}eLi\'"i&:i'e`d to any part of the town. '5 POINTS HARDWARE MARRIED. RUSSELL-E~LLIS--At the mi- dence Of the bride's bruthcr-in- law A. W. Wilkinson, B;1rric_ ..n Jul zoth b ; H -1. IR Ay R D, IZl..Be;Y'1:_I:_: (1`3._}.).( .\v\1 (.3.- uuu\.u. Uy HIS Strict Il[ICIi`[.'iIiCC 11 all meetings pertaining to thc we]- fare of the order. VVe extend in the family our sympathy in the grrzzt kiss they have sustained. B-R=OW'N-At 'I\l\l\ - -- (--.-.-.._,, \J\-U. L4u.uC. 1\. I\('|>\\H. B_'.!rt0n and W"m. B.'1ntin_<:. 7 Speers was a past nmstcr m H) _No. 450. Few men had :1 gzrm reverence for the order than had 1 `departed brother, which \\'z1.~ - idenced by his [strict z1ttcnI:mcc 9'] ...-...o:.....;. ._-..A-? "`.,l land at `the time Of his fltillll l1;:<'1 ;been a member longer than ;m_\' uh- er man in the Lodge. The illmr;-.T was under Orange auspices. tl1c*C'.'- vices being conducted by the \\'..\l., Bro. T.- Gauley, assisted by Ihc chap- lain," Bro. .(Rev.) Carpenter. The.- Ivy `Band played `the Dcuul .\l;m-ll, The following were p{llll)L`2lI`{'l'.~', ;.'.E lbrethren of No. 450: \\lm. lirwin. ,l. ;D'onnelly, Geo. Little. R. KcI>\\`H. _l. ` Rlqrfnua n...l \`l)`L,, 1` ggauc an. 1v-_y UH July I4IH. KM . I, Craw, `assisted by Rev. \\'. Carpenter, oiciated. Dece21~r(l jui L.0.L. N0. 450 fortyve _\'c;:r~ ,and Ibeen than man {um '2: nnrlpr (3.--..-....,. .1 1 The Adva':_1'ceVis as `a~m' any-V bn T to encqurage home . lgborgand, : _CDt[[5fiS_e, bi'1t$12'72j is _too_` ' . MCICQ l`-- 1L - . l Rev. _A. N. St. John pr `the _Orangemen here rm Sunday levemng, July Ilth. He l)&l.~ (`rl his re. marks on the text "If ye knmv that lthings happy are ye if ye (Ir) them" The sermon was not a resume of the history of the Orange order, but lit was a most practical tlcmm ition of what the dutic< l cztchetl [0 tetra- UI an Orangeman are. 0111- most esteemed frit-ml. .\lr Wm. H. Speers of Ivy, . _ after u ling.` ermg Illness of nearly two _t-can from Br1ght s disease, gvas called to his reward on July the nth. Your cor. hatf known the subject of thlg sketch fora-long period. and can truthfullyvsay no man could he ;, _better_ father and husband thzm the deceased. He was born in l:..~.Zl township in 1846, and was the stmttti son of the late Hugh Spec-rs. ll: [married Margaret_ Corbett in 1:4,-2_ Iwho survives wtth a fznmly mt three, viz, Mrs. ~McConnell of .'tI'ti~- ton, Mrs. Bradenof \Vc.~`t l`:$`.'l unrl G. A. at home. The funcr:tl :rol< `place at` Ivy on July Ltth. Rm; t}. I (`J-9: `neck-on ! K-- 4_--:j rstprize as the must W musical aggregation prc-aunt `Brass Band was the chief to tor. `Our Band gave 21 nm.~ic;. I cert `on their return which M ( \ appreciated. 0 1': I `""J `'` ```y U l\CV. I. K1. lH \\lC3- `B-A-y 3-13., John Alfred Ru of Svwfxft -'Current, Sask.. to .\lar_\' Ehzabetih Ellis, daughter mi the late Geo. Ellis, Esq. I I'R`OlW'N--At Barrie, on July 20th. 1909, a son to `Mr. and .\lr.~. C. Brown, Small `Street. BORN. `, UH DUHC b:1.~`cr1 If Ihi _ :: .. ` ` al\v.1'\.]-IL. Lhxcx .cr,mpcti_ InI1 ..- nxunu. the I..r`i.I.f '()L`i(`I1[ Stroud rm1r\n`: The Town Council s attitude M`/on? `day night on. the cen_1en_t}'valk t'ei'1d- ers does not show them.;up to _ad_,~ . vantage as a buiness body. `If they were not prepared to call for tend- `rs, why advertise? ~_H-a_v'ing._ gone. this far, and having receiv_.ed'tw_\_rhat looked like a sound tender at a g- ureiar below. that of any !oeal'.Co11 ttraetor, why hesitate .? - , , . ,. .rie just as soon as we can show however, Barrie Vwill- have to be -_ --...... uv any nuulucwx U! `U P.. R. connection with Barrie, a_nd picials of the `road have been'cai'e~ fully taking stock of -the -situation. It is `not likely, however, that the _C.P.R.`w.ill hurry t'hem.s'elves about it. They. will probably come to Bare c`au_se[,`for their coming--not' before; iinless, indeed, they_have som.e sep- arate line in view.with..Which this -Townmay` be expected to fit in. In` that case the move tnay `take. place jearlier. 'WhenothAe.,,time. does arrive, guarded about holding out any in- ducement'in;the nature of bonus _or cash consideration. `That day'for - railroads has passed. _ _ . x 'As fdreshadowed early in the year, there has `been some activity` lately in'regard to the matter of ;C. `D 1-, _'_` _V W _ o . , - vs - c. .. P. R. coNNEc'r1oN._ UNnUs1N;r.ssL1xE._ ris Off Grenfel, into'1't `fin ,,the~ n , = 4v,."We unjd'erst'ah'd. that .-Mir, Lorne. % Dobson; > who, has`;be'en`..i teafching, `rat. " _._H`ills`dale, "has .bee.n=.`:`hged' %s?vi9=*of :t|1.e,~:s,tit>o1i`-?.' 1: % V mkgandei jjj viii` ithe. f `r t;he{'; m ' W'Wedding bells ar'e:VrixV1'g?ii1 lg;oii~"t lnAe 3,e,v-enth line. ` V Mir. Artur 'Dob)son'_~ .an_;1? Miss Fl_orence.,: spgnt Sunday in, :Alli'sto`n..: ` . 'Miss}VaI1_ 9'.kf7 an);.:`jMi`s33-*Clifk`,TofV QrvangevVi!l` . a`\Ar vjs,itn;_1g_ fr;1ex1.q,b;;.-`l1e_:f_;. , '- -Mr. Mrsdeh hast. 1iux`ch`e1s`.e['d:?:'%9"fff;:eV` Ihouse` -._o rm_ily\. ov:_v,nedf by MW ris =o';5 GM-nfpl ...a`..a-.;..;.t.;.~aav. .a.--;.__:- ` Miss Katie `Poilpck of A, rorgma, who is.v1st`ing_ her aunt, .;Mrs.' Camp-` bell of Vespra, gpent 5. .couple`f*o`f. daysk lastf -uwegykv _with A, Mrsl :BAl:1_i_e.7 ~ ` . ., o . S.`ta,yAner, vis%i`tdj, then; gxster, who` 1__s :11 `qt M_t. `St. Mr. 'G. anq Mfs. I M}. J. Bizie h a ham : Thursday, and/Mu . J. A. have one this week. . Mr. Isrel Clubinev of Vwhitchureh. is hqlidaying with his` cousins,-` the M:_essrs. M'oMurx_'a,y. ! `II. - -` ww-9-null ' G}-V.`-`C313 cog-espondence.) -* 6' i -.--. nu. wvlvg, I (N0te-+An account of the `Spec:-syl I obituary appears in th corresoondem-ox '~ - - e Thornton! - o 5uoguooooooo The Advance ,-wants live corres- ppndents at Crossland, New Flos, Guthrie, - Shanty" Bay,-. Stroud and Apto. Drop a card` to, the Editor, and supplies will be forwarded to you by return rnajl. IVY. ` Mr. Walter .Kertyle` .V_of Golden lValley, Parry Sound, is holidaying at his home here. V ` M11-S. R. Arnold has` `returned home, after `spending a few weeks. with her sister,.M'rs. (D12) Speers of i Bracebridge. ` . L SUNNIDQLE conmsnsg lt u-ropm Qffi f _Mlanagets :'on' the; , ;I89fI; .`expl9;in s: .t.0 <:s_,*i_hat% "p'rompt- uvxamn, Keeve;o'f Sunnidale, Miajog` J. `A. Currie, 'M.P., Mr. AB. Thomp- son, M.P.P., Col. J`. I. Davidson of Toronto, and` Mr. Robt. Paton of Barrie. Upon ascending the plat- form, Mrs. `Davidson was] handed a large and beautiful :bou_'quet, by a little girl. The trowel used on _the occasion=wa`s-presented to Mrs. Dav.- " .s on..7 by - the building committee, _the inscription in gold lettering read-. mg; Presezgt.ed.Ftol 'Mtsj I.- David-` son. -upon `ih e"{1avionnr.; 911.6 A Morrow,` Lafonta"ine, and M'r. C. Thompson,` Penetang, are guests at ; the Hotel Morrow. V - V ;` `_,Miss. ;M':abel Clapp of Toronto .is . Vwsiting her friends at "the`M'arkle lHotel. , ` - ' 9 -.'Mr; and -T Payetto `and Miss ` The 14th day of July _was a red letter day..in New` Lowell--the oc- casion rbeing the iaying of the cor- ner stone of the new Presbyterian (Church. The deserved honor was `conferred Iufaon Mfrs (Col.) J. I. Davidson, of Toronto. . e I The speakers invited were: Rev. Dr. M.`cLeod of Barrie,'IM r. James }-Martin,- Reeve :bf Sunnidale,` Major 1. `A.e-`Currie; Mrr- A:B_ Thnmn-' -..--vw-av rl(\iIi1i'_s. Thos. pring and daughters and the -Misses Rutherford and Kidd of Toronto `are visiting at Albert -M_r._'Thos. M:'cGuir of Midland is v_1s1tmg relatives and renewmg ac- quaintances. I: V vnnnu u\a|.L\Llo V Ball of Vasey Spent" a few days at `Ed. Ball's. - Mr. and Mrs. -Brit Bell visited at Ed; Bell's of Gibson on- Sunday. John ,H. `Dickinson and family spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Lang- man s.. V. .. - and .Mr.s. _G'eo. Farney spent Sunday at `theT1atter s _father s, J; G. Dickinson. T I c. Mossi Dickinson "spent" a ,week }with her grandparents. ` N 131..-- `I Pleased _--- --vs 3: sqnauycbl uuua. _ to report that little Lucy Hnckling. is some better. ' 1 um A - NEW LOWELL. A'LLENwooD. `I `E _ _ 7 ` `- _ `. .\ . _We;i;m`1drstand`that ..thx:e. is: to be .3 lawnfg $*3-_...!ih1'-h. f .U1ilT',v` _ V ` _ Genevieve. Gregfuside`, Minesing, took mar'riage."b} Mr. Cbas.'7'Duc hi- Gxavenhurst,. and ss,,_Ethe1 ;p1_`ace...a_t the m anse,"_;Bdrt;ie`, on July` T'he~ .cereniony' was " er-" ;fprm;e`_' by I Rev.-... Dr. -M4_:L\eod.. he, `ibride.T:yva`s.; unatten_ded,.; and was`. attit- ",e~':.in:.?`a.I"travelling. suit of_ vb`:-own: VeJ6th;,.;rw itV bccdming hag}. -*to* ina`tcl'1; 4 '.._..- ._ -. us- Dr. Bates, McMaster University, Toronto,toccupid the Baptist pulpit -on-the..ev_ening ofJSunday, `July nth: A He gavqa. very earnest addres_, bas- ' ed`on the words W ist`ye not that ' I must-_`b.e about my` Father s bu_si-._- ness, ."-j},,*~; ; . . 4 ` L. _ .. . M'iss;.1gth' ;-Qajhmner, has passed ; hr`sx1orzxamination :\in mstri1- men,talt':.~fnus,i`c,,` with honors. Dr.` ;Tr- ; 2 rington;r;';fI'oronfe}; Co'ps'ei`v_atory~ . of r M.(;;sVic4;,:.rr?1`$E..`Sse`_1~,r Vhimsc_1f~ as ivgryf `j ~ . ,. ; ` t1v.r6%Ie"r`tr% A r ' GUI. 13-.r`< 3'(`5'l-c-._raut;;:iF`.f;1inily. left ' for` Malvern on .W;edn'esda;y.- We under- stand that.-M'r. Brook has accepted `a`situation' i_n the Public Schbrol at .Malv_ern. I __ . `\p uni -- .. ..v luv ,uvn,Ia\. nu .LuIUllI.U. ' John`- McLeod, Stanyey Brae, and `her daughter, Ruby, have re- tut'ned_.,to Muskoka. ;Miss- Olive Stokes accompanied` heni. an-_ n 33- I __-__ .___._-v. . \lIJI Mliss` B. Millican, who has` been` visiting Mrs. D. Campbell`, has re- ,turned to her home in Toronto. -l,f__ 7_.,' ,.\`:v v ' -- -`v `V. V` . V . ` . M :-.' gmd Mrs. Melvin Thompson are`v1s1ting Ma-s. Thompsc_m s father and mother, Flos. - ` from: Tprohto. . 1 `-, u 4 I `Miss Agnztes ';5Campbell ,_..- _.~.-u nyuu `Captain Kearns-liof `St. Louis, Mo, was a recent visitor with relatives. in our neighbourhood, the guest. of his sister,` Mrs. ~H'augh, `and of his nephew`, Mr. Charles Haugh, mer- chant of Ba5cter.\ The Captain and his wife are` summer guests at the Queen s,, Barrie. He has just pur-' chased a splendid _twol-hundred-a`cre farm near Baxter, and is`-havin it thoroughly equipped with wire enc- ing, to, the extent of" $500.00, bou ht of the Canadian Steel and ire Fence Co., Hlamilton, through their gpopular -agent, Mr. Thomas Bell, - whose liberal courtesy won the pat- ronage of this_ prominent, wealthy- citizen of Uncle Sam s:.. domain. . -_-. - -1.-`gnu: V Butler, a ten-year-old son of'Mr. Eaton, met with a`serious accident one day last week. He , accompanied `by some other boys, was climbing about the girders under the iron bridge over Pine River in our vil- lage; when he fell 01? into the water, striking `on some stone, rendering him `unconscious, in which state he remained for two or three days. We_ are pleased" to_know that he is im-. proving a`s`fairly as can be expected. Had it not been for the lads, who were with `him at the time,. holding his head aboveiwater until assist- ance came, he -would have drown.e_d. IV - l "'I:l;:.1V{Ietho<-iist s.s. will hold their annual picnic in the grove on. Fri- day, July 30th. ' 5 ' A - ""dr ..--; u~~--- e f - -Mr. Hugh .'Sm'fth is putting in ce- ment arch culverts ,over ` the creek on _the countyroads, under the sup- lervxsion -of Mr. Wm. Adams. . Dr. West is busy preparing the foundation for his new_ house. `Miss Sarah Groves of Toronto `spent a few days with her parenys. Miiss Waldru of Bradford is vis- iting her grandparents, `Mr. and Mrs; Groves. _ . Mr.` Dan `Cameron, Mitchell] `-Square, and Miss Bella. 'MlcNiven of Jarratt {spent Sunday at -the home. of` Mr. Neil M`c_Pbee. | "Mr. _..- u. xv \n\vI\. _Di1ncan Robrtso *a n'dg Mie An'nie. .'TCan 1eronuof Rugby. visited friends here -V recently. M'r.*"and, Mjrs. Wesley Middleton of Heban V -isitedeMir. and MIrs."C. G. `Sp.e_nced'uring the ,week. 'Mi`ss"-3_Hdzel.;e-Walker `has returned ` `home from lH`i1lsdale,~ after a, pleas"- antmvisit with friends there. `AJL. AIL A /\ - ...... ..u.uua uncn:._ ` iii;/I3)'v.mAl Bert_ Orton returned Home last `week from Alberta, after hav- ing speht sgveral monVths-there... ' f\ '4 _ _ , , V . _-..- o--vnnvllid ' LIICIC Qtiit a, umbef frbm. this place celebrated The I2th in A iston, while others jtoohksin ` the -cel _ra.tion, at Colqlwater. ` ` _Joseph'f:-Booth of, was .the g-ues_t"'of, 'M&_r. uM . Sunday. ~ .. ans - 'r\ -'- %'1V'.11fe",faim,1"e1*sI.e-a_1"e very busy at present, ` ; ' v " _ 1.... _, .-.~' x_ _ E : ' 4 .. K .-. _ "5 ;.`v_,n'. . M'1'-.v VH. iM`. rBorland,. !Goldw_at,`r',-g `spnt Sunday; _a.'t' Mh.rhb(1rn. , ...'.. 1-"W _ 3;,r1w.,.{zii3t-'in;-; iafiig *v5:I: _ `:M:r. dgar;,.Waes`"_of' 'Cd1beck, ' ' ey j EL. Crpckettz. ,,;pefoi:med`.' _. care-*-' : monfy. ' Th'e"bride' } unatt"e`n'ded,f 4 and wore-cream `silk eoliennetvvjth ' lace trimmings," ca.rr.ying-,whi te--.c_a.r-. nations. Miss"EssieA Collins of Col- lingwood played. the wedding march. The happy couple took the evening. _-train at Allandale for a sliortwtripc before taking up'.'their abode at C_Ol~ `V beck. The bride was the recipiemx of. a la`i-ge num_ber= of handsome "pm-- sents, amongqfhem aiclock, fl'0lfl1I_thC\H members (if "the "Miethodjst-Chur_ch. '_l`hey,have the best "wishes of a large number pf`f1"iends. _ s I L ; ., ' Hiliter, Ma.$- _.;Ajn __mNEsING.- ANGUS- is home A C1 -eigh'tVoxl1__ BIan,__:y_' on ?L.0.L. No. 16 headed by the 35th Regimental Band attended the cele- Vbration in Allandale, and the abqve `Band.carried `off the _must covted _ luck again, . boys. _w`v`rIn|yl I v~ J3 ` - Out baseball team de"eatedCooks- town in Dianu"md T__'ark recently. If our `boys had _ be n_f the season as they ended, they would have had a `very different story to tell. Better The conquering Ivy Baseball Club journeyed to ICookstown,.1>n Satur- day and`~defeated the team of that burg bx. the score of 12 to 3. This was the last. ganie of. the season in the S; Simcoe League, and Ivy boys were defeated only once, and that at! Ivyfby the Beeton boys. Congratula- _ H0118. Q _ .. __-., -s-spas: iting griends `in this burg. She. andj Mrs; James Sirppsbn, visited in` Oril-`| lia regently. ` "f L` 1 5 g I -c -- ' r__,---a -.... ,......,\.. . 1 I `WE understand =Mr. Tag"ue hasi purchased part of` the property of l.the. late~'Miss -Margaret -Hunt. I Rev. Hem-Sr ` Thompson, who` jsl stationed for the esuing term m` `Kleinburg, visited here recently with `his family. ? ~ --. V ucnuy. Carpenzer and plsterers are vlery busy renovating and enlarging the vmercantile _cs[tablis-h m>ent of Mr. G. B. Henry. ` '. ' 'Robinsoh an J. MtClean of Geo. -M.'c1Cl'e a'n' of Newton Torontd visite friends here lastl week. Rev. C. A; Simpson, a former pas-' tor of the .eM ethodist Church here,` visited _old frie'n_'ds4 in `this village re- centlyp...` V ) `_ j < . _ ' Miss Tillie Boalce of'Toront<$ is! V1o'lidayii1g `under .the parental roof.` Tas.much-._imprQv`ed and hope to see ,,,.- _r_...-.~. -. on:-Alva Pleased to report Mrs. -C. Nixonl her restored to_ good health again. Dr. T. B. and Mrs. Henry and family have returned. to Detroit, af-' ter spending a pleasant vacationl here, _ . T r-~-=-v-----e --r---as 1 l Glad to report Mrs. A. W . Flet-` diet as -rapidly recovering from an operation for appendicitis; A ' Rev. G. I. -Cx-aw, 'B.A., has gone on a three weeksf holiday and a Mr. Smith is supplying his place. `If , I V and Mfs . -VV,rre'n `and familyg of Kn_1gst`_on./age visiting friends here. ' .M'i'ssVM;;u~y E.,Cunningh'am of the` Canadian S00 is"renewing' acquaint: I ances `here. ' e WI;'IV'Ai;s"i'\-/'i`t1'a" iocigins has` refurped! to Toronto, after spending`a. pleas- |ant vacation here." - -- M ----------- --w I Glad to- report that young Kilgore,I Vyvho had hzs arm. broken recently,| {us progressing rapidly, I ` (`l- .1 run -.. ,`,-..-, ....., .,.-,.. aa _|.uu uuut;IlA`..Ul ; bonus for the. ratepayers _of `thb 'Iown to `pay for their whistle. any _wpy,_ the outsid tenderer was -will - Tins to enz=s;.%al!` .i0ih hell .<=ient2, tvmor me: ;sg;';`iq);iA_aiad _,..t'<';>,.'fb11yA his_~ _]:_1';1'a1;__I_'ial from "lb<':_al:'.`dea`ler;s,, `haqyfi: could }th`$.`%i%izn.yggi; 9. 3 would ' suggest that you % ,0 hvour large. stock of PRESE] ~.' ' * A -S"; :giV`e1-'1 A V At-pr_es`nt we . 0 `Yea. .41, V .;,;.; -'1 , . ' '.I`HORNTON.3 vT,hat_ idea `of ignoring: the": lbw:-st lender, and - then avskinig; .thef,'lb=c'a.l =1u_cnrwho-wvent after the job`, to take theV'_w9rk"at"_Lth'e- same price is too absurd _for'. discussion . ..'B'esid.eis,.;'_ as ,x_vas pointed out, it `was grass-,l_${'1 f,'.";v.` fair.` " `- V