HIRAMA _B. Tl:|1(_)_h`Il_S_(_?N, If you want your bsiness to. ad- vance. advertise in The Advance. Comenis gem and see the Millinery. Y o u r e heartily welcome. : e : : 2 Every day incoming_ Shipments hatre been ad is a wealth of weaves clamoring for your inspe. 1011. larger and more representative of the wanted S and our values better than age offered you by y ot ` 7 I I .r A.c.AnDAGH. D A 3 l A I A AIl\ $lI$\IE\l4 - I ca.n~.a4s`sui-e }y<:>u, that :it to me, as an F It anordeci me thegreatcst pleasure to know 1 Eng1is_f_x_tnan,. the` pl_ea,sure V to_ nd `.80 . th_at so ne an instrument as the Concert Grand Bpiendrd-a`p:ano.=`assnst1ng_"in'the.-.muszca1a3F. .'Plit!00f. Hitzman 3! C0-. Used at my C0C`~'3 ` un-. nearest Hr'MaJ'sty s f9're!I99t c9lny. F_- in theArmries. is manufactured in Canada." X L` ` . Ti f'B01-P13n.con;French Basso. _,.V'1'*`ls_:fijs' th% Lthe_j.attf3ctid'n _of allnmU_sic-lbvfiing people who visited I . "`:-`nae OTHEFI is" your opportun o I ve your orders lled. with her own sta `o r `med operatives. ...L_.. u... out Dr Ihtki fg Depai-tmen_t is busy, and while you are think- ing of your Fal ress remember the usualrush and diiculties met with . 4-1.. ' I u_lur\ t\1"|..Il'."D `fill!-`--RII1 NOMI 'I`)oll_ery of Toronto is `visit-I ing Mrs. R. Jack. 1 in v` c ,5 , (Madaby ye olde fit-me of Heintzman 5 C0,, Ld_) V Naqpiano='of` home or foreign manufacture, outside of a piano of V He1ntzman'& Co., was good enough for the Prince of Wales personal - -aP3-"m`5- 3he"' "T1901 0*. "-1 1903. when on a visit to Canada. ' ' '* our exh1bit"`and'make your select ' it,h a~1i{ Iong piano. a ' `"'a"d b`"`f" "`" h`e I _`had; net the sI.1ghtest"T1de_a_-_that' such a 7 T ~-"T-hAe`pianos of 'Heintzman & co, 35: mag V , 3tm`9t 33 51 Hlfltzmafl 8! C0 - " We` V1381. not surprised at the succes ConceI?t__,.;_rana APi_i_no was. manixfactured A in lnstmments have m'e't`with in England. Canzd3+'f-+5Nubini,,the blind ,Italian;artist`.<` " g `,G'0dfrey.` R.A.M. ' % Coming to See : Here are 4 God Numbers. that ard L ` Wide Wale diagonal cost_ume cloths: all pure wool, 46 inches` wide. Shows up zvell in_ colors. I!t s a popular ..1nL uy vvv cloth Extra he'nioh British] clyed Ven- etion Suiting, ne wool and popul weight. This is the same quality th we sold last season at 85 cts. T years price is 3, little lower and offer it in all shades, at HEINTZMAN 8: G0. |=uANo '-Z12?-8-T'aIoT.'T R THAT IS DISTINCTIVE. | I Miss Patt`ers_on with her trimming sta was never so rushed as now. wing to the ne weather and perhaps its the exceedingly rices (for materials _are much cheaper this year than last) at millinery has Acertamly caught on, and this department is a Perhaps. its reasonable any rate 0 kuccqv `1;Iva An AZIVC any ld.I.C- U uuLnxnLwA_ busy hive ese days. `lien yard , m;s,`a;;ge '1511cia e'}'5p`nc a few days in Toronto during the week. n:,_ 11*- ,1, uin -._u 1' Per xard Pleasurein therhome is `increased wondere fully by the presence of a perfect piano. "There is acharm about the 75 7&3` as" {our oxfglers gandsome stripe effects in Box- oth and '~ Broadcloth and Venetian Suitingsgpure wool, -good weight, all the stylish shades. A good number in costume lengths only _ stripe suitings in all the X ades, including the New _' e1[1,sp much called for for son. Splendid weight, at Geo. Vickers `I 9%` IKIUIQIJ III! I M-rs. Storey and son are visiting in Collingwood. ' ,'Il' TY T\ `I P 'I` , n 5 . ' '. Price per 3211., $1.25, $1.50 Per yard _ ,Th_ pianos of`I_-Ieintzrlrxan astoniijhii e.me,.`~I`am;not the success t 6 instmmuts m`e't'with England."*D3 R.A.M. 85 ` unI'ii'a'E:i3iis 'a't"sc. La cream at loc. Unexcelled for Flavor. Manufactured % in Barrie by J. A. JANES. Owen St. SAMPLE ONE OF OUR ' ' `in? H ' Stckingsif THUR'SDAY, "Mr.a}i ' 1I`v"1{iiEiT-e}1' iialsmbeen E on the sick list during the week. 1"\ `II? A ;Side Pianoof "of Wales 2.3. .. r`__-_ .1- Illustration of the Piano T specially selected by the Private apartments at 1133 g Citadel, Quebec. during Vthe Tel-centenary. Was 0!! 7d"3l59d with the Union Jack. St the Nati__o__naI Prince of Wales for his Vexhibion, beautifully "Ralf 'I&1B2rE"ii}}1ae11 is home from the R. V, Hospital. '. . 1 vv Exposition. Toronto. n o:- cctil 3 LU V testi ton V L 11011 . nln 1. :"1'\1{s'., dra{1{;{n"Is"%Ha:ni1ton as visit-h. mg -Mrs. Geo. Gates. , - MI..v'v(3Va1.tc;1_;'WI'xg1s been [visitingl 1n Torontoyand Hamilton. `A `D vv C` T*Mr.`anczliM`1T-Ts. H.MRosVe;ear were up {tom Toronto over Sunday, 11 ,/'~ 1-: '1 . :- M1i1(-:='a11-ci'V'1\-E1:-s:.Wfgott and Mast- er Clark are vnsxtmg In Gravenhurst. u1'l'.._ 1 .1 r 1\ I 1 -I-'\ u Rev: w}A.VA}n College Alumni meeting this week; 1 \I 1`! I \.IIIlV\rIlIllAouJIn -.'-.....- ..., ...... .., .. A `M1-.. and Mrs. D. ~ cDougall have returned from a pleasant stay in To- ron_to. , - a - q-. 4 `. -' - .' . IUILLU. I7 . _ Rev. A. J. Paul exchanged pulpits with. Rev. Dr. Ockley last Sunday, evvemng. ` . V vMTrTs.uTJames Gilchrist left thye hos- pital on Saturday and is at her moth- er s home on `Essa. Street. ' V ' ' Spearih_ and Ed; (I-Iadden have gone over to Lindsay to help out the shortage there. I 'll_ (`I7 TY- I 11 l T T1{4r[W."i+io;i{i1'"e}n$}{his fam- ily on Monday to near `St. Thomas, where he will engage. in.f`arming'. - 'l`L _ -_13_ _---;S,- ..---.- --- .,-.,..,,-. ..............,. The `discontinuation of the summer trains and the knocking off of -onenof the North Bay trains has resulted in a number of regular passenger con- ductors having tovreturn to- freig'hts. rm..... :. ..---- _ --_--_-4-- IVLI o - deshte : :\nl|tIn9' -_' _ and Hnbl;rd`.and Miss Ella Hubbard of Toronto "visit- friends here during,thewee k. V ' ,II'._ 6.1. -19 _ ,. I 'II", A .% - % , aua;au,:: .:a~.1u|-. .*.. . - `R. M. Neely of WiniI1"`; _ - - ~ _-_..-"5 v-r -`cu-cop uv aovnenlssn There is now a. consensus of opin- ion that the only way by which the disregard of signals and rules can be prevented is by some device which makes it physically (or mechanically) impossible. . _ - u- A.- cw u-----ua_v-v vvwv V "M}fJ"Eiai1'and Misses Anniganlv Jessie ~Sin'c1a;ir of Stayner. are` guests at. -,M_r%._ A. Sinc1air's', Clapperton v mt-` 'ILl'-~_-___ 1.~_,;` -.;J' 1:9- ple of da wlM1_-;."71:i1';s'.--"l:1"icker and Mis 9"I-Iaze wercdown from Penetan ys this week. ' All_. `It -5 `cu ca" 4 1 z fog a cow] '."-iiiss % visiting Stree__t. W-1-\;I1'-,'B;.1'glas Pace of Montreal has` been holidaying at Mr. -A. Urquhart s for a.-few days. ` - % - Ill__ 1'.` D vs I. --vJ -- "-1\rI;s;wIva, Strangwa of Beeton has been spending `a cw days with Miss E. `.31-<)V_\yn.'_ . -" ruwv "-V1\-'I'r- Ox-lan'd'<;" Lewis of CoOksfVownT is spending a fewT-days with friends .at -Hazelholm_ep, _' _L ~ 4 ;Currie`Smith and familyleft this week for Port Hope where they will res_ide. ` A T ' ' Mrs. Robt. T Burns of Toronto is` visiting old friends here for. a few days_. V U `:11 1. ,1 II on oooo9oooooooooooo ac Ocrihg in, czuomtecntgion gang .2; .1. Ghnlll U1` ' *1. `hanging Society and People A BREVIARY or THINGS TRANSPI-RING In numrs RAILWAY QUARTER Va 5. vA1nsf`*` sons. z-o-o-o-ow-o-o-o-o-o-ocm- j 1 `L h l T` L Wa1ton of Collingwood is at Mr, C, Partridge s, Owen *'!!?] - fThe chill tear here~and- you are forcibl ~ - ' dedLthat.yon must- bu for. urself` or the girls. ` It is not that you "should worry about of the style-anjd color. We V no that part of it "for you months agsfand are presenting now a range of . omexfs and Children's "Coats, the like gytwhieh we have never had before. Come where your` choice will be easily made ,'wfh'ere ' you will `see. the Coats of quality and sty1e%--Coats that must appeal toyou; becapse of their distinctive character and because of their easily apparent good value. Eoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo3I ' v-'---v --. -v-.-- V-.. v--v 5-. - - u V . - q-5: Another pioneer of the 6th War passedaway on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd, when Maria. Sheedy, relict of the late_ Patrick `Sheedy, was called into the great beyond, after a few weeks ill- ness. She leaves a family of two` sons and three daughters. The ,fun- eral took place on Friday morning from the family residence, Cumbere land Street, to St. Mary s church and cemetery. ~ I A September wedding which unit- ed oneof, the 6th Ward s most pop- ular young men and agfair young lady of the Queen,-City took place on Fri- - day aternoon, Sept, 25th, at 2.30 at the home of v:Mrs. Jas. M!dMillan, Wil- liam Street, when Mr. James McMil- lan and Miss Alice Moitt, daughter of Mr. Robert -Moitt of Toronto, were married in the -presence of the immediate relatives of the contract- ing parties. - Owing. to the` bereave- ment in the `bride s family, the wed- ding was a quiet one. Rev. W. A. Amos tied the nuptial knot.` The bride was daintily gowned in white silk eolienne over taffeta and carried white roses. `Miss Mollie Thompson of Toronto was bridesmaid, and wore, a bolero jocket of all-over lace. She carried pink roses. The groom s bro- ther, Mr. George McMillan, was best man. The bride received a large number of lovely gifts, the groom s favor being a sunburst of pearls. Mr. and Mrs. `M"cMillan- took the `Hamil- ton train for a short trip , and will on their return reside on Burton Ave. The out-of-town guests were the bride s father, Mr. Robert Moftxt, her brother, Mr. George Moftt, and sister, Miss Ruby, -anda friend, Mr. Geo. Blackburn, all of Toronto. 1Mrs. McMillan travelled; in a handsome black `tailor-made suit with white waist and wore a large, black" hat. trimmed with white wings. The hap- py couple have the best `wishes of a host of friends here.`-. ` ` from 5} sevtT.-re attack of pneumoxniajl 0 D :osEm%H.swAN. % V `V. `,m%nr'vuvm or ucznszn Auc1`1ou::1:x'I'-%Cnrri-sec. W-nous. ` 4- Q _773l,ill.lI .: % AddressBAR1IE.Ref`ot % M V ` .4 Mrs. Fraser, `who has. been staying with her parents, `Mr, and Mrs. C. Swinnerton, has gone ; to, ,Winnipeg to_ reside. L ' ' ' 4| ~'i no "M`fS.f Wellington Cameron and lite the son of Toronto have been visiting at Mr. Ault s, on their return Ifrom}M:uskoka. ` % f Aft; `a ,month'; `ho1i'd,ay1 at her. home here,- Miss Nellie `Grantxeturns to Montreal `to-day, eaccomfaanied by` Miss_ Edith Grant, vyho wi-I enter a hospxtal th._I'e to"t1-vagn forja nurse, Young,` Elizabeth `Street. v-u-- 'Masc-oex of Alpena, Mich., has returned home after spending a short"time with his sister. Mrs. T. - --r-v-- ---`v-\, -v v-u-nu av -nus.-vvg ' The many rriendsfor c. `A. Richard- son of Wavy -Lake, Alberta, son` `of W. C. Richardson of ` Town, will be leased to hea'r~~th at he'7is recoveriqg. tom 3 , severe attack pneumonna, DOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: Ecboes From South 'Ward.1 } Mr". and Mrs. R. .J.'yOrr and the Misses Orr and `Mr. 'I`.hos.~ McCarron of Toronto Vspent Tuesday 111 Town, taking in the Fair. ' `_F A`, I , II` C -.F'oR- :ooM590002 VVVVVVVVVVVVV-V... 9. V... f ` B Y. 0 when you buy "only t1;e purest An` I-go.`-.5-A ...__ ..-_.! .... 1- '33- Emms oav c.oa9_s_ [lloorlalfs Elven Away! One nee Met GIVEN FREE to every one :l.1:dg:urchasea goods valued at $3 and up- I 1"nn1n nn. av--at-en Au- `lnll t`l.uu.I... ...I.:..L come and examine our Fall Goods. which are ready for ma ction. Our Ladies Mantlea. Suits and Silk B ouses _are' made in the latest styles and at the very lowest fprices. Men's and Boys Suits and Overcoat: o ertect fit and at exceptionally good value. A 11 line of Gents ' Furnishings. A large stock of Dry Goods, Wool Blankets. Bed bgems. Carpets. Oil Cloths. `Runs. Dlurfnina, nttinoa `fit! at tho worn a s1-at Puma ` 7 V . - - ' auaiuou 23$? .9. omshognnz i3i':i:3 1'&E5I'i':2a "o1T`131T$C Rugs, Curtains. attingp. hw., at the very `lowest prices. Terms to auit the Purchaser. I Egan the morning T` will. run 0 .' A THE BARBIE llqusofurnishing M K 3 RAIlIK3| X___._. A A.- `n . c. mvmson. I-'r:prIe:or. 33' Elizabeth St._ (K`idd Blocl&.) Open Evenings. ' _ '01- .Puasomi. Aaunnumtnu D.n`. . . 1" Is A l"lN'E+l;E'l:llnB_N`l` And will not ignite from spark, `coals `or cinders. . |lHE%SRJE1IGO Y..l More durable than shin Ies. Has stood the test of _time. 0 experi- ment; A - - 3oooo3_ I ---- '- av "'I V-J 'V l""" -and freshest groceries. That is the only kind we have. safe huuli, too, when you get just what you-task for. That's what we al- ways give. A child can shop here as - safely be an adult. g Ladiesiandc { i A trial order left with us gives you satisfaction andvus 5 customer. . iuuiuu Mulcaster street. Phone 200 Free Delivery`. B.u:Z.I(t'I;ssZt;lVct'li E}:iie}i{n}T.' ir mus A aoonknoor . _ A `Andyet cheap. " !!I5osm=:s9$;~T-1 % PAROID ROOFING _,All enquiries cherfully ~ panswergdl by LIMITED, A ' and "cant: Is` wnzn moor Miss Minnie Hall has returned to` Huntsville. <:nqcEa_ .."_ 4544 A Ar5L'OTl-IINGVA I8 DURAILB THVE 'No1rrHERN1 ADVANCE CARPETS ga oooodomdooo9ooo&; RY V heartilywelcome. ,:': : - -- - ' ~ -- v -~~- o . ' ` " ' !oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo08 U`! `I U'III ONTARIO LANo-s'U=WIon., .KNK OF TORONTO BUILDING. BIIIIC. ICSIDKNCVC TCVLKPHONC, `I49. PHYSICIAN nub sunaeou. (nzcxmrmr or Nmw.Yoa.x.) oF1='1c1: AND RESIDENCE :' OVER Union Bank. Dunlon st. 4-- A4. Wilkinson has been rath- er seriously ill. `ll