[Bahia Thistles H Ellis E H Williams W B Aiken W A,Boys,Vsk-9 `Barrie '1` Crew D W LeRov ATBrownle'e . Jas Vair, vsk-16 .:_Bnr;ie k-22 %mix1,A;;:1\;e;;: ,`1>_1;a" c Nuts which have, g_row,n stale may be freshehed s9akix3'gt'an jh_,om`- x in msrirari-%:%.$ I with :. (mu 9` I .2 `he;a.vy." rug or . !!'P,.t ~1`t:.,:;Sj"a.` -:goiQ'd:' .p1an=I to. spread, :71:-'.new uxi-e~..=-.4`: 5.-.:+n=.'. ' L ` ` iiT1.\fi-`T 'n'o`g. pl`%'.`.'.'a-C. .3..-[`.."I'.'; L Badly stained knives maybe mgde to -Tloolcijas ;good as ,.ne'w by rubbing . r,_z\. : . . > .--. '<')} :.'iv't_1'; -e-irT;'w:tv.v1t:1.1 the3r- will take up th eirjrs1den,_c:e in Lgt_hb1fidge.. Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone left on the evening train for _the States, where the;-honeymoon will be spent. The going-away gown was of navy blue ~` broadcloth, [with hat to match and very 'han5lsorne mink furs were v.wo'rn_wV1th this costume. . ' -Gll\l' LIIU `UUVA QIIUQVCB VIII lI`l3llC\s' At the last a'nnu'a]'n:1'eeting of sub- scr1bers,_. .~a= rfesolutxon - .. was `passed -empoWei'ig' tiie Board of Directors to lll. any v'acan5;i5 that may occur on Ebb `Board 'dur1ng' the_ yeaid Orie suc vacancy was caused 111 mi sum- mer,-_hy; --the rembvals- of --./Mrr. D.` A. 1\:I1cKayS'-from ` ;)own;.)' an'(% this-~was...A~1I;v e in eptem er . y t e e ection. 0. M!`- .W.. -Cyo-s1and,,.-; The .averag.e- a.,t-. Eendance av .the `~m'onthIy " meetings. as beenhvg. - , A'.fl\'rrAC"'4.t:v-'.:ft1':.1'yAno- `Inna `i:;\:A:n o-A hubs` ` -----.- -.....-r uuugu-5 nan. acuuc ayucxuc. F The gr0om s gift to the. bride-was e a lovely diamond brooch, and among the many and costly offerings to- this .po-pu_1ar young lady. was a"; set of china from the pubhc works de- partment of Edmonton; ` ' | Thegwhole house was most art- istically decorated with quantities of white and /mauve chrysanthemums and white carnations, the pretty' lun- cheon table sharing the same_esche_me. -- Rev. G. W. Kerby, pastoreof the. Central Methodist `church, perforrnkj `ha ceremony. in the presence of onlyfthe immediate relations and a few friends. V T T nnnn uusyg vu. only wan LUGI IIIIIIC. The bride, who was unattended, entered the drawing room on the arm of her brother, A. E. May of East Ca.`przry, to thestrains of the wedding march played by DeLisle kgowned in white duchesse satin,`en traine, trimmed with beautiful hon- iton lace and pearls, and carried `a shower of bridal roses. The bridal couple took` their place in front of a `bank ofyferns and palms and un- der a_ large wltebell lled with mar- guerites, which, after the_ ceremony, were showered on the bride by the pulling of. a. satin ribbon.` ' Ir` `er I\'.f:._.'. V `She was very handsomely | u\.I.Iu\. UL A711 5. 1` I CUCIICK f1arrl3UH ' `Brown, 126 Second avenue, west," iCa1gary, `when her sister, Amy- iMay, was united in` man-iage to Robert Livingstone of Lethbridge, manager of the Galt coa1'mine. "I11; _ 1 , c 1\.\.uuuuCuuCu LU!` pdyllltllt, Report No. I of Management Committee presented by Chairman Palling gave the monthly reports of L the various schools, anck reported the ; absence of teachers during December as follov_vs:_ Miss `Sing, ;3 - days sickness, her place being `lled by .Mis_sCr_aig' for nine `days and Miss Longman. for four days: Miss Me- Robie` "was absent onlv half- day through illness, all the oth'ereteach'ers, being. present every day. ' I ---v--tn-you avong ! A \dre-x-gr pretty `home wedding took `place a; .4 o'clock on Dec. 19, at the home of `Mrs. Frederick Harrison_| Daisy...` 31:` C_-'-__ I u: pxauc nut is Luuc. , .. ` Finance Report No. I, wa_s present- ed by `Chairman `Smith, giving state- ! ment of. receipts since last ' meeting i as fo-l1owsV:--- ` ' 5 Municipal levy, I910-II, P.S..$2ooo oo ` Municipal levy. I910-II, B.'C.I. I000 00 ;Tuition fees, B. 'C. I. . . . . .. 2 oo lCoun.ty Grant, B. C--I. 1324 25 Non-resident fees, per E. Shear, P.` S.... ..-., 25 50 Accounts-'to the amount of $152.49, were recornmended for payment. pnnnrf \Tn 1 nt RA ........ -L ` v.I.al ulll. nuuca. ' ; Miss Ross of Ward VI school wrote asking leave of absence, _on account of illness, for six months.` This was grantedby the Board, and Miss Skinner of Bradford will take her place for a time. T 'D:......-.. 13...... 1.7.. - _--- Au--A vvul uc uum: as suun as possible. 1 Maj.-Smith of the Ordnance Dept. at Toronto `wrote. informing Prin- cipal Redditt of the `Collegiate In- fstitute, of the regulations regarding the issue of the new Ross ries to the `Cadet Corps, stating that on giv- ing a bond of $25 for each rie `is- sued. The 'Co'llegi_ate Cadet Corns are now equipped. with about fty Martini. Rives. '\I'3-, fl... 1' II! 1 via . - Fred jMarr. treasure" . Duff. A.~ Hay, T. D. , C;-osslatid, C. ;'\.uxua1_y. - A communication` was received from Lieut-COL Galloway in refer-- ence to having an instructor sent from Stanley Barracks to set up. the -ma-chine-gun_ at the Collegiate. This will be done as soon as. possible. Mai -Qmi+1. A: +1.. n...a........... 11-... uuua uxauc I-U LIICIU. I A lengthy. discussion followed, whrich taxed the Chairman's tmwers severely to `retain anything like the usual order of. debate, and the Chairman of `Management criticised. iChairman. Laidman for permitting the wordy battle before a motion of any kind had been put to the mem- "bets. "I"I._ AA- -` ` lI\yl 3. The matter -was allowed to stand until the next regular meeting in Fellinuary. ' nI\ovuoo\u.-u:..o.L:p\..' _--_ '_ - - -3 A J . Trustee Andrew then enquired why Chairman; Palling had . under- taken to promote a pupil without the endorsation of the `full -comrnit- I tee, -Chairman Pallings replying ,that' he had consulted Trustees Love and Richardson, and. as other members of the committee were not avail-~ table during the time he had at his `disposal, the three members `of the committee had considered that V the. representation was suicient to act upon. They had, -therefore, promot- . ed the" pupil" on good recommenda- tions made to them`. `_.. _.Ll_-, 1 "Chairman Laidman` said thisre- ferred to -p1-omotxon` exammatnons and not to promotion according to mggit. . , n lunch na.c..;.a;,.@. M. Openixig I % Meetinlgbf, pom! of Edncatiom] F The sign`a1 f_or the hostilities -was! lgiven when Truste_e Lo'veenquired why promotioins been made in. the face of 'anv-explantione given at the -Dec." meeting by th. .Chairman of the Managemen-t`Co fnitfee, whe`ne~ he said that no p.ror'notions were to -.be made. A i - Sbtnevqrhatfi-`tetixtbizlenftvscenes _m'a.itk- `e_d_._the rstt-r`nonthly'me`eting `of *the Board ,o:Education `on Monday even- )`Aing,_m`uch. wordy discussion between : se've'ral_mem.bers of `the Management ? Committee being the `feature. It all `arose over the promotion of some ipupils, whom the Management "Com- ? mittee` found necessary to advance `to provide `acco-mmoc_lation' for in- coming pupils ixylower classes. sroRMY%sIoN% _ In Junie. and July, Vthe library (gro_und oor) ._w'a.s fumigated, ca`!- sommed and pa1nt`ed~ with. two coats, .and.~the fbook Ehelves varnuishedu A6 4.1.... 1..s..4. ..'M....'.;I ..-.'..nt1..... -1 ....1. ? LIVIJ`-NVGSTONE-MAY. Public Notice is hereby given that John E- McGraw. of` Elmvale,` has made application for permission to transfer his tavern license for the premises known as the Central Hotel. Elmvale. to Daniel Rownt. of F103, and that said applica- tion will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held._in the Inspector's Office. in the Town of Barrie. on FRIDAY. `JANUARY 20th. 1911, at the hour of 2 p.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. TI-10$. DUFF. - License Inspector. Barrie. Jan. 10th. 1911. A 2-3 . s.-___.j__Z__.____._ |L1cENsE DISTRICTMOVFM CENTRE smcoz. Excnnsxon WATCH embod- " ics all the notable im- prpvcments in Watch making _--1-seven j*ew"els, cut expansidn `balance , isochronous ,, hair-spring, mm -v v.i'n d.; andjef. VMad,and adjusted by Atn_!Vi'l;ma_; in V` an f up-to-date An'neric_an\ ' 1 `}i-glsl] ed A-'-niAck_e_l V c_au'ea.-- lodood3o6bboo6363o6b6o |wm. CROSSLAND yiFyL'",.sin;;1e way (9 :e'move~7_` in}; . '5. 4.1-'n.'!1.5*"39` .'"`.49 -`"3 -4; 4,3`. 3" `;19 C?*143`.:``9Fl. all due medicinal properi2; Joan Liver Oil without the_ oily taste. Eicellent also for children and aged persons. V pnevenrs nnoncnrrxs 'PNEUMON_lA com AND Loss or WEIGHT Nya.1 s Cod Liver Compound contains L imam Jwtin W .1 Aiiunuh .` g. I As we make up `our, books for the `year. we respect- (ullyv ask all our" customers who have balances on our `books and les` to kindly settle at" once GEO. VICKERS A Strengthening Winter` Tonic N. GROSE'S & Bowling Alley's and watch the Game any night. " HBW D0 Yllll SPEND Yll EVENINGS . . . . . In'April, -the Barrie Town Council, in addition ' to the usual -annual grant of $250, very. generously made a further expenditure of $125 in order to equip this library with a lavatory and the town. water supply. Plans and specications were prepared, tenders received and, a contract awarded under " guarantee, The work was done under the joint super- vision of the Library Board and the Town Council and it` has proved satisfactory. fl`! `I\ 4 u - j: 3toek-taking time ishere and there are a great many ;odds and ends that; are being rounded up for the Bargain Tables. iOur idea is to convert into cash all odds and ends and remainders of discontinued jlines, no matter what" the loss. This is our Year- `endand it means `great savings for some. 50 Cenfs and $1.00 a Bottle Drugs and Kodaks Bar :-i_e. Ont. 25:: to 50 value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Millinery 81.00 to 83.00 Untfimmed Hats 50c value for . . . . . . . 35c `,` , . . . . . . . 60;: to $1.25 value. . .- . . . ber, .60c,-6-5c":-In?! 75`c`v;:1-e-'f'gr. . 20 value for . . . `Handkerchiefs The Board has .made s1i'ght1y"in-` creased purchases of new books this year, one of the new purchasers be- mg Harmswo'rt_h s Encyclo-paedia, and. six `new V magazines have `been added to the tables in the reading , ' wooi Clouds Come into Dress 900.49 Hand Bags: Stdckings SOME Joel '20| - uvuevoulvl Va -\lIII W VVO `~ (ea): InI`lieu*ofthe'~i"t:-avelling `li- I ,ibrary"forme'rl received every three `months, the` ntario Department of Education favored ' this .. library. in May with the. use of; a Technical `Travelling Library, specially selected for railway employees, th'lS"_tOWn. `be? ing a railroad centre. As the `rail- way employees live. chiefly. in the south, or Allandale end of the town, A it was considered advisable to place" `the railway technical books in :thC -_cir,cu'lating library of the Y. M. C. -A., where they. could- he "leaned .W.i..th reater convenience to the nien. his was done, and"_the enginevclass or young men, formed shortly after- ward, to- prepare. for anwexamination on locomotives, ha-ve'found the books very serviceable - in connection with , their -studies. V '- . e % ;00| ";00| OF THEM: ,.6"| NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Barrie Tanning Companv, ,(Limited), will take %ace at the of- ce of the Company, radford Street, in the Town _ of Barrie, on TUES- D_AY;" the 17th day of JANUARY. 19II'.at;3,o c1ock p.m.,_ for. the pur- ose. of- -.receiving the report of the if ,Aire`et ors-efor"the past year, electing ;D_ifr,ectoxfsf.nof the isaid Company for *-t__h,.Aen"s`u,i1'1'g .. year and transactmg sgghjpther, busines_s_. of the Company 3 n- C C 1 ___-L nu ; ueiu uy tnein. ind further take notice. that after said last mentioned date. the said executors will pro- ! ceecl to distribute the assets of the deceased 1 among the parties entitled thereto. having re- rd only to the. claims of which they shall hen have notice. and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets. or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose `claim notice shall not hsvetbeen received by `them at the date of such distribution. Dated the 12th day of December. 1910. STEWART 8: STEWART. j ft-54 { Solicitors for the Executors 1mnNI.3_'-u1"_-ft -his :~,-_l(Iper cent. of ur- . chase money at` L, 9. time of sale and the al- ance _within "thirty **days -Vthereafter. Other terms and gonditions will be made known at ttaime tot-.s_a_ie.`or in the meantime on a.ppliC&~ g on o - ' ' (3) In `order to promote`: the reading of the more substantial- class-~ ies of "literature, the Library--.B~oard, in April, resolved to `give the-use -of an additional volume to every mem- ber without .extra charge,. provided the volume.be -other than fiction [or F. A. This has -resulted in a s;li_qht-,4 increase in the non-fiction branches of reading, as the Lib'ra.rian s re port _ `shows. - ` Notice is hereby given pursuant .. to the R. S. 0.. Chapter 129 and amending Acts. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John Cheesman, who ,. ed on or about the 23rd day of November. 1910. are re uireaon or before the 22nd day of lJanuary. 19 i, to send: by post. prepaid. or to deliver to Messrs. Stewart & Stewart. of the said Town of Barrie. Solicitors for the said Exeeutors of estate. their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions. full parti- culars of their claims, the statements of their accounts. and the nature of the security (it Dan )held by them. In`! fnrthpvv fnlru nnh`.-so nun -05-- ....:.a --_~ Pursuant to the Powers of Sale contained in two certain lMot.tgages. which will be pro- duded at the time of sale. there wi~l be offered for sale by Public Auction. at the Queen's Hotel in `the Town of Barrie on Saturdu `. the v2lst day of January. 1911. at 2 p.m., al that certain parcel of land i'n the Town of Barrie. and being composed-of the Easterly forty-nine feet of Lot lettered "'C," on the South side 01 Burton Street. accordin to Registered" Plan No. 433. upon which the eis said to be erected -in house. in good stat; pf re ir. . :1`?! gffere a comfortable seven-roamed brick-clad dwell- `. subject to a re- serve 1 ;` VFIDDIJC, I\I Q A T1.` at- re iiotiexfty will be 1 LIIUU U151 ; tion to NOTICE TO ycnnnrrons lnthe Matter `of the Estate of John cheesman. late of the Town of Bar- t rle. In the County of Slmcoe. Grocer. Deceased. I810 00 value. . 10c boxes for Ladies Capes 88.00 to $14.00 value..` ...... ..$5.oo 86.00 value for 5.5o -' ". 5.oo- " " . 7 4.95 . " " . 3.40 3.15 "` . PC I` V 6 L11; TERMS, -OF 8- Hanna vnnnnm nlw '9 . The next meeting of -the Georgian Library` Institute for this district 'wil1_be - held in Barrie during the coming summer. - or VALUABLE mam PROPERTY era] days ahad. The sport of royalty- good healthy exercise, In'Toronto this game is so popular that Alleys have to be engaged sev- -- ,.- V . .,,,'I ..-,4! V;`I)L 1\_I__`IJARY :2, SALE Tourist I-`rilling Bla`n*kets' Notice. S'I"FW.-3.R'!` 3; STEWART. . Vnndnr` snlann.-u-n D.-. Coats u-. watt 1' &_s_1'guw'AIt'1`. Vendor's solxcxtors. Barrie. :a-_l0 per. nn nf 9.91.: nnri 1 ii Secretary; ...$4.95 . . . 4.65 4.25 4.15 .. 2.75 . 2.65 ~:%a5tn `and %26m.TeA.F%% At` bdt hV:of= t ` [dance from th_ e _BarrTe` Public` Li- farary ar_1d".they= received. protable :`Informat1on in" regard? to Libra_ry -effected in the internal management of our, library. and are worthy of `note; ` v` M ' I Sane]. at Peuethghisheneg: - A1"1u`s.t,7' ese "meetings delegates,. were in .atten-:7 .nanageme'nt.' `_Three5 cha ng`es ans mg. out of. this information.-L , were . `A, .,`h.,.i L-3'gg'.ar\L% LION; [.Yi'4?'4. i,9' ;%s5,fe3P1i"8~; ~ .: \\f9Qd; 5'Ia'nuary.`.}2<,>tjAh;,iar1d'-waist, 2.'I9n,f - VI Gllllyll - Ill HUI! > CGUEWI - L II: . .!.IpP}lF3 necessary. `for this changg , mvqlved `an outlay of . only $8.00. 4 v V l-\ 7.. at ,, o. " .0 UJBIA-a_na U1 LIIGIQIC5 `Guy ,u\l\(g\, IJ C ` -Q31-ovgn system (by-use of c`a-rfds) be- `mg adopted,e_and.the'--aolf ledgers dis- ecardpd. making ,.wo'Vk.~`-of~=`..the`_ is .braruan~.much eas r. A The supplxel Ilonacn P1) `r f'FI:c- tihli :1-ucvluiuv A ch.nge_ ma,de'ixi .:0u't "system of chargmg -the ,boo_k, the nurelrnnn (kn. ccn AC 4:-uaryl.-\' kn 'l`reasurer s= statement for-_ Receipts. ran aw h-31: Expnditures. A. F. Hun'tf, V V'Sec"jy. _~191o.' 4-544 `-4. $577 oo $.10 30 214 25 I4 oo I 80 250 00 I\ If\l\ `g _Don t Be. Surgfised if ybu e;GrerV1v.` ; .Ca_ld'_w,e1l. font V with the. " boys; before . %`?? - 1'3-. Same5fiP*4`F %`*"s;,`%T*"?a` H f`i`n}i11e cogttfntie ' ' }:g1 f*.: ')r( is &31Ii}.'g{:E{od3 line-up, with {he `exception of 4cen.tre,A was the 1ast-; year champipn team. f Caine, who. played centre in: 1910 was =1-eplaced by Smith, making a we'll-`balanced, team. of clean, fast players. . The teams were.-as follows:--- Barrie (6.)" ' ` ,: Collingwood (13.,)A 'r.yvmim...;....ao91...;.......e...;_cg9k I ! YT,_,_l!.1_`I '\ `U1 {XII ClI`3I\b 0 R Thonxpson. . J. Crogan S. Horseld. ,. McPhera_o,n. . . . Rip" Horseld has decided _'tM't he can tsta y out of th,_eu'gam'e. . This. will ;make three of the "H`ors: a1d brothets-*--a nd , they, are all _ right Vt:h_t`e* V_\fi,th* fhe: gqqds,` 5~too`, ' : J _ _ . ii i$};`ii1}1'Ii I\fI\L__. ` Attendance at practices. have been mpst' rs-ati-sfactory_ this _season, and, thxs 1s `bound to `tell .m. the nal. stg'ugg ls..' V ` Steve Vair s. services as "an O-. H. A. referee `are. much `in demand these. days; On Friday he ofciated` with the,-bell a`t.~Br'ac ebridge and the .prevj6us .we`ek.'at Huntsville. e `_ Gren. C2I-Ii'w'e-l;-r-e'f-e-1:e'e_-('1! Mid- land-Orillia junior game at Midland on Friday night.` A % .. Referee. 'Sprou1e- had a compAa=ra,.-I tive'lyeeasy time-, the game - being cleanfand T-only handed out -nine` penalties for minor `Offences. ' r'4,.u- _ u no .. .3 l uauy gu `VUIIIIISWUUUS 4._ i 3. Villiers played a. star game in-the nets, stopping m-any wicked shots off Fryer s and Beatty s sticks,_ and. al- th-ough he allowed a b_alcr s dozen to pass him; they were at`tim.es_--com-' ing `like hail on a window -pane,` mak- ing it imp.ossib_1e to .-`see every ;one. Russel Horseld at point p`layed"an intelligent, `heady "game, stopping many liftswith his hands in clever- style.V"_' Foystoni.- `had his -off` night, and there were always two 'iCo1ling`- wood men to ho1dAhim"down"when- ever he endeavored-to get away with the puck: . The Colts checkedA1oose- ly and appeard slow in getting` avsiay with the. rubber,_ and altogether did; not, play with the snap . and vigor" which they displayed `in th.e1-r. .ga.me -with -Eaton s on -New Year s after- noon.. MacPherson looks good, `but as he had just recovered froma sick-l ness,'. `he ,was' ha"rdl_y up to form: on Thursday. night. _"V'J ` -"'37" " and Beatty were the pick` `of the Collingwood team,` with `Cook in goal a. good third. McLem1an collided with McPherson _in mid-ice, and was forced to retire near. the end of the game -by a slightly sprain- ed zinkle. ' . I E i 7. Til; 'r};i'{w5si 'packe_d, the. ice- ' pet- fect,` and excitement was*'atI. `fever height, `the Collingwood rooters set- ting up` a racket _ _ p boiler.` shops every time F,ry.erj~-or ` tBeatty ma.de- one._-of_ their . cyclonic " rushes down the ice, "and 'when"7the puck. found ~it'self"in Barrie nets,`a pdveafening roar -went. up from ,_I.__tl`ie Champions supporters. But ia.t_the co,n`clusion of `the game opinion `was unanimo`us "that, with the exception of?the first ten minutes of the sec- ond- period, the" `contest was , the fastest and most evenly contested ' game ever played in Collingwood. The game started with a rush, Fryeri notching. the `rst~.goa`l. on. a 'lii_cky_ shot "from near centre, then Beatty and Fryer` exlii-b-ited Wsonjie A py'r_otec_hnic. displays, _culminating in another ._ long` shot ndin --its way pasty-Timmie Villiers. - is . ca.ii's- ed' the rooters. to send up `a pro- longed sh'out of` joy. Then carnea period_ of fast, `cl-ea_n exciting hoc- key, both teams exhibiting champion- 1" ship form, and when the- puck was closepin on Colflingwood goal, Ho,-5- eld scored Bari-ie s first. ,This end- -ed the tallying .for the first period `and the "score-sheet showed 2-1 in favor of. -Collingwood." ' ' resembling ` '40 i 5 . The Second Half.` a The first ten minutes of the sec- :ond period proved to be fateful ,moments for the Colts, and, what- : ever was the cause, they seemed to lose all control, missing several gold- en opportunities to tally when `the chan-ces were 100 to I shots in their favor-.-twice when nothing interven- 'ed between the open goal. Co'll'ing- wood kept. up a fusilade on Barrie and succeeded in bringing their score up by 6 goals in less than 10 minutes, making the scorer s sheet sh-ow 8-2 in their favor. From this to the finish the Colts ran neck-and`- neck with the Champions, and .suc- ceeded in adding 5 goals to their tallv to Collingwood s 4._ F v:n:.... ..1......,a - -..._ _.....- :_ 4;- 'W._cm v\ ro'w!% Stevn ?Vaif'S ;s:..ip_:etf." jlast 3:when" they J burriped ,intQ it-he_ 'termediate O. H. A.7 ` ame -of this did get `a, -trouncing on Thursday_ gshipyajd 'Champiiis:,. The ;;cog;--gas 1' % 13' .su rAe`-`enuf goals forgcofiingwood} W111!-.st' t.he,?ta1,~!y-bboard` *sho`w c_d` only- 6 to `Barrie s"."<':red1-t, and the rs-t in- series goesto last yea-r_s_ winners `pf the silverware; ' ` ' V Intermediate semg opened at con. % onhuraday iith `Q 4 won 1-`msr (SAME `for Barr`i-Sor'cal3-6- '. ...;....Goa1............ ....Cook eld . . . . .Po1'ut . . . . . . . . . . . . .Telfer pson. .Cover Point . . . . ..McLennan 1 .' . ...'Rove-r. . . .Fr_vor (Capt ) eld.._......Centre....V... . . . . ..Smith m. .Rig'h_t Wing. .. . .-. . . . Beatty. m . . . . .Left Wing . . . . . . . . -. . Burns Referee--T. F. Spnfoule; Toronto. P_UCKERINGS_ . . Churchill LT ?L 8lojIn . % W"P!ttemn _ . -JA11I,n~7i'?` ' ' & `? i3 3`9?*e~LV , w. ' Gmtonfxurst M Y oath f M Kohn `E Smith W Wgsley, sk-V14 .co11snswooa H M60001; V. O0Beg'g J"C. Pesqmuni ' .- " A F? 1'*W~?:tv*2?L-k-14%.yI ~* _Iu_-ya-u us- -can , ' u _ V P9 H, In IBCI, k1nd; d . g81_19u1d;I}ve`r `COV`l'.d} ll`l.~i:', II `AV DVIGI-I55 J Carr 11 Garbutt V T Ga rbutt, sk-14 T ,CoIling;'oo@1 `G B Weatcott T C Brown N A Rule . ' H Wynes, uk-23 ' ,' , Allisfon `_J Neeland Tl` __ Orillia W J McFadden I-I Halcroft ` J E Hinds T T F` Toogood, sk-19 V Newman-ket W A Brunton - F Stewart A '1` H Bruntnn E jchappin, sk-18 , . _ . ~`v 774%| , `The Board, of Du-ectors elected at the annual ._meting= Monday evehing V..\":0n*sists `of the` 4fo'11owir,1g:.--J, -M. Avipthwcll, _chairmanV:' A. .Hunter, ,;`SBcreta:zl'\1"[y; Fred "Mart. `trea`surc'r; `;.aMisg-2` a 4A~ `H -n..n: ' A v::....- Jr Iv. \I|G| 5 id Stone. J Boyne .. ~ ` . Dr Robertson, sk-13 Bah-ie J G Scott A G Habbick .`D McNiven G Hogg, sk-13 IWITH THE CURLERS , . I The big bonspielv is on, and as, we jgo_to press the skips {are giving thexr commands `for in and out tum,,_.,to,.swo_op her up, tc., and t-h;e.cur1er s heart is glad. Early Tuesday. morning the teams began to come in hand by noon some fteen clubs had sent in rinks to compete. Play commenced at `both the Clap- perton `St, and: the Mammoth rinks` at 2.`o clock, and since that` time the ice has been v'acanted for only a efewlhours during the hours of 3, and 9 rfclock a.m;,.to allow some of the plglyers to gag-n a httle Sleep; "l\t\tuvIcnp- nan LL- ma:-.416-_ nix pun \-lg I-U 56:11 G Ill-LIVC Ic\vPo > ghe follqwxng are the results as - far _as obtamab`e:- -. j {number of years.' A big crowd will \,_uu1-g15- 4-nu J"`uu4n| V \'~ I _ `wood (13) Jan. I3-Barries at Midland. V Jan. I6--'Collingwood at Barrie. Jan.2o-V--Midland at Collingw-ood. Jan. 25-Midland at Barrie. dL_ Jan. 3`!-T-`Collingwood at Midland. This will mean donly two home" games in the series, therefore the` management have decided to bring in several teams fo'r exhibition. games during the season. _Next Monday will be the first schedule game here when. Collingwood will bring down the fastest `team they have had in. a witness the game _and those who will get preferred positions will be the early. ones'at- the rink` on - Monday nsnv 6` ' . ` 9.31 I] ' ' mght. an lllslll. .1.-uc 2"` I St`. And`:-ew s-_-B. cLarty~ _goa1, Longman point, Higgs cover, Grant rover, Vait, centre, E. McClarty r. wing, Ness 1. wing. ' `Rn!-anon LTund>o- anal T .\..._L--..-A. I `Jaws u`u5u-L .111 um: Ilfsl. game OI ne Shgeaguey St. Andrew s_' defeat- svitom."r1; 3' a S" 0f 5-3 The be the .' 3'1 ft 'DP0nent p_roved to lent w gkoa- impel. who (hd excel- xgoal w" - 1 11 the last half his barded as hglmpst I 1ncess_antly bom- tenderr;hwd1e `the ? St. Andrew's net-[ all ni h a "rshm-ely '3 d s"`S e. 9.` ~ 1*'2.-W.-: I .. .I._ ..__l_ ` nuns, nc-as 1. vwlug. Baracas - Hunter goal, Longhurst point, Cooper cover," Hooke` rover, Knight) centre, _ Sarjeant r. wing, Ellis 1.-wing.` T " . - ' .s4ny\.uuu.vu ya, Salary, Librarian .. .. .. v o 0 o 1 v I 0 o o o 9 "Electric light. . . . .'. `V . . . .' Fue1.... .. .. Sundry expenses, postage. `Printing .. .. Postcards to members.._.-. `Calsominin-g, .. ..; . -Fumigating -Painting .. _`Repairs,- hall oor V0000 o_un o- 1000 con: Interest on mot-tgage.._. ,. .Interest On note'..c .. Installing card lsyst_en1s_,.'% Bboks purchased .. ov0'_o o I 0 I I 0 Hbnoraripm, 'libi'a`:9ian ' . . I 4 9 I to I_v` , 0 0 `V Meaford `has dropped "out of Inter- ! mediate Group II, and a new sche-' dule was arranged at Collingwood on Thursday 1as_t,`as fo1lows:- ,Jan- 5--Barrie (6) at Collins- nynnd /1 o\ -.,,--- ------- --g. %. Tuhe; Bara}cas%mef their Waterloo `last 111-ght In the first game` of the Q Q T Acacia CI AaA..... .. .l....-4. y - Tdm. Mc'MillaVn has been. induced` t'o don the red and -white sweater, and a `Barrie certicate has been is- sued for `him . `from `O; -H. -A. head- :'quartei's. .'xiI'1mbez? the ""`13ro.. tearns: Have `been hot after" _Ra-bbi Fryer, the `eauburtn-Vhaired "rover of the Co !- lingwood team_, and it was rumored that he had signed with Wanderers. of Montreal. Fryer _denies- point blank that he wil-l- join the ranks of the sluggers, and says that as V sooneas he is through`-with amateur hockey he is through for good. ._ i_'_1-`he 'chedul,e for the,"S, .S.fHoke'y- .I'. ague was arranged` on" Monday '\`r'ening, `as fol1ov_\'rs:--V ;,' . ' " A -5311. 'II-Ba.ra _casyat .St._ Andrew s. : an.`I7--Trmxty at Baracas. : gan. "I8--St. .Andrew s at T.1iinity. an. `24-Baracas at Trinity.- .- Jan. 25-St.'Andrew s at Bax-acas. Feb. I--Trm1.ty at_` `St. Andrew s. I % game~s',*ianid "this; wil-l T ngeari 'a, E~tt1e` royal forth-e ta?'e,--:andr better. yet;_ xfor -%the_ playeo .- But predictions ..,.......s:....... .2. V ' . - , ll II FI' `?!`f {U1 hll_\v,_ ysqgxuns. `s_om_ti1_nes go, awry. ST. ANDREWS 5, nARAcAs 3. l`l.-"D nnnn an` .....\4..( j.L-:,_ `If . 1 -I-\\r\p\-1511 I.-In Balance in hand Members fees Magazines, etc-., [sold Catalogues sold .. Grant from Town Council. `Grant Ontario Government . Rents received.... .. .. NEW` "HOCKEY s IHEDULE. , \A ....:.....a 1|.-- _u#_ _ _ -4 .% _Fryer ; Clar k --v D m;.;' H Phillips " R A} Stephen: M,1fv9y;f 1] UV LIII D B. Murchison 0 Pattorqbn ,; T` R H Weblg, `s_ks15 `Barrie Dr MacLarei1 J E Jackson D R Murchison P ` L090, " B-rm! , --_`__ __ W Dug `I'\ II II.__ s 'lZ`odd_ ` W Allan . H D Allan GVC Allan, sQk4--9 Orillia Asylum W Tallman T,Reynqlds . '- A Jamioson AxvHamg,sk.22 Alliston W `F Knight J Wright _ C S Fisher A J Bell, sk-12 Owen Sound G N Griin J Skinner J E Harrison ` J C.Telford,sk-12 Chn fchill _' ~ nas been; rive. ., - ' . o g - A'Itogether"the"?_year has ibnieii of progress iplthed i_n_te'rnal manage- ment of the library-,~".and" the"hancial liabilities have not`, been-.increased, although no abter"1rp'_te:` has been- made to reduce the former liabilities. By the colningzintoopera-t'ion ef- the new Public Libraries Act. the"Cn-tariov "Government" grant to (the. Library was increased "toil $92320 `from $65.07, and this increase counterbalanced a slight decrease in membership fees, the total revenue for theggear being $666.70, or about the same as last year. A V o A L` 1'_'I'.....z..... uC--9__