the Ontario ."..,Motor . League, addressed the Barrie Motor Club last 'Thu'r's- day night on the aims ofthe League.` it has been decided by the Barrie `tr-1,-.1, __:J.L ALA ~l'\lu?ul-nuvin --Open for. the` season. llittle Lake! Summer Resort. Boats for Him`! Board by day or week, "and lunches and soft drinks at all-`hours. Missl Lawrence. - 19 tfl ,1 Strand: Branch of the Weman s" Institute will hold its summer meet-, ing in Strand `Methodist Church on Saturday, June 21st, at 2 p=.m.' Mm Watts will address the `meeting. At. 5.30 refreshments will` be served, to which the gentlemen. are cordially I invited`. Thfe s`t}ructuraI irofi for the large addition. to.;;he1B_arrie Tannery arv rived last` week, a.nd= work will be proceeded} with shortly. ' W, W the ..wheu'_e he: Q.` WV-_-'I'%e` in` readiness for the Dia-_ mond Jubilee with a Kodak, and- good supply ` of Films. Splendid" :stock to choose from at Cross-9 eland s Drug`St_ore. V Bass `'s'hi 1:g' sson opned on Monday, and? [a number of the local [shermen rgport fair catches. T Saturdiay .will be the longest day ~ of the year, and Sunday marks the beginning of Summer,: "aecording_ to the cgalendar. ' ' - - .- vuvonity nan, wavu , uuvull-' .l.l.IDV 1113' pressions were more thoroughly con-u lrrnn A ` " --])uri}ng thev.. suinnier months Bos/anko s oice will* be, closed all day Wednesday- ' * report that the Bell Telephone Co. `The `Green-Eyed` Monster, again. The Orillia Packet laughs; at the` will erect a '..th-ree-storey building on the property recently purch-ased on Elizabeth St., -and asks how would bne stotrey -do for "9; start ? I "hurled from -und` ' tth/es traingas he strewn along the track, the Mid- langl express was brought to a standstill within a short distance of one of the sharpest turns on the line,_ and one which would, havehurled the engine andj pas- senger coaches into the ditch it the train had` attempted to '_mak'e' the bend. The trouble was _: notic- ed by the conductor, who; saw broken ties and` live coals being walked from? one 'vestibule_;_into A another.. , -He ~,.immediately_gave the ~ signal _te_ stfop,` and thejfeuger.-'_: gency_ ~bra`k_es; were`-.appl1ed. .wa.si MoA1pi:ue ,& B5,chandsoxi*s;)o1oth. ingt =Fac_tory reopen_ed;_ .9011 Monday- with an inc1;_eased:`staff: - . ' It ----The_ Epwortli League Of`: the` Central Methodist Churoll .will run} an excursipn, to Bradford per Str. Otonabee on Tuegay, July 15th. Further notice late . 25-V25 --You can get the ,._Engagex_nent and Wedding Ring and the Marriage License at .E. H. _ Williams Jewelry Store, and feel thoroughly satised that you have the `best value obtain- able. - tf. A glen attended socia1wa` _he1d L__ J.'L_ 11-_-.L!_; I v A well, social was held by_ the Baptist choir at the Person- age last Friday. Games, refreshmeiits and music. were equally enjoyed by [all present. Miss M. Sinclair, the?- ,gol medalist, -`also gave, a splendid lirecitatio-n. ` ~ ' i Few The Provmclal Government has` *tion. of the Champlain .monument `at Orillia, and} word has been re- ceived from Lord Str-athcsonae that he .will- head avsifbscription list` with` $1,000. 0 V \ I promised! $2,500 bowardsr the erec- ' % Igancr: conert* i1i ;Queen s; Park,% tomght. . " ' 6 3 000009 OQOOOTQQOQOUOOOOOLOC ' . The summer -(on the, G.T.R. on Saturday. ' ` ~ av vvvroallv D We/dne`sda y`: _ : ---For real good owers-weddingl or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs] or Flloral effects, put up in the most' artistic manner, see WM. TAYLOR, Florist, Dunlovp St., Barrie. `A - tfl --' LA`-V -`,'."'!'.=".`.~`~V'I,"".".`.'[,-`V! V K0009-9o__9_ qgonoaotgo Read' ; L Dreamv 1an s' on 1- piige ;hree. ` ~ V ' ' ' FITQY: May 8 08611 uUU>lUUU DJ IIIIU yg...y to affiliate with-. the rOntariol I The Parks ` Commission ` d;esires,i thrqugh the medium of the press, lto request-' tha_,t those parties who busy themselves upsetting`: the park seats and tables, will cease their an- lnoying and destructive conduct, |Doubtless, Barrie air` is productive` `of buoyant spirits, but surely there` `are more honourable methods. `through which to work o surplus; energy that might be cheerfully a,d~' opted. ` . 2 . ` i eLast week` two: new electric signs were erected by Mr. Chas. Beattie-- one for Hunter Bros. `and the other `for Wm. CrosslandL Four more are on order. One each for A. D. G. Hanxmer, Sarjeant & King, the New Shoe Shine -anidi Billiard Parlor and J. G. Keenan,` andi several others are contemplating this fornrof "adver- tising. It means a considerable ad- dition to the-revenue of the Electric Light Dept, and; they all help to_ brighten the appearance of -the street. f .- ` EBROWN -- At`C1andeboye Farm,l `Gundle s, ' on `Sunday, June 15th,! Catherine Jane, beloved wife of` _Robert R. Brown, in) her -72nd -Mr. and; `mm. 1- John H; Neelnds of, Calgary. .a,nnounce the engage- ment of their daughter, Bessie E_u~ `genie, to Mr. J ames- Calloway` Tea gue. j The marriage will take place in Calgary on June 25th. - .'.[`I`l.'A_.-('3EY-At \Midhurst, `on June to 'Mr._ and. Mrs. Le_vi Tracey; . dayghter. Mr; A Frank ' the veteran` sessiona-I clerk of the House of Commons, returngd f1`-om Ottawa- Iast week to (spend `the summer in. Barrie. S STHOM-PSON STEWART The Mail and Empire of Saturday says:--A wedding ` took place`. ' on `Thursday last in the Church of St. Augustine, . when Henrietta Alley, daughter of Mrs; Sarah Stewart, be- came. the wife .of Mr. Alfred Ed- mund} Thompson-. Rev.. Canon Plummfer oieiatedi at` the ceremony. The bride looked charming in a `travelling gown of blue with hat to `match- Mr. anzl Mrs. Thompson left immediately 170: an extended tour of England; Ireland " and Scotland, and will also_ visit France and Ger- many before returning to Toronto], which .will be their . permanent resi- dence. 1 McGINNIS-In Barrie, on J une` 17 to Mr. and'~-Mrs. Walter `MoGinnis` ,,.,.... 7 EU THERFORD--At Forget, `Sask. on J une 13th, Pearl-, , only daugh. . *,ter of J. M. and` Pearl Rutherford, (forn'1erly of Allandale), aged 3 years and 6;nonths-.A ` J LITTLE-I;1' Barrie, on "Saturday, June 14th, Jane Gertrude, ' d da_ ghter of thelate G`. % . I Littl`e,- Esq., %M.P... % - V TM-aim daaughte'r o '..a11. -Mrs. I-. 19 >ye;ars. In_- ; _MeGU7AIG-e_-At 6njJi1n 8th, ;V1NsURAN0Fg Am) REAL ES: W aTAmE"' ~ %Ba1l-.V&,'B8i1e3*. besides 1'9P`I'e8`ent~ fing;ooa1i ef of; the"b;eet Life: gm: Fire ' ' ' ie's,{- are oering. A f0?--.3319 at fA -Aziithrfdrd-, Lfbf. Vmomma le` {Canadian (revolver yxpert, and member of the Bisley team, -called on the ~Ad:v_anoe .while intown on Mon- F rank" the veteran u'1ve'> groom is a nephew! of Wright and Mrs. Crew of ABarrie. I -The following students of thei 'Barrie Business College have ac`- cepted positions : -'- Elmer Braden, Provincial Secretary s oioe, Toron-5 ito; Martha Spence, Craighurst,' stenographer at, Honey Harbor; Florence , Somervillc, Stayner, won ' he gold medal for penmanship pro- ciency; ` KW ll`-'4 Av- m the. E the neJ 'in,_4 week, I Dr. Little, M.H.O., has received '_from the Commissionn of C*onsbrva- tion. at Ottawa, a. large package of 12-page `pamphlets, giving timely hints on the V.Co llection and Disp-0:5-I al of Refuse. The pamphlet, .which `is illustrated,- contains many excel- lent sug'g'est_i0ns. They will" _be dis ltrilbuted to the _pub1ic_: free. I --Your little boy, or girl can picture many features of the Dia- mond Jubileer with a Brownie Camera. You-' can get. cameras `from $1 to $12 each at Cross- land Drug Store. uI`vI:$;:1'1`ei9n,- .0: mson; Alta;.!,f'was the guest .Qf'- his ister,5 Mrs; .Geo. J.`runkel&, during the week 4-it . _- - ----ujvp IIDX ` f;$oiooo00900099999061 `--A Kodak` and a good supply] of Films _will afford. you V grea.t| pleasure at the time of the Die,-I mond Jubilee; Kodaks and Br.own-I ie Cameras from $1 to $65 each lat Cr`osslaI}d s Drug Store. pm). ~ oooumd ably; thair. new ' M g*5?3*?'1!dav ` '9f5 ~,}}ii -I-VJllI\JlIIl, a9 uIJIFJL\/, '73`, \.II&L The games this week, as`.per sche-i dule arranged; are :--JJ_;ne 18, Bar- rie at Cookstawn; J 11116 21, Ivy at Thornton; June 25, Cookstown; 4at~ `COOKST2-OWN 7,_ THORNTON 4 Cookstown won from Tlfomton at [the park, Cooketoswzn, -last Wednes: 'day evening, by 7 runs to 4. The {result of the game was never in doubt. Cookstown was out to Win- and they did win. It .was a splendid game all the Way, and the players on `both teams `played well. Sam. Elliott, as umpire, was O.K, rnL_ ,,---___ 1.1.3, ....`L,. .__-._`I_ __ ._-__ -FVJO Barrie won out in the scheduled game with Ivy last Friday night, at the ' Agricultural` Park '-here, by a. score of 9-8, with an extra innings-.. Thos. I-Iindle was referee, and the teams weere almost vthe same as in the former games._ _ A / MOTHER }sI<())1I BY YOUNG Mrs. % James Calbacoak ` of, `Calling- ,wood was shot and almost I '1` 1 I , 1' 11,L P.__, ;VV\l\I\l VIRGO IJJ-J IQLL\.I. Ibanaavvv oaanalvvlrcavsu killed by a. i11et- from a. rie red L__ `L-.. .-.__.. _....`.. -1). an... ._LA_. .JL.. $111?` Ila IO by her four-year-olti son, whom she had taught. how to load` and; fire the weapon. The` circumstaqces of the case are most extraordinary, and the IIIALLVII uLI\I'LAL In ALLLV aALv\.|| ,details as related by -eye witnesses details as relateci by some witnesses areeextremely A :4 _'_. .____..J_ __-_. .._.-___1. -... 'Il'-....'I.... utu ID4sv:.uA.u.uLJ uwuvo - T An inquest was opened.` on Monday with Crown Attorney Cotter pres- iding. It was adjoumeti until yesterday aftemoon, and in the Irlqxintime a post""`n}o;tem `has been I e . _ .Wardien -Simpson: took the County. Council .on a trip to Bale. yesterday, I` J . . .`;' ~ ~ l `- . ,` ` - 7 . V *1 `* *` ' ' . . ` ' 4 .3 , V, , ; .A 5" ~ _- r. _ _ _ KUM FOR.