Northern Advance, 8 Oct 1908, p. 2

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[ son, Roy Patterson. .. WI`! ` Brahma hen d_o.-_--W. C. Wilson.`. Brahma cock \(l1ght)--W. C. Wil- n-..1....... L-.. .4- -117 r ur:1..;..: D I I ' dvoixuvg - . `Cochin cock (partx_'idge)--W. C. Wilson. ~ ' V .. ' `Cochin hen ,do.-W. C. Wilson. Cochin "cock (any other color)-W. "C. -'Wilson. ' V .- "V _- -` -Cochin hen de'.-W. C. Wilson. Game cock (B._B. red)'--Bert`-"Ray- ner, Bert.Watterson. .- r'~....... 1.-.. .1- `D....4. `D .... ,... 'n....`.. _-Sow (1908).?-A. A. Armstrong. ,, ' Yorkshires. Boa1{'(I-yrloldiahd o\`rer)V`--J.` H. Cersweii, J. A, Cersweli. , Boar (I908)---J. A.Cex-swell. Sow (I-yr.-old `and over_-).-J. A. Cerswell, J. H. Cerswll. _ T A F` ..... .. WCA... Len-s}LQ\ `II T 1.1 , Pen of bacon `hog s--`Geo. `E. Craw- ford, J. A. Cerswcll, `C. M. Hickling. New . Andalusian he'n-fB. Lawrenqe. ' A Brahma cock; (dark)-W- 'C. VWil- WALL PAPER i'f`~ 3 ., _ . . . '.-.' .. . ~ 2 j is ;)ne of "th_e" grat under- lying principles or our C an a d i_a'.n' . p_r Many of our most substan- - tial c'it~izensadmit that they laid the foundation of their rnaterial. wealth in this habit. ' - ' -- V The Bank of Toronto H, HENWOACSD`, V Manager_ ; _ I-Iqunding has never been induigedx m"Ito any .ex.tent,at any time i.n`Vth',e_ 3 Upper PeninsuI_ar.' `Tweive V.4yearsA,a'g'()`_: Iflocated `there. a'nd-about that; -_ time the: residents `of the"Stat. WY&~_tSt ch'rged age- 1ieexies`e :gb.i fee being; -~sy,gae t ~ hi We MENT, in which the earnings of thousandgfof Canadian citizens are ' held in absolute .safety, subject" at all times to payment on demand; It is your` privilege to avail yourself of the ad- V vantage to you in having -an account with" this Bank, in "which to place your money `for safe keeping until required. zuu. ((E)n-tinned on. Page Thre,) Interest paid 4 times a year. Barrie and N Allandale % Branches has in connection with. its branches throughout Can- ada A SAVINGS BANK pEr_=4A_R1'- AArtis%c The facts are. as I tried to show in the October Rod and Gun a last year, that the destruction of covenin what is now a good_ agricultural country has been the `means of driv- ing the deer back `a!'lda.VVi continue. domg so, and that the dogs are not to blame. Therefore.` the banishing of dogs in Michigan did` not prevent the deer from vanishing._ ~ * - cock (brown S.C.)-F. _cdc`k ~(brpwn R.C.)-~W.C. ,-I` hen` d9.--.* M. "Smith, POULTRY. . Specials. km.-3 h, 11.. nr; ,1. ARTHUR Ross, 'vD`IVI'| n_~`vuuo . "5 V (`,PI'\I1QAav:a4u `...:14.I2.. A. vvn-'vIvII naowv an Iron vuv IIIUIIVJ IE VIIIIAI Subscriber": now in arrears for three` months and over will be `charged $1.50 per annum, ( FINANCIAL.` $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON .good freehold security `at lowest rate; of interest. V No principal money required until end of the term: H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., _` Barrie. , ` ' Having spent( years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals anq havink aervedgas Clinical` Assirtunt in Golden bqnare Ear. Ti t 8: Nose Hosptal. London- Royal London hthalmicv in ham dormer Mom 1' of British ghthalmol cal Society. :.'.P;o*:' :.a:*;.`:`;`.':,:...`::o',*..::r.".a.::a:`;.'::: Bristol Eye umu, Bristo and Birth ham Bye Hoe ml. om.r1ca-;7s Du:ax.or3.'Smn:ni1'. maam. Mu ' pa 0. BOX. W. [ U.Nvy%I,I~1. i . . ~------.-*---------- TANY QUANTITY OF MQNEYTO 1 loan at 41/2 and 5_per cent; Easy /iterins of re-payment. Lennox, 3jCowan & Brown; Solicitors, -Barris- ` .' ters, etc. . M. n..`c. n'g.,(1`or.) _ V `Late of Toronto_._General Hospital. Oce (bf ih_e late Dr. Smith. Collier 8!- ' Phone II. ? 4. 32-ry -v 7 -vi. I.a.R;C.P. 5: s. Edinburgh; M.F`.P. & s. Glasgow _' - --SURGlON-- iSTEWART4:A.i& `STEWART, BAR~ * riatgrs, Solicitors; Notaries Public, - "'_a'tid='-Conveyincers. Money to loan 111` any sums at 5 _.pg_r cent. O-ice, 13 Owen sgreet, Barr1e.`,H.`D. Stew- ` rt,'VL.L;D3, D. M. `Stewart. W. -AUL.'r, . BARRISTER, .~ SOLICI-` _ tor, 'Proctor, `Notary, Conveyance:-, = . 1 etc. ' Sgecial httgtltion in drawing .and pro ating` wxil, obtaining let- _ ters of"adn)_in iatration and guardian- ship; 'col1ectin-g `accounts, `etc. Of- fces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to oan. ~ . 7 vi " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (anczxnv o_1r_ Nnw Ybnx.) OFFICE AND RESIDENCES _ OVER Union Bank. Dnnlob St. , ` Telephoneslc. JG. A. RADENHURST, Ban-aster, "Solicitor, Notary. Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building. V Money to: loan at low- est rates. - - LENNOX. CO-WAN & BROWN, `l)--...'..L......- -cA`I:n :`6A-Q `no rs`-\I>n:91:n4-I II1w1\l\n- HIRAM 4 DI-IVCIEIALI --._ nn::-. STRATHY & ESTEN,' BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public,- Convey- ancers. Oices over the `Bank of Toronto, Barrie. ` Money in` sums of $2,000 and upwards, to Ioan at 5 per cent. H.- H, Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. ` DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl-I ton -St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (NY.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will beat 67 Owen St., Barrie, every` Saturday. ,Diseases Eye, Ear ' Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II am. .to 5 p.m., and by ap- l__ pointment. g . ` HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR- risters. `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Iilogk, Bavtic. C. E. Hews:on,K.-C. . LT f`.......-.3 -I-- DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- tcr, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. H.T. ARNALL, M..b.-,c.M., % o1=1=1c :... `D.-.+t......1v. I..I....1. An.....:..1.. n_. "DR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI- c-`inn C111-nnlxon 4x64. C....-Z..I1.-- 13-- `bk. A. T. L"rLE, late or church_iu. Ont. Oice and residence John-St., nnnoo nnc-now 'l:`I:..-.l\..+`t. `DI. A A n rn *3 `L T , h J. FRANK JACKSON. MAKER OF PORTRAITS "" LLQL 3 DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Oice and resi- {-dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- ? phone,` 77. ,1 _ ' T e J.Nw1i~I, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land- Surveyors, Engineers, etc-. Established 1852. Office, Med- ` ical Building, S.E .` corner Rich- mond. and" Bay Streets, Toronto. `Telephone, _Main, 1336, Instruc- _ing._5 .,B'a_f.ri. =Wi11 . `promptly :at- .;tended t_Vo.~7 V - ` -""` T A, ~ .A.`_ '\. .u:;\1..L. PLANINU MILL ompany. Carpentering, building, `and.-manufacturingof doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, fetc. = Planing. ` of `all kinds done promptly and satis- 'fac__toti_ly.. Hot, blast- dvryivgng kiln. . District Ajgenc for gi'ai,rie_d lurn-` f`_;br.`..~- Fatorygx. , st::eet,_ Bar- 1._f5..:,`_f .,i-.R6dz\;er. ,_s.:f Vt G0`-$3 , }w9c=swr#~ Eye. Ear, N5; 7n,,,,_ l'o----_._A _. , n.l.`uLV$V\JJt, \;\I VV I3}! \5 LIL\\.l vv av, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, _' Conveyancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie.-,..(Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. Haugh-` ton Len-nox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L,B. I . ' 3 H. J. n. p, LVALVD, r!r1`Xb1'.,lAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone so a. At Stroud Otce: 2 to A nrn M .-..-.A.... 4... 112:1- 1...`:-av JV an 110 QLIUUU to 4 pm, Monday to` Ff-iday. IL`. ...\\;uz.u\1. 0. ununu, 11131` cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Eat, Nose_ and Throat. Oice and 1-esidence',vcor_ Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 195. Box 456. . J-ll\J\.l\, LIE-I119: `J0 J4 A. E. Creswick . rxa.\.I.Vr11.41.4, zu.-.1J-',\a.1VJ., \JsI'1` l. \..D `E5 Bothwell s -block, Allandale. On the premises at, night. z'1`rai`nj htrivals zgmd depantu;-`es a and from Barrie `are as` followis : Going North. 4 . _ NO. 47-v*12.45 a.m. --Cobalt Special ' " 6l:3:'p.{ Gravenhux-at-' 65-- 3.50 pm +-N<:>rth"-Bay" " 67-8.oo p.m.-'-From '1`o1-'o_n'tAo `to V . ,' ' " 55-V-,-. 8.o5.p.m. ' --Orillia. Going South.` 4* " 46- *4.45 pm.` ---CobalLt.Si>e.cig:1 " 54- 7.30 .a.m. ' --From Onlha 62- 8.00 a.m. --From Meaford h " V to Toronto " `~44 -,-9.`3s - a.m.-'-From Gravgqhurst ` - ' . to Allandal. ' (m1xcd.) .64--I2.5o_ p.m.--From`. drth Bay` " ,2f58-54.I5 p.m.--From Gravenhurst ' 1 we-5. vunyw anu |\..aAu.\.u\.C JUll|l`uJl near comer Elizabeth. Pho_ne 213. uANurA`c'i`URERs MONEY TOLOAN ARcI:urncrs- 1 sukvnvona PHYSICIANS. 52 Se} :, EVANS, RHYsfc1AN; (! P AAAA n.- `-A `.3 `xiii-T-.' ;s_w;:e,;3;;` -CRAJGHURST. 0NT- A LICENSED AUCTIONFFIAEM ._A_ 4, _._nnl AXIYEIWWT C39`! I IV - v-- ,f`;l'on THE coum-v or '_sIM0",: !Most If_ea_sonable terms glvcn on 3* I An 8-hofsepowcr Boiler and 3" horsepovzer Engine, made by 31 Poison Co. Toronto. ((2-; C TJEVII 3V0 L V1 Vlltilu Having installed gas in our 03:1 have the above for immcdxate -p` A 6 . Obi Legal Notices. etc. on i rti c:"..3m Ann...-...__ First insertion uentinsertlon 5 cc ing notices, 10 ce on : 5 cents per line on of the same nmttcr. lines, of tuarv P TRANSIENT AD\'ERTISl.\'a Auction this character, - oetry 5c per line. ' iiin nXii\"{rXiauiS1E.' Ucovau acovov Q accuse`: \.lAJLALJu Lovuv-v--- Private Funds to loan on first mon cages. Uorreabondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building. 0 Street. Barre. Ont. fjrj-URSDAY, 'P1-eferred ments in th of one-third rule will be strict] positions for 8 Paper vnll be sok on abo account will specia "0 I`a.l(:s, 5 1 posgmons y carncd on must be handed `year. If more are re 138- wants of all kinds, lost and fou CONTRACT cn,a.\'u1-:5. , Advertisers will please bear in notice of inteutiqn to change um-em` mto thcoicre not lulfmeb Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the com ,5 th change must be in 'l`Hl<.` Am ' 0 "W- later than I2 o'clock _ `M. i week, otherwise the ml \'ex'tiser's a!1l|OUCr:no any/not be made publxc until the \\`cekfol1g-E,` 2 changes of Advorlicr-moms allowedw will be charged.. qumd wmpobmon M Advertxsers wxll not be allowo space for advertlsing an_vthin;; outside 1` own regular busi_ness. Should they dong transient gates W111 be charged for such ac. vertisementsa CONDENSED ADV ERTIS EM l -I.\"l`S. V Condensed aevertise ments on rst page such ,. . _ . .11l`(1` Dropeny for sale or to rent. syeclne a_rt1m-s. cm, 9`; must ht! nnnnrn nn vs 5 - Baker's, Cream, Twist. Vien- na Sandwich. Fruit-Loaf. at 5c. Brown orlgenuine Home Made Bread. 1 EAKES. PAS_T_l_!Y__.CR EAM u:$jj Q IQCQ\D 1701-1=s.'n-ash n.aiy'.' INSURAQCE AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE; 3,,n_,4, n,-A ...nrO be inoerted--rst insertion 2 r-- ' each ubsequem insertion 1 cent per wow.` (nam ,addreseS and gures counlt-d as woaf M but a. reducnon of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions ofsama matter exceed four .I_._., p &rNiIVII'Il` Baggage delivered at all hours tound from any part of the town. Cab meena tninn at all hours of day or night. I 33510.25 497- 7.50 55 SOPI'IIAnTST. ' PHONE 321. PHON E 250, or drop us :1 Postal ifyou. would like something good in a loaf of our Machine made :- Dwelling 1 r00ms).stah1c,r1ri\'e house. =hT. and nearlyi of acre of land in garden and la\{`v Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets. Barr; Dwe1]ing-6 rooms, stable and shed. l.arge loton Peel Street. nn11`\`n r`IlO()AlI'r\r\o 1` _ . . _ ._ - town VCCI atreet. W Double dwenling. 0 rooms in each. on perton Street. Vacant lot. 2 of an acre, on Penetanwish:-w Street. Apply to ` r F. M. MONTGOM I . ', P Iu\..-_:. (Bap Boi|er&Engine For Sale. Cuts for advertisements mun In my case be mounted on solid metal hm. _ B0WN S BAKERY FRANK BESH John J ennett, n. ~. -);1_V&IvV1K`ILVV\I u -4.. V..- V _ ' ijnrvdlloun `effect. 09 POP: "'. '3`:,ILlt`IjI,I. . 0n_ or two appllcntm: 3 , iylngjgpgoye the roughngss. `(`"d. y . O 4' `I in `horn nfew mome M `use the skin aC`1`"' ':.v</" _' .7 > _ "(I not _otxckY- d "34-7.3o a.m. Np. 53-1.I.;()`~";;11. 56_-5.25 p.m. ` 55- 8.05 pm. `VIII? III. IF |. n _ /n`foTe'r using` 1}. TI-IOS, SMITH sfvoun sxm VELVET : P I 1 Barrie Property For Sale. v__-.u: ' H GLYCEDONIA. 3 _ ....unh J Barrie. COMMERCIAL puzsxuons for re will S( ld ion carried out nnv-rn I f`"' "" local at ova vimzsaxuq nszn.` QABMAN CONTRAC Address C0l\"I`RAf.'T I RATES D;-my Zinc1udin-g su}{day. .J.\ l V Barrie. \ sh'e-(1.3 law'- coningwocsa ma; Meaford. Pgnetang.` `I-Imii1ton'. Mv .: From - ' '1\`Io. T62.--7.55 a.m. J 42-1.07 p.m. 56-525 pm- . Ffoni 22-7.55 am. .26-L-5.25 p-m. From ` ulp; uyvauc .WlliIlCVC|'... , V _ _-7" L The man.who _stan.ds_;1e_ _shore-Q A pf.a.Ial_ and shoots,at.*?a de'er_- _'s` L 4*ad_ _ m. the water de.serves,,l1_is gage `mime can-% get it. Then, al-Iow__}_-,9h; -.1` ` _ ."dcei;; to each; licc`t1sfe,V.aJ1g!;?.Iinuld _It ` appear 1 that I the za'_mei: is;;~ ~s;nu sreduc int;-gin mvmbers. mx'kcV a'T1Q$cV3V`a9?ason% g. .f;"fro\I1 i.:,ti rg to me ;;:ats2j;ng;ft AA1zt,ti*Iiwv'=0. 0urs:Tt11h W!?!1t9i?iwe|.3: L.-.F`~l'-f..x .~.u:- In conclusion, I w`o"u13` say thatyas. far as I can see, ,the only_harm'_jthe. dogs cando is. that by_ _chas}'n`*~H:he; deer into Vthieewater .they,p'4ermit th_ lazy sp':rtsn1;gnAtov g'ct._-has cqxnxolg? ment`without"much ti'9i!hl_e. Such a1 sportsman 533 seasi,l.*v'7 -sati sI'cd,={ fOf(`L":;'=T cannot see where there is any. rowing or epaddlingsalogside;-A ,`dbt' in the w.a_tei`._ qnd /a:t__ _~th e%i1ist:nce. of` a few feet.e6r' at` mayfbe ,it1ch:s;;,ho(>t- it; This is ";asi1v.. _correcte"d- pass- - ing a law:s6fnething;-.lik,_ I:l1is,:.-,-rN_'o` ., ,i_n a *boa1t.;.`_can<.2e;` `or 'any,'bt,h1_ " deer ,to be ki-lIed'-by : ``~`Wl;i! nfuz device; whatever; ;_ ` 'm._ ...- _-I.- -4- 7 "--'3-' bexnrehsesa-uvy 'MI'. pg,` jW.:!'man 2 7 ._ . :1`,`:Fir`st*'-`f all y`->,u.5>n3s:s:;..;savVI-th % [> I.`h; iforgsms ,;ome.' :, gbg iggatuc 13 _n._y,.4;upuI ;\UU!:lI.laUIl. ' , ` . Al 3-yr.-old or under-,` attach`qd-J. `I-Iu_nte'r, John A. Lennox, John A. .Hopk1ns;x; ' - we_;see that prohibition of dogsdnd not increase the deer in Lower `Michigan: "as we- see also that lthere is apparently a decrease of deer _on _, the Upper` Peninsular where practically dogs have never been al- lowed to run, and where the `still. hunter has had a free hand. There are sections in the Upper Peninsular where deer are `still `plentiful, ' but where the land is worth clearing and being. cleared, the deer are certaiil-`y not so numerous as proved b the restrictions in the came `laws uring the-`last ten years. , ---u -- -v---u---an-no -- wIaII\pwnnlV\OI There are other sides to_ this ques- tion which I do not intend.taking up at length, and some not at all at this time. There are one. or two points to: which I should; like `to refer. The first is the increased danger to __the. hunter `in still-hunting as compared with the use of dogs. I have a friend living in Sault Ste," Marie who `was shot in mistake for a deerva-nd lost a leg, while .1 `number of others each and every yea:-,`lo`se their lives, which would have been impossible ..un_der our laws. About` the only acudents we have are -when some~'of outfiel- `lows. gorstill-hunting. as Mr. Clarke on `the Magnetawan; a few `years ago. This h'as_.gonc'so far. that , in the l State of ::Michigan; 3. law :`has`. been placed on'_ Athe statutev book punishing. _by fine` and impris nment any man sl~.ootmu' anc~;t`?,p|9 deer.` We -havejtieverv-~neededl any such law... butedo away- with dogs and the necessity g__;willv..-be. ours.-`;..-S,till.i a; _ne of ten `thousand dollars ,0;-`ims prisonment 6f',5;a;;..'hundrldryears will -wmistnke! for a. not ' restore , accidentally tale: % IEH. ` ` thirtieth of the same rnor.-th,-';both days inclusive. -This was. a snap`.for pott. hunters .who came. many of `them. from the Lower Peninsular loaded with two']'or more licenses, and they could hunt the whole sea- son, shipping- out enough deer to make big wages and have the sport besides. The e of four or `ve years showed that the deer were ,being depleted rapidly, and strange to say. without dogs. The -licenses were then changed so that only three deer were allowed to each license. This went on for two or three: Yhars,` J` when, I unders't'and. ayfurther.-reduc-, tion was found ceessary, ,and_`I bf: lieve only two eer -have been allow- ed the last couple of cars, and the license fee raised. to a dollar and .1 half. license lping good-for !the.Coun- ty in which ittwas issued. ` . . Hence, you; see that theinfereencs of certam still-hunters are not cor-` -re`ct as far as Michigan. is concerned. 'I"I_- ._, _,., _.. A `Beelby, Vdence-R. D. Coutts, Geo. 'Healy"'&;,f V .1, ..~---,, `ruv` .F'C!3'l:yt1tts. . 1 or e m year: 1 y RED, goutts, At?- Campbell. ' .- Mare with foal by I1ex'(."ide `.A""tV`>x'- 'ei_r:iL-`-' ,---- I. uu LIUI. .yd.lLC""_VV K.` '1V.lcul1'l', J. wax er; ` 2.30 ass-%-Jo`s, W1lco_.,} F.P..Hinds, 2.50 class-fI.' L'c$cile3'r:-4 P. J. Stoxie, F. P..Hinds_... A M 2-yr.-old polt ` race--Hr.?u Leadiey; )Robt. -Miller, James Wright. Stlnn fn unhh-1a.__T) `T CI--K--"Q `O Malusm us` run'1'nAu'u h. KODI. -Mnuer, James-%V-Wright. % 5 Stallions to vehicle--:P. `J.A oxje, `J. Wilcox.` 1 2 A i f , Farmers green`-_--Wm. Hughes, H. Edwards, Blaekstock. ~ L} 1 J-JUIIIJ us. GUN. USU. nealy G `Don. Span in harness,;_I5 % hands` high, attache;-d-.`1`.. A. J_ebb,. T. ,McCulloch. .QinaI'n `Inc-an 12-IZ In-...A.. L2`-..L. -; uuacucu--..I.v. Al. J,DD,- -1.- ,MCLullOCh. Single horse, I5*Va, hands high; at- tached-Ja'mes `Bruce, D. M. -M_<;Kin- _ley, Adam `Robergson. " 0_IvII _l\`A A --...I -_., -4; _ I 1 `I vryttvq wpxqoa var ' uvyul unalyljr 6II\l' `\}V'_ tiohs. - ' ` :;HRSE$`;"-.' . Am-,ce1u:i-:ous; V faddle ' .IV.eig1,`g Whitawoodi .127 L` :.-`_\_. __Pony s::ig11e;:L.ariv`e"r,;.: :4 [hands an_'d under-- -E. S.7-_Bi!1g Team ponfc,` ~.:1_4'- nds a:id\--"under, a;ttached--B. ` Brown. Lawret1e,v .`Jf/os. L.V Filly, or Bee1by, G: D. Couttg. T?!II_'_ _ Hun, ucu. .u.:u_y oz 50]], _ ' ' Foal of I908--R. D. Coutts,` Gd. Heal) 31 5011. Geo; Healy 8: Son. . \Snnn in hm-ma ' rg IA L.....l`.... I.:..I. Blow ivfvivenl fa" ,cOn1_1L>l'e`t<; l'ist` OBI 'suqce'ssful' "exhibitors at Barrie Faig, `ayccprdjng `to dep`artme1`1t and sec -I L- -;- - mn.i~ u.u.a\.ucu Brown. ` >1 ucc. vv. J, uuxs, JODI1 M. =Ness. = . A Foal of 19o8-_James B1.-ace, W.-~L %[f`?"1xaa;,,, .0: Driving. pen trot o?. -W. R.'~~ ' I. Gincs ' Wi`pT cwan,...: Mcclrr qauucn nun `Ram (shearling)--T. Connell, T. Connell, John Sanderson._ Ram` lamb"--T. Connell, John Sand- ejsngn, -T.- Connell. ..... /....-A ...1..:..1;. 1.... -..:..;..I 1......1. ,Shr6pshii-4e@ Downs. A Ram (ag ed)-Geoi7ge~ Crawford, ,A. "IX. Armstrong, -A. `A, Armstrong. ", Dunn /1:`-Inn -1:9`:-o\ ,,,4r:nI`sn}Do I`-n.-u. .itE9.77.(1P1Qg)"< , % % iTi _ ' \ T on ~A..fKrm`7~ H`.-. V Ram (aged)-J. L A.- fCe`rsweI\l, J . H. Cersw"el_l. ,_- 1. V ;Ram (sl1ea;i-1ix1'g)`-33. ..Cerswe1}-*, |I- A: Cer.s,w.e1l_;: .7-`T _ Ram _1amb-E]. ;%--H;~....Cerswe]1, J:f~.A`. Ccrswell, J, ?.f;;;{;Ce;syieII;`~`:.-- , ` -- :- - r`_l :}wp (a'ged` ,i:\1:: ;~ft1_1_a;:..x_-_aised lam}: thgsf, y`ea1")e-j-,I.i.jxf.;.:3; .e*jx_-s\ar`:l`_l%, s1 . . 'C`ers- well , J. A.-,Cerswell,-.~_-=- . I ` L ~.-'f Gimmc'x.'%- --(11. A:fC`?s.svel1. JLH4 . Cersr. :.Vi'VeH,* V j,ersW\!l,L};, `I-1"." -' 4 \ . .-F-.W.e la!`n,b.;~J`s .-'i7I%'vi.Cer"wll.` J I `Cerswell, ~_J,f~ A_. _Cerjve1l-`.-; .4 j .;.i=?- - ' . '4 \`_v__;_T.~ .. 2.}. .- 7 (I-`\.lGvlllB,wJ,o xvx, 4`! C53." .._Pair 'n'1aresV-,--1\-Iarl'i?1'g Bros., A...`-13.! '& N. (,7ampbe1l.' : -Mare with [foal-.-}S;' Dyment} J.-- Dy- I Viment.- A __ .. - -A `f Yearling"-:5. "f_Dyni"e nt,_ . J. Dyment. A Filly r gelding (2-yr.-' ld)-.,.I. Ed- wards, John Kelly, W. _ Heavy Dra;ht._ OI` apldino-` '(\r"Pnr.l;r|n-\__'I' An Pncwo ;:voplper. ' Pnbluhad from the onion. 128 Dunlop Street. Barrie. in the County of Bimooe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada..every ; ` Thursday Morninc. by '* [wun.:vaca:w. pact-mnonsf .Herd.of any beef breed (xmale, 3' females)-.S. Dyment. . Bull` of any age or breed-S_ Dy- ment. . , Female of any age`--S . Dymcnt. .. .. SHEEP. _e , , ,_ '1'j -T Cotsyvolds. ' ' Ram (aged)--Jno. Sanderson, Jno. Sanderson. ` - .11-... ,1-|.--4:_.__\` rr r--_..._n ml J UIIII DGIIUCI. BUM. V Gimmer-`-John Sanderson, T. Con-.W nell, T.'Conne_ll. V ` `Ewe lamb-.-'1`-. Connell, John Sind- zefson, John ` rlo .l'lIlIl|:I'UII6, TI. (1., J_X_IIJIB|-I`JIIso ._Ram (she arlin\g)--George Craw- _'ford, A. A. Armstrong, DA. A. Arm- Iatrong. ~ - - i D-nan I"...;...;.... F_n'--.A-A L V7. o J.4UVVCo Hgfer (year1ing)_-C. M.V1rii'ck1in'g, Bidwell, Mrs. W. A. -Lowe. JHeifer calf-r--George E. Crawford. ` Steer (yearling)-:C. M. Hickling. I teey. g_g]f-,(_}e` , E. Crawford, C.` M. -Hickling. ," '.%m*..*. ........1 l 44 `KC! DNIII, L 0 %\IlIII\ilIo 'Ewe.__(aged, which has raisd lamb `tis year)-T. Cormell, T. Connell, John Sanderson. . _ _ V _ Leicester. . Ram (aged)-7-W.' H. Martin. Ram (shiearlmg).--Freek & Reid, W. -H. Martin. Ram lamb--Freek , &. Reid, Freek & `Reid, H Martin. - IL I`IIL:$L `$3 I II I.\`Cl\I, .'VV, 11 IVLGI `I'll: .Ewe_ (aged whiclyhas raised lamb this a_year)-Freek_ & Reid, W. Martm, W. H. Martin.- T . `r::rU|o\nAo__,,'DonAl`r D.- `if U '.IL3I'UlII WV ` Juli IVJ-GI Elli. . `Gnpmer---F_reek &' 'Rend, Martm. ' 13,--- 1-,,,1_ I17 11 1:, .9 , LVIIII Illlu Ewe lamb-:W. H. Mart-i'n, Reid,- Fgfeek 8: Reid. ' ' UII `Ills: Ram. lam'b--Gveo-ge Crawford, A. A. Armtrong, Gebrge 'Crgvyford, 1 `Faro (gnarl uvl-[:1-`I-..Ino-us anneal` Ia.-nlg "TH: Nonruznu Aovnnce ,{3llI.l6tl_Ull, \1CU._ \ua_v_vu;Iu. - l ;--:-Gammer---A. ,_gA. L.-Armstrong, Geo._ Crawford, ~ Geo-' Crawford. A f .1'.`.- .... 1...-.. 11---..- (`_..---..-.l r~-- \.lCVV_IUlU,_` C I \aI'd,WlUI' o Ewe larng-5- GcOrge Crawford, Geo. Crawfprgl, . A. ` A. , A_rm_strong. - '; _ _4.Oa:_f_`:_-d ' Downs. y-.|u~. Jzuguca, 13.`. DUWRTGS. Pony under-_ I4 hands_ to saddle- Sh,ephe_rd,..Max Ness; V _ CATTLE.- *_ .- 'Durhins; I A % `Bun '(3-yr.-old);--S. Dyment,_ c. `Hickling. ' "I ' I Bull (yearling)_--C.` M. Hicklihg. ~ ;Bull ca1f-S. Dyment, -.C. M. Hick-. ling. ` ` a - . Cow giving milk or in ca1f-S. Dy- ment; S. Dyment,'C. M, Hickling. Heifer` (2-yr.-old)-S.` Dyment, S. Dyfnent`, C, M. `I_-Iickling. A . T ' Heifer (yearling)-S. Dyment. "Heifer calf--S`. Dyment. ' Grades.` ' Cow giving milk hr in calf--C. Hickling, John ,Hines, Mrs. W. A.` Lowe." { . , `l`I`_'l'-. '1,` cv\ - ' -' (lo U-ll lllll VII`, U C '\.4I W LUI . a `Ewe (aged wT1?cl;has,. raxsedulab `this year)--Geo. -Crawford, A. `AI _-Armstrong, Gepk C:fa,wfor'd.f' ' A .A-auAaL-a\nnn- (`An l vvuuua, Juuu. .I'.\Cll , VV. LAM. Filly or gexcfing (V_w,z"e;:-'ling)--J. % Black, J. Edwards, 3. A. Lennox. Foal. of I908 -'-- ` am. Wiggins, AJ. V-Bruce, Peacpcki Brc od mare iwifli -foal bf evidence-- "Bruce-.= JKis_sock, `:Rot, Storey Son, J. ?';`.`:`='fare or.`g`eldin[g `on .li'n--`-A. `W- -.VV1]kin.~1on, _Ge_o_._ Raiikes. .\.l-.o...`1....a 7-..... .: ,-.'..__.. -_ ;J.::7., , ',vv-uIuu.`,Uu, u UCU. , 1_\i1N(C5., Mated `pair of _"i_na,res 'or.ldiggs --.GeoA._ ACra.w._f.o $d, Robt. `Storey & Son. _ _ ' Agdciylmral. I . ~ T my $1 getdgng (2-yr.-o1d)--R. N. Robinson, vW. Luck, R._Stan'(1en. F3111: nut ..-..IA:...... ........1:.._\ vr~_- \.ln was LU`. ` Brood mare with foal or evidence-I. A. N. Robinsorg, J. Kelly, N. Wice. .'\'f$HI`I'IPrl .nn;I-' rnau-Ac nn nA`IA.'.-nu.-. u aria u gn .>- .' I Smglg turx;Qut-T."`A. J ebb, .G, R. W=.{} _ H , -_ - ~Smgle turnout ` (farmer s)--Wm'.4 .I%'.e_J, I-I. Edwards. uuonnnnann A..,... A.._.`L f` - - `PI - ' 1 us. no nuuuuaun, J. Qcuy, 1V. WICC. .Matched v aii-` mares or ge1dings- Juo. Kidd,T np. Kidd. ..~;:';\1:1re or gelding "(any 1g'e)-'--Geo. Cra~.wford. _ .- -n`.\ a~I.|` LL: J-4\-IVVCII U3; l~.'arme-rs opei'1'trc'>t--Geo. Reid, V\ ,n`1:,iJughes, H`. Edwards. Dan u.qA4.. -IA 1.....4`- L- --J-~ ~44` _ _Dr._ Hart of Barrie has_the `follow- }{18 Interesting article In 'October Red and Gun :- . ;-3,; _;,_.. rT)'uring the last` year in" the`discus- sions on Our Vanishing Deer" and ; Incidentally on still-hunting_ versus. dog-huntinggmany of the writers in A favor. Qt still-hunting }'.ft, t0_sorne 0} the different States to the south `bf us, particularly Maine and Michi- . . I lived in ~Michigan for six years, gan. I know nothing of `the `State of -Maine, but I want to show that the prohibition of"dogs in the State of Michigan `below `the Straits of Mackinac did not allow the deer to increase; and that north of the said Straits the deer have. decreased or changed their ground, without V pract- ically ever having been hunted by `dogs. ' u` "'1 H `moving there in 1896. `As readers know. Michigan ispdivided somewhat into twoparts by the Straits ofMac- kinac. Natives of the State call the parts the Upper and Lower Pen- ansulars, and, being -used to that de- scription, I will use`t_he same terms. The Lower Peninsular, or that part 1 . of the State south of the Mackinac` ' Straits, was practicaly the onlypart where dogs were used and thlefr have been prohibited for years. ow if the argument of my `still-hunting friends should be true the whole of the Lower Peninsular should be well, supplied with deer. Is it? Most of our readers will say that I do not .A now, - because V I have not had the. op- Rortunxty of being there. ` Those`.,who now WI `at once admit that the -number of deer below the `Straits are?- few. - Why is this? `The law has been _ in favor of the still-hunters" argue` rnent. V .l I. - &4\lVV In 1 Heifer (2-A .- Id - d M . W. A. Lowe? O ) 3r pr 12,6 S YI'-.-.. I, ,, ,1` _ \ IV 1: -r7'- I no -I_.\\ IV. &\I;I3li ` 3 -r.-old, a.t_ta<':hed - -I`\`IIa_1rling Bros.. - 1L`e'n`nox. -Single 'ho_rs`e-'-T. ~A,; jgbia, Alex.- -Adams,` 1. "Ness. ' . `-`D.. .. `...;.'........ 1u' "' -..I.-`.._ 13..-- A `I'\ l;rawtord,- G, Simpson, J, Kelly. .V Foal of I9o8-N. AWice, A. Quinla G. Carter. ' ' ` "|3__,_A_1 A_AA,,_ M1 9 u -4 ' I 1\UlJ.ll|aUll -yv. L4l.lC.K, 1'1. ,|,\._?'[an(1en_ 3 - F1")? 0! geldmgn: ,; (year1mg)--'-Geo; Crawford,-G. Simpson, J. `Kelly. Fnal nf-' rnnQ__\T \'x7:.... A" r\..:..I..... ` i /(iigks, IL M; Ness. -e '2;y"r.-old oxj `halter-4-:1`. A. J ebb. W; `Reid. W. Rcxd. : " ' ~ 9_nvn -n`zI H -all-n...l...J . 'I`'.._`IZ.... 11..-- :V`?:i3t`5af';{j 1` .~ C3f/avIf_ >ArVd.' . Speals. Tums ow sunscnumoxi, 3 . M Mr Amount in mdmmne 'No new name will be addedtothe Sub uorlption List until the money is paid. u!--dl.-_'- ..-... I- -....--_.. A-.. 4.1.--- _.-_4n._ THE NORTHERN ADVAANCE Freek ' I \Jll "Leg1{ong. hen `do; .` C, wi1sn rs: and 2nd. , l("-_.;.:....-_I ..`.. `D--- 'II.......\ "Z'nom Smith- 1 -_I_-_;'._ "f.'hor`n Leadley. - Leghorn Wilson. . T -__I-_.,;` 'l IllvlIl ISL 6-ll `ll u -Game hen do.--E,uS. Bin'ghan 1st and 2nd. .~ , , Langshan hen--'-E.V S. Bingham. Leghorn cock- (white S.C.)-'-A. F. A. M lcdmson, -Chas.` L. Bufton. Leg orn hen. do.--Chas. L.` Burton. Leghorn. cock (white AR.C.)-J. Mc- Lucas. ` ' 1 -_,1.-,_ __-1_ /1.--.__-___'. c~r~\ ~r.~ -11-- SO15; `TI V-ill, .l\\Jy L GLSCI DUI]. - Brahma hen do.-`-W. Wilson , R. i \ r'....1.... .......1. r-....;..:.1....\ ur r- IICT, I)CTl.-VVa.llCl'3Ull. _ Game -hen do.--Bert Rayner, Bex t Watterson. ` T -Game cock (In'dian)-B. Lawrence, Game hen do.--B. Lawrence.` Game cock (axiy other color--E.'S- I-Bi9`5am`1st and gpdk '1-I! ,-,0 _ ,__ _.-'. -s'`3ILE z'68)`1lJ.-`.35.*'E3}swen, J. Cerswell. V ' ' T ` there. *there arealarge tractsof solid ~woQds, any settlement ufact it is ,orily( :i`feompa`ra,tivel y] short . _Tal_1q.uameno`i1 {and Pine ,.Rijyfct"bfli5' K i :P*'?b%bl` 'rs= two htmdr-esl Now, the Upper Peninsular is not well settled, and, being well treed, has large tracts of 'lan.d-particularly 9well suited to -make homes for the deer. Probablv the best settled. Coun- ty is that of .Chipp_ew a,_,and, yeven except in `spots alongu -theftwos railroad lines. ,The pine is gone, but. hardwood. _ hemlock ' and cedar: are i there l abundance. , "As a matte: of. time since deer .-hunting was taken-`up as :a sport by any number _p-',~me;`:A although Vtranoersi l have. been - working, along; the different .branclie;s ~iof:,=t,`r:

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