.__.a V. uyuna, 5dCS, 1gs,9 etc. Planing of rompyl a_urd satis- Iasg vgdryxng - ' ' .,,,,~for gra1ned,.IiiI1i-1% 553.1}! .cg;..`. .n*Lu: 1LIci:i4"s'i:i5'.K6c':'1~I6rl:'r:n:n 1---_-._. _ , Eon 1|-iE_3uu1-v or smcozf Most reasonable terms given on all .54 ... -1- l I` `I [John J ennett , `J :__---uw. ..-an-v v v--- Toronto. installed gas in our oce. we have the above for immediate yquuuu an-_u Iunau HIGIIIIOIIGI II pun. who:-lben now in arrears for three months and over will he charged 01.50 pennnum. vvvvv in I III DEB nu AND rnarfous z5ucn Private Funds to loan on x-at mort CORGI. Correspondence solicited. run..- 15-4.. .0 .q-_-_-_ .. .. . - Boiler&Engine For Sale. Bake:-'3, Cream, Twist, Vien- an Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 5:. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PAS'l`RY.CR um PUFFS. Fresh Daily. 'PHONE 250, or drop us a. Postal if you, would like something good in a. loaf of our- Lawn roe: outset. "' Double dwelling. 6room| in each, on Cup.. potion Street. Vacant lot. 1 of an serve, on Penetanguishene` Street. Apply to `F. M. Mom'comcm'. . M n.._:- mutter exceed tour O0l.I;!IIID ADVlR`l'I82ME1l`I`8. Condensed advertise ts n an wum otall kinda, l?:tnm37oun3,";-2;-% for IIJG oz-to rent, a cipc articles, etc.. etc.. awmzarmgmn? "*8 wk win 2 cents per you each anblequent insertion 1 cent pe , nomeneddreeees and gures counted u'w3'r3i' % ho ut 3 reduction of onece t ' rd made when the numberoltl ixfgngg `rm ' one {or advertisements must in out an be mounted on -one metal buu BROWN_BAKERY Dwelling 1 rooms). stable, drive house, shed; and nearly)! of acre of land in garden and 1;wm' Garner of Peel and Wellington Streets. Bum B stable and shed. 1,... nnhh`n A-.nII-4. R-u.o._.- 1.. -, ,1 .. pubu-nod mm the once an-no. .. 1 V In the County of Blmooe. tho'Pro- Thttrldoy Morning`: an ' wuuvacntw. PROPRIITORS street. ` An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3- "PW._1" ~ Engine, made by the K..-` ,. 3 All in meg 2 Barnc Properfy For Sale. '1'!!! mmol t|-l cnalcuuns-r. om. I?QD:: - --_...______ msunaca AGENT, couvevnuczn. arc. AND PLATE (:1. A an tuonn 0 V-MVIIUOIJUU DUHUI NGU- ; 333: of -r trout. 3...-`. . .".'c' ._B` ` .or . . "CANADA'S F'U'1f_UlE. CONTRACT RAT38. 3, 315*. 1903- -vvv. allowed to use their ythin outside their 8110 d they do no zhsrged for such sd.. 00 T ' Talus or aunaoxm-non I :1 `AAA.--..- 1-- u ..v n yuuu rat the Ilt;l'1;;tiVe to im-_ rence is the scal .-fed- ' Cana_da with_ the , United e thmg or-the other-it the long run them` will as wnv \xI-.I. Anon. -I----`-~' I _ --,-- u---w -nu-court Ivlljo Eaci; . }lI'}r6viAn.c`L We have no hesitation in stating ;' that the foregoing facts, if correctly I stated,` as "we have_ reason `to believe they have peen, are a disgrace to the {Province in which they occurred, g and; grave, reection on our adr'nin- _ I V istration of justice. As. Mr, Foran `concludes, the tGovernr,r_,1cnt. which e .'subsidizes_ agriculturah .societies, and gs_pends _ money in educating farmers` how` to produce good horses, allowls ; _ Al; thief to Acomefin and tak__e_ _.hisj pick-A ; without .effectiv`e -effort to at:-rest -the ` culprit` and _`reco,ver~ thje` .p't,ope`i-t;;.. 1 Had this incide-vnt. qccurrcd win ` the-.3 territory, covered; ` the ;.;Iorthw est1 2` - Mounted Po:Ii,ce,t the {icerh _ of rthe I \ '1aw.,.`:w9;;1dci?h$v. '7 o'n*the` .1 `` *5` tlii.e.f.;\.":t"_i..l! 1` 3`. v{.ac"ih!'i}`t;d,` LS1??? - 11 ',Comnentihg on Vthe `case, the Farmer sv Advocate `s'_ays.: If illustration of ineiciency were i needed to demonstrate the ;inade- i quacy of the present system of ap- prehending_criminals in the Province of Ontario, it is strikingly presented in a `contribution to the Farmer's Advocate,Vfrom J.J.v Foran, of Went- worth County, who relates his ex- - perience in-` trying vainly to r_aise" - the oicers of justiceto-~ go aftera - horse thief. The nearest county :'1:onstable would not move, because i he; was paid on the fee basis, and ~ tiid not consider the chances" of re- V ` tgueration good enough to warrant T 4H?;in leaving his work. The owner a __f ."t'he` stolen colt then applied, with- 1 __out result,frst to the sheriff of the county, then to the county consta- ` ble, and. nally to the Attorney-Gen~ ; era! of the, Province, who received him kindly, but was , _too busy to take the matter up. The man who -`had lost his co-lt then) spent two` -hundred and thirty dollars in adver-' tising andXsearcliing, and offered a reward of three _hundred and sixty dollars, without avail. ' - if no remedy is applied. will-rcsen17 ble .a phenomenon known in certain parts. of the tropics where a beam of timber attacked f through . and through by white ants may appear solid until it suddenly" crumbles into powde r,. `Without `more `active Bri- tish eort Canada cannotbe kcpta "British state} and` if. Canada once 1 goes the, keystone will have dropped out of_o_ur whole imperial system. < pkovmc-1i.L ~PC)LIE PR0; mcrxou. ` ;')x'1Q;1 9't'%ioz71,`- me `sum . of` "was ward .T11jSs..; s } W ' ';Ma_1':ns;;;igv_er: ,_~ Stewdatt for, ' o`n'eL_ `cord of? :ed";V1t6*-1;W1ii;_. -,Main_,, and annuaaslulgs, Z] H1305 gravel, a R, J. `Hill, % yrnsalary, $8135, post'- ; age, $2.00, Registrar .B.2M.D., $r4.2o, ..Board `of Health, $2.00, _ drainage ' fees, $12.00; James Blaclg, %_ salary, $43.75, postage,,_$Io.oo,'" preparnng n- ` a21c_iala..'s"ta._tem`ex`1t,`$5;oo; .'Hy, -Grose, year esalary, $2400. com, $14.00; ;E.`_`T}. -M1:AConl;ey, _1/zj yr. salary,_ $24.- 90, com,,~_..$V2o.._oo.;j ;`Ge9r_.g'e L`eshe_, _A Lasalagy. _ _$24,o_o,~'_ c9m., .$24.oo;. T awry, fslxghty .54: yr, s;alary.aa$24-oo. .ic9m-. $14-0o:.Wr,_r3- .Ma`rt-rm Va]: yr-.-s i I.-3372;". $34~99? * 9m.;-:.`-:..$28e9i" -Wm; . aLa;H"-T`. 4;; 7 la %`H.P b."'t-. "` ~ f ` m`om;a` (qt 7 cgun`cl ,.._-- -.--v..uvv.g. -I; uu_Il.LUl ' Messrs. .Halle,- Westwood, Phipps, 'O Brien and Mrs. Brown,` $10.00]? , Samuel IFagan, cleaning idntch on, cor. 3rd `Co ., 4th sideroad,' $1.50; John Mars al`, digging ditch on 8th ,Con., $8.00; Albert? Raine , openim `ditch on rd.`Con., $21.00; '21:!` Suth- $6.00; Levi A M`ayes,, .1-emoving fence: from gravel pit, 2.00; Thos. Goul _ "refund statute In or,. $3.50; Joh Coulter, error in taxes, $1.50;-James -Hubbert, digging 'ditch- on `lzth ICon., $1-5.00; ' {Jesse A Moi:-,j work ' Qn _Ist sidero`ad,'=. $10.50; . 'R- M. -Mccqnkey} 2'16-_ `loads gravel, `$15.12; . -Abbotte A .Woo_lma,n-`wand ..HamVif_1tanV Young, -re-V fm.1fd_ statute glabpr-,~ `each? $1.50; IHor. .A_fm$tfOg; ,'27`11 o.ad's gravel; _.$t;89; % yA`V]"-I J'3.l"if_ MTG! nnazj ` .~- r~------ . H . . _ I ". The following accounts were pas- L sed: Audus r King, Awor on culvert 4th sideline, $25.75; J no. Wlallaee, work on 5th line, $38.25; Jno. Hub- bert, on account of work on nth sCon.,' $35.00; F. M`. -Warnica, so loads gravel,.l $3:5o; .John -Hunter, work on~1oth line, $3.50; '1-`hos. Sou- les, 30 " loads gravel, $2.10; -- Wm.. Cronin, refu-n"d~ `statute labor, $6.00; Wm. Young. refund statute labor, $2.25; Harry Mayor, bal. work on 12th- Con., $6.09; J. G, -Scott,;..5o ft. sewer pipe, $5.00; Mulholland Es- tate, bonus. 72 rods wire fence, $10.- 80; Scott Sharpe, work on_.1st -side- road and, 5th Ii-ne,, $30.84; Peter Spring, opening 7th Can. and mak- ing approaches "to bridge, $106-oo; Alex Adams, bonus so rods wire * fence, $7.`5o;` James Whan, lrefund`. - statute; labor performed him`, for `lgessrs. ` Westwoo , ~l:lnpps,_ i 0-Inna anal 115;; 'l5._--A-~ The ftecnfh meeting ` of Innisl Council was held at -Churchill ,.on Tuesday, Dec, 15th, 1908. All mem- Iblerspresent. ~ ' , visioni` These men should be, forl 1 the most part, kept on the move pa- , trolling the . countryside, discharging, lincidentally, such duties as enforc- . ing observance "of the automobile _ laws, compelling the cutting of nox_- V iousweeds, viewing fences, and fill- ing other ofces for which special 'municipal oicers are now appoint- ed. A force such as the above, al- lowing two or three men to a coun-. ty, would cost something, but the expense would be cheerfully borne. Maintenance of law and order is the first duty of government, and it musti not be neglected, no gmatter what I the cast. ' 4 l W 1 I ~'c.u.!&1J==I10II, 3!?/1!!) ; !5"`..1.Fi and Rem` mmsm. cormctn. ..- ..--w ~a-vv VJIIG LLUIIUTCU 1101*` ,: Iars Vfqr, any ; case (of . Deafness (cans- ,;e*d..by *cat=;tr. 711) Tt.h.`at..-V carIn.cit be {c11,red; `57>~ Halli; :`-ata171h:;:T Cur :; send. ifori J ,,,-, - _ .--- vwauay by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car; There is only one way to cure deafnessgand `that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is caused `by an inamed conditioniof the mu- cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is- inamed you have a rumbling~sou"n`d or imperfecte hear- ing, and when its isntirely `closed, deafness _is- the_fresult,_ and ~ nless the inarnmation /can be '_take _;_out . Sandi this .-tube restored *fO"`ltSl normal condition, lzearin" w_i`ll"~.b"e de`tr'oyed_`.' for_'ever.;' lllllcf` cases out d`iztlen,.=-_are` caused. by *Ca,'ta rrh, vv'hiclif:i i,i?8.`5.1n g);t;liiii1_;g-V :2 ans~inana.ed: A._ni,uc9}ui-s.,',s1;r`f _ <.as99nditi9n a DEAFVNESS CANNOT BE cunnn VV'5 1* .` ..-.. W... .p,,.uu_ eacn as membexfs of 9B. of -'H., Messrs. Grose and "Hill $2.00 eaeh, and J..._-L. Sloan $14.00 or services as samtary inspector. A motion was carried/instructing the Clerk, to notify Bethe! T. Bate- man to 1-emove ~the gates. 011` 2nd Con., opposite Lot 12, as complaints have been. made to the Council, The taxes of ` Wm. Brown 7 were ordered to be remitted for I908. - Council adjourned >sine'_ die. > Will prepay Lpotage on` recipt of price for"out9of- town Customers. ' . %% The `Web ` of Time. by Rev. Knowlgs, author of St. Cuthbert - $1.25 Walter 8 unit; nnnnz. Tru;u-e Vnlly, by Marian Keith, author of 1 Duncati Polite - -$1.25 rusllolidays? BOOKS BY A POVPU LA R.A.UTH.ORS Books for ._. '~ -- --uvuvuvwIv VIV ZIUWUVKZ Q'Nonew nuno-will be added-tothgsub nation hilt until themonoy is paid. - Inn: {In nunnannn l-- ``--A` ~' * 1 ALL THE LATEST R. J. HILL, Clerk; 2.` "-v_,, l'Io To "HI ONTARIO LAND IANK or Tonouto an jicai Building, S.E. earner Rich- mond and. Bay Streets,_. Toronto. .'_1_'e`Iephoi1c~, AMa.in, 1336.. Instruc- - .tn_oqs_,lVeft- with" Strat; `yf V-`& Est_e_n, ;_Sq11]c1tors,V Bank; of` .Oif_Q`nto ~\B11lld . 1ng,<;j Bgitti; will_j- "af- . T tended to ANY` QUANTITY 5 loan at 454 and terms -of Cowan & `OF MONEY T 5 per cent. $70,000 FOR INYESIMENT ON good freehold securag at lowest rate of interest. 0 ~` principal money required -until end of the term: H.'H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. ' ` ` VIVI 0 W113 ._._` A "Il.D..c.ll.(`l`orJ Lateoronntoenerd HOODHIL onceonnemena-.8-mn.comersc. V Plonetl. any`; 0111.1. -BLANING MILL Company; Carpentering, building, `anwmanufagturing odoors, sashes; >,bli%nds,` moulding"s,`: "etc. laljflgzfnds. dog_: e. romptl 4 :.`.f.3.t.E31g- ;;I9t last` ryxn: kilns` % L - v -IvII I pHvsIc1A u jun suaazou. _ (Blatant or -Ntw Yonx.) OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: ` `-95. _ JJQI I IC tended to. pk. MORTIMER LYON, 3: Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, .(N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, " every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose anq 'I`_hroat. Consultation 43-- an - The London (Eng.) Post, in an article `under the caption Pulling Out the Keystone, deals in aj pro- phetic and serious way with the re- cent pronouncement of J. J. Hill, in which that gentleman advocated, `closer trade" relationship between Canada and the United States; and .with the warning given by Lord \,,WIilner upon his retfrrn from a trip through Canada. The Post sees in the pronouncement of the American . railway king a move to use `a com- -mercial policy as a powerful, dissol- vent of the connection. between ~Can- ada and the British empire; _- Eng- lishmen," itlsays, pays little atten- tion to Mr. Hill's utterance because? they appreciate neither. the man 1 nor the issue; but in reality it scone \_ cerns them as `nearly and vitally as `_1 any utterance of our titne. Says; the Post: * _____________ DR. ROBERT s. B-ROAD, pays!- cian' Surgeon ct . S ' __ . E31`: Nose 311:1 'rf|rnagec1?\l;y..- DR. A. T. Li'rT1., late 5: churcTai'11. Ont. Ofce and residence John St., near comer Elizabeth. Phone 213. :-_------------------- Hrr. ARNXLL, :M.D.;C.M., OEFFICE in Bothwelrs block, Alladalc. On the ptemis_cs at night. sun all. 11 Barrie. DONALD ROSS, L L.B., nmnus ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. -ji- E3? Ear. Throat. flvinnnnnntl -. ._ II STRATI-IYo...v_& ESTEN, BA"RRI:S- ters, Solicitors in High Court of T Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ance:-s.. Oices. over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,006 andupwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H.` H. Strathy, K.C., G. `H. Eaten. A 4 . -G. A. RADENI-lUR'ST, Barrister, `Solicitor; NotaI%. Public, &c. Of- 'ce--zsbt oor an]: of Toronto Building Money to loan at low- |- eat rates. HEWSON 8: _CRESWICKE, BAR- risters, Solic1tor- of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, N otaries, Conveyancers, etc. `Money to lban. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson, K'.C. A_ R H ('1-puny}:-Ira 'I.'ENN_0X, CO'_Vi{'AN & BROWN, ,_B'a_'tr:sters, Soycxtors fog obgainin ' probpge of_w:!ls,-:.uardunshxp an ._adm:n:stnat1_on, an general Solici- tors ,e... N otanes, _Comreyancers, 5 etc. Oicep, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlap street, Barrie. -Mon ._to loan at _ `454 and 5 per cent. ranch offices at Creemore and Alliston. Hang}:- ton Len-nox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. ' Brown, L L.B- . V preference, ---.. . 5 sWhite' we zhesitate oyer imperial do `we imagine` that the world is standing still? "Let us be certain of it. that Lord .Rosebery was right when he_ declared long ago that theempire could not con- tinue to `exist upon its present basis; . Let us be as certain that 'Mr. Cham. , berlain was a true prophet when the ; urgency of this question drove him '1 to. take _his politicaljife _in his hands; I to risk the chances of whagseegned 3 to many an inciiclihh ....... .... -- .3 --.--'.J'~. .---s <- ..--.-2-- "W.'_.AftI;I.T,"o B israng soL1c1`- tor,7 Proctor, Notary, Convcyanccr, A` Etc: `Special attention in drawing and . probating wills, obtaining .lct-- ters of adminutration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- fices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to Jnan, In J. 11. D. EVANS, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Suncoe County. M Oice and Residence: Wxlham Street, Allandale. Tele- phone `so a. Atstroud Oicc: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. 1.: ism; V Soliitots, Notaries Public, -ghd`.Gonve#yaxtcers. Money to loan ' `In any `sums at; 5 pgrtcent. Oice, `x3,Qwen. street, Bame. H. D. Stew- art, LL.D.,})_. -M. Stewart. uvuua ll 31 T pointment; )R. W. `A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London.- Oice and resi- dence, Dunlop. street, Barrie. Tele- `phone, 77. A ` ...-u, uougcuu, CLC. DPCCIZJIY-.I.`.y, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and _residencc, cor, Elizabeth and B1134- uford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. auvung up: 1 IC. D. 2, E. H. creswick: vavn JILVU l5lwlNOE3 ` " OVER UIIOI `I. `Pain-In.-- na- rAaIo"'Li\i6'sTJ.`t=it'\;E'von. Of` T'ONT BUILDING. BABMI. _ C.ID`Nc` TIIrI'H__NI `I49. scupnu Vi DUHBUII'I'IN9 01 per Jommn in . mg: _-___ ._In L HONEY TO LOAN. __.,_.__.______.__y ___ __ a-an-a\uII\- C, `BC! {rid froat. 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by a- nent. ' T ` SURVEYORS. PHYSICIANS. [ + -'-.-t1'tLlV1_1V\;_ M_1LL 'Car.pentermg,_ xtiirintz oh-amp. ...'z.--..